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I was reading the book compiled and edited by Krishna Kripalani, entitled that" ALL MEN ARE BROTHERS, the life and thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi, It is very interesting to read it and also to apply it in life. I know that Mahatman Gandhi was not a Christian, but the things he wrote, are very applicable and relevant today. Back in the book, it is very true that all men are brothers and no human being should be a stranger to another.
If we believe in God, not merely with our intellect but with our whole being, we will love all mankind without any distinction of race or class. Also, the writer continued to indicate that God is the common bond that unites all human beings, to break this bond even with the greatest enemy is to tear God himself to pieces. In the reflection of our Christian perspective, so man and woman are equal in the image of God. To say that humans are in the image of God is to recognize the special qualities of human nature, which allow God to be made manifest in humans.
The moral implications of the doctrine of imago Dei(Image of God) are apparent in the fact that if humans are to love God, then humans must love other humans, as each is an expression of God.