Kabalos Booklet

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To our dear brother, dear sister, dear child of our Father, Take a look, just one look Look at this list, it's as long as a book. Know that behind each and every line Is a sibling of yours that took the time To show you and show our Father How much we care and how much we would rather To be greeting moshiach now instead of mourning The loss of one of us so tragically - without warning. The world in so much pain for those they don't personally know Yet you lost a close member, watched a beloved one go. The pain you are experiencing we can never comprehend That aching hole, only hashem can mend. But know that you are not alone Just look at this list and how it has grown. Your jewish family across the globe…. We care. We love. We are in pain. We took on kabbolos like never before In the zechus of your loved one we’re trying more and more. Hashem chose the purest as a korbon He was handpicked – hashem's special son. He was a kapparah for all of us and we want to take action This booklet is to show of klal yisroel’s doing, a fraction. We’re begging hashem to send moshiach fast To be reunited with our loved ones whose lives have passed. some of us, know some of you Some of us, know none of you. Regardless we all feel that aching, searing pain We will never forget your loved one, forever etched in our brain. People are begging to be a part of this opportunity To be able to take on a kabbalah l’ilui nishmas in unity. Each time you feel your personal loss When each yahrzeit comes across Know the world hasn’t moved on without you We can never forget the tragic passing of a jew. Each lag b’aomer all of klal yisroel will grieve The yahrzeit of those that so much did achieve, Your loving family

Dear Father in heaven, It’s hard not to - but we won't ask why We really wont ask - even as we cry But can we just ask when?!?! This galus will end, so we all meet again? When will we be zoche to the geulah? We need to do teshuvah to be zoche to the yeshua. So here hashem - look what we did Please read this list from so many a yid. For each person and what they took on Was so hard for them and where they’re coming from. But they want to do it so badly For the geulah they will do it gladly. Hashem, when we heard the terrifying news from meron, at the kever of a holy tzaddik - rabbi shimon, We all cried so many bitter tears It’s a golus that's been going on for so many years. But we did not hear a reaction of complaint Not once did we hear ‘it's not fair, it just ain’t” We didn't hear anyone lose their belief On the contrary - kabolos amassed amidst our grief. To show how much we care about our fellow brother Hashem, please see what we do for one another. "‫"פתחו לי פתח כחודה של מחט ואני אפתח לכם כפתחו של אולם‬ although we have not reached perfection We are heading towards the right direction. We have spread the opening to a needle-eye size, please open the rest – to you we lift our eyes. “Do it for the holy ones,” we cry That joined rabbi shimon bar yochai. For their families that are feeling so alone And for us klal yisroel who want to come home, Your loving children

‫לאח‪ ,‬לאחות‪ ,‬לילדים היקרים של אבא שלנו‬ ‫תנו מבט‪ ,‬רק מבט אחד‬ ‫תסתכלו על הרשימה‪ ,‬הארוכה כמו ספר‬ ‫תדעו שמאחורי כל שורה ושורה‬ ‫נמצא אח שלכם‪ ,‬שלקח את הזמן הזה‬ ‫להראות לכם ולאבא שבשמיים‬ ‫כמה אכפת לנו וכמה היינו מעדיפים‬ ‫לראות פני משיח עכשיו במקום להתאבל‬ ‫על אבדון של אחדים מאיתנו בצורה טראגית – ללא התרעה‬ ‫העולם כל כך כואב על מי שאפילו לא הכרנו‬ ‫אבל איבדנו חבר קרוב ואח אהוב מאיתנו הלך‬ ‫את הכאב שאתם חווים אנחנו אף פעם לא נוכל לקלוט‬ ‫את החסר העמוק שרק השם יכול להשלים‬ ‫אבל דעו שאתם לא לבד‬ ‫רק תסתכלו על הרשימה ותיראו כמה שהיא גדלה‬ ‫מאחיכם היהודים סביב הגלובוס‬ ‫אכפת לנו‬ ‫אנחנו אוהבים‬ ‫אנחנו כואבים‬ ‫קיבלנו קבלות כמו שמעולם לא קיבלנו‬ ‫בזכות האהובים שלכם אנחנו משתדלים עוד ועוד‬ ‫השם בחר את הטהורים ביותר כקורבן‬ ‫הוא נבחר במיוחד‪-‬בנו יחידו של השם‬ ‫הוא כפרה בשביל כולנו ולכן אנחנו רוצים לעשות מעשה‬ ‫הספר הזה הוא להראות מה כלל ישראל עושה‪ ,‬רק פיסה קטנה‬ ‫אנחנו מתחננים להשם שישלח משיח במהרה‬ ‫שנתאחד עם האהובים שלנו שחייהם נגמרו‬ ‫חלקינו מכירים חלק מכם‬ ‫וחלקינו לא מכירים אף אחד מכם‬ ‫בכל אופן כולנו מרגישים את הכאב הצורב‬ ‫אנחנו לעולם לא נשכח את היקרים לכם‬ ‫לעולם הם ישארו חרוטים בליבינו‬ ‫אנשים מתחננים להיות חלק מההזדמנות הזאת‬ ‫לקבל קבלה לעילוי נשמת‪ ,‬באחדות‬ ‫בכל פעם שתרגישו את האבידה הפרטית שלכם‬ ‫בכל יום זיכרון שיגיע‬ ‫דעו שהעולם לא המשיך בלעדייכם‬ ‫לא נוכל לשכוח את הפטירה הטראגית של יהודי‬ ‫בכל ל"ג בעומר עם ישראל יתאבל‬ ‫על הזיכרון של אלה‪ ,‬שכל כך הרבה השיגו‬

‫המשפחה האהובה שלכם‬

‫לאבא שבשמיים ‪,‬‬ ‫קשה שלא לשאול‪ ,‬אבל לא נשאל למה‬ ‫באמת שלא נשאל‪ ,‬הגם שאנחנו בוכים‬ ‫אבל האם איננו יכולים לשאול מתי!?!?‬ ‫הגלות הזאת תסתיים כדי שנוכל להיפגש שוב ?‬ ‫מתי נזכה לגאולה?‬ ‫אנחנו צריכים לעשות תשובה כדי שנזכה לישועה‬ ‫אז הנה השם – תראה מה עשינו‬ ‫הבט על הרשימה מכל כך הרבה יהודים‬ ‫כל אדם במה שהוא קיבל‬ ‫היה לו קשה כל כך מהמקום שהוא נמצא‬ ‫אבל הם רוצים לעשות את כל כך‬ ‫ובשביל הגאולה הם יעשו את זה בשמחה‬ ‫‪.......‬‬ ‫השם‪ ,‬כששמענו את החדשות המצמררות ממירון‬ ‫בקבר של הצדיק הקדוש‪ ,‬ר' שמעון‬ ‫כולנו בכינו הרבה דמעות מרות‬ ‫זו גלות שנמשכת כבר כל כך המון שנים‬ ‫אבל לא שמענו תגובה של תלונה‬ ‫"אף לא פעם אחת אמרנו "זה לא הוגן‬ ‫לא שמענו על מישהו שאיבד את האמונה‬ ‫להיפך‪ ,‬קבלות התקבצו מתוך הכאב‬ ‫להראות כמה אכפת לנו מאח קרוב‬ ‫השם‪ ,‬אנא ראו מה אנחנו עושים אחד בשביל השני‬ ‫"פתחו לי פתח כחודו של מחט ואני אפתח לכם שפתחו של אולם"‬ ‫למרות שלא הגענו לשלימות‬ ‫אנחנו צועדים בכיוון הנכון‬ ‫פרסנו את הפתיחה כחודו‪-‬של‪-‬מחט סביב‬ ‫אנא פתח את השאר‬ ‫אליך אנחנו נושאים עיניים‬ ‫עשה למען קדושים‪ ,‬אנחנו צועקים‬ ‫אלה שהצטרפו לר' שמעון בר יוחאי‬ ‫למשפחותיהם שמרגישות כל כך לבד‬ ‫ולנו‪ ,‬כלל ישראל שרוצים לחזור הביתה‬ ‫בניך האוהבים‬

These Kabbalos have been taken on by English-speaking Yidden worldwide. The first 500 of 3300 kabbalos have been translated to Hebrew to benefit those who are Ivrit readers only.

There are many more Kabbalos that have been taken on after this booklet was already sent to print. To view the full version, contact us at meronkabbalos@gmail.com If you would like to request a PDF of this book, or obtain another copy for grieving families please email:

meronkabbalos@gmail.com 500 . 3300 ‫מתוך‬ meronkabbalos@gmail.com PDF meronkabbalos@gmail.com

Graphics By: Chaya Sara Nussbaum grandgraphicsny.com 058.323.7296 | 732.314.1515

‫בלי נדר‬ ‫אקבל שבת מוקדם השבוע‬ ‫אשתדל להיות זהירה יותר בכיסוי הראש שלי‬ ‫אקבל שבת מוקדם השבוע‬ ‫אומר למשך ‪ 3‬השבועות הבאים את ‪ 13‬העיקרי האמונה בכל יום בכוונה‬ ‫עם מאמץ יתר לדון לכף זכות‬ ‫אומר תהילים השבת כדי להודות לה' על כל הניסים‬ ‫אומר תהילים השבת כדי להודות לה' על כל הניסים‬ ‫אברך עם יותר כוונה‬ ‫לא אגע בשום דבר לפני נטילת ידיים בבוקר‬ ‫אומר "עלינו לשבח" מתוך הסידור השבוע‬ ‫אומר את כל פרשיות "שמע" מתוך הסידור‬ ‫אומר את ברכות השחר מתוך הכתב כל שבוע הבא‬ ‫אומר את ברכות השחר מתוך הכתב כל שבוע הבא‬ ‫אומר "אשר יצר" מתוך הכתב‪ ,‬השבוע‬ ‫אכוון בברכה הראשונה של שמו"ע בשחרית‬ ‫אומר ברכות השחר מתוך הכתב‬ ‫אעריך כל אחד מהילדים שלי ואזכור שהם מתנה מה' באופן תמידי ומתוך מודעות‬ ‫אשתדל לא להתרגז מהילדים שלי במיוחד כשהם לא עושים את מה שאני רוצה‬ ‫שהם יעשו‬ ‫"אשים לב יותר ואהיה ערנית יותר בקשר לברכות אחרונות‪ ,‬במיוחד "על המחיה‬ ‫אגביל יותר את השימוש שלי בטכנולוגיות‬ ‫אומר את "ברכות השחר" מתוך הסידור למשך השבוע הבא‬ ‫אמנע מלומר ביקורות ‪ 4‬פעמים ביום‬ ‫אבקבל שבת מוקדם‪ ,‬השבת הזאת‬ ‫אני בע"ה אתמקד על שמירת הלשון שלי‬ ‫אוודא שהאורך של הפאה החדשה שלי לא תהיה ארוכה יותר מהישנות שלי‬ ‫אקבל שבת בזמן השבוע‬ ‫אעשה שינוי רציני בשימוש שלי בטכנולוגיה‬ ‫אלמד מוסר במשך השבוע הבא‬ ‫אספור עד ‪ 10‬לפני שאומר משהו שאני עלולה להתחרט עליו‬ ‫אקבל שבת ‪ 10‬דקות מוקדם יותר השבוע ואנסה לחזק את האמונה שלי בלי לשאול‬ ‫שאלות‬ ‫אשתדל להשאר במצב רוח חיובי‬ ‫אלמד שיעור אחד על "לחיות אמונה" כל לילה‬ ‫הניחו תפילין החל ממחר ‪ -‬אלוקים אנא עזרו‬ ‫אתפלל שחרית הבוקר‬

‫בלי נדר‬ ‫אשתדל לקרוא את הספר "אבא שלי אמא שלי ואני" של יהודית סמט כדילעבוד על‬ ‫כיבוד ההורים שלי‬ ‫אומר פרק אחד בתהילים כל יום למשך ‪ 4‬השבועות הבאים‬ ‫אפתח את המחשב לא יותר מ‪ 3-‬פעמים בלבד בשבוע‬ ‫אעבוד על לסלוח לנות מסוימת שעשתה לי ממש בעיות עם הזמנה וגרמה לי לצער‬ ‫רב‬ ‫אקבל שבת מוקדם השבוע‬ ‫)אעשה משהו בצניעות )פרטי‬ ‫אברת את "על המחיה" מתוך סידור ובישיבה‬ ‫אקבל שבת מוקדם השבוע‬ ‫אקבל שבת מוקדם השבוע‬ ‫אומר את ברכות השחר ביתר כוונה היום בבוקר‬ ‫אשתדל לזכור לברך ברכה אחרונה‬ ‫אשתדל השבוע להדליק נרות שבת בזמן של ירושלים‬ ‫אקבל שבת מוקדם השבוע‬ ‫אברך ברכה אחרונה מיד בסיום הארוחה כדי שלא אשכח‬ ‫אשאר רגועה‬ ‫אברך את "על המחיה" מתוך ברכון‬ ‫אקבל שבת ‪ 15‬דקות מוקדם יותר‪ ,‬השבוע‬ ‫אברך היום את ברכת "אשר יצר" מתוך הכתב‬ ‫שמור על שבועות ‪ -‬אל תסתכל בטלפון שלי‬ ‫אתפלל שחרית הבוקר‬ ‫אקבל שבת מוקדם השבוע‬ ‫אקבל שבת מוקדם השבוע‬ ‫אתפלל ביותר כוונה‬ ‫אתפלל כל יום עם כוונה‬ ‫אברך עם כוונה‬ ‫אתפלל עם יותר כוונה השבוע‬ ‫אתפלל מנחה היום‬ ‫אברך אשר יצר מתוך הכתוב היום‬ ‫אקבל את השבת ‪ 10‬דקות מוקדם השבוע‬ ‫אכוון בברכת אשר יצר היום‬ ‫אשתדל להיות במצב רוח טוב היום‬ ‫אחיך לבעלי יותר במשך היום‬ ‫אשתדל לא להיות מול המחשב אחרי ‪ 12‬השבוע‬ ‫אומר קריאת שמע מתוך הכתוב השבוע‬

‫בלי נדר‬ ‫אתכונן לשבת מוקדם השבוע‬ ‫אכוון בברכת אשר יצר השבוע‬ ‫אתפלל לפני חצות היום‬ ‫אקבל את פני השבת מוקדם השבוע‬ ‫אהיה מוכנה בזמן כניסת השבת השבוע‬ ‫אכסה את הפיגמה עד לכניסתי למיטה‬ ‫אקבל את פני השבת מוקדם השבוע‬ ‫אגביל את השימוש בטכנולוגיה‬ ‫אקבל שבת מוקדם השבוע‬ ‫אצבע את השביל של הפאה שלא יראה טבעי‬ ‫אזהרה לא להניק מול ספרי קודש‬ ‫אתכונן ואתלבש לכבוד שבת מוקדם השבוע‬ ‫אגביל ואסנן את האינטרנט הביתי‬ ‫אדליק נרות בזמן השבוע‬ ‫אהיה מוכנה ולבושה מוקדם לכבוד שבת‬ ‫‪.‬אפחית שימוש באינטרנט ואשים חסימה טובה יותר‬ ‫אכוון בברכת אשר יצר‬ ‫אברך מתוך ברכון השבוע‬ ‫אלמד שמירת הלשון כל לילה השבוע‬ ‫אשתדל להיות יותר צנועה בתוך הבית‬ ‫אהיה יותר צנועה השבוע‬ ‫אגביל את השימוש בטכנולוגיה‬ ‫אדליק נרות ‪ 10‬דקות לפני הזמן השבוע‬ ‫אכוון בברכת אשר יצר השבוע‬ ‫אומר פרקי תהילים בשבת להודות להשם על הניסים שקרו‬ ‫אתפלל שחרית בשבת בבוקר‬ ‫אהיה בזמן לתפלת שחרית בשבת‬ ‫אכוון בברכת אשר יצר השבוע‬ ‫לא אגע בשום דבר לפני נטילת ידיים בבוקר‬ ‫אבוא השבת בזמן לתפילה‬ ‫אשתדל להיות רגוע כשאני משכיבה את הילדים‬ ‫אהיה מוכנה לשבת ואתפלל מנחה לפני שאקח תנומה קצרה‬ ‫אדליק נרות ‪ 10‬דקות לפני הזמן השבוע‬ ‫אשתדל לאכול פת שחרית השבוע‬ ‫אכוון בברכת אשר יצר לפחות פעם ביום לשבוע‬ ‫אתפלל שחרית בבוקר‬

‫בלי נדר‬ ‫אהיה מוכנה לשבת מוקדם השבוע‬ ‫אסתכל על הנייד לפני התפילה‬ ‫אדליק נרות ‪ 10‬דקות לפני הזמן השבוע‬ ‫אקבל שבת מוקדם השבוע‬ ‫אתפלל מנחה כל יום בשבוע הבא‬ ‫אני מקבלת על עצמי ענין פרטי בצניעות‬ ‫אכבד את הורי כמו שצריך‬ ‫אורמ קריאת שמע מתווך הכתוב לשבוע‬ ‫לא אדבר בטלפון למשך שבוע עד יום שיש הבא‬ ‫אקבל על עצמי שעת מחסום לפי מ‪ 7-8‬בערב‬ ‫אתפלל ‪ 3‬תפילות השבת‬ ‫אקפיד על שמירת הלשון בימים הקרובים‬ ‫אלמד פרק בשמירת הלשון כל יום לשבוע‬ ‫אקפיד על הלכות צניעות ויחוד בעבודה השבוע‬ ‫אתפלל תפילת שחרית השבת‬ ‫אקבל על עצמי שעת מחסום לפי‬ ‫אתפלל ‪ 3‬תפילות השבת‬ ‫אדליק נרות ‪ 5‬דקות לפני הזמן השבוע‬ ‫אקבל על עצמי שעת מחסום לפי‬ ‫אתפלל ‪ 3‬תפילות השבת‬ ‫אתפלל עם יותר כוונה‬ ‫אשתדל לא לדבר בפלאפון ברחוב‬ ‫אמור אשר יצר מתוך הסידור היום‬ ‫אברך על המחיה מתוך הכתוב‬ ‫אגיד על המחיה מתוך התפילה למשך שבוע‬ ‫אתפלל כל התפילות בשבת הקרוב‬ ‫אתפלל ברכת השחר לשבוע‪-‬מקווה להמשיך‬ ‫אגביל את השימוש בטכנולוגיה למשך שבוע‬ ‫אגביל את השימוש במחשב בבית‬ ‫אתפלל ברכת השחר עם יותר כוונה‬ ‫אמור אשר יצר מתוך הסידור לשבוע‬ ‫אסתכל רק בחדשות באתרים יהודיים‬ ‫אתפלל ברכת השחר כל בוקר‬ ‫אגיד שיר השירים היום‬ ‫אדבר בלשון יותר נקיה‬ ‫אמור אשר יצר בתוך הסידור לשבוע‬

‫בלי נדר‬ ‫אנסה לא לצעוק היום וכל השבת‬ ‫אגיד ‪ 2‬פרקים תהילים כל יום‬ ‫אסתכל בתוך הסידור כשאנע מתפללת ברכת השחר היום ובשבת‬ ‫אני לא אקנה באינטרנט השבוע‬ ‫אני לא אפתח קישורים של קניות השבוע‬ ‫לא אפתח אתרי קניות השבוע‬ ‫אתפלל תפילת ערבית היום‬ ‫אתפלל קבלת שבת השבוע‬ ‫אדליק נרות שבת מוקדם השבוע‬ ‫אמנע מלהשמיע מחשבה אחת ביום למשך שבועיים‬ ‫אומר קריאת שמע בשבת מתוך הכתוב‬ ‫אדליק נרות שבת מוקדם השבוע‬ ‫אמור אשר יצר לשבוע‬ ‫אתפלל קריאת שמע למיטה ל‪ 4‬שבועות‬ ‫אעבוד על שמירת הלשון שלי‬ ‫אמור אשר יצר בכוונה לשבוע‬ ‫אתפלל ברכת השחר כל בוקר‬ ‫לא אסתכל על סרטים בבית בל"ג בעומר‬ ‫אתפלל קבלת שבת השבוע‬ ‫אזהר לומר ברכה ראשונה‬ ‫אמור אשר יצר בתוך הסידור לשבוע‬ ‫אתפלל קבלת שבת השבוע‬ ‫אדליק נרות ‪ 10‬דקות מוקדם השבוע‬ ‫אכניס שבת מוקדם ואתפלל קבלת שבת‬ ‫אמור ברכות בכוונה‬ ‫אתפלל 'אני מאמין' אחרי תפילה עד יום ראשון‬ ‫אמור ברכות בכוונה‬ ‫אתפלל קריאת שמע למיטה בתוך סידור‬ ‫אנסה לא לדבר לשון הרע‬ ‫אכניס שבת מוקדם השבוע‬ ‫אתפלל קבלת שבת השבוע‬ ‫אתפלל ברכת השחר ואני מאמין עם כוונה השבוע‬ ‫אמור אשר יצר מתוך הסידור לשבוע‬ ‫אתפלל ברכת השחר בתוך הסידור‬ ‫אגיד שיר השירים השבוע‬ ‫אמור 'אני מאמין' בשבת הקרוב‬

‫בלי נדר‬ ‫אמור 'אני מאמין' בשבת הקרוב‬ ‫אכניס שבת ‪ 15‬דקות מוקדם השבוע ואכתוב ‪ 2‬דברים טובים להודות ה' ל‪ 40‬יום‬ ‫אתפלל קבלת שבת השבוע‬ ‫אתפלל ברכת השחר בכוונה השבוע‬ ‫אתפלל 'אני מאמין' לשבוע בכוונה‬ ‫אלביש גרביים ארוכים‬ ‫אתפלל תפילת ערבית היום‬ ‫אתפלל כל התפילות בשבת‬ ‫אמור אשר יצר בתוך הסידור לשבוע‬ ‫אתקבל על עצמי משהו בענין צניעות‬ ‫אלבש סינר הנקה בזמן ההנקה‬ ‫אדבר בלשון נקיה‬ ‫אברך ברכות בקול רם‬ ‫אקבל השבוע שבת מוקדם‬ ‫אומר ברכות השבוע‬ ‫אומר את ‪ 13‬עיקרי האמונה השבוע ואפניםכל אחד ואחד מהם‬ ‫אשים חסימה על האינטרנט שלי ואגביל את משך השימוש שלי בטכנולוגיה‬ ‫אומר את ‪ 13‬עיקרי האמונה השבוע ואפניםכל אחד ואחד מהם‬ ‫אומר את היום בתהילים שלי ביתר כוונה‬ ‫אברך "אשר יצר" יותר בכוונה‬ ‫אתפלל את כל התפילות השבת‬ ‫אשתדל להשאר במצב רוח חיובי‬ ‫)אברך השבת מתוך ברכון )ובע"ה אנסה להמשיך את זה גם אחרי‬ ‫אשתדל להשאר במצב רוח חיובי‬ ‫אשתדללמשך כל השבוע הבא לברך ברכה אחרונה מיד אחרי האוכל‬ ‫לא אדבר בתפילה‬ ‫אעבוד על פרגון ונתינת מחמאות בסוף השבוע הזה‬ ‫אעבוד על אמירת ברכות עם יותר כוונה‬ ‫'אעבוד על להודות לה'‪ ,‬לראות חיובי ולסםור את המתנות שאני מקבלת מה‬ ‫אומר את הברכות בכוונה ובישיבה בצורה נורמלית‬ ‫אהיה סבלנית וטובה לאמא שלי השבת‬ ‫)אברך השבת מתוך ברכון )ובע"ה אנסה להמשיך את זה גם אחרי‬ ‫אומר את הברכות בכוונה ובישיבה בצורה נורמלית למשך ‪ 40‬יום‬ ‫אהיה אחות טובה יותר השבת‬ ‫לא אקראא ספרים חילוניים השבת‬ ‫אשתדל ליטול ידיים ליד המיטה למשך שבוע‬

‫בלי נדר‬ ‫אומר את כל "קרית שמע" מתוך הכתב‬ ‫אשתדל להיות אדם סבלני יותר‬ ‫אשתדל לומר את הבכות מתוך הסידור למשך שבוע‬ ‫אשתדל לומר ברכות כל בוקר‬ ‫לא אגע ביוטיוב במשך השבועיים הבאים‬ ‫אומר את היום שלי בתהילים בכוונה‬ ‫לא אשתמש באינטרנט לבילוי או קניות השבוע‬ ‫אתפלל בכוונה ואשתדל להשאר שמחה השבת‬ ‫אברך "אשר יצר" מתוך הכתב היום‬ ‫אקבל שבת מוקדם יותר השבת‬ ‫אתפלל את כל שלושת התפילות השבת‬ ‫אודה לה' על שתי דברים בכל יום השבוע הזה וכן אתפלל עם יותר כוונה השבת‬ ‫הזאת‬ ‫אקום מוקדם השבת ואתפלל את כל התפילה‬ ‫לא אצא מהמיטה ללא גרביים‬ ‫אברך "אשר יצר" מתוך הכתב היום‬ ‫אומר ברכות עם יותר כוונה‬ ‫אתרכז באמירת קריאת השמע שלי השבוע‬ ‫לא אשיר לפני אח שלי עד שבת‬ ‫אברך "אשר יצר" מתוך הכתב היום‬ ‫אגביל את השימוש באינטרנט למשך שבוע‬ ‫אברך "אשר יצר" ביתר כוונה השבוע‬ ‫לא אעשה קניות באינטרנט עד יום רביעי‬ ‫אומר "קרית שמע" מתוך הסידור‬ ‫אומר ברכות יותר בכוונה השבוע‬ ‫אתפלל שחרית כל יום השבוע הזה‬ ‫אתפלל ביתר כוונה השבת‬ ‫!אתפלל ‪ 3‬תפילות השבת‬ ‫לא אתרגז ממשיהו שאני בד"כ מתרגזת למשך ה‪ 4-‬ימים הקרובים‬ ‫אתפלל מנחה למשך ‪ 7‬הימים הבאים ואומר חמישה פרקי תהילים למשך ‪ 30‬הימים‬ ‫הבאים‬ ‫אקבל שבת ‪ 15‬דקות מודם יותר השבוע‬ ‫אשתדל להמנע מלפגוע באנשים אחרים ואומר את פרק ק' ‪ 3‬פעמים בכל יום‬ ‫בשבוע הבא‬ ‫אמנע מלדבר לשון הרע על הבוס שלי השבוע‬ ‫אומר את פרק ק בכל יום במשך החודש הבא‬

‫בלי נדר‬ ‫אברך "אשר יצר" מתוך הכתב למשך החודש הבא‬ ‫אמנע מלדבר לשון הרע על הבוס שלי השבוע‬ ‫אהיה מכוסה השבת‬ ‫אומר את כל התהילים השבת‬ ‫אומר "נשמת" למשך ה‪ 30‬יום הבאים‬ ‫אלמד פרק השבוע‬ ‫אשתדל לזכור כל הזמן להתקדם כמה שאפשר כי הרי אני לא אשאר פה בעולם‬ ‫לעולם‬ ‫אומר ‪ 5‬פרקי תהילים במשך ה‪ 30‬יום הבאים ואברך "אשר יצר" עם יותר כוונה‬ ‫אשתדל להיות מוכנה ‪ 15‬דקות מוקדם יותר השבת‬ ‫אומר את כל ספר התהילים השבת‬ ‫אשתדל להיות מוכנה ‪ 15‬דקות מוקדם יותר השבת‬ ‫אשתדל להיות מוכנה ‪ 15‬דקות מוקדם יותר השבת‬ ‫אשתדל להיות יותר זהירה בדיבור שלי השבת‬ ‫אומר ‪ 5‬פרקי תהילים השבת ואשתדל לומר אשר יצר‬ ‫אפסיק לשמוע מוזיקה לא יהודית‬ ‫אומר תודה לאמא שלי על הכנת הארוחה בשבת‬ ‫אתפלל השבת הזאת‬ ‫אתפלל השבת הזאת‬ ‫אשתדל להיות אקבל שבת ‪ 15‬דקות מוקדם יותר השבת‬ ‫אשתדל להיות אקבל שבת ‪ 10‬דקות מוקדם יותר השבת‬ ‫אהיה מוכנה לשבת ‪ 10‬דקות מוקדם בע"ה‬ ‫לא אפתח את אתרי הקניות שלי השבוע‬ ‫אתחיל לומר קריאת שמע על המיטה‬ ‫אהיה מוכנה לשבת ‪ 10‬דקות מוקדם‪ ,‬פרשת אמור בע"ה‬ ‫אתפלל מנחה הכי מוקדם שאני יכולה השבוע‬ ‫אתפלל מנחה השבת ולהתמיד בזה כמה שאצליח‬ ‫אקפיד על כיבוד הורים השבוע‬ ‫אתחיל לקרוא ספר על אמונה‬ ‫אומר משהו טוב על מישהו כל יום למשך שבוע‬ ‫אשתדל להיות סבלנית עם האחינים שלי השבת‬ ‫אברך מתוך ברכון השבת‬ ‫אודה לה' על החיים שלי‬ ‫אשתדל לא להכנס ללחץ ולדאגב השבוע‪ ,‬אזכור שהכל מה' ואין צורך לדאוג אם‬ ‫הכל זה מידיו‬ ‫לא אגע השבוע בפלאפון שלי מ‪ 5-8‬בערב‬

‫בלי נדר‬ ‫אומר את ברכת "שהכל" בכוונה למשך פעם ביום השבוע‬ ‫אתפלל שחרית מתוך הסידור בכל בוקר‬ ‫אתפלל עם יותר כוונה השבת‬ ‫אשתדל לכבד הורים עם חיוך וללא שהיות‬ ‫אהיה יותר סבלנית עם המשפחה שלי פעם הבאה שאדבר איתם‬ ‫אקבל שבת מוקדם יותר השבוע‬ ‫אנסה לומר ברכת המזון מתוך הכתב למשך שבוע‬ ‫אתפלל שחרית השבת‬ ‫לא אקרא ספרים חילוניים השבת‬ ‫אתפלל שמו"ע של שחרית עם יותר כוונה השבוע‬ ‫אקבל שבת ‪ 10‬דקות מוקדם‬ ‫אומר ברכות ‪ 10‬דקות מוקדם יותר‬ ‫אברך על המחיה מתוך הכתב למשך שבוע‬ ‫אעשה חשבון הנפש היום בלילה ומחר‬ ‫אשתדל לא לדון אנשים ולדבר רק חיובי על אנשים‬ ‫אשים לב להתקשר לסבתא שלי כל יום ולבלות עם הסבתא השניה שלי לפחות חצי‬ ‫שעה ביום‬ ‫אשתדל להסתובב בבית בצניעות‬ ‫אהיה זהירה בשמירת הלשון למשך חודש בין ‪ 9-10‬בערב‬ ‫אשתדל לברך את הברכות בכוונה מחר ‪ -‬יום ראשון‬ ‫אכוון יותר בתפילה‬ ‫אחייך ולא אתלונן בדקה הראשונה שבעלי נכנס הביתה למשך שבוע‬ ‫אומר את פרשיות "שמע" מתוך הכתב למשף שבוע‬ ‫'אהיה יותר סבלנית כלפי המשפחה שלי ואעריך את זה שהם חיים ומתנה מה‬ ‫לא אוכל שום דבר בבוקר ל[ני שאומר את ברכת התורה למשך שבוע‬ ‫אשתדל להיות במצב רוח טוב כשבעלי חוזר הביתה‬ ‫אומר אשר יצר יותר בכוונה למשך שבוע‬ ‫אומר אשר יצר יותר בכוונה למשך שבוע‬ ‫אהיה יותר סבלנית עם הילדים שלי ואעריך את מתנת החיים‬ ‫אומר ברכות מתוך הסידור‬ ‫אברך אשר יצר ביצר כוונה השבוע‬ ‫לא אגע בשום דבר עד שאני אומר מודה אני ואטול ידיים עד שבועות‬ ‫אהיה מוכנה לשבת ‪ 5‬דקות מוקדם‬ ‫אשנה את חסימת האינטרנט שלי לחסימה טובה יותר‬ ‫אהיה חיובית בזמן ארוחת הערב ולא אספר לשון הרע‬ ‫אתפלל תפילה אחת בכל יום השבוע‬

‫בלי נדר‬ ‫אתפלל שחרית בכל יום השבוע‬ ‫אשתדל לדבר יפה ובנחת לבעלי השבוע‬ ‫אומר ברכות מתוך הכתב השבוע‬ ‫לא אשים מסקרה לעבודה במשך שבוע‬ ‫אעבוד על לומר על המחיה מתוך הברכון‬ ‫אשתדל להיות רגועה עם הילדים שלי‬ ‫אתפלל שמו"ע אחד מחר בכוונה ממש‬ ‫אומר ברכות עם כוונה‬ ‫אקבל שבת ‪ 10‬דקות מוקדם יותר מהרגיל‬ ‫אקבל שבת מוקג=דם יותר עד יו"כ‬ ‫אשים את התפילה בראש רשימת העדיפויות שלי בכל יום‬ ‫אומר שני פרקי תהילים אחרי התפילה עד שבועות‬ ‫אומר עלינו לשבח מתוך הסידור ובכוונה‬ ‫אשתדל לדון לכף ךזכות את האנשים עד שבועות‬ ‫אומר ברכות בקול רם‬ ‫אתפלל את כל התפילה מתוך סידור עד שבועות‬ ‫אסתובב בבית בצניעות‬ ‫אקפיד שהברך שלי תהיה מכוסה כל הזמן‬ ‫אומר עלינו לשבח מתוך הסידור ובכוונה‬ ‫אומר על המחיה מתוך הכתב כשאני בבית‬ ‫אנדב ממנמני כדי לטפל בטראומה )ההתמחות שלי( לאלו שצריכים‬ ‫אומר ברכות מתוך הכתב‬ ‫אומר ברכות מתוך הכתב בכוונה‬ ‫אומר ‪ 3‬ברכות בקול ובכוונה‬ ‫)אשים לב שחולצות הבסיס שלי יכסו את הצוואר לפי ההלכה גם מאחורה )בעורף‬ ‫אתקשר לקו האמונה ואקשיב כל יום‬ ‫אומר את הברכות בבוקר בכוונה‬ ‫אשתדל לומק פרק אחד בתהילים כל יום במשך הימים הבאים‬ ‫אברך לאט‬ ‫אומר פרק ‪ 1‬של תהילים כל יום לשבועיים הקרובים‬ ‫אומר אשר יצר בתוך הסידור פעם הבא‬ ‫אתפלל 'אני מאמין' לשבוע‬ ‫אמנע מלומר תגובה‪/‬ביקורת אחת ביום שיכולה לגרום למישהו להפגע‬ ‫אתפלל ברכת השחר לשבוע‬ ‫אומר את ‪ 13‬עיקרי האמונה בכל יום למשך השבוע הזה‬ ‫אכבה את הטלפון חצי שעה לפני שבת‬

‫בלי נדר‬ ‫אחפש את הטוב במישהו השבוע‬ ‫אחזק את האמונה שלי כשאומר קריאת שמע של שחרית‬ ‫אשתדל לומר שמע פעמיים בשבוע‬ ‫אומר את ‪ 13‬עיקרי האמונה בכוונה גדולה כל יום‬ ‫אומר עלינו בעמידה במקום אחד מחר‬ ‫אומר ברכות בקול וארגיל גם את הילדים‬ ‫אומר את ‪ 13‬עיקרי האמונה בכוונה גדולה למשך שלושה שבועות‬ ‫אומר קריאת שמע מתוך סידור‬ ‫אכוון בתפילת מעריב היום‬ ‫אזהר יותר השבוע על מה שאסתל באינטרנט השבוע‬ ‫אומר את ‪ 13‬עיקרי האמונה בכל יום למשך השבוע הזה‬ ‫אומר על המחיה מתוך הכתוב השבוע‬ ‫אתן לדברים שמפריעים לי לעבור ואמנע מכעס השבוע‬ ‫לא אפתח חסימות לסרטים שבוע הבא‬ ‫אכוון באמירת ברכה על מאכל מחר‬ ‫אעבוד על האמונה שלי שבוע הבא‬ ‫אתפלל שמונה עשרה יותר בכוונה השבוע‬ ‫אשתדל לשמור את מצוותי השבוע‬ ‫לא אכנס ליו טיוב כל השבוע‬ ‫אגיד ברכה אחרונה בכוונה‬ ‫אשתדל לזכור לומר ברכה אחרונה‬ ‫אתקשר לסבתי פעם נוספת השבוע‬ ‫אגיד אשר יצר מתוך סידור השבוע‬ ‫אגיד ‪ 13‬עקרי אמונה כל יום למשך שבוע‬ ‫)לא אשתמש במחשב שלי למשך שעה אחרי שאני מגיע הביתה)השבוע‬ ‫אומר את ברכות השחר עם יותר כוונה השבוע‬ ‫אתפלל שמו"ע ביתר כוונה השבוע ואתפלל את כל ‪ 3‬התפילות ביום‬ ‫אתפלל מנחה בכוונה השבוע‬ ‫אפסיק להשתמש במחשב ללא צורך אמיתי אחרי השעה ‪ 7:30‬בערב למשך השבוע‬ ‫הזה‬ ‫אפסיק להשתמש במחשב לצורכי בילוי אחרי השעה ‪ 9‬בערב למשך השבוע הבא‬ ‫אלמד "לחיות" אמונה השבוע‬ ‫אהיה בהסתכלות חיובית ואמנע למלדבר לשה"ר בארוחת הערב במשך השבוע הבא‬ ‫לא אשתמש במחשב שלא לצורך עבודה או לצורך כיבוד אב ואם אחרי ‪ 12‬בלילה‬ ‫למשך כל החודש הבא‬ ‫אתפלל מנחה בכל יום‬

‫בלי נדר‬ ‫לא אלבש חצאיות ארוכות ברחוב‬ ‫אקבל את בעלי בחיוך אמיתי כשהוא חוזר הביתה‬ ‫אברך על המחיה מתוך הכתב השבוע‬ ‫)לא אשתמש בפלאפון שלי לפני אמירת ברכת התורה )למשך שבוע ה‬ ‫אומר ברכות מתוך הסידור למשך השבוע הזה‬ ‫אומר רק דברים טובים על יהודים השבוע‬ ‫אגיד רק דברים טובים על עמ"י השבוע‬ ‫אעבוד על לא לדבר לשון הרע עד שבועות‬ ‫אשתדל להתפלל כל יום‬ ‫אנסה להיות נחמדה לכולם‬ ‫אומר ברכות בקול רם כדי שיענו אמן השבוע‬ ‫אשתדל לא לדבר לשה"ר‬ ‫אנסה לראות את ה' ‪ 10‬פעמים ביום השבוע‬ ‫אגיד אשר יצר בעמידה במקום אחד‬ ‫אגיד אשר יצר בעמידה במקום אחד פעם ביום‬ ‫אגיד ‪ 13‬עקרי אמונה כל יום למשך שבוע‬ ‫אגיד ‪ 3‬ברכות בקול רם כל יום בשבוע הקרוב‬ ‫אומר את פרשיות "שמע" מתוך הכתב‬ ‫אומר את "שיר השירים" בליל שבת הזה‬ ‫אגזור את השיער שלי עוד קצת אקסטרה‬ ‫אתנהג בעדינות ובאדיבות ולא בשליליות לכל מי שאפגוש היום‬ ‫אשאר במקום אחד באמירת אשר יצר‬ ‫אשאר במקום אחד באמירת אשר יצר השבוע‬ ‫אחשוב לפני שאומר משהו ואבדוק שאין בו שליליות למשך ‪ 30‬דקות כל יום השבוע‬ ‫)לא אומר שום דבר שלילי היום )‪ 2‬למאי ‪2021‬‬ ‫לא אצא מהמיטה הלילה ללא גרביים‬ ‫אעבוד על שמירת הלשון בזמן מסוים ביום שהוא קשה עבורי‬ ‫)לא אשוחח על התלמידות שלי השבוע )אפילו לשיחות כאלו שנקראות לתועלת‬ ‫אקבל שבת ‪ 10‬דקות מוקדם השבוע‬ ‫אחזק את החסימה באינטרנט שלי לחסימה גבוהה יותר‬ ‫אתפלל מנחה היום‬ ‫אומר היום לאמא שלי תודה או מחמאה בכנות‬ ‫אשים לב ש‪ 3/4‬מהיד שלי מכוסה במשך השבוע הבא‬ ‫אהיה סבלנית עם הילדים שלי‬ ‫אתלבש במקומות יותר נכונים השבוע‬

‫בלי נדר‬ ‫אומר שאר יצר בכוונה‬ ‫אקבל שבת ‪ 10‬דקות מוקדם‬ ‫אעבוד על כיבוד אב ואם עד שבועות‬ ‫אומר קריאת שמע מתוך הכתוב מילה במילה למשך שבוע‬ ‫אומר את קריאת שמע שעל המיטה המלא מתוך הכתוב‬ ‫יהיה לי כוונה באמירת הברה שהל של הטוב ורע בעולם הזה תלוי ברצונו של הק"בה‬ ‫יהיה לי כוונה יתרה באמירת מעריב השבוע‬ ‫אהיה יותר מודעת בשמירת הלשון השבוע‬ ‫אומר קריאת שמע מתוך הכתוב כל לילה השבוע‬ ‫אומר אשר יצר מתוך הכתוב השבוע‬ ‫אומר קריאת שמע מתוך הסידור בכל לילה השבוע‬ ‫אתפלל שחרית פעמיים השבוע‬ ‫אתפלל מנחה השבוע‬ ‫לא אדחוף אנשים‬ ‫אתפלל מנחה למשך השבועיים הקרובים‬ ‫אהיה בטוחה שהשיער שלי מכוסה היטב בזמן התפילה מחר‬ ‫אזהר יותר שהשיער שלי מכוסה השבוע‬ ‫) לא אוכל לפני ברכות השחר השבוע )או לכמה זמן שאוכל להתמיד‬ ‫אחזק את רמת ההגנה של האינטרנט‬ ‫אהיה יותר זהירה לומר ברכה אחרונה‬ ‫אזהר יותר שהשיער שלי מכוסה היטב כששאצא מהבית במטפחת‬ ‫אודה את ה' השבוע‬ ‫אומר ברכת המזון מתוך ברכון‬ ‫אטול נטיל ידיים של הבוקר ליד המיטה לשבוע‬ ‫אוריד את סטטוס החדשות מהוואטס‪ -‬אפ‬ ‫אגיד רק דברים טובים על עמ"י השבוע‬ ‫אעבוד על לא לדבר לשון הרע עד שבועות‬ ‫אשתדל להתפלל כל יום‬ ‫אנסה להיות נחמדה לכולם‬ ‫אומר ברכות בקול רם כדי שיענו אמן השבוע‬ ‫אשתדל לא לדבר לשה"ר‬ ‫אנסה לראות את ה' ‪ 10‬פעמים ביום השבוע‬ ‫אגיד אשר יצר בעמידה במקום אחד‬ ‫אגיד אשר יצר בעמידה במקום אחד פעם ביום‬ ‫אגיד ‪ 13‬עקרי אמונה כל יום למשך שבוע‬ ‫אגיד ‪ 3‬ברכות בקול רם כל יום בשבוע הקרוב‬

‫בלי נדר‬ ‫אומר את כל "קרית שמע" מתוך הכתב‬ ‫אשתדל להיות אדם סבלני יותר‬ ‫אשתדל ל‬ ‫אקבל שבת ‪ 15‬דקות מודם יותר השבוע‬ ‫אשתדל להמנע מלפגוע באנשים אחרים ואומר את פרק ק' ‪ 3‬פעמים בכל יום‬ ‫בשבוע הבא‬ ‫אמנע מלדבר לשון הרע על הבוס שלי השבוע‬ ‫אומר את פרק ק בכל יום במשך החודש הבא‬ ‫אשתדל להגיד משהו מחםם את הלב מחוץ לכיתה לכמה תלמידות עד סוף השנה‬ ‫אשתדל להתפלל לפחות את ברכות השחר למשך שבוע‬ ‫אתפלל קריאת שמע בכוונה כל לילה‬ ‫אחשוב לפני שאני אדבר ואזהר לא לדבר לשון הרע‬ ‫אגזור השיעור שלי‬ ‫אגיד אשר יצר עם כוונה במשך שבוע‬ ‫אתפלל ברכת השחר מסידור לשבוע‬ ‫אבסה לא לדבר על אנשים‬ ‫אגיד ברוך אתה ה עם כוונה‬ ‫אתפלל עם כוונה ה‪ 3‬ברכות ראשונחת של עמידה‬ ‫אלמד ספר תומר דבורה כל יום השבוע‬ ‫אגזור את השיער שלי עוד קצת אקסטרה‬ ‫אתנהג בעדינות ובאדיבות ולא בשליליות לכל מי שאפגוש היום‬ ‫אשאר במקום אחד באמירת אשר יצר‬ ‫אשאר במקום אחד באמירת אשר יצר השבוע‬ ‫אחשוב לפני שאומר משהו ואבדוק שאין בו שליליות למשך ‪ 30‬דקות כל יום השבוע‬ ‫אומר שאר יצר בכוונה‬ ‫אקבל שבת ‪ 10‬דקות מוקדם‬ ‫אעבוד על כיבוד אב ואם עד שבועות‬ ‫אומר קריאת שמע מתוך הכתוב מילה במילה למשך שבוע‬ ‫אומר את קריאת שמע שעל המיטה המלא מתוך הכתוב‬ ‫יהיה לי כוונה באמירת הברה שהל של הטוב ורע בעולם הזה תלוי ברצונו של הק"בה‬ ‫יהיה לי כוונה יתרה באמירת מעריב השבוע‬ ‫אהיה יותר מודעת בשמירת הלשון השבוע‬ ‫אומר קריאת שמע מתוך הכתוב כל לילה השבוע‬ ‫אומר אשר יצר מתוך הכתוב השבוע‬ ‫אומר קריאת שמע מתוך הסידור בכל לילה השבוע‬ ‫אתפלל שחרית פעמיים השבוע‬

‫בלי נדר‬ ‫)לא אומר שום דבר שלילי היום )‪ 2‬למאי ‪2021‬‬ ‫לא אצא מהמיטה הלילה ללא גרביים‬ ‫אעבוד על שמירת הלשון בזמן מסוים ביום שהוא קשה עבורי‬ ‫)לא אשוחח על התלמידות שלי השבוע )אפילו לשיחות כאלו שנקראות לתועלת‬ ‫אקבל שבת ‪ 10‬דקות מוקדם השבוע‬ ‫אחזק את החסימה באינטרנט שלי לחסימה גבוהה יותר‬ ‫אתפלל מנחה היום‬ ‫אתפלל מנחה השבוע‬ ‫לא אדחוף אנשים‬ ‫אתפלל מנחה למשך השבועיים הקרובים‬ ‫אומר היום לאמא שלי תודה או מחמאה בכנות‬ ‫אשים לב ש‪ 3/4‬מהיד שלי מכוסה במשך השבוע הבא‬ ‫אהיה סבלנית עם הילדים שלי‬ ‫אמנע מלשוחח לשון הרע למשך ‪ 45‬דקות ביום לע"נ ‪ 45‬ההרוגים‬ ‫אומר אשר יצר בפנים כל השבוע‬ ‫אעבוד על יותר לכבד את אבי‬ ‫אגיד את ‪ 13‬ה'אני מאמין' למשך שבוע‬ ‫אתפלל ברכות השחר למשך שבוע‬ ‫לא ארטון בטלפון על דברים קשים אם אנשים ספציפיים‬ ‫אשתדל להגיב על כל דבר עם חיוך‬ ‫אשתדל לכסות את כל שערות ראשי למשך כמה שבועות‬ ‫אשתדל לא לדבר לשון הרע בסעודות שבת למשך שבועיים‬ ‫אתפלל שמי שקיבלה את העבודה שרציתי לעצמי תצליח‬ ‫לא אדבר בטלפון בחוץ‬ ‫אתפלל מנחה היום‬ ‫לא אדבר לשון הרע בשבת‬ ‫אכסה כל השיער שלי כילל בצדדים‬ ‫אברך בתוך ברכון לשבועיים‬ ‫אתפלל תפילה אחת כל יום‬ ‫לא אאכל לפני ברכת השחר‪ ,‬אברך בישיבה ל‪ 45‬יום‬ ‫אגזר השיעור שלי‬ ‫אתפלל ברכת השחר כל בוקר‬ ‫לא אסתכל באתרים של גויים לשבוע‬ ‫אתפלל שחרית בשבת עד שבועות‬ ‫אתפלל שחרית מסידור עד שבת‬ ‫אתפלל ברכות השחר למשך שבוע‬

‫בלי נדר‬ ‫אתפלל שחרית ומנחה למשך שבוע‬ ‫אזהר שלא תציץ שום שערה מהמתפחת שלי‬ ‫לא אגע בשום דבר לפני שאתול נתילת דיים למשך שבוע‬ ‫אהיה בטוחה שהשיער שלי מכוסה היטב בזמן התפילה מחר‬ ‫אזהר יותר שהשיער שלי מכוסה השבוע‬ ‫) לא אוכל לפני ברכות השחר השבוע )או לכמה זמן שאוכל להתמיד‬ ‫אחזק את רמת ההגנה של האינטרנט‬ ‫אהיה יותר זהירה לומר ברכה אחרונה‬ ‫אזהר יותר שהשיער שלי מכוסה היטב כששאצא מהבית במטפחת‬ ‫אודה את ה' השבוע‬ ‫אתלבש במקומות יותר נכונים השבוע‬ ‫ב"ה אני מבורך בחיים‪ ,‬אני אעשה את חיי חיים השווים לחיות ואשתדל לא להפסיד‬ ‫הזדמנויות ואחפש את הטוב סביב‬ ‫אומר ברכת המזון מתוך ברכון‬ ‫אטול נטיל ידיים של הבוקר ליד המיטה לשבוע‬ ‫אוריד את סטטוס החדשות מהוואטס‪ -‬אפ‬ ‫אהיה יותר זהיר באמירת קריאת שמע מתוך הכתוב‬ ‫אתלבש בצורה יותר צנועה‬ ‫אזהר בשמירת הלשון במשך שבוע בין השעות ‪7-8‬‬ ‫אתפלל שחרית ומעריב השבוע‬ ‫אומר קריאת שמע מתוך הכתוב לשבוע‬ ‫אקצר אחת מהפיאות‬ ‫לא אתלונן על קשיים ביום השבוע‬ ‫אתפלל מנחה היום‬ ‫אומר אשר יצר מתוך הכתוב‬ ‫אומר אשר יצר יותר בכוונה‬ ‫אומר אשר יצר יותר בכוונה מתוך הכתוב השבוע‬ ‫אומר אשר יצר יותר בכוונה בעמידה לפחות פעם ביום למשך שבוע‬ ‫אשתדל להחמיא לכל אחד מילדי למשך שבוע‬ ‫אשתדל לא לדבר דברים שליליים‬ ‫אשתדל לדבר יפה למשפחתי ולברך אותם בשמחה ולא להתווכח‬ ‫אשמור על רוגע כאשר חברותי לכיתה לכעיסו אותי‬ ‫אמעיט את השימוש בטכנולוגיה השבוע‬ ‫אתפלל ביתר כוונה ואשתדל להתפלל ערבית כל ערב‬ ‫לא אדבר לשון הרע על המורות השבוע‬ ‫לא ארמוס או אעציב אחרים בשעת דיבור למשך שבוע‬

I WILL BLI NEDER... Daven Aleinu from a Siddur without walking around for this week Be vigilent with negel vasser by my bed When conversing with my sisters in law I will bli neder not say anything negative about my mother in law Try and learn chovas halevavos once a week and b happy with what i have Not stand up before saying a brocho achrona this week Stop wearing my new top that is to open, out the house, unless i fix it. Say Krias shema al hamittah with more kavana Alter the neckline of my robe which is open Not go on my computer before I daven each morning Try to say brochos before I start working Keep all my hair covered under my snood for the next 10 days Try to cover all my hair when I wear my fall Not walk around in pjs infront of my kids. besides the bedrooms. Daven shachris sitting in one place and not look/touch anything else while davening. Cut my sheitel Say ‫ ברכת השחר‬in the morning Not speak Loshon Horo between the hours of 2 till 3 for this week and hopefully further i invited a guest that i dont like hosting for shabbos i will bli neder enjoy it and not complain about it and host him again. Filter my device more appropraitely. Even though it feels so hard! Not open up any news sites Minimize my technology use Try to make peace in my heart with someone who has hurt me unknowingly Try to be more careful with Kashrus Not get up from a meal without bentching Not walke around the house with me PJ Give up my iphone until the summer holidays Daven maariv right away until shavuos (not wait until time to go to sleep) Daven aleinu with more kavana Make sure to say brachos with kavana in the morning before I eat.

I WILL BLI NEDER... Make sure I am wearing socks and dressed properly before going out and taking care of my kids in the mornings. (In the house obviously) Try to make brachos loud Say my brachos with more kavana and out loud Give 3 genuine compliments every day for the next week and hopefully alot longer Try to say my brachos louder Try to say my brachos out loud and encourage my family to do the same. Have more patience for my children Compliment my husband more often Say shema inside every night Have more kavanos with brachos and stand in one place for aleinu Say asher yatzer from a siddur Think positive about someone Say modeh ani with kavana for 2 weeks Say Asher yotzar looking in Say krias shema from a siddur every night at least till shavous. Put a focus this week to stay positive in all situations, and count my blessings Say Brochos from a siddur this week and with more kavono Take on a small kabala in Tznius Try not to complain Try to let my husband learn more as he wishes. Daven shachris on a daily basis and learn more on Bitachon I gave away a new snug top for tznius reasons Try to make a possitive atmosphere at home I changed my filter settings that I can only use the internet limited hours of the day so I can focus more on taking care of my family and becoming closer to Hashem. Try to hold back from saying at least one thing a day that is better left unsaid Try to light on time with zman yerushalayim this week Try to be more carefull with Kibud Horim Learn two halachos a day with my husband at supper Try not to yell at my husband

I WILL BLI NEDER... Limit my technology use and try not to use my laptop after 12 and not put people down with my comments Try to be nicer to my in-laws and say only good things about them. Try to be more calm and patient with the people around me, especially when reacting to stressful situations. Thank hashem with Kavana every day for all the good things i am grateful for! Daven brochos from a siddur every day Make brachos before eating something with more kavanah Put a strong filter on my phone Say Shema inside every night. Learn more about Emunah. Be more careful with covering my hair, ensuring my snood doesn't slip back. In times of despondency I will focus on the gift of breathing and lift my spirits Have more Kavanah when saying Brochos this week Not log on to yeshiva world or kikar shabbos till after shvuos Try have more Kavana whilst saying Modeh Ani in the morning during the week of shiva. Say Brochos inside this weeek Learn a chapter from a book on Emunah each shabbos. Not touch anything before I do negel vasser for the next week Learn shmiras Haloshon every day and take on an hour a day to be extra careful in this aspect. Compliment someone every day for the next week Try to be more calm and patient with the people around me, especially when reacting to stressful situations. Thank Hashem for three things every day Take upon myself to wash negel vasser first thing in the morning for the coming week Learn from a sefer in Emunah for the next 3 months Learn emunah daily be careful with not gossiping about others/say loshon hara Not look at simcha spot until Shvaous

I WILL BLI NEDER... Say mincha every day this week Stay calm with my family members this week Try as much as i could to cover all my hairs under my snood this week even though this is very hard for me Say Asher ya tzar more frequently and say it standing still and won't look at my phone in the morning before saying moda ani. Try not to do any Online shopping untill Shabbos. Try say asher yotzar with more kavana Get rid of some dresses that are too short Be more patient with those closest to me I have blocked a certain website and bli neder will keep that for 2 weeks. Start davening one tefillah a day Not walk around the house in nightwear or hair uncovered at least till shavuos Daven brachos before eating Bring shabbos in early this week Work on ayin tova, especially in a certain area that's hard for me Daven mincha for a week Try to think of one positive thing about as many people as possible that i meet in the street Try not to judge anyone around me, and treat everyone with kindness and respect Try to learn one halacha of hilchos shabbos a day. Say krias shema al hamita from a siddur Say krias shema for the next 40 days Say krias shema for the next week Daven brachos before eating Read living emunah every night for the next week Work on my kibbud av veam this week Learn hilchos borer this Shabos Limit my technoligy use at home in the next 2 weeks Say barchos and shema in a siddur Say brachos and shema out of a siddur every morning Daven shachris evry moning with kavanah Stop looking at a certain website

I WILL BLI NEDER... Daven broches before eating ITry to say bruchos while sitting. Say say brochos shema and shmoneh esrei from a siddur every day this week Work on my Shmiras Halashon Say the 13 ani mamins for 40 days and try to internalize it Try not to hum/sing secular songs today Take something upon myself In tznius Daven Hashkamos Haboker in the morning for the next week. Say the thirteen ani maamins in a siddur and have the proper kavanah for the next two weeks. Not look at a smartphone for 40 days Try to refrain from speaking loshon hora 1 hour a day Try to say Al HaMichia from inside for the next week Not go on my emails for more than 20 mins everday until Shabbat, after 20 mins i will close them. Try to refrain from speaking loshon hora 1 hour a day Work on thinking before I speak, not ranting for no reason and refining my speech Sthe 13 ani mamins till shvuous at least. Say the 13 ani mamins till shvuous at least. Wake up earlier so I have more time to daven until Shavuous. Say the 13 ani mamins for 40 days and try to internalize it Make sure my knees are covered all the time today. Keep from speaking lashon hara for one hour a day Exercise more self control within a specific area Try to be very ontop of not hurting anyones feelings iyh Try and greet everyone with a smile when they walk in Work on saying a bracha acharona while sitting Say a broche out loud before eating (when someone is next to me) for 40 days Separate my lenses before shabbos and not make tea with a tea bag on shabbos Start learning two daily halachos of shmiras Halashon. Make sure my knees are covered when I get out of car until Friday.Try to wake up early so I can have a normal davening

I WILL BLI NEDER... For this week, work on not being jealous of someone and instead Focus on all the good Hashem has blessed me with each day. Daven full krias shema al hamita inside a siddur Say Asher Yatzar looking in today Make sure that i follows the halochos of tznius with hair Say ani maamins this week inside. Have kavana when saying the brocha of Shehakol will stive to recite daily tehilim Say brachos in a siddur every morning Tone down my speech, less drama and more eidel Be careful with bruchos this week Read Halacha of Shabbos every Friday night Read living emunah before going to sleep Focus on at least 3 positives traits of the family members in my house daily until shavous and hopefully beyond Try to have more ahavas chinam and pick a specific things to work on in this regard. Try to be mekabel shabbos a few min early Not say loshon hara from 6-7 everyday. Try not to get very nervous with my kids especially when they are not doing what i want them to be doing Learn Hilchas Shmiras Haloshon this week Thank Hashem for 10 things every day Not bite my nails this week. Say ashar yatzar with more kavanah this wk. Say ashar yatzar with more kavanah this wk. Thank Hashem for one thing each morning when I say Modeh Ani, and have in mind one thing by Modim as well. Be more careful not to show my legs when getting in and out of the car Our office at work will bli neder try to say brocha achrona with kavana Make sure my snood covers all the way to the roots of my hair at the front. Say brachos acharoynos immediately after I'm finished eating so i dont forget, first this week

I WILL BLI NEDER... Try to say asher yatzar with kavana (looking in) at least once a day this week For this week, work on not being jealous of someone and instead focus on all the good Hashem has blessed me with each day. Daven full krias shema al hamita inside a siddur Say Asher Yatzar looking in today Make sure that i follows the halochos of tznius with hair Say ani maamins this week inside. Have kavana when saying the brocha of Shehakol Strive to recite daily tehilim Say brachos in a siddur every morning Tone down my speech, less drama and more eidel Be careful with bruchos this week Read Halacha of Shabbos every Friday night Read living emunah before going to sleep Focus on at least 3 positives traits of the family members in my house daily until shavous and hopefully beyond Try to have more ahavas chinam and pick a specific things to work on in this regard. Try to be mekabel shabbos a few min early Not say loshon hara from 6-7 everyday. Try not to get very nervous with my kids especially when they are not doing what i want them to be doing Learn Hilchas Shmiras Haloshon this week Thank Hashem for 10 things every day Not bite my nails this week. Say ashar yatzar with more kavanah this wk. Say ashar yatzar with more kavanah this wk. Try to wake up early so I can have a normal davening Thank Hashem for one thing each morning when I say Modeh Ani, and have in mind one thing by Modim as well. To be more careful not to show my legs when getting in and out of the car Our office at work will bli neder try to say brocha achrona with kavana Not open simcha spot this week

I WILL BLI NEDER... Make sure my snood covers all the way to the roots of my hair at the front Say brachos acharoynos immediately after I'm finished eating so i dont forget, first this week Say Brachos in the morning this week Block the internet on my laptop. Thank Hashem every day for the goods he does for me every day Not leave my room without socks Not go on any bad sites for the rest of the week Say Krias Shema inside with kavannah for a week Greet my husband with a smile this entire week! Say Krias Shema inside this week. Say Ashet Yatzar with Kavanah and thank Hashem for my life Say Brochos from inside a sidder till Shavuos Try to say 3 kapitlach tehillim this week Tone down my speech, less drama and more eidel Daven every day this week Stand in one spot when saying Asher yatzar this week Greet my husband with a smile once a day this entire week! Only use email for bussiness use!!! Hashem please help me...... Try to daven shacharis today Use internet for work perpouses only, this week Davan mincha every day this week Stand in one spot and try to concentrate while saying Asher Yatzar today Greet my husband with a smile once a day this entire week! Only use internet for work this week Get a filter on my lap top Not email and hangout pictures not for essential purposes Bentch with kavana this week Try not to complain and appreciate all my blessings this week Have more kavanah with brachos, try to say them out loud Say Alenu from a sidur for the next week Not open my computer for the next month before saying birchas hashacheres Say asher yozar at least once a day with kavane

I WILL BLI NEDER... Refrain from watching things that do not benefit my neshama Say birchas hashacher Not raise my voice the first hour of the day this week Try to focus on the positive of other people and myself Try to work on my shmiras halashon and looking at my fellow Jews with love instead of judgment Try to daven shachris on time Try and greet my husband with a smile Thank Hashem for 3 things each day this week I took in shabbos early this past shabbos Say birchas hashacher this week Try to be nice to others. Watch not to hurt their feelings. Not to step on other feelings! Work on my kibbud aim for the next week Try to daven before looking at my phone Be mikabul Shabbos 10 min early Learn chovos halevavos shaar habitachon for 5 minutes Not log into my chats this week Say birchas hashachar with extra Kavanah Say asher yatzer with kavana this week Be Mekabal Shabbos 10 minutes early for the next six weeks Say Asher Yatzor with kavana this week Start learning mesillas yeshorim this week Only use internet for work this week Sit up straight to say Shema at night (instead of lying down and falling asleep in the middle!) for at least 3 weeks Say Shema inside this week Turn off my phone today when the kids come home Be mikabul shabbos early this week Make an extra effort to be friendly and considerate of the people that I meet, for the next week. Read Halacha of Shabbos on Friday night Say every day the 13 ani maamin with kavana for the next week. Watch a shiur rather than scrolling through social media the next time I am bored Say Krias Shma Shel Hamittah with more concentration today

I WILL BLI NEDER... Be ready for Shabbos 10 minutes early this week Get dressed tzniusdig right away in the morning. Think of something positive about another person when I feel like judging them. At least once a day until shavuos and hopefully longer.. Wash out my candle holders on Motz shabos as preparation right away for the next shabos. Not touch my phone before washing negel vasser Daven Mincha for the next month iYH Not use technology between 4pm and 9pm unless its schoolwork Say shema inside from a sifur for the rest of the week. Try to say Krias shema in my siddur sititng up Try to make a possitive atmosphere at home Be extra nice to my siblings for the next week iyh Be ready for shabbos 1/2 hour early this week Say Krias Shema Al Hamitta tonight with more Kavana Light shabbos candles 5 minutes early Refrain from talking LH on a one particular person Make the brocho of shehakol with more kavonah Not look at my emails before davening brachos in the morning for the next week Make brachos with more kavana Work on upgrading my shachris tefilla Llimit my techhnology use this week Not open simcah spot till the end of the shloshim Daven the whole of Shacharis properly every day at home before leaving to work early. Say asher yatzar with more kavana Limit my techhnology use this week Say Krias shema with kavanah for the next month I started learning Sefer Mesilas Yeshorim Look inside and have extra kavanah by aleinu Say Asher Jotzar inside for a week Take a kabalah in shacharis Be more avalailable for my mother for a week Daven mincha this week

I WILL BLI NEDER... Not open Simcah spot till the end of the shloshim Try to talk to Hashem for 5 minutes a day till after Sefira Listen to what people have to say Watch my shmiras halashon for 45 minutes this week Watch my shmiras halashon for 45 minutes every day until the end of Sefira Tell my children a bedtime story for a week Say MODIM with kavanah Wash Negel Vasser by my bed each morning Say a kind word to someone who i;m having a hard time with. Look inside a siddur when i daven ashrei before mincha Thank hashem once a day for a week Try to be more tolerant Give tzedaka today Bli Neder This is the last time I'M USING INTERNET TILL ROSH HASHUNAH 2021 Not open simcha spot until Rosh Hashanah I took on a kabulah and choose to keep it private Not listen to any radio or the like for the next week Not speak about my student this week Daven shacharis looking inside my siddur till Shavuous Daven mincha today Daven mincha every day til after shabbos Not bite my lips on shabbos Be very careful with Kibbud Eim till Motzai Shabbos Wash negel vasser by my bed for the next week. Not bite off skin from my lips on Shabbos Say al hamichya inside when i can Try to be careful with respecting my parents i was not frustrated with my students today, and will bli neder try tomorrow again Try to judge people more favourable until shavuos. Concentrate on the words of shema this week Have kavana in modim Not bite my nails this shabbos Go to daven shacharis with kavana

I WILL BLI NEDER... Designate one room of the house to keep my laptop in there - and bli neder use it for work purposes only! Give someone a compliment today and try to make them feel good. Say bruchos from a sidder Say bruchos from a sidder for a week Improve my davening by listening to a series of shiurim Say my brachot slow and outloud when permissable when I eat. Not open simcha spot till shavous Not go on to youtube (unless it's job related) till Shavuos Only check the news twice a day, once in the morning and once at night Try to give more compliments to my younger siblings Daven mincha every day Write 200 Thank yous to Hashem every evening. Try not talk on my phone on the street untill Shvuas Try not talk on my phone on the street untill Shvuas Concentrate on my speech and avoid Lashan Hora Pay more attention to my siblings Daven Maariv for the month of the shloshim Try for 1 week to bentsh in a sidur Not touch anything before negel vasser Try to include and avoid Lashon Hara regarding a classmate Try to keep an hour machsom lifi this week Try to keep the second half of sefira (we only do the first) but won't impose on others to shut their music... Call a kid today who really needs the company and doesn't really have friends Say shema out of a siddur this week Not look around by davening until the end of this week Wake up earlier so I can have more time to daven this week Focus on being nicer to my family members this week. I appreciate them! Say 100 brachos a day Wash negel vasser by my bed for this week. Wear a sweater over my nightwear every morning for 30 days Delete 100 inappropriate clips off my laptop.

I WILL BLI NEDER... Concentrate by modim with extra kavanah Say the 13 ani maamins with kavanah this week Not chew gum on the street. Make the filter on my computer stronger Cut my hair I took on a kabbalah and will be"H keep for this month Say shema looking inside a siddur untill shavous Say krias shema inside for the next week When I daven Mincha today I will bli neder say ashrei looking inside a siddur Say brochos, asher yotzar and kriyas shema inside for a week Be more careful to make sure all my hair is covered Daven birchos hashachar from a siddur every morning this week Make one bracha a day sitting down for the next week Learn hilchos shmiras halashon at the supper table every night Be ready 10 min early this week shabbes Not use the computer after 1 AM for at least a week. Try very hard to be respectful to my father Try this week to be tznius whenever I leave my room at night. Say for the next week ‫ קריאת שמע אל המיטה‬out of a ‫ שמע‬card Give at least 1 compliment a day and hold back from saying something negative each day until shavuos and hopefully always IYH. Hold my tongue this week. think before I speak Have a machsom lfi for one hour a day through shavuos Be careful not to be on the internet, only for a necessity Learn a daily lesson of shmemiras halashon Try to avoid doing muktzah for ten minutes before candle lighting this week Say shema from inside this weeksI Not go on the internet after midnight Take my studies in school very seriously with hashems help from tomorrow bli neder and try to make my parents proud! Cut my hair Use a siddur to say the Brachah Achronah after eating. Keep a machsom from 8-930 PM this week (and hope to keep it up after)

I WILL BLI NEDER... Say Krias Shema From A Siddur. Say brachos will more kavanah this week Say Asher Yotzar inside once a day for a week Say the bruches every morning this week hopfully longer As a family try to say brachos out loud and with Kavanah Say kries shma tonight before going to sleep. Make sure that our basement is clean this entire week ( a thing my mom cant stop asking for) Put on teffilin tommorow mornin Make room in my life to truly listen to a person, to be completely present when someone is speaking with me Try to talk to my parents, siblings, teacher's with less attitude and work on my bain odom lechaviro and not to be chutspadik in school and at home!!!!!!! Start davening 5 minutes earlier tomorrow morning Start davening 5 minutes earlier tomorrow morning Try to say brachos in the morning before eating. And will try to remember to thank Hashem for all the nissim he does every day, during Modim (especially this week) Try extremely hard not talk and text boys anymore leili nishmosoh the kedoshim from the tragedy!it's about time I stop! doing this as well as a refuah shliemuh for all those injured from the tragedy or suffering from trauma! Wake up earlier this week to daven properly Keep a machsom from 8-930 PM this week (and hope to continue keeping it up) Be more careful to have my knees covered when going in and out of the car, for today and tomorrow Daven birchos hashachar from a siddur every morning this week Say brochos out loud D a chessed a day for the next week Get out of bed earlier this week so I ca daven properly Wake up earlier this week so I can have more time to daven with kavana Try to say asher yotzah with kavana till shvuos Not check Yeshiva World this week

I WILL BLI NEDER... Be more careful with brochos achronos, specifically al hamichya Try to b on my smartphone less from today Try only to listen to appropriate music (no goyish ones etc)till shvoas ijh leili nishmas all 45 kedoshim!!! Focus on having more kavana by the first bracha of shmoneh esrei this week Do hafrashat challah this week Try to be nice to my sister Take in shabbos 10 minutes early this week and be ready on time. Say asher yatzar with kavanna !!! Try to daven brachos, shma and shmone esre every day. Not look at li until Shavous Not let my yetzer hara tell me i am bad if i struggle or make a mistake Grow and become better this way this week Take in shabbos 10 minutes early this week and be ready on time. Be carefull to say berachos befor i eat anything, including my coffe Say the full modeh ani with cavana right when i wake up Try to talk with more respect to my husband for the next week Say Asher yatzar inside tonight Be careful in my speech to my siblings for the next week. Limit my news checkings to one site, until shavous Daven kabbalas shabbos as soon as Shabbos starts until Shavuos Say lecha dodi friday night Daven with more kavana Stop using the internet for recreational purposes at least until the end of the shloshim iy"H Not open Simcah spot till the end of the shloshim Call someone I know will appreciate it Daven Mincha every day this week Try to concentrate more when saying krias shema al hamita bli neder Call my grandparents on Erev shabbos for the next few weeks Daven brachos inside a siddur this week Be more patient tomorrow Think of one thing a day that I am thankful for this week Daven brachos inside a siddur this week Do daily emunah

I WILL BLI NEDER... Spend more time with my baby this week Say 2 prakim of tehillim each day after mincha for as long as I'm able. Write a gratitiude to Hashem list every night this week. Daven Kabbalas Shabbos as soon as Shabbos starts at least until Shavuos Not speak lashon hara about my teachers and try to stop ppl who are speaking lashon hara (for a week and hopefully it will stick) Give one sincere compliment to someone tomorrow Try to say modeh ani with extra kavana this week Say 2 perakim of tehillim after shacharis for as long as I'm able Try to look inside my siddur for the whole davening. Say modah ani with true kavanah and stop midday to thank Hashem for the endless blessings he has bestowed on me Compliment 2 people a day for 1 week Forgive every one that hurt my feeling before going to sleep Say the yehi ratzon before shma that i forgive everyone this week Stand up when my teachers walk in and stop talking Say Shema with more Kavanah for the next week Say asher yaatzar with kavana twice a day for 3 days Give 3 compliments to others, every day, for the rest of the week Express one positive thought about someone else every day for the next week Say 13 ani mamin Say a bracha out loud every day this week Daven and learn tomorrow with more kavanah Try to have more kibud av vaim Try to have extra kavana while saying shema and bracha of sim shalom in shmoneh esrei Try to have an ayin tvah for all yidin and not be judgmental Try to think a positive thought once a day about someone else if I think a not such positive thought about them Take a few extra minutes to say aleinu in place with kavana as well as nishmas Wake up earlier so I can daven properly for two weeks I will try bli neder not use the internet just for fun Say ashar yatzar with more kavanah this wk.

I WILL BLI NEDER... Come out of my room only with socks Work on thanking Hashem throughout my day Make sure to daven bachos before eating anything in the morning Try to think one positive thought about people who bother me for the next week Try to daven at least one tfila from a sidur this week Say a bracha out loud every day Be more patient with my workmate for the next 2 weeks Not talk loshen hora about a specific person's actions. For two weeks not use the internet just for fun Say krias shema from a shema card Try not to shout at my kids so much Learn Shmiras Haloshon Yomi for a week I will bln say tehillim each day ubtil shabbos Say borei nefashos from a bentcher this week Place a cloth in my car to be used as an additional cover getting in & out of car Not interupt my siblings when they talk to me, show them they are important to me. Say asher yatzar slowly once a day for the next two weeks Smile at someone with a full smile once a day Look inside for birchos hashachar this week. Take in shabbos 10 minutes early this week Be extra careful with my tznius Try to smile at the first person I see in the morning, even if that person woke me up Say the posuk of v'ahavta inside Look inside for aleinu this week Be very careful not to speak or listen to l'h Daven mincha this Friday and Shabbos Say all brachos acharonos inside for one week. Concentrate on birch as hashacher this week . Say Asher yatzor with extra kavana Not touch my phone in the morning until after I daven for the next month Going to try to have more kavana in Shemone Esrei

I WILL BLI NEDER... Work on bein Adam lachaveiro Be nice to my director and not ignore as a zechus for the kiddoshim Do my bst to hav more patience for my younger siblings, even when its really hard. Daven that i can keep to it Say an extra kapital of tehillim for the next 3 weeks as a zechus for the kiddoshim Say berachos in the morning before going to school Hold back from saying something shouldn't - whether lashon hara, tznius bidubor or dvarim bitialim - for the rest of this wk I will try to get up earlier tomorrow so that i can daven with more kavanna Be tzinuss inside my house for the next week Say shmonei esrai and focus more on what I'm really saying Say brochos before I eat and bentch after washing with Hashems help Say asher yatzar with kavanah and inside for the next week. Not go online from 7 PM to 9 PM and only go on youtube for jewish music for the next two weeks at least. Daven mincha at least 3 times this week and put more gedarim in the area of technology (not check emails unless necessary) Not go on youtube for the rest of this week. Verbally thank someone close to me for something seemingly insignificant. Focus how much Hashem loves each of us when I say brachos in the morning for the next 45 days, and try to emulate Him Say asher yatzar from inside Once a day be the reason someone smile Try to kiss the mezuzah at the entrance of my house every time i enter Hold myself back from speaking Lashon Hara twice a day Not watch Not look at what's app chats before 8 pm every night Try to have more kavana by shachris Say the 13 Ani Maamins until Shavous and bli neder not watch any movies until after shavous. Daven birchas hashachar from inside a siddur this week

I WILL BLI NEDER... Learn 10 minutes b4 (if not then after) maariv for the rest of the week Be makpid with saying shema at night Look inside the words of aleinu this week Say brachos with more kavana Daven birchas hashachar inside the siddur until Shavuos and will try to continue beyond that as well Daven brachos from a siddur Not look at my phone from 4-5 each day when my kids first come home Daven a full shacharis every day this week Daven mincha with kavana until shavuous and try after as well Start davening mincha every day Try to bench from a bencher this week Say krias shema from a Siddur tonight Try to always remember to say al hamichya this week Write down 3 things to thank Hashem for each night before going to sleep Say 13 ani mamin this week and try to speak nicer to my husband Minimize the amount of time I spend checking the news. Take in shabbos early this week Work on my brachos Start learning a sefer on emunah every day Look inside the siddur when I say aleinu for the next week Say broches out loud for at least 1 week Find one extra compliment to give each child Refrain to look at my phone before doing negel vasser for 1 week Say Asher Yatzar looking inside for the next two weeks. Not go on the computer until I have davened brochos Walk around my house betsnius Have Kavana when saying the ribono shel olam in krias shema this week. Install an internet filter on my computer Get off my computer as soon as my husband walk in Not take out my stress from baby giving me a hard time on my husband Work on the middah of kinnah through learning Orchos Tzadikkim

I WILL BLI NEDER... I will bli neder set my alarm 5 minutes earlier so I can have a better davening for this week. Daven mincha every day this week Try to greet everyone with a smile- happy to see them Bench from a bencher this shabbos . Also be more careful covering my knees. Stop putting on eye liner Try to be more patient and pleasant with my husband and children bein adam lchaveiro Wake up at 6 am before my children and daven before they wake up Bezras Hashem this week TRY TO BENCH FROM INSIDE A BENCHER Refrain from watching any entertainment videos on youtube until Shevuos TRY TO BENCH FROM BENCHER THIS WEEK. Try to be dan l'kaf zechus at least twice a day Take challah this erev shabbos Not Log into my Instagram Account this week Say Birkas Hashachar every day this coming week Try to strengthen my Ben Odom Lechaveiro this week Daven one shemoneh esrei today Try to be covered when nursing in front of seforim, people.... Try to do an extra chessed every day for the next week Besimchah Never leave my dear ones while we're annoyed with each other. I'll Always try to make amends with them before leaving. Be extra careful to tuck my hair into my tichel today Try really hard not to use the computer when my children are around when i dont need it Not put any watsapp status IYH and only use insta for business and minimum. Until shabbos, I will bln say tehillim each day Try to tuck my hair into my tichel Accept shabbos earlier this week Daven brochos from a siddur for the next week Take on a shachris kabolah every day Make an effort to daven shachris

I WILL BLI NEDER... Add another tefilla to my shachris Say aleinu standing in one place from a siddur for at least this week Be more careful with covering my hair Try to have my hair covered at all times during this week and hopefully will be able b"eh to continue doing this Change my internet filter Work hard to reach the level of davening for others as hard as i daven for myself Accept shabbos earlier this week Start davening mincha 5 times a week and i hope to bring it up to 7 soon Cover my hair properly when outside of my house Try to take shabbos in 5 minutes early for the next four weeks. Work on forgiving someone who hurt my feelings asap Daven brochos each day from a siddur Not touch my smartphone while my kids are home I will daven brochos Say KriasShema from a siddur every night Not eat before davening brochos and i am working on my ahavas yisroel Keep my snnod covered to the best of my abiliity bli neder Bring in shabbos earlier this week ijh Not go on the internet from 11PM Say birchas nehenin mindfully whilst sitting down Not use my computer for any news updates Accept shabbos earlier this week Be more vigilant at covering my collar bones Bring in shabbos early this week. Have more kavana when davening brochos Say extra kapittel tehilim every day this week We will not talk lashon hora today for 1 hour in the office Take on Shabbes extra early this week leiluj nishmas the kedoishim of meron Say shema inside for 40 days Try to keep my hairs tucked into my snood Bring in shabbos earlier this week.

I WILL BLI NEDER... Not use the internet on my phone for the next week. Say Asher Yatzer once today looking inside Only use Gmail/Shiurim and no other internet after 7pm, from today until Shvuois Not watch anything on youtube for the duration of the shloshim Thank Hashem for 3 things daily for 2 weeks Limit my use of technology especially in front of my children Make an effort to be dan lekaf zechus when I am tempted to say lashon hara. Greet my husband with a smile and keep dinner patient and respectful Not open my personal email while working, so as not to "steal" work time- for the rest of this week. Say Modeh Ani with Kavana first second when I wake up Bring shabbos in early this week Learn Halchos of Shabbos Buy a mirror and place it by the door of my house, so I can check my snood before Ieave the house Try to extra be mechabed my parents Try to keep my hair properly covered at all times. Try to nurse in a tzniusdig manner Bench light 18 min. early this week Say krias shema from a sidur and wash negel vasser next to my bed for the next week Say asher yatzar inside for the next week Say beracha acharona from a siddur and with kavana Not speak in Shul during davening Have kavanna in brochos Bentch inside. Shut my comuter when the kids come home in the afternnon Keep a machsom lifi with a specific friend. Try to cover my hair correcty Try to cover my hair properly inside my house aswell Try this week to say brachos from a siddur before opening my computer Not speak l"h about my fellow employees Put a filter on my phone

I WILL BLI NEDER... Say shema in bed sitting up for the next week 'Kasher' my lace front shaitel Say at least 2 Birkos Hashachar with more kavana until shavuos my 9 year old son said he’ll b'n stop being chutzpadik to his rebbi Try to take in Shobbas earlier this week Start learning the chafetz chaim daily program Take in shabbos early this week and try to daven brochas b4 breakfast Daven 2 shemonei esrrei brochos ith more kavana Take on shabbas ten minutes early this week Work on my kibud ov vaeim Not leave my bedroom at night without a skirt on top of my nightwear Say an extra positive thing to someone every day until Shavuos Try to find ways to help people Not enter a elevator if there is one man inside Use something to cover myself when i nurse bln until Shvuos Cut my sheitel shorter and make sure my snood covers my hair properly for the next week (hopefully for longer) Not shop online for 40 days Try super hard to cover my hair near my ears and make sure my snood covers all my hair Forgive and not say lashon hara concerning a certain person who really hurt my feelings. Say asher yatzar from a siddur/card until shavuos and hopefully longer Not discuss a certain painfull topic with my mother. Try super hard to cover my hair near my ears and make sure my snood covers all my hair even at home! Be more patient with my kids today Say Asher Yatzar with heartfelt kavanah taking the opp to thank |H for my health and pray for refuah Bentch from a siddur Not look at my computer from 4:00 untill 7:00 for this week Not check news sites this week Daven brachos for the next week

I WILL BLI NEDER... Daven beirkat hamazon out of a sedor Put the computer on standby from 4pm-8pm for a week (and hopefully longer) Wear a shell or collar for 40 days Not open youtube for 45 days Say aleinu from a siddur this week Have more rachmanus for myself and others Be more careful to cover the front and sides of my hair properly Be careful to get dressed and undressed with more tznius (specifically until Shavuos) Say 3 brachos a day sitting down and with more kavana Have more kavana in first 3 brochos of shmoine esra Say at least two brachos out loud today and have someone can answer amen Not use the smart phone for a week exp important matters. Try to be more friendly and made ppl feel good Try to have kavanna by the first paragraph on Birchas Hamazon Only wear full long sleeves Say the tefilla for protection against lashon hara and negative speech every day this week and hopefully always so as to have more Siyatta Dishmaya in these areas Daven shacaris the rest of this week Try not to speak loshon hora when talking with 'R' Try to support my husband in all the tzedakos/acts of chessed even when it's hard/a lot of money (hopefully always but at least this month) Try not to use my laptop in the mornings unti shavuos (except for urgent work matters) Try to say brachot out if my siddur in the mornings Bentsch birkas hamazon straight away Count till 10 before reacting to my kids misbehave Say bruches from a sidder every morning. Not speak LH from 1-2pm this week Try to be careful about having all my hair covered when im outdoors Work more on my kibud av vem Cut down on screen time

I WILL BLI NEDER... Not speak LH this week Learn 1 halocha of shmiras haloshon a day Be better in Vahavta Lreicha kamocha Be mechabed my parents a bit more Not turn on technology before davening Say Asher Yatzar standing in one place once a day this week. Give one person a compliment a day to make them feel good for the next week and as long as i can continue. Daven first thing in the morning before I do anything else and with Kavana till Shevous Say asher yatzar standing in one place once a day for this week. Try this week to help my mother more and with more love Listen to a shiur on torahanytime twice a week for as long as i can continue Speak calmly with my children for the next hour Greet my husband with a smile every say when he walks through the door. Daven MINCHA every day this week with extra kavana! Try to start to daven mincha on Fridays Send out my kids calmly in the morning so they dont need to be rushed and my husband can start his day of learning properly Be Tznius at all times in public during the sheloshim Not look at my phone when kids home this week Try to say the bracha of sheakol with more kavana Improve my Kibud Av Vaem Give my kids a bit more attention Not walk out of my room with my hair uncovered Say the 13 Ani Maamin's Say the day of tehillim till the end of the week Say al hamichya with much more kavanna till the end of shiva and as long as i can comtinue afterwards Say one asher Yotzer a day looking inside untill at least schawuos Work on self control for 30 minutes a day for the Homor of Hashem for a week. Say shema inside Say Tehillim with more kavana

I WILL BLI NEDER... Try say Modeh Ani with Kavanna right when I wake up Bez"H Hold myself bad from saying things about co-workers this week-even without a name, and will take on shabbos 10 min early this week Stop myself when I notice that what I'm saying might be loshon hara Wear my tichel over my ears so its covering all my hair Not talk on phone in the streets where people are around, for a week, and maybe more! Try to have kavanah for the first three brachos in shmoneh esrei Try to be extra nice to girls in school who need it. Cut my Sheital Not look at my computer when my husband is home Smile and say something nice to my husband each time he walks into the house - no matter how I'm feeling. Light candles 10 min early for the next month For any person or group that gets me nervous this week I will try to think of something good about them and foster positive feelings. Daven minchah this week, from my 12 year old daughter Say Asher Yatzar standing in one place, with concentration Say shema inside for the next wee Make the bracha shehakol out loud and slowly for the next week Put a filter on my laptop Say al amita with more kavana Be careful to say krias shema al hamita with my children Be careful to sit when I am eating (even snacks and fruits) Respond more patiently to others twice a day for at least the next two weeks Daven kabbalas shabbos Daven brachos in a siddur for the next few days. Not watch any secular movies this week Daven brachos before checking the computer for 1 week Say Asher Yatzar standing in one place, with concentration Say Bracha Acharona immediately after eating so I don't forget to say it Learn a sefer on Ahavas Yisroel so that I can love every single yid like family! Try and give more compliments to my family this week

I WILL BLI NEDER... Try to remember people's names when I meet them by repeating their name out loud as a way of being machebed people when I go as a chaperone on a HS Shabbaton in NY Say 5 brachos rishonos with proper kavanah Answer amein to at least one brocha a day Try to say brachos with more kavanah this week Dye the parting in my sheitel to make it look less natural. Not open my computer for entertainment purposes till 2:30 pm, untill shavous, hopefully forever Try say the Brocha of Shehakol with Kavona Only look on Simcha websites on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday and only 2x in one day Bentch carefully today. Refrain from opening instagram until after shavous Have kavana by Modei Ani this week From my 11 year old daughter: I will BN try to be calm From my 11 year old daughter: I will BN try not to hurt peoples feelings Try not to get upset at petty things Say brachos from a siddur before turning on my computer to work. Listen to R D Ashear's daily emuna talk for 1 month Improve my tzniyus of wearing 4 inches Try to improve on Bracha Acharona Dress in a more tsniusdig way Daven shacharis for a week Say shema from a siddur/card for one week. Make sure my scarf covers front of my hairline until shevuos! Hashem please give me the strength Say shema inside a shema card Not pick any scabs on shabbos - will try to keep this kaballa permanently Say asher yatzer standing in one place with kavana for a week Be dressed when my husband comes home in the morning. Daven brochos each morning with a siddur. Greet everyone with a smile Daven mincha on Friday this week

I WILL BLI NEDER... Say asher yatzar from inside Daven twice a week before lessons Not use the internet for anything but work,college and shiurim. Stop using technology early on Friday and be ready for shabbos Wake up earlier so I can daven with more kavanah. Wake up earlier so I can daven with more kavanah Bring negel vasser for my husband Increase the Simcha in the life of my family. Since the niftarim passed in the midst of dancing and song, Bli neder I will dance to one song with my children everyday. Accept Shabbos earlier and I will try to think positively about ALL yidden Daven brochos from a siddur for a week Say a bracha out loud with kavana I will bli neder try to say the full brachos this week Try to publish my seferim before Rosh H Dress more tzniusdig outside my bedroom Accept Shabbos earlier than usual this week, and have everything prepared early so that we can enter Shabbos calmly and peacefully. Say Ashar Yatzar from a siddur for a week Try to talk more positively about people Refrain once a day from speaking Lashon Hara Not use Icons/emojis when I text Not talk with a slang Not use baby wipes on shabbos Say birchas hashachar before chatzos Prepare negel vaaser for a week Welcome in shabbos early this week Not look at instagram for the next two weeks Be careful with negal wasser Upping my tights denier for this summer Be careful with negal wasser Re-taking upon myself 2 Rosh Hashana kabbalos that I got weaker about... Say a different bracha out loud this week and work on brachos in general

I WILL BLI NEDER... Be more careful with the way I talk to my manager Welcome shabbos early and judge all Jews favorably Not open social media before I daven Brachos for this next week Wake up every day early to daven a full Shacharis this week. Be careful to walk around my home in a more tzniusdig fashion. Refrain from talking lashon hara about someone who constantly bothers me. Light Shabbos candles 10 min early Try not to raise my voice today Not text before davening Try to to wash my hands fully and correctly for al netilas yadayim Say Birchas Hashachar with more kavanah Think positive thoughts about those who I currently harbour negative thoughts against Remain quiet and not respond when aggravated for 1 week Try not to raise my voice today Wake up early to have more time to daven Shacharis for a week. Davened brachos from a siddur this morning Say Ashar Yazar from a siddur for a week Removed some social media sites from our internet access Make sure that my kids wash Al Netilas Yadayim properly Say Birchas Hamazon with kavanah each time Make the Brocha Shehokal today with more kavana Make the Brocha Shehokal and Asher Yatzar today with more kavana Wear longer socks when going outside Daven Brachos with more kavanah this week Try to be a loving mother and wife today Daven Shachris and Mincha every day for the rest of this week Not look at Youtube and Instagram until shavuos and hopefully further Make sure my hair is covered and not sticking out from beneath my snood Prepare super ON TIME for my husband twice a week (at least)- it's a REALLY hard one for me! Wash negal vaser before stepping out of bed Daven mincha the rest of this week.

I WILL BLI NEDER... My seventh grade class and I will make sure to give a genuine compliment to one classmate every day until Shavuos Say brachos more slowly Make brachos with kavana today Say Modei Ani before getting out of bed this week Refrain from speaking lashon hara once each day Daven mincha every day this week, and hopefully continue after. Be careful to say brachos achronos for the rest of this week Keep machsom l'fi for an hour each day . Be mindful not to pull off lipskins or cuticles this shabbos Daven birchas hashachar with more kavana this week Say Asher Yatzer from a card this week Remember to see the good in those around me instead of a critical eye (esp my kids/husband!). Cut a shaitel Stand in one place when saying asher yatzar this week Daven brochos this week Bring in shabbos early this week. Say shema inside at night until shabbos Not have a certain text group on my phone for a week Begin learning shmiras halashon with my husband Say shir hashirim friday night Hold back one comment that is not derech eretz to a parent every day this week Try to look in my siddur when I daven and try to have more kavana Try to stand in one place while saying asher yatzar Try to wear socks when going out of my bedroom for this week Have kavana in Uva l'tzion Bentch from a bentcher for two weeks Be more careful with my speech Say krias shema from a krias shema card every night Say Birchas Hashacher with more kavana Get a filter for my computer Keep away from reading negative news and focus on knowing that I do not know the Master Plan Try to daven one tefilla a day for the next two weeks

I WILL BLI NEDER... Daven beirkat hamazon out of a sedor Put the computer on standby from 4pm-8pm for a week (and hopefully longer) Wear a shell or collar for 40 days Not open youtube for 45 days Say aleinu from a siddur this week Have more rachmanus for myself and others Be more careful to cover the front and sides of my hair properly Be careful to get dressed and undressed with more tznius (specifically until Shavuos) Say 3 brachos a day sitting down and with more kavana Have more kavana in first 3 brochos of shmoine esra Say at least two brachos out loud today and have someone can answer amen Not use the smart phone for a week exp important matters. Try to be more friendly and made ppl feel good Try to have kavanna by the first paragraph on Birchas Hamazon Only wear full long sleeves Say the tefilla for protection against lashon hara and negative speech every day this week and hopefully always so as to have more Siyatta Dishmaya in these areas Daven shacaris the rest of this week Try not to speak loshon hora when talking with 'R' Try to support my husband in all the tzedakos/acts of chessed even when it's hard/a lot of money (hopefully always but at least this month) Try not to use my laptop in the mornings unti shavuos (except for urgent work matters) Try to say brachot out if my siddur in the mornings Bentsch birkas hamazon straight away Count till 10 before reacting to my kids misbehave Say bruches from a sidder every morning. Not speak LH from 1-2pm this week Try to be careful about having all my hair covered when im outdoors Work more on my kibud av vem Cut down on screen time

I WILL BLI NEDER... Daven Brochos this week Daven brachos from my siddur Say krias shema from a krias shema card every night Focus on that I do not understand everything that Hashem does but realizing that it is for my benefit Say brochos from a siddur until shavuos Daven brachos with kavanah Make brochos loud with extra kavana for a week. Say shema with kavana for a week Say ashar yatzar with more kavanah this week Say Ashar Yatzar inside with Kavanah today Get in and out of my car extra slowly this week to ensure that my knees stay covered as I do Say brachos for a week Try to judge people favorably even when its on my expence-B"N--Work on actively improving my kibbud eim in at least 2 ways this week Wash negel vassar by my bed and have kavana by modeh ani this week Say Brachos outloud so that others can answer Amen for a week Daven birchos hashachar from a siddur every morning this week Take on a machsom lefi till shavous Daven an addition tefilla this week Daven Mincha this week Take Shabbos in 10 min early this week Recite brachas with more kavanah Bring in shabbos early this week. Say birchas hashach and krias shema inside in the morning Be extra careful with covering my hair Thank Hashem for all Nissim he does with me - daily! Thank Hashem for two things every morning this week, before i leave my house Say modeh ani with kavanah every day of the week Say Al Hamichya from a bencher Daven an extra tefilla this week. Daven shachris every day next week

I WILL BLI NEDER... Honor my tora learning boys more when they come home from there long days and make sure to service them with what they want or need Not read anything on my phone or otherwise) until I daven on Sunday mornings Have my hair fuly covered when saying brochos Say the first perek of Shema with more kavana Not open shopping on my computer for the next month Be mechabed my husband more by not interrupting him till the sheloshim Say borei nefashos from a chart/siddur, immediately when I finish eating, without doing anything else til the sheloshim Learn for one extra minute each day until the end of shiva and hope to continue that seder even after Together with my husand say birkat shehakol with real concentration Say Brochos with more Kavanah, consentrating on each word Say the first brocho of the day with kavana Try to bench birchas hamazon with more Kavana I will bli neder daven Brachos from a Siddur every morning I will Bli Neder try to say Borei Nefashos with Kavanah this week, and sit if possible. Say Asher Yatzer today looking inside with concentration Be more patient Be more careful with covering my hair Try not to yell at my kids from the hours of 4 to 6 pm. Try not to text while speaking to someone today Greet my husband with a smile for the next three weeks Recite more Tehillim each day b"n Accept shabbos 10 minutes early for the next two weeks Be more careful with brachos rishonos Think positively of my spouse which will bezh lead to positive action Be more careful with my brachos, say them with more kavanah Think positive for the next two weeks Take shabbos in early the next few weeks Take Shabbos in early this week (and hoefully also for future Shabbasim)

I WILL BLI NEDER... Concentrate on seeing the good in others until Shabbos Try to be more careful with what I look at on technology this week Try to speak respectfully to my husband this week Say ashar yetzar inside once a day Say Tehillim each day Say asher yatzar standing in one place and looking inside at the words this week Refrain from looking at any news websites this week Not start working before birchas hashachar Be extra careful to be tzanua in my dress and talk at work when working with men Say the thirteen Ani Mamins every day with lots of kavunah Be extra careful to be patient with my kids in the afternoon and morning for the next week Work on trying tl remember to say my brachot before eating/drinking. Pay more attention and look at my kids when they talk to me Thank Hashem for all one good thing in my day for the next week Not open youtube videos for the next week Learn shmirat halashon with my family every day Say Asher Yotzar inside once a day for a week Not use my laptop in my room Say the 13 ani mamins with extra kavanah for this week Think before I talk and make sure I speak pleasant words Take on shabbos 10 minutes early from now till the yurtzeit of the kedoshim/ next lag beomer Put on makeup for my husband when I can Try not to play any computer games this week Say asher yatzar stanidng in one place today Say an extra perekof tehillim with special kavunah for a month Say Asher Yatzar standing in one place for this week Try to say the 13 Ani maamins every day for 45 Days Try to only use the internet for work related matters at least until rosh chodesh sivan. Say birchas hashcher before leaving the house in the morning and thank hashem for everything to be postive Daven shachris every morning for the next month

I WILL BLI NEDER... Not touch anything before washing negel vasser for a week I did not check my emails and didn’t even open my computer today before saying Birchas Hamazon and washing Pas Shachris Bring in shabbos early this week Turn off my cell phone when I get into the driver's seat of my car and only turn it back on when I park, unless I am with another person who can be "shomer" my phone) Say shir hashirim for a month Say krias shema in a siddur Be mekabul shabbos 10 minutes earlier than usual for the next four weeks Say one perek of Tehilim every day for klal yisroel Wake up early shabbos morning and daven a full davening Try to make 3 Yidden smile today Say bruchas inside until Friday Say the yoim tehilim every day Say asher yotzar inside twice a day. Thank hashem for a specific thing by modim Have more kavanna when saying brochos and will try to say brochos loud Try to make 3 Yidden smile today Try to not get upset Try to improve on my bain adam lachavaroh especially when its tough. Say shir hashirim every friday night till next yr lag baomer I signed out of my hangouts BH Wont put eyeshadow anymore bln Neder try to say brachos from a siddur Bring in shabbos early this week Say birchas hashachar with someone saying amen for a week Not complain to friends about daycare - at least for this week Bring negal vasser to my bed for a week. Say Birchas Hashachar every morning Try to daven with more kavanah first thing in the morning Turn off my cellphone ringer from when my boys come home from

I WILL BLI NEDER... Count to 2 and try to think before i speak to answer my mother and text my friend when I do-once a day... Be more careful with my brocha achornao especially borei nefoshos Keep a half hour machsom of shmiras halashon each day this week and hopefully forever Try to say bruchos inside this week. Daven brochos from a siddur for 40 days Be nizhar in L"H till Shevous Say asher yatzar inside for a week Say asher yatzar inside from now on Make eye contact with each of my children when I see them coming home from school and greet them with a big smile for the next month. Say birchas hashachar with someone saying amen for a week Have more kavanna when saying brochos and will try to say brochos loud Try to say brochos out loud Say krias shema al hamita this whole month with kavana Daven every day with minyen all 3 tefilot from the beginning till the end Try and work on and improve my kibbud av vaem Recite Nishmas Kol Chai with kavanna on two Shabboses and Shavuos Say Asher Yatzor inside and with kavanah today. Say brachos out loud Dven brachos for the next week Daven brachos from a siddur this week Say Ani Mamin every day with concentration for the next four weeks Try to be more patient by bedtime and listen to what the children are saying without rushing them Daven brachos daily inside for a week Try to call my mother once a day to see how she is doing for the next week Take on shabbos 10 minutes early this shabbos Work to say the first beracha of benching looking inside a bencher until shavuos Say brachos out loud by supper this week

I WILL BLI NEDER... Say brachos from a siddur till next week Tuesday Not talk before modah ani this week and try to keep kabalah thereafter as well Say brachos out loud by supper this week Not wear socks out of the house, even with a long skirt or robe, for one month Say asher yatzar inside from now on Trim my shabbos sheitel Say Ani Maamin every day untill the shloshim Put a filter on my non filtered device Daven brochos daily inside for a week Say Brocha Achrona straigt after eating for 1 week Not open instagram for the next week Say Shir HaShirim everyday until and including Shavuos Be ready for shaboos 5 minutes earlier Not chew gum on the street until after the shloshim Say all the Ani Maamins from a sidur for as long as I can Give up my texting Not wear my short skirt Bring in Shabbos 10 minutes early until Rosh Hashana Wake up before 8 am for the whole shloshim Say asher yatzar inside and standing in one place at least 3 times a day Say asher yatzar with kavanah this week Daven once a day for another person to increase my care and love for other Yidden Make sure not to speak lashon hara by the supper table- family kabalah Not do any shopping online for a month Bring in shabbos early this week Start learning a emunah sefer shortly. Say aleinu with more kavanah to thank hashem - for as long as i can Light Shbbos candles 10 minutes early Say bracha acharona sitting down from a siddur Daven brachos from a siddur this week Bentch al hamichya inside

I WILL BLI NEDER... Be less judgemental and accept all yidden lovingly for this week (and hopefully continue) Say birchas Hashachar aloud so someone can answer amein for the next 2 weeks. Trim my shabbos sheitel and be mekabel shabbos 15 min early this week Daven brachos from a siddur Say al hamichya from a bentcher/wall chart Take the first step toward improving a difficult relationship with a family member. Daven either Shacharis or Mincha at least 45 times in the coming months Wash negel vasser at my bed in the morning. Say shema before getting into bed as to avoid what happens often-falling asleep before I get to it.... Hug my kids 5 times through out the day Be careful with my computer usage.. and not visit some unecessary websites Not use baby wipes on shabbos Be more careful in my tzniyus and try to learn a perek for the kedoshim Be more careful to exit and enter my car with modesty. Say the ani maamins every day for the next 2 weeks! Turn my computer off by 11pm for 2 weeks Say asher yatzar from inside for 40 days Only use the internet at work for work related matters. Wear tights instead of socks 2x a week while in school Try to cover my knees every day Try not to get angery at home Be more careful with tznius Say Asher Yotzar inside twice a day Keep all my hair covered under my snood for the next 10 days- hopefully longer Say the ani maamins every day for a week with kavannah Say krias shema sitting up in bed for the next 2 weeks iy'H Greet others nicely until Shavuos

I WILL BLI NEDER... Start davening mincha every day for two weeks Say Modeh Ani with kavanah and wash negel vasser right away Daven from a sidder this week Daven brachos, shema and shemonah esreh for the next week Smile at my family when I/they walk through the door until Shavuous Stay off my cell phone when kids are home Say krias shema from inside for the next two weeks Daven for mashiach every day Try to learn Hashem's Torah with more furver and excitement Focus while bentching after eating Say oleinu while looking inside this week Cut down my internet use Not look at my phone while I daven Try to make sure that at least once a day I say every word of the first bracha in shemona esreh with kavanah - for two weeks Not wear eye shadow during the week as long as i can keep it up. Cover all my hair at all times at home for a week Be focused on my Kibbid Av Va'eim today, and take each day at a time to try hard. Put my phone on silent when I daven for 40 days. Try to be more carefull with Kisai Rosh Not watch YouTube videos that are not necessary for work Try to cover more of my hair when I am wearing a snood. Try to say one bracha with kavana in shmoneh esrah-shacharis and mincha-this whole week Cut my sheitel and do something about the lace front. Say krias shema from inside till Shavous Show more kavod to my husband Daven brachos first thing in the morning Say birchas hamozon in a bencher Show more kavod to my husband, and be more understanding/supportive overall. Greet people with a nice "good morning!" Always look in my siddur when I daven Say Krias Shema from inside for 2 weeks Say krias shema from a siddur over the next 7 days

I WILL BLI NEDER... Greatly limit the use of my computer when my son is home after school (ie before bed) Compliment every student of mine at least once a day for the whole week Asher yatzar with kavanah Cover all of my hair when I am wearing a snood for this week and hopefully longer Say asher yatzar standing in one spot this week Say asher yatzer inside for the next two weeks Say krias shema with a siddur this week Not put on nail polish this shabbos Not talk during davening for a week Work on my Loshen Horah Be kind to everyone till after shabbos :) and hopefully longer Not use internet on Motzai Shabbos - for the next month Say krias shema with a siddur this week Speak anything derogatory about people during lunch break Speak more respectfully to my husband this week Not go onto YouTube for the next week. Sit when I make a bracha acharona Not look at my phone before saying modeh ani unti shavuos Try to have kavana by the first beracha of shmone esreh Cut my wig shorter Daven mincha this week Daven Brachos before eating breakfast until Shavuos Daven brochos every morning before I eat breakfast Be ready and dressed for shabbos early Consciously put another's needs before my own once a day Wash negel vasser when waking up in middle of the night till shevous Put away my cell phone when my kids are around Keep a 45 minute period every day of being extra careful with my shmiras halashon and to be a better yid in general! Ensure that my snood covers my hair properly in public for the next week Say birchas hashar this week Secure my neckline till the end of the week

I WILL BLI NEDER... Take in shabbos early for the next month and will keep friday a very calm day Learn mesillas yesharim this week and try to apply what I learned to the day Try to have more kavana during birchas hashachar this week Not watch anything unkosher for a week Be focused on my kibbid av vaim today, and take each day at a time to try hard. Try to be makpid on preparing negel vasser for as long as possible Thank Hashem even when its hard. Even when I am confused. Wash my kids negel vasser first thing in the morning. Color in my part of my new sheital before next year rosh hashana Say the brocha shehakol with more kavana this week Not check my phone or be distracted while davening. Be careful with kibud av veim the next 2 weeks Say brochos out loud until Moshiach's day. Work on having positive thoughts Prepare my Shabbat clothes before Erev Shabbat. Try to not speak any L"H at suppertime till Shavous & hope to keep it up after IY"H! Do an hour of Machsom Lfi until Shvuous. Say ten perakim of tehillim a day Start off my day, after negel vasser, with a mantra of focus, '‫קידוש ה‬, and positivity - for the next week and hopefully forever! Daven shachris tomorrow Try not to divulge information to others even when asked personal questions about others Not talk during davening for a week Be more tzniusdig when dressing and undressing up until Shevuos (hopefully longer) Learn a halacha on ben adam lechvero daily until shvuot Make an extra effort to say another kind word to each of my children each day Daven mariv 3 - 4 times a week for the next month Not talk Loshon Hara from 9-10am this week. Spend an extra few minutes on shacharis tomorrow

I WILL BLI NEDER... Watch what I say Say one perek tehillim every day for a week Cover my hair properly when in a snood Make sure my knees are covered at all times Applied strict changes to my filter Deactivate my instagram account Not watch any non jewish videos at least until shavuos Say Tehillim Perek Chof every day Say three positive comments to another for three days Say krias shema in a siddur Wash for melava malka Not walk around in short sleeves Not chew gum on the street for one week Wash every week for Melava Malka Not google private stuff during work hours for the next week Not talk Loshon Hora for one hour a day Wake up earlier tomorrow in order to have more time to daven Daven Maariv every night until the sloshim Say the whole tehillim until Rosh Chodesh Sivan Judge every yid favourably and positively Try and cover my ears according to the correct halacha Say Modeh Ani with kavana each morning Try not to talk on the phone on the street for the next week Nay Asher Yatzar with great kavanah this week and hopefully forever Try to greet my son with a smile and a kiss when he comes home from cheder for the next week Daven all three tefillos this Shabbos Try to speak with more patience Be careful in an area of Tznius Daven brochos and shema for the next week Say krias Shema al hamita with more kavanah this week Delete all entertainment sites from my account Talk to Hashem throughout the day Say Asher Yatzar out loud once a day Try to do a chesed a day for someone Treat my sister better

I WILL BLI NEDER... Say brachos from a siddur Daven brochos and shema every morning until shavuos Say shema from a siddur Make sure my computer is away when I am not working Say nishmas for forty days Try to be sensitive to other people's feelings Try to have more respect for others Say Asher Yatzar with kavana Be more careful with Brocha Acharona this week Take in shabbos five minutes early this week Say brachos on food sitting down with concentration Only come out of my bedroom fully tzniusdik for the next ten days Say three positive comments to another for three days Daven Shemonah Esrei once a day until Shavuos Try not to complain or say anything negative for the first five minutes when my husband comes home Stop using baby wipes on shabbos Try to watch my eyes this week Try to say Oleinu with kavana looking inside the sidder Say Shema from a siddur until shavuos Try to daven an extra Tefilla every day for the next few weeks, and hopefully beyond Look inside when saying Asher Yatzar Not come out of my room dressed inappropriately learn mishnayus five times until Tishrei (shiur alef yeshiva ketana bachrim) Stop myself from getting annoyed over something small and unimportant once a day Cut one of my wigs a little shorter Finish tehillim this week Try to be aware of how I can help out my elerly neighbors in small ways - pick up something, check in... Try not leave the house without davening Try not leave the house without davening Thank Hashem for two specific things by Modim this week and try not to complain

I WILL BLI NEDER... Daven at least one Shemona Esrei every day Make sure that all my necklines are properly covered and be careful when holding my kids that it shouldnt get pulled down Try to have kavanah for the brocho of Asher Yatzar Say a Borei Nefashos sitting once a day Organize my Maaser tonight Try to concentrate better when people talk to me, give them respect, not interrupt them etc. Fix all my necklines so that i shall be properly covered Daven birchas hashachar with more kavana Say brachos out loud Say krias shema from a siddur until Shavuos night Try to do small acts of chessed every day with simcha and love, looking for oppoprtunities to help others no, matter how small Say Tehilim daily for my Jewish brothers and sisters in need Say bracot bekavana Try to say Krias Shema from a siddur Try to say Birchas Asher Yatzer, standing in one place and try to read it from a printed nussach Learn Mishnayos Para before the shloshim Try to daven looking in the siddur the whole time for the next few days Limit my internet use while I am with my children for the coming week, only using it as necessary Try to bring Shabbos in earlier than I usually do Try and do one act of kindness every day for the next couple of weeks Say my brachos slower and with more kavanah until shabbos Try to do one chesed b'sesser every day for a month Say shir shel yom for the next week Say birchas hashachar aloud this week with someone there to say Amen Daven Mincha with more kavana today Be ready and dressed for shabbos early Daven brachos before eating anything this week Say Krias Shema inside a sidder from now on Be more careful with my brochos before and after eating

I WILL BLI NEDER... Say my brochos slower and with more kavanah Say krias shema with more kavanah Not look at the advertisements when riding on the city bus or train Not speak negatively about a certain person specifically Daven mincha today Say five brachos with kavana for the next week Make my brachos on food while sitting Say Brochos out loud Talk to Hashem in my own words before one teffilah every day Try not to be uncovered Say the Ani Maamins five times with kavannah Say Kriyas Shema from a Siddur Be extra careful when changing into work clothing at work for a week, and then hopefully permenantly Say birchas hamozin from a siddur I will speak with respect Call my mother at least 3 times a week Work on my middos to be a sameach b'chelko Have less enjoyment this week and not buy extra nosh Try very hard to hug my kids more and yell less, and to be more present when I'm with them Bring in shabbos the earliest possible this week Take in Shabbos ten minutes early this week Put my kids to bed in a calm and loving way, without rushing them for the next week My 24 students accepted 45 minutes in which they behaved with Derech Eretz Try to talk more softly to my wife Try to write down what i am grateful for every night and be more besimcha Greet my workmates each morning with a smile Say Birchas Hashachar from a inside a siddur Say nishmas every day for a week Daven brachos every morning before I start work Not talk loshon hora for 45 mins every day for a week Learn two halachos a day of Chofetz Chaim daily lessons

I WILL BLI NEDER... Try not to speak lashon horah for half an hour a day Say Birchas Hamazon inside a sidder with Kavanah this month Try to express my gratitude to my kids and husband more often Say the full krias shema inside a siddur every night this week Say krias shema inside this week (and hopefully longer!) Say three brachos Daven shachris tomorrow Say the 13 Ani Maamins for the next three shabbosim, hopefuly longer! Hold back on words that dont need to be spoken Light shabbos candles ten minutes early until Yom Kippur Daven shacahris until shavuos and iyH after too Cover my hair properly including around my ears in public Work on my middos to be a sameach bchelko Try have kavanna while saying ahava rabba Read Krias shema shel hamita in a siddur Delete an app Be Nizhar in my lashon (hara) Try and say modeh ani, really focusing on the tremendous zchus of waking up, with kavana this week and hopefully longer! Have kavana in the first paragraph of shema every night this week Daven mincha today Stop listening to a cd that was not 100% kosher Say modeh ani right when i wake up for the next two weeks Say kriyas shema from a siddur this week Say Kriyas Shema sitting up from a shema card until Shabbos Try to say one brocha each day with kavana, that we eat to have strength to serve Hashem Say modeh ani with more Kavanah Not open any news site until shevuos and learn 30 min without interuption daily this week Try to stand still and concentrate when saying asher yatzar Say ani maamin with more Kavana Not speak lashon hara for an hour a day Say brachos from a siddur tomorrow Say brachos from a siddur this week

I WILL BLI NEDER... Say one brocho loud each day for 45 days Give chizuk or a compliment to at least one person each day Fargin and be happy for others Say Brachos with more kavune and from a siddur Say Asher yatzar from a card today Daven for at least one other person before I complete my shemonah esrei of each tefillah. Refrain from speaking Lashon Hora on my lunchbreaks Smile to everyone around me Refrain from listening to music on the way to work for the rest of sefira even though I only keep first half Try and stand still when saying asher yatzar and concentrate - till elul Learn from a sefer musar every day Limit my screen and internet time every day Learn shmiras haloshon every night Not discuss the negative points of the children I work with Daven maariv on shabbos Say krias shema from inside. Say brachos by supper aloud so someone can answer amen Not speak loshon harah from 830 am till 930 am Be more careful with the way I speak about my boss Say mode ani first thing when waking up Make sure all my children wash neigel vasser Count 10 seconds before saying a hurtful comment to someone and control myself Not go onto Pinterest for entertainment this week and bez'h try to stop altogether Say modeh ani every morning Be more careful with tefilla NOT put a picture of myself or any woman as my profile/status Say asher yatzar with more kavana Only wear synthetic wigs Not wear eyeliner or mascara Learn 2 halachos of shmiras halashon almost daily Have more kavannah during mincha this week Be careful when in a taxi to talk quietly on the phone

I WILL BLI NEDER... Try to give more Tzedakah, and have more anavah Not talk loshon hora about specific people, even so called letoeles Say three brochos rishonos aloud with kavana this week Try to speak nicely to others this week Stop on the side of the street to take a phonecall until the end of this week Try to use my computer this week only for work and things I need to do, and not waste time shopping/browsing make sure my knees are FULLY covered when sitting on my landing or porch Wear longer socks when going outside Wash Negel Vasser as soon as I wake up Control myself at least three times from getting angry with someone or telling them off Say mizmor letodah daily Not wear a sheitel with a natural hairline Try to think of five things to be grateful for each day for a month Daven aleinu from siddur this whole week Daven shacharis on shabbos Count to 10 and control myself, so as not to raise my voice at my kids Daven mincha every day this week Set my alarm 5 minutes earlier so I can have a better davening for this week. Have more patience Not leave the house before my bedroom and bed is cleaned up, until my wedding (in 6 months) ITS MY MOTHERS BIGGEST WISH!! Daven aleinu from a sidur for the next week Think positively of my kids when they tantrum Try to be more careful with covering my knees Work be patient with my younger sister at least once a day. Make brachos out loud for people to say amein Make sure I'm more tznius in front of seforim Daven aleinu from a sidur for the next week Make sure my hands are tahar before saying Hashem's name Make brachos out loud for people to say amein Make sure I'm more tznius in front of seforim

I WILL BLI NEDER... Daven aleinu from a sidur for the next week Make sure my hands are tahar before saying Hashem's name Say asher yatzar inside Give as many people as I can the benefit of the doubt this week Start a chavruta once a week Start learning ‫ הלכות לשון הרע‬with a friend Thank Hashem every night for one special thing that he did for me that day Try to say something each day to build my husband up Show more gratitude for all my brachot in life Say Asher yasar standing in one spot and with kavanah Not touch my phone before washing netilas yadaim Say asher yatzar in one spot Thank Hash-m for each breath at least once a day, and think of something special to be thankful for every morning at "Modeh Ani" Say Shema at night sitting upright. Say Asher yasar standing in one place when at home Say mincha every day this week Not open my phone untill after birchos hashachar Hold back from saying lashon hara at least once a day. Say krias shema from a siddur before bed Try not to do things for kavod this week. make Modeh Ani be the first words I say each day Be more careful to say Brachot before and after eating. Bench from a bencher when I am at home Try to say asher yatzar in place Compliment my sister twice a day for seven days Kiss my kids goodnight and tell them 1 positive thing about themselves. Not get as angry at home Say krias shema al hamita looking at the words Say Asher Yatzar standing in one place Have no phone in Shul or bet midrash Work on Maariv Daven mincha every day for a week Say shema before bed every night

I WILL BLI NEDER... Daven maariv every night this week leilui nishmas yissachar dov berish ben shlomo and for all the meisim and cholimDaven maariv every night this week leilui nishmas yissachar dov berish ben shlomo and for all the meisim and cholim Work on not raising my voice/not yelling to someone on a different floor than me. Say al hamichya from a bentcher or al hamichya card Learn a page of hichos shmiras halashon every day this week, and daven maariv. Try to be more consistent in my daily duties as a frum Jew Say krias shema al hamita with more kavana and I wont look at my phone before davening Stop speaking lashon hora Have kavanah when saying the words "baruch atah Hashem" when making a bracha on food Daven Birchas Hashachar from a Siddur Try to say shema before I get into bed Say nishmas Not look at my phone before davening shacharis Learn 1 - 2 mishnayos after shachris before taking off my tefillin Say Asher yatzar with kavana and daven birchos hashachar from a siddur Not spend time on my phone before getting out of bed Say at least one kepital of tehillim Daven mincha every day Work on not getting mad at people Try to say Asher Yatzer while standing in one place Say brachos out loud Say asher yatzer while standing in one place Say Shema from a Shema card every night Try to always remember my brachos mezonos Not use the app on my phone that wastes the most time Say the entire krias shema al hamita this week Say asher yatzar standing in one place Try to say birchas hashachar out lud with kavanah Watch no movies or shows for 7 days

I WILL BLI NEDER... Try to say my brachos rishonos out loud for the next week Say shema every night for the next 7 days. Say 1 perek Tehillim every day Be makpid to say borei nefashos. Say Shema from inside, sitting up, every night this week. Say al hamichya from a Siddur Not tuch my phone before i say modeh ani and was negel vasser Say krias shema al hamittah from a siddur instead of by heart Daven mincha every day for a week Say Asher Yatzar in 1 place Learn a halacha of shmirat halashon every day Say aleinu with extra kavana Every time someone reaches out to me, I will make them feel good and not respond harshly or critically. Say krias shma al hamita with a siddur every night Not touch my phone until after I daven Shachris Say Al hamichya from bentcher Make sure to daven mincha for the next week Not watch youtube/ netflix between 1-3pm Daven mincha on time for the next week. Daven mincha every day Jump out of bed on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday Not to look at my phone until I say Modeh Ani and wash Negel Vasser Make time to say the Hallelukas this week Compliment my husband every day Daven shemoneh esrei once a day Not touch my phone before washing netilas yadayim Say my first blessing in the day with kavanah Stop fighting with my sister Stop myself from getting annoyed at my siblings Say all the ani maamins Get up early to daven before I leave to work Say Birchas Hashachar while looking into a Siddur Stand in one place when saying asher yatzar once a day Take one hour of machsom lfi every day

I WILL BLI NEDER... Make sure I'm 100% tzniues before leaving my bedroom Say Nishmas for 40 days Say extra Tehillim this week Daven brachos in the morning No movies or videos till shavuos Do a chesbon Hanefesh every day till Shavuos (with emphasis on making sure to do 3 things on it consistantly) Daven mincha every day Say birchos hashachar from a siddur this week IYH Treat my friends nicely all the time Try not to make anyone feel bad until the summer (and try for always) Say one perek of Tehillim until shavous every day Try not talk in my teffilin for a week Say shema with kavana Finish the game which helps children learn about inionim Moshiach and Geulah in a fun way Say modeh ani before looking at my phone Not talk or text on my phone in the street Make sure my hair is covered at all times Find the good in every person I meet and greet them with sever panim yafos Wait for others to finish their words and not go into other ppls words especially with my parents and teachers and try to have more kavod to all jews no matter who and where Instagram for a week bli neder Learn one Mishna once a day for one week Say shema before bed each night. Say a perek of tehillim everyday till shavuos Wash negel vasser by the bed Have intention to interact with my spouse with kavod and my children with nuturing at least once a day Say shehakol with kavanah at least once a day Not open my texts until I say modeh ani Be better about saying "Amen" to my husband's berachot. Have more kavana by sim shalom for all of klal yisroel. Try to stand in one place while saying asher Yatzar

I WILL BLI NEDER... Say the entire krias shema from a siddur every night through this coming week Say all our brachos out loud with our children and to be careful with saying Amen! Try get back into the routine of davening Shacharis To do learning after Shachris every morning this week. Learn 2 halchos of Smirahas Halashon Say brachot out loud Have real kavana during kriyas shema Say one Bracha a day thinking about the words Take on to say Perek 13 tehillim every day Say all brachos achronos from a written text. Be at first seder at 9:25 & on Monday & Thursday at 9:45 Say asher yatzar from a card standing in one place Put my shoes on in the halachic order, also I will bli neder say look in my sidur and stand in one place while saying aleinu Daven Maariv every night this week Take my time at shemoneh esrei Show someone a genuine smile daily Be more careful about making brachos before I eat/drink Make one person feel good every day, and write it down Say one brocha a day with kavana and have someone say Amen Daven shavharis Try not to answer back to my siblings when they annoy me and try not to annoy them about petty things and least once a day Try not to watch youtube videos that are not necessary for my work Say Modeh Ani with kavana for a week I will look for a chesed to do each day IY'H' Daven mincha every day Daven Maariv earlier every night Make someone feel good and noticed each day and write down what it was Give two compliments a day Say one bracha a day out loud with someone saying amen Daven with extra kavanah one tefillah a day Stay off technology for a half-hour every day this week

I WILL BLI NEDER... Study shmirat halashon for a week. Say at least 1 perek of Tehillim every day Try at least x1 a day to stand in one place reciting Asher Yatzar with increased kavana Wash Nagel vasser by my bed Learn after night seder, at least 5 min for a week Stay off of my phone for 30 minutes every day this week intentionally. Stand in one place to say asher yatzar at least once a day I will thank Hash-m for each breath at least once a day, and think of something special to be thankful for every morning at "Modeh Ani" Go off all technology for the first half hour when my son comes home from school. Reduce the use of technology this week Have more bitachon in shidduchim this week Be less critical and more understanding Stay off facebook/marketplace this week Not touch my phone before bracha and netilas yadayim Say modeh ani and netilas yadayim before I touch my phone Say Shema al Hamita before bed, and to not speak afterwards, bli neder Do a machsom lifi from 9-10am everyday until Shavuos Say brocha acharona before getting up and read from bentcher Try not to talk to anyone after Baruch Sheamar (even a whisper) for this week Not look at any on my phone until after I wash negel vasser. Stand in one place to say asher yatzar at least once a day Bentch from a bentcher Say 2 Perekim of tehilim everyday Work on kibbud av vaem Say modeh ani in the morning with extra kavanah Sit for at least 5 mins to introspect/talk to Hashem before going to work. Focus on the brachos we say in the morning Daven the brachos from a Siddur with extra kavana and not by heart Say 2 perakim of tehilim

I WILL BLI NEDER... Say birchas hashachar before eating in the morning. Focus more on being mkadesh shem hashem. Stand in one place and focus when I say asher yatzar Not eat before davening in the morning Daven mincha every day Say 45 pirkei of tehillim one for each niftar l'iluy nishmasam Say the correct bracha before I put food in my mouth Listen properly and empathize when someone tells me about their day Daven mincha every day this week Say a compliment to my husband every day Not judge other Jews, one day at a time Say loud a bracha before eating Say berachah bekavone and try to get someone to say amen Not read secular books iyH! Learn a little Zohar daily and think twice before I speak bli neder Do tikun haklali everyday this week Make space for my own feelings (instead of blaming or judging myself or others) Wash and bench every time I eat bread Be more careful with Asher Yatzar Take on to be careful about something (private) Say kriat shema in a siddur Bench out of the bencher Find the nikuda Tova in my self and others at least once a day this week Daven shemona esrei Thank Hashem for 5 things everyday for the next month Be more patient with everyone around me. Say 2 Perakim of Tehillim Say at least one bracha a day aloud Never again talk negatively about a community I used to live in where I had a hard experience Have self control during a class where it's hard for me Say shema looking in a Siddur Say the brachot with a siddur this week

I WILL BLI NEDER... Never again talk negatively about a community I used to live in where I had a hard experience Have self control during a class where it's hard for me Say shema looking in a Siddur Say the brachot with a siddur this week Say Asher yatzar with more kavanah Not look at mail etc until after davening Give up going to america during the zman so my husband can stay and learn Reopen a gmach I used to run and closed during Corona Say modeh ani each morning Instead of checking the news, say a kapitel tehillim that there should only be good news in Klal Yisroel Try to be a nicer, more patient friend. Daven mincha every day this week iyh Daven shacharit before opening my phone Say Asher yetzer standing in one place and with kavana Bentch right after I eat and not get sidetracked Call 1 person daily to see how they are doing and what they need bli neder Not talk bad about any of our jewish clients Say Asher yatzar with kavana and daven birchos hashachar from a siddur Say the thank You Hashem card before saying shema this week. Learn a halacha of shmirat halashon every day Wear tzitit this week Daven Shacharis every morning this week Not look at things i shouldn't online Be careful with Shmiras haloshon Say Asher Yatzar with more kavavah Say my Tehillim with more concentration Work on myself to look in the positive in every situation. B'n Say Asher yaztar standing in one place Sit or stand still when saying Asher Yotzar during the next 2 weeks Say krias shema from a siddur or card this week. Stand in my place while saying aleniu

I WILL BLI NEDER... Say Asher Yatzar with kavanah Not raise my voice the first hour of the day this week Not touch my phone before saying Modeh Any, and wash by my bed for one week Daven berachos every day for a week Daven berachos BEFORE I LEAVE THE HOUSE for a week Say mode ani right away and with kavanah Come down to my child's eye level to work things out when I'm upset at them. Each child, once per day - this week Say a Perek of Tehillim Say asher yatzer with extra kavanah for a week Be more careful with saying brachos out loud Work on Making a Kiddush Hashem and loving Hashem for everything Serve hashem with my heart and soul and make him proud and his children happy Daven Shacharis before doing housework this week Say the first bracha of shmoneh esrei with kavanah. Say krias shemah al hamitah Not touch my phone until i wash my hands in the morning Say the first brocho in bentching slowly and with kavono - every word ..for 40 days... untilRosh Chodesh Tammuz Stand in one place when saying asher yatzar Be more careful about interupting my husband when he's learning Say a complement to my husband each day. Say Aher Yatzor with kavanah and read it from a sign or siddur Say krias shema from a siddur or card this week. Say modeh ani with kavana Speak less lashon hara Pay more attention to the words of shemoneh série and have kavana Say krias shema before bed Daven for the amud more because I don't do it enough Stop getting mad at my sister for every little thing she does Daven for at least one choleh or cholah in refaeinu Be more careful at what I look at. Bench and say brachas

I WILL BLI NEDER... Be more careful with brachos Learn 2 halachos of shmiras halashon every night for the next week Put on socks first thing in the morning wash second Negel vaser Say modeh ani with my hands together and my head bowed Say shema al hamita every night Be careful about saying modeh ani in the morning Wash second negel vaser Learn pirkey avos on shabat after mincha Say the perek tehillim of the worldwide-one-perek-a-day-tehillim (began last week on 15 Iyar) Daven three times a day Make an effort not to criticize a specific person Not leave my spot before bentching Wash negel vasser every morning Stop myself from saying lashon hara once a day during a convo Not raise my voice the first hour of the day this week Say Asher Yatzar in a siddur this week Not say lashon hara during lunch break Reduce the use of technology this week Be more aware of the impact of my words on others Listen to a shiur before doing other leisure activities on the computer in the evening. Smile at 5 people every day, that I would not normally smile at. Keep shavout (not go on phone) Eat and bentch sitting down till shabuos B"N Say Modeh Ani and Netetilas Yedayim first thing in the morning till shevuos B"N and try for always B"N Daven shemoneh esrei before work for this week Say the whole Krias Shema every night this week Be happy with what hashem gave me and not be jealous of others. Try hard to be nice to my siblings during supper time Daven the whole davening Daven before using technology Not watch goyish things on Motzie Shabbos Only read Jewish books on Shabbos (unless for school) Say five perakim of tehillim in my tefillin

I WILL BLI NEDER... Get someone to answer amen to my birchos hashachar in the morning. Learn another perek of tanach for a week iyh Say asher yatzar with kavanah tomorrow Not look at my phone before brochos this week say more brachot rishonot and achronot when I eat and drink. recite the Rambam's 13 Ikarei HaEmunah every day genuinely greet one person I wouldn't usually greet, and seriously ask them how they are while waiting for a response. be good by one teacher Keep a machsom L'fi every day for 1 and a half hours Keep a Machsom L'fi lunchtime in school Say shema every night from a siddur Say al hamichya from a bencher/siddur once a day Say Krias shema from a krias shema card Say Shema from a Shema card Daven mincha every day this week iyh Say shema with a siddor this week Have more kavanah during aleinu Speak softly and calmly at home without raising my voice Have more kavanah during aleinu Daven maariv every night this week Say part of Iggeres haRamban to help me speak calmly to others Daven brachos before eating breakfast Learn shaarei teshuva with my morning coffee Say shema at night this week Talk to Hashem in my own words at least once daily Say Bircot Hashachar before eating Only speak positive about Hashem's beautiful world Only go on the computer when I am not taking care of the baby Not touch my phone for an hour while the kids are around Not watch any youtube clips-directly from youtube or sent on whatsapp/email this week (with the hopes i can make it last longer) and going forward my laptop will be closed between 5-6 (supper,bath and bedtime for my kids) Bench with kavana and focus on the words

I WILL BLI NEDER... Say the Ani Manmins and Shesh Zechiros this week as a Zechus for the Kedoshim Put my shoes on in the correct halchic order Remember to watch negilat yadayim every morning Say the entire shema every night Smile 3 times a day Say Asher Yatzar after using the bathroom. Say Modeh Ani every morning Daven something every morning Put my phone away before I come into the house Try to stay calm with the kids during bedtime Daven shemone esrei every morning Call my mother and my in laws every day Keep a machsom lfi from 7-7:30pm every day Daven as soon as I get home from taking the kids to gan Have Kavana by Asher Yatzar Do at least one random act of kindness a day. Before "modim" in Shmone Esray, I will pause & think of 5 things for which I am grateful Say the 4 Perekim of tehilim after shema and keep one hour completely off technology Have more kavanah by Asher Yatzar Daven Mincha every day this week Daven mincha and maariv every day in shul Try to say Asher yatzar in place Say the whole krias shema every night before bed Learn mussar after shacharis every day until Shavous Daven at least one Shemona Esrei a day and say Krias Shema from a card/siddur Limit the use of technology Let it go, when my husband might say something inadvertently that is difficult for me this week Say krias shema al hamita from a siddur or a card Say asher yotzar with more kavana at least once a day Say Asher Yatzar with better Kavana at least once a day Not check any of my texts before washing netilas yadayim

I WILL BLI NEDER... Look my children in the eyes when I speak with -- to really see them. Think about one positive attribute in my spouse and children once a day before speaking to them Think about the meaning of Hashems name in one bracha I say Be more cautious to say my brachos Will not touch my phone before washing netilas yadayim Put on my shoes in the correct halachic order - right then left Say Asher yatzar standing in place with more kavana Say Nishmas Say shema from my Siddur slowly with kavana Say krias shema al hamita before bed Make sure I say al hamichya after eating before I stand up Stand in one place while saying Asher Yatzar Say a bracha acharona Show someone a genuine smile daily Learn an amud of Gemara each day Say shema from an interlinear Siddur before bed so I can understand what I am saying Daven with more kavanah Be more careful about making brachos before I eat/drink Try and not speak Loshon hora Say Asher Yatzar standing in one place with kavanah Say ‫ שמע על המיטה‬every night from the siddur Say at least one bracha a day with kavanah Say all ani maamins and shesh zechirot for the next 40 days (‫בזכות‬ ‫)חוני המעגל‬ Try to add more kavanah to the first bracha of Shemona Esrei Say Baruch She'emar, Ashrei, and Yishtabach Say two perakim of Tehillim after davening Daven mincha every day Say nishmas for 40 days Say Shehakol with kavanah at least once a day Say ‫ שמע על המיטה‬every night Say modeh ani and wash negel vasser before looking at my phone Work on my Kibud Av V'eim Say brachot rishonot with more kavanah

I WILL BLI NEDER... Daven mincha every day Say Asher yatzar while standing in place Try to remember to say Asher Yatzar and Brachos on food Say krias shema al hamita every night Wash negel vasser and say Modeh Ani each morning Daven maariv every night iyh Be more careful with my brachos rishonos Say modeh ani and wash negel vasser before looking at my phone Say al hamichya sitting down from a bentcher Daven shacharis before doing housework Daven maariv every night be"h if possible Say a specific Tefilla everyday iyH Daven shacharit every morning and try to say Asher yatzar in place Say an extra perek of tehilim a day Try my hardest to not forget to make brachos before eating and drinking Try and daven maariv every day Wake up before class to daven Say Brachos from a Siddur before I eat breakfast Say the whole Asher Yatzer standing in one spot and not walking Wash negel vaser before I go on my phone Try to say shema al hamita from a siddur Say modeh ani and do netilas yadayim before touching my phone Say Hamapil with more kavana Say a perek of tehillim daily Try to say birkot hashachar with more kavana Say a perek of tehillim daily Say birchas hashachar from a siddur Try to say hamapil with more kavanah Daven Maariv every day Memorize a Mishna of Avos every day Work extra hard on my Kibud Av V'eim Wash negel vasser right away, before looking through my phone Make sure to give people compliments more often Say modeh ani and do netilas yadayim before touching my phone Say modeh ani and do netilas yadayim before touching my phone

I WILL BLI NEDER... Use a benstcher when I benstch Daven Maariv every day Say Asher Yatzar with more kavannah, in one spot without rushing to do more things Say Asher Yatzer standing in place Say al hamichya and boreh nefashos from a bencher Daven mincha and maariv Say brachot rishonot with more kavana Say each day's alotted tehillim to finish tehillim in a month Say the next 7 days of tehillim (Friday-Thursday) Try my best not to go on my phone till after I wash and say Modeh Ani Try to say shema al hamita from a siddur Delete all social media off of my phone for this week Daven mincha for a week Daven maariv this week Daven maariv every night this week Respond bsimcha when my mother asks for my help Daven on the weekends Work on having proper Kavod for my parents Say brachos rishonos with more kavanah Say Shema Al Hamitah from a siddur while focusing on the words Not go on my phone until I daven Have more kavana when saying Asher yatzar at least once a day Say Shacharis BZman Daven birchas hashachar from a siddur for two weeks Try to focus on the words of Shema more Learn two halachos a day about ‫ שמירת הלשון‬for the next seven days Say Asher Yatzar with kavana once a day Wash Negel Vassar and say morning brachos before breakfast Take on a kabala (keeping it private) Daven mincha every day this week Say Asher Yatzar with kavana once a day Say asher yatzer standing in one place with kavana Say krias shema al hamita before bed Work on kibbud av v'eim

I WILL BLI NEDER... Say krias shema al hamita with kavana before bed Say a Perek of Tehillim everyday Open a siddur everyday and daven something inside Not share a shameful message over text Say Asher Yatzer with the upmost kavana Won't make fun of or insult my brothers for seven days Restart my mussar daily seder Say five Prakim of Tehillim after davening Shacharis Daven mincha everyday for a week from April 30- May 7 Say shema all hamitah inside every day this week Work on kibbud av ve'em and shalom bayis Daven mincha every day Bench from a Siddur Say Asher yatzar while standing in place, try to have greater Kavanah Try to do something for someone other than myself each day this week Daven Mariv Say more tehillim Say HaMapil every night from a Siddur with Kavannah Say Aleinu from the Siddur Try to read at least 10 minutes of Chumash a day for the next 40 days Hold back from saying lashin harah once a day Try to focus more during modim and thank Hashem for all He has given me Try to say modeh ani and netilat yadayim before going on my phone every morning Try to have more kavana in my Shemonah Esrei Say shema al hamita from a siddur for the next 7 days Try to Daven birkas Hashachar with more kavannah Try to daven maariv for the next 7 days Daven mincha maariv for the next 7 days Betnch from. A Bentcher Say 10 perakim of Tehillim every night Not eat anything unless someone is there to say amen to my bracha More careful and conscious about my kashruth

I WILL BLI NEDER... Going to wake up with enough time to properly Daven this week bli neder Try to say bracha acherona Try to say mincha every day this week Say Asher Yatzar with kavana Work on my kibud av vaem this week Say a perek of tehillim each day Be makpid on davening Shacharis and mincha for this week bli neder Try to daven maariv for the next 7 days Say the complete shachris for the next 7 days Say krias shema hamita for 7 nights Refrain from speaking lashon hara for 1 hour Say the complete kriyas shema shel mitah Say Asher yetzer in place Say Brachos in the morning Say mincha for the next 7 days Nice as I can to everyone I see Only eat chalav yisroel Daven mincha maariv for the next 7 days Say Mode Ani and was in the morning before looking at my phone. Say Asher yatzar in my place without distractions Daven the full Schacharit for the next 7 days Say borei nefashos sitting down Say maariv Say brachos each morning Bencth the whole bentching or alhamichya without rushing and with a siddur Arrive to shacharis before brachos Be more inclusive and try not to say lash on hara Say brachot on food and say alamichia and berai nefashot when I need to this week Say ashar yatzar Say tehillim of the yoim daily Say the bracha of hamapil with more kavanah and slower. Stand still while I say Asher yatzar Say berachos achronos while sitting down

I WILL BLI NEDER... Say Shema Al Hamitah from a siddur while focusing on the words Stand still while reciting Asher yatzer Say shema with more Kavana Take Shabbos in early Say mincha this week Daven brachos Say asher yatzar with kavana while standing in one place Daven shacharit every morning this week. Complement at least two people on something every day Make it to shacris everyday this week bli neder Try to do 1 act of Chesed every day of the week Say mincha everyday this week Daven mincha every day Say shema from a siddur,sitting up, before i get into bed Be more careful with brachos achronos Be more tzniyot in public Be less judgemental of people. Say my brachos sitting down Say one Perek of Tehillim everyday this month Focus during brachos rishonos that I am talking to Hashem Say Brachos Daven brachos from a siddur Say kriyas shema al hamitah from a siddur for this week Daven every day for the people who are hurting Say the bracha of shehakol aloud and with kavana at least twice a day Work on my Lashon Hara Bench after eating bread Say mincha every day this week Try to appreciate the people in my life/speak nicer to them Try my hardest not to speak lashon hara. Say asher yatzar after using the bathroom Say the 6 things a Jew must remember every day Say modeh ani and wash my hands before looking at my phone Say kriyas shma al hamita every night Call someone over to join my conversation when he/she is alone

I WILL BLI NEDER... Only check my email twice a day. Say shesh zechiros everyday Say asher yatzar from the text at least once a day Say krias shma al hamita every night this week Daven full shacharis and mincha with cavana every day this whole week Give myself more time to daven in the morning by getting out of bed quicker. My goal is to be ready to daven by 5:35 AM. Be more positive Try to watch my mouth and watch what I say about my fellow brothers and sisters Try and think before i speak especially if I'm upset Try to wake up earlier so that I can daven better and I will try to say asher yatzar with kavanah Try to say Shema from a Shema card this week Work very hard to bring Shabbos in with tremendous calm and simcha. Not snooze my alarm to have enough time to daven each morning Try to say Asher yatzar with more kavanah Try to make sure to say mincha every day for the next 7 days Not look at any messages on my phone until after I daven Say shahakol out loud twice a day so someone can say amen Say 3 brachos out loud every day Daven Mincha with more kavana Say krias shma al hamita every night this week Not look at my phone (except to turn off my alarm) before I pray in the morning Not look at instagram this week Say krias shema in full every night this week Say Asher Yatzar standing in one place twice a day for the next 7 days Try to say bracha achrona Say Shema hamita every night this week Say five perakim of Tehillim each day this week Dress completely tznius tonight Learn or read with at least one child each weekday

I WILL BLI NEDER... Delete instagram for at least a week Learn hilchos shmiras halashon every night for at least a week Say Krias Shema Al Hamita Think before I open my mouth to answer my mother at least once a day and text my friend when I do Not turn on my computer until davening Say the full shema inside at night Say every perek of tehillim a day after davening shacharis Say 15 perakim for the families of the niftarim and injured Say asher yatzer standing in place once a day Say asher yatzer with kavana once day Not use my phone before davening Say krias shema al hamitah Say birkas hashachar with more kavana Say the first paragraph of krias shema with kavana Make at least one bracha out loud with kavana Not text after I say krias shema for one week Be more patient with a sibling. Try to not listen to english music for this week Say Asher yatzar standing in one place Say shema looking inside the siddur Say Asher Yatzar after every time I go to the bathroom Be careful with my shemiras haloshon for a half hour a day for the next week Daven mincha every day, for the next seven days. Say Asher Yatzar standing in one place Say modeh ani and do netilas yadaim before going on my phone. No movies or shows bzh Daven brachos from a siddur Not listen to any non Jewish podcasts Make it to shacharis every day this week Say Asher yatzar in one place with kavana Daven mincha each day Say kriah shma al hamita every night this week Try to say asher yatzar while standing still and have more kavvanah while saying it

I WILL BLI NEDER... Say Shema at night slowly and with careful attention. Say more tehilim and try to remember to say more brachos Try to greet someone with a TRUE smile at least once a day with the hope of recognizing the significance of each neshama Think before I say a bracha Only use apps on the smartphone this week that I REALLY need for work. Take 1 minute before davening to think about what I'm about to say and that I'm talking to the Melech Malchei Hamlachim BLI NEDER Concentrate while saying ahser yatzar Try to say perek lamed gimmel in Tehillim with kavana from april 30-may7 Say Asher yatzar standing in place with more cavana Say hareini mezamin lkayim mitzvahs ahavta leraicha kamocha after brachos Try to daven shacharis with more kavana inside the siddur focussing on the words Try to ask mechilla from someone who i wronged Try to say shema al hamita from a siddur Try to have more kavana when davening for shalom within Klal Yisroel during Shemona Esrei Do a cheshbon hanefesh each night for next 7 days Say modeh ani and wash negel vasser before looking at my phone in the morning Say nishmas every day Concentrate while make 2 brachos before eating, making sure that I say every word properly, daily. Daven Maariv this week Say Asher yatzar standing in one place this week Note at least 2 things I was consciously thankful for during the day and remind myself that these gifts are from Hashem. Say Birchas Hashachar with kavana Daven Maariv from a Siddur this week Say Krias Shema Al Hamita Concentrate on shema in the morning this week Try to have extra kavanah when saying modeh ani in the morning

I WILL BLI NEDER... Say kappitel 23. Say mincha every day Daven maariv (at least the shemonah esrai) for the next 7 days Take it upon myself to say at least 5 perakim of tehillim a day Greet every person with a smile Daven shachris every day this week Not complain but to thank Hashem instead! Keep cholov yisrael this week Daven Mariv every night this week Daven Shachris Thank Hashem evey day this week for all the good I do have. Hold back from one complaint a day and appreciate what I have instead Try to daven mincha with more kavana Say mincha every day Not talk on my phone in public Stand in one place when saying asher yatzar Going to not touch my phone before I wash neigal Vaser for a week Make sure to wash netilat yadaim every morning right when I wake up Daven shacharis every day for a week For a week I will intentionally think about one person and Daven for them, and make sure tocompliment at least one person a day Daven birchos hashachar from a siddur Daven one thing everyday Say aleinu standing still and with kevana Say al hamichya with a Siddur Say asher yatzer and netilas yadaim standing in one place Say asher yatzar while standing still Say shema al hamita from a text and compliment at least one person each day Remember to thank Hashem when returning home safely from any car outing Daven for a choleh twice a day Say Tehillim after davening for the week Learn something even for a few minutes every day

I WILL BLI NEDER... Be fully tznius when walking out of my room Take in shabbos calmly and with Simcha Say Brachos before I eat or drink with Kavana Do extra learning every day in their memory Say Asher yatzer standing in one place Daven at least one tefilla a day Say Asher yasher standing in place Try to say asher yazar standing and concentrating in the words Say Shma Israel with more cavana Daven mincha for this week Say brachos in morning with kavana bli neder Try to daven maariv Try to say asher yatzar sitting down or standing still Say Asher Yatzar standing still (and I will try to say it from a Siddur) Daven a full shachris for the next 7 days Not touch my phone before modeh ani and netilat yadayim Be shomer habrit. Try say shema with kavana Try to daven maariv for one week Try say bracha acharona sitting down Daven one tfilla a day Say brochos every morn Intentionally think and Daven for one person every day and give one person a compliment say nishmas and standing in place for Asher yatzar Daven Maariv every day for the next 7 days Say Modeh Ani right when I get up in the morning Say modeh ani with kavana Say asher yetzar inside Say Modeh Ani every morning this week Not talk or text in the street this week Go to sleep 1-2 hours earlier and say shema from a siddur Say modeh ani and wash neigel vasar before touching my phone Wash Negel vasser in the morning Follow inside and have extra cavana when I say ashrei Take on a Kaballah (private)

I WILL BLI NEDER... Learn ayom Yom and Tanya Say mincha with as much kavana as I can this whole week Remember the 5 special things everyone must remember every day this week Say Marriv every night! Say modeh ani and wash negel vasser everyday Say a few perkakim of tehillim every day Do whatever my parents ask with a smile Say hamapil every night Give someone a sincere compliment every day this week Try to say thank you Hashem every time I walk off the bus Respect my parents the most I can and do what they ask with a smile Give a complement a day to a girl i know is struggling with friends. Say krias shema from a siddur each night with kavanah Daven at least one tefillah, shacharis or mincha, every day this week Say Shema from a Siddur, sitting up, every night this week Try to remember to say bracha acharona Say Shema from a siddur this entire week Try to have extra ahavas yisroel Say mincha every day this week Use my shema card to say shema and say one extra thing in shema Be makpid to be extra careful about Lashon Hara from 12-1 pm everyday Be extra careful with bentching this week Be careful when saying brachos in the morning (for a week) + saying a kapitel of tehillim a day (BN) for their zchus! Say the Shir Hamalos in tehillem. I Have extra kavana when saying asher yetzar Stand in one place when saying asher yatzer. Not check my emails until I say brachos Take on a Kaballah (private) Take on a Kaballah (private) Try to stand in one place when saying Asher yatzar at least once a day this week bli Neder IYH try to stand in one place when saying Asher yatzar at least once a day this week Say birchas hashachar before i go to school

I WILL BLI NEDER... Say yes right away to a parent once a day without pushing off the mitzvah Try extra hard to have kavaana when saying shema limita Not touch my computer before Davening Say CHITAS Everyday Not use my phone before Davening Try to remember to say Asher yatzar and brachos on food Refrain from speaking L"H from 2-4 PM be"H and be extra kind to my fellow Jew. Daven before i go to work every day. Take on a Kabballah (private) Work on my Kibud Av V'Aim this week Say asher yatzar looking at a sign Say Asher Yatzr with Kavana, and not say LH on the bus, and work on what I read Say brachos before eating or going on my phone this week Look inside my siddur when i say shema and have kavana while saying it Not touch my phone until I wash negel vaasar Not go on the internet from 430 until 5 Not bring my phone upstairs for this one week Say a perek of tehillim daily Bench with more Kavanah Count to 10 before i want to raise my voice Say al hamichya from a bencher or siddur this week Say 2 brachos out loud every day. Daven every day Recite my brachos out loud this week Try harder to remmber to recite brachos before eating Try to listen - to REALLY listen - to what others say, and not interrupt; especially my parents and siblings Try to be careful and have kavanah when saying brachos before and after eating Try to be more patient and not get upset when things don't go as planned Take on a Kabballah (private)

I WILL BLI NEDER... Be more careful and concentrated when saying Krias Shema Al Hamitah Try to really listen to everyone whose speaking to me and be patient with my response Stand in one place when saying asher yatzar and focus on the meaning of the words Stand in one place when saying asher yatzar and focus on the meaning of the words Stand in one place when saying asher yatzar and focus on the meaning of the words for one week Say shema and vihavta every day Daven mincha Not touch my phone until I wash negel vaasar Daven minchah Not touch my phone until I wash negel vaasar Daven maariv evrey night Make a concentrated effort to be more patient and positive towards everyone around me and ask for help when I need it Concentrate on shema tonight even if tired Learn something every night even when I come home late or go away Say brochos before and after eating properly Try to use my platform to bring light in every way possible Delete social media from my phone and be more present with my students Focus on the words and meaning of the morning brachos Be extra nice to someone that I find difficult Try to compliment one person each day/include someone on the sidelines Say shema sitting up for this week Be more patient with the people around me this week Say Kriat Shema Al Hamita each night Try to have more patience for my kids Say modeh ani and wash netilat yadayim before touching my phone and daven maariv for a week Say shema with a siddur or shema card Say the brocha before eating, slowly, and think of the meaning

I WILL BLI NEDER... Try to say thank you to Hashem for 20 things I'm blessed with instead of complaining Daven at least one amida each day Show self control with food at least once a day Say Shema at bedtime Stand in one place when saying asher yatzar and focus on the meaning of the words once a day Say borei nefashos and al hamichiya from a bentscher/card Daven Shachris for one week Wash negel vasser by my bed for one week Daven shachris from the siddur for a week Daven mincha every day for a week Say birchos hashachar daily for the next week Say modeh ani with real kavanah Say Asher Yatzar Say modeh ani with extra Kavanah Say tikkun haklali for the neshamot of those taken and for the refuah of those who need, every day this week Not touch my phone before negel vasser and smile to as many people as possible Try to ensure that Modeh Ani will be the first words I say each day Spend an extra minute on modeh ani with kavanah Focus on one story of Mi K'amcha Yisroel each day Say kriyat shema every evening with kavana I will bli neder daven Mariv every night this week Won't talk or go on my phone before Davening in the morning for a week Try to say 100 brachos for a week (not on Shabbos) Read kriyat shema of the evening slowly with a siddur Guard my tongue from 10am to 11am Daven shacharit for the next seven days Work on saying Brachos every day and work on my shalom bayis with my husband Say an extra perek of tehillim a day Stop my mind once a day when I want to complain about something or someone

I WILL BLI NEDER... Judge favorably, beginning with family members Say Asher Yatzar with kavana Add "Lamnatzeach" to the end of Shacharis after Ashrei Try to be dan lkaf zchus other people and turn anger into empathy Say an extra perek of tehillim a day Try and put my phone down at 12:30 every night for the next 2 weeks Hold back from saying lashon hara once a day Not go on my phone (except my alarm) before I daven in the morning and try daven maariv early Daven brachos with kavana this week Daven Shacharit in the morning Say a perek of tehilim every day Be more mindful to guard my tongue against lashon harah at least once a day Stand still while saying asher yatzar Daven shachris before doing housework Try and judge people more favourably Say modeh ani happily and wash my hands before going on my phone Work on saying brachos out loud with my family Say five perakim of tehillim every day Say modeh ani and wash hands in the morning Try and be more appreciative of life Hold back from loshan hara Appreciate all the Brachos in my life Work on saying brachos achronos slower & from the bencher with more kavana Put my phone away by 1:00 every night Say five chapters of Tehilim every day Say mincha every day Say a nice comment to my husband daily Try to say Asher yatzar from a siddur Wake up early to properly daven shacharis before the zman Say verbally to myself that HaShem loves me, that His plan is exacted with precision and that everything is for the good Learn parsha with Rashi this week

I WILL BLI NEDER... Take in shabbos early this week Take in shabbos early this week Say every day the 13 ani maamin with kavana for the next three weeks. Say brachos with more kavanah Say tehillim this shabbos to thank hashem for all nissim! Say tehillim this shabbos to thank hashem for all nissim! Log out of all social media platforms for 2 days and limit my use of technology Not touch anythig before i wash negel vasser Say Aleinu from a siddur this week. Say the whole shema in a sidur Say Brachos from inside for the next week Daven brochos from a siddur for the next week Say asher yutzor inside this week Daven shmonei esrei shacris having cavana on the first brocha Say birchas hashachar from inside Consciously and deliberately appreciate each one of my children and Recognize them as a gift from Hashem Try not to get very nervous with my kids especially when they are not doing what i want them to be doing Be more vigilant with brochos achronos specifically al hamichya Limit my use of technology Daven brochos from a siddur for the next week Say shir hashirim this friday night Hold back 4 critizing comments a day Say shema inside Take in shabbos early this week Concentrate on my shmiras halashon. Make sure my new sheitel is not any longer than my old ones Take in shabbos on time this week Make a serious change in my technology use Read musser for the next week Count til 10 before i say something i might regret Accept shabbos 10 minutes early this week & try to strengthen my Emunah with NO questions asked!!

I WILL BLI NEDER... Try to stay in a positive mode Read the book "my father my mother and me'' by Yehudis samet more often to work on my kibud of veim Say one kaptiel tehillim a day for the next 4 weeks Only open my computer no more than 3 times a week Learn one lesson of living emunah each night Work on forgiving a store that really messed up my order that made me super upset Take in shabbos early this week Do something in tznius(private) Say Al Hamichya from a siddur sitting Take shabbos in early this week Take shabbos in early this week Say brachos with extra kavanah this morning Try to remember to make brachos achronos Try to light shabbos candles at the yerushalayim zeman time this week Bring shbbos in early this week Say brachos acharoynos immediately after I'm finished eating so i dont forget Stay calm with Say al hamichyah with a bentcher Bring in shabbos 15 min early this week Say Asher Yatzar looking in today Daven Shachris this morning Daven Shachris this morning Bring shabbos in early this week Take in shabbos early this week Daven with more kavana Daven every day with kavana Bentch with kavanah Daven with more kavana this week Not touch anything before i wash negel vaser this week Daven mincha today Say Asher Yatzar looking in today Be mekable shabbos ten minutes earlier then usual

I WILL BLI NEDER... Say Shema at night slowly and with careful attention. Say more tehilim and try to remember to say more brachos Try to greet someone with a TRUE smile at least once a day with the hope of recognizing the significance of each neshama Think before I say a bracha Only use apps on the smartphone this week that I REALLY need for work. Take 1 minute before davening to think about what I'm about to say and that I'm talking to the Melech Malchei Hamlachim BLI NEDER Concentrate while saying ahser yatzar Try to say perek lamed gimmel in Tehillim with kavana from april 30-may7 Say Asher yatzar standing in place with more cavana Say hareini mezamin lkayim mitzvahs ahavta leraicha kamocha after brachos Try to daven shacharis with more kavana inside the siddur focussing on the words Try to ask mechilla from someone who i wronged Try to say shema al hamita from a siddur Try to have more kavana when davening for shalom within Klal Yisroel during Shemona Esrei Do a cheshbon hanefesh each night for next 7 days Say modeh ani and wash negel vasser before looking at my phone in the morning Say nishmas every day Concentrate while make 2 brachos before eating, making sure that I say every word properly, daily. Daven Maariv this week Say Asher yatzar standing in one place this week Note at least 2 things I was consciously thankful for during the day and remind myself that these gifts are from Hashem. Say Birchas Hashachar with kavana Daven Maariv from a Siddur this week Say Krias Shema Al Hamita Concentrate on shema in the morning this week Try to have extra kavanah when saying modeh ani in the morning

I WILL BLI NEDER... Say brachos with more kavana Work on Ivdu es Hashem Besimcha especiallly when its difficult Work on saying Asher Yatzar from a card with kavanah Be careful when communicating with my boss this week. Try to be more careful with what comes out of my mouth this week Try to concentrate more when saying brachos Try to look at another person with more respect and love once a day, and think where my judgement of them is coming from and work through it. Daven Shacharis earlier than usual Say Shema tonight with Kavana Say al hamechya from a card tomorrow Forgive my high school principal even though I was hurt. Stay off a specific website this week that I find I'm spending too much time on, and I hope to stay off it permanently Make a serious change in my technology use Make a point of davening something everyday this week Have more kavana with my bentching right now Try not to say no to my father tomorrow Try to be patient with my family Not watch something not Jewish this week and try til the shloshim Say the ani maamin every day Try to be more patient with my kids this week Look for the positive in my current situation Work on seeing the positive in at least one situation per day Say the whole krias shema al hamittah at least for this week Try my best to daven birchas hashachar tomorrow, Monday Try to be patient with my kids this week Try not to talk loshon hara at work tomorrow Try reading asher yatzar from the text Not use technology after I'm in bed Be careful with my neckline Daven maariv at least until the shloshim Say asher yatzor in one place for the rest of the week Try and daven at least once a day Not raise my voice at my parents for the next 2 weeks

I WILL BLI NEDER... I will bli neder daven one tefilla every day I will Bli Neder not eat before saying Birchas Hashachar, and will sit while making Berachos for 45+ days. Have a haircut and be more careful on tznius Say brachos every morning Not visit any non-Jewish news websites this week. Wake up early to daven shacris on shabbos till shevueos Davan shachris with a siddur this week Say the brochos this week Daven shachris and mincha every day Be more careful with making sure no hair sticks out of my snood Not touch anything befrore washing negel vaser for the next week Make sure my hair is properly covered for davening tomorow Be more careful to cover my hair this week. Not eat anything before saying Birchas hashachar (this week, or as long as I can) Upgrade my internet filter Try to be much more careful with my bracha achronas Try to be aware and cover the hair around my ears when going out in a snood Only thank Hashem this week Only get dressed in appropriate places this week. Try make my life a life worth living. I will try not to waste opportunities, and look out to see the good around me. Say birkat ha-mazon from a bencher Try wash negel vaser at my bed for a week Remove news status from my Whatsapp. Be more careful about saying krias shema inside Get dressed in a more tnisu'dig way Work on not speaking any Loshon Horoh between the hours 7-8 pm this week. Daven Shacharis and Maariv this week Say krias shema inside for a week Cut one of my sheitels Not complain about challenging events in my day this week.

I WILL BLI NEDER... Say krias shema out of a siddur every night this week SAY ASHER YOZAR LOOKING INSIDE THIS WEEK Say krias shema out of a siddur every night this week Daven Shacharis 2x this week Not say anything negative today, May 2 2021 Not come out of my bed tonight without socks Work on shmiras halashon at a time of day that is hard for me NOT discuss my students this week (even for so called toeles) Accept Shabbos 10 minutes early this week Tighten my internet filter to a stricter level Daven mincha today Daven mincha this week Wont push people Daven mincha for the next 2 weeks Give my mother a sincere thank you/compliment today Make sure 3/4 of my hand is covered for the next week Have patience with my kids tomorrow Not speak lashon hara for 45 minutes a day- for the 45 messim Say Asher Yatzer from inside this week Work more on my kibud av Say 13 ani maamins each day this week Daven brochas in the morning for a week Not complain about hard things in my life on the phone with specific people for the week. Try to react calmly / with a smile if my little charges act up Try to cover every single hair sticking out from snood for the next four weeks Try not to speak any loshon hara by the Friday night Seuda for the next 2 weeks.. ( so far..) Daven that the person who got the job I was hoping for should have hatzlachah. Try not to talk on the phone when Im outside on the street. Daven mincha today Stop talking loshoin hora on shabbes Tuck in my hair on the sides for one week Bentch from inside for two weeks

I WILL BLI NEDER... Begin to say krias shema al hamita Be ready for Shabbos 10 minutes early this shabbos, parshas emor bezh Daven mincha as early as I can each day this week Say Mincha this Shabbos and as often as I can Have more kibud av veim this week Start reading a book on emunah Say something good about someone else everyday for a week Try to be patient with my nepwhews this shabbos Bench inside a sidur this Shabbos Thank Hashem for giving me life Try not to get stressed out this week, will recognize that everything is controlled by Hashem, and no need to worry if everything is in His hands. Put my phone away from 5 to 8pm for this week Say the bracha of shehakol with kavana once a day this week. Daven from an actual siddur shachris every morning. Daven with more kavana this shabbos. Try to do kibid uv vaim with a smile and right away! Be more patient with my family members next time I talk to them Take on shabbos early this week Try to say bircas hamazon from a bentcher for a week. Daven shachris this shabbos Not read secular books this Shabbos Try and daven shacharis shemonah esrei with more kavana this week Make shobbos 10 min.early Make brochos out loud Try to say al hamichya inside for the next week Do a cheshbon hanefesh tonight and tomorrow morning Try not to judge ppl and to only speak positive about ppl. Make sure to call my grandma everyday and spend time with my other grandma at least half hour a day Try to walk around the house tzniusdik Be careful with shmiras haloshon for a month from 9 - 10pm Try to make broches with kavana tomorrow sunday. Have more kavana in davening

I WILL BLI NEDER... Say all tefilos this shabbos Try to stay in a positive mode Look into a bencher while benching this shabbos ( and hopefully will try continue) Try for the next week to say a brocha acharona and bentching right away after eating. Not talk by davvening Work on giving compliments this weekend Work on saying brachos with more kavanah Keep on thanking hashem, be positive, and count my blessings Say bruchos with kavunah and sitting normally Be patient and kind to my mother this Shabbos Say bruchos with kavunah and sitting normally for 40 days Be a better sister this shabbos Not read secular books this Shabbos Try wash negel vaser at my bed for a week Say full shema inside Try to be a more patient person Try to daven bruchos from a sidder for a week Say brochos every morning Not touch youtube for the next 2 weeks Say my yoim tehilem with kavana Not use the internet for entertainment/shopping this week Daven with kavanah and try to stay happy this shabbos. Say asher yatzer inside today Take upon shabbos early this week. Daven all three tefillos this Shabbos Thank Hashem for 2 things every day this week and daven with more kavana this Shabbos! Wake up early shabbos morning and daven a full davening Not go down from bed without socks Say asher yatzer inside today Say say bruchos with more kavuna Concentrate more when i say shema this coming week Not shop online till Wednesday Say shema with a siddur

I WILL BLI NEDER... Work on my emuna over the coming week Try to say shemonei esrah this week with more kavanah Try to say shema from inside at night Try to keep my mitzvot to myself this week Not go on YouTube this entire week Say Bracha Acharonah inside with kavanah this coming week Try to remember to say bracha acharonah Try to call my grandmother an extra time during the week Say asher yatzar from siddur this week Try to say the 13 Ani maamins every day for the next week Not use my computer for an hour after I come home (for this week) Say the birchas hashachar with more kavana for this week Daven shmonei esrei with more kavana this week and daven all three tefillos every day Daven mincha with kavana this week. Stop using my computer for extras past 7:30 pm this week. Stop using my computer for entertainment past 9pm for the next week Learn living emunah this week. Try to stay positive and refrain from speaking l"h during supper for the next week Not use the computer for anything non work/non kibbud av veim related after 12 am for the next month Daven mincha every day. Not wear long skirts in the street Greet my husband with a genuine smile when he comes home Say al hamichya from the inside this week Not use my phone until I daven birchas hatorah (this weeK) Say Brochos from inside a siddur for this week Try to only say nice and good things about Yidden this week Try to not talk ‫ לשון הרע‬til shvuos Say Modei Ani with Kavana and try to appreciate that I am alive and I exist and Hashem believes in me Try to daven every day! Try to be kind to everyone :) Say Asher yatzar standing in one place once a day

I WILL BLI NEDER... Make sure that my knee is covered at all times. Say Oleinu from insider siddur with kavono Say al hamichya from inside when home Donate time to volunteer my services for trauma therapy for those effected Say brochos from a siddur Say brochos from a siddur with kavanah Say 3 brochos loud with kavono Try to make sure my shells are covering l'halacha all the way around my neck, even in back Call in and listen to the emuna line everyday this week Say brochos with kavana in the morn Try to say one perek of tehillim for the next few days Say bentching slowly Try to say one perek of tehillim for the next 2 weeks Say asher Yotze inside the next time i say it. Say ani maamin this week after shajarit. ( from sund to sund bn) Bite back one comment that might hurt someone Daven Birchas Hashachar this week Try to say the 13 Ani maamins every day for the next week Try to turn off my phone a half an hour before Shabbos begins Look for the good in somebody this week. Try to stregnthen my Emunah when saying Shema by Shacharis Say Shema twice a day. Say the 13 ani maamins every day with kavana Say ‫ עלינו‬standing in one place tomorrow Make brochos out loud and implement it more on kids. Say the 13 ani maamin with kavanna for the next three weeks Try to say shema from a siddur Try to have kavana in my maariv tonight Try to be more careful with what I look at on technology this week Try to say the 13 Ani maamins every day for the next week Try to say al hamiycha from inside a bentcher this week. Try to let things go this week and try to hold off anger Not unblock any videos for the next week Try to say one food bracha with kavanah tomorrow

I WILL BLI NEDER... Say brachos with kavannah Try to say shema inside Work on my loshon horah Try to take on shabbos earlier this week Daven Kabulas Shabbos this week Say brochos and ani mamin with kavana this week Say asher yarzeit inside this weekend Say brachos in the morning from a siddur. Say shir hashirim this week Say ani maamins this shabbos Accept shabbos 15 minutes early this week and will write down / say two things I am grateful for for the next 40 days Daven Kabalas Shabbos this week leilu nishmas shragi gestetner Say brachos with more kavanah this week Say ani maamin for next week with kavanah Stop wearing ankle socks, and wear socks that are more tzniyus instead ( I don't know for how long yet, I will start slow) Daven Maariv today leilui nishmas the chassanim that perished and all others that were sadly niftar. Hashem should comfort their kallahs, families and friends. Daven all tefillos this shabbos Say asher yarzeit inside this weekend Do something in tznius Wear a nursing bib while nursing Be more carefull in my language Make brochas aloud Take in shabbos early this week Say berachos this week Say ani mamins and internalize each and every one for the next week Install a filter and limit my technology use Say my yoim tehilem with more kavanah Say asher yatzer with more kavana Not sing in front of my brother until shobbos Say asher yatzer inside today Try to limit my online use this week Have extra kavana by asher yotzar this week

I WILL BLI NEDER... Say asher yutzer from a card for the next week Only look at Jewish News Sites for the next month Daven brachos every morning Say Shir Hashirim today L"N to all the kedoshim and refuah shlaime to the injured Try to speak in a cleaner way Say asher yutzer from a card for the next week Refrain from shouting for the rest of the day and hopefully all of Shabbos Say atleast 2 kapitlach tehillim every day Look in when I make Brachos today/Shabbos Not shop on line this conimg week Not open any shopping links this week Put away my phone when I daven LZN All the kidoshim Daven maariv tonight L"N all the kedoishim Daven kabbalas shabbos tonight Take in shabbos early this week L"N all the kedoishim Try to refrain from expressing one thought a day for the next 2 weeks L"N all the kedoishim Lein krias shema from the inside on shabbos Take in shabbos earlier today Say asher yatzar for the next weeks a zchus that all the family members of the niftarim should be strong Read krias shema every night for the next 4 weeks Work on my loshon horah Say Asher Yotzar with kavana for the next week Daven brachos every morning Not look at any vids at home this Lag Ba'omer Daven Kabulas Shabbos this week Carefull with making bruches Say asher yatzar inside for next week Daven Kabulas Shabbos this week Light candles 10 minutes earlier this week Make shabbos early and daven kabulas shabbos Say brachos with kavannah Say the ani maamins after daving through sunday

I WILL BLI NEDER... Have kavanah in asher yatzar today Stay in a good mood today Smile more at my husband during the day Try not to touch my laptop after 12 for the next week Say krias shema from a card for the coming week To be ready for shabbos earlier this week. Have kavanah in asher yatzar this week Daven before chatzos today Take in shabbos earlier today Be ready on time for shabbos this week Wear a sweater and skirt over my pajamas until I am ready for bed. Bring in shabbos early this week Limit my technology use Take in Shabbos earlier this week Dye the parting in my sheitel Take care when nursing not to be in front of sefarim... Be ready and dressed for shabos this week early Cut my internet use and put better filter Light on time this week. Try to tzind no later than the zman every week Work on properly filtering devices Say asher yatzar with more kavanah for the next week. Bench from a bencher for the next week Learn shmiras halashon each night for the next week Walk around more tzniusdig at home for the next week Walk our of my bedroom more tzniusdik for the next week Limit my tecnology use Light candles 10minutes earlir this week Say asher yatzar with more kavanah for the next week. Say tehillim this shabbos to thank hashem for all the nissim!!! Daven shachris this shabbos morning Come on time to Davening this Shabbos Say asher yatzar with more kavanah for the next week. Not touch anythig before i wash negel vasser for the next week Try to say Borei Nefashot after meals/snacks Try to be calm at bedtime

I WILL BLI NEDER... Be ready for shabbos and daven mincha before I take a nap today Light candles 10 minutes before the zman this Shabbos B'e'H Wash for breakfast for the next week Say asher yatzar inside at least once per day for the next week Daven shachir daily Try to be ready for Shabbos early this week Look at my phone before I davan Light 10 minutes early this shabbos Bring in shabbos early this week Daven mincha this week Do something in tznius(private) Work on Respecting my parents properly Say krias shema from inside for the coming week Not talk on the phone for a week-until next friday Have a machsom Lefi Form 7-8 each night Say three tefillos this Shabbos Watch on shmiras halushen for the next few days Learn a lesson a day every night for a week Be extra careful in hilchos yichud and tzinues in my workplace this week. Daven full Shachris on Shabbos Not speak l"h for one hour a day Daven all three tefillos this Shabbos Bentch licht 5 minutes early this Shabbos Not speak Lashon Hara for one hour a day Daven all three tefillos this Shabbos Daven with more kavana Not talk on phone on the street for a week Say Asher Yatzar looking in today Say al hamechia inside for the next week Say krias Shema, with a shema card Daven all three tefillos this shabbos Daven Brachos for a week, hopefully longer Limit my technology use for the next week Limit my use of the home computer Make brachos with more kavanah

I WILL BLI NEDER... Try to be careful with my Derech Eretz to my teachers this coming week Say all my brachos out loud with kavana tomorrow Start saying the whole shemah from a siddur Say all my brachos out loud with kavana tomorrom Do a machsom lifi tomorrow from 10 am to1 pm Do a machsom lifi tomorrow from 10 am to1 pm Read asher yatzar from a siddur or card I erased all my games from my tablet as a Kabbalah!! Daven shemona esrai every day until shavuos Keep a half hour machsom of shmiras halashon each day Daven shacharis every day this week Try be more bsimcha - seeing the good in ppl and situations Daven brochos this week before eating anything. Will see the good in my family, when it's hard, once a day till this shabbos (b"H hope till 120yrs) Daven Brachos in a siddur this week Make a bracha before i eat anthing Not speak LH between 9-10 AM for atleast 30 days Not speak LH about a specific person for the next week Bring in Shabbos early this week Daven shacaris on shabbod morning Daven brochos every morning for 40 days Say shema at night from inside. Daven Maariv on shabbes this week I have blocked off some unnecessary sites on my interenet that are extras! Hopefully permanently Get rid of the internet in my home - only use it at work Say bruches from a sidder every morning. Make sure to say a brocho achoranah after breakfast Say birkas Hashachar each morning before checking messages/computer Daven maariv right after tzais, because otherwise i know it doesnt end up happening later. Say brochos this week before eating or working Delete a social media app

I WILL BLI NEDER... Daven Mincha today Try and say asher yatzar inside Say Asher Yatzar with much more Kavanah Say Asher Yotzar from a sidder this week and with kavona Say Asher yatzar and amidah with kavanah at least once a day this week Make a concious effort to compliment each of my kids at least once a day for the next week Hold myself back from talking negatively Try to be extra nice to my siblings and parents this week by greeting them happily and not arguing. Try to stay calm when my classmates make me upset this week Limit my technology use for one week Try to have more kavanah when davening and will try to daven marriv every night Not talk Loshon Hara about my teachers tomorrow. Not 'step on someone' or put someone down when talking this week Concentrate on birchas Hashachar this week Say mizmor lsoda every day with kavana Daven mincha this week. Daven maariv each night until Shavous Say asher yatzar in place for the next week l'ilui nishmas the kedoshim and for refuah shleimah for the cholim Say brachos with more kavana Not say anything bad about my students tomorrow Be more patient with my kids tomorrow (and hopefully always!) Take upon myself to daven tomorrow morning Take upon myself to daven tomorrow morning Be patient and positive towards the girl who I tutor even if she forgot what she was supposed to remember or takes a long time to understand Be Less judgmental with anyone around me Smile calmly at my husband when he comes home. Daven this whole week at home Be more patient with my siblings and boarders Try to say something nice to my sib..

I WILL BLI NEDER... Smile and not complain for the first minute when my husband walks in for the next week Say the entire shema from a siddur for the next week Try to be more positive with my family members and appreciate that they are alive and a gift from hashem! Say Birchas Hatora before eating anything for 1 week Try to be in a good mood when my husband comes home Say asher yotzar with more kavana for the next week Say asher yotzar with more kavana this week Be more patient with my kids and appreciate the gift of life Say brachos from a siddur Have extra kavana by asher yotzar this week Not touch anything before i say modeh ani and wash my hands until shavuos Be ready for Shabbos 5 minutes early Change my filter to a better filter on my pc Be positive during supper time and not say lashon hara Daven one teffila each day this week Daven shachris every morning this week Try to only talk nicely to my husband this week Say brachos from inside this week Not wear mascara to work for a week Work on saying al hamichya from a bentcher Try to stay calm with teh kids Daven one shemonah esre with full kavoneh tomorrow at earliest convinience Say brachos with kavana Be mekabal shabbos 10 min earlier than usual Be mekabel shabbos earlier until Yom Kippur Try to put davening as my first priority of the day Say 2 kapitlech tehillim after davenning until shvous Say Oleinu from insider siddur with kavono Try to be don lekaf zechus ppl until shvous Say brochos alloud Daven th entire davening from a siddur until shavuos Try to walk around the house tzniusdik

I WILL BLI NEDER... Say brachas with more kavana this week Daven shachris everyday this week Have extra kavana during davening on shabbos Daven 3 tefilos this shabbes! Not get upset at someone i usually do for the next 4 days. Daven Mincha for the next 7 days & say 5 Kapitlech tehilim for the next 30 days. Be Makabel Shabbos 15 min early this week Try to avoid hurting other people and say Kapital Chuf 3 times every day the next week Refrain from speaking Lashon Harah about my boss this week Say Kapital Chuf every day the next month Say Asher Yutzar looking in for the next month Refrain from speaking Lashon Harah about my boss this week Go covered shabbos Say the entire tehillim this Shabbos Say nishmas for the next thirty days Learn perek this week Keep in mind to improve as much as possible since I am not here in this world forever. Say 5 kapitlech tehilim for the next 30 days and to say asher yutzor with more kavuna Try to be ready for Shabbos 15 minutes earlier this week. Say the entire tehillim this shabbos Be ready for shabbos 15 minutes early this week Be ready for Shaboos 15 minutes early this week. Try to be more careful with my speech this shabbos Sy 5 kapitlach tehillem this shabbas and try to say asher yutzar Stop listening to non jewish music Say thank you to my mother for making the shabbos meal. Daven this shabbos Say tehillim this shabbos. Accept shabbos 15 minutes early this week. Accept shabbos 10 minutes earlier this week Be ready for Shabbos 10 minutes early today bezrat Hashem Not open any shopping sites this week

I WILL BLI NEDER... Try to say brochos loud so someone should answer omein (this week) Try to not to talk lh'' Try to work on seeing Hashem 10X a day for this week. Say asher Yatzar standing in one place Say every day the 13 ani maamin for the next week Say 3 Brachos a day out loud for the next week. Make an effort to say something nice (out of the classroom) to a few students before the end of the school year Daven at least brachos every day for the next week. Say the full Krais Shema El Mita with kavana every night Think more carefully before I speak and will try to avoid Loshon Hora Cut my hair as a zechus for these special people! Say asher yatzer with more kavana once a day for a week Say brachos from a siddur this week Try avoiding people in my conversation Have kavanah when saying the words "baruch atah Hashem" when i make a bracha on food Daven w/kavuna shmonay esray at least the 1st three brochos Learn Tomer Devorah daily this week Cut my hair a little extra Act with gentleness and kindness and not anything negitive to everyone i meet today Stand in one place when saying asher yatzar Stand in one place when saying asher yatzar this week Think before I say something to make sure it won't have any negativity in it for 30 minutes each day this week Say asher yatzer with kavana Try to accept shabbos 10 min early Try to work on my kibud av vi am until shavvoas Try to say word for word shema inside for 1 week Try to say the full krias shema al mita inside. Have kavanna whenever I say the bracha Shehakol Nihye Bidvaro that everything in this world-both good and bad-is dependent on Hashem's word and ratzon Have extra kavana whilst saying shema in maariv for this week Try to be conscious with Shemiros Halushon this week

I WILL BLI NEDER... Not look at my phone for the first 20 minutes when my kids come home from school this week. Help clean up after supper tomw before doing my own things Not look at my computer from 4:00 untill 7:30 for this week Focus on my children from 4:00 untill 7:30 for the next week Try to refrain from expressing one thought a day for the next 2 weeks Delete yeshiva world and instead of looking at information on the news to find answers just daven!! Say al hamichya inside and try to say brochos out loud Be more careful about my kids washing negel vasser this week. Daven brochos shema and shmoneh esrei for the next week Try to call someone who may need chizik each day this week Say the 13 ani maamins with kavanah for the next week.... Try not to be on the computer when my kids are around this week. Judge ppl favorable Not waste time on my computer for the next week. I will b"n do what I have to and go off. Be more careful with hair covering, especially when wearing my tichel Daven every day a full davening this week. Will say krias shema al hamitta from a siddur Try to bentch with a bentcher or siddur till the end of the school year Try to accept shabbos 10 min earlier this week Not do anything before washing negel vasser in the morning including turning off my alarm Say the 13 ani maamins with kavanah for the next week.... Say Asher Yatzar standing in one place for this week Daven maariv one night this week Be careful with my words for the next 30 days and be extra careful to use purer speech. Try to let things go this week and judge favorably. Try to daven shacharis and mincha with more kavana Start a grattitude journal and write down 3 things that I'm grateful for every night for the next 2 weeks Start a grattitude journal and write down 3 things that I'm grateful for every night for the next 2 weeks

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