The Drink Menu

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is a Sri Lankan style of tea in which the whole leaf is maintained without shredding through the fermentation process. Hand rolling allows for fine pressure control to ensure maximum cell rupture with minimum loss in appearance. The tannin brought out by this process is known to strengthen capillaries and stimulate the adrenal gland. It is a light, but full-bodied tea and is reddish in color.

uayusa is a native Amazonian tree leaf that has been brewed like tea for thousands of years by indigenous communities. With more caffeine and double the antioxidants of any tea, guayusa offers clear, focused energy what the native Kichwa people call "mental strength and courage." Guayusa is so habituating that before it is offered to a visitor, he is warned that once he drinks it, he will “ever always after return to the Ecuadorian Jungle.�

olong tea is a semi-fermented style of tea. After plucking, oolong is allowed to wilt in direct sunlight and then shaken in bamboo baskets in order to lightly bruise the leaf. The leaves then begin to oxidize, producing a reddish color, until they are fired and the fermentation process is halted.

u erh tea with its distinctive, earthy taste and deep reddish color is known in China for its many health related properties. It aids in digestion and fat metabolism, and since Pu-erh has less caffeine than coffee, it is a great alternative for those looking to decrease their caffeine intake. It is made with Yunnan black tea leaves that are piled for lengthy periods to allow a true internal fermentation of the tea leaf. .


teas can be made with fresh or dried flowers, leaves, seeds or roots, generally by pouring boiling water over the plant parts and letting them steep for a few minutes. Flavored teas are prepared by adding other plants to an actual tea. Documents have been recovered dating back to as early as Ancient Egypt and Ancient China that discuss the enjoyment and uses of herbal tea.

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