I2g-Online Casino Meets Social Media Meets Network Marketing-45 Billion Today 150 Billion By 2015

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You may be wondering why, on this Spiritual Trading site I am now talking about Network Marketing. Please do understand that I would not be here talking about it now if I hadn't just heard about this brand new (of 5 months old) U.S. Corporation based in Hong Kong. Do you know anyone who likes to go to the casino ? Do you know what games they play? Where do they play it? Do you think that the casino pays them for playing over there? This is an online casino that pays you when you use it. 50 people are making $20k a month already – remember, the company is only a few months old! Share in the profits of online gaming. BUT, you think it’s a ‘Ponzi scheme’ or a ‘Pyramid Scheme’?? The System:took 8 years in development. Financially backed by a few Chinese Billionaires (the Chinese love their gambling). Stage 2 due out early December! Here are some of the features: Unlimited Videos, audios and images (you’ll have your own movie channel). You can store 1000's of movies – UNLIMITED BANDWIDTH (unlike YouTube); live feed to all outside Social Networks so it integrates all your social networks in one place; You can Video chat with your friends; Free VOIP worldwide – sending instant messages and files.. You can ‘Live’ broadcast to 1000's at a time. Notification technology where you can ‘pop out’ on people’s mobile devices or computers where you can say “Good morning” or give your presentation! The Possibilities are limitless in this $200 Billion industry! There is 4 different levels to join in i2g with different benefits. The i2g packages have a $19.95 yearly fee for the i2g touch software and then an ongoing auto-ship of $60 per month to keep the downline volume growing and keeping your income residual.i2g i2g Novice $100 one time and the only package with a $50 auto ship. i2g Player $400 one time i2g High roller $600 one time i2g Emperor $5000 one time and the first 5 thousand to secure their position will share in 50% of the i2g i2g INFINITY 2 GLOBAL ONLINE CASINO Rick Maike is the CEO and founder of i2g and has over 25 years experience in the network marketing industry having owned companies that have generated over $100 million in sales. Rick Maike along with his business partners have intelligently capitalized on an untapped market in the network marketing industry, the online casino niche.i2g I2G also have a revolutionary social media tool called the i2g touch to find out more read my i2g touch blog. infinity 2 global i2g

The online casino industry is currently a 5.7 billion dollar industry with and projected growth expectation of 79% within the next year.i2g i2g currently have a tier 1 or class 1 online gambling licence which allows i2g to rightfully serve customers in all countries where online gambling is legal. The US has legislation being put through to legalize online gambling in the very near future meaning the US will be a fantastic country for i2g, along with the Asian countries who are the biggest gamblers and users of i2g. i2g is currently sharing 75% of the profits with its distributors as part of i2g's compensation plan. i2g is expected to have a customer to distributor ratio of approx 70:1 or even higher thus greatly keeping the industry watchdogs such as the SEC happy and also generating massive profits for the i2g distributors to share in. The i2g casino specializes in live dealer black jack, baccarat and roulette but also has non live dealer games such as slot machines, lotteries, steeple chase and more fun i2g games. The launch of infinity 2 global (i2g) was in August 13 and the company has created quite an impact in the network marketing industry already as relatively inexperienced marketers are becoming top earners in i2g to the tune of 180k. I know that figure is astounding in only the first 2 months but once you see the i2g compensation plan you will see how this has become easy to do. i2g i2g Infinity Global Compensation plan. online casino profits for life. There is 6 different income streams in i2g i2g Fast start bonus: you get 10% commission of the package sale on any personal referrals in i2g. i2g Binary income: You receive a commission every time you have $300 in volume on both of your i2g legs. i2g Matching bonus: you receive a matching commission of your personal referral at certain percentage and down to different levels depending on what package you have in i2g Global. i2g Leadership bonus: These are large one time bonuses for reaching certain rank levels within i2g. To reach the next promotion level you must have a certain amount of volume in your i2g downline. i2g Leadership pools: For each of the rank levels you share in more of the i2g casino profits 5% more per promotion. Read my i2g compensation plan blog. One of the greatest aspects of the i2g binary legs is that half your downline is built with the help of your i2g upline.

The i2g team I am a part of is the largest in i2g with many joining everyday. We hold regular Google hangouts to present i2g in an easy to understand format, share our stories, answer questions and provide training and tips. My team is called the i2g Dream Team and we have our own facebook group plus We have , Capture pages, link Rotator Google Hangouts so my i2g team get random sign ups.... Author: Tony Falasca Love My Cash Casino 1734 McAdams Street Memphis, Tn 38108 901-871-9291 http://www.LoveMyCashCasino.info LoveMyCashCasino@gmail.com

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