K9 DOG OBEDIENCE TRAINING - Sydney Australia Mail or call us today
✆0414-088-128 k9trainingaustralia@gmail.com
Best Age for Dog Training! Find The Best Dog training Sydney, how to start teaching your best friend the basics of obedience training. Today I am reading many articles and blogs Dog Training Online for Dog Fancy about pet training puppies. The puppies start learning at 21 days of age latest research. I haven’t wanted this type of research findings to learn this. I have pet puppies and start training them at 21 days old. Yes the chances are awesome that your puppy is good response my command this age! In the nick of time every pet dog of sound command and dog will immediately response owner voice commands. It is very easier the teen age to start the training. In my take under consideration a sluggish adult dog makes this expression ‘you can’t train adult dog new put one over on ‘or, conceivably the adult pet dog’s owner.
When your pet dog is not actually a pet dog anymore? The return now becomes: the most excellently time to start training your puppy is at the moment! Sometimes dog owner will tell me that the timing isn’t good for them to come to class. The problem
with this thinking is that the puppy is getting voice command and is responding the behavior patterns he is being think. Sydney Dog Trainer, start of the training should use an item that is the most desirable for a dog. This can be food treat, toy, ball etc. For most dogs it is a food treat. The owner should say the word “sit” whilst holding the item in your hand and slowly hover it above the dog nose and move it over the back of the dogs head. The dog will follow the item and the dog’s bottom will sit on the ground. The motion of the hand going upwards will also indicate to the dog a visual clue. If the dogs front legs raise up off the ground. The owner has placed the item of desire too high and should try again.
As soon as the dog’s bottom sits on the ground, the owner must say the word “Yes” and then give the item of desire. This should be practiced over and over as the dog learns the association of the item of desire to the command. As the dog has a good understanding of the command. The item of desire should be used every now and then.
Dog Training Sydney and good dog training requires consistent behaviours and common sense approach. By being motivational, rewarding at correct times, having fun dog training Sydney becomes very easy for people to train their dogs.
There are 3 stages to dog training Sydney. The owner of the dog will start with the learning phase. This is where the dog learns what to do. The next stage is the reinforcement stage. This is where the dog knows what to do but chooses not to do it. This is where we reinforce the positive behaviour required. The last phase is the proofing phase. This is where the dog’s owner will place the dog in different environments and situations and the dog will perform the commands as required.
WALKING and JUMPING Course WALKING and JUMPING Course - $330.00 This course consists of: 
3 days of intensive live in obedience course at our training complex at Central Coast 35 mins from Sydney.
Your dog will be able to:  
Walk on a loose lead. Stop jumping.
For more details about Dog Training just visit us www.dogobedience.com.au/contact.php
Contact Us
K9 DOG OBEDIENCE TRAINING Gosford, Central Coast, 2250 New South Wales, Australia
T: 0414-088-128 Email: k9trainingaustralia@gmail.com Web: www.dogobedience.com.au
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