1 minute read
D O N ' T B E A P H A R I S E E S .
Pharisees tried to make a lot of attempts to find any wrong to accuse Jesus but they failed: and these people were religious pundits. When I read a couple of verses, I got a lot of reflections about what is happening today in our society.
Today a man of God has no shame to accuse another man of God instead of correcting him or her. Today every leader is better than another leader. Many leaders have allowed being caught up in the small matters that they cannot take advantage of important opportunities.
Most people spend their entire lives letting down buckets into empty wells and then waste their days trying to pull them up again and again. Choose to dream big, to strive to reach the full potential of your calling. Never waste your time on people who are low profile. The problem with these people is that when you try to low your standard to be like them. They act like they know everything and you are nothing, but when you try to go to your standard then, they start to complain.
Sometimes I hear many but I ignore responding to them because they are not my standard. Jesus never wastes His time to explain to them and even He made them to be confused when He used parables.
Sometimes you need to use parables so that you can confuse them. Don't try to speak senses to any fool, because he will never understand you.