Gauge 18: The Final Frontier

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Gauge Editor­in­Chief

Evan Allen

Creative Director

Kate Digilio

Managing Editor

Talia Ralph


Kelly Smith

Photo Editor

Sarah Jacobs

Editorial Assistant

Matthew Haviland

Design Assistant

Megan Donovan

Fiction Editor Assistant Fiction Editor Poetry Editor Assistant Photo Editor

Rex Horner Nicole Fernandez Jacqueline Frasca Jake Ladue

Web Designer

Meredith Pomeroy

Editorial Team

Lilly Schneider

Contributing Writers Design Team Illustrators Photo Team Fiction Readers Web Writers

issue 18

Paul Ryan

Zoe Hayden

Alexander Kaufman

Elizabeth Cormack Emily Small

Megan Seabaugh

Ella Zander

Julie Gagnon Ariel Goldberg

Jeannie Harrell Jusmine Martin

Hanna Edizel

Lorena Alvarado Hannah Cotier Asher Norris

Molly Coombs

Jeanine Gaitan

Nicholas Dennis

Melissa Park

Zoe Harris

Hannah Rose Parry

Jamie Rogers

Rae Bourque Gordie Hendrick

Katie Neuhof

Tessia Bekelja Veronica Del Rosario Winelle Felix

Clara Everhart

Victoria Reuter

Ted Rogers

Elena Tarchi

The Final Frontier conjures images of fearless explorers and dark wildernesses, $%"'")+"',- '$%"'3!(--0')"#$%0'(*.#*($70'.8#3"'1(+%$9':/$'($';#.*<$'"*,/+%'$,'-,!!,;' our explorers into their uncharted worlds: we wanted more from our stories – we wanted to know why. Off we went. We found a neighborhood prophet practicing electromagnetic karate #+#(*.$'$%"'8.73%(3'-,&3".',- '$%"'/*(6"&."0'#*'"#&*".$'.3("*$(.$'=/("$!7'8!#**(*+'#' 3(6(!(>#$(,*' ,*' ?#&.9' @"' !,,4")' 2#34' (*' $(5"' $,' $%"' A*$#&3$(3' "B8!,&"&.0' (*' !,6"' ;($%'$%"'.$&#*+"'2&/$#!($7',- '$%"'-&"">(*+';%($"'3,*$(*"*$0';%,'&"$/&*")'#+#(*'#*)' #+#(*' #*)' "6"*$/#!!7' !"-$' $%"(&' 2,)(".' 2"%(*)' ,*' $%"' (3"9' @"' -,/*)' .3/2#' )(6"&.' (*' @#!)"*' C,*)0' */)(.$.' (*' $%"' :"&4.%(&".0' #*)' -#*$#.$(3#!' 5#8.' #$' $%"' :,.$,*' Public Library. John Wayne and Ronald Regan made cameos. Cryonics defeated death. At the edges of the possible, we found people hell-bent on spiritual quests and wonderfully obsessed with the impossible. String Theory tries to explain the /*(6"&."9'We have to know. D' ;#*$' $,' $%#*4' 57' /*2"!("6#2!7' #5#>(*+' 5#*#+(*+' ")($,&0' !(-"E")($,&0' ,$%"&' half, Talia, who insists, always, on precision and solid, ethical journalism. Kelly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auge’s heart. Meredith, thank you for the gorgeous website. Sometimes I just stare at it and smile. Thanks to Sarah for your beautiful photography, Matt for your tireless fact-checking, and Rex for your out-of-control analogies. Thanks to Lisa Diercks for your excellent design counsel. And, of course, epic thanks to Jeff Seglin, our #)6(.,&0' -,&' 7,/&' %(!#&(,/.' #*)' .#+"' #)6(3"0' #*)' -,&' 8/$$(*+' /8' ;($%' >(!!(,*.' ,- ' "5#(!.'#*)'5""$(*+.'#*)'57'/."',- '$%"';,&)'M&()(3/!,/.9<' @"<6"' .8"*$' %,/&.' #*)' %,/&.' #*)' )#7.' #*)' *(+%$.' (*' ,/&' $(*7' !($$!"' GaugeE3#6"' 5#4(*+'$%(.'5#+#>(*"9'@"'%,8"'7,/'!,6"'($9

Evan Allen Editor-in-Chief

Graduation: the Final Frontier. D<6"'3"&$#(*!7'*"6"&'-"!$'5,&"',*'$%"'2&(*4'$%#*'D'),'*,;9'N,58!"$(*+'$%(.'(../"' feels like my true capstone. Gauge'%#.'2""*'#'.#-"'%#6"*'#*)'5/3%'*"")")',/$!"$'-,&' 5"')/&(*+'57'$(5"'#$'O5"&.,*'#*)'($'(.'$&/!7'%"#&$2&"#4(*+'$,'.%"!6"'$%(.'3%#8$"&' in my life. A$'$%"'.#5"'$(5"0'D'#5'.,'+&#$"-/!'$,'%#6"'%#)'$%"',88,&$/*($7'$,'2&(*+'7,/',*"',- ' $%"'F*".$'(../".';"'%#6"'"6"&'8&,)/3")9'P(+%$'")($,&(#!0'-#.3(*#$(*+'.$,&(".'#*)'!/.%' #&$'+&#3"'$%"'8#+".'2"-,&"'7,/9'I,/'!/347'2#.$#&)9 K(6"'(*'#*)'5#72"',*'$%"',$%"&'.()"'7,/<!!'4*,;'7,/&."!- '#*)'$%(.';,*)"&-/!';,&!)' ;"'!(6"'(*'#'!($$!"'2"$$"&9'D*'$%"."'8#+".'!(".'$%"'.7*$%".(.'#*)'3,%".(,*'$%#$'3,5".' ;($%'./33"..-/!'3,,8"&#$(,*'#*)'#')")(3#$(,*'$,'8/.%(*+'!(5($.9'P%"'6(./#!'!"#8',- ' faith. A5#>(*+'3&#>7'#5,/*$.',- '$%#*4.'$,'Q"-- 'R"+!(*0'S(.#'K("&34.0'#*)'R%#&,*'K/--70' ;($%,/$';%,5'$%"."';#$"&.';,/!)'2"'(58,..(2!"'$,'*#6(+#$"9'A*)'#'$(8',- '$%"'%#$' $,'Q,"'T<:&("*'#*)'$%"'+#*+'#$'Q,/&*"75#*'C&"..'-,&'5#4(*+',/&')&"#5.'3,5"' true. ?7'2"#/$(-/!'$"#5'5"52"&.U'I,/<&"'$%"'2".$9'A!!',- '7,/9'G""8'),(*+';,&49'V,,)' ;,&49':"$$"&';,&49 ?"+#*U'I,/'5#7'*,$'-""!'&"#)7'-,&'Gauge but Gauge is ready for you. Go with your gut. Always. O6#*U'P%"'%"#&$'#*)'8/&8,."'7,/'/."0')#(!70'$,'+"$'$%"'2".$',/$',- '7,/&."!- '#*)' ,$%"&.'%#.'2""*'#*)'(*3&")(2!"'$%(*+'$,';($*"..9':(+'$%(*+.'#&"'(*'7,/&'3#&).9 Talia: When I think of all the time wasted not getting to know you I could kick 57."!- ' (*$,' *"B$' ;""49' I,/&' ./88,&$0' 7,/&' "*"&+70' #*)' 7,/&' ,8$(5(.5' %#6"' 2""*'(*6#!/#2!"'$,'5"'#*)'$,'Gauge9'L"6"&'.$,89 R#&#%U'N,!!#2,&#$(,*'(.'*,$'"#.7'-,&'5"9'D'$"*)'$,'2"'#))(3$")'$,'3,*$&,!0'D'%#6"' $&,/2!"'3,55/*(3#$(*+'57'()"#.'#*)'$%"'-&/.$&#$(,*'#!5,.$'*"6"&',/$;"(+%.' the product. That being said, if I was restricted to only working with you for the rest of my life I would feel not only content but absolutely blessed to be with someone so stricken by talent and so easy to be with. I will miss you, in earnest, incredibly much and I can only hope this is not our last shared piece of work.

Kate Digilio Creative Director


We were discussing cowboys and astronauts in a coffee shop when suddenly the question occurred: What makes cowboys so sexy? Something about a man in !"#$%"&'&()(*+',-- '(*$,'$%"'./*."$0'&(1"',*'%(.'2#34'#*)'.,5"'6#.$'#*)')#*+"&,/.' unknown in his eyes. And the theme for Gauge 18 was born: The Final Frontier. We celebrated with whiskey and toasted to glowing red dust storms on Mars.

Photograph by Alex Dempsey


ode to j o h n marion wayne Words by Molly Coombs Photography by Victoria Reuter

D'!,.$'57'(**,3"*3"',6"&'2/&*$'6"+"$#2!"' and pork chops.

and fell woefully short of my youthful esteem. In an instant, the celluloid icon ;%,<)' 3,5"' $,' &"8&"."*$' "6"&7$%(*+' D' A' 3#./#!' 3,55"*$0' #' .(58!"' &"6- respected about men was pulled from elation: my mother shares the name %(.'8")".$#!'#*)')&,88")'8&()"EF&.$'(*$,' “Marion” with my kitchen, down John Wayne. Sure, beside my mother, she spells it with who was busy I wanted to be as John an “a,” but this patting me down was not a time to $,' )(.3,6"&' ;%"&"' Wayne as one chubby split hairs. My sug,*' 57' 8"&.,*' D<)' girl could possibly be, but ar-soaked 12-year%())"*' %"&' ,6"&when your idea of strenuold brain struggled cooked asparagus. ous effort is proper keyto make sense of Granted, what board posture, achieving I knew about the this impossibility that level of cool was no other sex was – that The John simple task. limited to their Wayne, he of )""8"&' 6,(3".0' True Grit and The inexplicable Searchers, American interest in prohero and probably fessional sports and possession of $%"'5,.$'"--,&$!"..!7'3,,!'5#*'D<)'"6"&'.""*0' had anything in common with the birdlike $E.%(&$.'2"#&(*+'#*'"*6(able number of woman who barely reached my earlobe &,2,$.9' :/$' Q,%*' @#7*"' ;#.' "6"&7$%(*+'

the boys who shot milk out of their noses in the school cafeteria were not – tough, 2&#6"0'%"&,(3'#*)'#!;#7.'&"#)7';($%'#'+&#6"!!7'=/(8';%"*'$%"'!#.$',- '$%"'6"&5(*'%#)' been caught. How could he, the epitome of gruff masculinity, bear a name as inelegant, as awkwardly frumpy as Marion? The Marian I knew sang opera while 3,,4(*+' )(**"&' #*)' %#)' !,*+' 3,*6"&.#tions with our pair of seemingly indifferent cats. She was the opposite of the John Wayne cool I so desperately sought to emulate. 'O6"&7'3,,!'5,5"*$'D'%#)'H'$%"'4(*)' $%#$' .""5")' !(4"' -#$"<.' ;#7' ,- ' #8,!,+(>(*+' -,&' 57' 6#58(&(3' 3,58!"B(,*' #*)' /*-,&+(6#2!"'+(*+"&*"..'H'$%,."';"&"'57' John Wayne moments. Scoring the highest grade in algebra was a John Wayne 5,5"*$' -,&' #' 4()' !(4"' 5"' ;%,0' "6"*' #$' such a tender age, was already resigned to a life of eyeglass-induced celibacy. Two chocolate puddings in my lunch was a John Wayne moment. And getting the popular girls with the perfect comeback was pretty fucking John Wayne, or at least it was in the incredibly detailed scenarios I worked out in my head on the furious bus rides home. P%"&"' ;"&"*<$' #' !,$' ,- ' Q,%*' @#7*"' moments in those days. The failings, the doubts, the worries – they were my constant companions. I wanted to be as John Wayne as one chubby girl could possibly be, but when your idea of strenuous effort is proper keyboard 8,.$/&"0'#3%("6(*+'$%#$'!"6"!',- '3,,!';#.' *,'.(58!"'$#.49':/$'$%"'-#($%';#.'.$&,*+' #*)'$%"'5#*$&#'/*"=/(6,3#!'H';%#$';,/!)' the Duke do? Certainly not anything my mother would. Perhaps, I thought, as I lined the bottom of the bathroom trash with the smuggled asparagus spears, John Wayne ;#.*<$' #!;#7.' =/(34E)&#;(*+' ,/$!#;.' ,&' 5"!$(*+' 8"$$(3,#$.' ;($%' %(.' .5,4"&<.'

rumble. Maybe sometimes, he wore 1,&#!E8#$$"&*")'.$(&&/8'8#*$.',&'3,&)/&,7' 3!,+.'(*'-&,*$',- '%(.')#/+%$"&<.'-&("*).0',&' +#6"'%"&'"52#&&#..(*+!7'!,*+'8/2!(3'%/+.' when dropping her off at school. Maybe "6"*' $%"' +&"#$' Q,%*' @#7*"' 3,/!)*<$' 2"' ./#6"' #!!' $%"' $(5"' #*)' ,33#.(,*#!!7' %#)' moments of soul-crushing shame and abject humiliation. “Marion” moments, if you will. P%"'),/2!"'."&6(*+',- '#.8#&#+/.'$%#$' accompanied my dinner the next night ;#.'57'F&.$'?#&(,*'5,5"*$W'($'#88"#&")' that someone had grown wise to my tricks. Middle school bled into high school in one unending Marion moment. It seemed that John Wayne had abandoned me for greener pastures, condemning me to a life ,- ',6"&.(>")'.;"#$"&.9 :/$'X/.$';%"*'$%(*+.'!,,4")'2!"#4".$0' when there seemed to be no hope for me #*)' $%"' 6(";"&.' 3,/!)*<$' .$#*)' #*,$%"&' moment of suspense, the Duke returned $,'.#6"'$%"')#79'R/))"*!70'$&(88(*+'(*'$%"' %#!!;#7' ;#.*<$' #' ?#&(,*' 5,5"*$' ;#&&#*$(*+'#'3&7(*+'X#+'(*'$%"'!#)(".<'&,,5'H'($' was a moment of pure comedic gold. A poor grade on the midterm, while completely Marion, Every cool moment I had – the kind that was just John Wayne reminding seemed like fate’s way of apologizing for 5"'$%#$'"6"*'$%"'+&"#$".$'%"&,".' my vampiric complexion and unforgivcould be disappointingly human. able gingerness – those were my John The line has been blurred. Wayne moments. Getting caught arguing with yourself in the mirror became 2,$%' %/5(!(#$(*+' #*)' %(!#&(,/.W' #$'!#.$0'$%"&"';#.'6(3$,&70'3#$%#&.(.0' 8"&%#8.' "6"*' +!,&7' (*' $%"' 5,5"*$.' that had so crippled my 12-year-old self. ?(.$#4".'3,/!)'2"'-,&+(6"*0';&,*+.'5#)"' right, embarrassments made triumphs – proof that there was a little Marion in "6"&7'Q,%*'@#7*"9 And maybe, just maybe, there was something a little John Wayne about Marian too.


Drawing world the

Words by Rex Horner Photography by Jake Ladue


he room is dominated by a been drawn on papyrus Cartographers d conference table spread with maps in Egypt, or on the Geographical k as large as buffalo hides. Ronald inside of sarcophagi lids, from a mapma V&(5<.',-F3"'(*'$%"':,.$,*'C/2!(3' 8&,6()(*+' )(&"3$(,*.' $,' area and draw S(2&#&7'(.'-/!!',- '5"$#!'F!(*+'3#2(*"$.';($%' the afterlife. Sumerian finds. Another e wide, shallow drawers, holding countless 3(6(!(>#$(,*' /.")' 3!#7' top of the first 5,&"'5#8.'(*'$%"(&'8!#.$(3'.!""6".9'D'.""' tablets, but, like papyrus, knowledge, and swaths of oceans and molehill mountains. the material easily wears S,*+0' ;#&5' .%#),;.' .8&"#)' ,6"& and disintegrates. Parts ing in layers of entire worlds. of mapmaking history veys, like sedim Grim is already talking about a new are lost. People etched "B%(2($' ,- ' N(6(!' @#&' 3#&$,+&#8%70' 3#!!")' little diagrams in the Torn in Two. “I could always sort of look sand, but the diagrams at a map and understand it,� he says. blew away. Y"<.' 2""*' #$' $%"' L,&5#*' :9' S"6"*$%#!' With the Enlightenment, cartographers ?#8.' N"*$"&' -,&' $%"' !#.$' F6"' 7"#&.0' #*)' cleaned their maps of chimerical before that, Grim spent thirty-two years in A-&(3#*' 6(!!#+".0' (5#+(*")' &(6"&.' 3#&6")' @#.%(*+$,*' K9N9' #$' $%"' L#$(,*#!' A&3%(6".0' through continents, and only drew then the Library of Congress. The library ;%#$' $%"7' 3,/!)' 8&,6"9' :"-,&"' $%"' (.' #' F$$(*+' !,3#$(,*' -,&' #*' (*$"&&,+#$(,*' ,- ' Enlightenment, landmasses bulged cartographic history. ;($%' 1,&#0' -#/*#0' Institutions like the and rising mountLibrary of Alexandria #(*.U' ;%#$"6"&' might Parts of mapmaking %#6"' 2""*' !"+"*)#&7' be there was drawn. history are lost. People storehouses of :/$' 2"+(**(*+' drawn maps. in the Renaissance, etched little diagrams The oldest maps science began taking in the sand, but the "6"&'5#)"'5#7'%#6"' precedent. Sculptors diagrams blew away.

draw cumulatively. knowledge comes aker exploring an wing up what he explorer draws on map, adding his d so on, culminatgeographical surment.

produced countertop globes in sets of $;,0'#'&,/*)'"#&$%'#*)'#'&,/*)")'%"#6"*.9' “They were trying to place the Earth in $%"(&' $,$#!' 3,*3"8$' ,- ' $%"' /*(6"&."0Z' .#7.' Grim. The world should be measured, precise, knowable. N#&$,+&#8%"&.' )&#;' 3/5/!#$(6"!79' V",graphical knowledge comes from a mapmaker exploring an area and drawing up ;%#$'%"'F*).9'A*,$%"&'"B8!,&"&')&#;.',*' $,8' ,- ' $%"' F&.$' 5#80' #))(*+' %(.' 4*,;!edge, and so on, culminating in layers of +",+&#8%(3#!' ./&6"7.0' !(4"' .")(5"*$9' A' 3#&$,+&#8%"&<.' 5#8' (.' (*-,&5")' 27' $%"(&' 8"&.8"3$(6"0';%#$'.$,&7'$%"7'#&"'$&7(*+'$,' tell, their bias. Grim nudges a book, the 8#+"' ,8"*' $,' #' 5#8' %"' 3#!!.' [P%"' L";' O*+!#*)' @%#!"&<.' \(";' ,- ' $%"' @,&!)9Z' The map is gridded, some of squares 3,!,&")'(*'8(*4'#*)',$%"&.'(*'&,2(*<.'"++' blue, with a miniature, tumbling cetacean inside. The center of a map is of para5,/*$'(58,&$#*3"W'#'F+/&#$(6"'[BZ'5#&4.' $%"' .8,$9' Y"&"' ($' (.' $%"' C#3(F3' T3"#*0' which in the mid-nineteenth century was the last ripe territory for whaling. So the map is the story of the whaling ships. Different maps tell different stories.

[D- ' 7,/' 8/$' ($' 6"&7' .(58!70' $%"' @".$"&*' culture was interested in comprehending the totality of space, and showing relationships within that space,” says Grim, “but the Eastern traditions were more interested in experiencing the place where you were.” He describes a drawn N%(*"."' 8&,6(*3"' ;($%' $%"' 5,/*$#(*' ranges circling unrealistically around it. Diagrammatic. Accurate, but not in a typical way. :,$%' ."#E5,*.$"&.' #*)' $%"' 3,.5,.' %#6"'2""*'#--"3$")'27'.%(-$(*+'5"$%,),!,gy in cartography. There is a stunning difference between a celestial atlas published centuries ago and a modern one based ,*' 8%,$,+&#8%.' ,- ' $%"' %"#6"*.' $#4"*' through telescopes. In one map from the celestial atlas, a radiant gold background sets off the planets, represented by gods riding chariots atop tufts of cloud. Each procession sits on one ripple in a series of concentric circles. The constellation signs are on an outside rim like the colorful (*3&"5"*$.' ,*' #' \"+#.' &,/!"$$"' $#2!"9' A' panorama of stooped mapmakers winds around the borders. One, Grim wagers, (.'V#!(!",W'$%"',$%"&0'#'&,2")'5#*';($%'#'

full-beard named 3,!!"3$(6"' 8.73%"9' I see swaths of oceans ?"&3#$,&9' O6"&7These two ideas and molehill mountains. thing is pictured intertwined are Long, warm shadows in relationships. beautiful. Grim spread over entire worlds. L,$%(*+' (.' !(4"' 8/!!.' #' .!(5' 6,!the scale-perfect ume from a shelf, expanse of stars scratchy and LARA' 5(+%$' bound in a maproduce. roon cloth. It is a collection of quotes A.';"'%#6"'5,6")'$,;#&).'8&"3(.(,*0' and poems about map making, the words the nefarious sea monster has disappeared delicate in contrast to the unshakable from the deep. The kraken, the creatures O#&$%'#*)'2!,,5(*+'3,.5,.9'Y"'F*).'#' T)7.."/.' -,/+%$0' "6"*' $%"' ;%#!"9' 6"&."' 27' Q,*#$%#*' R;(-$0' *,$' 4*,;(*+' ($' When the Enlightenment took hold on ;#.'$%"&"0'#*)'&"#).'$%"'F*#!'-";'!(*".U 3#&$,+&#8%70' 5#85#4"&.' .$,88")' F!!(*+' the interior of Africa with elephants, and “So Geographers in Afric-maps, .$,88")' )"8(3$(*+' ;#!!,;(*+' !"6(#$%#*.' @($%'R#6#+"EC(3$/&".'F!!'$%"(&'V#8.W' (*' $%"' 6#.$' ,3"#*.9' L,;0' .#$"!!($".' /.(*+' A*)',<"&'/*%#2($#2!"'K,;*.' (*-&#&")' (5#+(*+' (*$"&8&"$' $%"' ."#<.' Place Elephants for want of Towns.” awing phenomena. @"' #&"' !"-$' 4*,;(*+' "6"&7$%(*+0' Something shakes. knowing nothing. Monsters, in the context of mapmaking, represent the unfathomable. The same ;#7'$%#$'3#&$,+&#8%7'F$.'(*$,'$%"'%/5#*' *#&&#$(6"' ,- ' 3(6(!(>#$(,*0' #&$0' #*)' "B8!,&#$(,*]2,$%' (*.()"' ,/&."!6".' #*)' ,/$.()"]$%"' 5,*.$"&.' F$' .*/+!7' (*$,' ,/&'


The Philosopher Next Door

Peter Valentine and his colorful home have been captivating Cambridge for almost twenty years. But what goes on inside may be even more compelling. Words by Talia Ralph Photography by Hannah Cotier Illustration by Hanna Edizel


*' $%"' 3,&*"&' ,- ' :&,,4!(*"' #*)' ^&#*4!(*'R$&""$.0'$%"&"<.'$%(.'-"*3"9

It is almost six feet high, and spans half the block in either direction. It is painted purple and yellow and green, and begs passersby to stop and read it, "6"*'(- '$%"7<&"'&/.%(*+'$,'3#$3%'$%"'P',&' !/++(*+'2#+.',- '+&,3"&(".9'[:"'#;#&"0Z'($' .#7.0'(*'8#(*$")';%($"'!"$$"&.9'[O6"&7$%(*+' %#.' $;,' .()".' #*)' "6"&7$%(*+' (.' #!(6"9Z' P%"."'.,&$.',- '.#7(*+.'#&"';&($$"*'#!!',6"&' $%"' -"*3"0' ;"#6(*+' #&,/*)' +&(>>!7' 2"#&.0' moose, and starburst cutouts which showcase the wild garden growing behind it. It surrounds a three-story brown apartment building that, on an otherwise typical Cambridge side street, looks almost out of place. In a way, it is. The fence and the %,5"' 2"!,*+' $,' C"$"&' \#!"*$(*"0' a wiry man with a white beard and handmade, brightly patched -"!$' 3!,$%".9' \#!"*$(*"' ;#.' ,*"' ,- ' many tenants who were forced to &"E!,3#$"'-&,5'$%"(&':!#*3%"'R$&""$' Apartments in the early nineties to 5#4"' &,,5' -,&' _*(6"&.($7' C#&40' #' 5(B")E)"6"!,85"*$' 8&,X"3$' spearheaded by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. ?,.$' ,- ' $%"' .$&""$<.' &".()"*$.' 5,6")' ,*9':/$'\#!"*$(*"'.$,,)'F&5'#*)'.$#7")' (*' %(.' %,5"0' 3,*6(*3(*+' $%"' N#52&()+"' `"*$' N,*$&,!' :,#&)' $%#$' $%"' $%&""E.$,&7' apartment was rightfully his. He told the board that his Karma was perfectly bal#*3")' $%"&"0' #*)' %"' 3,/!)' *,$' !"#6"9' R,0' ;%"*'\#!"*$(*"'5,6")0'%"'$,,4'%(.'#8#&$ment building with him on the back of a 1#$2")'$&/349 Close to twenty years later, he and his %,/."' %#6"' 2"3,5"' FB$/&".' (*' N"*$&#!' Square and the Cambridge commu*($79'Y(.'%,/."0'3#!!")'?,,."'#*)'V&(>>!7' :"#&.<'\(!!"0'(.';%"&"'%"'$"#3%".'#'3,/&."'

in electromagnetic martial arts. Or, as he calls it on his painted fence, “a better way through the woods.” Electromagnetic martial arts [EMMA] are a psychic defense system against the things in the world that threaten us. A combination of meditation, prayer, and 3&"#$(6($70' $%"7' #&"' (*$"*)")' $,' %"!8' 7,/' protect yourself from anything, including +#!#3$(3' #!("*.0' *#$/&#!' )(.#.$"&.0' (*6(.(2!"' #$$#34.0' #*)' 8#&#!!"!' /*(6"&.".0' #33,&)(*+' $,' $%"' 2&,3%/&"9' \#!"*$(*"' $"#3%".' O??A'$%&,/+%'8%7.(3#!'5,6"5"*$.'#*)' mental exercises, as well as discussion. He meets with his students for two fourhour meetings to teach them the founda-

In a way, Valentine is the Boo Radley of Central Square, a sort of fascinating “other” in the midst of a neighborhood that sometimes misunderstands him. He has been called a doomsayer and a lunatic by bloggers and reporters who have never spoken to him.

$(,*.0'#*)'-,!!,;.'/8';($%'&,/+%!7'F-$""*' .%,&$"&'5""$(*+.'-,&'&"6(";'#*)'8&#3$(3"9 The fence that surrounds his house (.' #' ;%(5.(3#!' 8,&$&#7#!' ,- ' \#!"*$(*"<.' belief system, which some are quick to )(.5(..'#.'*,*."*."9'D*'#';#70'\#!"*$(*"' (.' $%"' :,,' `#)!"7' ,- ' N"*$&#!' R=/#&"0' #' sort of fascinating “other” in the midst of a neighborhood that sometimes misunderstands him. He has been called a doomsayer and a lunatic by bloggers and &"8,&$"&.';%,'%#6"'*"6"&'.8,4"*'$,'%(59 \#!"*$(*"' ),".' *,$' ),' (*$"&6(";.0' 8#&$!7' 2"3#/."' %"' ./.8"3$.' $%#$' 6#&(,/.' agencies are aware of him and conspiring

against him, including the CIA. He has likened EMMA to the precautions of a 3%(34"*'-#&5"&';%,'+,".'#&,/*)'$,'"6"&7' *,,4'#*)'3&#**7',- '%(.'-#&5<.'-"*3".'$,' 5#4"'./&"'$%#$'8&")#$,&.'3#*<$'+"$'(*U'%"' insists on being thorough in his meth,).' ,- ' ."!-E8&,$"3$(,*9' \#!"*$(*"' +/#&).' #+#(*.$'#!!'$%"'"6(!.'(*'$%"'/*(6"&."0'2,$%' the real and imaginary. I"$' )".8($"' %(.' ./.8(3(,*.' #2,/$' $%"' ,/$.()"' ;,&!)0' \#!"*$(*"' (.' #*' #3$(6"' member of the Cambridge community. According to one of his students, he sees himself as the protector of all of N#52&()+"9' Y"' &#&"!7' !"#6".' $%"' *"(+%borhood, and monitors the area using 6#&(,/.' 5"$#8%7.(3#!' ./&6"(!!#*3"' techniques set up in his home. The fence proclaims that his house is [P%"' L"(+%2,&%,,)' C"*$#+,*U' Dependable Operations.” He attends City Council meetings to weigh in on decisions, and has &"3"(6")' $%#*4' 7,/' !"$$"&.' -&,5' Cambridge mayors, city councilors, and city managers. :/$' 5/3%' ,- ' \#!"*$(*"<.' ;,&4' is his course. There are copies of the application on his front door, and on the handwritten forms, \#!"*$(*"'3#/$(,*.'$%#$'$%"&"'(.'[*,' guarantee of response.” Also, the class ),".*<$' 3,5"' 3%"#8U' #' abcc' (*6".$5"*$0' $%"&"'(.'$,'2"'*,'%#++!(*+',6"&'$%"'8&(3"9' D$' (.' $(5"E(*$"*.(6"0' ($' (.' )(-F3/!$0' #*)' ($' does not promise all the answers. Q(5'Y,22.0'#'-&""EX#>>'#!$,'.#B,8%,*(.$0';#.',*"',- 'C"$"&<.'.$/)"*$.9'Y"'/.")' $,';,&4'#$'#'3,87'.%,8'(*'Y#&6#&)'R=/#&"' ;%"&"'\#!"*$(*"';,/!)'5#4"'8%,$,3,8(".' of his brochures, handouts, and applications. Hobbs knew the unusual story of C"$"&<.'%,/."0'#*)'$%"7';,/!)'3%#$';%"*' Peter stopped in. Hobbs often plays gigs ;($%' %(.' 2#*).' P%"' :&,$%"&.' Y"!(,8,!(.' and Fully Celebrated, and occasionally,

Peter would go to hear them play. D*'dcce0'Y,22.'&"3"(6")'#'8#34#+"'#$' the music store where he works. It was a case containing a bright orange pocket $&/58"$9'Y,22.'%#)'*"6"&'.""*'#*7$%(*+' like it, and decided to bring it to his gig at the Lillypad that night, planning to mess around with the funny-looking horn on stage. As he was setting up for the show, C"$"&' \#!"*$(*"' 3#5"' (*$,' $%"' 6"*/"' dressed entirely in orange. [C"$"&';#!4.'&(+%$'/8'$,'5"'E'),".*<$' .""' $%(.' %,&*' #*7;%"&"0' ),".*<$' "6"*' 4*,;'D'%#6"'($'E'#*)'.#7.0'MD';#*$'$,'!"#&*' $&/58"$<0Z' Y,22.' &"3#!!.9' [A*)' D' .#()0' M@"!!0'D<!!'2"')#5*")9'Y#6"'$%(.',*"9<Z Y,22.' ."$' \#!"*$(*"' /8' ;($%' $%"' orange trumpet and a mouthpiece and +#6"' %(5' .,5"' !"..,*.' #$' $%"' .$,&"9' In exchange, Peter offered Hobbs his course. They began meeting once a week for about six months. The night Hobbs agreed to learn electromagnetic martial arts, he says that a large shooting star fell “like an exclamation mark in the sky” right behind Peter. Though Hobbs wanted to see these .$&#*+"' "6"*$.' #.' 8/&"!7' 3,(*3()"*$#!0' %"' 3,/!)'*,$'.%#4"'$%"'-""!(*+'$%#$'\#!"*$(*"' possessed a spiritual strength. “The way D' 6(";")' C"$"&' $%"*' ;#.' $%#$' %"' ;#.' $%"' F&.$' 8"&.,*' ;%,' "6"&' $&/!7' 2"+#*' $%"(&' ,;*' &"!(+(,*0Z' Y,22.' .#7.9' [Y"<.' 8/$' ;%#$' %"<.' !"#&*")' (*$,' %(.' ,;*' .,&$' of words and categories and explana$(,*.' #*)' $"3%*(=/".' #*)' &($/#!.9' D$<.' #!!' his own.” During their weekly meetings, Hobbs #*)' \#!"*$(*"' )(.3/..")' 2(+' 8%(!,.,8%(cal questions. They walked around the neighborhood and practiced heightening their senses to emotional tensions, which Hobbs says he could always feel once he tuned in to them. “We use so little of ;%#$';"<&"'3#8#2!"',- '(*'$%#$'&"+#&)0Z'%"' says. Though he started taking the class

“with a grain of salt,” Hobbs describes C"$"&<.' $"#3%(*+.' #.' 8,.."..(*+' #' &#;' $&/$%0'#.',88,.")'$,'&"!(+(,/.'$&/$%'$%#$<.' 2""*' 5/!!")' ,6"&' #*)' %#*)")' ),;*' -,&' centuries. He says that he still calls on some of the techniques Peter taught him ;%"*'%"'+"$.',6"&;%"!5")';($%'F*#*3(#!' 3,*3"&*.',&'8&,X"3$.',&'8"&.,*#!'3,*1(3$.9 “The amount of work he pours into [his course] is really what blows your 5(*)0Z'.#7.'Y,22.9'[^,&'5"0'$%#$<.';%#$' ."8#&#$".' %(5' -&,5' #' 4,,4' ;%,<.' X/.$' drunk on philosophy and is pretty easy to 3,5"'279'Y"<.'*,$'(*'#*7';#7'#!$"&")0'#*)' %"<.';,&4(*+'#$'($'#!!'"6"&7'."3,*)0'X/.$'$%"' way I would imagine a true, original, untainted-by-any-culture holy man would. Y"<.'X/.$'F*)(*+'($'#!!',/$'-,&'%(5."!-9Z \ # ! " * $ ( * " < .' students are not the only ones who are The amount of work he pours into curious about his unique philosophies. [his course] is really what blows In the summer of your mind. For me, that’s what dccf0' N#52&()+"' separates him from a kook who’s N,55/*($7'P"!"6(.(,*' just drunk on philosophy and gNNP\h' 3&"#$")' #' is pretty easy to come by. He’s short documentary not in any way altered, and he’s about the fence as working at it all every second, just part of Zip Docs, the way I would imagine a true, a media-mapping project by the station original, untainted-by-any-culture $,' 8&,F!"' !#*)5#&4.' holy man would. He’s just finding in Cambridge. “When it all out for himself,” – Jim Hobbs D'F&.$'.#;'g$%"'-"*3"h0' D' $%,/+%$' ($' ;#.' 6"&7' profound. [Peter] was talking about things on the fence that were food for thought, for the soul, the consciousness, "6"&7$%(*+0Z' .#7.' Y"#$%"&' V,!)5#*0' one of the students who worked on the documentary. “So for me, he represents someone who, in a way, is the subtle soul of the community.”

1 1

Peter Valentine refused to be interviewed for this article. Instead, he sent the writer this letter.

All Tied Up With string what the universe might be made of

Words by Megan Seabaugh Illustration by Emily Small


6"&7' @")*".)#7' #$' d' 89590' $%"' Cosman Seminar room at the Massachusetts Institute of P"3%*,!,+7' F!!.' $,' 3#8#3($79' Roughly forty people – from undergradu#$"'.$/)"*$.'(*'+&#8%(3'$"".'#*)'N,*6"&."' sneakers to gray-haired professors in button-down shirts and business shoes – +#$%"&'$,')(.3/..'$%"'/*(6"&."'#$'($.'5,.$' 2#.(3'#*)'-/*)#5"*$#!'!"6"!0'$%"'/!$(5#$"' nature of matter, space and time. These are ancient questions. What is it that pulls our feet to the ground and keeps the planets in their orbits? Where )()' $%"' /*(6"&."' 3,5"' -&,5i' @%#$' (.' ($' made of ? The answers feel as distant and "!/.(6"'#.'$%"'%,&(>,*W'7,/'3#*';#!4'5(!".' and miles for days on end, but the place ;%"&"'$%"'!#*)'#*)'.47'5""$';,*<$'2"',*"' inch closer. :/$'$%"&"<.'%,8"9'D*'$%"'8#.$'3"*$/&70' .3("*$(.$.' %#6"' 5#)"' $%"' &"6,!/$(,*#&7' 2&"#4$%&,/+%.' ,- ' +"*"&#!' &"!#$(6($7' #*)'

What is it that pulls our feet to the ground and keeps the planets in their orbits? Where did the universe come from? What is it made of? The answers feel as distant and elusive as the horizon; you can walk miles and miles for days on end, but the place where the land and sky meet won’t be one inch closer.

quantum mechanics, two theories that turned our ideas #2,/$' .8#3"0' $(5"0' #*)'+&#6($7',*'$%"(&' heads. Today, groups of physicists – !(4"' $%"' ,*".' ;%,' +#$%"&' #$' ?DP' "6"&7' Wednesday – are pushing the limits of %/5#*' 4*,;!")+"' "6"*' -/&$%"&0' $&7(*+' $,'/*&#6"!'$%"'."3&"$.',- '$%"'-/*)#5"*$#!' building blocks of matter by studying a ground-breaking new theory. “String theory, in some sense, is the 5,.$' &"6,!/$(,*#&7' 5#$%"5#$(3#!' #*)' 8%7.(3#!' 3,*.$&/3$' D<6"' "*3,/*$"&")' (*' my lifetime,” says renowned theoretical 8%7.(3(.$' R7!6".$"&' Q#5".' V#$".' Q&9' [P%"' F&.$' $(5"' D' +,$' #' hint that string theory ;#.'.,5"$%(*+'6"&70'6"&7'(*$"&".$(*+';#.' #&,/*)' jkfl' ,&' jkfb9Z' V#$".' "*3,/*tered a paper written by physicist Daniel Friedan that showed that if Einstein had *"6"&'!(6")0'27'/.(*+';%#$';"'*,;'&"3,+*(>"'#.'.$&(*+'$%",&7'#&+/5"*$.0';"'3,/!)' %#6"')"&(6")'O(*.$"(*<.'"=/#$(,*.9 V#$".'(.'#'8&,-"..,&'#$'$%"'_*(6"&.($7' of Maryland and a member of the C&".()"*$<.' N,/*3(!' ,- ' A)6(.,&.' ,*' Science and Technology. He is spending this year at MIT researching super.755"$&7' #$' $%"' D*.$($/$"<.' N"*$"&' -,&'

Theoretical Physics. Like many physicists, Gates is interested in string theory – the 3,*3"8$' $%#$' "6"&7$%(*+' (*' $%"' /*(6"&."0' #$' ($.' 5,.$' -/*)#5"*$#!' !"6"!0' (.' 5#)"' ,/$',- '$(*70'6(2&#$(*+'.$&(*+.9'P%"'.$&(*+.' 6(2&#$"' #$' )(--"&"*$' -&"=/"*3(".' #*)0' (*' the same way that different frequencies 8&,)/3"')(--"&"*$'*,$".',*'#'6(,!(*0'"#3%' of these frequencies represents a different fundamental particle: an up, down, $,80'2,$$,50'3%#&50',&'.$&#*+"'=/#&4W'#*' electron, muon, tau, electron-neutrino, 5/,*E*"/$&(*,0' ,&' $#/E*"/$&(*,W' ,&' #' +!/,*0'8%,$,*0'2,.,*0',&'+&#6($,*9 [D*' $%"' 3,*$"B$' ,- ' .$&(*+' $%",&70' "6erything comes from the string – it is the 5,.$'8&(5($(6"',2X"3$'$%#$'$%"&"'(.0Z'V#$".' says. Still, scientists debate whether string theory is testable. It poses a big problem: the particles it deals with are so small that 8%7.(3(.$.'%#6"'*,$'-,/*)'#';#7'$,'8&,6"' their existence experimentally. “A lot of people think that since ($<.' .,' /*8&,6"*0' ($' &"#!!7' %#.' *,' 5"&($0Z' .#7.'\!#)'G,*$."6,(0'#'5#$%"5#$(3.'#*)' physics student at MIT. “The thing about experimenting with string theory is that the scale is really so small that our current &"."#&3%'3#*<$'8"*"$&#$"'$%#$'.3#!"9Z :/$';"'*"")'.$&(*+'$%",&79'@($%,/$'($0' two principle branches of physics, general &"!#$(6($7' #*)' =/#*$/5' 5"3%#*(3.0' 3!#.%9' V"*"&#!' &"!#$(6($70' #' $%",&7' 8&,8,.")' 27' A!2"&$' O(*.$"(*' (*' jkje0' &"6,!/$(,*(>")' 8%7.(3(.$.<' 3,*3"8$' ,- ' +&#6($79' D.##3' L";$,*'%#)0'5,&"'$%#*'$;,'3"*$/&(".'2"-,&"'O(*.$"(*0',/$!(*")'$%"'!#;.',- '+&#6($7' #*)' /*(F")' $%"' -,&3"' $%#$' %,!).' ,2X"3$.' to the ground on earth with the force

that keeps the planets in orbit around the ./*'(*'.8#3"9':/$'L";$,*'3,/!)*<$'3,5"' up with any explanation for why or how +&#6($7' ;,&4")9' O(*.$"(*' )"5,*.$&#$")' that matter itself causes a warping of .8#3"' #*)' $(5"0' #*)' +&#6($7' (.' $%"' 5#*(festation of that warping. That is, the planets orbit around the sun because they #&"'-,!!,;(*+'$%"'3/&6"'(*'.8#3"E$(5"'3&"#$")'27'$%"'./*<.'"*,&5,/.'5#..9'V"*"&#!' &"!#$(6($7'(.'$%"'$%",&7'$%#$'8%7.(3(.$.'/."' ;%"*' $%"7' #&"' .$/)7(*+' $%"' 2"%#6(,&' ,- ' large bodies with a large amount of mass. Quantum mechanics, on the other hand, is the physics of the incredibly tiny H'$%"'/*(6"&."',*'#'5(3&,.3,8(3'.3#!"9'A$' $%(.' ./2#$,5(3' !"6"!0' $%"' *#$/&"' ,- ' $%"' /*(6"&."' (.' &"6"#!")' $,' 2"' -#&' .$&#*+"&' $%#*' ;"' "6"&' 3,/!)' %#6"' (5#+(*")9' D*' almost direct opposition to the constancy #*)'8&")(3$#2(!($7';"'.""'(*',/&'"6"&7)#7' world, the world of atoms in quantum mechanics is utterly unpredictable: the location of electrons is uncertain and /*6"&(F#2!"0' #*)' ;"' 3#*' ,*!7' +/"..' $%"' probability that an electron will be at any one location. The fabric of space itself (.' $/&2/!"*$' #*)' "6"&E3%#*+(*+0' 3&"#$(*+' 5#$$"&',*!7'$,'%#6"'($'#**(%(!#$"'($."!- '(*' an instant. :/$'$%"."'$;,'$%",&(".'#!,*"'3#*<$'"B8!#(*' $%"' /*(6"&."W' .,5"$(5".' 8%7.(3(.$.'

need to combine the laws dictated by both of the theories in order to understand its nature. Take a black hole, for example – a huge amount of matter, something you *"")' +"*"&#!' &"!#$(6($7' $,' /*)"&.$#*)0' compressed into the smallest of spaces, which requires quantum mechanics. R$&(*+'$%",&70'F&.$'8&,8,.")'(*'$%"'!#$"' jkmc.0'(.'$%"'2".$'3#*)()#$"'.3("*$(.$.'%#6"' found so far to unite the two theories. Y"*&("$$"'O!6#*+0'#*'#..(.$#*$'8&,-"..,&' (*' $%"' F"!)' ,- ' $%",&"$(3#!' 8%7.(3.' #$' $%"'_*(6"&.($7',- '?(3%(+#*0'.$/)(".'.$&(*+' $%",&7' #*)' %#.' .8,4"*' #$' ?DP<.' .$&(*+' $%",&7' ."5(*#&9' [R$&(*+' $%",&7' /*(F".'

1 5

concepts of what we see, what we know (.' $&/"0Z' .#7.' O!6#*+9' [:"3#/."' ,- ' $%#$0' the theory intrinsically has a lot of scien$(F3'3&")(2(!($79Z' R%"' #&+/".' $%#$' .$&(*+' $%",&7<.' #2(!($7' $,' /*(-7' +"*"&#!' &"!#$(6($7' #*)' =/#*$/5' mechanics – two theories that have been .3("*$(F3#!!7' 8&,6"*' ;($%' "*,&5,/.' #5,/*$.' ,- ' "6()"*3"' H' (.' #' 3,58"!!(*+' &"#.,*'$,'2"!("6"'$%#$'($<.'&(+%$9 ;"&"'+,(*+'$,'%#6"'$,'3,5"',/$'#*)'8"&If string theory is'8&,6"*0'($';(!!'.%#$$"&' form. In string theory, it turns out, if you many of our commonly accepted notions 2/(!)'#'.$#+"0'$%"'#3$,&.'%#6"'$,'2"'$%"&"9Z of the nature of The stage is space and time. 6#.$' H' $%"' 5#$%“In the conematics of string text of string theory require the The fabric of space itself theory, space and "B(.$"*3"',- '"!"6is turbulent and evertime are actually en dimensions in changing, creating matter constructed from order to function: only to have it annihilate the strings, not ten dimensions itself in an instant. 6(3"' 6"&.#0Z' .#7.' of space plus the Gates. “Prior dimension of to string theory, time, rather than space and time the mere three ;"&"' ."8#&#$"9' P%"&"' ;#.' *,' ,26(,/.' spatial dimensions (plus time) that we relationship between the two. Space and "B8"&("*3"' "6"&7' )#79' P%"."' )(5"*.(,*.' time were kind of a stage. The quarks and #&"'3/&!")'/8';($%(*'$%"')(5"*.(,*.';"<&"' electrons and all those things were kind -#5(!(#&' ;($%0' .,' .5#!!' $%#$' ;"' 3#*<$' of actors roaming around on the stage. 8"&3"(6"'$%"59' :/$'$%"&"';#.'*,$%(*+'(*',/&'5#$%"5#$(3.' [P%(.' 4(*)' ,- ' .3("*3"0' (- ' ($<.' ),*"' that said if you built the stage, the actors correctly, has the potential for creating

processes that the people who actually ),'$%"'5#$%"5#$(3#!'8%7.(3.'%#6"'*,';#7' of dreaming about,” says Gates. In other words, the scientists studying string the,&7'#&"*<$'./&"';%#$'$%"7<!!'/."'($'-,&'7"$9 The theory is certainly drawing the attention of a lot of incoming math and physics students who are eager to learn #*)'5#4"'#)6#*3".'(*'$%"'F"!)9

Saving the Cat You Love (for Later) Words by Paul Ryan Photography by Elena Tarchi


%"*' D' F&.$' !"#&*")' ($' ;#.' 8,.- Cryonics Institute of Clinton Township, .(2!"' $,' 3&7,*(3#!!7' -&"">"' 57' ?D0';($%'"*,/+%'-,&".(+%$'$,'%#6"'.$#&$")' cat for future generations to 8&"."&6(*+'8"$.9'P%"7'%#6"',6"&'pc'8"$.' enjoy, I knew it was a good #!,*+.()"'jcj'8",8!"'#!&"#)7'./25"&+")' ()"#9'R3("*3"'%#.'"*%#*3")'5,)"&*'!(6(*+' in liquid nitrogen, and my bet is that if (*' 5#*7' ;#7.' ]' -&,5' 8&"."&6#$(6".' (*' anything can be brought back from the feline-shaped crackers to hypoallergenic 5(*/.' ldc9f' )"+&""' ^#%&"*%"($' $#*4.' cat breeds — but perhaps the most im- $%"7<&"'2"(*+'4"8$'(*0'($';(!!'8&,2#2!7'%#6"' 8,&$#*$' #)6#*3"' %#.' 2""*' $%"' ,8$(,*' $,' fur. -&"">"'57'3#$'-,&'-/$/&"'+"*"&#$(,*.9 N#8$#(*' :#&$' (.*<$' X/.$' #*' ,&)(*#&7' Death of a hero: A likely scenario. shelter cat. Once he got lost in the baseY"&"<.'%,;'($'3,/!)'%#88"*U';"';#4"'/8' ment and nobody knew where he was. -&,5' #' *#8' $,' F*)' $%#$' 3&(5(*#!.' #&"' #$Y"'./&6(6")'-,&',6"&'$;"*$7'5(*/$".',*' tacking. Unarmed, I use my bare-handed 2/+.'#*)'3,2;"2.9'Y(.'%#(&'(.'3!#..(F")'#.' F+%$(*+'#2(!($7'$,'=/(34!7')"2(!($#$"'F6"',- ' medium-long. One time he ate a leaf. He $%"'(*$&/)"&.9'N#8$9':#&$'/*!"#.%".'%(.'-"&#!' has only one eye, &#+"0' ."6"&"!7' 7"$'%"'%#.'."6"*' scratching the distinct and oblegs of two Science has enhanced modnoxious meows. more. Another ern living in many ways — from If something enemy rappels preservatives in feline-shaped were to happen through our crackers to hypoallergenic cat to this cat it third-story breeds — but perhaps the would be a great ;(*),;9' Y"<.' most important advance has loss — not only shooting wildly, been the option to freeze my for me, but for #*)' :#&$' /.".' humanity. So cat for future generations. %(.'3#$'&"1"B".' it is with the to throw himutmost earnestself in front of ness that I take a bullet with on the burden my name on it. I quickly super-punch the ,- 'F*)(*+'#';#7'$,'.#6"':#&$'n-,&'!#$"&o9 6(!!#(*' 2#34' ,/$' $%"' ;(*),;0' 2/$' ($<.' $,,' !#$"'$,'.#6"'$%"'2&#6"'N#8$#(*9 The magic behind the science (or vice The most important thing is to start versa). lowering his body temperature immeN&7,*(3' 8&"."&6#$(,*' (.' !,;"&(*+' $%"' )(#$"!70' ()"#!!7' ;($%(*' $%"' F&.$' %,/&' ,- ' 2,)7' $"58"&#$/&"' ,- ' #' ,*3"E!(6(*+' ,&- death. Keeping him cold reduces damage +#*(.5'$,'./2-&"">(*+'$"58"&#$/&".'#*)' from ischemia, which is the restriction of .$,&(*+' ($' (*' !(=/()' *($&,+"*0' 8&"."&6(*+' 2!,,)'./88!7'$,'6($#!',&+#*.9'P%(.'3#/.".' it in a state so cold that decomposition organs to swell, which is bad for Capt. 6(&$/#!!7'3"#.".9'P%"*'X/.$'3%(!!#B(*+'/*$(!' :#&$'2"3#/."'.;"!!(*+',- '$%"'2&#(*'!"#).' .3("*$(.$.' F*)' #' ;#7' $,' $%#;' $%"' ,&+#*- $,' 2&#(*' )#5#+"9' N#8$9' :#&$0' %,;"6"&0' (.5' ,/$9' P%"&"' %#6"' 2""*' *,' ./33"..-/!' 5#7' %#6"' #' 2($' !,*+"&' $%#*' ,$%"&' 3#$.' &"6(6#!.' E' 7"$9' A*)' ;%(!"' 5,.$' 3&7,*(3.' before his brain becomes too big for his -#3(!($(".' 8&(,&($(>"' $%"' 8&"."&6#$(,*' ,- ' .4/!!9' L,*"$%"!"..0' "6"&7' 2($' ,- ' )#5#+"' humans, there is one US facility, The !,;"&.' %(.' 3%#*3".' ,- ' 2"(*+' &"6(6")0' .,' Paul Ryan and Captain Bart

glycerol-based chemical cryoprotectant, The cryo8&,$"3$#*$<.' 8/&8,."' (.' $,' extract as much water as possible from the cells, so that his temperature can 2"' !,;"&")' 2"!,;' -&"">ing with minimal damage. D*.$"#)' ,- ' -&"">(*+0' :#&$' The cat I love is about 70% water. I ;(!!' 6($&(-70' ;%(3%' (.' 5,&"' !(4"' 2"(*+' 8&"."&6")' (*' #' would like to lower that percentage. A.()"'-&,5')"#$%0'$%"'3&7.$#!!(>#$(,*',- ' sheet of clear glass than a ;#$"&'(*'$%"'2,)7'#.'($'-&"">".'(.'$%"'!#&+- frosty cat-shaped ice cube. After his blood is ".$' ,2.$#3!"' $,' ,6"&3,5"' (*' 3&7,8&"."&6#$(,*9' ' A.' $%"' $"58"&#$/&"' )&,8.' $%"' &"5,6")0' :#&$' ;(!!' 2"' packed in dry ice until tiny amount of water inside each %"' &"#3%".' 5(*/.' dcd' ,- ' :#&$<.' 3#$' 3"!!.' degrees Fahrenheit. Then ;(!!' -&"">"9' @%"*' his body will be placed A common mistake is to put it becomes ice and in liquid nitrogen while a dead cat into the freezer. expands, the cell being acoustically monitored for ice Though it seems logical, membranes will 3&7.$#!!(>#$(,*' ;%(!"' %(.' 2,)7' $"58' nothing could be worse for rupture and cause continues to decrease. If ice begins to a dead little hero. potentially irre- form, the Cryonics technicians will hear 6"&.(2!"' )#5#+"9' it and stop the process. With expert This expansion, as monitoring and a little luck, his brain well as damaging .%,/!)*<$' .%#$$"&' (*$,' #' $%,/.#*)' 8("3".' cell walls, can lead to cracking, which is from water expansion. not a technical term. It just means that his organs and body will snap and break What about all the red tape? - or - It’s into icy pieces, which is also considered cool. He’s just a cat. D- ' :#&$' ;"&"' #' 8"&.,*0' %"<)' *"")' #' a bad thing. P,'8&"6"*$'(3"'-&,5'-,&5(*+0'#-$"&':#&$' medical examiner or a doctor to legally (.' 4(!!")0' D<!!' (*X"3$' %(5' ;($%' #*' #*$(3,- declare him dead before transporting #+/!#*$0'!(4"'%"8#&(*0'$,'8&"6"*$'%(.'2!,,)' him to the CI in Michigan. And with -&,5' .,!()(-7(*+9' P%"*' D<!!' #)5(*(.$"&' the wild gunplay and incredibly powerful by-the-book cat CPR, to circulate the 8/*3%(*+'(*6,!6")'(*'%(.')"#$%0'$%"'8,!(3"' drug through his entire body: breath- would also want to see the body before (*+',*3"'(*$,'%(.'*,."'n;%(!"'!"#6(*+'%(.' ($' 3,/!)' 2"' 5,6")9' :/$' :#&$' (.' *,$' #' open mouth unobstructed), followed by person, so I can wrap him in his burial ten quick chest compressions about two 1#+'(55")(#$"!79 :#&$' ;(!!' $%"*' 2"' 8!#3")' (*' #' 8(3*(3E inches behind his cat elbow. The anticoagulant prepares his 2#.4"$E.(>")'3,,!"&';($%'#$'!"#.$',*"E#*)E blood for a washout, which is when #E%#!- ' $(5".' %(.' ;"(+%$' (*' >(8E!,34' 2#+.' $%"' N&7,*(3.' D*.$($/$"' ;(!!' &"5,6"' %(.' of ice cubes and mailed to the Cryonics 2!,,)9' P%"7<!!' $%"*' &"8!#3"' ($' ;($%' #' Institute in Michigan. The cooler will be D<)' .#7' #' 3,*3(."' -#&";"!!0' 2/$' *,$' +,,)bye, and toss him in the fridge. A common mistake is to put a dead 3#$' (*$,' $%"' -&"">"&9' P%,/+%' ($' .""5.' logical, nothing could be worse for a dead !($$!"'%"&,9'R(58!7'-&"">(*+'#'3#$'3#*'3#/."' )#5#+"',*'#'3"!!/!#&'!"6"!0'.,'N#8$9':#&$' ;(!!'%#6"'$,'2"'8&"88")'2"-,&"'.%,;$(5"9

sealed and labeled “biological specimen 8#34")' (*' (3"0Z' ;%(3%' ($' (.9' D<!!' 8&,2#2!7' also call ahead. Otherwise I run the risk ,- ' %#6(*+' N#8$9' :#&$' &"$/&*")0' ;%(3%' (.' embarrassing. Why doesn’t everyone do this? Though its mostly certain to work, there are still some criticisms of cryonics. :#&$<.' &"6(6#!' )"8"*).' ,*' %78,$%"$(3#!' #)6#*3".' (*' $"3%*,!,+79' R,' -#&' *,' 3#$.' %#6"'2""*'&"6(6")'#-$"&'2"(*+'6($&(F")'(*' !(=/()' *($&,+"*9' :/$' $%"*0' *,' 3#$.' %#6"' not not been resuscitated in the future "($%"&9' C"&-/.(,*' %#.*<$' 2""*' 8"&-"3$")0' and tiny bits of ice can still damage 3"!!.9'A*)'.,'-#&0'$%"&"<.'*,';#7'$,'&"8#(&' 3#$.' ,*' #' 3"!!/!#&' !"6"!9' D$<.' #!.,' ;,&$%' 5"*$(,*(*+' $%#$' $%"&"<.' *,' +/#&#*$""' %"';,*<$'3,5"'2#34'%#/*$")']'$%,/+%' experts agree this is unlikely. Still, for N#8$9':#&$'$%"'&(.4.'5#7'2"';,&$%'($0'-,&' %(.'8&"."&6#$(,*'3,/!)'8&,6()"'5,)"&#$"' happiness to the children of tomorrow, ;%,',$%"&;(."'5(+%$',*!7'%#6"'$%"'3,!)0' calculated affection of space cats.

1 9

Walden Pondering

Words by Kelly Smith Photography by Sarah Jacobs


“The best part is when you see the murk of the bottom and you look up and you can’t see the surface—it’s all a blur. All you can see is blue with these rays coming around like you’re in this magical cathedral of light.”

alden Pond, roughly a 2&"#$%E%,!)' )(6(*+9' D$<.' #' $&#)($(,*' $%#$' half-mile in diameter, has a 3#*<$' 2"' #$$&(2/$")' $,' #' .(*+/!#&' 8"&.,*' self-contained feel to it, like ,&'$(5"',- ',&(+(*]$%"'3&";'),".*<$'%,!)' the inside of a snow globe. ,-F3(#!' 5""$(*+.' #*)' $%"&"' (.' *,' 5"5A rowboat bobs at its center and the 2"&.%(8' -""9' @#!)"*0' -,&' $%"' )(6"&.' #*)' .5"!!' ,- ' )"3#7(*+' !"#6".' .(+*#!.' $&#*.(- their families, is something of a transcention. There is a smattering of trees along )"*$#!' "B8"&("*3"W' #' ."52!#*3"' ,- ' ;%#$' its edge with a thin strip of “beach” too Thoreau recorded during his residence small for walking. there. Three men in particular, Frank ^&#*4'^,&5(3#0'bk0'%#*+.'%(.'1(88"&.' (*3!/)")0'.;(5'@#!)"*<.';#$"&.';"!!'(*$,' ,6"&'$%"'-"*3"'#*)'.$&"$3%".0'#&5.'.;(*+- L,6"52"&9 ing side to side. Frank taught his children [D$<.' *,$' /*3,55,*' $,' .""' %#!- ' #' $,' .;(5' #$' @#!)"*' C,*)9' O6"&7)#7' %"' ),>"*' 8",8!"' .;(55(*+' (*' $%"(&' /*)"&5#4".'$%"'$&(8'-&,5'L";'Y#58.%(&"'$,' wear or less,” John Small, another latehop in for a swim, go for a jog, or to set ."#.,*' )(6"&0' .#7.9' Y"' %#.' X/.$' #&&(6")' up a lounge chair by the water. He says ;($%'K#*("!'N%&(.$(#*.,*0',&'[K(6"&'K#*9Z' Walden has kept him sane, has kept him Q,%*'+!#*3".',/$',6"&'$%"';#$"&0'$%"'./*' #!(6"9 making his eyes a pair of squished grapes. [^,&' 5"' ($<.' $%"' %"#!(*+' "B8"&("*3"' D' [@"<&"' $%"' 3,!,&-/!0' !,3#!' -,!4' $%"7' $#!4' get from this place,” Frank says, “A lot of about in the brochures,” John says. people feel that way.” John lumbers down the narrow path P%"'@#!)"*'C,*)'`"."&6#$(,*'(.'bmd' $,'$%"';#$"&<.'"*$&#*3"9'[L,$'#'3!,/)'(*' acres of open space that attracts up to $%"'.47JZ'%"'.#7.9'Y"'!,,4.'5,&"'!(4"'#'1,mcc0ccc'8",8!"'"#3%'7"#&9':/$'#;#7'-&,5' $#$(,*')"6(3"'$%#*'#')(6"&'(*'%(.'Y#;#((#*' the tourists and the replica of Henry .;(5' $&/*4.' #*)' 8&(*$")' PE.%(&$9' :/$' K#6()' P%,&"#/<.' 3#2(*' *"#&' $%"' 8#&4(*+' when his eyes make their way to the water, lot, Frank is part of a culture of not-so- he says he feels whole, like he is a part of %())"*0'&,;)70'-&""E)(6(*+E!,3#!.9 something bigger than himself. P%"' +&,/8' 5""$.' *"#&!7' "6"&7' )#7' Frank touches his toes, stretches his from May to late September to practice tanned legs. He says coming to Walden deep-water snorkeling, also known as /.")'$,'2"'#'-#5(!7'"6"*$0'3,58!"$"';($%'

2 1

Each dive is a series of spiraling moments— the shock to your system is a reminder that you’re still human.

potlucks and picnics. He used to run for miles with his son, Adam, around the 8,*)<.',/$"&'")+".9 “And then I got this dang cancer,” he says. “I was stitched from here,” he motions from his chest to his lower abdomen, “to here.” Frank has had cancer three times. [D' !,.$' #!!' ,- ' $%(.' 5/.3!"' .,' D<5' !(4"' )7(*<';%"*'D<5',/$'$%"&"9'D$<.'+,**#'$#4"' me time to build the muscle back up,” he says. ^&#*4'#*)'Q,%*'F&.$'5"$'jf'7"#&.'#+,9' John would come with a mask and snorkel and start at one end of the pond and )(6"'jc'$,'dc'-""$'),;*0';,&4(*+'%(.';#7' to the other for the sake of exploration. Y(.'5,.$'&"3"*$'F*)U'#'.8"3(".',- '.8,*+"' ,6"&'ecc'5(!!(,*'7"#&.',!)9 A few early birds kick by leisurely in wet suits and swim caps, making sounds like a babbling brook. John dips his toe in ;($%'#*'"B#++"&#$")'.%(6"&9

P%"'3,!)';#$"&'),".*<$'2,$%"&'^&#*49' If anything the sensation—or lack there of—reminds him of his mortality. [@"<!!'.$(!!'2"'.;(55(*+'(*'L,6"52"&] P%#*4.+(6(*+' (.' 57' &"3,&)0Z' ^&#*4' .#7.0' stripping down to a pair of black swim $&/*4.9'P%"'+&,/8',-$"*',&+#*(>".'8,!#&' 2"#&'.;(5.',*'L";'I"#&<.'K#79'N!,."&'$,' $%"'")+"0'^&#*4'.!(*+.',*'%(.'1(88"&.'#*)' "*$"&.'$%"';#$"&'.!,;!79''[D$<.'7,/&'2,)7' 2#.(3#!!7' .#7(*+' (- ' 7,/' ),*<$' +"$' ,/$' ,- ' this water, in a certain amount of time, ($<.' +,**#' 4(!!' 7,/0Z' %"' .#7.9' Y"' 8/.%".' ,-- ' ,- ' $%"' 8,*)<.' 5/&47' 2,$$,5' #*)' +(6".' #' .(!"*$' ;#6"9' Y"' (.' (*' #' >,*"0' %(.' ritual. [D$<.'!(4"'#'*#&3,$(30Z'K#*'3,*$(*/".'#.' ^&#*4' 1,#$.'#;#79' [I,/' ),*<$' $%(*4](*' -#3$0'7,/'3#*<$'$%(*49'A!!'$%,."'$&,/2!(*+' thoughts, they kind of go away.” The ;#$"&' &"6($#!(>".' .;(55"&.0' K#*' .#7.9' O#3%' )(6"' (.' #' ."&(".' ,- ' .8(&#!(*+' 5,ments—the shock to your system is a

&"5(*)"&' $%#$' 7,/<&"' .$(!!' %/5#*9' P%"' epE7"#&E,!)' %#.' 2""*' 3,5(*+' $,' @#!)"*' -,&' F6"' 7"#&.0' 3%&,*(3!(*+' %(.' )(6".';($%' #*'/*)"&;#$"&'3#5"&#9''K#*<.'&"3,&)')".3"*$'(.'pc'-""$9 One year in particular, Dan made it a 8,(*$'$,'3,5"'"6"&7)#7'$,'$&#3"'$%"'373!"' of seasons as Thoreau does in Walden. “I wanted to experience what Thoreau ex8"&("*3")]%,;' D' -"!$' /*)"&' $%"' !"#6".0' the snow the ice, I watched the whole cycle.” John shakes his head with a chuckle in &".8,*."'$,'K#*<.'3,**"3$(,*'$,'P%,&"#/9' [D<5' *,$' #.' 8%(!,.,8%(3#!0Z' %"' .#7.9' [D' think, back in his day, people just looked #$'gP%,&"#/h'#*)'.#()0'M:,70'%"<.'#'4,,49<Z

%,5"'27'mUlc0'%(.';(-"';,*)"&.';%"&"'%"' (.9'Y(.'.,*0'*,;'djE7"#&.E,!)0';,*<$'3,5"' ,/$'$,'$%"'8,*)]%"'),".*<$'%#6"'$(5"9 [D'./&"';(.%'$%"7<)'3,5"0Z'%"'.#7.9 ^&#*4'#*)'%(.'1(88"&.'#&"'*,;'#'.8"34' (*' $%"' )(.$#*3"9' O6"&7' -";' 5(*/$".0' %"' stops to tread water for a moment—to catch his breath. The steady rhythm of his kick, the repetition of cupped hands "*$"&(*+' ;#$"&' 5#4".' @#!)"*<.' T3$,2"&' chill comfortable. [Y"<.' *,$' ;,&&(")' #2,/$' $%"' 3,!)0Z' Q,%*' .#7.9' ZY"' ./&6(6")' 3#*3"&]%"<.' !/347'$,'2"'#!(6"9Z For the three men, it might be the 3%#!!"*+"' ,- ' )(.3,6"&(*+' *";' .8"3(".' $,' document, of pushing their bodies to the limit, that keeps them coming. Dan says Q,%*' 3,5".' $,' @#!)"*' #!5,.$' "6"&7' $%(.')&(6"'(.'-,/*)")'(*'-"#&',- '$%"'[2!#34' night during the summer, usually alone. #27..9Z' ' [P%"&"<.' .,5"$%(*+' #' !($$!"' 2($' [?7' ;(-"' ),".*<$' 5/3%' !(4"' .;(55(*+0Z' scary about that until you cure that fear.” he says. “She always jokes about this Dan says. “I wanted to see what was 8!#3"' 2"(*+' 57' 5(.$&"..9Z' D- ' %"<.' *,$' down there. The more I did it the more I

conquered the fear of that darkness.” T-$"*0' K#*' .%,,$.' F!5' -&,5' $%"' bottom of the pond up. To get the best footage he ascends in a spiraling motion. “The best part is when you see the murk of the bottom and you look up and you 3#*<$' .""' $%"' ./&-#3"]($<.' #!!' #' 2!/&9' A!!' you can see is blue with these rays coming #&,/*)' !(4"' 7,/<&"' (*' $%(.' 5#+(3#!' 3#$%"dral of light.” Walden is his church. A'.8!#.%9'A'8#(&',- '1(88"&.9 :,$%' ^&#*4' #*)' Q,%*' #&"' 2#34' -&,5' $%"(&' "B3/&.(,*.0' Q,%*' ;($%' $;,' 3&#7F.%' (*' %#*)9' Y"<.' .$(!!' +,$' %(.' .*,&4"!' (*' %(.' mouth and his account of the trip is 5/-1")9' D*' #' !"-$,6"&' \("$*#5"."' -,,)' 3,*$#(*"&0' $%&""' $(*7' X"!!7F.%' 1,#$' !(4"' gossamer blobs. He says that today, from the bottom, it looks like a Hubble telescope photo of deep space. Dan nods enthusiastically as he

There were just jellyfish everywhere as I was coming up. It looked like little galaxies— globular, fuzzy galaxies all around me.

&"5(*(.3".'#2,/$'#')(6"'%"'%#)'$%"';""4' before: [P%"&"' ;"&"' X/.$' X"!!7F.%' "6"&7;%"&"' as I was coming up,” he says, his hands ,/$.$&"$3%")' #.' $%,/+%' $%"' .8#3"' #2,6"' %(.' %"#)' ;"&"' #' 3#*6#.9' [D$' !,,4")' !(4"' !($$!"' +#!#B(".]+!,2/!#&0' -/>>7' +#!#B(".' #!!' #&,/*)' 5"9Z' Y"' 8#/.".' #*)' >(8.' %(.' 1""3"9 :#34' 27' $%"' -"*3"0' ^&#*4' $,;"!.' ,-- ' #*)' F*).' #' *(3"' .8,$' (*' $%"' ./*9' Y"' &"3!(*".0' %(.' 8#!5.' .8!#7")' !(4"' !"#6".' ,*' dirt. He sighs once and smiles. “If it ;"&"*<$'-,&'$%(.'8!#3"'D'),*<$'4*,;';%#$' I would do.”

2 3

Shedding Light on the Last Shangri La Words by Alexander Kaufman Photography by Zoe Harris


lutching his application to resettle in the United States, Thakur Prasad Mishra hesitated at the ),,&' ,- ' $%"' _L' F"!)' ,-F3"' (*' .,/$%"#.$"&*'L"8#!9 P%"' F+%$' $,' /*3"*.,&' :%/$#*<.' media had left Mishra - founder of the F&.$'*";.8#8"&')")(3#$")'$,'$%"'jcf0ccc' )(.8!#3")' S%,$.%#58#.0' L"8#!(E.8"#4"&.' -&,5':%/$#*'E'$,&*'2"$;""*'%(.'+&,;(*+' #/)("*3"' ,- ' &"-/+"".' (*' L"8#!' #*)' $%"' security and opportunity for a normal life (*'$%"'_*($")'R$#$".9':/$';($%'3,55/*(.$' 5(!($(#.'-&#3$/&(*+'3(6(!($7'(*'$%"'&"-/+"".<' 3,55/*($70'%"'&"#!(>")'&"."$$!"5"*$';#.' his only option. A*)0'"6"*'(- 'A5"&(3#<.'.$&""$.';"&"*<$' 8#6")'(*'+,!)0'#$'!"#.$'$%"7';"&"*<$'!(*")' with trash and untethered animals. At !"#.$'$%"'*"(+%2,&.'(*'L";'I,&4'3,/!)*<$' see through the walls. At least resettle5"*$' ;,/!)' #!!,;' $%"' &"-/+"".' $,' !"#6"' their life in limbo between the kingdom that kicked them out and the country that kept them in squalor. For 19 years, rain had showered down through the holes in the cheap plastic &,,F*+' ,- ' $%"(&' 5#4".%(-$' .%#34' (*' $%"' camp. Sweltering summer sun baked the (*.()"' ,- ' $%"' 1(5.7' .$&/3$/&"9' P,' 5#4"' matters worse, the closest neighbors and

all of their garbage, animals, family talks, #*)')(."#."E.8&"#)(*+'3,/+%.'!(6")'(*3%".' away in identically constructed huts. C&(6#370'?(.%&#'.#7.0')()'*,$'"B(.$9 [D' -""!' !(4"' D' !(6")' (*' ./3%' #' %,/."' where a normal human being would *"6"&' !(6"0Z' %"' .#7.' ,- ' $%"' &#5.%#34!"' .%"!$"&'%"'!(6")'(*'-,&'*"#&!7'$;,')"3#)".9' “It was horrible. It was so horrible.” L".$!")'%(+%'(*'$%"'Y(5#!#7#.'2"$;""*' D*)(#' #*)' N%(*#0' :%/$#*' (.' #' 3/!$/&#!' $(5"'3#8./!"9'O6"*'(*'($.'3($(".0':/))%(.$' prayer bells ring louder than car horns. :/.(*"..8",8!"' %#6"' 7"$' $,' $&#)"' $%"(&' traditional, orange-and-red-hued robes -,&'+&#7'./($.'#*)'$(".9'P\.'.$#7'$/*")'$,' state-sponsored news stations. Rural folks .$(!!'$&#6"!'27',B9'D*'#*'"--,&$'$,'8&"."&6"' their unique, seemingly peaceful society, &/!"&.' %#6"' 3%"&&7E8(34")' *"#&!7' "6"&7' #.8"3$' ,- ' :%/$#*"."' !(-"0' (*3!/)(*+' ;%,' +"$.'$,'!(6"'(*'$%"'[K&#+,*'G(*+),59Z P%#$<.';%70'(*'jkkc0'#/$%,&($(".'#&&".$")0'$,&$/&")'#*)'-,&3")'?(.%&#<.'-#$%"&'$,' .(+*'#'3,*$&#3$'8&,5(.(*+'$,'!"#6"':%/$#*' when Mishra was just six years old. As L"8#!(E.8"#4(*+' Y(*)/.0' $%"' ?(.%&#.' .(58!7')()*<$'F$'$%"'5,!)9' L,;0'dpE7"#&E,!)'?(.%&#0'#'X,/&*#!(.$' #*)' -&""' 8&"..' #)6,3#$"0' &/*.' $%"' 5/!$(5")(#' :%/$#*' L";.' R"&6(3"' -&,5' %(.'

*";'%,5"'(*'L,&$%'N#&,!(*#9 :#34' (*' T3$,2"&' dccb0' ?(.%&#0' ;%,' %#)' "*&,!!")' (*' *"#&27' G#$5#*)/<.' College of Journalism and Mass N,55/*(3#$(,*';($%'%(.'2&,$%"&<.'F*#*cial backing, started publishing The Bhutan Reporter, an English-language newspaper distributed throughout the camps once a month. Thousands of refugees knew his *#5"9' :"*"#$%' %(.' 27!(*".' $%"7' !"#&*")' ;%"$%"&'$%"'_L';,/!)'3,*$(*/"'$,'8&,6()"' $%"5' #()0' ;%"*' $%"' _*($")' R$#$".' would resettle applicants trickling into $%"'(*$"&*#$(,*#!'#()',-F3".0'#*)'(- '$%"(&' homeland would consider letting them return. “The goal was to keep the refugee community informed about what was going on,” he says. :/$'8/2!(.%(*+' (*' O*+!(.%' !(5($")'%(.' #/)("*3"'$,'$%"'jc0ccc',&'.,'&"-/+"".'!($"&#$"'(*'$%"'!#*+/#+"9'R,0'(*'dccm0'?(.%&#' booked time in a Katmandu radio station, ;%"&"' %"' 2&,#)3#.$' #' L"8#!(E!#*+/#+"' program into the camps. “Radio was really the best medium to reach most people,” he says. “People were like, ‘Hey, this is in our language, I /*)"&.$#*)'$%(.9<Z When word came from Washington

that the US Buddhist prayer bells ring louder than + , 6 " & * 5 " * $' car horns. Businesspeople have yet to would take trade their traditional, orange-and-red(*' mc0ccc' hued robes for gray suits and ties. TVs Lhotshampas, stay tuned to state-sponsored news Mishra was skeptical. stations. Rural folks still travel by ox. He says he In an effort to preserve their unique, dreamed of seemingly peaceful society, rulers have returning to cherry-picked nearly every aspect of :%/$#*' #*)' Bhutanese life, including who gets to injecting the live in the “Dragon Kingdom.” 3,/*$&7<.' *";.' outlets with the editorial independence necessary to form a healthy democracy. :/$'$%"'+,6"&*5"*$'&"-/.")'$,'+&#*$'%(5' 3($(>"*.%(80' #*)' %"<)' #!&"#)7' .8"*$' 5,.$' ,- ' %(.' !(-"' !#*+/(.%(*+' (*' $%"' L"8#!"."' camps. Something had to change, he thought. ?(.%&#'2"+#*'#)6,3#$(*+'-,&'&"."$$!"ment on air and in Bhutan Reporter articles, *,$'&"#!(>(*+'$%"':%/$#*'P(+"&'^,&3"0'#*' #&5")' ."3$' ,- ' $%"' 3,55/*(.$' :%/$#*' C",8!"<.'C#&$7'(*'$%"'3#58.0';"&"'4""*'$,' F+%$'#'+/"&&(!!#';#&'#+#(*.$'$%"':%/$#*"."9' Knowing they had power in numbers, the militants were adamantly opposed to any,*"'!"#6(*+'$%"'3#58.9

2 5

When threats from communist thugs .$#&$")' 1,,)(*+' %(.' Y,$5#(!' (*2,B0' ?(.%&#'4*";'($';#.'$(5"'$,'!"#6"'L"8#!9 “They said, ‘if you want your family to be safe, you will stop saying anything #2,/$' &"."$$!"5"*$0<Z' %"' .#7.9' [P%"7' #3cused me of being a writer paid by the _L'#*)'_R'+,6"&*5"*$9Z O6"*' #-$"&' %"' $/&*")' (*' %(.' #88!(3#tion, he debated whether to stay or go to the US for weeks. The aid workers in $%"' _R' +,6"&*5"*$' F"!)' ,-F3".0' 3#!!")' T6"&."#.' C&,3"..(*+' O*$($(".' nTCOo0' (*$"&6(";")'%(50'.3&""*")'%(.'2#34+&,/*)0' "6#!/#$")' %(.' %"#!$%' #*)' F*#!!7' )""5")' him eligible for resettlement. The pros8"3$' ,- ' 5,6(*+' ,*' -&,5' $%"' .$#+*#*$0' seemingly futureless life in the camps became more and more appealing. Two )#7.'2"-,&"'$%"'*"B$'1(+%$'$,'L";'Q"&."7<.' L";#&4' D*$"&*#$(,*#!' A(&8,&$0' %"' 5#)"' /8'%(.'5(*)'$,'!"#6"'L"8#!9 [D'4"8$'($'#'."3&"$W'D')()'*,$'$"!!'#*7,*"' I had applied until two days before I was +,(*+' ,*' $%"' 8!#*"0Z' %"' .#7.' ,- ' $%"' jpE %,/&'1(+%$9' Meanwhile, the communists exploded three bombs near Thimphu, the :%/$#*"."' 3#8($#!0' #*)' 3,/*$!"..' ,$%"&.'

(*'$%"',-F3".',- '(*$"&*#$(,*#!'#()'+&,/8.' #*)'$%"'_L9 According to a US State Department ,-F3(#!0' 2,52' $%&"#$.' 3#/.")' #' */52"&' ,- ' #)5(*(.$&#$(6"' F"!)' ,-F3".0' ;%"&"' refugees applied for resettlement, to $"58,&#&(!7'3!,."'(*'dccf9 “The whole program had to be shut down a few times because security was ./3%' #*' (../"0Z' $%"' ,-F3(#!0' .8"#4(*+' ,*' condition of anonymity because she (.' *,$' #/$%,&(>")' to comment, says [D' $%(*4' ($<)' 2"' “I feel like I lived in in a telephone in5,&"' )(-F3/!$' -,&' such a house where $"&6(";9' [I,/' 3#*<$' them to go back,” a normal human being ask people to run .%"' .#7.9' [D<5' *,$' would never live.” – #*' TCO' (- ' $%"7<&"' ./&"' %,;' $%"7<)' Thakur Prasad Mishra in danger.” be treated by their Y,;"6"&0'2#&&(*+' countrymen.” a few hiccups around :/$0' 5,&"' $%#*' that time, the OPEs anything, Mishra continue to process .#7.' %"' ;#*$.' $,' &"$/&*' $,' :%/$#*9' Y(.' &"-/+"".9' P%"' _R' "52#..7' (*' L"8#!' work as a media liaison - connecting re&"8,&$")' lc0ccc' S%,$.%#58#.' ;"&"' 8,&$"&.' -&,5' L";' I,&4' $,' A5.$"&)#5' resettled in the US as of September 1. ;($%' .,/&3".'(*' L"8#!' E' !(5($.' %(.'#2(!($7' P%"' ,-F3(#!0' ;%,' !#.$' $&#6"!")' $,' $,'3%#*+"':%/$#*'$%"';#7'%"';#*$.'$,9 :%/$#*' $"*' 7"#&.' #+,0' .#7.' $%"&"' (.' !($$!"' D- '%"'&"$/&*.'$,':%/$#*'#.'#'_R'3($(%,8"'-,&'&"$/&*(*+'$,':%/$#*9 >"*0'?(.%&#'.#7.'%"'8!#*.'$,'6"*$/&"',/$'

to the country and report on life in the remote corners of the kingdom. If he &"$/&*.' $,' %(.' 3,/*$&7' #.' #' :%/$#*"."' 3($(>"*0' %"' .#7.' %"<!!' &"+(.$"&' $%"' :%/$#*' L";.' R"&6(3"' #*)' $&#(*' $%"' :%/$#*<.' X,/&*#!(.$.' $,' 2"' #++&"..(6"' ;#$3%),+.' and gatekeepers, to emulate the Western model of the Fourth Estate. [:%/$#*' *"").' $,' @".$"&*(>"' (*' #' complete way,” he says. “It might take #*,$%"&'dc0'lc'7"#&.0'2/$'D';(!!'&"$/&*'$,' :%/$#*'.,5")#79Z

2 7

as you are

A Season Ends at the Berkshire Nudist Resort Words by Melissa Park Photography by Gordie Hendrick


e sit on lawn chairs on the O6"&7,*"'(.'.5(!(*+'*,;0'+&""$(*+'5"' weekend of the season and the cold wind porch of his trailer together— openly. I try not to let my eyes wander 4""8.' "6"&7,*"' (*.()"' ,&' 3!,$%")9' P%(.' me in my thick, two-layer coat toward the counter, where I know the is another misconception Diana clears and Mike with a can of beer, nude man is still standing, watching, and up—when it gets cold, nudists put on -/!!7' */)"9' Y"' (.' ,*"' ,- ' $%"' -";' 2&#6"' D'),*<$'4*,;'%,;'$,'&"#3$0',&'"6"*'5,&"' layers, too. nudists willing to endure the brisk wind importantly, where my eyes will land. For Diana, nudism does more good $,' $#4"' #)6#*$#+"' ,- ' $%"' !#.$' R#$/&)#7' :/$'K#**7'(.'#!&"#)7'/.%"&(*+'5"',/$' $%#*' %#&59' [D' $%(*4' 7,/' %#6"' #' 2"$$"&' ,- ' $%"' ."#.,*' #$' :"&4.%(&"' \(.$#' L/)(.$' the door again and into the grumbling self-body image, you feel much more Resort. +,!- ' 3#&$9' ^&,5' %(.' )&(6"&<.' ."#$' (*' $%"' comfortable in your own skin,” she says. [I,/' $"!!' 8",8!"' #2,/$' $%(.0Z' %"' +".- front, Danny recites a prepared narration [@"<6"' %#)' 8",8!"' %"&"' ;($%' 5#.$"3$,tures to himself and then out towards the ,- ':"&4.%(&"'\(.$#0'8,(*$(*+',/$'6#&(,/.' mies and colostomies and nobody makes jddE#3&"' 3#58+&,/*)0' [#*)' $%"7' 3#*<$' additions in the camp, including the hot a big gawk about it.” "6"*'/*)"&.$#*)';%#$'($<.'!(4"9'I,/'%#6"' $/2.' #*)' 8,,!.9' P%"' &".,&$' (.' )(6()")' R%"' #*)' %"&' %/.2#*)' !(6"' #' */)(.$' to come here, like you coming here now, into three smaller neighborhoods of lifestyle at home as well, but she admits or no one will really be able to grasp what 5#4".%(-$'$&#(!"&.'#*)'`\.]P%"'V%"$$,0' ($<.'*"6"&'$%"'.#5"'#.'2"(*+'#$'$%"'3#589' ($'(.9'P%"7'),*<$'%#6"'$,'3,5"'*#4")0'$%"7' R*,2<.'Y(!!'#*)'Y"#6"*9 She still wears clothes when she goes to just need to experience the ;,&4' #$' $%"' #)6#*3"5"*$' ,-F3"' people, the innocence.” at a nearby college. P%"':"&4.%(&"'\(.$#'L/)(.$' Although only about three Resort is a high meadow at the percent of the American popuFor Diana, nudism does more good -,,$' ,- ' $%"' !,-$7' :"&4.%(&"' lation is recreationally nude, the than harm. “I think you have a better Mountains in Hancock, A5"&(3#*' A..,3(#$(,*' -,&' L/)"' self-body image, you feel much more Massachusetts. Its entrance `"3&"#$(,*' &"3,+*(>".' dmc' 3!,$%comfortable in your own skin,” she on Kittle Road is dappled with ing-optional destinations across says. “We’ve had people here with large, leaning trees—easy for the country and has almost mastectomies and colostomies and local skiers and hikers to miss ec0ccc' 5"52"&.0' #' */52"&' $%"7' nobody makes a big gawk about it.” ,*'$%"(&';#7'$,'*"#&27'Q(5(*7<.' &"8,&$'%#.'),/2!")'(*'$%"'8#.$'jc' Peak. years. Owners Danny and Ginny Danny drops me off at the :,,4.$"(*' #&"' "B8"3$(*+' 5"' next trailer, where a small group at the Kittle House, the small red cabin K(#*#'!(6".'(*'#'$&#(!"&'(*'Y"#6"*9'R%"' clusters around the front porch, hunched $%#$'."&6".'#.'$%"(&',-F3"'#*)'7"#&E&,/*)' is one of the few campers who has been against the wind. It takes me a while to home. They show me around the camp 3,5(*+'$,':"&4.%(&"'\(.$#'"6"*'2"-,&"'($' &"3,+*(>"' 57' *"B$' (*$"&6(";""' #.' $%"' in a bumpy golf cart. Danny sports thick was an established nudist resort. She is same man from the clubhouse. Holding a eyewear—a post-care requirement of his a wiry woman with open eyes and a big 3#*',- '2""&'(*',*"'%#*)0'%"';#6".'-,&'5"' recent cataract surgery. His wife smiles smile. When she laughs, her whole face to sit beside him. often and asks questions about my life, crinkles with the sound of it. I like her Mike laughs so easily, as do his friends, while Danny jostles the cart toward the immediately. Her trailer is cluttered with $%"'&"5#(*(*+'-";';%,'%#6"'!(*+"&")'$,' clubhouse. .5#!!'$&(*4"$.9'L,$%(*+'5#$3%".9' "*X,7' $%"' F*#!' ;""4"*)9' :"347' (.' ,*"' D*.()"0' $%"&"' (.' #' )#*3"' 1,,&' #*)' #' R%"' (.' *"($%"&' 2($$"&' *,&' )"-"*.(6"' ,- '$%"59'P%(.';#.'%"&'F&.$'-/!!'."#.,*'#$' DJ booth on one side of the room and when I ask about misconceptions of the :"&4.%(&"' \(.$#0' #*)' .%"' #!&"#)7' )&"#).' a bar on the other. It is late afternoon, */)(.$'!(-".$7!"9'[D'$%(*4'$%"7'$%(*4';"<&"' returning home where clothing is not but people are still lining the counters for #!!' 8"&6"&$.0Z' .%"' .#()9' [D' &"#!!7' $%(*4' optional. plates of greasy meatball subs and fries. $%#$<.' ;%#$' $%"7' $%(*49' A*)' g;"' #&"*<$h9' [Y"&"0'7,/'3#*'!"#6"'$%"',/$.()"';,&!)' I see a man, fully nude, standing at the Sorry to disappoint.” #!,*"0' 7,/' 3#*' !"#6"' ($' #$' $%"' +#$"0' 7,/' 3,/*$"&9'Y"'(.'$%"'F&.$',*"'$,'!,,4'/89 Today, she is not nude. It is the last 3,5"'/8'%"&"'#*)'7,/'),*<$'%#6"'$,'$%(*4'

2 9

“You tell people about this, and they can’t even understand what it’s like. You have to come here, like you coming here now, or no one will really be able to grasp what it is. They don’t have to come naked, they just need to experience the people, the innocence.”

#2,/$'+,(*+'$,';,&4',*'?,*)#7',&';%#$<.' going on at home,” she says. “There are *,' 8%,*".0' 7,/' ),*<$' %#6"' $,' 3%"34' $%"' D*$"&*"$9' P%(.' (.' #*' ".3#8"0' "6"&7' ;""4end is an escape from your day to day life.” Mike and the others nod silently. In less than three days, the gates will close behind the last “I think they think we’re all $&#(!"&' #*)' #.' :"347' 8/$.' perverts. I really think that’s ($0'[O6"&7,*"'+,".'2#34'$,' what they think. And [we the real world.” Although aren’t]. Sorry to disappoint.” :"347' #*)' %"&' %/.2#*)' hope to continue their nudist lifestyle at home as well, she says it always -""!.' 5,&"' )(-F3/!$' ;($%' 4().' #*)' +&#*)4().' #&,/*)9' O6"*' ?(4"0' ;%,' ,8"*!7' practices a nudist lifestyle at home like Diana, must go back to business casual -,&'%(.';,&4'#$'#'/*(6"&.($79 P%"'=/("$'$%#$'-,!!,;.'$%(.'&"#!(>#$(,*' (.' #!5,.$' ;(.$-/!9' :/$' $%"*' ?(4"' .#7.0' [S"$<.' #!!' .(*+' G/52#7#%9Z' A*)' $%(.' ."$.' "6"&7,*"'!#/+%(*+'#+#(*9

Owner of the Berkshires Resort, Danny Bookstein

little house on the

red planet Words by Evan Allen Photography by Katie Neuhof


(&.$0'$%"7<!!'."*)'&,2,$.'$,'8/58' and more like a possioxygen into portable houses bility. From America to underneath the pink Martian A/.$&#!(#'$,'R;($>"&!#*)0' sky. Two years later, humans will follow: a ,&+#*(>#$(,*.' !(4"' $%"' team of four who will breathe this new air Mars Foundation are and begin setting up plants to manufac- pushing for funding ture basic supplies like plastic, bricks, and #*)' 1(+%$9' N(6(!(>#$(,*' rocket fuel. With the help of the robots, 5#7' 2"' 5,6(*+' ,/$' ,- ' $%"."'.8#3"'8(,*""&.';(!!'5(*"'?#&.<.'./&- lower Earth orbit. -#3"' -,&' 2/(!)(*+' 5#$"&(#!.9' P%"7<!!' 8!#*$' The idea of space simple crops in greenhouses, and expand 3,!,*(>#$(,*' %#.' #!;#7.' their habitat to prepare for more settlers. 2""*'#'-#6,&($"',- ';&($O6"*$/#!!70' 8"&5#*"*$' %(!!.()"' ."$$!"- ers like H. G. Wells, ments will be built against the sloping but it took a giant leap walls of Candor Chasma, part of the $,;#&)' &"#!($7' (*' jkpb' "*,&5,/.' 3#*7,*' .7.$"5' 3#!!")' \#!!".' when physicist Gerard ?#&(*"&".' $%#$' &/*.' d0ecc' 5(!".' "#.$' $,' G9' T<L"(!!' 8/2!(.%")' #*' ;".$' #3&,..' ?#&.<.' ./&-#3"0' )""8"&' $%#*' article in Physics Today O#&$%<.' V&#*)' N#*7,*9' D*.()"' $%"' "*- 3#!!")'[P%"'N,!,*(>#$(,*' closed settlements, there will be gardens of Space.” The article and trees and plants hanging from the -"#$/&")' $%"' F&.$' .3("*ceilings. $(F3#!!7'-"#.(2!"'8!#*'-,&' [@%"&"6"&' 7,/<&"' ;#!4(*+0' D' ;#*$' building habitats, called you to be able to reach out and pick [T<L"(!!' 37!(*)"&.0Z' #' .$&#;2"&&70Z' .#7.' :&/3"' ?#34"*>("0' in which people could 3,E-,/*)"&' #*)' "B"3/$(6"' )(&"3$,&' ,- ' !(6"'(*'.8#3"9'P%"'.8#3"' the Mars Foundation, a Massachusetts- #3$(6(.$' 5,6"5"*$' ;#.' 2#.")' ,&+#*(>#$(,*' )")(3#$")' $,' 8!#*- 2,&*9'P%"'Se'R,3("$7'-,&5")'(*'jkpe'$,' *(*+' #' 6(#2!"' %,5".$"#)' ,*' $%"' &")' 8&,5,$"'T<L"(!!<.'()"#.9 8!#*"$9'?#34"*>("0'ef0'(.'#'?#..#3%/."$$.' The Mars Foundation is a successor Institute of Technology grad with glasses $,' T<L"(!!<.' 6(.(,*9' :&/3"' ?#34"*>("0' #' and a salt-and-pepper beard. Spread on -,&5"&'5"52"&',- 'Se0'.$#&$")'$%"'?#&.' the table before him are stacks of papers, ^,/*)#$(,*'(*'dccb';($%'$%"'.8"3(F3'+,#!' hard copies of different parts of the Mars ,- '3&"#$(*+'#'6(#2!"'.8#3"'."$$!"5"*$'8!#*9' Homestead Plan. D$.'5"52"&.'#&"'#'.5#!!'#*)'1/()'+&,/8' At its nearest point in its orbit, Mars is ,- '6,!/*$""&.U'.3("*$(.$.'#*)'.8#3"'"*$%/lb'5(!!(,*'5(!".'#;#7'-&,5'O#&$%'H'#$'($.' siasts who spend their time working on -/&$%".$0' ($' (.' *"#&!7' dec' 5(!!(,*9' :/$' ($<.' ?#&.'3,!,*(>#$(,*'8&,X"3$.'!(4"'$%"'?#&.' getting closer. Earth is home to six billion Y,5".$"#)' C!#*9' D$<.' #' *,$E-,&E8&,F$' 8",8!"0' #*)' ;#&0' 8,6"&$70' ,6"&8,8/!#- ,&+#*(>#$(,*' $%#$' +"$.' ($.' -/*)(*+' -&,5' tion, and pollution 8&(6#$"'),*,&.9 $%&"#$"*' ,/&' ./&6(6#!' Like many who #.' #' .8"3(".9' :/$' #.' dream of space coloWe’re going to Mars. .3("*3"' #)6#*3".0' *(>#$(,*0' ?#34"*>("' We’d be less than the dream of life on +&";'/8'(*'$%"'F-$(".' Mars is looking more and sixties. He came human if we didn’t.

of age during the Cold War and the race to the moon, when science promised both destruction and miracles. “One )#7';"';,/!)'%#6"'#*'"B"&3(."'(*'.3%,,!' about what to do in case of a nuclear at$#340'#*)'$%#$'#-$"&*,,*'D<)'2"'&"#)(*+'#' 8,8/!#&'.3("*3"'5#+#>(*"'#2/$'$%"'3($(".' ,- '$%"'-/$/&"0';($%'"6"&72,)7'%#6(*+'$%"(&' own personal helicopter,” he says. “And I &"#!(>")' $%#$' ;"' &"#!!7' %#6"' $,' +"$' .,5"' 8",8!"',-- '$%"'8!#*"$'$,'.#6"'3(6(!(>#$(,*9Z ?#34"*>("'"*6(.(,*.'*,$',*!7'#'3,!,*7',*'?#&.0'2/$'6#.$'3($(".'.8&"#)'#3&,..' $%"' .,!#&' .7.$"59' C",8!"' ;,/!)' !(6"' (*' enormous climate-controlled habitats in the asteroid belt, near the moon, and in ?#&.<.',&2($9 :/$' $%"&"' #&"' )#/*$(*+' ,2.$#3!".9' ?/3%',- '$%"'$"3%*,!,+7';"<)'*"")'$,'+"$'

$,'?#&.'%#.'7"$'$,'2"'(*6"*$")9'D$.')"6"!,85"*$'#!,*"';(!!'3,.$'#$'!"#.$'adc'2(!!(,*' #33,&)(*+' $,' .,5"' .8#3"' #3$(6(.$' ".$(5#$".W'"#3%'!#/*3%'3,.$.'#2,/$'aj'2(!!(,*9' P%"' -")"&#!' +,6"&*5"*$' (.' *,$' ;(!!ing to spend that kind of money. This 7"#&0' C&".()"*$' T2#5#' 3/$' LARA<.' Constellation Program, which aimed to return man to the moon and then press ,*' $,' ?#&.9' A*)' #33,&)(*+' $,' LARA' .8,4".5#*'?(3%#"!':&#/4/.0'LARA'%#.' no plans at all to build wholesale com5/*($(".'(*'.8#3"9'[P%"&"<.'*,'$#!4'#2,/$' 3,!,*(>(*+0Z'%"'.#7.9'[D$<.'*,$'&"#!!7'(*',/&' plans anymore.” :"7,*)' $%"' F*#*3(#!' #*)' .3("*$(F3' %/&)!".0'$%"&"'(.'$%"')(-F3/!$7',- '$%"'5(..(,*'($."!-9'P%"''."6"*E5,*$%'X,/&*"7')"pends on the technology working right. A

3 3

glitch could mean death far from home. 2(,.8%"&".9'N&,8.';,/!)'$%&(6"'(*'+&""*R8#3"' $&#6"!' (.' 8.73%,!,+(3#!!7' +&/"!(*+0' houses, and settlers would keep animals too – close quarters and isolation can like goats and turkeys, and small ponds breed anxiety, anger, and depression. The -/!!' ,- ' )/34;"")' #*)' F.%' !(4"' $(!#8(#9' destination is hostile. The atmosphere is N%(!)&"*';,/!)'4""8'8"$.U'17(*+'.=/(&&"!.' almost entirely carbon dioxide, and much that could glide for long distances in low $%(**"&' $%#*' O#&$%<.' #$5,.8%"&"0' ;%(3%' +&#6($79 Seasons would be regulated for op5"#*.' $%#$' ?#&.<.' ./&-#3"' (.' 3,*.$#*$!7' bombarded with radiation. Temperatures timum comfort and food production. Residents on the surface 3,/!)' 6,$"' ,*' can drop to the weather, *"#&!7' *"+#$(6"' At its nearest point in its orbit, which would dcc' )"+&"".' Mars is 34 million miles away be controlled Fahrenheit. by a series of Dust storms from Earth – at its furthest, it can rage for is nearly 250 million. But it’s months, blangetting closer. keting the entire planet with swirling clouds so thick that they can be seen through a simple telescope on Earth. If something goes wrong ,*3"'."$$!"&.'$,/3%'),;*0'$%"7'3#*<$'X/.$' turn around and go home. There is a limit to how much fuel a spaceship can carry, and for most of their orbits, Mars and O#&$%'#&"'$,,'-#&'#8#&$'$,'$&#6"!'2"$;""*9' P%"7',*!7'#!(+*',*3"'"6"&7'$;,'7"#&.0'#*)' ."$$!"&.';,/!)'.(58!7'%#6"'$,';#($9 :/$' -,&' 5#*70' ($<.' ;,&$%' $%"' &(.49' ?(3%#"!'V&(-F*0'-,&5"&'%"#)',- 'LARA0' $,!)' N,*+&"..' (*' dccb' $%#$' 3,!,*(>#$(,*' of space should be the singular goal of .8#3"' 1(+%$U' [D' 3#*' $%(*4' ,- ' *,' !".."&' 8/&8,."'./-F3("*$'$,'X/.$(-7'$%"')(-F3/!$7' of the enterprise, and no greater purpose is possible.” ?#34"*>("' #+&"".9' T*3"' ".$#2!(.%")0' %"' 2"!("6".' $%#$' .8#3"' 3($(".' ;,/!)' 2"' highly functioning, perfectly regulated

shades and mirrors. “[They] might say, ‘we want a really long springtime, and we ;#*$'#'&"#!!7'%,$'A/+/.$';%"&"'"6"&72,)7' goes swimming, and then we want a .%,&$'L,6"52"&'.,';"'3#*'+,'&(+%$'-&,5' T3$,2"&' $,' -&"">(*+' ;"#$%"&' .,' ;"' 3#*' ice skate for one month, and then back to .8&(*+0Z'"B8!#(*.'?#34"*>("9 Y"' 1(8.' $%&,/+%' 8(3$/&".' ,- ' ;%#$' the habitats would look like inside. The larger common areas are modeled on $%"' :/&!(*+$,*' ?#!!' (*' ?#..#3%/."$$.9' There are tables where people can sit and talk, gardens lining the walls, high #&3%")' 3"(!(*+.' #*)' .!""4' "!"6#$,&.9' A*'

(5#+"' ,- ' #' 8&(6#$"' earth, its lines of %,5"' .%,;.' #' !(6latitude and longi(*+' &,,5' $%"' .(>"' tude measuring a Children would keep and shape of a world of the past. large trailer-home. ? # 3 4 " * > ( "' pets: flying squirrels P%"&"<.' #' 3,/3%0' "*6(.(,*.' .8#3"' #.' that could glide for long a coffee table, an a fresh start, free distances in low gravity. armchair. The of many of the back wall is glass, 6(,!"*$'3,*1(3$.';"' and it looks out struggle with here onto copper hills on earth. “There in Martian daylight. The dust that hangs certainly can be wars in space,” he allows, (*' ?#&.<.' #$5,.8%"&"' $/&*.' $%"' #(&' #' “but you eliminate a few of the reasons %#>7' &"))(.%' 7"!!,;9' D*' $%"' -,&"+&,/*)' for wars. There are no holy sites in space, is an old-fashioned standing globe of the #$'!"#.$'*,$'7"$9'R,'7,/';,/!)*<$'2"'F+%$-

(*+' ,6"&' Q"&/.#!"5' ,&' $%"' ?())!"' O#.$9' P%"&"' #&"*<$' #*3".$&#!' %,5"!#*).9Z' A*)' &".,/&3".' (*' .8#3"' #&"' .8&"#)' ,/$9' L,' one has found oil or diamond deposits to F+%$',6"&9 As he describes fantastical sounding .8#3"' 3,!,*(".0' ?#34"*>("' ;&($".' -/&(ously on the papers in front of him: com8!(3#$")' -,&5/!#.' -,&' 6"&7' &"#!' 3%"5(3#!' reactions that would turn hydrogen and carbon dioxide into methane rocket fuel, breathable air, and drinkable water. He holds up a salt shaker that Mars settlers could make using chemicals from the Martian atmosphere. “This is made out of thin air on Mars,” he says, running his F*+"&.'#!,*+'($.'&(88!")'./&-#3"9 ^,&'5#*70'.8#3"'3,!,*(>#$(,*'(.'5,&"' than just a practical matter: it is an essential human quest. The explorer is, after all, #*'#&3%"$78#!'F+/&"0'#'%"&,'(*'$%"'%(.$,&7' ,- '"6"&7'3(6(!(>#$(,*9'A"&,.8#3"'"*+(*""&' Robert Zubrin, President of the Mars R,3("$7'#*)'#/$%,&',- '$%"'(*1/"*$(#!'2,,4' The Case for Mars0' 2"!("6".' $%#$' !(-"' ,*' ?#&.'(.'(*"6($#2!"9'[Y/5#*.'%#6"'#'*"")' $,' +,' ;%"&"' $%"7<6"' *"6"&' +,*"' 2"-,&"0' .""';%#$'$%"7<6"'*"6"&'.""*'2"-,&"0'$,'),' $%(*+.'$%#$'%#6"'*"6"&'2""*'),*"'2"-,&"0Z' %"'.#7.9'[P%#$<.'$%"'/&+"'$%#$'2&,/+%$'/.' out of Africa and made us into a global .8"3(".0' $%#$<.' $%"' /&+"' $%#$<.' +,**#' $#4"' /.'$,'?#&.9'R,';"<&"'+,(*+'$,'?#&.9'@"<)' 2"'!"..'$%#*'%/5#*'(- ';"')()*<$9Z

3 5

antarctica a cold hearted love affair Words by ZoĂŤ Hayden Photography by Ted Rogers Illustration by Emily Small


ntarctica has a way of mak(*+' 5,&$#!' 8"&(!' /*2"!("6#2!7' intoxicating. Just ask Ernest Shackleton, whose wife, Emily, 5(+%$'%#6"'3#!!")'A*$#&3$(3#'%(.'5(.$&"..9' Obsessed with the brutal landscape, he returned again and again to try and conquer the continent. R%#34!"$,*';#.*<$'X/.$'#')&"#5"&9'Y"' 4*";'%,;')(-F3/!$'#*'A*$#&3$(3'X,/&*"7' could be. He had been to Antarctica under the command of Robert Falcon R3,$$' (*' jkcj0' 2/$' ;#.' ."*$' %,5"' "#&!7' on account of his poor health. The con$(*"*$'%#)'#!&"#)7'2"+/(!")'%(59'D*'jkck0' he led the expedition that reached what was then the furthest southern latitude, only 112 miles from the Pole. It had $#4"*'R%#34!"$,*'#*)'%(.'8#&$7'X/.$',6"&' $;,'5,*$%.',- '$&#6"!(*+'$,'5#4"'($'-&,5' McMurdo Sound in Western Antarctica $,' $%(.' 8,(*$0' #*)' ;%"*' $%"7' F*#!!7' turned around, they barely had any sup8!(".'$,'!(6"',*9'P%"7'%#)'$,'&#3"'2#34'$,' $%"(&'2#."0'F+%$(*+'%/*+"&'#!!'$%"';#79'^,&' this effort, Shackleton was knighted in

the United Kingdom. In 1912, he learned Their original mission, the crossing of that his former commander Scott had the Antarctic continent on foot, had long 8"&(.%")'(*'@".$"&*'A*$#&3$(3#',- '.$#&6#- been forgotten. The once-proud expedition after his own failed push to the Pole. $(,*' ;#.' *,;' #' 6(!!#+"' ,- ' 3#*6#.' $"*$.0' According to his correspondence with plopped helplessly upon the surface Emily, he had no intention of going back of the ice. $,'$%"'A*$#&3$(39':/$'(*'$%(.'3#."'%"')()' :/$'(3"'(.'#'$&(347'$%(*+0'#*)';%"$%"&'#$' ;%#$' #*7' 5#*' ;,/!)' ),' ;%(!"' %#6(*+' #' land or sea, it is inescapable in Antarctica. long extramarital affair: he lied. A$' #*7' 5,5"*$0' .%"!6".' ,- ' /*2&,4"*' So, in March of 1916, four years whiteness could split with the rise and after the death of Scott, Shackleton was fall of water beneath. Pockets of ice *,$' #$' %,5"' (*' L,&-,!40' O*+!#*)0' ;($%' 3,/!)' 5"!$' ;($%(*' $%"' 2,)7' ,- ' $%"' 1,"0' his wife and family. He was adrift on an 5#4(*+' %())"*' F../&".' $%#$' ;,/!)' ./)(3"'1,"'(*'$%"'@"))"!!'R"#9'Y(.'.%(8'%#)' )"*!7' -#(!' $,' ./88,&$' #' 5#*<.' ;"(+%$9' been crushed four months earlier by the P%"')#*+"&';#.'3,*.$#*$9':/$'($';#.';%#$' immense pressure of the 8#34' (3"9' Y"' ./&6"7")' each of his 28 men daily, looking for indications According to his correspondence of the deterioration of with Emily, Shackleton had no inten$%"(&')&(6"',&'$%"(&'5"*$#!' tion of going back to the Antarctic. state. They were waiting But in this case he did what any for an opening in the ice, man would do while having a long a chance to launch the extramarital affair: he lied. boats, a chance to set off and make landfall.

Shackleton had come for. Expeditions to the Antarctic, both in R%#34!"$,*<.'$(5"'#*)'*,;0'#!;#7.'$""$"&' 2"$;""*' 3,*3"(6#2!"' &(.4.' #*)' /*2"!("6able ones. The men of the Heroic Age ,- ' A*$#&3$(3' OB8!,&#$(,*' 3,/!)' %#6"' hardly picked a more forbidding place to $&7'$,'3,*=/"&9'P%"')".(&"'-,&'#)6"*$/&"' ;#.' ,-$"*' X/.$(F")' ;($%' #' &"#.,*' !(4"' .3("*$(F3' )(.3,6"&7' ,&' &"."#&3%0' #*)' $%"' expeditions often took meteorologists, biologists, and geologists along for the &()"9':/$'#'3!"#&!7'.$#$")'+,#!'),".*<$'$#4"' #;#7'$%"'$%&(!!9'D$'3"&$#(*!7')()*<$'5#4"'($' any less likely that they would die. Today, people still return to Ross D.!#*)0' ;%(3%' (.' -&,>"*' (*$,' $%"' (3"' $%#$' 8"&5#*"*$!7' 3,6"&.' ?3?/&),' R,/*)9' Once the trusty base for Shackleton, Scott, and other expedition leaders of the Heroic Age, it is now the site of McMurdo Station, the largest human habitation in Antarctica. P%"'/./#!'5"$%,)',- '#&&(6#!'(.'27'#(&9' P%"'6".."!'(.'#*'/*+!#5,&,/.'3#&+,'8!#*"' F!!")' ;($%' -,,)0' !/++#+"0' #*)' ,$%"&' ./8plies. Earplugs are distributed to shield passengers from the loud roar of the "*+(*"9' P%"' 6(";' %#.*<$' 3%#*+")' .(*3"'8!#*".';"&"'F&.$'

1,;*' $,' A*$#&3$(3#U' $%"' ."#' (3"' 5#4".'($.'F&.$'#88"#&#*3"'$%&,/+%' a tiny window, and the plane lands ,*'$%#$'.#5"'-&,>"*',3"#*9' 'O6"&7$%(*+'(.'3,!)'#*)0'#2,6"' all, extremely white. The only interruption in the snowy white*"..'(.'2!#340'#.%7'&,34'."&6(*+'#.' a reminder that at one point, four 6,!3#*,".' "&/8$")' -&,5' $%"' ."#' to produce this tiny island, now locked in ice. The weather is extremely dry: Antarctica is a desert. Lips crack immediately when exposed to the air. The sun is blind(*+0' #*)' "6"&7' 2($' ,- ' .4(*' 5/.$' 2"' 3,6"&")' ;($%' ./*.3&""*0' including the insides of nostrils. D$<.' #' X#&&(*+' 3,*$&#.$' $%#$' %#.' #!;#7.' "*$&#*3")' 6(.($,&.9' P%"(&' admiration from afar draws $%"5' (*' H' $%"' 3,*$(*"*$<.' harshness and beauty keep them coming back. Sarah Das is a glaciologist who has studied on McMurdo. She took %"&' F&.$' $&(8' $,'

The desire for adventure was often justified with a reason like scientific discovery or research, and the expeditions often took meteorologists, biologists, and geologists along for the ride. But a clearly stated goal doesn’t take away the thrill. It certainly didn’t make it any less likely that they would die.

A*$#&3$(3#' (*' jkke0' ;,&4(*+' #.' #' F"!)' assistant on Antarctic research projects. [P%"' F&.$' $(5"' ;#.' $,$#!!7' )(--"&"*$' #*)' "B3($(*+0Z'.%"'.#7.9'[@%"*'7,/'#&&(6"0'7,/' #&"' X/.$' ,6"&;%"!5")' ;($%' $%(.' 2!#.$' ,- ' 3,!)' #*)' ;%($"9' D$<.' .$(!!' !(4"' $%(.' "6"&7' time I get off the plane.” Das, who currently works at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) in Massachusetts, has been to Antarctica a total of six times. “I always liked

"B8!,&(*+' #*)' #)6"*$/&"9' D' $%,/+%$' it would be neat in college to go to Antarctica,” she says. She describes McMurdo as a space camp, built %#8%#>#&)!7' ,*' $%"' 5,,*' H' #' 5#>"' ,- ' ),&5($,&(".' #*)' 5"..' halls, full of military personnel and scientists. She says she felt utterly ,6"&;%"!5")' 27' $%"' !#34' ,- ' 3,!,&.0' the lack of children, the lack of growing things. The experience ;#.' /*"B8"3$")0' -#&' &"5,6")' -&,5' $%"' )&#5#$(30' +&#*)(,."' 6(.(,*.' ,- ' !(-"' (*' A*$#&3$(3#' $%#$' .%"<)' had before. The reality was far more interesting. @%"&"' !(-"' %#.' "6,!6")' 2"*"#$%' the Antarctic Circle, it tends to stand out in stark contrast to the featureless, unbroken ice that constitutes much of the continent. Chris Linder, an oceanographic researcher, writer, and freelance photographer who has also worked for WHOI, has watched this "6,!/$(,*' /*-,!)9' Y"' %#.' $#4"*' $%&""' Antarctic journeys, and his particular &"."#&3%'+#6"'%(5'$%"',88,&$/*($7'$,'!(6"'

;($%'$%"'6#.$'3,!,*7',- 'A)q!("'8"*+/(*.' on Ross Is!#*)9' [D$<.' #' 5(3&,3,.5' ,- ' Antarctica,” he says. “All of the life on Antarctica exists on the edges of the continent. The penguins are on the edges of Ross Island.” Half a million 8"*+/(*.' !(6"' ,*' $%"' (.!#*)' 7"#&E&,/*)0' ,/$*/52"&(*+' $%"' jdcc' %/5#*.' ;%,' call McMurdo their temporary home in the summertime. :/$' A*$#&3$(3#' (.' %#&)!7' %,5"9' D$' 8,.".'(*3&")(2!"')#*+"&0'7"$';"'3#*<$'4""8' ,/&."!6".'#;#79'@%#$'.$#&$")'#.'#'%"#$")' crush has become a long, sensational romance. Much effort has gone into making Antarctica more habitable for $%"' 8",8!"' ;%,' 6(.($' %"&0' 2/$' $%"' %#&.%' climate is just as unpredictable, the contrast to landscapes that naturally support %/5#*' !(-"' X/.$' #.' +&"#$9' I"$' $%"' 8",8!"' ;%,'%#6"'2""*'$%"&"'.""'A*$#&3$(3#';($%' $%"'&,5#*$(3(.$<.'"7"9 [I,/'+,'$%"&"',*3"0Z'.#7.'S(*)"&0'[#!!' you think about is a different way to +"$' ),;*9' D$<.' !(4"' +,(*+' $,' #*,$%"&' planet entirely.”

Deserted I Words by Lilly Schneider Illustration by Rae Bourque

n July of the summer that marked my halfway point through college, my best friend Graham and I set out in an old grey Toyota to conquer the A5"&(3#*'@".$9'@"'F+/&")';"<)'.$#&$'(*' Washington, swing across Oregon, Idaho and Utah, then climb up through the whole state of California. Just the two of us, with camping gear and our steady grey steed: we wanted to feel like the pioneers of the past. We wanted to look out at A5"&(3#' #*)' F*)' ($' ;#.' "6"&7$%(*+' ;"' thought it was or had been. A$' *(+%$0' ;"' 3#58")' 2".()"' &(6"&.0' sleeping in the dirt. We sang old songs to !/!!',/&."!6".'$,'.!""80';#.%")',/&')(.%".' in the water. Daytime was for speed. We clocked triple digits through Utah, where we stood on cliffs all the colors of a burnt &#(*2,;' #*)' !,,4")' ,/$' ,6"&' $%"' .#5"' !#*).3#8"' $%"' "B8!,&"&.' 5/.$' %#6"' .""*9' @"'&,!!")'$%&,/+%'+!($$"&(*+'S#.'\"+#.'#.' quickly as possible, in chilly dawn, and a day later we entered the strange world of Q,.%/#' P&""' L#$(,*#!' C#&49' K""8' (*' $%"' ?,X#6"'K"."&$0'$%"'[8#&4Z'"*3,58#..")' one winding road, marked campsites, and a few plastic outhouses. There was no running water anywhere, and the nearest $,;*';#.'-,&$7EF6"'5(*/$".'#;#79

L,' 8!#3"' .,' -#&0' *,$' "6"*' _$#%<.' the landscape. We could also see the parkgargantuan canyons, had seemed as new ing lot, and our car, parked a few ridges to our eyeballs as this. I imagined that beyond. Why not explore a little further? frontiering folk had seen it in the same P%"' 3#&' ;#.' X/.$' ,6"&' $%#$' &()+"0' (- ' ;"' way. It was like another planet. Rocks took a shortcut. rose up in great swells and points, or surAnd this is how Graham and I got faced from the dusty earth like the backs lost. of whales. They were unlike any rocks D*'$%"'?,X#6"'K"."&$9 ;"<)' "6"&' .""*0' #*)' ;"' )()*<$' &"3,+*(>"' In July. any of the plants. The Joshua trees, bare, We had no cell phone, no map, no crooked things with baubles of spikes on sunscreen, no food, and only half a galtheir branch-ends, were sometimes two lon of water. feet high and sometimes six. All sense D<5' *,$' ./&"' ;%"*' ;"' &"#!(>")' ;"' ,- '.3#!"0',- '8"&.8"3$(6"0';#.'+,*"W'!,,4- ;"&"'!,.$9'A$'F&.$';"';"&"'"*X,7(*+',/&ing out, it was impossible to tell whether ."!6".0'#*)'$%"*';"';"&"'#'!($$!"'*"&6,/.0' .,5"$%(*+';#.',*"',&'F6"'5(!".'#;#79'@"' and then we were screwed. The sun, so parked in an abandoned campsite and %,$'$%"'&#*+"&'%#)'#)6(.")'*,'5,&"'$%#*' went immediately out into the desert, $;"*$7'5(*/$".<'&#;'"B8,./&"'8"&')#70'%#)' eager to explore. .""5")' #$' F&.$' #' 3/&(,.($7' $,' /.W' .$&#*+"' The rocks were rough like coral is ./*0' .($$(*+' /8' $%"&"' .,' %,$J' R/))"*!70' &,/+%9'O6"*';($%',/&'3#&E.$(--"*")'X,(*$.' $%"' 6"&7' ./*' $%#$' %#)' ;#&5")' /.' *(3"!7' ;"' -,/*)' ;"' 3,/!)' 3!(52' *"#&E6"&$(3#!' ,/&' ;%,!"' .%,&$' !(6".' 2"3#5"' #' ."&(,/.' rock faces, and we threat, a killer. We clambered around decided on a difeeling stronger and rection and went Suddenly, the very sun more agile than we that way, climbing that had warmed us really were until we ,6"&' &,34.' ;%"*' nicely our whole short -,/*)' #' !#&+"' 1#$' we had to, trying lives became a serious one where we could $,' 4""8' ,/&."!6".' rest and look out at in the slim linthreat, a killer.

ings of shade along their sides when we 3,/!)];%(3%' ;#.' #!5,.$' *"6"&9' P%"' &,#)'3,/!)'2"'#&,/*)'#*7'$/&*0',6"&'#*7' ;#&8")'&,34'-,&5#$(,*9':/$'($'*"6"&';#.0' and there was nothing else to do but keep +,(*+0'%,8(*+'$,'%"!!';"';"&"*<$'8/$$(*+' ,/&."!6".'-/&$%"&'(*$,'$%(.'/*!(6#2!"'!#*)0' to some abstract point where there was no coming back. L,;' #*)' $%"*' $%"' .#*)' 2"*"#$%' ,/&' -""$' +#6"' ;#7' $,' &#22($' ,&' .*#4"' %,!".0' #*)';"<)'2,!$0'$"&&(F")9'P%"'*"#&27'&,34.' seemed to shift and swell as we passed them, unpredictably, like clouds. Panic thumped like an engine in my chest. The low brown mountains in the distance &(88!")' !#>(!7' (*' $%"' %"#$W' $%"7' ;"&"' #!!' around us, like a cage. We walked as quickly as the hot air allowed, eyes on the ground. We stepped past listless tumbleweeds, blackened paddles of cactus come apart from each other and lying in dead piles on the ground, and something wildly angular, bursting with spikes, that looked like electricity in cactus form. The longer we walked, the less we cared if we were scraped or poked. Finding the road was our only reason. Only when thirst became unbear-

Relief was violent: Graham fell his to his knees on the hot pavement; I grabbed what was left of the water and guzzled.

able did we stop and take the most 3,*."&6#$(6"' +/!8.' of water we could 5#*#+"9'@"')()*<$' look at each other during these times. It was too much to think about why we must 3,*."&6"0'#*)'D'$%(*4';"'2"+#*'$,'&"."*$' each other at each sip. I wondered how it felt to the explorers of the past when there was no water left. When there was *,'&,#)'$,'F*)'(*'$%"'F&.$'8!#3"9 A' )&7' &(6"&' 2")' ./&-#3")' 2"-,&"' /.0' and maybe because it was more like a 8#$%'$%#*'#*7$%(*+';"<)'.""*'-,&'#';%(!"' we followed it all the way up a high ridge, grabbing sagebrush to help us climb, scaring a few jackrabbits. We stopped at $%"' $,8' $,' ./&6"7' 5,&"' ,- ' $%"' &,#)!"..' desert. It was so terribly ugly. So awfully, horribly untouched and empty of life. [I,/<&"' 2!"")(*+0Z' V&#%#5' .#()9' A' crooked line of blood ran from my thigh $,' 57' #*4!"9' D$' )()*<$' %/&$0' 2/$' ($' #!.,' )()*<$'.$,89' D')#22")'#$'($';($%'#'&"3"(8$' V&#%#5' -,/*)' (*' %(.' 8,34"$W' 7".$"&)#70' ;"<)'2,/+%$'2#+"!.0'3#&&,$.0'&#*3%')&" and three bottles of Gatorade at a \(34<.'R/8"&5#&4"$'(*'S#.'\"+#.9 We had been lost for somewhere near

three hours, not speaking, only forging on—not because we were 2&#6"0' ,&' 8#$&(otic, but because we had made a choice, and had to follow it through. And then, #$'!#.$0'.,!()'#*)'F&5'#*)';()"U'$%"'&,#)9' P(&")'#.';"&"0';"'&#*9'`"!("- ';#.'6(,!"*$U' Graham fell his to his knees on the hot 8#6"5"*$W'D'+&#22")';%#$';#.'!"-$',- '$%"' ;#$"&'#*)'+/>>!")9' We set off wearily for the car, and &"#!(>")' #' 5(!"' !#$"&' ;"' ;"&"' +,(*+' $%"' ;&,*+' ;#79' A$' !"#.$' #' ),>"*' )&(6"&.' (+nored our outstretched thumbs before a young couple stopped and let us into their car: a shock of air conditioning and leath"&'."#$.9'^(*#!!7';"'#&&(6")'#$',/&'P,7,$#0' ;%(3%' %#)' *"6"&' !,,4")' .,' 8#$%"$(3' *,&' so grand. “Water,” said Graham. P%"'Q#34ED*EP%"E:,B';#.'#'3,,!'3/2"' of chrome and polished plastics. For under two dollars you got a soda, and &"F!!.' ;"&"' -&""9' D' ),*<$' &"5"52"&' ;%#$' I ordered, only that it was the coldest, .;""$".$'$%(*+'D<)'"6"&'$#.$")9 The next day we turned north, to;#&).'$%"'2!/"'C#3(F39

4 1


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zap! zap! zap! Words by Matthew Haviland Photography by Zoe Harris


,*#!)' `"#+#*' ;#.' *"&6,/.9' Y"' paused, glanced left, perhaps foreseeing the media embarrassment, Star Wars allusions, and rolling footage of himself in a cowboy hat shooting Phaser guns. My fellow Americans…

O*!(+%$"*")'3($(>"*.';,/!)'*"6"&'2"!("6"'$%#$'A5"&(3#0'/.(*+'.#$"!!($".0'[3,/!)' intercept and destroy strategic ballistic missiles before they reached our own soil.” Satellites? In his speech thirty years ago, Reagan kept his Strategic Defense D*($(#$(6"'6#+/"0'2"3#/."'*,2,)7'$%,/+%$' that protecting America from fungal nu3!"#&'%#6,3'3,/!)'&"#!!7'2"'#33,58!(.%")' with laser beams from space. @"!!0' P%"' :,"(*+' N,58#*7' 4(*)#' does. So does a bored-looking college .$/)"*$'n[D'$%(*4'($<.'8&"$$7'&#)(3#!Zo'#*)' a woman playing electronic keyboard ( “A w e s o m e ” ) . Since the press That’s right. QC 3,*$#3$.'-,&':,"(*+' lasers may, in and Intellectual fact, save the \"*$/&".0' $;,' world. c o m p a n i e s 2&"#4(*+' 2(>#&&"' ground with laser technology, offered no comment (“terribly sorry”), I did my own research #*)'$,,4'$%"'F*)(*+.'$,'?,$%"&'O#&$%<.' Supreme Court: Chatroulette. “HOW DID U KNOW?!” asks some good old boy in army fatigues, who shows me his badges, Smith & Wesson, and platinum credit cards after making sure I am not a Russian spy. Unloaded handgun (“Pvt1stclassxD”). :/$' !"$<.' .$"8' #;#7' -&,5' $%"' %"#67' artillery, for a second.

Dr. Claire Gmachl, an electrical engi*""&(*+'8&,-"..,&'#$'C&(*3"$,*'_*(6"&.($7' and winner of countless awards ranging -&,5'LARA'5")#!.'$,'C,8/!#&'R3("*3"<.' [:&(!!(#*$' jcU' N!#..' ,- ' dccb0Z' %#.' .8"*$' %"&'3#&""&'"B8!,&(*+'$%"'2"*"F$.',- '[/*,2$&/.(6"Z'!#."&'$"3%*,!,+79' [@"<&"'!,,4(*+'#$'#'6"&7'5#$/&"'$"3%nology,” says Gmachl. Quantum cascade !#."&.0'$,';%(3%'.%"'%#.'5#)"'.(+*(F3#*$' contributions, use semiconductor layering to capture more accurate readings of +#.",/.'5#$$"&'$%#*'"6"&'2"-,&"9' What does that mean? Without a science degree, the mechanics may escape you. Essentially, QC lasers act as higher quality sensors for a staggering range of applications, from security and medical uses to measuring the pollution in clogged urban atmospheres. “For global climate change, we need better models,” says Gmachl, whose technology opens *";' #6"*/".' -,&' /*)"&.$#*)(*+' +!,2#!' warming, ultimately assisting efforts to &".$,&"' $%"' 3!(5#$"' #*)' .#6"' $%"' ;,&!)9' P%#$<.' &(+%$9' rN' !#."&.' 5#70' (*' -#3$0' save the world. L,;0' +(6"*' $%#$' $%"' R,6("$.' #&"' *,' !,*+"&' ,/&' 8&,2!"50' !"$<.' .$"8' 2"$;""*' $%"'3%"5(3#!'6#8,&'."*.,&.'#*)'2(+'+/*.9' R3("*$(.$.' %#6"' &"3"*$!7' 2""*' )"6"!,8(*+' laser fences to battle Malaria. Remember the laser grid from Resident Evil that detected – and came slicing through – ),)+(*+' >,52("' 3,55#*),".0' ;#6"' 27' 3&"#$(6"';#6"i D*$"!!"3$/#!' \"*$/&".' ),".' $%"5' ,*"' better. With two fence posts standing across from each other at a maximum distance of thirty meters, any mosquitoes 1,#$(*+'2"$;""*'$%"5';,/!)'2"')"$"3$")' and scanned using light signals. Slower, larger, and ready to bite, females would 2"'3,*F&5")'#.'./3%'#*)'>#88")';($%'#' second beam.

When asked the best possible way to kill mosquitoes with Malaria, two laughing males suggest changing the climate. Okay, Gandalf; Saruman. A twentysomething female who calls me Mr. Scientist says, “Kill the mosquitoes. Secure the area.” Well, that sounds about right.

Ao'A*7'!#."&'2"#5')".$&,7")'#*'(*E1(+%$' ballistic missile, and :o'P%"'F&.$'$(5"'#*7'2#!!(.$(3'5(..(!"';#.' "6"&' )".$&,7")' ;($%(*' 2,,.$' 8%#."9' While, in other words, the thing was really heating up.

Surround your African home, crop F"!)0' ,&' "6"*' ;%,!"' 6(!!#+"' ;($%' $%"."' -"*3"'8,.$.'n2/(!$'%(+%"&'$%#*'$%"'#6"&#+"' 5,.=/($,' 1(".0' ;($%' ."*.,&.' $,' )(.3&(5(nate against objects larger than mosqui$,".o'#*)'./))"*!7'?#!#&(#'),".*<$'2,$%"&' 7,/9' ?"#*;%(!"0' D*$"!!"3$/#!' \"*$/&".<' prototype was constructed “almost entirely from parts purchased second-hand ,*'":#7'#*)'.(5(!#&';"2.($".0Z'#33,&)(*+' $,'$%"(&'8&,X"3$',6"&6(";9'R/))"*!70'7,/&' laser defense grid sounds humanly possible and economically feasible.

“Bravo,” says a pale man, twirling his ponytail. Accordingly, the Missile Defense A+"*37'n?KAo'+&#*$")'$%&""':,"(*+'"*gineers the Technology Pioneer Award in ?#&3%'dcck9'D.&#"!'(.'#!.,'+"$$(*+'(*',*'$%"' -/*0';,&4(*+';($%':,"(*+'$,')"6"!,8'$%"(&' own Arrow II interceptor plane, which successfully destroyed airborne missiles (*' ^"2&/#&7'dccp'#*)' A8&(!' dcck9'@%(!"' America quietly headlines the directed energy weapons race, other nations are also harnessing the powers of superhot 8%,$,*' 2"#5.' #*)' $%"' ;(!)".$' #)6#*3".' (*';"#8,*'$"3%*,!,+7'"6"&9

“What if the mosquito is on my arm?” asks an herbally enhanced Rutgers student. Don’t worry. You may have Malaria already! Otherwise, imagine bean bags bursting against the leather skin of full grown elephants. We would barely notice. How about the future scourge of A5"&(3#i' :#!!(.$(3' */3!"#&' 5(..(!".0' ,- ' course. More threatening than mosqui$,".0'".8"3(#!!7'2"3#/."',/&'(*."3$.'),*<$' 3,*)/3$'2(,!,+(3#!';#&-#&"9':,"(*+0',- '#!!' 3,58#*(".0' %#.' 7,/' 3,6"&")9' I,/' 4*,;0' the airplane guys? I"#%0'$%"7<6"'2""*';,&4(*+',*'.,5"' *";' 5,)"!.9' D*' ^"2&/#&7' dcjc0' :,"(*+' 1";' #' 5,)(F")' pbpEbcc^' n$%(*4' ,- '#'17(*+'.#;")E,-- '.%,$+/*0'2/$' instead of clipping the barrel, you simply attach “the highest energy !#."&' "6"&' F&")' -&,5' #*' #(&3&#-$Zo' ,6"&' $%"' 3,#.$' ,- ' N#!(-,&*(#' #*)' shot down a ballistic missile while it was reaching boost phase. This 5#&4")'$%"'F&.$'$(5"'$%#$'

Quoth a middle-aged Florence man: “Italy.” Italy too. “Is a bullshit,” claims a chunkster wearing a cartoon Obama shirt. L,8"0'($<.'*,$0'#*)'7,/'2"$$"&'2"!("6"' ($9' :"3#/."' !#."&' +/*.' #&"' *,$' 8#&#*,(#9' :"3#/."' &"#!' .3("*$(.$.' #&"' )"6"!,8(*+' ;#7.'$,')".$&,7'"6"&7$%(*+'-&,5'$%"'!#&+est missile to the smallest insect -- with 1#.%(*+'!(+%$.9':"3#/."'#!5,.$'"6"&7$%(*+' 7,/' &"#)' #2,/$' %"&"' 3#*' 2"' )(.3,6"&")'

Remember the laser grid from Resident Evil that detected – and came slicing through – dodging zombie commandoes, wave by creative wave? Intellectual Ventures does them one better.

,*' $%"' ,-F3(#!' D*$"!!"3$/#!' \"*$/&".' #*)' :,"(*+';"2.($".9 “What?” asks an ecstatic young blonde, dancing on the other side of the world. I,/'5#7'.%#4"'#'F.$'#$'$%"'*"B$'-&("*)' ;%,'$"!!.'7,/0'[`"#+#*';#.'5"*$#!9Z'I,/' 5#7' .%,/$0' [D$<.' -/34(*+' &"#!J' P%"7<&"' shooting down mosquitoes in laboratories and blowing up fake 5(..(!".' ,6"&' N#!(-,&*(#9' I,/<&"'$%"'3&#>7',*"0'2"You may shake a fist at the next cause next time an armorfriend who tells you, “Reagan plated truck rolls into the was mental.” You may shout, )"."&$0' ($<.' +,(*+' $,' 2"' “It’s fucking real! They’re shooting carrying a high-energy !#."&'&(1"'#*)'4(34(*+'#..9' down mosquitoes in laboratories I,/' ),*<$' "6"*' 4*,;0' and blowing up fake missiles over girlfriend…” California. You’re the crazy one, “Laser guns or not, they will kill the same,” writes a sun-deprived youth with curly hair and glasses. We share a silence. “It never ends, does it.”

because next time an armor-plated truck rolls into the desert, it’s going to be carrying a high-energy laser rifle and kicking ass. You don’t even know, girlfriend…”

When she calls you 3&#>70' ;%(8' ,/$' $%(.' #&$(3!"9' @%"*' .%"' 3#!!.'5"'3&#>70'$#4"',/$'7,/&'A*)&,()'#*)' search: “ overview.pdf.” And when she says, “Well, okay,” and talks about something else, imagine storm troopers gathering before #*' A5"&(3#*' 1#+9' D5#+(*"' 5,.=/($,".' dropping spontaneously to the ground at their feet. Imagine the atmosphere and .,5"' +&"#$' 6,(3"' 7"!!(*+0' [N!"#&JZ' X/.$' 2"-,&"'#'$()#!';#6"'5,/*$.'$($#*(3'2"%(*)' the entire scene and crashes, sweeping us (*$,'3,!!"3$(6"'8/*(.%5"*$'-,&',/&'(+*,rance and refusal to accept change when it stands pleading before a podium. `,*#!)'`"#+#*0'7,/'3&#>7'+"*(/.9

4 5

Illustrations by Cole Dennis

The Good Old Days by Molly LaFlesh (The marriage, it crumbled into dust.) The trouble started ;%"*'($'2"3#5"'3!"#&'7,/'3,/!)*<$'3!(5#B ‘til I said your name just right, thirty-six times in a row. D- 'D'5"..")'/80'7,/<)'5#4"'5"'.$#&$',6"&9 @%"*';"';"&"'F*#!!7'),*" (sometimes this took hours, as you remember), D<)'3,/*$'$,'F6"'%/*)&")'(*'3!(88")'$,*+/"0 wriggle out from beneath those sheets— .$#&3%")')#(!7J]#*)'$#4"'$%"'-,/&$""*'.$"8. to the bleached bathroom. D<)';#.%'57'%#*).0'8""0 wash my hands, shower, wash my hands: ,*'#'+,,)')#7'$%"7';,/!)*<$'2!"")0 $%,/+%'(- '$%"7')()0'7,/<)'4(..'$%"5] well, blow them a kiss anyway. I,/'3,/!)*<$'2"'$,,'3#&"-/!9 We were all right angles in those days, %,/&.'$,'!"#6"'$%"'%,/."9 D'.3&/22")'$%"'8!#$".'2"-,&"'!,#)(*+'$%"')(.%;#.%"&W you made sure the coffee table books sat parallel, straightened hanging pictures you had painted (back when you had the time.) @"'!(6")'!(-"'27'$%"'$,,$%2&/.%0 .8($')/.$'),;*'$%"')&#(*W we scrubbed our money with hot bubbles, #*)'*"6"&0'"6"&'#$"'$#4"E,/$9 I stopped writing when you stopped reading, #*)'7,/]D<)'!(4"'$,'$%(*4'($';#.'7,/ ;%,'.$,88")'!,6(*+'5"'F&.$0 but I was so caught up in the perfection $%#$'D')()*<$'*,$(3"',/&'(58"&-"3$(,*. ‘til it was too late. My lawyer, whose tie was always crooked, .#()'%"<)'*"6"&'.""*'./3%'#'*"#$')(6,&3"9

Notes on a Break-up (Cinematic Nonsense Version) by Brendan Mattox In the moment I am outside, looking in, .""(*+'7,/&'-#3"',6"&'57'.%,/!)"&W .($/#$")'#$'#*'#*+!"';%(3%'&"6"#!.'*,$%(*+'5,&"' than cinematic nonsense. Zoom out to see us both framed in the lens from across the lobby as we stand there talking about the past. R*#8'2#34'(*$,'F&.$'8"&.,*0'6(";'7,/&'3%#88")'!(8.'5,/$%(*+0 “you are so unprofessional” #$$"58$(*+'$,'$"!!'5"'%,;'D'.%,/!)'6(";'$%"'.%($'7,/'8/$'5"'$%&,/+%9 Zoom out to other side of the lobby as you walk towards the camera in a huff. ^&#5"'&"5#(*.'.$#$(3',*'57'F+/&" #.'?"&3")".'3&,..".'$,'$"!!'5"'"6"&7$%(*+'(.'+,(*+'$,'2"',4#79

Diffuse in the Crumbles by Ray Succre N,5"'%,5"0',&'"!."'$,5,&&,;'D';#4"';($%'3"&$#(*'(*1/"*3".U K,/2$'#*)'6(!!#+"';,&&70'57'2#&4'.!,/+%(*+',-- '$,'3&"#$" an arcade of exposure— D'#5'),/2!"E-,!)")';($%',#$.',- './.8(3(,*W'$%"7'"B8#*) without happiness, trust little, make the salt in my blood !,;E&,,.$'#*)',6"&$#4"'5"9 P(5"'%#.'3%#*+")'5"9'I,/9':/$'3,5"'%,5"9 The anger is fraught with you. D'),*<$'3#&"';%,'.%"'(.0 2/$';%#$999'$&#6"!"&0'#*$(E;(-"0'8&,8,&$(,*")'2/&.'#*)'$%(.$!".9 Come home. Come home from the animal bistro. Just come home. She is pillowed. Come ;,*<$'!,6" home, but I am un-holstered... billow me from the panic rafter smoke, F*)'5"'.,,*"&'$%#*'*"6"&0 home or else tomorrow uninhabited, gone while inside staying. Come home, just come home #*)'.*/-- '57'"6"&7'#;-/!'-"#&';($%'7,/&'.#)!7'.%#4(*+'%"#)9

R()"'6(";',- '5"'-#!!(*+',*$,'$%"'5"$#!'2"*3%0 wearied by time and thoughts of you. `"#)'(*'$%"'!(*".'$""*#+"&<.'#*+.$'$%#$'D<)'2""*'&()',- '-,&')#7. until I saw your stupid face. :/&7'57'-#3"'(*'57'%#*).'#.'$%"'3#5"&#'&,!!.'-&,5'F&.$'8"&.,*'CT\9 D';#*$'$,'!(6"'-,&"6"&'(*'#'5,5"*$';%"&"'D'3#*'2"'/8."$'#+#(*9 :/$'#&$(.$(3#!!70';%#$'),".'$%#$'-&#5"',- '&"-"&"*3"'mean. Wide shot of me and you sitting across from each other juxtaposed with an earlier scene where we lay in bed together. A soundtrack of terse words as the camera pans our length #*)'$%"'.$#&$!(*+'&"#!(>#$(,*'$%#$'7,/<&"'*,$';%,'7,/<&"'./88,.")'$,'2" hits me all at once. The door slamming behind me as you shout that you left me, #*)'./))"*!7'"6"&7$%(*+'(.*<$'.,'#;-/!'#*75,&"9 Music swells. Fade to black. Roll credits.

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Must Come Down Words by Lindsay Clark


"*)7' 3,/!)*<$' %"#&' $%"' $,&*#),' 3,5(*+9' P%"7' .#7' $%#$' 4"8$' %"&' -&,5' being scared. They tell me the force of the wind probably broke her .8(*"9'P%"7'$"!!'5"'#'.$,&5'$%#$'.(>"'3,/!)'!(-$'-#&'%"#6("&',2X"3$.'$%#*'#' F-$%'+&#)"&'#*)'!(4"!7'$%"'2!/*$'(58#3$',- '#'17(*+'$&#3$,&';%""!',&'5#72"' a wood plank from her own fort cracked her skull and stopped her breath. Instantly, of course. They say these things to comfort me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turn on the bedside lamp. D'!("',*'57'2#34'(*'57'5,$%"&<.',!)'2")0'.$#&(*+'#$'$%"'3"(!(*+'#*)';#*$(*+'.,'2#)!7' $,'.""'@"*)7<.'.5#!!0'$%(*'%#*).'5,6(*+'.,'-#.$'$%"7'.$(&'$%"'#(&'#&,/*)'%"&0'"6"*'(- ' .%"<.'.(+*(*+'5"'#'*(+%$5#&"9'O6"*'(- '($<.'(*'$%"')#&49'Soon, I tell myself. Soon. D*'Q/*"'D'3#5"'2#34'$,'L"2&#.4#'!,,4(*+'-,&'57')"#)'5,$%"&'2/$'*,;'D';,*<$'!"#6"' /*$(!'D'F*)'@"*)79'@%,<)'%#6"'+/"..")'$%#$';%"*'57'5,$%"&<.'!(6"&'+#6"',/$'#*)'.%"' 4""!")',6"&'.%"<)'+(6"'$%"'8&,8"&$7'$,'5"9' R%"<)'2,,$")' 5"';%"*'D';#.'7,/*+'#*)' scared and now her house was mine. It was like she was shrugging and saying, Here, you take this. I hated how much I wanted it and sneered at the ripped open mortgage 2(!!.'!#()'*"B$'$,'$%"'5(3&,;#6"9'A-$"&'$%"'-/*"&#!'D')"3()")'@"*)7'#*)'D';,/!)'.$#7'-,&' $%"'./55"&'#*)'$%"*'D<)'."!!9'D';,&4")'5,.$!7'-&,5'57'3,58/$"&'#*7;#7'#*)'57'2,..' ;#.'+,,)'$,'5"9'D'4*";'%"<)'$&7'$,'/*)"&.$#*)9'?,.$!7'D';#.'*"&6,/.'#2,/$'3,*6(*3(*+' Wendy. —Just for the summer, Wendy, I signed. My sign language is still clumsy. My accent, @"*)7'3#!!")'($9']@"<!!'2"'2#34'(*'R"8$"52"&9'D$<!!'2"'!(4"'#'6#3#$(,*9 ]A'6#3#$(,*'(*'#')"#)'8"&.,*<.'%,/."i'@"*)7'"58%#.(>")'dead, left palm up, right 8#!5'),;*0'$%"*'1(88(*+',6"&'!(4"'#')(.+&/*$!")'3,&8."'(*'#'+&#6"9' D'.(+*")0']K,*<$'2"')&#5#$(39 ]K,*<$'$"!!'5"';%#$'$,'),9' ]I,/';,*<$'2"'.($$(*+';($%'%"&'.4"!"$,*',*'$%"'3,/3%9'D$<!!'2"'+,,)'-,&' us. Different. —I bet there are no deaf people here. They tell me a storm ]I,/<!!'%#6"'5"9' that size could lift Wendy studied me. —Why? far heavier objects —Why what? —Why do you want to stay? than a fifth grader.

D' )()*<$' 4*,;' %,;' $,' #*.;"&' ,&' "B8!#(*' .,' D' .(+*")0' ]?7' 5,$%"&<.' +,*"' *,;0' Wendy. I just want to say goodbye. @"*)7'.%,,4'%"&'%"#)9']I,/'),*<$'%#6"'$,'!("'$,'5"9' —What? ]I,/'$%(*4'(- '7,/'.$#7'.%"<!!'3,5"'2#349' @"*)79'R,5"$(5".'.%"';#.'./3%'#'8&"3,3(,/.'2/*)!"',- '3!#(&6,7#*3"'D';#*$")'$,' shake it out of her, shut a door in her face, something. She was too smart for me. Too 2"#/$(-/!0'$,,9'D'4*";'($';,/!)'2"'$%#$';#7'#*)'D';#.'#-&#()'#$'F&.$9'D'-"!$'$%"'2"#/$7' 2!,,5(*+'!(4"'-,&"(+*'5#$$"&'(*.()"'5"'#*)'D'-"!$'D'3,/!)*<$'%,!)'($9'R%"';,/!)'2"'$,,' beautiful for me, the way her father was. And I was right. @"'.$#7")'(*'L"2&#.4#'#*)'@"*)7'+,$'#!,*+'2"$$"&'$%#*'D')()9'D<)'.$#*)'5,$(,*!"..' in the weathered kitchen and wonder what the hell I was doing in this tomb. I opened #!!'$%"';(*),;.'$%"'F&.$')#7'2/$'($';,/!)'$#4"'3"*$/&(".'-,&'$%"'.$#!"'&""4',- '2,,>"'$,' -#)"9'@"*)7')()*<$'.$#7'(*.()"9'R%"';#*)"&")'$%"'8&,8"&$7<.'.(B'%/*)&")'#3&".'#*)'$%#$<.' when she built her fort. If she tried she could do anything and she built it sturdy against $%"'"!"5"*$.9'P%#$<.';%"&"'.%"';#.'$%#$'%,$'A/+/.$')#7';%"*'$%"'$,&*#),'3#5"9 D';#.'+&,3"&7'.%,88(*+9'D'4*,;'$%#$<.';%"&"'D';#.'2/$'.,5"$(5".'D'3#*<$'&"3,*3(!"' ($0' ,/&' &".8"3$(6"' 8,.($(,*(*+' (*' .8#3"' #$' $%#$' 5,5"*$9' D$<.' !(4"' $%"' ./55"&' 2"-,&"0' (*':&,,4!7*0';%"*'@"*)7'-"!!'-&,5'#'$&""'#*)'2&,4"'%"&'#&5'(*'$;,'8!#3".9'R%"';#.' rolling in pain on the sidewalk, and I sat inside on the couch, unaware. When I thought #2,/$'($'(*'$%"'O`'($')()*<$'.""5'$,'5#4"'."*."9'P%"7'8/$'#'3#.$',*'@"*)7<.'#&5'#*)' .%"' 3,/!)*<$' .(+*' -,&' ;""4.9' R%"' %#)' $,' ;&($"' "6"&7$%(*+' ),;*9' D<)' (5#+(*"' 57' !(8.' wired shut. I wish I could sleep. The light is no comfort tonight. I lie still because I will not toss #*)'$/&*'2"3#/."'.%"'$,..")'#*)'$/&*")'(*'$%"'6(3(,/.';(*)'$%#$'.8!#7")'%"&'#3&,..'$%"' .479'A!!',- '#'./))"*'57'%"#&$'$;(.$.'($."!- '$(+%$'#*)'($<.'%#&)'$,'2&"#$%"9'L,',*"'.%,/!)' toss and turn and the fucking world should stop spinning. It should fall. It should fall (*$,'$%"'#27..'#*)'3&#.%'.,5";%"&"9''A*)'D'4*,;'$%#$'"6"*'$%,/+%'@"*)7')()*<$'%"#&' $%"'$,&*#),'.%"'-"!$'$%"'#(&'8&"../&"')&,80'-"!$'$%"'+&,/*)'&/52!"9'L,$(3")'$%"';#!!.' ,- '%"&'!($$!"'-,&$'$&"52!(*+9'@"*$',/$.()"'#*)'.#;'($9'R%"'5/.$'%#6"'&"#!(>")'$%"&"';#.' nowhere to go. R$,89'D'8/.%'$%"."'$%,/+%$.'#;#79'R,5"$(5".'D'.$(!!'+"$'.3#&")9'D'-,&+"$'D'),*<$'%#6"' $,' $%(*4' ,- ' ($' $%(.' ;#7' #*75,&"' #*)' $%"*' @"*)7<.' .*#88(*+' .8(*"' .$(!!' &"6"&2"&#$".' #*)')"#-"*.9':/$'*,;'D'&"5"52"&'"6"&7$%(*+';(!!'2"',4#7'#*)'D'2&"#$%"9'D'$%(*4'#2,/$' F*)(*+'@"*)79'D'$%(*4'#2,/$'($'/*$(!'5,&*(*+'3,5".'#*)'$%"*'D'+"$'/8'#*)'$/&*'$%"' lights off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make me breakfast. @%(!"'.%"<.'3,,4(*+'D'.($'(*'-&,*$',- '$%"'P\0'($.'6,!/5"'$/&*")'),;*9'R(*3"'@"*)7' has been in my life, the world has become too loud. This is where I was when the ."3&"$'&"6"#!")'($."!-0'$%&""';""4.'#+,'*,;9'P%#$')#7'Q#*(.'%#)'2""*'%"&"'#!!')#7'#*)'

Wendy emphasized dead, left palm up, right palm down, then flipping over like a disgruntled corpse in a grave.

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showed me the twisting, heart-stopping truth. Pain exploded in my head. The glow ,- ' $%"' P\' 5,&8%")' (*$,' #' -&"">(*+' 2!#>"0' /*2"#&#2!"' #*)' ,5*(8&"."*$' #*)' /*!(4"' #*7$%(*+',*'$%(.'"#&$%9'A'./8"&*#$/&#!'.%(6"&'.%,$'),;*'57'.8(*"9'A!!'$%"';%(!"'57'"7".' .8/*'$%&,/+%'.$,&5'#-$"&'.$,&50'.""(*+'3!"#&!79''R""(*+'"6"&7$%(*+9'D';#.'(*':&,,4!7*' again, scrambling eggs for Wendy, who was sitting on a stool at the kitchen counter. She #.4")'5"';%7'D';#.'.,'7,/*+9']D<5'*,$'$%#$'7,/*+0'D'.(+*")9 ]P,5<.'5,5'(.'-,&$7E.(B9' D'-"(+*")'#'!,,4',- '%,&&,&'#*)'.(+*")0']I,/'4*,;'D'),*<$'!(4"';%"*'7,/'$"!!'5"' scary stories. Wendy smiled and she signed that I would be forty-six one day and I signed that she would be forty-six one day. D<)'2""*'*"+!"3$(*+'$%"'"++.'#*)'*,;'$%"7';,/!)*<$'2"'1/--7'"*,/+%9'D'$,!)'57."!- ' #.'#!;#7.'$%#$'*"B$'$(5"'$%"7';,/!)'2"'1/--7'"*,/+%9'@"*)7'.#$'5,$(,*!"..'-,&'#'!($$!"' while. Then she tapped the counter to get my attention. —At school Mrs. Singer signed us a story about people who started out really high (*'$%"'#(&';%"*'$%"7';"&"'2#2(".'#*)';%"*'$%"7'+,$',!)"&'$%"7'-"!!9'P%"(&';%,!"'!(6".' they were falling down. I signed, —And when they hit the ground? —They died, I guess. ]R,'%,;<)'$%"7'+"$'/8'$%"&"'(*'$%"'F&.$'8!#3"i'@"&"'$%"7'2,&*'/8'$%"&"i ]D'),*<$'4*,;9'?7'$"#3%"&')()*<$'"B8!#(*9' ]R,/*).'!(4"'#'8!,$'%,!"'$,'5"0'D'.(+*")0',&'$&(")'$,0'2/$'D')()*<$'4*,;'$%"'.(+*'-,&' plot so it came out story hole instead. —What?

4 9

]L"6"&'5(*)9 D';#.'.3&#8(*+'.#)0'1#$'"++.',*$,'$;,'8!#$".';%"*'@"*)7'$#88")'$%"'3,/*$"&'#+#(*9 R%"'.(+*")0']R,5",*"'$%&";'$%"59'P%#$<.'%,;'$%"7'+,$'/8'$%"&"9' ]I(4".9'R3#&79 @"*)7'+&(**")9']R,5",*"'$%&";'$%"5'#*)'.(+*")0'@%#$'+,".'/8J P%"'P\'.8#$'5"'2#34',*$,'$%"'!(6(*+'&,,5'3,/3%'2/$'D'%#)'$%"'."3&"$9'D'&"#!(>")' "6"&7,*"';#.';&,*+'#2,/$'$,&*#),".9'P%"'"B8"&$.9'P%"7'4*";'*,$%(*+9'@"*)7'4*";9' R%"'F+/&")',/$'%,;'$,'2"#$'$%"'.7.$"59'R%"';#.'#!;#7.'$,,'.5#&$'-,&'5"9'R%"'!,,4")' around and thought, Fuck you, I’m not falling anymore. I laughed out loud thinking about it. She found the loop hole, the worm hole, the plot hole. Story hole. She went up9'L,' ;,*)"&'$%"7'%#)*<$'-,/*)'%"&'2,)70'*,';,*)"&'$%"7<)'."#&3%")'"6"&7;%"&"'#'$%,/.#*)' $(5".'#*)'-,/*)'*,$%(*+9'R%"';#.*<$'%"&"9''R%"'$,,4'#'."3&"$'8,&$#!'-#&'#;#70'/8;#&)9' Tornado. I signed the word, my thumbs touching to form a T, the left hand on the 2,$$,5'(*'$%"'.%#8"',- '#'+/*0'$%"'&(+%$'(*)"B'F*+"&'2,22(*+'/8'#*)' down rapidly, the whole structure circling once through the air. For the F&.$'$(5"'D'.#;'$%#$'5,$(,*'-,&';%#$'($';#.U'#'8#..#+"9'D$';#.'.,'.(58!"9' Wendy was in a better world, waiting for me to follow. I just had to wait —Sounds like a plot hole -,&'57',88,&$/*($70'-,&'57'8#..#+"9'T*!7'D'3,/!)'F*)'%"&'*,;9''''' to me, I signed, or tried Q#*(.' %#.' F*(.%")' 2&"#4-#.$0' ."$.' $%"' 8!#$"' (*' -&,*$' ,- ' 5"' ,*' $%"' to, but I didn’t know the coffee table. She says, Would you mind terribly if I went home for a sign for plot so it came little while, dear? out story hole instead. I smile and say, Of course not, Janis. Thank you. S#$"&' D<5' ,*!(*"' 3%"34(*+' ;"#$%"&' .7.$"5.' #3&,..' $%"' ?();".$0' ."#&3%(*+'-,&'57'.$,&59'D'-#!!'(*$,'57'*";".$')#7)&"#5';%"&"'D<5'(*'57' 5,$%"&<.'@&#*+!"&0'1,,&(*+'$%"'+#.0'8/.%(*+'-"6"&(.%!7'(*$,'#';(!)';(*)'$,;#&).'$%(.' )#&4'#*)')(.$#*$')"5,*'%,6"&(*+'X/.$'#2,6"'$%"'8!#(*9'D'4*,;'($'%/*$.'5"'#.'D'%/*$'($9' Meanwhile an exodus rushes past me in the opposite direction. Glimpses of stricken -#3".'.,';,"-/!!7'5(.(*-,&5")9'D'),*<$'.!,;'),;*9'P%"'%,;!'2"34,*.9' D<5'&"!(.%(*+'$%(.'*";'()"*$($7'#.'#'.$,&5'3%#."&';%"*'$%"'8%,*"'&(*+.9' I answer. Hello? P%"'6,(3"'.#7.0'Y"!"*i' I".9 This is Hank Reynolds. From the station. Remember me? ?7'.$,5#3%'-""!.'.$&#*+"9'D'.#70'I".0'7".',- '3,/&."'D'),9' Y#*4'.#7.0'Y"!"*0'D<6"'+,$'.,5"$%(*+'$,')(.3/..';($%'7,/9'D.'($'#!!'&(+%$'(- 'D'3,5"' ,*',6"&i' ?7'$%&,#$'(.'#'!($$!"')&79'D'#.40'I,/'3#*<$'$"!!'5"'*,;i' D<)'&#$%"&')(.3/..'($'(*'8"&.,*0'Y#*4'.#7.9' I can come there. P%#$<.'#!!'&(+%$0'Y"!"*9'D<5'#!&"#)7',*'57';#79' Hank is our local sheriff. I remember him from that day at the grocery store. I was (*'$%"'-&,>"*'-,,)'#(.!"0';%"*'F&.$'Q#*(.'3#!!")9'A'$,&*#),0'.%"'.#()0',*'$%"'*";.9'D' .$#&$")'3&7(*+9'D'$"B$")'@"*)7'-&,5'$%"'8#&4(*+'!,$0'2/$'.%"')()*<$'#*.;"&9'P%"'8%,*"' was still in my hand when Hank called. He told me the house was undamaged but 8("3".',- '@"*)7<.'-,&$';"&"'.3#$$"&")'!(4"'2&"#)3&/52.'$%&,/+%'$%"'$,&*#),<.'$&#(!9'D' was an hour away from home. Hank had also called to tell me my mother was dead.

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her but she just kept looking at my mother. My mother turned to me and asked, So they %#6"'#'&"#!'.3%,,!'-,&'%"&'$,'+,'$,'%"&"i' D'.$#&")9'?7'6,(3"'.%,,4'#*)'D'.#()0'K,*<$'$#!4'#2,/$'%"&'!(4"'.%"<.'*,$'(*'$%"'&,,59' D')()*<$'$&#*.!#$"'$%(.'-,&'@"*)79' @"*)7' $/&*")' #;#7' #*)' ;"' #!!' .$#&")' #$' $%"' P\9' D' $/&*")' $%"' 6,!/5"' /8' #*)' D' ;(.%'D'%#)*<$9'A-$"&'#'3,/8!"'%,/&.'57'5,$%"&'"B3/.")'%"&."!- '#*)'D'%"#&)'$%"'-&,*$' door open and close. I locked it behind her and that night she came back loaded and 8,/*)")'#*)'8,/*)")9'D';#!4")'$,'$%"'),,&'#*)'.#()0'V,'%,5"9'T6"&'#*)',6"&0'V,' %,5"9'@%"*'D'$/&*")'@"*)7';#.'2"%(*)'5"9''R%"'.(+*")0']C",8!"'$%(*4'D<5'.$/8()9' ]P%#$<.'*,$'$&/"9' ]I".0'($'(.9' ]@"!!'(- '($'(.0'.,';%#$i'R3&";'$%"59'I,/<&"'*,$9' @"'.$,,)'.$(!!'#*)'$%"*'.%"'.(+*")0']@"'3#*<$'2"'$,+"$%"&'-,&"6"&0'7,/'4*,;9' —What are you talking about? ]@"<&"'$,,')(--"&"*$9'@"<&"'(*')(--"&"*$';,&!).9'World0'2,$%'.5#!!'%#*).'%,&(>,*$#!' ;($%'$%&""'F*+"&.'"B$"*)")0'$%"'&(+%$'3(&3!(*+'$%"'!"-$',*3"'2"-,&"'!#*)(*+'#$,8'($'!(4"' quiet doom. D'.(+*")0']@"<&"')(--"&"*$9':/$'7,/<!!'#!;#7.'2"'(*'57';,&!)9' @"*)7';#.'3&7(*+'#'!($$!"9'R%"'.(+*")0']I,/<&"'57'-#6,&($"'%"#&(*+'8"&.,*9' ]I,/<&"'57'-#6,&($"'8"&.,*9' ]D'4*,;9'I,/<&"'57'-#6,&($"'8"&.,*0'$,,9'''' All the while my mother wailed and pounded at the door behind me. L,;'$%"&"<.'#'4*,34'#$'57'5,$%"&<.'),,&'#*)'($<.'Y#*49'D'!"$'%(5'(*'#*)'#.4'(- '%"' ;#*$.'.,5"'$"#9'P%,/+%'$&/$%-/!!7'D'),*<$'4*,;'(- 'D'%#6"'#*79'L,'$%#*4'7,/0'Y#*4'.#7.0' #*)'%"<.'*/)+(*+'5"'$,;#&).'$%"'3,/3%9'Y"<.'.($$(*+'),;*9'Y"<.'8/!!(*+'57'%#*)'+"*$!7' #*)'D<5'.($$(*+'),;*'*"B$'$,'%(59' He says, Helen, we found something. I say, Excuse me? Y#*4'!"$.'+,',- '57'%#*)9'Y"'.#7.0'@"'-,/*)'#'2,*"9'D$<.'#*'#&5'2,*"0'$%"'%/5"&/.9' D$<.'$%"',*"'$%#$'+,".'-&,5'.%,/!)"&'$,'"!2,;9 Okay, I say. P%"',*"';"'-,/*)'(.'.5#!!9'L,$')"6"!,8")9'Y#*4'8#/.".9'Y"'.#7.0'Y"!"*0'($'5#$3%".' $%"'sE&#7.';"'%#6"'-&,5'@"*)7<.'5")(3#!'&"3,&).9' D'$(!$'57'%"#)9'D<5'.,&&70'D'),*<$'/*)"&.$#*)0'D'.#79' D$<.'@"*)7<.'%/5"&/.0'Y"!"*9' ?7'%"#)'(.'-/>>79 Hank scratches his temple. He says, We, ah. Found it quite some distance away. Maybe my face begs an explanation because after a second he says, It was a shot in $%"')#&40'&"#!!79'@"'%#)*<$'2""*'!,,4(*+'$%#$'-#&',/$9

L,;'D'4*,;';%#$'D<5'.#7(*+'#*)'D'.#70'D$';#.'#'$,&*#),0'Y#*49 Y"'*,).9'I".0'%"'.#7.9 D' .%,/!)' .$,8' 2/$' D' 3#*<$9' D' .#70' D$' ;#.' #' $,&*#),9' I,/<&"' $"!!(*+' 5"' 7,/' -,/*)' @"*)7<.'9'9'9 Hank shifts but does not look away. D'),*<$'4*,;';%7'D'),'($0';%7'D'3#*<$'.$,89'?#72"'2"3#/."'Y#*4<.'"7".'$"!!'5"'%"' 4*,;.';%#$<.'3,5(*+9'D'.#70'P%"&"<.'.,5"$%(*+'7,/<&"'*,$'$"!!(*+'5"9' I".9' Tell me. Helen. Hank. @"'.$#&"'#$'"#3%',$%"&9'Q/.$'-,&'#'5,5"*$'#*)'$%"*'%"'.#7.0'P%"'2,*"'9'9'9'($<.'*,$' dry all the way and well it. The bone. Shows. Some signs of. Chewing. Probably coyote. D'.%#4"'57'%"#)9'D'.#70'L,9'P%#$<.'*,$9 Hank says, Helen. He reaches for my hand again but changes his mind. He says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just want to break through this fog so I can claw his face pull his hair out in chunks &"#3%'-,&'%(.'*"34'$"!!'%(5'.%/$'/8'#2,/$'%"&'%/5"&/.'D'!,6"'%"&'%/5"&/.9'D';#*$'$,' .3&"#5'.%"';#.'./88,.")'$,'2"'.#-"'#*)'.%"';#.*<$'./88,.")'$,'-#!!'#*)'D'2&,/+%$'%"&' %"&"'D'2&,/+%$'%"&'),*<$'7,/'.""i'D'!"-$'%"&'#*)'D'.;,&"'D<)'*"6"&'2"'57'5,$%"&'#*)'D' !,6"'%"&'D'!,6"'%"&'D'!,6"'%"&'3,!)')"#)'&"5#(*.9'Dead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when the last tornado was. T*'$%"'8!#*"0'D'),*<$'4*,;';%#$'$,'),';($%'57'%#*).9'A!!'D'3#*'$%(*4'(.'$%#$'.,5")#7'D';#.'+,(*+'$,'$"!!'%"&9'D';,/!)<6"'$,!)'@"*)7'$%"';#7'($';#.'#*)'!"$'%"&'5#4"'/8' %"&',;*'5(*)'#2,/$'($9':/$'.%"'#!;#7.')()'#*7;#70'#2,/$'"6"&7$%(*+9' D' ;,/!)<6"' .$#&$")' -&,5' $%"' 2"+(**(*+' #*)' $,!)' %"&' %,;' .$(1(*+' %,$' ($' ;#.' $%#$' ./55"&0'2/$'F&.$'D<)'%#6"'$,'!"#&*'$%"'.(+*'-,&'!"#$#%&. It was so damn hot and we were eighteen, my friends and I, and one day Sammy and A.J. and I were smashed by four ,<3!,34'#*)'$%#$'5#)"'/.'-,&+"$'#2,/$'$%"'%"#$'#'!($$!"9'@"'+,$'(*$,'R#557<.'8(34E/8' #*)'$,&"'&/$.'$%&,/+%'57'5,$%"&<.'8&,8"&$79'A$',*"'8,(*$'D'.;,&"'#!!'$%&""',- '/.';"&"' .3&"#5(*+'#$'$%"'2!(.$"&(*+'./*'-&,5'$%"'2#34',- '$&/34';%(!"'($')&,6"'($."!-0'*,$'#'.,/!' at the wheel. We ended up passed out by the road at the edge of the property. I woke up to someone nudging my leg and I groaned. I was still piss drunk but I could see that the

.8(**(*+'6(.($,&'.$#*)(*+',6"&'5"';#.'!,*+E%#(&")'#*)'!,6"!79'Y"'.#()0'I,/&'!"+';#.'(*' the right lane. D'.#$'/8'#*)'.#;'#'\,!4.;#+"*'2/.'.$,88")'(*'$%"'&,#)9'A$,8'($'#*)'(*.()"'($'#*)' #&,/*)'($'/*.%#6"*'3&"#$/&".',- '$%"';(*)'8#..")'X,(*$.'(*'8"#3"-/!'.(!"*3"9' D'!,,4")'2#34'$,'$%"'6(.($,&';%,<)';,4"*'5"'#*)'.#()0'I,/'4*,;'($<.'jkkm0'&(+%$i' It was still an hour or so before dark and I shook Sammy and A.J. awake. They ;"&"' .$(!!' )&/*4' $,,9' P%"' 6(.($,&' #.4")'/.'(- ';"<)'"6"&'.""*'$%"'./*."$' on a trip. We shook our heads and $%"'3&"#$/&".'+&(**")'#*)'$%"'6(.($,&' They plummet, spiraling with said, Just wait. snouts pointed down. The @"')&,88")'$%"(&'#3()'#*)'D'),*<$' scent of the earth grows ever remember the sunset so much as stronger. They hurry. how high the sky seemed. I dragged my eyes from face to face and they .3#&")'5"9'P%"'3&"#.".'(*'A9Q9<.'.5(!"' and the shadows in his eye sockets made my heart pound and I looked back to the sky. I spent hours wandering the plain, absorbed in that height, before the come down came down and I remembered I was #-&#()',- '$%"')#&49'D'3&(")'#*)'.8&"#)'57'#&5.'(*'-&,*$',- '5"'#*)'$%"*'$%"'\,!4.;#+"*<.' headlights came on ten feet from me. P%"'6(.($,&';#.'$%"&"9'D'$,!)'%(5'D';#.'+,(*+'$,')("',/$'%"&"'#*)'D'%#)*<$'.#()'+,,)bye to my mother. He held me and I stopped crying and we were kissing. He lay me down in the grass and I was careful not to look at his face, the faces his face was mak(*+9'D*.$"#)'D';#$3%")'%(.'.%,/!)"&'5,6"'#+#(*.$'$%"'.470'%,;'($'3,6"&")'#*)'/*3,6"&")' $%"'.$#&.0'#*)'$%,/+%$')(.$#*$!7'#2,/$'$%"'!"+"*)',- '5#$(*+')&#+,*.9''D$<.'.#()'$%"7'$/34' (*'$%"(&';(*+.'#*)'(*'5()E#(&'-/."'(*'-&"*>(")'5,6"5"*$9'P%"7'8!/55"$0'.8(&#!(*+';($%' .*,/$.'8,(*$")'),;*9'P%"'.3"*$',- '$%"'"#&$%'+&,;.'"6"&'.$&,*+"&9'P%"7'%/&&79' S#$"&'$%"'6(.($,&';#.'-#!!(*+'#.!""8'2".()"'5"'#*)'%"'#.4")0'K()'7,/i'A*)'D')()'#' .$&#*+"'$%(*+'#*)'D'$,!)'$%"'$&/$%'#*)'D'.#()0'L,9'T*'57'2"$$"&')#7.'D'3#*'3,*6(*3"' myself it was more than the trip that kept me from lying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the tip of my right index F*+"&'5""$(*+'$%"'$(8',- '57'!"-$'$%/529'D'3#*<$'.""5'$,'$%(*4'2"7,*)'$%(.0'./))"*!7' 3#*<$'&"5"52"&'#*7$%(*+'"!."9'@%"&"'%#.'$%"'$(5"'+,*"i'Y#.'($'-#!!"*'$%&,/+%'#'%,!"i' ?#72"' @"*)7' $,,4' ($' ;($%' %"&9' P%"' 8(!,$<.' 6,(3"0' $,,' !,/)0' .#7.' ;"<!!' 2"' $,/3%(*+' +&,/*)'(*'L";'I,&4'.%,&$!79'D'3#*<$'/*)"&.$#*)'57'!(-"',*'$%(.'8!#*"0'($.'.$&#*+"'-#2&(39' D'X/.$';(.%'D'3,/!)<6"'$#4"*'@"*)7<.'%/5"&/.'$%&,/+%'."3/&($7'.,'D'3,/!)'%,!)'($'*,;9' D';#*$'$,'3&#)!"'($'#*)'"6"*'$%,/+%'($'3#*<$'%"#&'5"'D';#*$'$,';%(.8"&'$%#$'($<.'%#&)0'$%"' come down.

5 1

W i l d B l u e Yonder

Four Wr iters Pause Before They Lea p


took the red-eye out of John Wayne, %#)' #' $%(&$7E5(*/$"' !#7,6"&' (*' R#*' ^&#*3(.3,0'#*)'#&&(6")'(*':,.$,*'#$'m'#959' It was the cheapest one-way ticket out ,- ' D&6(*"0' N#!(-,&*(#]akk' $,' 4""8' $%"' 8&,5(."' D<)' 5#)"' $,' 57."!- ' (*' #' 7"!!,;' bathroom stall in middle school. Get me out of here and I’ll make it all happen. P%"'-#3$.'),*<$'3%#*+"U'7,/'!(6"'(*'$%"' same house on the same block with the same neighbors from grades K-12 and when you tire of the sun and blue skies and grilled sandwiches from the French 8#.$&7'.%,8'7,/'!,6"'.,'5/3%0'7,/'5#4"' 8!#*.0'3,55($'7,/&."!- '$,'!"#6(*+9'A$'$%"' bottom of the yellow bathroom, I sank 2"3#/."'D'4*";'D';,/!)'%#6"'*,$%(*+'2/$' $"*'5,&"'!(6".',- '$%(.'#*)',*!7'$%(.9'D'%#)' $,'!"#6"0'5#4"'#'3!#(5',*'!#*)'$%#$';#.*<$' 5,;")';($%'OtE^"&$(!(>"0'%#)'$,'!(6"'*(*"' 5,*$%.' ,/$' ,- ' $%"' $;"!6"' ,*' $%"' ,$%"&' coast because I felt the yearning and the 8/!!(*+0'.!/58")',*'$%"'1,,&',- '$%#$'7"!low bathroom stall and I had to answer to it. “Final call for boarding.” And I did.

Melissa Park


y dad and I are going out to the coal .%")9'D$<.'^"2&/#&7'#*)'($<.'.*,;(*+' – small shards of ice in the wind blowing down from the mountains smelling bitter and fresh. Our house is two hundred #*)'F-$7'7"#&.',!)0'3#6"E!(4"0'#*)';($%,/$' modern heat. We rely on bituminous coal, wood, and the insulation of hewn !,+.'$,'4""8';#&5'(*'$%"';(*$"&9':"$;""*' L,6"52"&' #*)' ?#&3%' ;"' .%,6"!' -/"!' (*$,',/&'2(+'4($3%"*'.$,6"0'%"#$'&#)(#$(*+' from its black iron surface to the rest of $%"' %,/."0' 5#4(*+' /.' 3,>7' #*)' #' !($$!"' .,,$E3,6"&")9 @"'3#&&7'$%&""'-/!!0'%"#67'2/34"$.',- ' coal from the shed to the back porch, about two hundred yards. My hands ache and feel taut and then cease to operate altogether. When I set the bucket down, 57' %#*)' .$#7.' 3/&6")' (*' $%"' .%#8"' ,- ' $%"' %#*)!"9' D' .%#4"' 57' +!,6".' ,-- ' #*)' $&7' $,' 5,6"' 57' F*+"&.0' 2/$' $%"7' 2#&"!7' budge. A dull twinge of something that (.*<$'8#(*9':"-,&"'57')#)'3#*'+"$'(*'-&,5' the porch, I touch them to the top of the .$,6"0'X/.$'-,&'#'.8!($'."3,*)0'#*)'&"5,6"' them. It burns. Electricity and adrenaline 1,,)'57'2,)70'#*)'57'%#*).'2!/.%'&")9'D' put them under cool water in the sink. My F*+"&$(8.'2!(.$"&'#'!($$!"'2($W'57'8#!5.'!,,4' &#;'#*)'.3&#8")9'P%"7<&"'2#34'$,'!(-"9

Zoë Hayden


eys angled, pressed into the ignition, D';,22!"'$%"'&"#&E6(";0'3,*F+/&(*+'($' to roughly the same position Mary keeps ($9''D<5'2&"#$%(*+' %"#67'2/$'.!,;9'V(#*$0' walloping minutes roll by as I grip my %#*).' ,*' jc' #*)' d0' -,&"%"#)' 8&"..")' $,' jd0' $&7(*+' $,' 3,*6(*3"' 57."!- ' $%#$' D' 3#*' 5,6"'$%"'\,!6,'-&,5',*"'8#&4(*+'!,$'$,' the other. K&(6(*+' 57' +(&!-&("*)<.' 3#&' n,&' #*7' .(>#2!"'&,!!(*+',2X"3$o'$"*).'$,'.$&"..'5"' out. Somewhere between the engine $/&*(*+',6"&0'.%(-$(*+'-&,5'C'$,'`',&'$&7ing to remember R from L, my ear drums -""!' !(4"' $%"7' 5(+%$' 3#6"' (*' #*)' !"$' $%"' world swoop right into my skull. How do I know what direction the wheels are turned or if the pedals are touchy or ;%#$'(- '($'.$#&$.'$,'&#(*'#*)'D'3#*<$'F*)'$%"' wiper blade controls? D' F*)' $%"' ;(8"&' 3,*$&,!.' H' $%"7<&"' the sharp broken nub sticking out of the .$""&(*+' 3,!/5*9' ' P%#$<.' 8&,2#2!7' .,5"' 4(*)' ,- ' .#-"$7' %#>#&)9' ' D' &"5(*)' 57."!- ' to remind Mary I could glue it back on -,&' %"&9' ' R$(!!' .($$(*+' (*' $%"' jkke' \,!6,' kbc0' ;%(3%' (.' 8#(*$")' #' *,$E/*8!"#.#*$' shade of Grey Poupon, I stare up at the tickets stubs, Polaroids, cookie fortunes and this baby tooth in a small plastic baggie pinned to the fabric roof. What if $%"'$#34.'-#!!',/$',*$,'57'%"#)';%(!"'D<5' )&(6(*+i'@%,."'$,,$%'(.'$%#$i D'3,/!)'.($'%"&"'-,&"6"&0'#+,*(>(*+9':/$' .,5"2,)7' (.' +,**#' %#6"' $,' 5,6"' $%(.' damn car.

Meredith Pomeroy

Photograph by Elliot Higger


*' $%"' *#5"' ,- ' !,6"]V#227' ;%,' (.' my age, nineteen, has three children by three different boys. D*' $%"' *#5"' ,- ' !,6"]?7' 5,$%"&0' V#227<.' 5,$%"&' #*)' P#*$7' R/.("' .#7' #' woman will do anything in the name of !,6"]5/.$' 2"' $&/"9' ?7' 5,$%"&' .#7.' 57' brother and I fathers left as soon as they &"#!(>")'!,6"'2&,/+%$'.,5"$%(*+'$,'5(*"9' D'*"6"&'.""'V#227<.'-#$%"&0'2/$'"6"&7'*,;' and then I see a different man in and out ,- '%"&'%,/."]!,6"'3#*'2"'/8'#*)'),;*' sometimes. As for Tanty Susie—she ran her husband out of their house with a cutlass because she meet him in bed with #';,5#*'3#!!")'Q,#**#'-&,5'$%"',$%"&'6(!lage—Tanty Susie re-married her husband last month. :,7' #-$"&' 2,70' V#227' 3,5".' #&,/*)' the corner with her belly big like a breath(*+'-&,+]%#*)'(*'%#*)';($%'.;""$'!,6"'(*' between—until it curdles like sour milk. In $%"'*#5"',- '!,6"0'$%"."'2,7.'.$#7'#&,/*)' until Gabby lays her egg. And then—she comes around the corner with her baby egg tuck underneath her breast, shoo-in her children like wild %"*.',/$',- '$%"'&,#)]*,'!,6"'#&,/*)0'.%"' 3,5".' #*)' .($' 27' 5"' ,*' $%"' )/.$7' 8#6"ment in front of my house. P%"&"' (.' *,' 5,&"' !,6"' $,' ,33/87' %"&' $(5"9' P%"' #-$"&*,,*' 2&"">"0' 8&"+*#*$' with her worries, sings my ears off. We sit in silence and watch as the sun slide off the mountaintops signaling the end of the )#7]*";' 2/&)"*.' -,&' $,5,&&,;9' :#27' swindle in the clothes from the other outgrown hen, she says: [D'$,/+%$')(.',*"')()'!,6"'5"9Z “And ah tought dis one was going to stay.” [@"!!JZ [A!!')#$'(.'(*')"'*#5"',- '!,6"JZ And then I wonder as the crickets sing $%"(&'[8/*4#E*#$Z'$/*"'#*)'$%"'.#*)'1(".<' backsides light—if I would fall in this predicament—fall off the cliff—just to be in $%"'*#5"',- '!,6"9

Winelle Felix

5 3

USE PICK-UP LINES [K()'($'%/&$iZ'R%"'+!#*3".'#&,/*)'#*)')&(*4.'X/*+!"'X/(3"U'[@%#$iZ'R;"#$(*+'2,)(".'3&,;)'%"&'6(.(,*9'[K()'($' %/&$iZ'[K()';%#$'%/&$iZ'Y"'.$#*).'#.()"9'[@%"*'7,/'-"!!'-&,5'%"#6"*9Z'@%#$'%#88"*.'*"B$'-,!!,;.'*#$/&#!'!#;' (mating dancesoU'5#!"'8"#3,34.'.8&"#)(*+'(58&"..(,*(.$'-"#$%"&.W'%/55(*+2(&).')(6(*+0'#88&,#3%(*+'3,*3&"$"0'#*)' 3/$$(*+'#;#79'Q,%**7'K,"'.8,$.':"$$7':,,8'#*)'5#4".'#'.$#$"5"*$9':"$$7'(.')#>>!")'27'%(.'R#$/&)#7'3,*F)"*3"9' P%"7'#$$"58$'8&,3&"#$(,*'2"%(*)'$%"'3!,."$'),,&.9'@%#$'5#4".'8",8!"'3,5"'$,+"$%"&i'V,,)'3,*6"&.#$(,*9'@%#$' "!"5"*$.' .5#.%' $,+"$%"&i' :&"">7' 3,*F)"*3"' nhydrogen) attracts weighty humor (oxygen). With blinding nuclear 1#.%".0'+,,)'&#88,&$'nH2Oo'-/.".9'O*,/+%'&#88,&$'3&"#$".'$%"'1/()'.$&"#5',- '3,*6"&.#$(,*0';%(3%'3#**,$'%#88"*';($%,/$'.,3(#!'"!"5"*$.9'@($%,/$'$%#$'(*($(#!'.8#&49'A88&,#3%'$%#$'*"B$'!,6"!7'+(&!9'A.4'%"&'.,5"$%(*+'.$/8()9' V(6"'3%"5(.$&7'#'3%#*3"9 BE NINJAS FOR FREE K,;*!,#)#2!"'+#5".'3,5"'(*'$%&""'3#$"+,&(".U'jo'A;".,5"'#*)'(!!"+#!'do'R%($$7'#*)'$,$#!!7'-&""'lo'L(*X#'Y"#6"*9' @%"*'7,/'3#*'&"#3%'t"*'27'+,(*+',*!(*"'#*)'."#&3%(*+0'[K,;*!,#)'L'V#5"0Z';%7'3%,,."'#*7$%(*+'"!."i'L' 8&,6()".',*"'!($$!"'F+/&"'&/**(*+'#&,/*)'.=/#&"'+#5"';,&!).';($%'#'2/*3%',- '+/7.'7,/'),*<$';#*$'$,'$,/3%9' :#.(3#!!7'Mario Bros. ;($%'),8"'8%7.(3.'#*)'+#5"8!#7'.,'#))(3$(*+0'[8&,3&#.$(*#$(,*Z'(.'#!&"#)7'2"(*+'.(58!(F")'$,' ($.'!#.$'!"$$"&'27'@"2.$"&<.'T*!(*"'K(3$(,*#&79'T8"*'$%"'+&#7'),,&.';($%'$%"'2!/"'4"7.9'@#!4'$%&,/+%'$%"59'V"*(/.9

DEVELOP GUNSLINGER EYES T&'5,)"&*'6#58(&"'8,;"&.0'2/!!"$'$(5"0'$%#$'#2(!($7'$,'3!(34'#';#$3%'#*)'.""'$%"'2""<.';(*+.'1/$$"&(*+'.!,;!7'2".()"' 7,/9'A!!',- '$%"."'."*.".'n#*)'5,&"o'3#*'2"'7,/&.J'[Y,;iZ'7,/'#.4i'R$,8'"#$(*+'5"#$9'R"&(,/.!79'P,*7'`,22(*.'.#7.0' [R#*);(3%".'),*<$')(+".$'(*'7,/&'.$,5#3%9Z':&"#)'#*)'8&,$"(*i'D*3,58#$(2!"'#3().9'?#4".'7,/&'2,)7'(*"-F3("*$9' Just check out the combination chart in Unlimited Power. After three or four days of watery produce and good 3%,(3".0'*#$/&"';(!!'&";#&)'7,/'27'-""!(*+'%(+%'#!!'$%"'$(5"9'`/*'-,&$7'5(!".J'R8"#4';($%'3,*F)"*3"J'A)5(&"'$#!!' 2/(!)(*+.J'?"#$'&"!#8."'(.'"B8"3$")'#*)'"*3,/&#+")9 DIE ON THE OREGON TRAIL BEFORE YOU DIE “Oh damn it, I got dysentery.” The nine year old sighs and asks his computer teacher to go to the bathroom. Other pioneers rattle their computer chairs, complaining about snake-bites. And you? “Sounds complicated…” So 2/&7'7,/&."!- '(*';#$"&3,!,&.9'R8"3/!#$"'#2,/$'3&,..(*+'&(6"&.'#*)'-,&)(*+'2&,,4.9'OB8"&("*3"'$%"(&'%"&,'1#.%backs, centuries later, and think, I had one chance to explore America and chose to play solitaire and defuse mines instead… @"!!'.4(88"&0'($<.'*"6"&'$,,'!#$"'-,&'$%#$'KTR$7'$&#(!9':!#>"'7,/&'!($$!"'%"#&$',/$9

Words by Matt Haviland

QUIT FACEBOOK I,/<!!'2"'2#34u'$%"7'4*,;'$%#$'n*,$(3"'%,;'7,/&'8&,F!"'*"6"&'really')(.#88"#&.o9':/$'#'3,/8!"',- ';""4.';($%,/$'8,.$(*+'.#)'.#34'.$#$/.".';(!!'(58&,6"'7,/&'!(-"9'C,!(.%'7,/&'2(373!"9'`"3,&)'#'5(B$#8"'n;,&4'$%&,/+%'7,/&' S(!<'@#7*"'3,!!"3$(,*o9'A*)'5#4"'.,5"'%/5#*'3,**"3$(,*.'2"-,&"',/&'2"$$"&'."!6".',*'^#3"2,,4'2"3,5"'$%"' $#4",6"&'&,2,$.'8&")(3$")'27'D.##3'A.(5,69'L,2,)7'3#*'$"!!'#'^#3"2,,4'8"&.,*#!($7'$,'[),'*,'%#&59Z'P%"7';(!!' &"8,8/!#$"'#*)'3&"#$"'6(&$/#!'3%(!)&"*0';%,';(!!'+&,;'(*$,'#)/!$.';($%'+&"#$'8"&.,*#!($(".0'#*)'$%"'&"#!'8,8/!#$(,*' ;(!!')("',/$'2"3#/."'*,2,)7'.#6")'"*,/+%'3%#&(.5#'$,'#$$&#3$'"#3%',$%"&'#*)'-/&$%"&'$%"'.8"3(".9'


WATCH WESTERNS Hard honor and glory are never'.8,$$")9'I,/'%#6"'$,';#!4'$%&,/+%'2#$E;(*+'),,&.'#*)'.($'*"#&'#'8(#*,'8!#7"&' $,';#$3%'&"#!'5#*!(*"..'/*-,!)'n#*)'$%"*'($<.'X/.$'$;,'+/7.'),(*+'$;"!6"'.%,$.'"#3%o9'L#79'`"*$'@".$"&*'F!5.9' `"."#&3%'$%"'+,,)',*".'F&.$'#*)'$%"*'+,'#%"#)9':/7'?#&!2,&,.9'R#70'[D';(!!'%#6"'$%"'@".$"&*.0Z'$,'#'3!"&4'#$' :!,342/.$"&9'Y"<!!'.#7'$%"7'),*<$'%#6"'#*7'2"3#/."'$%"7'%#)'#'!(=/()#$(,*'.#!"9'I,/<!!'.5(&4'#*)'$"!!'%(50'[D'%#6"' #!!'$%"'@".$"&*.9Z'P%"*'7,/<!!';#!4'#;#70'!(+%$(*+'#'3(+#&"$$"'(*),,&.'#*)'.$#58(*+'($',/$',*'$%"'),,&5#$9'A'&"#!' outlaw. Finally.


Words by Clara Everhart

LUNATIC From the late 13th century, to be “affected with periodic insanity, dependent on the changes of the moon.” From the Latin, lunaticus0'[5,,*E.$&/349Z'^&,5';"&";,!6".'$,'5"*.$&/#$(,*0'($'.""5.'$%#$'$%"' 5,,*'3,*$&,!.'"6"&7$%(*+'57.$"&(,/.9'

G-STRING ^(&.$' /.")' (*' jfpf' $,' )".3&(2"' $%"' !,(*3!,$%' ,- ' #' L#$(6"' A5"&(3#*0' ,&(+(*#!!7' .8"!!")' +"".$&(*+9' O$75,!,+(.$.';,*)"&'(- '$%"'MV<'&"-"&.'$,'$%"'5/.(3#!'*,$"0'2"3#/."0'%,*".$!70';%#$'"!."'3,/!)'($'5"#*i' G-string entered the popular lexicon in 1936, with reference to strip-teasers. Whale tails and the term [2/$$'3!"#6#+"Z';"&"',*!7'#'5#$$"&',- '$(5"9'

CLIFFHANGER P%"'*,,*'$&#(*'(.'%"#)")',/$',- '$,;*0'#*)',/&'%"&,'(.'$(")'$,'$%"'$&#34.'X/.$'F-$""*'5(*/$".'#;#7J' Racing against the clock, and the runaway train, our heroine spurs her horse on faster. The harsh sun 2!#>".',6"&%"#)0'#*)')/.$';%(8.'#3&,..'%"&'-#3"9'T/&'%"&,'3#*<$'&"#3%'%(.'($3%7'*,."9'A.'$%"'$&#(*'#*)' horse approach the helpless track-bound leading man, the train lets out a shrill blast of steam, and—

SKIN P%"'!#&+".$',&+#*'(*'$%"'%/5#*'2,)70'.4(*'(.'$%#$'8,&,/.0'+&"#.7'%()"'3,6"&(*+'7,/&'2,)79'P%"'8%&#."' [.4(*')""8Z'(.'#$$&(2/$")'$,'P%,5#.'T6"&2/&7'(*'jmjl0'(*';%(3%'%"')".3&(2")0'[A!!'$%"'3#&*#!'2"#/$7',- ' 57';(-"'v'D.'2/$'.4(*E)""89Z'D*'$%"'5,6("'(*)/.$&7'#*)')(6"'5,6("'.%,8.0'[.4(*Z'2"3#5"'.7*,*75,/.' ;($%'8,&*,+&#8%7'(*'jkmf9'@"';,*)"&'(- '$%#$';#.';%#$'T6"&2/&7'%#)'(*'5(*)9'

ROULETTE P%"'^&"*3%';,&)'-,&'[+#52!(*+'+#5"'8!#7")';($%'#'&"6,!6(*+';%""!0Z'-&,5'$%"',!)'^&"*3%'&,"!"$"0',&' [!($$!"';%""!Z9'Y(+%'&(.4'#*)')"$"&5(*")'27'-#$"0'$%"';,&)';#.'F&.$'/.")'(*'jpbe';%"*'#'*";'-,&5',- ' +#52!(*+';#.'3&"#$")'$,'/8'$%"'#*$"0'!#$"!7'/.")'$,')".3&(2"'$%"'#))(3$(*+'#2(!($7'$,'5""$'$%"')"*(>"*.' of the Internet, and their dicks, up close and personal.

NIGHTMARE @($%'.8()"&!(4"'F*+"&.0'.%"'3!(52.'(*$,'2")9'Y"&'2,*".'3&"#4'!(4"',!)'),,&.'#.'.%"'.$&"$3%".',/$0'%"&' nose almost touching your soft, sleeping cheek. She counts your eyelashes, licks her lips, and places her 1($$"&(*+0'.4($$"&(*+'F*+"&$(8.',*'7,/&'$%&,#$9'@%"*'7,/'$&7'$,'2&"#$%"'(*'$%"'.$(!!0'.(!"*$'#(&0'.%"'8&"..".9

Illustrations by Cole Dennis and Emily Small

5 5

Gauge Magazine is produced twice a year by undergraduates at Emerson College. For additional content, please visit our website at Gauge always welcomes submissions for future issues. Pitch us your feature articles, %&'("#-) ."/',0-) .1"'"2,3.10-) (4456',3'("#6-) ./,6"#34) /66306-) 3#+) /7/,0'1(#2) (#) 8/'9//#:) Copyright of all materials reverts to the individual artists and authors. No materials may be reproduced under any circumstances without written permission. G18 was set in Garamond, Tapeworm, Code Light, and Helvetica Neue.

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