Nike presentation 12 4 12 1 3

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NIKE Kadee Anja Quincey Corey Kathleen

Nike’s Reputa<on •  •  •  •

Consumer Loyalty Innova<on Cu@ng Edge Research and Development The Incorpora<on of Technology

History •  First incarna<on began in 1964 under the name “Blue Ribbon Sports”

History •  Originally, Nike focused solely on athle<c shoes •  They have since expanded to include apparel, sports equipment, and other accessories in 170 countries around the world. •  Subsidiaries include Umbro, Cole Haan, Hurley Interna<onal, and Converse.

Our Research Objec<ves •  Demographics indicate the majority of Nike’s customers are young professionals. •  Given that data, we want to determine if it would be profitable for Nike to introduce a Business Casual Men’s Shoe into their product line.

Sales by Key Distribu<on

Sales Volumes for Key Items

Market Share / Market Rank •  Nike has over 30% of the athle<c footwear makers market worldwide 35%







0% Nike



New Balance Reebock






Running Shoe Market -­‐ 2008 70%







0% Nike


New Balance


Athle<c Shoe Brands Bought in Past 12 Months : Fall 2010-­‐2011 Brand

Sales past 12 months % of Total Industry




New Balance















Total Industry



Current Brand Marke<ng •  •  •  •  •

Switched from print and television -­‐> online Social Media Nike +, Nike Fuel Band Online communi<es “We want to inspire consumers to seek out our content” – Simon Pestridge, UK marking chief

Current Brand Adver<sing •  2000-­‐ adver<sing was split from one sole agency to mul<ple •  Specialize in new technology •  Increase their social and digital media efforts •  Past 3 years, 40% spending decrease on television adver<sing •  2010-­‐ Nike spent $800 million on “nontradi<onal” adver<sing

Current Adver<sing Strategy •  May 23, 2010: Nike launched a commercial shot by Oscar-­‐nominated director and aired via •  Nike Football’s Facebook Page •  Reaching 8 million viewers a week •  Viral-­‐video record •  Features soccer players sponsored by Nike

Why Nike Football Video? “less about hero worship and more about consumer-­‐driven conversa<on” -­‐Former Nike Execu<ve

Target Audience

Demographics Men Race: White Graduated college No college Age 25-34 (non-gender specific) Age 35-44 (non-gender specific) Occupation: Professional and related Occupation: Sales & Office House Hold Income $75,000-$149,999 House Hold Income $30,000-$39,999 Census region: South Now married Have children 12-17 years old Have children <6 years old Home owners Value of home $200,000-$499,999

% of 100 52 68.7 29.9 38.7 25.2 22.4 16.5 17.3 9.9 8.9 36.6 50.7 26.5 24.7 64.7 25.9

Psychographic Informa<on •  Nike consumer: –  Heath conscious –  Fitness driven –  Concerned with wellbeing –  Improve physical condi<on –  Ac<ve in online communi<es, fitness forums –  Goal driven –  Overcomes challenges


Five Year Growth History •  Nike’s sales have increased.

Growth Con<nued •  Current Stock is : $96.52 USD and is down -­‐.2 %

Category Life Cycle Stage •  Nike is in the growth stage.

Informa<on on Key Compe<tors Nike is number one in the market when looking at revenue compared to compe<tors.

Annual Sales Volume •  Nike’s Annual Sales total is $24,128 million dollars.

Market Share/Market Rank 5 Year; Nike

Earnings from 1990-­‐2012

Current Brand Posi<oning •  Nike associates with high level athletes. •  Nike is number one in performance. •  number one in its industry of fine spor<ng equipment. •  Nike overtakes some of the other major brands such as Reebok, Adidas, UnderArmor and Puma. •  Nike has 346 retail outlets across the US. •  Also, the company operates 106 Cole Haan stores, 51 Converse factory stores, and 18 Hurley stores in the US.

Why? Business Casual Shoe •  Reasons for market research (product or service)

Focus Group Results •  Opinions Nike brand; value, durability, brand hype, athle<c and pricey. •  Nike being high performance which equals a berer experience, quality clothes and it is the top of the line sports apparel. •  Tradi<onal style shoe and colors (black, brown and tan). •  Price not exceeding $130 for a pair. •  Buying Nike products at; outlet stores, Macy’s, DSW and Sports Authority. •  Monday through Friday, semi-­‐casual. •  No Nike swoosh logo visible.

Shoe-­‐1 •  Shoe #1: Ater the ini<al nega<ve response par<cipants explained they – Loved the shoe style just not the color. – They liked the clean look of slip on.


•  Shoe #2: Posi<ve. They liked leather/style. – Clean cut and sophis<cated. – This group believed an entry level professional would wear these shoes.


•  Shoe #3: Older age group. – Boring, conserva<ve, – Plain but they did like the color. – Didn’t stand out.

Type of Research, Why? •  •  •  •  •

Self-­‐administered survey 16 ques<ons Females were filtered out Most efficient: <me and money Disadvantage: lack of probing, par<cipant cannot ask surveyor ques<on

Research Objec<ves: TOPICS •  1. Measure the percent of males ages 18-­‐30 would purchase a business casual shoe from Nike. •  2. Measure the percent of males ages 18-­‐30 who needs a business casual shoe. •  3. Measure the preference of materials that customers like to see in a business casual shoe.

Research Objec<ve Cont. •  4. Determine the age bracket of males who are more likely to purchase a Nike business casual shoe. •  5. Measure the age bracket who is more willing to purchase a Nike business casual shoe between the price ranges of $75-­‐125 •  6. Measure the age bracket that is more willing to purchase a Nike Business casual shoe between the price ranges of $125-­‐200?

Research Objec<ve Cont. •  7. Measure the age bracket who is more willing to purchase a Nike Business causal shoe between the price ranges of $200-­‐275? •  8. Measure the percent of males who currently purchase a business casual shoe that prefer a rounded or square silhouere/details? •  9. Measure the percent of current Nike customers between the ages of 18-­‐30 who purchase Nike products for the style rather than the comfort. •  10. Measure the percent of males who purchase a Nike business casual shoe that would prefer the swoosh logo visible when worn.

Data Collec<on and Why? • •  Mass and individual messages containing survey link •  Facebook, emails, twirer •  Awareness email to urge par<cipa<on •  Self-­‐administered

Sampling Plan and Why? •  •  •  •

Non-­‐probability sampling Convenient sampling Judgment based, gender (males only) 1430 N. Dearborn Ave. building lobby

Final Sample

Interes<ng Characteris<cs •  Out of the total 66 responses, 47 male par<cipants currently own business shoes.

Interes<ng Characteris<cs Con<nued

Interes<ng Characteris<cs Con<nued

Interes<ng Characteris<cs Con<nued

Interes<ng Characteris<cs Con<nued

Interes<ng Characteris<cs Con<nued •  More than half our par<cipants purchased their last business casual shoe less than a year ago. •  If Nike release a business casual shoe 3/4th of par<cipants would expect to pay anywhere from $75-­‐$124 dollars.


Research Objec<ves Findings

Research Objec<ve Findings How oten do you wear your business casual shoe?

Research Objec<ves Findings The most important trait in a business shoe

Research Objec<ves Findings

Research Objec<ves Findings

Research Objec<ves Findings

Survey Error •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Random sampling error Non-­‐response error Administra<ve error Sponsorship bias Interviewer bias Pres<ge bias Threat bias

Survey: Recommenda<ons •  Increase par<cipa<on to meet or exceed quota •  Incen<ve for completed surveys •  Different loca<ons for berer representa<ve sample

Nike: Recommenda<ons •  Expand product line adding a business casual shoe •  Males ages 17-­‐24 willing to pay $75-­‐$124 •  Comfortable, leather, rounded toe box shoe •  Nike Swoosh not visible •  Online promo<on

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