1 minute read
Geometries of attention
Geometries of attentionRM
#poetry, #worldmaking, #timetravels, #craft
Thread Stab. Pull -
Past, present, and future coexist Memory and yearning dissolve into a gelatinous mass of unintentional thought The now, is a blend of cold tea and rays of sunlight, snacking, keying, stitching Nostalgia arrives uninvited, an un-had memory of an unlived yet familiar history A mix of saddened wishes and eager expectations An idealized, irrecoverable past A past with no owner.
The act of noticing reconfigures time
The future comes immediately, dissolves with the present as you notice
Awake, return Cover the imperfections
The body has memory. The hand moves. It follows an indiscernible pattern Do not try to make sense out of it As logic returns repetition becomes chronologic, arithmetical, decorative.
Grab a snack
Freehand draw Occupy the transit Play Reminisce about ancient civilizations Envision luxurious garments Wish for certainty, but rely on the unexpected
Create. Nobody’s watching Remain entangled Play with the threads Connect the movements Watch yourself from the sidelines build a fantasy fuck reality Playing mind games there is no controller
Veer the attention to the in-between, the shapeless, the unnamed, the forms in transition Inhabit the liquid, viscous substance Remain unsettled, entangled by virtue of play, of curiosity A greater realization Translate it. Give it shape and form allow it to enter the common. That is giving voice to silence in a polylingual alphabet The unsaid speaks as well.
Time begins when you start noticing a knotted, interlocked, girded mesh of time