4 minute read
#FindSomething Special
from August Venture 2023
August is the month to enjoy the crystal-clear waters, fine sand, and outstanding views of the heaps of beaches Okinawa has to offer. It’s time to take out your ever-reliable outdoor and beach gear and make sure to enjoy this beautiful August weather outdoors! As you pack, don’t forget to grab a Venture Magazine and read through the pages as you lay on the beach enjoying the rays of sunshine.
But wait! Before you dip your toes in the water, here are a few submissions we’ve gathered for this month’s Find Something Special. Each submission features different perspectives as to how people view the beauty of living on an island. Get your phones out and jot these three locations down to add to your list!
First, we have @luneandroses’ daughter pose as they enjoyed the day viewing hydrangeas in full bloom during the rainy season. Hydrangeas spread all over the garden filling every edge of the photo with their blue and purple blooms. Even in the monsoon season, you can find activities to explore on the island. The highlight, though, is her daughter distinctly enjoying herself being surrounded by the pretty blossoms. Make sure to save this on your list for the next hydrangea season!
The perfect shot doesn’t… I stand corrected; it exists! @samanthaevans_ photography’s shot makes us wish we were in the pool right at this moment; a kids’ pool to be exact. It is evident that a kids’ pool is more fun as you can slide down their water slides and stand in excitement in front of a water bucket dump. Splashes are clearly a recipe for a fun-tastic summer as shown in this little boy’s face getting splashed over. So, what are you waiting for? Head on over to a pool or beach near you and swim, splash, and float away this summer!
Speaking of beach, @plantsviewsfood floats away her day at one of the beautiful beaches on island. This snapshot gives us a sense of relaxation we all need as the clear blue water flows calmly underneath her. Yet another sign for you to enjoy a day or two at the beach to unwind and relax. Believe it or not, this alluring beach is only a drive away!
Don’t forget to tag us, #FindSomethingSpecial, as you take advantage of the remaining summer days! Whether you’re at the beach, a café, hiking, or simply just strolling around the island, make sure to grab a few snapshots to show us the hidden beauty of this island we call home. ‘Til next time, readers!
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調理師または製菓衛生士試験を受ける際に必要な”業務従事証明書“ は、LMO管理課にて発行可能
LMO Management Section can issue a certification of work experience on base as a Cook or Bakery
2年以上ベーカリー等の菓子製造業経験を持つMLC/IHA従業員 Must have at least 2 years of work experience as Cook or Baker
“2年以上調理または、菓子製造業業務に従事した者”として証明書類発行を依頼する際 には、下記の書類を持参のうえ、LMO管理課にお問い合わせ下さい。 098-921-5532
Please contact LMO Management Section at 098-921-5532 to request a certification of work experience to take a GoJ exam for Cook or Bakery.
• 調理師/製菓衛生士試験協会指定の様式(調理/ 菓子製造業業務従事証明書用紙)沖縄県ホーム ページ参照https://www.pref.okinawa.jp/ site/kurashi/shoku/ese/menkyo.html
• 監督者のサイン入りメモ(仕事の従事期間と内容 記載)人事部雇用課へご確認下さい
• 本人確認できる身分証明書(運転免許証など)
•Cook or Bakery Work Experience Certification (please visit the Okinawa Prefecture home page for the template) https://www.pref. okinawa.jp/site/kurashi/shoku/ese/menkyo.html
•Memo certified by supervisor (Please contact CPO JN Staffing Section for a memo template)
•Personal ID (e.g., GoJ Driver’s license)
For questions, please contact the Kadena JN Personnel Office, Bldg 721-A, 2nd Floor 632-7912 * kadena.jnstaffing@us.af.mil
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Term I 2023
Aug. 14 - Oct. 15, 2023
Registration begins: May 8, 2023
Term II 2023
Oct 16 - Dec 17, 2023
Registration begins: Sept. 25, 2023
Term III 2024
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Registration begins: Nov. 27, 2023
Term IV 2024
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Registration begins: Feb. 26, 2024
Article By Janelle Rivera
By Att Eachus
As the summer weather lingers around the island, this one nature national holiday gives you a justification to enjoy Okinawa from up above. See the world from the summit or journey to a place to witness the gentle slopes of the mountains as we celebrate Mountain Day or “Yama no Hi.”
Mountain Day is an annual celebration held every August 11 for the clever reason of the resemblance of the number eight in Japanese kanji bears to a mountain (八)while “11” representing two trees. As you may have noticed, Japan gives immense importance and relevance to nature by taking a day to display their appreciation and gratitude.
This holiday is considered to be the youngest Japanese national holiday as it has only been developed in 2014 and celebrated since 2016. It was established as a commemoration alongside the many other holidays, and it was only right to honor and laud the highs and peaks.
Yama no Hi is no different from the abounding other nature national holidays the country embraces. This specific holiday is said to bring people outdoors and get lost in the natural beauty that brings peace and tranquility to many.
A traditional celebratory has not been in place, but as the titles conveys, one should put their hiking shoes on, pack for a night of nature sightseeing in the mountains and take time out of your busy lives to appreciate the beauty that nature has provided us with.
With that said, this beautiful island contains a myriad of outdoor activities everyone can enjoy; from hiking trips to view the alluring mountains, glamping right at the foot of a mountain, and many more. Okinawa may not have copious and soaring mountains, but the few that the island embody are breathtakingly astounding and will surely motivate you to go and venture out.
If you are looking for an excuse to try local delicacies, you can take this day to go on a food tour around the island after your hike. Any outings or travel is made a more exceptional one when food is involved so why not learn more about the Japanese culture through their food.
As you go forth your ventures around the island this Mountain Day, don’t forget to give thanks for the resources and blessings it continues to cater us with. Connect with nature as you soar high up the summit and witness the world from the peaks of the mountains.