Republic Polytechnic Learning Journey 2014

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School of Engineering


School of Sports, Health and Leisure


School of Infocomm


School of Hospitality


School of Technology for the Arts


Centre for Enterprise and Communication


Theatre and Stage Production


Sports and Games



School of Applied Science

“Sea-Shrimp” Pollution Detector School of Applied Science

Do you know that “sea-shrimp”, also known as brine shrimp (Artermia salina), serve not only as one of the primary food sources for marine organisms, but can also be used to detect water pollution? Learn about the life cycle of these ‘ancient’ shrimps and get hands-on experience using brine shrimp to detect contaminated sea water. Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours

Biomaterials Workshop Plaster of Paris (POP) has long been used as an external support for broken bones. However, the mechanical strength of POP varies widely when it is mixed with water. This workshop evaluates the properties of an appropriate fraction of POP to water that can withstand the highest load. Students will get to participate in an experiment in specimen preparation and testing. Max 50 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours


Programme Outline

se These activities are specially designed to arou to students’ interest in science and aspire them hcare, pursue further education in the areas of healt ce, scien rials mate pharmaceutics, biomedicine, ce. environmental science and marine scien the Students will get to experience and explore of ora pleth the wonders of science through ts hands-on activities such as laboratory experimen s. and microscopic examination of micro-organism


In this hands-on workshop, students will discover more about microbes and their ability to cause epidemic outbreaks. They will play the role of scientists from the Centre for Disease Control and attempt to trace the source of the epidemic. Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours


Materials Science Interactive Activity Over the years, the advancements in materials science have led to many inventions that can be found around us such as the microfiltration membrane in NEWater production, silicon chip in electronic gadgets and coloured contact lenses. This activity acquaints participants with materials science and its applications in the world today.

Family Hunt! Students will be introduced to the world of DNA, genetics, and how it affects an individual. They will not only learn about recessive and dominant traits in people, but also DNA testing in parental identification. Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours

The Wonders of Biomaterials Interactive Activity Have you wondered what to do when one of your body parts fails or whether the material used to beautify yourself is safe? Biomaterials have been used for many years due to its compatibility with the human body. This workshop introduces students to biomaterials and its applications as well as the role materials scientists play.

Max 50 pax Estimated Duration: 1.5 hours

Look Behind the Scenes: What Keeps Our Feet on the Ground? This workshop offered as a short series of interactive activities, allows students to explore the underlying principles of human ability to stand and balance. The activities will use the fundamentals of physics and chemistry applied to biological systems. These principles will bring light on the human body foundation of support: feet providing adequate balance and the right push forward for the body. Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours

Max 50 pax Estimated Duration: 1.5 hours 4


Appreciation of Human Anatomy

Exploring Nanomaterials – Liquid Crystals

Discover and explore the human body at the Anatomy Museum. Students will learn about the various systems through fun-filled and engaging activities.

This is a hands-on workshop for the students to experience how materials behave in surprising ways when they are made in the nanoscale. Students will investigate and exploit the properties of heat and pressure sensitive liquid crystals and make their own liquid crystal sensors in this workshop.

Max 50 pax Estimated Duration: 20-30 minutes

Pharmacy Practice Students will participate in the mix-and-match game and get to learn the names and indications of various pharmaceutical products (e.g. medicine). Max 50 pax Estimated Duration: 20-30 minutes

Defence Materials Workshop Jaw-dropping, eye-opening, dramatic. The Defence Materials Workshop will push the limits of students’ expectations by giving seemingly impossible tasks, such as building a super-armour from home-based materials, and creating runway-repair materials in a short duration. The students’ handmade products will be tested to the extreme, with spectacular failures and shattered products if the students were not conscientious in their design. If you are looking for a thrilling and engaging workshop that also delivers on learning content, this is it! Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours 6

Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours

Tour of School of Applied Science’s Facilities Students will be led to the various science-related facilities available on RP campus. Max 50 pax Estimated Duration: 1 hour

Crime Scene Investigation – Forensic Materials Workshop Shocked by the news of Asiana plane crash recently? Aircraft material is one of the important factors that would determine the performance of airplanes. It could be an “angel” if it is able to protect the passengers from injury or death during the accidents; or it could be a “devil” if it is smashed upon hard landing! If you are called upon to investigate the root cause of an helicopter crash, how will you carry out the investigation? Join this workshop to find out the solution. Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours


Arcade Games with Innovative Keypads


Students would revisit some commonly played PC games, yet not using the conventional keyboard nor mouse to play these games. The participants will be spending time building innovative “buttons” using coins, plants, pencil drawn buttons, water, Play-Doh, and then using these innovative “buttons” to control PC games. Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours

Tour of School of Engineering’s Facilities Participants will be taken on a tour to four facilities which showcase various fields of engineering. In this tour, participants will be engaged in hands-on activities, and in the process experience the exciting projects and lessons that our students embark on. Participants have two exciting menus to select from: Menu A 1) The ARCH ‒Tour of Aircraft Hangar and Virtual Aerodrome 2) ErgoSCAPE ‒ Experience human factors in engineering 3) NextSpace ‒ Experience 3D technology 4) Clean Energy ‒ Introduction to fuel cell clean energy

Programme Outline

These activities are specially designed to ion introduce the students to engineering, aviat and biomedical fields. Through hands-on experiments and engaging activities, students n by will be exposed to exciting tasks undertake g vellin unra engineers as well as challenges of the mysteries of science.


Menu B 1) Flight simulator ‒ Experience flight simulation through navigation and controls 2) i-SAIL ‒ Experience warehousing activities 3) Clean Room ‒ Experience clean room activities, gowning and de-gowning processes 4) Robotics Lab ‒ Experience robotics and its applications Max 20 pax Estimated Duration: 2.5 hours


Come! Let’s Find Out What’s Going on Behind the Retail Business! Students will be given the opportunity to learn about what goes on behind the retailing business. We will be visiting some of the renowned companies to learn the backend retail business operations. Nothing beats seeing the actual actions and hearing from the horse’s mouth. You will be amazed with the technologies involved! Max 20 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours

It’s Not Just a Board Game! It’s a Risky Business! Discover the “Risk” in Project Management in a fun and engaging way through this board game! Students will be introduced to Project Management and understand possible project risks involved. They will realise that they need to consider their individual risk profiles to win the game. This activity will also help students to understand the importance of communication and negotiation. Join us today and MAKE your learning journey STIMULATING and FUN! Max 20 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours

Fuel Cell Car Students will be introduced to clean energy such as fuel cell which could be possible replacement for gasoline, petrol or electric battery. Through the activities of putting together different parts of fuel cell and assembling into a fuel cell car, students will learn how electrical energy is harvested and the working principle of fuel cell. Join us today and EMBARK your learning journey with our fuel cell car! Max 20 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours 10

The Republic Polytechnic Aviation Experience Introduction to Airbus A320 and Learjet 35 to understand the Basic Theory of Flight and aircraft operations. This is an opportunity to experience industry practices within the Aerodrome Simulator and the purpose built aircraft maintenance hangar called the ARCH. Max 50 pax Estimated Duration: 3 hours

Discovery Journey: Bring Company Close to You Any idea how a typical day is like for an engineer? Let’s go for a tour. This tour activity provides the opportunity for the students to explore different engineering companies whose fields cover from telecommunication to microelectronics to biomedical. This tour will allow students to see their future workplace with their own eyes and experience how it is like to be an employee of the company. Through the tour, the students will have a chance to broaden their horizon and be exposed to the latest technological advancements in these industries. Max 20-25 pax Estimated Duration: Half-day to whole day (depending on the number of companies visit, i.e. max 3 companies) 11

Workshop: Creating 3D Visualisation What is 3D and how is it different from 2D? 3D technology has leapfrogged quickly from limited-release movies to general use in the cinema, on televisions and now on smart phones. And, the growth shows no signs of slowing. Have you ever wondered how things appear to jump out from the screen? Let us take you to discover, experience and learn the technology behind 3D. You will also learn how to develop an interactive 3D application and much more. Join us to experience fun-filled activities on 3D! Max 20 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours

Unleash the Mysteries of ICU Students will explore and have a rare opportunity to operate some of the medical equipment used in a typical hospital’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU). They will also understand what vital signs need to be monitored for patients in ICU. Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours

Magic in the Nano World What is nanotechnology? It is about structures in the size of virus which are invisible to the naked eye. Nanotechnology is not magic, but it sometimes looks like magic. This workshop reveals the magic in the nano world and brings to life one of the most fascinating high technologies of our time!

Make it REAL… 3D FUN! Draw it… Print it… Move it… the way you want it to be in 3D!! Students will be introduced to 3D CAD modeling software Solidworks, and understand how 3D CAD models can be turned into real physical object! Students will learn how to create simple 3D models, how to put them together to become a moving mechanism and see how these models are transformed magically into real moving products through live demonstrations at our high-tech laboratories. Join us today and MAKE your learning journey REAL and FUN! Max 20 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours

Retail Business Management (Blogshop) Students will learn how to manage a small online shop. We will bring you through the exciting journey from creating a blog shop, procuring and transporting the merchandise, to managing the merchandise on hand. You will be one step closer to E-retailing! Max 20 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours

Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours



Building Mental Muscles School of SPORTS, HEALTH AND LEISURE

Most students experience significant amount of stress. With all of the activities and responsibilities that fill a student’s schedule, it is sometimes difficult to take a step back to self-examine and work towards an approach to manage that stress. This workshop is designed for students to explore ways to strengthen themselves, function at their best, and enjoy the journey even as they face up-hills in life. Key benefits/highlights: - Students will learn about their current level of mental toughness and wellness through simple profiling instruments - They will also be introduced to various factors that influence their mental strength - Through perception management exercises, students will acquire new skills and techniques > To stay strong in times of difficulties > To overcome life challenges > To grow from adversities Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 2.5 hours

The Tech Savvy Sports Coach

Programme Outline

These activities are specially designed for in students who intend to pursue their education re leisu and ts the areas of sports science, spor ing, management, outdoor and adventure learn re health management and promotion, healthca . hing coac ts spor as administration, as well Guided tours to explore the sports complex, re swimming pool and Adventure Learning Cent are also available.


Ever wonder why professional sports teams need a battery of coaches? An important element of a successful sports team today is their ability to use technology to analyse games and provide an edge over their opponents. In this course, you will be exposed to the latest software used by professional teams, such as SportsPro and GameBreaker, to breakdown their athletes’ movements and the performance of the teams during a game. This 3-hour hands-on course will require the students to use their IT skills and knowledge of a sport to provide some strategies on how to improve the performance of a sports team. Key benefits/highlights: - Student will learn how to break down a skill or strategy in a sport. - Students can develop programming skills by learning how to use the software. - Students can learn values such as leadership and teamwork as they work in teams to analyse a game. Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 3 hours


Swimming Pool Management Singaporeans are blessed with world-class sports facilities within easy reach in most housing estates. One of the most popular facilities is the swimming complex. However, what most do not appreciate is how the swimming pool systems work to ensure that the water quality is of a sufficiently high standard for swimming. This lesson will seek to introduce students to the basics of good swimming pool design, its operations and management. Key benefits/highlights: - Students will learn how to construct a basic water filtration system from simple materials - Students will learn about the basic design essentials of lifeguard stations, as well as saftey blind spots - Students will appreciate the issues relating to some design features in public pools. Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 2-3 hours

Designing and Marketing an Island-Wide Adventure Race You are a team of young talented Advertising and Promotion Executives working in Singapore’s biggest sporting events company. A client has approached you to conceptualise, design and implement Singapore’s biggest ever island-wide outdoor adventure race. The race route must include both sports events and outdoor adventure elements, have both wet and dry venues and should have urban and rural features. Students will be divided into teams to: 1. Design the race route and decide on the events/programs at each check point 2. Design the race jersey/costume 3. Design the marketing poster to be put up at locations island-wide Key benefits/highlights: - Students will be able to better understand the design and operations considerations of sports events, in particular adventure racing. - Students will be made aware of how sports event design can affect sports participation unique to a youth audience; - Students will appreciate how advertising and promotion can make or break mega sports events. Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 2-3 hours 16

Fuel for Athletes! Students will explore various types of nutritional intake requirements of athletes of different sports for optimal performance before, during and after training and competition. This programme will include a fun opportunity to prepare a simple meal and calculate the amount of energy it provides to athletes. This gives students a hands-on experience in proper meal preparation for athletes as well as an understanding of the different types of fuels athletes need to sustain them optimally in their sports. Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours

Surprising Adventure@RP Experience the unique Tunnel-Cave-Maze (TCM) system comprising of 6 sections of surprises and challenges at RP’s Adventure Learning Centre (ALC). Students will have an enjoyable time discovering their social-emotional competencies and experiencing the relevance of outdoor adventure for learning. Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours


Assessing Athlete Performance

Tape Me Up!

Explore how different areas of sports sciences (physiology, biomechanics and motor control) are being used by athletes and coaches to analyse and assess athlete performances during training. This session will help students appreciate how cardiovascular fitness, muscular fitness, flexibility, body composition, agility, reaction time and dynamic balance are measured, as well as how they relate to an athlete’s performance. Students will be guided through actual assessments to understand how these measurements are obtained using state-of-the-art sports science equipment to assess athletes’ performance.

Students will understand the effectiveness of bracing and taping for injury prevention and rehabilitation in sports. They will get hands-on experience in taping (ankle and knee joints) and understand the risks involved. In addition, students will also get the opportunity to explore the use of several types of electro physical agents to manage sports injuries and pain.

Max 30 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours

It’s All in the Mind! One key psychological strategy used by athletes and coaches to enhance sports performance is “imagery”. Explore and experience how an elite athlete uses images to mentally rehearse skills prior to competitions or during times of recovery from injury, via a practical session that includes relaxation exercises. Through this session, students will be empowered to apply these techniques to their school and personal life as they prepare for exams and other challenging life experiences. Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours


Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours

Designing ‘Killer’ Youth Health Programmes! Who better to design a youth health programme than youths themselves! Through a problem-solving based approach, your students will be equipped with useful tools and techniques to create engaging health promotion programmes for their peers. This 3-hour experiential learning course will allow the students to pit their creativity and leadership qualities with one another as they work towards ‘all-ready-to implement’ health initiatives that will positively impact young people. Key benefits/highlights: - Students will be able to better understand the health concerns of young people - Students can develop new skills in programme designing health events unique to a youth audience - Students can learn values such as leadership, teamwork and community-mindedness as they develop the health programmes Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 3 hours


School of INFOCOMM

Digital Photography Students will be exposed and introduced to various techniques of taking photographs. Students will understand what it takes to be a better photographer and to improve their shots with photo processing techniques. Max 20 pax Estimated Duration: 2-3 hours

Using IT to Run a Business

Programme Outline

are The activities are suitable for students who part be keen to be a player of infocomm and to gy. of the exciting world of gadgets and technolo Through fun filled hands-on activities and tours be of the latest gizmos in our labs, students will exposed to the fast evolving world of infocomm in the areas of business, interactive digitial media, mobile apps and infocomm security


IT is in every aspect of our lives and is critical for the running of every business. Through this learning journey, students will be introduced to how IT and business integrates and appreciate the technology that helps manage businessess. Students will benefit from the introduction to running their own business and see typical processes behind every business. Max 20 pax Estimated Duration: 3 hours


Tour of the Interactive and Digital Media Labs This tour includes four specialised labs in the domain areas of games development, animation, digital video and digital print. Through this tour, participants will learn about the exciting projects and lessons our students embark on daily. They will also get a glimpse of how these specialised resources and facilities are managed in RP. Max 20 pax Estimated Duration: 1.5 hours

Creating Mobile Apps Students will be introduced to “App Inventor�, a powerful visual tool that allows anyone to create mobile applications without any prior programming knowledge. Participants will learn how to create their first mobile app in this workshop.

Digital Forensics Examination

Max 20 pax Estimated Duration: 2-3 hours

Max 20 pax Estimated Duration: 2-3 hours


Students will find out more about digital forensics and learn how information is decrypted using our cool and sophisticated gadgets.



Restaurant Set-up Challenge Students will be introduced to the business of food and beverage. They will have hands-on activities to pick up tips and techniques to set up a restaurant environment including fine dining table layout, napkin folding, and others in a simulated fun environment. Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours

Programme Outline

The activities are designed for students who are keen in pursuing a career in the hospitality industry.

ents Through fun-filled hands-on activities, stud l socia , ning plan t even will learn the basics of will They ent. etiquette and customer managem blic also participate in a guided tour of the Repu Hospitality Centre facilities, including training t hotel reception, guest room, training restauran & kitchen, and wellness & spa labs. 24

Wellness and the Glam Factor! Students will be introduced to the global wellness market as well as trends in the wellness and spa industry. They will experience hands-on lesson by learning how to do hand scrub and hand massage techniques. They will also find out how to create the glam and perfect experience for the customer through various spa facilities and operations. This is done on a guided tour around Republic Polytechnic’s wellness and spa laboratories. Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours


Keep Your Customers!

Students will be introduced to the world of customer relationship and service management. They will learn how to impress customers, handle difficult situations with proven strategies so that the customer leaves the encounter with an overall positive experience. Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours

Brand Me!

Plan Your Own Event! Students will be introduced to the world of event planning. They will learn how to conceptualise a thematic event, and try their hand at basic event programming through interactive and fun simulation activities. Students will also gain insight into the considerations and issues affecting event management. Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours


Students will be introduced to the importance of social etiquette and how this can be used to project a positive first impression. They will have fun exploring various ways of greetings, facial expressions, postures and self-introductions, including how to do proper handshakes with appropriate body language. Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours


So, You Want to Be a Digital Creative? School of TECHNOLOGY FOR THE ARTS

Students will learn the basics of visual storytelling ― develop and design visuals using digital tools, create a short video clip, package and deliver a meaningful message to their friends and family by posting their digital creation on a social media platform. Max 15 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours

Programme Outline

give These engaging activities are designed to to like t’s i what students first-hand insights into art n, study key subjects from the fields of desig and media. Students will get to go behind the scenes and ting learn what goes into designing games, crea be will ses Clas . plays soundtracks and staging Arts the for gy conducted in School of Technolo -of(STA) studios and labs which include state o the-art broadcast studios, high definition audi a e deriv will ents Stud os. studios and design studi with away walk sense of satisfaction when they their very own creations!


Creating Play Experiences with Design Thinking Participants will be introduced to “Design Thinking” and learn how design can impact user experience. Do you know you could change the user experience of playing Pacman or piano keyboards by re-designing the interface using “Makey Makey”? “Makey Makey” is an invention kit which turns everyday objects into touch pads and connects them with the virtual world. Join us and learn more about user interface and physical computing through fun experimentation. Max 30 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours 29

Fun and Games in Theatre Students will be introduced to the theatre through staging a play. A simple script will be given to the students and they will learn how to read the script and take on acting roles. In addition, they will learn how to direct. All these activities will be presented in a fun and engaging way by using theatre improvisation games. Max 30 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours

Want to Know What Makes a Game a Game? Creating Music Soundtracks Students will learn how to put together their own soundtrack using state of the art software tools. They will learn key software features such as the timeline, sound files, audio regions and music concepts and terminology. This activity is taught in the context of a professional studio setting.

This activity will provide students with an insight into the mysterious world of game design. Students will learn about the tried and tested methods used to produce successful game titles like those seen in the shop available today. Max 20 pax Estimated Duration: 1 hour

Max 20 pax Estimated Duration: 1 hour 30


Know Yourself and Triumph in Your Studies

Centre for Enterprise and Communication

“Know yourself and your enemies, you can win a hundred battles without a single loss; Know yourself but not your enemy, you may either win or lose a battle; Neither knowing yourself nor your enemy, every battle will be a loss.” - Sun Tzu, The Art of War Leveraging on “Learning Styles Inventory” concepts, this course will help students identify and leverage on their preferred learning styles and adopt appropriate learning strategies, with the objective to enhance their learning effectiveness and equip them with a greater sense of self-efficacy. In addition, this course also helps students clarify their learning goals and improve their self-motivation. Max 40 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours

Shopping Extravaganza: Discover the Mysteries of the Consumer Mind

Programme Outline

a Join these activities to experience the life of r ume professional working in the fields of cons behaviour and research, human resource, mass communication and social entrepreneurship. at You will get to use advanced technologies our market research lab and media lab and experience how hardware, software and best eting, practices are used to achieve business mark . goals messaging and community transformation


What makes shopping fun? Why do some products appear more attractive than others? How do companies choose models for their advertising needs? Discover the mysteries of the consumers’ mind by understanding how people think, act and respond to different advertising and promotions tactics. At our market research lab, participants will be introduced to advanced physiological research technologies that TRACK where consumers look, INTERPRET their facial expressions and READ their minds! Max 30 pax Estimated Duration: 1.5 hours


Lights, Camera, Action: How to Produce Video for Broadcast

Advertising: How to Sell a Message to the Masses

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a broadcast journalist? In this activity, participants will learn the fundamentals in the production of their own mini-news series which include scripting, shooting and editing.

Participants will learn how advertising has evolved from traditional media such as television and print, to digital and social media such as Facebook, Twitter and blogs. Have a go at creating your own advertisement using our tools and post it on your Facebook page.

Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours

Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours

Smart Photography: How to Capture Moments with a Smartphone

Fuelling Business and Innovation for Society ― An FBI Investigative Journey

The best camera in the world is one that is always with you. Be prepared to capture the fleeting moments in our everyday life. Learn how you can apply basic photography skills on iPhones and Android devices to take photos. Participants need to bring along a basic mobile phone with camera function. Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours

Social Media: How to Network Your Way to Success

Ignite the FBI agent in you! Incorporating the element of “Values in Action”, this learning journey showcases how social enterprises solve social problems and transform lives through business. This experiential journey on social entrepreneurship will explore contemporary social issues and the innovative ways in which social enterprises deal with these issues. Students will be inspired to know that there are businesses out there that pursue social goals while making a profit. Max 40 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours

Social media creates conversations, thrives on dialogue, exists and survives on feedback. So your reputation on social media is defined by others, not you. That makes it risky doesn’t it? Students will learn how to create a positive image of themselves or for an organisation by managing social media like Facebook, Twitter and blogs. Max 25 pax Estimated Duration: 2 hours 34


Theatre and Stage Production

Introduction to Theatre Participants will discover the ins and outs of The Republic Cultural Centre’s theatre. The tour will cover lighting, sound and staging equipment. They will learn about the facilities and what goes on behind a professional performing venue. Max 20-30 pax Estimated Duration: 3 hours

Introduction to Stage Lighting

Programme Outline

These activities are specially designed for ests students who are keen to pursue their inter ns. uctio prod tre thea and in the areas of backstage be will ents Through hands-on activities, stud s exposed to backstage and operational work performed by theatre personnel.

Students will be taught on the types and functions of various lighting fixtures. Max 20-30 pax Estimated Duration: 3 hours

Introduction to Audio Students will be guided on the basic principles of audio and learn about the functions of the different types of audio equipment. Max 20-30 pax Estimated Duration: 3 hours



Sports and Games

Mini Sports Games Students will be introduced to sports development and the competency framework. They will participate in games such as floorball, soccer and basketball. Estimated Duration: 2 hours

Programme Outline

Students will experience the typical active campus life at RP through participating in indoor and outdoor games.

Elite Athlete Performance Test (EAPT) Participants will be introduced to sports development and competency framework. They will experience the Elite Performance Framework developed by Sports Development. Estimated Duration: 2 hours

Sports Complex Challenge Participants will be introduced to the sports development and competency framework. Students will play a game of “Bingo” and uncover interesting information related to the sports facilities located in RP’s sports complex. Estimated Duration: 2 hours 38



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