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BIO My interest in art began as a small child mostly doing pencil sketches. I was greatly influenced by the beautiful art found in the catholic churches I attended which were ardoned by religious paintings, sculptures and stained windows. In primary school, I mostly sketched from story books and comics. I extended the sketching into high school where my interest in portraiture began. I joined University of Nairobi in 2016 to study Architecture fascinated by its ability to express art in built form and structures that interact with humans whilst influencing their experience throughout the interaction. Throughout my studies I continued to create art with a special interest in pencil portraiture while taking on commisions. NJERI KAGIMA JAMES

ARTIST Personal Information

Date of Birth 10th May 1998 Phone +254706350620 Email Behance James Kagima Instagram @kagima_art

In 2018-2019, I joined Studio Soku as a mentee in the Safari Mentorship Arts Program where I got to experiment with different media while seeking to extend my artistic expression. I picked up interest in creating portraiture with mixed midea to give my creation a personaI and human feel. I became a member of the studio collective and got chance to showcase in open studio exhibitions organised by the studio. I had the chance to exhibit in different exhibitions around Nairobi while persuing the architectural discource with a keen interest in product design. In 2020,I graduated from the University of Nairobi with a degree in architectural studies.


Hard Skills

UNIVERSITY University of Nairobi (Bachelors degree in architectural studies)

Pencil Aclyric painting Gouache Charcoal

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