喜歡畫圖、喜歡觀察人也喜歡研究物品的構成,常常抱持著疑惑,想著為什麼這個東西被 設計成這樣而為什麼不可以是那樣,試著透過自己的觀察和比較理解事物的差別,為什麼 這個東西被認為好用而為什麼另一個卻被人討厭。在大學的訓練裡明白設計不是美術畫圖 、塑膠射出的物品並不就是產品,設計不是自己說自說自話;在研究所體認到設計是一種 解決問題、達成目的的途徑,是謀思是策略,在一團迷霧裡定義問題,挑選工具與切入的 面向然後迎向最終。在德國的生活體驗到德國人實事求是按部就班的思考邏輯一層一層的 切中核心;永遠沒有正確解答,你的思考迴路正是無可取代的與眾不同的設計價值。你好 ,我是黃凱蘭,我是不停在學習的設計師。
2011 - 2015.04 Master in Industrial and Commercial Design / National Taiwan University of Science and Technology / Taipei, Taiwan 國立台灣科技大學 / 工商業設計研究所 碩士
2013.10-2014.07 Exchange student in Köln International School of Design / University of Applied Sciences Cologne / Cologne, Germany 德國科隆國際設計學院交換生
Kai-Lan Huang daphnemaca@gmail.com +886 975 276205
2006 - 2010 Bachelor in Industrial and Commercial Design / National Taiwan University of Science and Technology / Taipei, Taiwan 國立台灣科技大學 / 工商業設計研究所 學士
iF 2013 Concept Design Award / top 100 / Wheel ( 與林宏偉、閔浩翔、張雲凡、范承宗 ) iF 2013 Concept Design Award / 聚 ( 與張雲凡、劉立祥、閔浩翔、李胤愷、黃依
iF 2012 Concept Design Award Winner / top 100 / Alien Eye ( 與黃新雅 ) 2012 GIGABYTE Great-Design Award / Nominated / Alien Eye ( 與黃新雅 ) Adobe Design Achievement Awards / Semifinalist /OpenHCI 2012 OpenTaipei CI design ( 與陳泳勳、邱鈴媛、林岑縈 ) 臺科大校園裝置藝術競賽 / 銅獎 / 感官駕馭 - 光脈 2009 GIGABYTE Great-Design Award / Juries Nominated / Free-Trap ( 與林昀廷、石全 )
Exhibitions 2013 Milan Design Week Satellite, in Milan, Italy / Wheel 參展米蘭設計師週 衛星展 / Wheel YOUNG 勢力!新生代設計特展 / Wheel 文博會 - 東台灣生活創意形象館 / Gathering
2014 - Participate 2014 Stone & Resource Industry R&D Center Research Project: Kamaroan / Design Proposal, Executive and Photographer 財團法人石材暨資源產業研究發展中心 102 年度委託研究計畫港口部落藝術與生 活美學的展現與擴展 / 設計提案、設計執行與攝影 2013 -Participate 2013 Next Fab International Digital Fabrication workshop 參與 Next Fab 自造未來 數位自造國際工作坊 Participate 2013 Stone & Resource Industry R&D Center Research Project: Kamaroan / Design Proposal and Executive 參與 財團法人石材暨資源產業研究發展中心 102 年度委託研究計畫港口部落藝術 與生活美學的展現與擴展 / 設計提案與設計執行 Participate 2013 NSC Concept Design of Future Products Project: Herb Alley / Design executive 參與 國科會 101 年度前瞻概念設計計畫 發現青草巷:探討設計於城市區域再生與 其藥草產業發展之角色 / 設計執行 2012 - Participate 2012 New Fun in Crafts project - Bamboo 參與工藝研究所 工藝新趣計劃 - 竹 - Participate 2012 Asia Smart living Summer School Workshop as Seed Teaching Assistant 擔任 2012 亞州智慧生活夏日學院 種子助教 - Participate OpenHCI 2012 OpenTaipei Workshop as Seed Teaching Assistant And Graphic Teamleader 擔任 OpenHCI 2012 OpenTaipei 工作坊 助教 暨 美宣組長
Young Designer Workshop Exhibition in Taipei Trade Center Exhibition Hall in 2011 Taipei Design EXPO, Taipei, Taiwan / Flow 參展 2011 台北設計博覽會 青年設計師工作坊展區
- Participate 2012 Culture Creative Design Workshop (NTUST X TuDelft) 參與文化創意設計人才培育工作坊(臺灣科技大學與荷蘭特夫臺科技大學合作工 作坊)
Story Taiwan Exhibition in Song-Shan cultural park in 2011 Taipei Design EXPO, Taipei, Taiwan / 參展 2011 台北設計博覽會 故事台灣主題展
2011 - Participate 2011 Asia Smart living Summer School Workshop 參與 2011 亞州智慧生活夏日學院 工作坊
Story Taiwan Exhibition in Taiwan Designers’ Week 2011, Taipei, Taiwan / Lightingup 參展 2011 台灣設計師周 故事台灣主題展
- Participate 2011 Very Fun Park Art Exhibition as a Guide 擔任 2011 粉樂町 台北東區當代藝術展 藝術導覽員以及活動志工
-Yodex Exhibition in, Taipei, Taiwan / Coral Chair 參展 2010 新一代設計展
- Participate OpenHCI 2011 Workshop 參與 OpenHCI 2011 工作坊
Brain Motion Exhibition Tour Application Design User Experience Design Application Design Team Member 黃凱蘭 賴忠平 葉銘弘 王瑜君 邱琪 張婉琪
Brain Motion
"Eventually, everything connects."—Charles Eames For advancing future, we are thinking wiring everything in beautiful sequence. Nowadays, people are surrounded by varied things and fragmentary information, being forced to digest everything within a short time. Brain Motion, a mobile application, introduces a new way to gather information through browsing flows of image inputs as memory structure. The touch gestures, zooming in and out, coherently between different hierarchies to construct information relevance, recognize how it originate and develop, instead of reading mass text. Brain Motion can be widely adopted in daily life. When going to exhibitions, we can know deepen and additional information through entering item number to Brain Motion. When we are walking in the city, Brain Motion will pop out most related and nearby info cubes along your position, enriching the travel experiences.
Text Cannot be a real picture
Everything is connected, the link between things with different level of relation, connection, logical relevance. As we see the links behind the things, the fragmentary information could reconstruct a splendid imagination.
The Relevant Factor between Different Hierachies
Brain Motion
Forming the Trace of Brain
A Flow of Image Inputs as Memory Sequence
Zoom in & out Coherently Construct Information Relevance
Brain Motion
Features of Mobile Application Brain Motion
Reflection & Illumination 2010 畢業主題展網站製作
Web Design 媒體組: 黃凱蘭 劉智強 蔡世賢
Reflection & Illumination
Reflection & Illumination
Herb Alley Exhibition Tour Application Design User Experience Design Application Design Team Member Kai-Lan Huang 黃凱蘭 賴忠平 葉銘弘 Yu-Chun Wang 王瑜君 Chi Chiu 邱琪 Weng-Chi Chang 張婉琪
Herb Alley Project APP DESIGN
Valuing A R +Q pp
青草巷 整體環境
乾 草藥栽種 貨品維護
新 材 料與
藥草商品的 設計與再創
草藥智慧 的擴散
草藥體驗 與展示
e cod 雲端資料庫
-construction e R
測器 無線感知技
青草業的鼎盛時期是在1995年全民健保開辦的前十幾年 間。而後,因為全民健保的開辦,西醫的診療費與醫藥 費較低,以及主流的科學醫療觀念使年輕的族群對於傳 統的草藥醫療的接受度減低,造成客源的流失。並且, 隨著藥籤的廢止與不得銷售配方等法規的限制,讓青草 業的生意受到重挫。
濕度 感
龍山寺旁的青草街是萬華地區極具標誌的街區之一。由 位於龍山寺旁的西昌街224巷為主,範圍包括西昌街以及 西昌街與廣州街交會處之街區。 早期,漢人移民引進中醫學,與當地原住民將青草應用 於治療疾病之民俗醫療交流結合,於是發展出了一套適 宜台灣氣候環境的青草應於醫療之用法。而後,將青草 醫療之知識結合宗教信仰產生了「藥籤文化」,龍山寺 的青草巷即是依附龍山寺的藥籤文化而興盛,成為民眾 尋求心靈庇佑與生活醫療的重要地區。龍山寺建廟以來 一直是台北西區重要的信仰中心,寺廟內供奉觀世音菩 薩、藥師佛與華陀先師等與醫藥治病相關的神祇。緊鄰 龍山寺的青草巷對於信眾而言,不單單只是拿取藥材的 商鋪,而是在精神上對於信仰與傳統文化的信任之體現 。
Situation Anlysis
re Rre-c atiol
Herb Alley Project APP DESIGN
在經過一段時間的辛苦經營後,隨著近日養生保健的 觀念逐漸受到重視,草本的溫和療效亦受到現代人的 青睞。此外,經過二十多年的經營,萬華龍山寺的青 草巷商區已經建立起該區的獨特特色與標誌性。因此 ,許多遊客或是青年族群在行經龍山寺時都會特意造 訪青草街區,感受青草巷的獨特魅力與人文風情。
Herb Alley Project
Deliver APP ver2
Bike Waiting Urban Mobility Integrated Studio Project Design Research
Supervisor: Prof. Jenz Grosshans (main) Prof. Philipp Heidkamp Prof. Dr. Carolin Hรถfler Prof. Wolfgang Laubersheimer Prof. Iris Utikal Prof. Andreas Wrede Kailan HUANG Anna SUSLOVA
Bike Waiting
Transportation by bicycle started to be more and more popular in the city environment. In 2008 bicycles outsell automobiles in Europe for the first time since WWII. At the beginning of our project we made an overview of “Bicycle Boom” periods from the middle of XX century until the current time. We explored, that in the 90s growth of car culture was decreasing. In the same time, mobility of walking/cycling places started to renovate. Especially, active bicycle movements are concentrated in EU region, with such defined cultures as in the Netherlands and Denmark. In our work, we concentrated on the urban mobility as a phenomenon and choose Cologne (Germany) as a research place. At the next step we decided to explore the role of bicycle in the city context. We formulate two questions: “How people are connected with bicycle?” and “How bicycle influence our daily life?”. To answer them, we used design matrix method. It gives possibility to represent visually and structure all needed information related to the topic. Our aim was to describe situation and see dependency patterns inside. From a design point of view, structure matrix also shows gaps and not yet covered topics. It might be used and developed in the future research work. The most complicated part of this work was an identification of main categories. Wright choice of parameters will guide and organise all content in an understandable way. During the working process the matrix was edited several times. At the end we have got two documents to work with.
Bike Waiting
The topic “Waiting time” we started to explore from the “dynamic” and “static” of bicycle construction. This object is stable only during the dynamic phase, because it has only two ground contact points. So, lower center of gravity and speed helps to balance and move. On another side, there are moments when you have to stop and wait a couple of minutes. In this case, you need a third ground contact point. Usually, to make it you need to transfer one feet from a pedal to the ground. After this stage, we wanted to prove this data in the real life. We observed cycling behavior in Cologne and pointed out situation, when you have to wait for something during your trip. We analysed data and conclude our observation into five main behaviour of the cyclist while waiting on the road. These positions of the body are: 1) two feet on the ground and one (two) hands on the handlebar; 2) one foot on the ground, one foot on the pedal and two hands on the handlebar; 3) one foot the sidewalk, one foot on the pedal, two hands on the handlebar; 4) two feet on pedals, one hand on the handlebar, one hand hold a tube; 5) be not on the bicycle and hold it behind you. All this patterns are very flexible and depends from user to user. But from this categorization we want to point out, that people actively use city environment, when they have to wait (e.g. on the traffic road waiting for the green lite) and don't want to waste even seconds to start. The traffic road waiting for the green lite) and don't want to waste even seconds to start. We explored more this theme and put three main categories of waiting: Short term (less than 5 min.), Middle term (5-15 min) and Long term (up to 15 min). We used our previous experience how to work with categories and created another matrix. We described “Waiting time” answering 4 questions: “What is the purpose of waiting?”, “How people use environment during this time?”, “What they do during the waiting?” and “Are there any objects helping in this situation?”. In the same time, all the information was related to time limits. First, we search and also go on street take pictures from cyclists. And then, we try to categorize these pictures with questions that earlier mentioned. From these pictures, we found that there’re a lot of cases
Bike Waiting
about trafic situation, for example, waiting traffic light, waiting for other vehicle passing. The waiting time of these cases, are not more than 3 mins, therefore, we categorize these situation as short-term waiting theme. From these short-term waiting time pictures, we found some interesting insights. In these short timing pause on the road, many of the situations are about traffic issue, the cyclists are forced to stop and wait, these kind of pause are not cyclists‘ purpose. Therefore, we found that, the cyclists will try to use these short pause doing something, like drinking coffe, adjusting their cloth, checking phone, grabbing things. And also, in these cases, cyclists will make a use from environment objects to make their gesture more comfortable, supporting their body and bicycle. We found that there are some street furniture design, and designed gadgets for this kind situation for cyclists.
In the middle-term waiting, the common situations are using ATM, buying things from kiosk, waiting or chat with friends. Compare to the short-term waiting cases,we found that, stop riding bike to do other action for 3~10mins itself is the cyclists purpose, therefore, cyclists won’t take a use of the pause to do something. In the middle-term pictures, we tell the behavior is quite different from cyclists and different situations. The gadget we found for these situation, most of them are holders for holding the bike more stable and easy to ride away. The situation here and cyclists’ behavior is kind of blurry, therefore in this category has more to discover in these area. For the long-term waiting time case, there could be two type of situation, leave the bikes for over 15mins or sit on the bike for over 15mins (take the bike as tool to sit on). When cyclists
leave their bike for over 15mins, their will lock or park their in a secured condition, the interaction between cyclists and bikes is suspended. In the other hand, sitting on the bike for waiting or rest over 15mins is a kind of behavior using additional function out of bikes. We found a Japanese design cafe table/ holder, for cyclists drinking coffe, taking a rest on the table with their bike as a seat. And other gadgets using bike’s structure to provide some convient usage for some activities. However, sitting on the bike waiting, taking rest or drinking drinks are quite rare situations. As a result It’s not a good direction to search more further At the end of Phase II, we found out our main research direction. We have done a table research, observation in the city environment and organised all information into the matrix system.
Bike Waiting
During our last step of research we narrowed down the topic. Despite many interesting directions we choose Middle term waiting period and explored it deeply. To begin with, we described potential situations, when cyclist might wait from 5 to 10 minutes during their way. We have got two categories. The first represents “fixed” in the urban space situations, such as “Use ATM”, “Kiosk”, “To take away”. There are also “not fixed” motives, e.g. to make a break for phone call, check baby, or when you need quick stop during the delivery work. In all these situations, there is a reason to stop and switch your attention from one object to another one. It is interesting, that in some of described cases there is a hierarchy of safety. It is clear, that in extreme situations (check your child, thief actions, road accident) it doesn't matter how expensive your bicycle is, but you will leave it on a sidewalk and try to help first. There are also many everyday situations, when your bicycle is not locked and you leave it on a sidewalk to buy a coffee to take away, take money from ATM, fix your shoelaces. In this case, switch of attention is understandable
and is more related to the buying/paying operations. You balance between keeping attention to your wallet and your bicycle (what in the real life might be more expensive). Since this subject is related to the issue “security”, we spend some time on analyzing how people secure their belongings, and how many ways there are. We search the the product, or secure solutions for keeping situation, when bicycle is locked with pole or parking slot (VI). And to show the more secure action, we used a combination of all previous lock possibilities and secured camera in the same time (V). In the linear graph we have situation from “Stolen” to the “More secure” option. We also defined time limits from 1 to 15 minutes.
Bike Waiting
In the Bank/ATM cases, it’s quite contract situation: unlock or lock it well. The reason is like we explained before. There are two types of behavior. The first group of the cyclists are going to spend a while in the bank, going to banking is their purpose, bike is just a tool for them to get their destination. Also, the longer parking time, means it would be enough time for the thief to break the lock and move the bike. Therefore, the cyclists will park their bike quite well, make sure during the banking time their bike is safe and sound. But actually these kind of situation is belong to the long term waiting time category. The other group type is cyclists using ATM on their half way. Taking money from ATM it won’t take more then 5mins, but it could take 2 to 3 mins to lock and unlock the bike.The standard behavior in ATM situation is that, the cyclist pause their ride, keep their bike in sight, and ready to go as the moment they take out the money from ATM. In these cases, the ways of secure the bike is depending on how the cyclist feel about this method of secure is safe or not. For the bakery cases, there are also quite a lot of cyclists doesn’t lock their bikes. There are two reasons to explain. First, comparing to operating the banking machine, buying bread/food process doesn’t neet much attention on it. Which means cyclists can still watch their bikes while waiting. Second, the interior structure of the shop is also play an important role on this issue. If the cyclists are sure they are able to check their bike from the place they stand in the shop, then they won’t lock it. But here we found something interesting. We notice that some of the cyclists have two locks, the frame lock and the U lock, and the cyclists will only use the frame lock rather than chain or U lock in this situation. The motion of this behavior is that the frame lock is more easier to unlock than the other, it save time to open it, but also block the wheel preventing from the people riding their bike away. If there is something wrong the cyclists will find out. However, for the cautious cyclists, they will still lock their bikes.
Compare to the other two situations, cyclists usually lock their bikes for buying grocery. The two cases that didn’t lock is because there was a clerk guarding their bikes and another one is the cyclist left less than 40 seconds. Here, in the Grocery Store situation, we found a highly percentage that the cyclists lock their bike cautiously especially for leaving their bike over 15 mins, they usually lock their bikes with a pole. The frame lock is seldom lock alone here, the cyclists will lock the two if they have.The interior structure of the grocery store are usually complicated and the depth is deep. It’s not easy to watch their bike during the purchase. All the evidence shows that, the cyclists feeling less secure with bike’s security in the situation. They will park their bike near other bike, the fist priority place is the gates, then the pole near the gates, and then window of the shop, the last is the wall of the shop.
Open Taipei OpenHCI人機互動工作坊 2012 台北印象
VI Design
美宣組: 黃凱蘭 丘鈴媛 陳泳勳
OpenHCI 2012 Open Taipei VI DESIGN
OpenHCI 2012 Open Taipei VI DESIGN
FRA 330 法蘭克福330太陽花聲援系列運動 Poster Design
FRA 330