3 minute read
Schlüssel im Schloss
Eine organisatorische Herausforderung, die auf Hoffnung, Flexibilität und viel Arbeit basierte. Unser Partner, die University of Education hatte den Head of Performing Arts gewechselt. Die Studierenden waren noch in der Pandemie Pause. Die Visa Abteilung der deutschen Botschaft in Accra war weiterhin geschlossen und stellte nur Notfall Visa aus.
Jetzt trugen die langjährige Erfahrung und Beziehungspflege Früchte. Uns wurde auf allen Ebenen vertraut. Der neue Head of Performing Arts kannte meine Arbeit von der School of Performing Arts, der University of Ghana in Accra. Er sorgte persönlich dafür, dass geeignete Studierende teilnehmen konnten, dass sie einen Pass beantragten und erhielten. Wir erhielten einen Termin mit der deutschen Botschaft, konnten als Framewalk Gruppe Visa beantragen, vom Botschafter persönlich unterstützt. Ende 2021 kamen unsere Gäste aus Ghana nach Düsseldorf.
Wir sorgten für einen warmen Empfang und holten sie mit Winterjacken, Schals und Handschuhen am Flughafen ab. Normalerweise sind die Rückbesuche im Sommer, dann ist die Klima Umstellung nicht so groß. Against all odds arbeiteten wir wie immer fokussiert, intensiv und mit großer Begeisterung. Alle waren glücklich und erleichtert, dass Framewalk überhaupt stattfinden konnte. Pandemiebedingt gab es keine öffentliche Abschlusspräsentation. Wir präsentierten im Live-Stream. Ein Novum. Zuschauer:innen aus Ghana und Deutschland, aus Kolumbien (einer der deutschen Teilnehmenden hat dort seine Wurzeln) und anderen Ländern – konnten die Framewalk Premiere online anschauen. Sie ist weiterhin auf dem Kabawil You Tube Kanal präsent.
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sT6Im9frqc4 Σκιά | skiá shadow – shade (shelter from the sun) – shade (spirit of someone dead) Etymologically the word SKIÀ is also the root in various languages for words that translate to shimmer and shine, as well as for words that translate to transparent or thin layered.
I am Oteanankanduro, the healer of snakebites.
I was looking forward to a truly white, chilly December, but all we met was grey. And coming from the washed-out brown weather of harmattan, settling for a grey winter is the best you get amidst global warming. “The world is literally warmer than the love of meeting old friends, that’s why there’s no snow in Düsseldorf,” I joked and kicked my foot into the imaginary heap of snow for my first winter, but I believed in the promises of sliding over ice to make up for the disappointment. However, this sole promise too turned grey and brought me back to what I have always said, that one week would never be enough for sharing love and passion through our respective art disciplines and culture. Where culturally, ‘grey’ means indecisiveness, it was decided that there would be no ice- skating and much to our surprise, this was the best decision.
You’ll find why at this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7hsXvmplIE
The Ghanaian shadows of the past and distant past of Framewalk would be me and Robo, Jude and Angelica, through music and dance respectively, helping construct the Legos of sound and movement to materialise the shape of, SKIÁ/shadow, the theme for Framewalk mini 2021. ‘Mini’ was only a definition for the number of participants, but the love and work we created through exchange of socially-distanced breath and sweat as always, were large and abundant. From the delicate sashaying of the ballroom
dance; voguing, the creation of upbeat ballroom music, and the shades and details of what everything culturally means to the queer or trans community, the esoteric sounds of strummed saws and wine glasses to extended vocal technique, I believe Framewalk mini had more something than the other Framewalks I have participated in. This something is to me the SKIÁ of Framewalk.
Creative Writing instead of Theatre, gave us an opportunity to delve into personal shadows and how they related to not just the theme but also social issues that most often than not cast shadows on our identities. The SKIÁ of Framewalk this time was the unity factor; to be able to understand and empathize with, and not just tolerate, people. What SKIÁ has meant to me since December 2021 is that knowing and appreciating myself is not enough until it extends a helping hand and acceptance to the individualities of other people.
Oh, in light of extending a helping hand, please do not shave your legs and wear long trousers in winter. If you must, then please have Robb or baby powder for the excruciating stinging itch. To end, Light and Dark have nothing in common but shadow. Shadow is where humanity is. The ones to trust are the ones who are honest about and put effort into working their shadow.