1 minute read
“I thought I would get to see a bit of the city but in the end, I didn't. It was really just work and feedback talks, I didn’t even go out to party. On the other hand I am very satisfied with the result thanks to all the focus and little distraction.”
“During the fieldtrip, I think I gained confidence in my skills as a photographer when things don’t really go as planned. The research that I did beforehand helped me understand what drives me to create when I don’t know anything about a new city. The people I met reminded me once again that collaboration is what I truly value about photography.”
“The field trip experience showed me what working on location really looks like. The most challenging part for me was to find flexibility in my progress. I had to adjust my idea for the project that I have made in The Hague to the actual location in Brussels.”
“I had a lot of fun trying new photographic techniques, it was nice to feel so productive and create a good body of work in such a short amount of time.”
“I like how this challenge pushed the boundaries of my creativity, now I tend to be more open to changing my initial concepts, analyzing and reacting to a present situation.”
“A stressful but amazing experience. I understood better what I want to base my practice on.”
For further insight to the projects and fieldtrip, listen to the podcast by Komma, Collective!