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Education & Training
from August Venture 2023
DoD SkillBridge Briefing
Friday, 11 August • 11 am - Noon
Kadena Education & Training Office
Bldg 59, 3rd floor, Rm 332
Register in AFVEC → Ed Center info banner on right → Ed Center Events
The DoD SkillBridge program is an opportunity for you to gain valuable civilian work experience through specific industry training, apprenticeships, or internships.
Managing Your Education (MYE): 2-Day TAP Track Course
Wednesday - Thursday, 16 - 17 August • 8 am - 4 pm
*This will be the last MYE for 2023*
Kadena Education & Training Office, 3rd Floor Contact the Education Office for assistance with registering for these classes.
Face-to-Face TA Brief for First-Time TA Users
Wednesday, 2 & 16 August 11 am - Noon
Kadena Education & Training
Office, 3rd floor Register in AFVEC → Ed Center info banner on right → Ed Center Events
On-Base Schools:
1. ERAU (1st floor) 634-5083 | kadena.campus@erau.edu
2. Troy University (2nd floor) 634-7464 | kadena@troy.edu
3. UMGC (2nd floor) | 634-2206 | kadena-asia@umgc.edu
Upcoming PME Courses
24 August - 29 September • NCOA ILE: 23-6
28 August – 03 October • SNCOA ALE: 23F
Have you recently completed your EJPME (previously SEJPME)? Send a copy of your certificate to kadena. pmemanagementoffice@us.af.mil to update your records!
Upcoming AFOQT Dates
Thursdays, 10 August & 14 September
For dates after August and to sign up for the AFOQT, TBAS, EDPT, DLPT, or DLAB, email kadena. educationservicestesting@us.af.mil. The AFOQT is now offered as online testing. Please plan ahead as the process for registering to take the exam has changed, and can take more time than in the past.
Kadena Education Office
Building 59, Education & Training, 3rd floor 634-1500 | kadenaeducationoffice@us.af.mil
EFMP Events
Open to all EFMP families! Spots are limited, so call 634-3366 to register today!
Open to all EFMP families! Spots are limited, so call 634-3366 to register today!