Dirty rigger 2014 catalogue

Page 1

Padded Back Uti li tybelt DTYUTI LBEL T

excepti onalcomfort pr ovi dedbyaspeci al l ysel ect edf oam paddedback

Removable/adjustableDri ngs f ort heat t achmentofcar abi ner sand ot heraccessor i es

qui ck releasebuckle ul t r adur abl e&adj ust abl e

Breathablemesh mat er i alpr event ssweat i ng

Full yadjustable nyl onext er i or ,desi gnedt ohol d al lDRpouches

FullFi nger


Fi ngerless

I tal lst ar t edasani deabasedonf eedbackf r om you guys–t heenduser s.Thei deaqui ckl ywentf r om a pr ot ot ypet ooneofourmostwel lr ecei vedst ock l i nes,t heLadi es‘ RangeForHer ’ .Fi r stt r i al l edat Pl asa2012,t hegl oveswer eani mmedi at ehi twi t h womenofal lagesandt heysoonbecameasel l out i t em.Thegl ovesar eavai l abl ef r om si zeXXS upwar dst oensur et her ei sacomf or t abl ef i tf oral l . I ncel ebr at i onoft hi sl i newehavedeci dedt odonat e 10% ofsal esi nt hi sr anget oBr eastCancer Awar eness.




“ B e s t g l o v e sE V E Ri nX St o o f o rm yt i n yt e e n yh a n d s ! ”

Di rty &Fa cre Postyo ati u veT r bes mou s r t/m s ti fac hi ma ost


w. ebo fa okp gesto for cebook. our age c you r ch om/Di rty glov ance Ri gg esa tow erGear nd s nDR w ag i !

! e v o l g r u o y e d i s n si know w hat’

worki ngathei ght?

comfortFi tseri es Ul t r adur abl es y nt het i c l eat herpal m,pr ov i di ng ex c el l entl ongt er mr es i s t anc e agai ns tabr as i on.I deal f orgener al us e.

Fullfi nger DTYCOMFORG

Neopr enepaddedk nuc k l e pr ot ec t i on


St y l esav ai l abl e: Ful l f i nger ,Fr amerandFi nger l es s

Fi ngerless DTYCOMFFLS

Leather Gri p DTYLGRI P


Durableouter shell

Dur abl el ongl ast i ngsynt het i cout ermat er i al s.

Hi pora®

Awat err esi st antmembr aneal l owst hegl ovet o br eat hewhi l stkeepi ngt hehandwar m anddr y.

Thi nsulate®

Thi nsul at e®l i ni ngpr ovi desahi ghl evel ofheati nsul at i on.

HexoGri p®

Keyar easofpal m andf i nger t i psar ecoat edwi t h HexoGr i p®,ar ubber i sedPVCmat er i al , pr ovi di ngexcept i onalgr i ponsl i cksur f aces

I mpactProtecti on

Heavydut yf i ngerandknuckl epr ot ect i on t or esi sti mpact .

Phoeni x Heatresi sti ngglove



heatr et ar dantNomex 速us edi ngl ov el i ni ng,r earand bet weenf i nger s .

HeatResi sti ngLeather

Pal m andf i nger shav edoubl el ay eroff l ex i bl eheat r es i s t i ngl eat her .


St i t c hedt hr oughoutwi t hr edKev l ar 速t hr eadt ohandl e hi ght emper at ur es .

Dexteri ty

Phoeni xGl ov espr ov i deex c el l entpr ot ec t i onagai ns t heatwi t houtc ompr omi s i ngdex t er i t y .


Rat edt oEN407f orc ont ac theat-Per f or manc el ev el 2 ( 250Degr eesCf or15>Sec onds )

Gaffer Holder


Ever yoneneedsanext r ahandsomet i mes andt heDi r t yRi ggerGaf f er&Accessor y hol deri sdesi gnedf orj ustt hat .Qui ckl yand secur el yof f er saneasi l yaccessi bl est r ap f orhol di ngt ool s,cl amps,bagsandi t s or i gi naldesi gni nt ent i on,gaf f ert ape.

• Hol dsupt oa10m st andar dr et r act abl e


t apemeasur e.

• Nyl onl oopal l owst hepoucht of i tont oany

ri gger’ sOctopouch


bel tupt o2” • Magnet i ct opf l aphasast r ongmagnet i c cl osur e. • Li ghtwei ght&compact .Ourver yf i r st mi neat ur eal l i nonesol ut i on.


Di mens i on:H14c m xW9. 5c m xD5c m

ToolLanyards AMUSThavewhenwor ki ngathei ght . Pr event si nj ur y ,damageandl ost pr oduct i vi t yf r om dr oppedt ool s.At t aches di r ect l yt oourRi gger ’ s/Techt oolpouches.



GloveCLi p Secur el ykeepi ngyourpr ot ect i vegl ovesby yoursi de.Si mpl ycl i p/ uncl i pandgo. TheDRGl oveGuar di sdesi gnedwi t ha pat ent edsaf et ybr eakawaysyst em t ohel p pr eventi nj ur i esf r om snaggi ngdur i ng hi ghl evelr i ggi ng.


Pouc hDi mens i onsappr ox:W15xD10xH19( c m)

Pouc hDi mens i onsappr ox:W15xD10xH19( c m)

•Tr ans par entdr aws t r i ngc l os ur e–r educ esr i s koft ool s f al l i ngwhenwor k i ngathei ght . •Buc k l es y s t em enabl est heus ert oat t ac hourt ool l any ar dswhenwor k i ngathei ght . •Sec ur eVel c r oc l os ur eonbot hs i depoc k et sper f ec t f ort ool sands mar tphones /MP3dev i c es . •Met al Dr i ngsf oraddi t i onal c ar abi nerat t ac hment s l bl ac kl owpr of i l edes i gn–per f ec tf orbac k s t age •Al us e •Ex t r emel ydur abl e600x600deni erpol y es t erny l on •Mul t i pl ei nt er nal poc k et s

• T apeMeas ur eHol derhol dsupt oas t andar d10m r et r ac t abl et apemeas ur e • Dur abl edoubl es t i t c hedl oopf ors ec ur eat t ac hmentt oany2”bel t • Mul t i pl emet al Dr i ngsf oraddi t i onal c ar abi ner at t ac hment s • Vel c r oc l os ur ef l apf ors ec ur ehol di ngofpouc h c ont ent s . • Ex t r emel ydur abl e600x600deni erpol y es t er ny l on • Mul t i pl ei nt er nal poc k et s



www. di rtyri gger. com

I nc r edi bl ec omf or tanddur abi l i t yt hank st oDi r t yRi gger ’ s mul t i l ay ermat er i al c ons t r uc t i on.Thepadded3Di nt er nal l y br eat habl emes hpr ov i desex c el l entv ent i l at i ont hr oughoutt hebel t , mi ni mi s i ngunc omf or t abl eunder bel ts weat . Tr i edandt es t edheav ydut y50mm bel tbuc k l ek eepst heDR T ool Bel tc omf or t abl ys ec ur edar oundt hewai s tandc anbe r emov eds i ngl ehandedl ywhenr equi r ed. Ful l yc ompat i bl ewi t ht heDi r t yRi ggerpouc h& ac c es s or i esr ange.


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