Open Day Programme
Welcome to
the KABK
You are at the right place if you are dreaming of studying art or design. Take the time to experience our art academy and to imagine if you see yourself studying here. Visit the ceramics, wood and photography workshop or one of the other seventeen workshops in total. Check out what the possibilities are and imagine yourself working with your hands. Talk to students, teachers and alums, view the work of current students to get an idea of what you are going to make. Chat with students about their work. Drink a cup of coffee and eat a brownie in the canteen. Or just walk around and think about how you can shape your future at our art academy.
General Programme
Tour along the workshops
How? Sign up and find more info at the Prinsessegracht entrance (starting point: Library)
When? 10.30 | 11.30 | 12.30 | 13.30 | 14.30
Visit the orientation market
Where? Find the entrance opposite of the courtyard (PA.011)
What? Get info about the different departments so you can decide about which department you would like to receive more in-depth information.
Info point Student Administration and International Office
Where? Find the entrance in the Prinsessegracht hallway (PA.007)
What? Ask your questions about the admission procedure, housing, exchange, and internships.
Student-led Initiatives
Where? Prinsessegracht courtyard and PA.021
What? Meet the students behind initiatives such as the Green Office and the Student Union

Talks about
KABK (life)
Talk: What does the KABK offer (30 minutes)
Where? Auditorium
When? 10.15 (English), 13.00 (Dutch) and 15.30 (English)
Talk: Studying in The Hague (30 minutes)
Where? Auditorium
When? 11.00 (English) and 14.00 (English)
Talk: How to prepare your portfolio (30 minutes)
Where? Auditorium
When? 11.45 (English) and 14.45 (English)
Department Programme
Preparatory Courses
School for Young Talent, Orientation Course, Preparatory Year
Orientation Course: meet students
Preparatory year: exhibition & meet and greet
School for Young Talent: view work and workshop
Bachelor Fine Arts
Printmaking workshop
Ceramic workshop
Talk to tutors
Drawing workshop
Tour Studio life by students
Q&A with heads and coordinators
Presentation of Amalgam (part-time programme)
Bachelor Interactive / Media / Design
Open studios
Get feedback on your portfolio
Talk with alums
Bachelor Interior Architecture and Furniture Design
Workshop Learning by doing
Workshop Assemblage Estafette
View the works of first-year students
Preparation of the annual IAFD dinner
View the work of third-year students
Graduation fundraising and works of graduates
Talk: what to expect
Get feedback on your portfolio
Talk: what to expect
Get feedback on your portfolio
Bachelor Graphic Design
Get feedback on your portfolio
View student works & theses, coding workshop
Talks about admission, portfolio & programme
Workshops by first-year students
Bachelor Textile and Fashion
View student work and their process
Q&A about making a portfolio
Bachelor Photography
Works exploring boundaries of photography
Workshop Photography skills
Q&A with students, teachers and alums
Exhibition by third-year students
Research and theory room
Talk: compact part-time programme
Get feedback on your portfolio
Exhibition by fourth-year students
Exhibition by second-year students
Interfaculty ArtScience
10.00 – 14.00 • PB.101 10.00 – 14.00 • PB.105 11.00 – 15.45 • PA.102 11.00 – 15.45 • PA.102 10.00 – 14.00 • PD.105 10.00 – 14.00 • PD.101 10.00 – 15.30 • PD.109 10.00 – 14.00 • PB.111 10.00 – 14.00 • PA.1GA
Bachelor exhibition - work in progress and Q&A
Bachelor exhibition - work in progress and Q&A
Common Ground
CONVERT mini: Performative Body

Master Artistic Research
Q&A with students and teachers
View student works
Studio Tours
Roundtable discussion with tutors
Master Industrial Design
View student and alum works
TV screening of student and alum works
Q&A with students, head and alums
Talks with the heads of the master departments
Master Interior Architecture (INSIDE)
Q&A with students, head and coordinator
Talk: the programme, graduation and life after
Master Non Linear Narrative
Cinema room – screening of student works
Q&A with students and teachers
Talk: what is NLN?
Talk: What do you do on NLN?
Talk: What do you do after NLN?
Live streaming Open Day
Master Photography and Society
View student works
TV screening of student works
Q&A with students
Live Q&A
Master Type and Media
Workshop Stone Carving
Workshop Coding
Workshop Calligraphy
Workshop TypeCooker
Workshop Stone Carving
Workshop Arabic / Calligraphy
Bézier Game
Interfaculty ArtScience
Master Open Studio / Q&A
Master Collaborative Programme
Talks between master departments