Kartell 70th Anniversary Exhibition

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Giulio Castelli 於 1949 年成立 Kartell,他原本是一位出色的化學家,利用化學上的專長將塑膠物 料完美轉化成輕巧的生活物件,著實改善人們的生活方式和生活體驗。在 60 年代,Kartell 造型多

變化、色彩鮮豔、質材輕巧的塑料家具,帶動當時家具設計一股流行風潮,Kartell 自始成為家居 設計的佼佼者。

Kartell 的品牌精神就是創新,不斷的推出無數讓人耳目一新的產品,包括椅子、桌子、儲物櫃、 燈飾、文具用品等,將塑膠用具融入生活之中,也顛覆了一般人對於塑膠材質既定的想法。每一 時期的產品都擁有意明確的風格與魅力,其共同點是皆具有「當代藝術」的語言特質。Kartell 的

家居產品結合時尚與設計感,同時也非常耐用,每一件產品都會經過許多樣的抗熱、抗濕、抗曬、 抗刮、抗摩的嚴格品質測試,而這都歸功於 Giulio Castelli 一直致力於鑽研塑膠抗刮抗磨的技術。

Kartell 品牌的特別之處在於 Kartell 的產品絕不盲目追隨潮流,每件 Kartell 產品皆有其獨特風格, 然而亦可配搭不同類型的家品,營造出不同的效果。雖然每件產品都是出自於名設計師之手,但 卻是易於使用和易於配搭其它家居品作融合,並非華而不實。

擁 有 國 際 知 名 的 設 計 師 Ron Arad, Antonio Citterio, Michele De Lucchi, Ferruccio Laviani, Enzo Mari, Philippe Starck 與 Patricia Urquiola 所組成的強大創意團隊。70 年的企業歷史完全可以從產

品中看到演進的脈絡。而 Kartell 新型態的經營與策略、著重技術的提升,及敏銳的審核與品質管 制所設計的產品,也因此無論企劃與設計能被各界賞識,是全球現代傢俱生產商的領導品牌。

Giulio Castelli, who founded Kartell in 1949, used to be an outstanding chemist. He used his specialized skill of chemical to convert plastic into light and handy daily supplies and truly improve people’s lifestyle and life experiences. In the 60s, the changeful shape, vivid color and light material plastic furniture of Kartell led the trend of furniture design. After that, Kartell has become the aristocrat of home supplies design. The brand spirit of Kartell is innovation. They keep turning out many refreshing products, including chairs, tables, cabinets, lights, stationeries, etc, to integrate plastic supplies into life and then subvert the stereotype of plastic material. Every period of the products have their specific style and attraction, and the common point is that they all have the same identity of “modern art”. The home products of Kartell are not only fashion and designy, but also durable. Every piece of produce will go through the strict heat, wet, scratch and wear resistant quality testing; all of these are owed to that Giulio Castelli had always devoted to delve into the plastic technology of scratch resistant and antiwear. The special part of Kartell is that they never follow the trend blindly. Every pieces of Kartell products have their own unique style; however, they can be collocated with different type of home supplies to create different atmosphere. Though each product is designed by famous designer, it can combine with and match other house stuffs easily, not a flower but no fruit. Kartell has a strong originality team that consists of several world-wide famous designers, such as Ron Arad, Antonio Citterio, Michele De Lucchi, Ferruccio Laviani, Enzo Mari, Philippe Starck and Patricia Urquiola. The whole company history can be totally seen by thread of thought of product evolution. The new type of operation and strategies, the focusing of technique improving, and the sharply examined and quality controlled for products make the planning and design from Kartell be appreciated by all circles and become the leading brand of global modern furniture manufacturers. This 70th Anniversary Exhibition, we decided to come back to the birthplace of Kartell, Milan, to hold a grand birthday party.

CONTENTS KARTELL 70th ANNIVERSARY Introduction About Exhibition VI System Limited-edition Furniture Limited-edition Products

CROSSOVER WITH PIXAR About PIXAR Visual with PIXAR Kartell x PIXAR Collection

SPECIAL EXHIBITION Fun Living for Living Fun Architecture Exhibition Introduction

My fellow,my Kartell My fairy tale,my Kartell My feel,my Kartell My festival,my Kartell

ABOUT CURATION Curatorial team Contacts


Retrospective Area Kartell x PIXAR Area Interactive Experience Area Outdoor Experience Area


這次的 70 週年特展,我們決定回到 Kartell 的起源地米蘭,舉辦一場盛大的慶生派對。

我們選擇在義大利最重要的展覽場地及藝術中心之一的 Palazzo Reale 米蘭王宮前的廣場搭建一棟臨時展館,總共分成四大主題 區,分別為品牌回顧、品牌聯名、互動體驗以及戶外體驗,展覽串連起 Kartell 的過去、現在到未來,展示出不同風格與可能性的 Kartell。希望藉由這次的生日快樂特展企劃,讓家具迷重新認識並感受不一樣的 Kartell。

At 70th anniversary special exhibition, We decided to return to Milan, the place that's the origin of Kartell. To hold a grand birthday party. We build a Temporary exhibition hall at plaza in front of Palazzo Reale, the most important exhibition place and one of the art center of Italy. The exhibition sort four theme, it species brand reviewing, brand collaboration, interactive experience and outdoor experience.It connects with the past, the present and the future. Showing different styles and possibilities of Kartell. Through this birthday special exhibition planning, we hope that the furniture fans can recognize and feel the different Kartell again.

INTRODUCTION 在 Kartell 走過的 70 個年頭裡,不斷創新、挑戰新事物,更引領世界的潮流,以卓越的技術創造藝術,更 以藝術挑戰技術;同時也與許多知名設計師、品牌合作,製造豐富的話題,讓家俱家飾的層次不僅於生活中, 更致力於讓塑料家具成為精品的同名詞,探究新的材質及型態、講求人體力學、要求極致的品質、提供專 業及優質的產品及體驗,緊繫著品牌與人們之間的關係,定論出「創新、情感、科技、品質」的四大精神, 透過此次 Kartell70 周年特展,我們將回首過去、體現今日、展望未來,透過趣味的手法呈現出充滿驚喜的 展覽內容,讓世界看見 Kartell 的多元樣貌。

In the past 70 years, Kartell kept innovating and challenging new things to kept leading the trend. We create arts with outstanding technologies, and moreover, challenging technologies with arts. At the same time, Kartell collaborated with many world-famous designers and brands with a lot of buzzes to create the multi-level of furniture. Also, dedicated ourselves to let the plastic furniture to be the synonym of quality goods. We believe that exploring new material and form, paying attention to ergonomics, being particular about the ultimate attainment of quality, and providing professional and high grade products and experiences can connect the relationship of brand and people closely, and then conclude “innovation”, “motion”, “technology” and “quality” as the four conceptions. Through this Kartell 70th Anniversary Exhibition, we will look back to the past, experience the present, and look forward to the future. By delightful ways, we will show the surprising exhibition, and let the world see the multiple appearances of Kartell.

ANNUAL THEME 2019 年 6 月,Kartell 回 歸 家 鄉 —— 義 大 利 米 蘭, 舉 辦 連 續 3 個 月 的 盛 大 生 日 歡 慶 宴, 以“ FUN LIVING FOR LIVING FUN ” 為 展 覽 主 旨, 展 現 品 牌 年輕、活力的赤子之心,展覽透過創新、情感、科技、 品質的四大精神圍繞,並將四個精神及經典家具家 飾幻化為不同色彩呈現,繽紛地灑落在展場各個角 落,我們精心策劃了一系列的生日活動,展覽期間 設計界名人也親臨現場舉辦講座,期望世界各地的 人們來一同共襄盛舉。 展場內也將介紹 Kartell 的原點,其豐富的化學背景, 如何將塑料完美轉化成生活物件,引領著觀眾看見 Kartell 過去的精彩歷史;各項產品各自擁有其獨特 風格及魅力,然而卻能融入任何居家風格,經由不 同 的 空 間 搭 配, 呈 現 出 Kartell 的 百 搭 魅 力。 在 70 周年之際還與 PIXAR 聯名,企劃一系列富含童趣的 特仕版家具,並重現動畫場景,觀眾們彷彿與動畫 人 物 們 一 同 窺 探 動 畫 世 界 裡 的 奧 秘;PIXAR 憑 藉 著 精彩的創意和先進的技術,取得一次次令人驚嘆的 成功,與 Kartel 的精神有著相像之處。 即便在家具產業有著不敗的龍頭地位,Kartell 依舊 以打造充滿趣味的家居生活為宗旨,更新著品牌的 思維,持續精進技術與創意,讓新點子源源不絕的 破繭,展期中還開放觀者提出對於 30 年後,未來生 活的想像與憧憬,期望以為世界帶來更多的趣味生 活的提案。

In June 2019, a three-month huge birthday celebrating party will take place at the hometown of Kartell, Milan, Italy. Relying mainly on the theme of the exhibition, “FUN LIVING FOR LIVING FUN” shows the young and lively pure heart of the brand. Through the four main spirits, which are surrounded by innovation, emotion, technology and quality, we display the four spirits and classic furniture and furnishing with different colors and sprinkle them in every corner of the exhibition area. We have planned a series of birthday activities with utmost care, and also invited famous people of design industry to hold lecture courses, to expect people from all over the world can cooperate with this great celebration. The exhibition will also introduce the beginning of Kartell about how to use the rich chemical background to convert plastic into living stuff perfectly, and then lead the audiences look back to the amazing Kartell history. Every products have their own unique style and charm, however they can fit in any home living style and show the all-fitting attraction of Kartell through different space collaborations. In this 70th Anniversary, Kartell also has a co-brand with Pixar. By a series of childlike special furniture and reproduce the animation scenes, audiences seem to explore the mystery in animation world with these animation characters. Depending on amazing creativities and advancing techniques, Pixar achieves incredible successes over and over again; it is somewhere alike to the spirit of Kartell. Though it has undefeated leading place in furniture industry, Kartell still keep updating the brand thought, keep improving technique and originality, and keep letting new ideas breaking through for the purpose of creating fun home living. We also welcome audiences to bring up the future living imagination after 30 years, hoping to bring more interesting living proposals for the world.

" Fun Living for Living Fun " 為 Kartell 70 週年特展的主題,我們回首過往的 經典與品牌價值,從中再度感受 Kartell 家具的多樣性、可能性、以及獨有的趣味 性,因此誕生出了這句最代表 Kartell 品牌精神的 "Fun Living for Living Fun",表 達 Kartell 一直以來不斷地翻玩生活、翻玩設計的赤子之心。 "Fun Living for Living Fun" is the theme of Kartell 70th Anniversary Exhibition. We look back at the classic and brand values to feel the variety, possibility and unusual interest. Therefore, we came up with "Fun Living for Living Fun", the most representative of the Kartell brand spirit, to express pure heart of performing life and design flexibly.

VI SYSTEM 我們為 Kartell 70 週年特展設計了嶄新的 視覺設計,為 Kartell 帶來不同風格的慶 生會。 We redesign the brand-new vision design for the Kartell 70th Anniversary Exhibition to bring the different style birthday party.


我 們 將 Kartell 的 標 準 字 疊 印 在 大 大 的 70 上, 以 圖 地 反 轉 的 方 式 展 現 出 Kartell 活 潑 的 一 面, 而 大 大 的 數 字 70,則是讓觀者聚焦於“70 週年”表達出要盛大慶祝的 意義。

當然,我們不會忘記使用深植人心的“Kartell 紅”來當 作主色,除了維持經典形象以外,這次也特別設計不同 色彩與圖騰版本的 LOGO,更有著翻玩經典的趣味及意 涵,呼應著 Kartell 的精神 —— 翻玩生活、翻玩設計的 赤子之心。 We overlay the logo type of Kartell on the big “70” with negative space to display the lively side of Kartell. The big number “70” can let the audiences focus on “70th Anniversary”, the big celebration that we want to express. Of course, we will not forget to use the "Kartell Red" that enter deeply into people’s heart to be the main color. Not only maintain the classic imagination, we also design different versions of logo with new colors and totems. With the interests and meaning of redesign or reissue the classic, we respond to the spirit of Kartell--pure heart of performing life and design flexibly.

我們在視覺設計上選擇了曼非斯風格,希望能將 Kartell 的簡約 及慶生的快樂做一個融合,誕生出專屬於 Kartell 質感。主要元 素為:鮮豔飽和的色彩、撞色搭配、幾何結構與線條為主、乾 淨的整體質感。


We choose Memphis design style to combine Kartell's simplicity and celebration to show the texture that belongs to Kartell. The main elements are bright saturated color,contrast color matching,geometric structure and lines,and clean overall texture.

最 終 我 們 選 用 了 五 個 標 準 色 與 十 個 輔 助 色, 標 準 色 除 了 最 主 要 的 Kartell 紅 以 外, 還 有 藍、 粉、 黃、 綠 等 四 色, 是 依 據 Kartell 的四個品牌精神 —— 技術、情感、創新、品質,並依 據曼非斯風格去挑選出飽和度高而鮮豔的顏色,再由標準色去 挑選搭配的輔助色。 Finally, we choose five standard colors and ten auxiliary colors. Expect the most important Kartell Red, there are four colors of blue, pink, yellow and green, which are based on Kartell's four brand spirits —— technology, emotion, innovation, and quality. And according to Memphis design style to choose the highsaturated and bright colors,Then select the match auxiliary colors from standard colors.



在設計 70 週年的圖騰時,我們運用 Kartell 最具代表性的七件家具,並找出 每一件家具的主要元素,簡化細節以後再整體進行幾何化,搭配色彩後便完 成第一階段。

接下來的第二階段即是將幾何化後的家具們利用各種方法去延伸 —— 爆炸、 排列、鏡射、纏繞等,完成可四方連續的圖騰,便可將它們帶入家具、產品 與建築之中。 When designing the totem for 70th Anniversary, we selected the most representative furniture items of Kartell and found the main element of every items. After simplifying the details, we made them into geometrical patterns and matched colors to finished the first stage. The second stage is to develop the geometrical patterns with several ways, like disassembling, arranging, mirroring, twining, ect, and then make them into wallpaper groups. Therefore, we can make use of the patterns into furniture, products and the building.


這次 70 週年的宣傳海報設計,我們將 Kartell 的經典家具放入巨型蛋糕屋,整體使用幾何化的圖騰,繽紛活潑的色彩希望呈現出慶 生的快樂氛圍,也展現出 Kartell 儘管 70 歲依然年輕的意涵!

海報共有白天與黑夜兩種款式,白天版本可看見蛋糕屋中的配置,宛如芭比娃娃屋一樣夢幻 ; 而黑夜版本則像是將蛋糕轉了一個面 向,看見佈滿繽紛圖騰的外殼,背景也有著如慶生拉炮時紛紛落下的彩帶,慶生意味更加濃厚。我們將兩款結合,只要將白天版本 的海報置入黑暗的環境後,使用隨展覽門票附贈的 Kartell 原子筆端的紫外線手電筒照射,便會顯現出以隱形螢光塗料印刷的黑夜 版本,是一項充滿驚喜與童心的設計巧思。 About the advertising poster design for 70th Anniversary, we put the classic furniture of Kartell into a huge cake house, and use geometrical patterns for the whole look. We hope that the colorful and lively color may not only express the happiness atmosphere of birthday celebration, but also express that Kartell is still young though it’s 70 years old. The poster has two version, daytime and night. For the daytime version, you can see the decorations inside the cake house, just as fantastic as a barbie dollhouse. And for the night version, it is like the turning side of the cake that can see the colorful totem for the outer covering; the background of colored ribbon for birthday party also increases the birthday celebration signification. After combining the two versions, you only need to put the daytime version into the dark and light up with the UV rays flashlight of Kartell pen that presented with the exhibition ticket, then the poster will show up the night version that printing with the invisible fluorescent coating. It is a designing inspiration that full of surprises and pure childishness.


Kartell 官方網站也同步更新資訊 Kartell's official website updates information.

OFFICIAL APP 這次 Kartell 特別推出 70 週年展覽 限時 APP,可供展覽時用。 Specially ,Kartell launch the 70th Anniversary Exhibition Limited Time App for exhibitions.


Kartell 的社群媒體也會推出一系列與粉絲互 動的活動貼文,並更新最新展覽資訊。 Kartell's social media will also launch a series of event posts that interact with fans and update the latest exhibition information.


Kartell 這次推出的展覽限時 APP,除了可獲得最新展覽資訊,還有地圖導覽服務、AR 聯名相機、 展期活動一覽等功能,可供觀展時使用。 The Exhibition limited time app from Kartell, except get the latest exhibition information,there're also have map tour services, AR co-branded cameras,a list of exhibition events, etc., It can be used when the audience is visiting.


這次 70 週年推出的限定家具系列,充滿繽紛圖騰的 Louis Ghost、 Bourgie、Componibili,更增添可愛活潑的氛圍。


We release the limited furniture collection on 70th anniversary,It's full of the colorful totems of Louis Ghost, Bourgie, Componibili,add lovely and lively atmosphere.


LIMITED - EDITION PRODUCTS OF LAB Lab Coat 除了限定家具以外,這次也推出了展覽限定實驗室週邊商品,更 能感受到以化學起家、將設計與科學結合的 Kartell。 Except the limited furniture, this time,it also release laboratory limited accessory,and more to feel Kartell who started with chemistry and combined design and science.



Kartell Pen


在這次 70 週年慶生企劃之中,我們將呈上最令大家驚奇的特別獻禮 —— Kartell x PIXAR 聯名企劃。

展覽中將有聯名企劃專區,不僅展示與 PIXAR 合作的聯名家具系列,更配合 Kartell70 APP 中的 AR 相機, 有更多驚喜互動的視覺饗宴,為 Kartell 帶來不同的童心與魅力。

In this 70th anniversary planning, we will present the most amazing surprise —— Kartell co-brand with PIXAR. The exhibition will be a joint planning area,Not only to show the co-branded furniture series with PIXAR, but also match the AR camera in the Kartell70 APP. There are more surprise interactions, to bring different childishness and charms to Kartell.

ABOUT PIXAR PIXAR 意即 Pixel 和 Art 的結合,從 1985 年創立至今, 創造出許多動畫長片,每部動畫片總是帶給觀眾意想 不到的驚奇。從一群會說話的玩具、一隻會做料理的 老 鼠, 一 間 有 著 怪 獸 的 大 學,PIXAR 總 是 發 揮 了 超 乎 想像的創意,描述一段有趣又好玩的故事。 而 PIXAR 厲 害 的 地 方, 是 從 劇 本 編 撰 到 3D 動 畫 技 術 開 發, 整 合 創 新、 藝 術 與 商 業, 「 You can't rush art」 完美體現皮克斯精神,為一個好「故事」耗上兩、 三年的堅持與耐力,造就無數人憧憬的科幻世界及充 滿愛、家人、夢想與堅持不懈的理念。 創 始 人 之 一 的 Edwin Earl Catmull 曾 說 過:「 別 給 創意硬冠上條條框框,創意來去自如,無拘無束。 」 PIXAR 相信,藝術與科技的交互作用,設法在每一製 作階段創造更好的技術。

現任首席創意總監 John A. Lasseter 更有句家喻戶曉 的經典名言:「科技激發藝術,而藝術挑戰科技。」 這個理念正與 Kartell 的品牌精神創新思維 、 不斷精 進技術層面相互呼應,這也是促成我們這次特別企劃 合作的契機 。 我們透過此次的聯名企劃,不僅推出 PIXAR 著名動畫 人 物 的 聯 名 家 具, 更 將 Kartell 家 具 結 合 動 畫 人 物 帶 入 PIXAR 的動畫場景之中,為 2020 年 PIXAR 35 周年 慶即將推出的合作電影「家具總動員」鋪陳,一次滿 足家具迷與動畫迷。另外,只要在手機下載 Kartell70 APP,就能與展場中的場景進行 AR 互動,發現意想不 到的小驚喜。

PIXAR means the combination of Pixel and Art. Pixar founded in 1985 until now,it has created many animated films. Each of animated films always brings unexpected surprises to the audience. First, a group of talking toys, a mouse that it can cook, and a college with monsters, PIXAR always has incredible ideas to describe a interesting and fun story. The incredible parts of Pixar are not only libretto writing, 3D animation tech developing, but also innovation, art and commerce integrating. The word “You can’t rush art” totally express the spirit of Pixar, which is about insisting and enduring for 2 to 3 years for a good “story” to create the science fiction world that many people longing for, and also about the ideal of love, family, dreams and never giving up. On of the funder, Edwin Earl Catmull, said, “Never limit originality. It comes and go freely and is unbuttoned.” Pixar believes the interaction of art and technology and tries to create better techniques in every single step. The current Chief Creative Officer, John A. Lasseter has a well-known saying that goes, “Technology inspires art, and art challenges technology.” The ideal exactly interacts with the brand spirits of Kartell, innovation and improving technique. And this also exactly promotes the turning point for this special planning. Through this collaboration plan, we not only launch the co-branding furniture with famous Pixar characters, but also combine Kartell furniture and animation characters and bring them into animation scenes as the arranging of the collaboration movie “Furniture” for Pixar 35th anniversary in 2020 to satisfying furniture fans and animation fans. In addition, audiences only need download Kartell70 APP in their cell phones, then they can interact with the exhibition by AR and explore unexpected surprises.


每 當 PIXAR 電 影 開 場 時, 都 會 出 現 一 盞 跳 跳 燈 頑 皮 的 在 字 母 上 跳 躍 玩 樂 的 片 段, 這 盞跳跳燈正是 1986 年 PIXAR 第一支出品的 動 畫 短 片「 頑 皮 跳 跳 燈(Luxo Jr.)」 而 跳跳燈也因此成為了 PIXAR 的招牌。

我 們 將 跳 跳 燈 從 PIXAR 移 駕 到 Kartell 之 上, 以 同 樣 的 情 節 與 色 彩 重 現 經 典 場 面, 充滿趣味卻又不失 Kartell 原本的風采。而 一 旁 的 星 星 小 皮 球, 同 樣 出 於「 頑 皮 跳 跳 燈」這部短片中,也是 PIXAR 的招牌之一。 除 了 模 仿 PIXAR 的 開 場 動 畫 以 外, 另 一 個 版 本 則 為 LOGO 添 加 更 多 光 影 的 細 節, 使 整體有種浮出畫面的 3D 動畫感,也暗示著 PIXAR 於隔年的 35 週年即將推出的新動畫 電影「家具總動員」。

Whenever the PIXAR movie starts, it will have a jumping lamp jump naughty on the words.the jumping lamp is the first short film of the"Luxo Jr." in 1986. And the jumping lamp has become the signboard of PIXAR. We take the jumping lamp from PIXAR to Kartell, and recreated the classic scene with the same plot and color , which is full of fun and the original style of Kartell. And ball with the star is also from this film”Luxo Jr.”, It's also one of the signs of PIXAR.In addition to imitate the opening animation of PIXAR, another version adds more the details of light and shadow, which gives the overall 3D animation to feel of images, and it also imply the new animated film "Furniture Story" of Pixar, which will be launched on the 35th anniversary.


海報設計上同樣選擇偏向 「動畫感」 的方式去呈現,將 LOGO 中原本跳跳 燈的位置改為 Kartell 70 週年視覺中選擇的七件代表家具,一件件堆疊起 來,而跳跳燈更頑皮的跳最高處看著遠方的夜空,被照亮的天空中可看見 幾朵雲、飛翔的巴斯光年、被幾百顆氣球載上天空的房子、以及 Kartell 70 週年的 Logo。

整體以 PIXAR 動畫電影中常用的不鮮豔卻柔和的色調去搭配,並在每一件 家具加上簡單的光影,使立體感更凸顯。海報呈現的畫面感具有十足的故 事性與動態感,看見的瞬間彷彿能自動想像出跳跳燈往上跳並東張西望的 情境,夢幻而有趣。 For the same, we choose to perform the poster design with “animation feeling”. We replace the jumping lamp with the seven collected items for Kartell 70th anniversary and then heap them up one by one. The jumping lamp jumps to the highest place and looks to the further sky; you can see several clouds, flying Buzz Lightyear, hundreds of balloons with a house and Kartell 70th logo in the sky that lighted up. For the whole outlook, we collocate it with not-bright but soft color that usually used in Pixar movies, and then add some lights and shadows on every furniture to model them. The whole feeling of the poster is dramatic and dynamic; you seem to image the jumping lamp jumping up and looking around at the moment you see. It’s fantastic and interesting.


這次 Kartell 與 PIXAR 的聯名家具系列共推出 8 件,選 自 PIXAR 著名動畫中的「玩具總動員」、「超人特攻 隊」、「海底總動員」和「怪獸電力公司」中的角色, 並依據角色特質選擇符合的 Kartell 家具,添上角色專 屬的顏色與花紋,充滿童趣的連結,令人會心一笑。 This time, the collaborative furniture of Kartell and PIXAR launched 8 series from the characters of "Toy Story" ,”Incredibles”,”Finding Dory”,”Monsters Inc.”.And according to characters characteristics to select the match Kartell furniture,Adding the colors and the pattern of the character, full of childishness, it makes people smile.


2019 年 6 月,Kartell 回歸家鄉【義大利米蘭】舉辦連續 3 個月的盛大生日歡慶宴,以【FUN LIVING FOR LIVING FUN】為展覽主旨, 展現品牌年輕、活力的赤子之心,展覽透過創新、情感、科技、品質的四大精神圍繞,並將四個精神及經典家具家飾幻化為不同色 彩呈現,繽紛地灑落在展場各個角落,我們精心策劃了一系列的生日活動,展覽期間設計界名人也親臨現場舉辦講座,期望世界各 地的人們來一同共襄盛舉。 In June 2019, a three-month huge birthday celebrating party will take place at the hometown of Kartell, Milan, Italy. Relying mainly on the theme of the exhibition, “FUN LIVING FOR LIVING FUN” shows the young and lively pure heart of the brand. Through the four main spirits, which are surrounded by innovation, emotion, technology and quality, we display the four spirits and classic furniture and furnishing with different colors and sprinkle them in every corner of the exhibition area. We have planned a series of birthday activities with utmost care, and also invited famous people of design industry to hold lecture courses, to expect people from all over the world can cooperate with this great celebration.


KARTELL 展場以「年輕趣味」和「現代幾何」為建築概念。此概念展現的 不僅有室內豐富的藝術層次,還同時與外觀的簡單大方、活力多彩作為設 計連結,代表了品牌不斷突破藝術及科技的冒險精神,當俯視看下建築外 觀,則呈現出最具代表 Kartell 的 "K" 來作為展場外觀規劃,整體充滿了豐 富幾何及繽紛色調設計,代表著品牌雖已 70 歲,卻擁有愈活愈年輕的心, 與一旁充滿著義式古色古香懷舊的米蘭皇宮形成有趣對比。 展 館 中 共 有 三 間 主 題 展 區, 分 別 代 表 著 不 同 意 涵, 有 乘 載 著 kartell 豐 富 回憶的長廊,還有著充滿科技感的實驗室,有彷彿回歸童年的動畫空間以 及展現了不同風貌的 Kartell 體驗區,種種樣貌盡呈現在此,動線上特別 規劃了一連串的觀展體驗,不僅能使用官方的 APP 帶領著觀眾一步步品味 Kartell 世界,當中還埋藏著許多彩蛋,當走完展場後就能【製作】出屬於 自己獨一無二的實驗袍,最後,不妨走到樓頂上,放眼看看 Kartell 出生地 米蘭的美麗姿色,新舊文化交融的完美意念盡是呈現在此。 We use “young and fun” and “modern geometry” as the concept for the exhibition building. These concepts are more than having rich gradation of art; they connected with simple outlook and lively color, which represent the adventuring spirit of keeping breaking artwork. Looking down to the appearance of building, you can see that the building shows a “K” that is most representative of Kartell. The whole appearance is full of rich and colorful geometrical design. It represents that though the brand is 70 years old, it still has the young pure heart, which makes an interesting comparison with antique Milan Palace beside. The three theme areas of exhibition are separately stand for different meaning, like the memory gallery of Kartell, the scientific and technical lab, the childhood returning animation space and multi-style apperencing experience area to show all kinds of appearance. We e s p e c i a l l y s e t a c h a i n o f exhibition visiting experience route that lead the audiences to feel the world of Kartell step by step by official APP. And there are many easter eggs inside the exhibition; when you finish the whole exhibition, you will “produce” your own special laboratory coat. In the end, there is no harm to get up to the roof and look down the beautiful view of the birthplace of Kartell, Milan. The perfect feeling of new and old culture combination is all display here.

MY FESTIVAL , MY KARTELL 2019 年 6 月,Kartell 回歸家鄉【義大利米蘭】舉辦連續 3 個月 的盛大生日歡慶宴,以【FUN LIVING FOR LIVING FUN】為展覽 主旨,展現品牌年輕、活力的赤子之心,展覽透過創新、情感、 科技、品質的四大精神圍繞,並將四個精神及經典家具家飾幻 化為不同色彩呈現,繽紛地灑落在展場各個角落,我們精心策 劃了一系列的生日活動,展覽期間設計界名人也親臨現場舉辦 講座,期望世界各地的人們來一同共襄盛舉。 On the 70th anniversary of the birthday feast, except set up the large furniture. in front of the Duomo di Milano to provide visitors relaxing,Surely,it cannot do without birthday cake. A colorful and huge installation of art cake, the interior of the profile present the rich meaning of the brand. The three-layered cake shape building exhibit Kartell's classic furniture, Let the audience more know about uniqueness and charm of the brand through this exhibition.And the opening of the exhibition ,Inviting celebrity guests to attend and The singer will sing and perform in the cake installation. On weekdays, there will also have activity about performers performing with the furniture in the installation.A fireworks event will hold every night, and we hope to bring this joy and celebration atmosphere to the world.


一進入大廳,通透的空間灑滿了陽光,白牆上掛滿了白袍,這 裡就是進入 Kartell 世界的入口。

我們使用電子售票機販售門票,購買前先輸入個人資料,接著 做個簡單的心理測驗,就可以獲得專屬於自己的 Kartell 入場身 分 證, 共 有 四 款 圖 騰, 分 別 對 上 Kartell 的 四 大 品 牌 精 神 —— 創新、情感、科技、品質,讓 Kartell 迷們也能擁有專屬自己的 Kartell 精 神。 隨 票 附 贈 一 件 實 驗 室 白 袍 與 一 支 白 色 的 Kartell Pen, 穿 上 白 袍、 將 身 分 證 別 在 胸 口, 變 身 化 學 家 一 起 進 入 Kartell 的實驗室吧!

Entering the hall, the transparent space is full of sunshine, and the white wall hang full of white robes,Here is the entrance to Kartell exhibition. We use electronic ticket vendor to purchase tickets. Before purchase, you have to input personal data, and then do a simple psychological test, you can get your own Kartell ID card, There are four totems which are based on Kartell's four brand spirits —— technology, emotion, innovation, and quality. Let Kartell fans also have their own Kartell spirit. When you buy a ticket , it will give a lab white robe and a white Kartell Pen,Be a chemist to enter Kartell's lab with a white robe and the identity card on the chest !


由 時 光 長 廊 帶 領 進 入 Kartell 的 世 界, 回 到 創 辦 人 Giulio Castelli 的實驗室,最初 Kartell 專注於技術面的研究及設計的 生產,Giulio 表示“我打算生產具有創新特性的物體,並應用 新的生產技術,以實現材料經濟性和最高的工藝價值。”了解 透如水、亮如金的塑料是怎麼被發明;1950 年代,Kartell 透過 生產家居用品,開始踏入家具界,並且充分結合實用性及美觀, 也就此拿下許多獎項;在展場裡由設計師們親身分享每個作品 背後的故事,以設計詮釋【創新、情感、科技、品質】,將品 牌價值完全發揮;面向未來,Kartell 對於下個世代有甚麼想法, 由觀者於展場中想像並投稿。

Going into the world of Kartell through the time tunnel, we led the audiences come back to the funder Giulio Castelli’s laboratory. At the beginning, Kartell was focusing on technical researching and design producing. Giulio said, “I intend to produce innovative items, by using new producing technologies to achieve economical material and highest value of art working.” Knowing well how the plastic that limpid as water and bright as gold be invented, in 1950s, Kartell started their furniture career through producing home appliances and combined practicality with artistic perfectly, which made them won a lot of awards. In our Brand Reviewing area, designers share the stories of each production by themselves, interpret “innovation”, “motion”, “technology” and “quality” by designing, and then bring the brand value into full play. Facing to the future, the ideas about the next generation for Kartell are imagined and submitted by the audiences in the exhibition area.

MY FAIRY TAIL , MY KARTELL 皮克斯從 1985 年創立至今,創造出許多 動畫長片,每部動畫片總是帶給觀眾意想 不到的驚奇。從一群會說話的玩具、一隻 會做料理的老鼠,一間有著怪獸的大學, 皮克斯總是發揮了超乎想像的創意,描述 一段有趣又好玩的故事。

但皮克斯厲害的地方不只在於故事本身, 更 多 在 於 對 3D 動 畫 中 人 物、 場 景 及 擬 真 度的追求,讓創意可以以精采且生動的畫 面呈現。透過此次聯名計畫,Kartell 家具 結合動畫人物並帶入 PIXAR 的動畫場景之 中,為 2020 年 PIXAR 35 周年慶,藉此推 出合作新動畫「家具總動員」來滿足家具 迷 及 動 畫 迷, 只 要 在 手 機 下 載 Kartell70 APP,就能與展場中的場景進行 AR 互動, 發現意想不到的小驚喜。

From founded in 1985 until now, Pixar Animation Studio has been creating many long animation videos; every of them always bring the unexpected surprises to the audiences. From a crowd of talking toys, a dish making mouse, to a college with full of monsters, Pixar always elaborates their stupendous creativities to tell a interesting and funny story. The amazing part of Pixar is not only about the story itself; moreover, it is about the how real the characters and the scenes are in 3D animation that can let the creativity display by brilliant and vividly frames. Through the cobranding for this time, we combine Kartell furniture and animation characters into Pixar animation scenes, moreover, announce the collaboration animation “Furniture” to satisfying furniture fans and animation fans. Audiences only need to download Kartell70 APP in their phones, then they can interact with the exhibition scenes by AR and find out the incredible amazements.







Kartell 的風格是年輕、時髦、都市感的新鮮風尚,家具不僅僅是家具,更是藝術品,擅長利用極簡的設計,配上衝突的造型,帶入 繽紛的色彩,在現今居家風格愈來愈多元的時代,Kartell 不僅為空間點綴出新的風貌,更能融入不同的居家風格,無疑地帶領家具 界的新風潮,透過此次展覽,將具體呈現 Kartell 各項家具家飾如何合適於各類空間,無論是低彩度的北歐風、色彩絢爛的普普風, 抑或講求自然性的日式風格,以及中式風格、慶生宴 ....... 等場景都將一一展現,此展區開放觀眾入內體驗,親身感受各項產品的美 與藝,也了解 Kartell 是如何成為時尚生活中的一部分。 The style of Kartell is young, fashionable and modern. The furniture is not only furniture, but also art. They are good at using simple design with matching contrasting style, And adding colorful colors, The generation of more diverse home styles, Kartell is not only embellishes the new style of space, but also integrates into different home styles. Undoubtedly, they lead the trend of furniture industry. Through this exhibition, we show how to be suitable for all kinds of spaces with Kartell furniture. Whether it is a low-color Nordic style, colorful pop style ,the nature Japanese style, as well as Chinese style, celebrations, etc., the scenes will be displayed. This exhibition will open to the audience experiencing, To experience the beauty and art of each product, and understand Kartell how to become a part of fashion life.

E Hung Lin 1998.04.30 Taichung, Taiwan Chief Director

Interior Design / Architecture Design / 3D Modeling / Traffic Flow Planning Contacts

+886 987 566 970 bojovicky430@gms.nutc.edu.tw

Kai Hung Ho 1997.09.16 Taichung, Taiwan Artistic Director

Logo Design / Key Visual Design / Layout Design / Motion Graphic Contacts

+886 952 301 234 kaihung916@gmail.com

Rong Hsuan Hsu 1997.10.09 Taichung, Taiwan Chief Director of Executing

Furniture Design / Product Design / Photoshop Master / Presenter Contacts

+886 960 103 807 cassata8107519@gmail.com

Pin Shi Chen 1998.02.13 Taichung, Taiwan Architect

Architecture Design / Interior Design / 3D Modeling / Traffic Flow Planning Contacts

+886 907 854 603 benz41720@gms.nutc.edu.tw

En Rong Wang 1998.06.16 Taichung, Taiwan Executive Assistant

Interior Design / Photoshop Assistant / Traffic Flow Planning / Translator / DJ Contacts

+886 955 975 255 876160a@gmail.com

Zi Yi Liu 1998.07.27 Taichung, Taiwan Marketing Manager

Marketing and Planning / Product Design / Mockup Assistamt / Translator Contacts

+886 955 513 589 v270727@gmail.com

BOOK Editorial supervision

Kai Hung Ho

Cover design

Kai Hung Ho

Manufacturing buyer


Photo Maker

Kai Hung Ho E Hung Lin Rong Hsuan Hsu Pin Hsu Chen Zi Yi Liu En Rong Wang

3D Modeling

E Hung Lin Pin Hsu Chen

3D Rendering

E Hung Lin Pin Hsu Chen

Visual Design

Kai Hung Ho


Zi Yi Liu En Rong Wang

@ 2019 Designed by Kai Hung Ho All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.






Giulio Castelli Anna Castelli Ferrieri


Noviglio, Italy

Key people

Claudio Luti (Chairman, CEO & President)






Kartell US, Inc. Kartell Sa

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