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Save the date for the Graduation Show!
30 june - 4 juLY
During the annual Graduation Show from June 30 to July 4, the work of more than 200 graduates can be seen. The corridors and classrooms of the KABK are transformed into exhibition spaces in which the graduates show with their work how they look at the outside world, how they react to it and how they position themselves.
Wander through the corridors and classrooms and find a variety of art and culture. Performances, illustrations, graphic design, installations, photography, film, painting, objects and sound art: it's all there!
Opening hours:
Friday 30 June: 17.00 - 21.00
Saturday 1 to Tuesday 4 July: 11.00 - 20.00 puBLished BY the Photography Department of the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague issue#3 June 2023 Den Haag, Netherlands
On June 23rd a preview of BA Photography Graduation show will take place only and especially for students and staff of our department. More details will follow soon on Megaphoto.
CiRCLe team Paula Punkstina, Krystyna Gorayska, Ellie Sparacio Warner, Kim Casamitjana Spennhoff, Salome Erni, Anna Rogneby, Emily Josephine Rooney, Alex Avgud.
ContRiButions BY Ola Lanko, Ira Grünberger, Cockroach Collective, Krystian Furman, Komma Collective, Davide Sartori, Mayte Breed.
Based on VisuaL identitY BY Jenny Konrad (mail@jennykonrad.com) fonts BY Samara Keller (Tempos Mono), Stefan Wetterstrand (Lunchtype)
You can reach us with questions, thoughts, ideas and more at circlenews@kabk.nl