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MasterCarefully|Taiwan Bubble Tea Expert
MasterCarefully Bubble Tea Supplies | Proudly Made in Taiwan MasterCarefully is a bubble tea supplies brand introduced in 1986 by Kainan Food Co, Ltd. Honored to share Taiwan's culture with the world, MasterCarefully has successfully served thousands of clients with high-quality bubble tea supplies and solutions locally in Taiwan and globally. Partner with MasterCarefully, you’ll find everything you need for a successful bubble tea business available at your fingertips, no matter where you're located. Service ●Bubble tea supplies, ingredients, & equipment. ●Professional training programs. ●Seasonal menu development. ●Beverage business setup consulting. ●Branding & design consulting. ●OEM private label customization. 精選萬事達 | 台灣珍珠奶茶專家 精選萬事達是來自台灣的珍珠奶茶原物料品牌,為開南食品旗下子品牌,我們致力於整合手搖飲產業供應鏈,一條龍提供手搖飲料店開業所需的珍珠奶茶原物料及顧問服務。自1986年在台灣開展業務以來,精選萬事達已經服務了全球20個國家超過1000多名客戶,並建立了我們的強大珍珠奶茶網絡。 服務項目 ●珍珠奶茶原料及設備供應 ●珍珠奶茶專業技術培訓 ●手搖飲料店季節飲品開發 ●手搖飲料店開店顧問諮詢 ●手搖飲料店品牌設計顧問 ●OEM差異化產品開發 Kainan Food