Selected Works 2019

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04 Austin Innovation Hub 16 Rectilinear Volumes 22 Operational Solar Sensitivity 28 Interstitial Space


Austin is one of the most rapidly growing cities in the country, resulting in a constantly evolving urban fabric. The design prompt for this project was to design a 10,000 square foot Innovation Hub on an existing parking lot in Downtown Austin. The project needed to be able to accommodate a range of workspaces, as well as a makerspace and other programs that might beintegral to productivity and collaboration in an Innovation Hub. I used the formal operational logic of the Tama Art University Library, to develop a parametric grasshopper definition that served as the basis for my design. The malleability of the parametric code allowed me to explore interiority, exteriority, and most importantly the interstitial space. Once I had an initial form, I used the process of evolutionary design; making subtle changes to the grasshopper definition in response to in information such as urban context, organizational relationships of programs, and accessibility to generate a form that best responds to a maximum number of design considerations within the established operational logic. The resulting form features four booleaned spheres nested inside an orthogonal shell. As transparency and collaboration are becoming increasingly important in the work environment, I took advantage of the booleaned form to imply separation through spatial changes, and level changes, in lieu of solid walls, that would hinder communication.


Design 3 | Fall 2018


My precedent, the Tama Art University by Toyo Ito implies the separation of space through series of arches. The paths followed by the followed could be extended into perfect circles, and I discovered a near perfect linear relationship between the size of the circles and the distance from the centroid, as well as step pattern that informed the circle’s radial position. I used these relationships to develop a completely parametric grasshopper definition that allowed me to generate countless iterations, by manipulating the radial position, size to distance ratio, number of circles and more.

Radius Distance from center 1 358 2 400

249.6 300

3 835 4 877 5 1313

822 872.4

6 1355 7 1790 8 1832 9 2268


10 2310


11 2787 12 2745

3164.4 3114


R2745.83 R1790.83




R1355.00 R835.83

1968 2018.4 2541.6

R400.00 R358.33


R1313.33 R877.50

R1832.50 R2268.33

-1 50 ) ius 1. 2( Ra d nc e= Di sta

To generate the form for my project I transitioned from plan to a 3-dimensional volume by transformed the circles into spheres, and introducing radial movement in all three directions. I started with a cube and performed a subtractive boolean with the parametrically generated spheres created space. Next I performed an additive boolean, to create an interior volume. Lastly I located my ground plane to intersect the volume.


I used a series of study models to explore ideas of nesting and massing in regards to the double booleaned form. My first model deals with stacked planes rather than spheres. It uses contouring to explore intersecting planes. The second model explores enclosure and aperture techtonically. Each surface of the cube has a unique pattern of circlular apertures that reveal diffent parts of the boolened mass suspended within. The last model is a cast concrete model that stereotomically defines mass.



Austin City Plan

Public Transport

Building Types

Building Heights

Site Residencial Commerical Special use Parking

E 9th


E 8th

er W Summ s St E 8th


Circulation 10




s St

ter W










E 9th


Prevailing Winds

Floor 0

Floor 1

Floor 2

Floor 3

Floor 4

Roof 11

Public Space Lobby Cafe Flex


Fabrication Space Maker Space Laboratory Assembly

Work Space Meeting Rooms Phone Booths

Outdoor Space Terrace

Flex Space

Meeting Rooms

Offices 13

Section 1

Section 2





Architectural spaces to a great degree dictate the behavior of those occupying them. This project revolves around three interconnected rectilinear forms that support distinct programmatic spaces, suggesting varying levels of interaction. The rectilinear forms have an inward focus, centered around an open courtyard. The transparency of the courtyard space is intended to encourage movement through the variety of spaces for a spatially enriching experience.


Foundation 1 | Fall 2017


Two identically sized rectangles, one vertical and the other horizontal, were located in plan. The position of the horizontal rectangle on the z-axis is located in an axon. The position of the vertical form is changed and two additional horizontal rectangles are located plan. The perpendicular rectangle defines the site and the position of the remaining rectangles is located on the z-axis. There are three programmatic spaces, one in each of the volumes. The axon begins to explore opportunities for apertures and alignment, created by sliding the volumes of the programmatic spaces away from the rectilinear forms.


Tonal Composition

Site Plan

Floor Plan

East Section

South Elevation

Northeast Isonometric


Introverted Space

The social space explores the relation between the ideas of interaction and circulation. It is the largest of the three spaces and has the most seamless connection between the programmatic space and larger volume. It opens into the courtyard providing a visual connection to opposite form. It also serves as physical liaison between the three volumes, as it contains Social Space the primary ventricular circulation by engaging the terrace.


The introverted is the smallest and most enclosed of the three spaces. Its position in the vertical volume places it furthest away, and makes it least accessible from the central courtyard allowing the occupant of the space peace and solitude. The narrow slit windows are designed to allow focused rays of light without offering visual access. The space is ideally occupied in the morning, when Eastern light shines in directly through the slits.

Social Space

Extroverted Space

The extroverted space is intended to embody exteriority. It serves as a threshold mediating the condition between exterior and interior. There is minimal partitions in the space, and the built in seating arrangement is intended to encourage interaction. The space is best occupied in the afternoon providing shade from the West, but remaining completely open in the East. 21


The object of this project was to design a free-standing, semi-enclosed structure that serves as a space for few people to socialize. I was interested in operability and biological precedents to serve as a basis for designing a structure responsive to sunpaths. The structure consists of an elevated core as an occupational space to be accessed by a gently sloping, linear passage way. The entire structure is tilted by 15 degrees on an axis parallel to the the major axis of symmetry. The enclosure surrounding the occupational space is fully operational. It can be opened and closed in response to sunlight and temperature. The enclosure is designed to remain closed in the morning to retain heat, while allowing Eastern light through tunnel apertures. It is designed to open in the afternoon and allow for ventilation and create shade from the harsh southwestern light. The form of the operational enclosure is inspired by the frilled-neck lizard, an animal that that unfurls its frills as a means of thermoregulation, resulting in a structure that takes on an abstracted anthropomorphic form governed by symmetry.


Foundation 2 | Spring 2018


A solid volume inspired by the anthromorphic form of a frilled-neck lizard.

The form is rendered techtonically with basswood sticks, as a way better understand the space that the form encloses.

This iteration seeks to find a balance between a solid and wireframe structure. Additional layers are added to create a multi-layered shading system and set-up the foundation for the the operational enclosure.

This further experiments with negotiating between a solid and wireframe structure. A tunnel aperture is introduced to allow for targeted sunlight when the operational enclosure is closed.



8:00 A.M. Solar studies conducted to understand the behavior of the sun at three different times of the day with five levels of closure.

12:00 P.M.

5:00 P.M.




Walls in contemporary buildings are responsible for encasing a variety of building systems. These systems are generally hidden between the layers of the walls, limiting the possibility of interaction with the interstitial space. This project seeks to express walls as volumetric constructs that hold space rather than two-dimensional monolithic structures. A set of predetermined rectilinear programmatic spaces are arranged to by following an operational logic of orthogonally sliding and rotating spaces to create thresholds and facilitate circulation. The resulting form is enclosed in a series of nested envelopes. The inner envelope closely follows the form of the programmatic spaces, while the outer envelope is a result of the boolean between two volumes that approximate the form in broader strokes. This generates a variety of interstitial spaces, that are engaged through the use of thresholds, apertures, and places for occupation.


Foundation 2 | Spring 2018


Seven unique programmatic spaces with predetermined proportions are arranged on an orthogonal grid system. Apertures and thresholds are created by sliding and rotating walls. The first envelop is created from two volumes that vary from touching the form of the programmatic spaces, to creating pockets of space wide enough to support occupation. The second envelope is also created from two volumes to create a strong axis central axis. The volumes of the second envelope are informed by the volumes of the first envelope rather than the form of the programmatic spaces directly. The envelopes are manipulated to allow for views, ventilation, and circulation. The inner envelope is made to follow the form of the programmatic spaces more closely. 30

Social Living Space Personal Living Space Eating Space Food Storage Space Sleeping Space Hygiene Space Personal Storage Space


Site Plan N

Floor Plans


Logitudal Section

Transverse Section



Exploded Axonometric




Austin, TX 78705 (510)- 320-2659

KAAVYA CHHATRAPATI Education University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture Bachelor of Architecture (expected May 2022) Related Educational Experience Academy of Art University, San Francisco, CA (Summer Pre-College Art Experience) Graphic Design (Summer 2017) Introduction to 3D Modeling and Animation (Summer 2017) Introduction to Illustration (Summer 2017) California Polytechnic College of Architecture and Environmental Design, San Luis Obispo, CA Summer Career Residency Workshop (2014) American High School, Fremont, CA Architectural Design I,II,III (2014-2017) Introduction Engineering and Design by PLTW (Path Lead The Way) (2014) Principles of Engineering by PLTW (Path Lead The Way) (2015) Skills Digital: Rhino (Grasshopper, Pufferfish, Ladybug), Revit, Autodesk 3ds Max, AutoCAD, SketchUp, Python, Scripting, Adobe Creative Cloud (Photoshop, InDesign,Illustrator, Lightroom) Analog: Sketching, Model Building, Woodworking, Watercolor Illustration, Hand Drafting Language: Proficient: English, Hindi, Gujarati, French (Limited working proficiency), Japanese (studying) Work Experience University of Texas at Austin School of Architecture Build Lab Assistant (Fall 2018) Troubleshooting issues with laser cutters, CNC routers, and other build lab machines Curating display pieces to showcase digital fabrication techniques Consulted with Startup Villas (2017) Collaborated with a multidisciplinary team to transform a single family home into a pod-sharing unit Related Experience Founded and ran Architecture Club at American High School (2015-2017) Created a platform to discuss architecture and organized visits to firms and architecture Volunteers with Habitat for Humanity Fremont, CA Central Commons affordable housing project (2016) Assisted and assessed the build and design of public spaces Austin, TX Home for the Holidays Blitz (2017) Studied and built multi-layered wall construction assemblies Memberships/Activities National Organization of Minority Architecture Students (NOMAS), Member Member American Institute of Architecture Students (AIAS), Member Tzu Chi ( International, UN accredited humanitarian organization), Officer University of Texas at Austin Climbing Club, Member

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