The Hills Estate | February 2022

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ECHO I S S U E 1 | FE BRUA R Y 2 0 2 2


2 | ISSUE 1 | 2022

P u b l i sh e r K-S t udio (P t y ) Ltd o n behalf of T he H i l l s E sta te A d ve rti si n g S al es Tobia to bia@ k-st udio. co . za

CO N TEN TS Honeybee Heroes

C alv in s ales3@k-st udio . co . za s ales2@k-st udio . co . za

Ed i to r Tobia von Zwiet r i n g Copy w ri te r / p ro of r eader C hantel Venter De si g n & La you t K-S t udio (P t y ) Ltd e tobia@ k-st udio . co . za t 082 962 825 5 f Kreat iefS t ud i o

Disclaimer: This e-Magazine is produced especially for residents/owners of The Hills Estate to provide updates and useful information. It is produced by K-Studio on behalf of The Hills Estate HOA. Although every effort is taken to ensure accuracy of content, The Hills Estate HOA and/or the Publisher, cannot be held liable for any inaccurate information, and may not agree with all opinions expressed in this publication.

Not all heroes wear capes, and the busy bees at Honeybee Heroes are certainly worth their weight in liquid gold. in the heart of the IMPORTANT CONTACTS 05 Situated Overberg, the Honeybee Heroes honeybee sanctuary FROM THE ESTATE education centreMANAGER seeks to 09 and create accessible, sustainable forASouth Africans A NEW YEAR, NEW ME? 12 opportunities to protect and engage with the environment, while staying MEANINGFUL ARRANGEMENTS in the conservation 14 grounded of South Africa’s Capensis NUTELLA CRUFFINS 16 honeybee. Honeybee Heroes mission is SECURITY UPDATE 18 The three-fold: SECURITY To play anOFFICERS active role in 20 1.reversing the decline of the Cape GET TO KNOW OUR SECURITY 23 honeybee 2. To uplift low-income South NAMAQUA CAMINIO through beekeeper 26 Africans training and community microTIMEmanagement TO PULL THE PLUG? 30 apiary To educate South African FROM THEonGYM MANAGER 31 3.consumers eco-friendly food choices and advocate for the of ethically HONEYBEE HEROES 36 purchase produced, local foods 2022&INTERIOR DESIGN TRENDS 38 HIVES HONEYBEES MOTORING Western Cape is home 42 The to a very unique honeybee called the Apis SOPHISTICATED BATHROOM 47 subspecies Mellifera Capensis, or Capensis RENOVATIONS

51 53 58

for short, which is increasingly at risk due to farming and SMALLS/CLASSIFIEDS beekeeper malpractice, climate change and habitat loss.



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important ESTATE MANAGER Murray Retief 066 474 0494 |


Maryke Botes 012 941 3703

SECURITY MANAGER Cornay Smit 082-9565199 / thehillssecurity@omegasol. com



Ayanda Gwiliza 066 474 0495


MAIN GATE 082 826 3761 GATE COMMANDER (GARSFONTEIN) 082 826 3761 LEVY ENQUIRIES Clarice Heyneke 011 214 5200 NETCARE Pretoria East Hospital 012 422 2300 (Antivenom) GYM MANAGER Tanya Dannhauser 079 974 2210 CARLITA’S RESTAURANT 062 808 0015 2022 | I SSUE 1 | 5


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from the

Estate Manager’s Desk


rom all of us at the HOA office – best wishes to you and your loved ones for 2022! We trust that everyone is well rested after the December-holidays and that you thoroughly enjoyed the festive season. The new year is upon us and with it comes the promise of new beginnings and fresh opportunities there for the taking. It has also brought about a fair amount of change for us at the office with the departure of our beloved security manager, Oppies Opperman. For those of you who have not yet heard the news, Oppies was offered the position as the new operations manager at Irene Farm Villages, an upmarket and highly sought-after estate in the Centurion-area where he has started at the beginning of January. While we were very sad to see him go, we share with him and his family the excitement of a new chapter in his career and we wish him well in the new position. Oppies has the endearing sort of personality that easily draws people to him and quickly wins their trust and respect. During his time at The Hills, he meant an awful lot to our residents as well as his colleagues and I’m sure that everyone who had the pleasure of dealing with him will attest to his friendly and helpful character. I can honestly say that I myself gained so much in my working relationship with him. With Oppies, nothing was ever too much to ask for and the extra mile was almost always a given. I am therefore quite confident that I speak for us all when I say that he will be sorely missed. Oppies, here’s to you and many years of success and fulfilment at the new estate! While Omega Risk Solutions are in the process of recruiting a permanent replacement for Oppies,

we welcome Cornay Smit who will be filling in as security manager for the time being to The Hills. Cornay has been with Omega for quite a few years and has an impressive track record in the security environment. He has already shown that he is more than capable of heading up the team that keeps us safe and secure in the interim. You are therefore welcome to make contact with him regarding any security-related matters by phoning him on 0829565199 or by sending an e-mail to thehillssecurity@ We will also be keeping you updated on any developments in the appointment of a new security manager. As this role plays a crucial part in the management of the estate, we have to make absolutely certain that the right person is assigned to the job even if it requires spending some time in doing so. I would then also like to take this opportunity to welcome the new members elected to our board of directors at the annual general meeting that was held in December. They are Bryce Hennessy (Stand 60), Mark Langa (Stand 189), Irene Setshedi (Stand 384) and Martin Gomez (Stand 639). We sincerely appreciate your willingness to serve the community by making yourselves available for nomination and we very much look forward to working with you in the coming year towards achieving our shared vision for the estate. We have no doubt that your contribution will add much value and prove to be a rewarding experience. Let us make the most of what 2022 will be offering and may it be a year of adventure, prosperity and thankfulness for all of us. Until next time,

Murray Retief

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In line with the policy of the Home Owners Association to give residents the opportunity to participate in the procurement of goods and services required by the estate from time to time, the board of directors hereby invite everyone specialising in construction and maintenance of property to submit a proposal for the scheduled maintenance to be undertaken at the HOA office building at the Garsfontein-gate. The full scope of work included provides a detailed description of what this project will entail. Should you be interested, please send your proposal together with a profile of your business to the estate manager, Murray Retief, at or deliver it to the HOA office directly. After due consideration of all the submissions received, the project will then be awarded to a suitable contractor in accordance with the principles and requirements of the procurement policy of The Hills Game Reserve Lifestyle Estate. We sincerely appreciate your interest in helping to maintain and improve the standard of our estate’s facilities in advance.

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL CONSULTING SCOPE OF WORK: Repairs to the HOA Office Building at the Garsfontein-gate Description Required maintenance and repair of the HOA office building exterior which includes the treatment of all woodwork, painting of sections of the external walls, waterproofing of roof and façade leaks and the replacement of slate roof tiles. 1 0 | ISSUE 1 | 2022

Treatment of woodwork: The preparation and sealing of the following woodwork with a suitable product: All windows on the southern building façade, the exterior staircase on the western side, all exterior roof trusses, the woodwork underneath the balcony on the northern side of the building as well as the wooden doors in the building. Painting: The preparation and painting of the western entrance wall as well as the wall on the eastern side with a suitable PVA acrylic paint. Waterproofing: The thorough preparation and waterproofing of the following water leaks: The water leak in the storeroom in the north-western corner of the building on the first floor as well as the leaking windows and doors on the northern and southern facades including the entrance to the HOA office premises and the roof slabs above the northern and southern entrance doors. Roof tiles: The removal of all broken slate roof tiles and the replacement thereof with similar tiles on the roof of the building. Miscellaneous: As some of the work will require high access, it will be required to rent suitable equipment for this purpose such as a cherry picker or high access scaffolding. All Occupational Health and Safety precautions associated with high access work of this nature are to be ensured by the contractor at all times.


2022 | I SSUE 1 | 11

ear after year, summer after summer, you repeat the same resolution in your Y head that this time will be different. This


time, you’ll be healthier, fitter, happier, better – the list goes on.

Making Wellness a Reality By Abigail Baker

You find a bunch of resources about the latest wellness trends and latch on, only to be disappointed in your attempts by February. The major problem with this modus operandi is that these tools and tips don’t always suit your lifestyle, routine, or sensibilities. The advice you’ve stumbled upon isn’t personalised or tailored to your unique needs, but rather highly generalised to fit a wide range of people who all live very different lives to the one you do. The truth is, if you want to make any lasting lifestyle changes, it’s vitally important that you personalise your wellness. Here are a few simple ways you can make this a reality in 2022:

1. SPEND TIME IN SELF-REFLECTION Start by reflecting on your habits and personality type by asking yourself the following questions: • Do you feel more wellnessfocused in the morning or evening? • What is your favourite part of your wellness journey? • What fulfils you? • Do you want to practise wellness alone or in a group? • Do you need support? • What has hindered your past attempts at making progress on the path to wellness? • Do you respond well to reminders and prompts? • What obstacles, both internal and external, can you foresee in the future?After this time of selfreflection, you should have a better understanding of what motivates and deters you, and what you would possibly have to enlist to make this work. Write your answers down and factor them into the next step. 2. PLAN TO ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS Sometimes, speaking a goal into existence simply just isn’t enough. To take it a step further, you need to create a well-thought-out plan on how you are going to achieve your goals. Start by identifying your main goal, and whittle it down into small, measurable, and achievable steps. This will help you not to feel overwhelmed, and give you something to measure your growth by. 3. DON’T BE OVERLY AMBITIOUS WITH YOUR TIME 1 2 | ISSUE 1 | 2022 Amidst the hustle and bustle of daily

life, it can be difficult to set aside time to work on your wellness. Even when you finally find the time in your busy schedule, it can be tricky to engage fully, as you are likely already drained after a long day. That’s why it’s important to be gentle with yourself and factor in the time you will need to really slow down and take stock. Yes, you might have an hour in-between meetings or social responsibilities, but you might need most of that time to rest and reset. So, instead of feeling pressured to be overproductive, why not start by practising wellness for just 10 minutes a day, and seeing how that goes? 4. SCHEDULE ADJUSTMENTS As you work through your plan and the months start to go by, you will find that your circumstances start to change, or that things that worked at the start don’t anymore. Be proactive by setting a date with yourself every couple of weeks to identify what can be improved. This doesn’t mean that you should drastically be changing your plan every week, but simply that after a month of 10 minutes of meditation a day, you can decide to increase that time and incorporate more of what worked for you during this period.

5. TAKE IT STEP BY STEP When people feel the sudden urge to change their lifestyles, many make too many changes all at once. Although this might feel great (and as if you finally have your life together!), it’s often unsustainable. Therefore, try to implement changes incrementally along your journey, rather than all at once. I hope that these tips will allow you not only to create a personalised plan that will propel you forward on your journey to wellness, but also give you an idea of the necessary self-awareness that will enable any big changes in your life to be successful. SA’s leading health retailer, Wellness Warehouse offers everything you need to live life well under one roof. Visit one of their 48 stores (and growing) nationwide or shop online to stock up on quality health supplements, organic and natural beauty products, real foods, eco home products and natural baby care, all offered with personal service and a 360° approach to health.

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Let’s face it—the real secret to a perfect Valentine’s Day is unique, thoughtful, and touching gifts. So how are you going to stand out this year? How are you going to give a bouquet of flowers that’ll get her attention, make her smile, and let her know she’s special? To put a little meaning behind your message this year, don’t just say it with flowers, say it with the colors of the flowers you choose, make your bouquet extraordinary this year. A meaningful arrangement doesn’t have to be expensive. Just get out there and find something beautiful.

What Do Flower Colors Mean? Do certain flower colors have meaning? Flower color symbolism dates back centuries or more and can be found in cultures all over the world. What each color means depends on the culture and region, but there are some persistent symbolic meanings and messages in western culture. Know these meanings to make more of your next floral arrangement or gift bouquet.

Why Do Certain Flower Colors Have Meaning? The history behind what flower colors symbolise is 1 4 | ISSUE 1 | 2022

not perfectly clear. It certainly varies depending on culture, and some of the meanings reach so far back that no one knows for sure why they exist. The various meanings of flower types and colors date back hundreds of years and are found worldwide. They are found in Shakespearean writings, ancient Greek and Egyptian texts, and in Asian folklore and mythologies.

What Do Flower Colors Mean? The meaning of flower colors is not perfectly well defined. The symbolism varies a little, but there are some consistencies you can use to match your flowers to a special person, mood, or meaning you want to express in arrangements or beds: Flowers are known for having their own language, with each type and color of bloom whispering its secrets within the floral marketplace. One stunning bouquet tells tales of love and devotion, while another is like a soft pat on the hand during a time of bereavement. Local florists, usually well-versed in regional and national flower-speak, can craft entire messages simply by placing a certain color flower next to another and letting them have their say. Next time you are ordering or receiving a flower delivery,


notice the colors of the flowers and think of the messages they send. Red Flowers Vibrant, passionate and demanding to be noticed, red is the color of love and romance. Red flowers symbolize courage, respect, constancy, admiration and, of course, desire. Pink Flowers Delicate light pink hues speak of gentleness, happiness and love. A very romantic flower color, it’s also a symbol of grace and innocence.

Yellow Flowers Yellow flowers burst with happiness. They symbolize the bonds of friendship, the taste of success and pride. Joy is also one of the meanings of this flower, as that is one of the feelings the color is said to evoke. Lavender Flowers Youth and elegance, grace and refinement. Lavender flowers have a delicate, feminine and oldfashioned touch to them, even when contained in a decidedly modern bouquet. Orange Flowers No wallflower, here. Orange is bold, passionate and full of life. It’s no wonder that orange blooms speak of enthusiasm, excitement and exuberance.

Blue Flowers Peaceful blue is said to convey serenity and openness. A flower delivery of a bouquet containing blue flowers may be a sign to slow down, relax and release the Green Flowers stress. Green flowers represent the optimism of renewal, of spring White Flowers and of youthfulness. Green White flowers can mean flowers in a bouquet are also a reverence and humility, purity wish for good fortune and good and innocence or sympathy for a health. bereavement. Depending on the type of blooms chosen by your Purple Flowers local florists, a bouquet of white A royal color, purple flowers flowers can be bold and brilliant, symbolize dignity, tradition and or gentle and self-effacing. success. A bouquet containing purple flowers can be symbols of admiration and adoration.

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Recipe by Gail Ng

Swoonworthy crispy layers of puff pastry and nutella in these simple and easy nutella cruffins - a cross between a croissant and a muffin! Ideal treat for your Valentine.

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INGREDIENTS Nutella Cruffins • • • •

1 sheet frozen puff pastry dough, thawed in fridge overnight 3 tablespoons Nutella hazelnut spread 1 egg, for egg wash granulated sugar, for sprinkling

Coffee Whipped Cream • • •

100 g whipping cream 1 teaspoon instant coffee or espresso powder 1 tablespoon powdered sugar


• • •

• • •

Preheat oven to 190°C and grease a muffin pan. Gently unroll a sheet of thawed puff pastry dough onto a floured surface. With a rolling pin, roll out the dough in one direction until it has elongated by a few inches. With an offset spatula, gently spread a thin layer of Nutella onto the surface of the dough, all the way to the edges. Starting at one long end, gently roll the dough with your fingers until it becomes a spiral log. With a knife, cut straight down the middle of the roll lengthwise. You will end up with two long strips. Then, cut each strip in half crosswise so you end up with 4 shorter pieces. With each piece of dough, cut side facing upwards, roll into a snail spiral. Tuck the end underneath itself and place into a greased muffin pan. In a small bowl, whisk up an egg for the egg wash. Use a pastry brush to gently brush cruffins with egg wash. Bake for 45-50 minutes until golden brown and cooked through the center. Sprinkle with granulated sugar while warm. Whisk together the whipping cream, coffee, and sugar. Transfer to a piping bag with a closed star tip and pipe dollops on top of each cruffins. Also drop a teaspoon of extra nutella onto each cruffin.


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Dear Residents, We are starting a new year with a dedicated Security Manager at The Hills, along with the departure of Oppies Opperman at the end of December 2021. Our wishes for a prosperous future go to him as he moves to greener pastures. Cornay Smit, the new Security Manager, has all the experience needed to be of great value for The Hills. We are confident of his commitment to The Hills and its Residents. Security is pleased to report that no serious incidents were reported during the Festive Season, excessive noise, and domestic violence were the biggest problems. There was also an issue with dogs roaming around freely. We ask residents to be more vigilant when leaving their premises. Please keep all gates closed and make sure your dog/ cat has an ID collar that can link them to his/ her owner. Only one incident of ‘Spiking’ was recorded during the Festive Season and this occurred on the N4 near the Rossouw offramp. The Access control system “My Estate Life” is currently being used and we want to encourage residents to register as soon as possible. For now, we still have the ‘Click-on’ system in place as well. 1 8 | ISSUE 1 | 2022

We need all residents of occupied stands to register on ‘My Estate Life’. No stands under construction or vacant will be approved on the App. Our goal will eventually, be “NO PIN NO ENTRY” The speed limit of 30 KM/H is to be maintained at all times. It remains the owners’ or tenants’ responsibility to inform guests/ visitors of speed requirements.

Omega Risk Solutions remains committed to The Hills Eco Estate and all its Residence

Security Contact Numbers: Site Manager: 082 956 5199 E-mail: The Hills Control Room: 012 996 1610 (landline) The Hills Control Room: 082 826 3761 (cellphone)



Vehicle Spiking A

lthough ‘Spiking’ is on the decline, it is still • a huge threat on you and your family’s life. Always be vigilant when driving at night and do not drive near Hotspots.


Try to get as much distance between yourself and the area where the spikes were. Only drive your vehicle if it is safe to do so.

In the unfortunate scenario

If an incident happens to you, Do Not Stop. Drive slow and safely to the nearest safe area (Petrol whereby, a motorist is confronted Station, Shopping Centre etc.) while contacting the by a criminal, remember the SAPS (10111) and inform them of your location. Inform your Tracking Company as well (if your following: vehicle is equipped with a tracking device). Always have Emergency numbers available. The times that • Remain calm. the ‘Spiking’ occurs the most is weekends (Friday, • Do not argue. • Do not make sudden gestures Saturday, Sunday) 18:00 until 04:00. • Avoid eye contact but try to remember what the assailants look like by identifying and Avoiding the situation: remembering special features. • Comply with the assailant’s directions (within reason) • Monitor the news and be aware of hotspots. • Once safe, try and get away from the area as Avoid them completely if possible. quickly as possible • Avoid unsafe areas as a rule, especially when you’re alone and when there’s little traffic on the • Don’t be a hero – your life is worth more than your car and possessions. road. •

Always keep your eyes on the road and slow down. Spikes can be avoided if you have enough time to react. Run-flat tyres could be a good investment, as they often enable you to drive a couple of extra kilometres to a place of safety. 2022 | I SSUE 1 | 19


Security Officers Anthony Tswai

Andries Langa

Andries Tswago

Vincent Msiza

Arthur Makena

Caswell Bodiroa

Cedrick Mamanyaga

Columbus Yeye

Daniel Phalatse

David Makopole

Edward Ramabopa

Edwin Hamese

Elias Mamushi

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Erick Madito

Ernest Morwaswi

Excelent Maholobela

Frans Mthimunye

Freddy Mosese

Given Mashimbye

Jackson Montja

James Mothiba

Jan Kutumela

Johannes Mtshweni

Justice Tjatji

Lucky Kabini

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Mafair Makopole

Magret Msiza

McDonald Ngoepe

Phunzo Mosehana

Samuel Mbele

Selome Ngobeni

Shai Osea

Simon Sebothoma

Sunnyboy Msibi

Thabang Mohokone

Thabelo Mulaudzi

Thapelo Nonyane

Thank you for keeping us secure each and every day and for being so passionate about creating a safe and pleasant atmosphere at our Estate. We cannot thank you enough for all your help and sacrifices. 2 2 | ISSUE 1 | 2022



Security Officers We all depend on security guards to keep us safe, but how much do we really know about them and their personal stories? We believe that homeowners should get to know the story behind the face of the people who keep them safe. We conducted an informal interview with each of them and will share it with you over the next six issues. Here is what they had to say:

My name is Justice Tjatji I was born in Limpopo in 1972. I am a friendly and honest person. I care about my community and my loved ones. I am definitely a family man who adores my wife and four kids. Besides my 16-year-old son and 9-year-old son, I also have a 14-year-old daughter and my youngest is now two and a half years old. I have been working at The Hills Estate for 2 years now as a section leader and acting gate commander. What I enjoy the most about being a security guard is that I get to protect the people around me. The homeowners are my number 1 priority and because of my work, I get to support my family. I enjoy watching sports such as soccer, rugby, and cricket during my free time, as well as reading and traveling. If I could be a superhero I would make sure my country is crime-free for everyone to enjoy without fear.

My name is Andries Mateta Langa I was born in Limpopo in 1983. I have four kids, 3 of my own - two boys and one girl - plus the daughter of my younger sister who passed away. I have been working as a Reaction Officer since 2018 at The Hills Estate. I enjoy being a security guard but what I enjoy most of my work is that I get to learn each and every day from the challenges I face on and off duty. I like to read the encyclopedia, write my own novels and play soccer when I have free time. Since they are writing the most encouraging stories and novels, if I were a superhero I would be Author MacMillian or William Shakespear. Those kinds of stories that can be learned from are the kind of learning I enjoy.

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My name is Freddy Mosese I was born in Limpopo in 1987. I am the second born of six children. I grew up without my parents. As the proud parent of two children, I try my best to ensure their happiness at all times. I love working as a security guard, especially during my day shifts. I enjoy being busy and patrolling the neighborhood. I have been working as a Section leader at The Hills Estate for the last 6 months. My hobbies are playing soccer and setting up meetings for my community. If I could be a superhero I would be myself. I am already a superhero to others around me, I inspire them to be good soccer players and community leaders, but if I really have to choose a superhero it would be Mr. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela.

My name is Columbus Yeye I was born in Eastern Cape in 1971. I am married with two beautiful children. I have been working as a Section Leader at The Hills Estate for 2 years now. I enjoy being a security guard because I get to help people every day. My job has taught me how to remain calm under pressure. I am passionate about what I do. In my free time, I enjoy playing rugby. I consider Siyabonga Kolisi to be one of my personal heroes. He plays good rugby and is a talented team player.

My name is Lucky Kabini I was born on 27 May 1980 in Hammanskraal in a small place called Mmotla, I am happily married with 4 children, two boys and two girls, ages 20,16,14 and the youngest being 4 years old. I enjoy being a security guard. I have been working at The Hills Estate as a Section Leader for a year and 8 months. I love meeting new people and communicating with them. I enjoy playing soccer and cricket for fun. If I could be a superhero I would choose to be Superman, because he enforces safety and security towards the citizens and he protects them.

My name is Arthur Makena I was born on 15 May 1978 in Garankuwa, Pretoria. I am the firstborn and a single father of two daughters, ages 16 and 19. To be a security guard makes me happy. I like to interact with people and help residents. I take my job very seriously. I did not choose to be a security guard as a job but as a career. I have been working at The Hills Estate for over three and a half years now, as a Senior Inspector and Gate Commander. I enjoy listening to music and watching soccer in my free time. In the event that I could be a superhero, I would choose to be G.I. Joe since I want to protect my country and its citizens.

2 4 | ISSUE 1 | 2022



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2022 | I SSUE 1 | 25




An adventurous hike through the diverse Namaqualand landscape!


amaqualand is an arid region in the northwestern part of South Africa. It covers over 1,000 sq km. Although it is most famous for the annual flower display during springtime, it also offers a diverse selection of endemic flora and fauna at other times of the year, all of which form part of the endangered Namaqualand Succulent Karoo biosphere.

2 6 | ISSUE 1 | 2022

The Namaqua Camino Group offers two slackpacking routes that set out from the quaint coastal village of Hondeklip Bay, situated in the Namaqualand Sandveld. A third and shorter route is being developed and will soon be announced on our website.

The 10-day Namaqua Camino hike traverses inland, crossing the Namaqualand Hardeveld to make an about-turn high into the Namaqualand Klipkoppe before descending again towards the coastal section of the Namaqua National Park. The terrain changes daily as the route meanders through dry river beds, sandy tracks, and gravel roads. Each daily stage presents different challenges and scenery. The total distance of the Namaqua Camino 10-day hike is 260 kilometers and is done over ten days averaging between 25 and 30 kilometers per day. This hike is challenging and participants are advised to prepare well in advance and to strive to be 100% walking fit.


The Namaqua Camino’s Camini is a seven-day - 140 km supported hike. This route will take you inland for two days and then turn towards the coastal section of the Namaqua National Park. The three days spent along the coast are easy walks with ample time to enjoy the scenic unspoiled Namaqualand coastline. Though it is a less taxing route compared to the 10day hike, it is still strongly advised that you prepare in advance and be as fit as possible to make the most of your hiking experience. Daily routes are marked and a rest stop with water and a toilet are placed every five kilometers wherever possible. Hikers walk at their own pace and are encouraged to take it slow and steady. A support vehicle monitors the hikers at intermittent intervals and where necessary, a “sweeper” accompanies the slower hikers. “Slack-packing” means that you walk with a light day pack to carry your drinking water, lunch, extra shoes, socks, and a small first-aid kit. Your luggage and camping equipment is transported by support vehicles to the overnight campsites. Basic ablution facilities are supplied in the overnight camps and consist of hot showers with strictly rationed water and bucket toilets. You can bring and pitch your tent at the overnight camps but if you prefer not to, you can make use of the camping equipment hire and pitching service, offered at extra cost. 2022 | I SSUE 1 | 27


All meals and snacks are served in the large communal tent which is where the hikers gather to socialise and relax after a tough day on the road. A light breakfast is served daily before leaving camp and bread, butter and spreads are available for you to prepare sandwiches for lunch. Coffee, tea, cold drinks, and sweet and savory snacks are provided in the late afternoon. An ample and scrumptious twocourse supper is served every evening at 19h00. Unlimited drinking water is always available along the route and in the camp. To conclude, the Namaqua Camino is not a race or a competition. It is an adventurous and at times challenging excursion for anyone who wants to experience a unique and extraordinary environment at the grass-roots level (pun intended), make new friends, or just feel the gratification of living a simple life away from everyday urban pressures and challenges; albeit only for a short while. It is never too late and you are never too old - your feet are made to walk!

Namaqua Camino 10 Days - 260 km • 11 - 20 Augustus 2022 • 1 - 10 September 2022 Namaqua Camini 7 Days - 140 km • 25 April - 1 May 2022 • 19 - 25 September 2022 • 4 - 10 October 2022 The Custom Camini is a 4 -7 day supported slackpack walk that can be tailor-made for your private or school group of 20 - 25 hikers. Please note: You have to organise your own group. For more info contact us 0836745045

2 8 | ISSUE 1 | 2022

p i l OuK Game Lodge

OuKlip Game Lodge consists of fourteen luxury self-catering tent houses each able to accommodate 2-4 guests. OuKlip Game Lodge is unique in the sense that it is possible to

spot the Big 5 from your own tent and boma.

Map 2,8km



Game Lodge was named after popular rock formations in the area. It is situated in the malaria free Dinokeng Big 5 Game Reserve which covers an area of more than 20000ha in total. The reserve is approximately 50km north of Pretoria next to the N1 near Hammanskraal. This privately owned eco-lodge will provide a memorable stay for tourists and families.

Discover comfort, personal attention and excellent value for money. It is perfect for getaways from the rush of city life. Enjoy an outdoor experience in beautiful indigenous bushveld that will help you relax and spend quality time with friends and family around a campfire under the cosmos of stars.




lip OuK Game Lodge





GPS: 25°23'27.9"S 28°23'44.7"E

Telephone: 071 313 5380 / 082 476 6214 Email: Website: 2022 | I SSUE 1 | 29


Wellness & Wavelengths: Your Guide to a Digital Detox By Liesl Lamprecht Headaches, strained eyes, overextended thumbs – you guessed right: your screen time might be interfering with your health. Tech over-use has become so pervasive that the average smartphone owner unlocks their phone 150 times a day, easily spending up to two hours and 51 minutes on them daily! There’s even a term for how dependant we’ve become on our mobile companions: nomophobia - the fear of being without your phone or without cellular service. Too much time on your devices can overload your senses; harm your self-image and -esteem; increase headaches and eye problems; heighten depression and anxiety; lead to a lack of exercise or neglect of overall physical health; and reinforce addictive behaviour. Every scroll or swipe sends a hit of dopamine to the same areas of your brain that respond to addictive and dangerous drugs like cocaine. The new year offers the perfect opportunity for you to focus on your digital wellness so that you can restart and reconnect the right way. Here’s how: BE REALISTIC While a ‘cold turkey’ digital fast can be refreshing over a holiday or weekend, it isn’t always realistic to forgo all forms of communication during our dayto-day activities in our highly digitised world. In that case, it might be better to slowly wean your hours online - much like you would cut back on your caffeine or sugar intake. DECIDE YOUR DETOX If you need to stay connected during the day, try doing a 3 0 | ISSUE 1 | 2022 ‘mini-detox’ at the end of the

workday, when you turn off your devices and focus on spending an evening completely free from electronic distractions like social media, texting, etc. Alternatively, you could do a short digital fast, in which you abstain from digital devices for one full day a week, or you can restrict your use of a specific social media app that’s been a major time drain. SCHEDULE BREAKS & SET BOUNDARIES It’s good to abstain from your phone for certain time intervals by only checking notifications every hour or more; leaving your phone at home when you go for a walk; setting it aside when spending time with family and friends; putting it away during meal times and when working on a hobby; and disconnecting when you retire for the evening. TRACK YOUR TIME There’s an entire app store with wonderful tools to help you track your device usage and equip you to be stricter with your screentime. These apps – and some phones’ built-in digital wellbeing features – allow you to set a time limit that you’re allowed to spend on each app per day and, after warning you a few times, they actually lock you out of the app. TURN IT OFF If you find yourself constantly checking your phone and responding to every text or social media alert as it pops up, it may be a good idea to turn off the push notifications in your phone settings. Try to allocate time (about 20 - 30 minutes) to devote specifically to catching up on your emails, checking mentions and messages, or sitting down to respond to WhatsApps.

DO A SCREEN SWAP You’ve ditched your phone – now what? Rather than aimlessly wandering around the house wondering what you did in the days before wifi, you can swap the time you would’ve spent on a screen for other relaxing activities. By going for a walk or hike, taking up a hobby, reading a book or getting your hands dirty in the garden, you replace the thing you’re abstaining from with something else that brings joy. Dialling down your screen time and unplugging yourself from your devices can help you to: • Be more present and feel more content and calm • Maintain a better work-life balance • Be more productive and use your time more effectively • Boost your self-esteem and reduce your sense of FOMO • Maintain an overall healthier lifestyle

SA’s leading health retailer, Wellness Warehouse offers everything you need to live life well under one roof. Visit one of their 48 stores (and growing) nationwide or shop online to stock up on quality health supplements, organic and natural beauty products, real foods, eco home products and natural baby care, all offered with personal service and a 360° approach to health.






which are chemical messengers etting adequate, quality that allow neurons (nerve cells) to sleep is an important communicate with one another. part of a healthy weight The neurotransmitters ghrelin and loss plan. Most importantly, leptin are thought to be central research has shown that losing to appetite. Ghrelin promotes sleep while dieting can reduce hunger, and leptin contributes to the amount of weight lost and feeling full. The body naturally increases and decreases the encourage overeating. levels of these neurotransmitters The Sleep Foundation has the throughout the day, signalling the following findings regarding the need to consume calories. importance of getting enough ZZZ’s while trying to lose or A lack of sleep may affect the body’s regulation of these maintain weight. neurotransmitters. In one study, men who got 4 hours of sleep had Sleep and APPETITE increased ghrelin and decreased One common hypothesis about leptin compared to those who the connection between weight got 10 hours of sleep. This and sleep involves how sleep dysregulation of ghrelin and leptin affects appetite. While we often may lead to increased appetite think of appetite as simply a matter and diminished feelings of fullness of stomach grumbling, it’s actually in people who are sleep deprived. controlled by neurotransmitters, In addition, several studies

have also indicated that sleep deprivation affects food preferences. Sleep-deprived individuals tend to choose foods that are high in calories and carbohydrates.

Does Sleep Metabolism?


Many studies have shown that sleep deprivation (whether due to self-induction, insomnia, untreated sleep apnea, or other sleep disorders) commonly leads to metabolic dysregulation. Poor sleep is associated with increased oxidative stress, glucose (blood sugar) intolerance (a precursor to diabetes), and insulin resistance. Extra time spent awake may increase the opportunities to eat, and sleeping less may disrupt circadian rhythms, leading to weight gain. 2022 | I SSUE 1 | 31


Tips for Quality Sleep During Weight Loss There are many ways to improve sleep. Here are a few research-based tips for sleeping better when you’re trying to lose weight: •

• • •

Keep a regular sleep schedule: Big swings in your sleep schedule or trying to catch up on sleep after a week of late nights can cause changes in metabolism and reduce insulin sensitivity, making it easier for blood sugar to be elevated. Sleep in a dark room: Exposure to artificial light while sleeping, such as a TV or bedside lamp, is associated with an increased risk of weight gain and obesity. Don’t eat right before bed: Eating late may reduce the success of weight loss attempts. Reduce Stress: Chronic stress may lead to poor sleep and weight gain in several ways, including eating to cope with negative emotions. Be an Early Bird: People with late bedtimes may consume more calories and be at a higher risk for weight gain. Early birds may be more likely to maintain weight loss when compared to night owls.

Remember, sleep is one of the most important habits you have. Your physical and mental health depend on it. Take care,


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Katabox** | 079 974 2210 3 2 | ISSUE 1 | 2022



e u n e V y t r T he Pa offers the : following

Pedal Cars for Young and old Roller Rink for young and old | Toddler Area Jumping Castles | Giant Waterslide | Foam Pit LED Screen | Braai Area Face Painting | Balloon Sculpting Airbrush Tattoos Magic Shows | Puppet Shows Craft Activities | Themed Décor

Contact Us Wendy: +27 79 957 1929 Email: Website: Location: Glen Austin, Midrand

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Honeybee Heroes Not all heroes wear capes, and the busy bees at Honeybee Heroes are certainly worth their weight in liquid gold. Situated in the heart of the Overberg, the Honeybee Heroes honeybee sanctuary and education centre seeks to create accessible, sustainable opportunities for South Africans to protect and engage with the environment, while staying grounded in the conservation of South Africa’s Capensis honeybee. The Honeybee Heroes mission is three-fold: 1. To play an active role in reversing the decline of the Cape honeybee 2. To uplift low-income South Africans through beekeeper training and community microapiary management 3. To educate South African consumers on eco-friendly food choices and advocate for the purchase of ethically produced, local foods HIVES & HONEYBEES The Western Cape is home to a very unique honeybee subspecies called the Apis Mellifera Capensis, or Capensis for short, which is increasingly at risk due to farming and beekeeper malpractice, climate change and habitat loss. 3 6 | ISSU ISSUE E 6 1 | 2021 2022

To conserve the Capensis honeybee, Honeybee Heroes runs an Adopt-aHive programme to help boost Capensis colony numbers while giving eco-minded consumers a chance to learn more about —and get actively involved in — the beekeeping industry without the responsibility of caring for a hive at home. In this programme, interested individuals can sponsor, or ‘adopt’, a personalised honeybee hive to be placed on their farm in the Overberg or other suitable private land nearby, which is then cared for by their expert beekeepers. Since their founding in 2020, they have placed over 700 honeybee hives in the Overberg and beyond, giving millions of honeybees a new home to live, grow and thrive. They also host free, monthly beekeeping courses on their farm in Stanford Valley for people interested in learning more about the industry, and they recently launched a community micro-apiary programme, in which they’ll be training up a new generation of young female beekeepers from lowincome communities across the country to care for their own micro-apiaries on behalf of Honeybee Heroes. HOW CAN YOU HELP? Honeybees may be small, but they’ve got a big role to play in ensuring South Africa’s future food security and precious bio-diversity. If you want to get involved in honeybee conservation, there’s a lot you can do — both at the shops and in your daily life — to help.

First, make sure that you’re purchasing ethically produced, raw honey from local producers. By purchasing your honey at Wellness Warehouse, you’re supporting South African beekeepers who take care of their bees and produce only high-quality, raw honey. They also host free monthly beekeeping courses, or you can spend a few days on their farm by booking one of their self-catering chalets. If you’re interested in learning more about Honeybee Heroes, adopting a hive, or attending one of their courses, you can check them out at, or follow them on Instagram @honeybeeheroes or Facebook @ honeybeeheroesza.

Want to do THE a little more to NEWS THE | ESTATE | WELLNESS help? Adopt a honeybee hive through Honeybee Heroes! Anyone can adopt a hive for themselves, a loved one, or even a business. When you adopt a hive, Honeybee Heroes will set up a brand-new hive with your name on it in an ideal location for a new bee colony to build its home. In return, you’ll get six jars of raw, Honeybee Heroes honey, plus the opportunity to visit their sanctuary, gear up in a beekeeping suit and join the Honeybee Heroes team in learning all about your new hive. They’ve got many adoption options available, giving you the opportunity to choose from various thank you boxes including a specialty box with beeswax and propolis products, a children’s box, or even honeybee-branded veldschoens.

“We believe that consumers have an incredible capacity for impact when they make responsible food purchases. That’s why we’re so excited to partner with Wellness Warehouse to help spread awareness about the plight of the honeybees, and to educate their consumers about the importance of buying raw, local honey. As South Africa’s largest health and wellness organisation, we know that the Wellness Warehouse community is filled with like-minded individuals who are just as dedicated as we are to making a positive impact on the environment. Through this collaboration, we can merge our two communities to help save the bees and inspire thousands of South Africans to live an eco-friendlier lifestyle.” Chris Oosthuizen, Honeybee Heroes founder

SA’s leading health retailer, Wellness Warehouse offers everything you need to live life well under one roof. Visit one of their 48 stores (and growing) nationwide or shop online to stock up on quality health supplements, organic and natural beauty products, real foods, eco home products and natural baby care, all offered with personal service and a 360° approach to health. 2022 | I SSUE 6 2021 1 | 37


2 0 22 interior design trends 3 8 | ISSUE 1 | 2022


Hi everyone and welcome to 2022 Interior Design Trends. My name is Lynne Blumberg and my company is Lynne Blumberg Interior Design. Every year there are a host of new trends and colours. Here is my trend analysis: The Pantone colour of the year is “VERY PERI”. VERY PERI is a gorgeous bluey-purple, almost like our beloved Jacaranda tree flowers. If you love colour, use this colour on a feature wall or sofas/chairs, however, if you still prefer a neutral sofa, pop the sofa with scatter cushions in this very beautiful “very peri” colour. BATHROOM DESIGN - Trends are pointing to deep smoky spaces, using deeper marble colours, wallpaper and smoky mirrors with floor and wall tiles following suit. The feel is deep and dramatic calling for black and gold accessories and sometimes black sanware, i.e., toilets and basins. Clinical white in bathrooms definitely seems to have taken a back seat for now. There seems to be a trend of deeper warmer coloured woods coming back into fashion, which instantly create a much more sophisticated look. Woods to look out for are a gorgeous striped Brazilian wood called Micasa. This is a very beautiful sophisticated wood and is much nicer than regular mahogany. Walnut is another popular darker wood that can be smoked to give it a modern look and does not go orange with age as normal walnut would. Still very trendy are woods being washed with incredible products like JAX to give unusual finishes. Silky duco’s giving one a soft sheen with the softest hint of a glamorous polish is also very popular. Flooring trends to watch out for in 2022 are huge oversized tiles ranging from 1200 x 600 to enormous tiles of 2400 x 1400. It makes floors and walls look seamless – really fabulous!

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Let’s look at the latest trends in design style:

Minimalism – sparse: This is a very simple style, no frills, no fuss, nothing excessive. Colours are black, white, grey and stone. If you prefer slightly warmer, go for a trend called warm minimalism, adding more creamy and greige colours into your colour palette.

trend is a very easy trend to live with and is very popular.

Japandy: This style relates to Japanese culture and is a warm, minimalistic simple feel. Less, rather than more. It’s rustic, organic and timeless. This trend is great for the person/family who prefer a simple uncluttered look – almost Scandi, using warm light-coloured woods and a slightly warmer colour palette like sludgy blues and greens and millennial pinks.

Art Deco: Art Deco is coming back into fashion in a different way, without being brash and is rather authentic. Its pure glamour but a sophisticated glamour, a soft polish rather than shine, lots of bronze, gold or smoky mirrors subtly done. Patterns and curves on furniture, exquisite hanging lighting with velvet, suede or silky and luxurious fabrics, gorgeous marbles and beautiful woods like the Brazilian Micasa. This style is a real nod to authentic luxury. It a bold look. Classy, sophisticated and luxurious and needs a clever eye to execute perfectly.

Maximalism: This is the complete opposite to minimalism. It is not a free for all. The rooms must be cleverly designed. It is definitely not a hoarder look at all. Here you can mix in vintage pieces with contemporary pieces, taking old pieces that you love and mixing it in with newer pieces. Embrace colour, style and personality. This look is a total reaction to the cool understated minimalism we have been seeing everywhere for so long.


About Lynne Blumberg Interior Design Lynne Blumberg Interior Design is considered one of the top interior design companies in South Africa. The company has been awarded the very prestigious Design Et Al Award in 2019 in the 5-millionpound residential category and has been once again shortlisted for this prestigious award in June 2022. Lynne Blumberg Interior Design designs all types of interior designs including high end residential, corporate, hospitality and retail. Lynne Blumberg is a full turn-key company and has a team of designers, builders, furniture manufacturers etc. who are all experts in their fields and yet we are happy to redesign one room for you.

In the 80’s and 90’s new interesting sculptural modern pieces, i.e., squiggly mirrors and quite kookie furniture were very in-vogue. Today post-modern large furniture pieces like sofas and chairs are designed in more neutral colours or deep hues of blues, aquas and forest greens, rather than old Lynne mobile: 083 440 9236 / reds and crazy lime greens. The nature of this look Office: 011 447 6016 / Website: now is curvy, rounded, lovely feminine shapes, rather than angular. This mid-century modern 4 0 | ISSUE 1 | 2022









9 Dijon, 55 Hyde Close, Hyde Park, Johannesburg, South Africa, 2090 or

Lynne Blumberg +27 83 440 9236

w w w.l ynne b lu m b e rg .c o .z a

2021 2022 | I SSUE 6 1 | 4 5 41 1


SUBLIME CHOICES: DB11 NOW OFFERED WITH V8 ENGINE 02 August 2017, Gaydon: After its successful global introduction in 2016, Aston Martin’s definitive GT - the acclaimed DB11 - is now available with a 4.0-litre twin-turbocharged V8 engine. Perfectly complementing the DB11’s existing 5.2-litre twin turbocharged V12 engine, this new powerplant has provided the opportunity to reveal more of the DB11’s sporting character, while expanding its global appeal with a combination of exceptional performance and improved efficiency. Producing 510PS (503BHP) and 675Nm of torque, the V8 engine’s potency is beyond question, propelling the DB11 from 0-100 kmh in just 4.0sec and on to a top speed of 300kmh. This exceptional performance is matched by impressive efficiency: CO2 emissions of 230g/km1 and an EU Combined fuel economy figure of 28.5mpg1

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This new V8 derivative brings further significant benefits in markets where car taxation policy is structured around engine capacity, such as China. Aston Martin Chief Technical Officer, Max Szwaj, commented: “As an engineer I find the DB11 a fascinating car. One with great depth of character and ability. Of course, the V12-engined variant is an icon - an ultimate, if you like, but the V8 is very much its own car. One with a distinct and carefully crafted character that’s truly seductive. It has been hugely rewarding to put our stamp on this new engine - both in the way it sounds and performs - and to use its impressive attributes as the impetus to reveal a little more of the DB11’s sporting character. “To be able to offer not one, but two exceptional GT cars is terrific for Aston Martin and our customers. I’m particularly proud that this car is the first to receive an engine supplied by our technical partner, Mercedes-AMG. Not least because thanks to the nature of our relationship with AMG we have been given complete freedom to tailor this exceptional power unit so that it meets the particular needs and demands of an Aston Martin.” The inherent qualities of this light, compact and characterful power unit make it the ideal choice to sit alongside the existing V12 engine. Aston Martin’s engineering team has tailored the V8 engine perfectly for its application in the DB11 with bespoke air intake, exhaust and wet sump lubrication systems. Electronic calibration of the V8 engine has included creating new ECU software and reprogramming the engine and throttle mapping to ensure it possesses the all-important feel and sound for which Aston Martins are renowned. With its rich reserves of effortless performance, the V12-engined DB11 already fulfils the role of consummate high-performance luxury Grand Tourer. This provided the ideal opportunity to explore the more dynamic side of the DB11’s character and capabilities with the V8-engine option. To this end Aston Martin engineers designed new engine mounts, which together with the bespoke, slimline wet sump system enables the V8 to be mounted as low as possible for an optimised centre-of-gravity. The V8 engine is also lighter and more compact than the V12, which contributes to a saving of 115kg and a kerb weight of 1760kg. With more of that mass centred within the wheelbase, the V8-engined DB11 has an increased sense of

agility - a quality that has been fully exploited with detailed revisions to the suspension bushing, geometry, anti-roll bars, springs, dampers and ESP software. By carefully crafting its dynamic character to be distinct from that of the V12, the V8 appeals to those customers drawn to a refined and comfortable GT with a more sporting bias. There are subtle visual differences between the two variants that include a unique alloy wheel finish, dark headlamp bezels and a pair of bonnet vents instead of the quartet featured on the V12. These vents come in a choice of black or titaniumfinish mesh, again different from that fitted to the twelve-cylinder variant. Inside, both V8 and V12 customers have the same standard equipment levels and the same extensive choice of colour and trim options. They can also elect to enhance the specification of their car via the same Option Packs and Designer Specification packages, plus a suite of Q by Aston Martin - Collection options. “The DB11 is the most complete and sophisticated

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car Aston Martin has ever made. Now, with this new V8 engine option we have broadened its appeal by offering a car that will bring the DB11 to more customers around the world while still blessed with the exceptional performance and memorable character that sets Aston Martin apart from its rivals. Having driven the car during its development phase, it is not just the engine that has changed the character of the car, but also the resulting dynamic changes to create a remarkable GT car with its own distinct personality from the V12.” For more information on the Aston Martin DB11 range contact Aston Martin Johannesburg Jashwin Chotu or Gerhard Botha on 011-301-7000 or Aston Martin Cape Town: Andrew Mayer on 021-425-2007

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BEAU T I FUL ER T H I S IS IS A D BNUMB X Aston Martin Johannesburg, 1 Whiteley Rd, Melrose Arch, Johannesburg, 2196 | 011-301-7000 For more information on Aston Martin DB11 contact: Jashwin Chotu on or Gerhard Botha on: Official WLTP fuel consumption figures in litres/100km (mpg) for the 2020 Aston Martin DBX: Low 23.2 (12.2); Medium 13.6 (20.8); High 12 (23.5); Extra High 13.4 (21.1); Combined 14.3 (19.8). CO2 emissions 323g/ km. The mpg/fuel economy figures quoted are sourced from official regulated test results obtained through laboratory testing. They are for comparability purposes only and may not reflect your real driving experience, which may vary depending on factors including road conditions, weather, vehicle load and driving style.

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SOPHISTICATED BATHROOM RENOVATIONS From a dusty, beige, 80s vibe to an elegant bathroom with modern fittings and plenty of comfort. Now that’s called renovation, right? Bathroom renovations can be a costly undertaking, which means good planning and durable products are essential. The result is, however, long-lasting pleasure in the bathroom. Now, before you start shopping, you might first spend some time in the planning phase and figure out what you want to achieve with your new bathroom. For instance, will you require a multifunctional space ideal for the entire family with a bath, shower and double sinks? Or is it just your guest bathroom that needs a face lift? First knowing what exactly you want to do, combined with sufficient planning will give you a better indication of what look and feel you are after. Renovating your bathroom can be stressful, but there is no reason why you should tackle this project alone – let a professional from Geberit assist you right from the start. Here’s some things to consider when planning your bathroom renovation…

THE LUXURY OF SPACE Simply installing a new wall-hung WC and washbasin with matching cabinet results in a much tidier and cleaner bathroom. Among other reasons, this is due to the free space underneath the toilet and washbasin area, which makes the room appear larger. 2022 | I SSUE 1 | 47


CLEANLINESS MEANS COMFORT A well-designed bathroom is not just a question of designs and colours – hygiene and cleanliness also play an important role. Avoiding corners and edges – as can be seen in the example with the wall-hung WC – eliminates nooks and crannies which would otherwise have to be cleaned carefully. The less time spent cleaning, the more time you have to enjoy your bathroom.

HARMONIOUS DESIGN When you buy a new sofa, you have to make sure that it fits in with the style of the rest of your apartment. A harmonious look is also in demand when choosing the toilet, washbasin and furniture in the bathroom. After considering other demands such as cleanliness, comfort and user-friendliness when fitting out the bathroom, the design is the cherry on the cake in creating a perfect bathroom ambience. Its not hard to get lost between all the bathroom ideas that’s available online, however, with Geberit there is something for everyone. Your bathroom, your style and we guide you all they way. From deciding to installing. For more inspiration and information, kindly call us on 011 444 or send an email to Visit our website here:

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Variety of Outdoor Furniture, Fencing, Jetties ect. Made with 100% recycled plastic Maintenance free 012 - 811 - 0094 / 082 - 873 - 4723

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Affordable hosting solutions, web and graphic design services for small and medium sized businesses.

For all your Graphic Design and printing, E-mail for a competitive quote.

Micaela is an excellent Au pair, currently looking after kids within The Hills Estate. She picks up the kids, helps with homework and takes them to extra murals, games etc. She’s very patient & great with kids. Contact her on 082 333 5431 or Contact Chuma on 0763937989 for reference.



IKI KIDS sells STEAM educational products including Robotics and Coding Kits. 081 517 9589 or

Learn to Swim, contact Annette 072 128 2689 from Jolly Waters Swim School Situated in Grootfontein.

Babysitting / homework Assistance Gr1-4 contact Lihandi van der Linden on 083 643 0865


Contact Meadowdine group for Skip Bins, Chemical Toilets, Hut Hire and more. Tel 079 736 8006 / 067 400 9720


Are you tired of your dirty windows? Then let us sparkle your windows. LNC is an expert in professional high-rise window cleaning services, catering for all types of properties. Contact NS Malepe 072 651 19471 / makua. Weekly pool cleaning at a monthly cost of R600 - ALL chemicals included. Contact 083 278 8720. Looking for Someone to clean your Carpets, We have used Dries before for Carpet Cleaning and we highly recommend his services. Contact him on 083 299 8569 Carpet Cleaning, Rugs, Sofa’s and Car Valet, we also collect & drop off after wash 079 093 2873 or 067 400 9720. Pureglaze Window cleaning 082 775 2862 or 076 852 1229 or email


Ikigai engineering: We do solar water heating and backup and hybrid solar solutions for homes. or 081 517 9589

Trustworthy Electrician based in Mooikloof Ridge: Contact Ian +27 79 587 8800

Contact Marius on 082 559 8859. Doing Electrician work in the Estate. Satisfaction guaranteed!

Electrician Contact Basie on 082 699 9107

Dheeksha Infrastructures assists with Borehole Surveys, Drilling, Pump installation. Contact Vikram on +27 62 426 0767 / vkreddy1922@


Samosas, springrolls, chutney & pickles sold to order. Contact Devaksha Maharaj WhatsApp 081 517 9589 or email devaksha., stand number is 482. 2022 | I SSUE 1 | 51


I am selling raw honey at R80 a bottle or Honey and Rusks at R140 Contact Gladiola 0721915097 Free delivery for the hills residents and R80 courier anywhere else in Gauteng. Home cooked Durban-style curries, roti and tandoori chicken sold to residents on request. Freshly prepared. Free delivery. Email / WhatsApp Dashnie for the menu with prices: ; 0616510220


R40 per 30kg bag of Manure. Delivery on Saturdays. Boost your garden, grass and veggies with our Manure. Contact 0794964525 to order.

Top soil or compost delivered to your doorstep. 2m³ at only R1,680 delivery included. Bigger quantities are also available. Pieter 082 551 6670


Frank collects and supply gas cylinders in the Estate, contact him on 082 557 1550

Contact Gerrie Marnewick for all your gas needs on 071 602 9349.


I do koi pond maintenance, treating and medicating koi. Swimming pool maintenance, general household maintenance, electric gate motor repairs, irrigation system repairs and installation. Contact Brendan 082 691 1269

Affordable & reliable Brooklyn Plumbers. 012 942 5907

Jonathan 0784697506 for all your Aluminum doors and windows and also do repairs.

Patrick for tiling (078) 858-1160

Thys Oelofse for all your painting jobs. Had great service from him. 0833212939

Dawn Appliances for all repairs to all make of appliances, Cold rooms, Aircon, Freezer, Ice machines, Ice cream machines, chip fryers, tumble dryers, dishwashers. Very affordable

5 2 | ISSUE 1 | 2022

and experienced Contact 0797896746 / 0788125592. Reference: Guido 0823238163


Vets approved dog and cat food and Bravecto treatment for ticks and fleas delivered to your door in the estate at no extra cost. Please whatsapp Leré (0829749978) for price enquiries and orders. Delivery will take place on Fridays.

Mobile Pet Grooming and Doggy Hotel, Contact 061 365 8031

Paw Buddies Mobile Pet Grooming, we come to you, no traveling, no waiting in cages, we take card or cash. Contact Johan on 061 446 1614/ 067 139 1141

Paws & Claws Pet sitting, Providing Pet Sitting Services in the Estate. I come to your home and take care of your pets’ needs. Contact Mienke on 081 553 9406


We transport school kids, Excellent School transport, Contact Irene Mathatho 066 227 7574 or 072 542 4399. We also do any other shuttle services. We live in the estate.


Lift Club: St Mary’s DSG Girls Lift Club.I am looking to start a lift club to St Mary’s DSG in Hatfield. Contact Irene MaSetshedi Setshedi 0822952963.

If you would like to advertise in the Echo’s Classifieds section, please email Tobia at by the 15th of every month. The Classifieds section is only available to The Hills residents and there is no charge for residents to advertise here in the Classifieds section. Please include your stand number and contact details for references.

Classified advertisements are not sales promotion adverts, They are not inserted to attract buyers in the usual sense of the term. They act as a means of bringing together two parties that need each other.

If you would like to advertise your service in the e-Magazine, please email Tobia at All Classified advertisements will be removed monthly. Please inform us by email before the 15th of every month if you would like to repeat your previous advert


TO ALL ARCHITECTS AND OWNERS Written by Studious Architects


rom Studious,we wish everyone a blessed You will be emailed back confirmation that your new year. May this year hold many bright inspection is booked from our office. possibilities for the Estate’s future. Our inspector comes out to the Estate every and a meeting is held on Friday to With the beginning of the new year, many Wednesday, discuss any noticeable issues with the Aesthetics owners have phoned in asking if they Committee.

were now done with their houses after receiving their Occupation Certificate.

Feedback is then sent out on the same Friday to all owners. If you have passed your inspection, the Once a permanent COC and an Occupation Completion Certificate is sent to the owner and the Certificate are sent into the office, an owner can Estate’s Office. The certificate is then held on file, move into their home, but their house is not yet and the office begins the process of refunding the pavement deposit. complete. In order for the Estate to conclude a house is If you failed and need guidance as to what you must complete, the owner must pass the Final Inspection rectify, you can email, who works in the Estate for the Aesthetics Committee, carried out by the Estate’s Aesthetics Committee. and will be happy to assist. The process to book a final inspection is as follows: Fill in a Form G, found on our website, https:// Common reasons for failing., and send it through with a copy of your occupation certificate to inspections@ Some of our main issues for houses failing are minor problems that can be easily avoided. Here 2022 | I SSUE 1 | 53


are some examples of recurring problems to help offer assistance.

Removal of cladding or Face brick. When an owner removes cladding or Face brick, it affects the overall design and aesthetics of the house. If too much is removed and replaced with plaster and paint, amendments will first be required before issuing a Completion Certificate.


In the Architectural Guidelines it quotes: A property may not only contain grass. A minimum level of landscaping design (ie planting of trees and plants) is required. We have had an increased number of houses that have failed due to only planting grass. Landscaping directly increases the aesthetics of your home, which is why we ask all owners to please ensure their gardens and verge have visible vegetation that shows landscaping is on its way.

Visible Aircons All Air-conditioning units must be installed on the ground floor and must be screened from the view of the street and neighboring houses.

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We suggest that before installing an air-conditioning unit, first contact Clarice at the Gate Office, at 012 941 3703. She will come onto the site to ensure the unit is installed according to the Architectural Guidelines

Wrong House Number or No House Number Once your house is complete, ensure that your Street Number is placed on your house or boundary wall and is visible. The Estate no longer approves stand numbers, and therefore if only a stand number is present, your house will fail. If you are unsure what your street name and number are, you can contact the Gate Office at 012 941 3703 for assistance. We hope these examples provide some clarification for all Contractors and Owners. We look forward to helping you as much as possible in the year that awaits us. Email: Tel: 012 633 3371

Clarice Botes



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2022 | I SSUE 1 | 55

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5 6 | ISSUE 1 | 2022

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2022 | I SSUE 1 | 57


Olive Grass Snake

SNAKES Of Gauteng

Gauteng has its fair share of snakes but most of them pose no threat to humans. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to distinguish between harmless and dangerous snakes and one should never attempt to catch or handle any snake.

Night Adder and although it is not considered potentially deadly, one could end up in hospital after a bite and several dogs die each year after a Night Adder bite. The Rinkhals inhabits grasslands, especially near vleis and is by far the most common dangerous snake encountered over much of There are forty-seven different types of snakes in the Gauteng, especially on the East and West Rand and province with twenty-two species harmless, another south of Johannesburg. It is quick to avoid people six that can inflict quite a painful bite and six that are and move off but dogs are good at cornering them considered dangerous to humans and pets. and this may result in one or more dogs getting bitten. Snakes keep a low profile in winter and spend much of their time in underground shelters, occasionally As one gets into bushveld habitat around Pretoria and coming up to the surface to bask in the winter sun Muldersdrift there are a number of highly venomous but in summer they are on the move looking for snakes including the Snouted Cobra, Mozambique food. And the good rain gets them moving. Snakes Spitting Cobra, Puff Adder and Boomslang. Black quite often end up in suburban gardens and the Mambas are not found around Johannesburg snake removers have their hands full now removing and Pretoria and only enter Gauteng in northern snakes. Dinokeng and around Roodeplaat dam. Snakes most encountered in gardens include the harmless Brown House Snake, the Herald Snake, Spotted Bush Snake, Aurora House Snake, the Olive Grass snake and the Rhombic Egg-eater. The more dangerous snakes include the Rhombic

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Should you encounter any snake in your house or garden, never attempt to catch or kill it. Immediately get your pets out of the way and retreat at least 5 meters. Then observe the snake from a safe distance and call a snake remover. There are over 800 snake removers on the free app ASI Snakes ( snakebiteapp) and the app will list those closest to


you. Don’t lose sight of the snake – they are experts at escaping and once you lose sight of one it will be difficult to locate again. In the unlikely event of a snakebite, keep the victim calm and immediately get to the closest hospital with a trauma unit. Avoid cutting, sucking out venom, tight bandages and a variety of other ineffective fist aid measures. The same applies to your pets – if your dog gets bitten by a snake, get it to a vet immediately. Forget about Allergex tablets, milk, charcoal and all the other mythical treatments – if your pet is severely envenomated it needs to be treated by a vet.

Two snakes in Gauteng can spit their venom – the Rinkhals and the Mozambique Spitting Cobra. They can spit up to about three meters and aim for the eyes. Venom in the eyes, both for humans and pets, is extremely painful and needs to be flushed immediately with lots of water. Then off to a doctor for further examination or get your pet to a vet. Venom elsewhere on the skin does no harm and can be washed off with water.

Aurora House Snake

Herald Snake

Rhombic Egg-eater


Mozambique Spitting Cobra

Night Adder

For more information on snakes and first aid for snakebite, visit our website Johan Marais African Snakebite Institute Cell: 0824942039

Brown House Snake

Spotted Bush Snake

Puff Adder

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To all keen photographers out there… why not forward your contributions for placement in the e-magazine? We live in such a beautiful Estate, let’s share with one another what life offers in such abundance. We eagerly await your contributions! Feel free to include a caption, who knows you might just see your photo on the Cover of our next issue. P.s You don’t have to be a professional to take part submit your photo to

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Our favourite local romantic getaways

Love is in the air! For the best romantic getaways in South Africa, we’ve got you covered with our favourite loved-up local destinations. Whether you’re looking for a Valentine’s Day mini-break or longweekend escape – maybe even options for a local honeymoon – take a look at our recommendations. Give your loved one a Red Carnation What is more romantic than spending a weekend away in a luxurious setting, with breath taking views, world-class cuisine and indulgent spa treatments? For the ultimate 5-star getaway, take your pick from three legendary Red Carnation Hotels in South Africa: The Twelve Apostles Hotel & Spa in Cape Town, Bushmans Kloof Wilderness Reserve & Wellness Retreat in Ceres, and The Oyster Box hotel in Umhlanga.

comforts of an upmarket 4-star hotel experience. Your adventures into the pristine wilderness will be perfectly balanced by the hotel’s contemporary relaxation options. Set in a tranquil riverine woodland of immense African trees, there is a range of elegant accommodation from standard to large guest rooms, and from the executive to presidential suites. With refined Africa-inspired décor, all rooms have en-suite bathrooms, airconditioning, free wi-fi and in-room dining. Special highlights of your stay will include gameviewing from the Pool Bar with its stunning infinity pool; luxurious care at the beautifully appointed Spa and sumptuous dining in the glow of stars and wood fires in the outdoor Lapa.

Bushmans Kloof Wilderness Reserve Go wild for each other How does a romantic luxury safari sound? Protea Hotel Kruger Gate, with soaring walkways and treetop ambiance, uniquely offers classic Big 5 safaris in the Kruger National Park with all the 6 2 | ISSUE 1 | 2022

Protea Hotel Kruger Gate


A royal romance Treat your special someone to a stay at The Palace of the Lost City in Sun City. Splurge on 5-star dining and in-room spa spoils. Toast the rising sun on an early morning hot-air balloon ride over the Pilanesberg National Park, discover the Big Five up close on a game drive, or lounge around the adults-only swimming pools, The Royal Baths.

afternoons of watching the mountain peaks bask in the last rays of sunshine, there is no better place to be than Albert’s Cocktail Bar.

The hotel boasts a vast range of exciting recreation activities. Guests will delight in the cold and heated pools, tennis courts, horse rides, trout fishing, mini-golf, volleyball, archery, quad bikes, climbing tower, spa, gym and steam room, and a picturesque 9-hole golf course with Accommodation fit for royalty, The Palace of the alternate tees for an 18-hole game. Helicopter Lost City is synonymous with five-star luxury. sightseeing tours are always a firm favourite as Every detail has been carefully considered, from well. the cool mosaic tiles of the lobby and the subtle fusion of botanic aromas to the hotel’s regally appointed high teas. Each exquisite suite with its handcrafted furniture repeats the magic of this remarkable place and offers royal hospitality with breath taking views over water or jungle.

Cathedral Peak Hotel in Drakensberg Slip into cruise control MSC local cruises are always a great option for a romantic break. Heading up and down the South African coast from Cape Town and Durban or to Portuguese Island, these cruises are the perfect way to unwind. Plus, every night on a cruise ship The Palace of the Lost City can be date night! Sip sundowners on deck, dine out at a restaurant and then enjoy a live show Ain’t no mountain high enough… and a few turns around the dance floor at the Take your romance to new heights at Cathedral onboard nightclub. Peak hotel in the Drakensberg. Choose a romantic honeymoon suite, with a king-size bed, fireplace, Victorian slipper bath and private verandah. You even get the use of a golf cart to explore the resort during your stay. The sophisticated dining room offers an extensive buffet and superb cuisine, personally supervised by the hotel’s first-class chef, and an after-dinner drink and game of pool or darts can be enjoyed at Harry’s Late Night Bar. For those charming

MSC Orchestra

Check out all our local & international romantic getaways – Click here Get in touch with one of our experts now – Click here

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