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kairos Chief Editor - Humphrey Zimba Editor - Natasha Chitimbe Administrator Lisulo Soko ( So many mistakes, way too many wrong turns and you keep wondering Graphic Design & Layout ‘will I ever get there?’ It’s almost as if you have spent your whole life in Mangaliso m’gee Chihana search of self and in the process lost who you really are. Well, the search may not be over but Kairos magazine is here to show you ( the way and to hold your hand through many of life’s challenges and of Marketing course celebrate the happy times with you. Michael Kondowe From what I would love to call dangerous confessions of an ex-hooker Kasonde Lubasi to my personal favourite, Generals are falling, this first print issue of Kairos Nchimunya Hikachila magazine will show you how to seize your moment and be the best you Musubila Mumpangwe can be at whatever stage of life you are at...Now is the opportune time Email: (YOUR KAIROS) to be just that-YOU. Welcome to the first print issue of Kairos-Its pretty much like a scrumptious Publishers and Distributer/s Kairos Media ( plate of a proper balanced meal. You might not like everything on the plate but it is good for you and makes a healthy, happy and fulfilled you. Models in this Issue Happy nibbling! Chishimba Chabala, Isazu Makena, Jane Mayaka, Precious Ngalande, Nonde Ntambi, Suzyo Mulenga, Grace Ndlovu and Lillian Mundia Creative Contributors Mangaliso m’gee Chihana (Creative Director) Musubila Mumpanwe (Level Next) Steven Mwale (Z3 Creations) Photography by TAHILLA THE GENERALS ARE FALLING CHRISTIAN ROLE MODELS PG 25
Selfless Leadership by Cosmas John Msoni “He that would be a leader must also be a bridge” is a famous Welsh proverb. When we look critically at leadership we realize that whether we like it or not we are all affected by leaders that are self imposed, appointed by other positional leaders and leaders that citizens of a nation choose. The good ideas and policies implemented by the positional leaders have a lot of bearing on what we achieve as citizens as well as the well being of the people. The welsh proverb inserted at the beginning of this article is a clear indication of how leadership should be looked at, leadership should never at any point be considered as “only I can do it and no one else can”. Well, if you are a selfless leader you will act as a bridge for others to walk on the same path as you, in other words you can be a leader who is not intimidated by working with others. A true leader is one who is a channel through which others can achieve and attain their respective objectives. As a nation of Zambia, we have been privileged to experience peace without the chaos of wars including the most common civil unrests that have torn our continent apart. It is in this vain that we should appreciate the peace we have enjoyed. A lot of people world over are good starters but poor finishers, well let’s make the difference and as we have done in the past years let us go through this years’ tripartite elections, let’s turn up and cast our votes in numbers. Let us accept the outcome of the election results regardless of our political affiliations. We can’t afford to throw stones and shed a brother’s or sister’s innocent blood all because we have political differences, we are still the “one Zambia one nation” as Dr Kenneth Kaunda our first Republican President used to fondly say. We are selecting leaders through a democratic right, we are voting for leaders that are not intimidated to work with others, leaders that will not seek to be elected for selfish gain but for the service to the people. Our leaders have to be the ones that will do the right things for the people, know where they are taking us as a nation because they have been there and are willing to show all of us the way in which we should walk. We need leaders that will grow our nation and develop its people. I will end by a quote from Lao Tzu “Go to the people, learn from them, live with them, start with what they know, and build with what they have. When a job is done, when the task is accomplished, the people will say we have done it ourselves” Let’s build our nation, God bless Zambia, Africa and indeed the whole world.
Your compatriot CJM
Are Zambia’s leaders God chosen?
By Lisulo Soko
If you are like me, am sure you are tempted to out rightly say a resounding no? I mean, it seems that these politicians don’t even seem to care about the people of Zambia. It’s like their major interest is their own pockets and prosperity. Whatever happened to servant leadership? I don’t think I know of any one in political authority right now who displays qualities of servant leadership. Kind of makes you wanna cry doesn’t it? With the presidential and parliamentary elections slated for September 20, 2011, I am still not decided who am gonna vote for. The general response from people about the elections is apathy. Most people I know and have talked to have just lost hope and think that voting is a waste of time because nothing will really change at the end of it. Am not saying I agree with the apathy but I definitely understand where they are coming from. But here’s what I think about this topic. As a citizen of Zambia, and more especially if you are a Christian, you have the responsibility to ensure that the right leaders are in authority. After all, Zambia is a Christian nation, so if the Christians don’t wanna influence the direction of the nation then the enemy will gain control of this nation, and there really will be no hope for us. In my opinion, I think ultimately, our leaders are God chosen. You don’t have to agree but just hear me out. Part of the reason we don’t have self-less, servant leaders who have the best interest for the nation at heart; those who have a good realistic plan to address the issues affecting the nation like poverty, education, and quality health-care facilities, is because none have risen up to the challenge. And don’t tell me such leaders are not in Zambia right now. I refuse to believe that God could establish a nation like Zambia, with so much potential to be a spiritual and economic powerhouse, and not have the right people to run it. The problem comes in because, for the most part, the ones who are supposed to be taking the lead have decided to sit on the sidelines to criticise and be spectators. Our current leaders may not be doing everything that needs to be done, but I think that God has placed them there to set the stage for the right leaders to step in. I mean, we are not like other nations where there is war and dictatorial rule and other political restrictions. There is an opportunity for the right person/ people to rise up. Oh, n’ one last thing, next time you pray or ask for the right leaders for this nation, remember you could be one of them. Proverbs 29:2 says “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; but when the wicked bear rule, the people mourn.” Where are the righteous people at? Here’s the word, RISE UP N’ TAKE THE LEAD!!! It’s time for the people to rejoice.
The challenge of mission work is as great today as it ever was
in the past. Each new generation must be evangelised to afresh. This means that the task facing us is really enormous. Despite several years of intense missionary work, there remain numerous people who have not heard about the Lord Jesus Christ who died on the Cross for sinners. The world’s population is approximately 6.8 billion people, of which 2.3 billion are Christians, 1.6 billion are Muslims, 937 million are Hindus, 14 million Chinese, ethno religionists are 204 million, and those that do not believe in anything are 937 million. So how can anyone say that the day of world mission is past? World evangelism and revolution has been committed to all of us who know Jesus and are His disciples. There are no spectators. We are to be in the battle field and a part of the action as commissioned in Matthew 28:19-20. 19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost vs 20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Therefore, every Christian is a missionary (sent one) and has a mission field. In fact, there is room for every type of personality in mission work. Who is a missionary? One would ask. Some people have the vision of a tall white colonial figure in a helmet, carrying a big black bible, marching through the jungle attacking snakes with his machete, catching hordes of cockroaches with his bare hands and dashing them to the ground. Others imagine an elderly humourless spinster with a piano accordion, teaching little black children to sing “Jesus loves me”. If this picture of a missionary was ever true, it certainly isn’t today. Modern missionaries may be bible teachers, evangelists, doctors, translators, nurses, agriculturalists, accountants, cooks, musicians, engineers, or anyone willing to go anywhere as a servant of Jesus Christ. God can use you and your skills to influence and bring many to His kingdom. Many people are frightened by the idea that God wants them to serve overseas, even for a year. But when they begin to understand the depth of God’s love for them and move by faith, many of them realise that they actually enjoy it when they get to those countries or places. God’s plan for the world did not end with the crucifixion and the resurrection. It is now carried on through you and me, His church, as we are in dwelt by the Holy Spirit on a day by day basis. I challenge you to be a marathon runner for God in this great task of world evangelism (missions). When you are knocked down just get up and get back in the race and continue running. When you fail or fall, get up! And you will discover that someday, years from now, you will still be running the race. Weary sometimes, wounded at times, but still pressing on for Jesus Christ. Let’s press on together for the kingdom of God and World Evangelism.
Man in the MirrorThe Power Within Wezi Muyembe Njovu Founder and President U-LEAD IMAGE BUILDERS
TIPS ON IMPROVING In my line of work, I have invested much of my time talk- A survey of adults by the Ameri- YOUR SELF-IMAGE ing to fellow youths trying to get an understanding of their fears and anxieties. More often than not, a topic of concern that seems to always come up is the negativity surrounding over-publicized and undue attention the youths get when they are involved in crime, anti social behavior and other immoral activities. Such negativity will more than certain receive front page prominence. On the flip side, when youths are engaged in positive aspects that are morally acceptable, it seldom gets enough coverage and may even go completely unnoticed. Youths are perceived by many as being immoral and lacking ambition, but who is to blame for this? Many suggest that the technological tools that society has built to try and improve lives, has also had a negative impact on the youths of today. It is something that we cannot ignore because if we don’t do something about it, who will? So let’s get into it… What is image? Image is a personal façade that one presents to the world; a perception people have of you, when they hear about you, see you, talk about you and think about you. Personal/ Self image is therefore the notion that one has of oneself or how they perceive themselves. When you look into the mirror, who or what do you see? What do you think of that person you see every day? When you are alone in that office or bedroom, what is it that you say to yourself? What are the hopes and dreams of the person inside? Take a moment and think…. It is sometimes difficult to have a positive self image especially if one is affected by life’s hardships such as disability, failure, poor health, poverty or financial problems. However, there are things you could do to improve your self image and self esteem. These things would help you to improve other aspects of your life like academic or financial success, and relationships or health. Have you ever heard of the saying, “only you can make yourself happy”? Well as corny as it seems, it is true...
can Psychological Association has shown that the most important factor to happiness and well being is self esteem. Surprisingly, common traits like popularity, power, money or luxury were rated the lowest. So however little you may like your personality, your image says something true about your personality. It is no accident that you dress, talk, walk and behave the way you do. When you have a strong self image, you can accomplish anything you set out to do. Possessing a strong self image breed’s confidence, confidence breed’s success, success breeds satisfaction which then strengthens one’s self-image. It is a never ending cycle in which we must thrive in order to flourish in the world no matter the age. Improving your self image especially after you have been through certain difficult situations can be hard and takes time to practice. You have to start appreciating your worth; self esteem isn’t absorption, it is self respect. Focus on changing your own way of thinking before changing the circumstances around you; this is to give yourself a more positive self concept.
DON’T FEEL GUILTY ABOUT THINGS BEYOND YOUR CONTROL: You are not to blame every time something goes wrong. GIVE YOURSELF A BREAK: - You don’t need to be all things to all people or try to please everyone. Give yourself permission to decide you are doing the best you can. BE CONFIDENT: Build your confidence step by step by taking hold of your strengths. Nobody is a hundred percent perfect and neither is anyone a hundred percent faulty. HAVE A POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE:I think President Obama said it best “Yes We Can”. It is important that you have a positive mental attitude believing in oneself “Yes I Can”. YOU ARE IMPORTANT:No matter the circumstances surrounding you, realize that you are important and hold the key to achieving personal improvement. Look at yourself with inner eyes and see the giant that lives in you. PUT FEAR ASIDE: - Fear paralyzes every bit of our personality and makes us look like walking zombies. Sometimes just like a person going bungee jumping close your eyes and see victory. FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN DO, NOT WHAT YOU CANT:Don’t go out of your way to do something you know you can’t. Do the best at what you know you can. May God bless you all as you work on improving self image!
By Michael Kondowe
Snap the radio on, zip to any was different. The lyrics “Kiss me are so many love songs. station, and what are you likely down by the broken tree house” are After all,God made us in to hear? LOVE SONGS. Songs of not anything overly sensual. There such a way that we long for new love, disappointed love, grateful love are a lot of books and scriptures romance. Now don’t get twisted. and songs of crazy love. However, plen- in the Bible that talk about love of When it comes to Christians and love ty of people are confused when Chris- which an artist like Sixpence can use Songs, I don’t think “everything goes.” Rotian artists sing about guy-girl relation- as prototype. A Perfect example mantic Lyrics from Christians should never ships. A lot of questions are asked like: would be the book of Song of Solo- promote premarital sex, lust, adultery or can or should Christians sing or write mon. Song of Solomon is an amazing anything else contrary to Christian values. love songs? Should there be a difference work of poetry that celebrates the It is a little unfortunate that Christian between a love song done by a Christian joy and beauty of sexual love within artists sometimes have songs where it’s and Secular artist? marriage. unclear if the “you” is God or the singer’s A song like “Kiss Me” by Sixpence is “Let him kiss me with the kisses of girlfriend. I do think that there should be likely to stir controversy among Chrisless ambiguity about whether a song is his mouth: tians and indeed non-Christians because for thy love is better than wine.” about the Lord or your significant other of its controversial lyrics. half. When it comes to the topic of love, it’s Song of Solomon 1 v 2 The New Testament says great to have the repeatedly to greet one Obviously, God isn’t opposed to Christian alternative.“Many Christians another with a songs about romantic love. If he test how close they can live to the holy kiss. Now were, I don’t think he would have standards of the world and still obviously the included this romantically charged remain Christians. The sad context book in his sacred Word. As the in- result is that there is too ventor of human love, God knows much of the world in the that romance is very natural and church and too little wonderful. It’s no wonder there of the church in the world!”
How much CHURCH is left in you!!! Send your views on Christian love songs to or on facebook Kairos media.
Jennifer Banda was born in 1976 in Mufulira town on the Copperbelt, Zambia. She lived with her parents until the age of twelve when they both passed on. It was at such a painful time as this that an aunt, who lived in Lusaka city, took her in and paid for her education at Matero Girls High School up to the seventh grade. She qualified for Grade eight but could not continue with school because of financial constraints on her aunt. Jennifer started selling fritters (vitumbuwa) to raise money. She would sell them at the side of a bar where some sex workers worked. The sex workers became regular customers of her fritters and eventually became her good friends. Jennifer was then offered to work as a maid at the sex workers’ house, so that she could make a little more money in addition to what she made from the fritter sales. Inevitably, the sex workers started pressuring her to stop selling the fritters and start sleeping with elderly men (sugar daddies) who would give her a lot more money. They convinced her by telling her that she could take the required money for the fritters to her aunt and keep the rest of the money to herself.
Every time she went to their house, they found her a man that she could sleep with who would pay her. Eventually, she stopped going back home to her aunt, who never bothered to find out where she was. Jennifer started going with the other sex workers to the bars and other places where they found men to sleep with. She also started smoking dagga for courage to approach her clients. She was caught up in the business and became a sex worker too. Jennifer narrates that, on one occasion, she and her friend found some coloured men (ma coloured) who were interested in them. These men took them both to their house where they found twelve more men. After private discussions, the men told the two ladies to undress and have sex with each other. Jennifer and her friend tried to protest but to no avail. After they undressed, Jennifer asked to first go to the bathroom. She was given directions but somehow diverted into another room where she found a sick old man. The old man warned Jennifer that she was in a dangerous place and gave her a towel to cover her nakedness. She managed to slip out of the house through the back door and began
to run. It was about three o’clock in the morning. She didn’t know where she was or where she was going, all she did was run. Later she saw a light and when she approached it, she found an old woman. They were both afraid as they met at a strange hour and Jennifer being half naked terrified the old woman. It was awkward for both of them, but Jennifer gathered up courage and explained to the old lady all that had just happened to her. The old lady felt sorry for her and helped her with some extra clothes and gave her money to get into town. Jennifer has never heard from her friend who she left behind ever since. She returned to her place and narrated to the other girls what had just happened. However, with little or no pity, they shrugged her off and told her it was part of the job and life had to go on because this was their only means of survival. Jennifer was not keen on finding any more customers because her previous experience really frightened her. Despite her fear, she still went ahead with her job because she needed the money. One night Jennifer just decided to sit in the bar where she usually met her clients
kairos from while her friends went about their business. As she was sitting, a few field workers from Tasintha programme spoke with her and invited her to their offices. Tasintha is a centre that provides rehabilitation for sex workers and empowers them with knowledge and skills that they can use to earn a living. They gave her some money to get to their offices. Jennifer had heard about Tasintha before but was sceptical. She, as most of the other sex workers, was uninformed about the centre and had her own reservations. However, Jennifer decided to give it a try; she had nothing to lose after all. It was a decision worth making because it marked the beginning of her life transformation. Tasintha provided rehabilitation services for her, and empowered her to earn a living. She was trained in Tailoring and Design so that she could use the skill to earn the money that she needed. Change was not an easy process because sometimes she would fall back into prostitution. However, the fear that gripped her because of her encounter with the coloured men made it easier for her to change than most of the young ladies at the Tasintha centre.
”It was and is still a very risky business. I was a victim of many violent men who would beat me up or use me and never pay. I, like most, only did it because of the need to survive. In fact, it has become so common nowadays for young ladies who complete their Grade twelve to get into prostitution because college is so expensive and they have little or no other way of making it. Many of my friends have died, but by His grace, God saved and preserved my life, ‘’ Jennifer narrated. Jennifer stayed with Tasintha programme for some years. During that period, she met a man whom she is now happily married to. They have been married for six years and have two children. Jennifer is now working with Tasintha trying to help get the many young ladies that are entangled in this life off the street and empower them to live a normal life again. AUTHOR’S VIEW I would like to conclude by stating that, “many times we hear of such things happening but very vaguely. We do not know what really goes on because we have not bothered to look beyond what we see. And yet if we take a minute to look a little
further beyond our lives, we will see that there is so much going on and there is a lot of work to be done on the ground. The devil is taking advantage of people in need and he pleasures in the fact that believers can’t see what is going on.” What must we do? We need to wake up and become more proactive as believers; we need to prioritize the work of God; we need to get active in prayer, going everywhere preaching the gospel and teaching people to live like Christ did; we need to be more practical and help people who are in need; empower them with skills, send them to school, and help them to start businesses. We need to support places like Tasintha and build more places like it for rehabilitation. (Think about it) If we don’t, who will? We need to be the light in this dark world as God commanded us. You may say, ‘I never knew!’ Well, now you know; what are you going to do about it? “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father is this: to visit the orphans and widows in their affliction and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” (James 1 vs27)
K20 PIN DATE...!!!! -Jotham ‘Jay T’ Mwale-
G uys are at pains nowadays to hustle for money to take out that special lady (or is it
those special ladies?). They question themselves- what? How? Where? ...We all know the why right? *Movie? Well, you can’t just pay for her & not go yourself. *Lunch? You do know that you will both have to eat right? Restaurants are out of the question! *Take a walk? She hates walking dude & a ride for her is just a phone call away, It makes things hard, doesn’t it? Or maybe we guys are just ambitious in the type of ladies we approach?? Am just saying ey, don’t shoot the messenger. Okay, okay, to the question nowhow to take someone out on a date with 20 pin?? I probably won’t give you specific tips but more of general ones. I hope for your sake that she likes you too, and that at least you have created rapport or friendship of some sort. In the words of a songwriter, “it’s about the singer
and not the song”. I hope you know that beyond your ‘song’ (what you have to offer), you “the singer” needs to be acceptable. Take for instance the
widow who put the least offering, but Jesus said that she gave the most. Why? It was her heart and sincerity. Guys, be sincere. We all can’t be Donald Trump. Your sincerity about who you are will curb certain over expectations from you, even as your heart (Passion, love and the like) cements you strategically in her life. So whether or not you take a walk, get on a bus, do lunch or snacks like jiggies and biscuits, watch a movie at a certain cinema in town (where the 20 pin will allow, lol), or get her roasted maize or sugar cane, and groundnuts to end the day by the corner- she will appreciate and love you for it. Just Jogging your mind- I ain’t the final say...but keep it real.
A life that lives beyond limits has learnt one of life’s very important conceptsseizing the moment- making the most of every opportunity in other words. I had an experience that was a mind opener for me. I had asked a couple of guys to come and make a presentation at a function I was holding. These guys had enormous talent and I loved them big time- still do actually. As we were talking, it occurred to me that it was going to be difficult, if not impossible to have them come to the function. As I sat there and thought, I realized that they did not perceive what I was asking them to do as an opportunity for them but rather I think they looked at it as something that would benefit me. As a result, they were not willing to make simple sacrifices in order to seize that moment. They were too concerned about how much they would have to part with in order to stand before people and expose their talent. I came to a simple conclusion that daywhen we are so preoccupied with how much we would part with; we end up undervaluing an opportunity.It reminded me of how my year turned out because I had seized various moments. Firstly, I thought of the time when I had been given an opportunity to give a 5 minute speech at a book launch in the presence of a honourable minister and some government officials.
I seized the moment and later that day had dinner with these honourables. Had I despised that 5 minutes, God knows I would not have dined with those officials that evening. I also thought of the 5 minutes I have been given at various fora to share my thoughts and the result of seizing those opportunities made me realize that when we place the correct value on opportunity and focus less on how much we seemingly lose, we reap more in the future than we parted with earlier. I sat and looked at the many television and radio interviews I had had that year and I knew the value of opportunities. My sincere conviction is that opportunities are more important than money especially when you make the most out of them. So why would a talented individual refuse to perform? We get blinded by the need to be “taken care of” that we do not place the right value on the opportunities we are offered- the opportunities to show the world what we are made of. And maybe, just maybe if we accept, there is someone who will see us do our thing and help us make so much money later on. My reason in sharing all of this is to challenge each of us to the realization that we must be willing to make some sacrifices for the sake of an opportunity because when an opportunity is rightly seized, it will open doors for you to worlds you never knew existed and the sacrifices you made will
be nothing compared to the gain you eventually have. I am somewhat disappointed that people refuse to seize moments. But then again, we see things differently and so I still respect their take. My challenge to you is this, when you have the opportunity to sell your talent, sacrifice if you can because you will never know who will be watching. That is why when I was invited to speak to a group of youths 500 kilometres away from home- I didn’t hesitate and travelled, settling all my bills because I did not look at how much I was going to spend but rather the opportunity I had been given. Comrades, it is the simple principle of seizing the moment that eventually helped create platforms for me to speak to an entire nation; As a matter of fact, the entire central and southern Africa. It is seizing the moment that gave me a platform to go on national television and share my thoughts on various issues. It is seizing the moment that has helped me build and continue to build a book production business. So what moment will you seize? Do not let little sacrifices stop you from seizing the moment. For more articles or books by Dario Chongolo, visit
By Lisulo Soko
Financial freedom is some-
thing that almost everyone desires in life. Some may deny it, but the fact still remains that deep down, we all want to be able to acquire the finer things of life. Sadly, however, many people just have the desire and don’t take it a step further. Some feel defeated by their current circumstances while others get discouraged by the task that lies ahead in their quest for financial freedom. So they sit and wait for something to happen; for some miracle to take place; and ‘voila’ they are rich. Well, life just doesn’t happen that way. Things won’t suddenly change.
You need to understand that everything in life is a process. The key to success is to be able to see with your mind what the eye can’t see. You have to be able to see beyond your current circumstances and limitations. You have to believe that you can make it in life. This belief has to come from deep down within. It is what the Bible calls Faith: Hebrews 11:1 ‘Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen’. Therefore, since we need to see ourselves beyond today, we can’t live just for today. We need to be doing certain things now to ensure that we have a better future. 1.Invest in God- Tithe, pray and live your life according to God’s word. 2.Invest in yourself- Increase knowledge, and take care of yourself. 3.Invest in others- Be generous and be a blessing to people. 4.Invest in your future- Make sure that you are building your life to ensure that your future is secured.
kairos INCOME K From salary 1, 000, 000 Salary from job/ business
Now I would like to share something that will enable you to begin to build your financial status, regardless of where you are right now. Suppose you have a job or an income that pays you K1, 000, 000 per month. (It can even be as low as K100, 000). The first thing you do is take out 10% for your tithe, then 10% for your saving & investments. This means that every month, your budget for living expenses such as transport, food, clothes, etc should be covered in the K800, 000. If you come up short, don’t you dare touch that K 100,000. Find another source of income. That K 100,000 is yours to keep and invest.
If you consistently do this for 6 months, you will have K600,000. Do not spend this money yet, use it to create another stream of income. No matter how small the other stream of income is, you just need to start, because apart from the income you will create, you will learn a lot about how to manage a business. So the point is just to begin, and grow from there.
EXPENDITURE Tithe Saving/ investment Balance
K 100,000 100,000 800,000
I challenge you to take the steps outlined above, and do them consistently for 3 to 6 months. See what will happen to your life. I guarantee you will see things differently. You have to be willing to do something, because the irony of the word ‘freedom’ is that it is not free. You have to pay for it!
Walker Schurz is the third born in a family of four and he has three brothers. He grew up in a small town in the state of Maryland in the United States of America where he completed his lower education. He proceeded to do his higher education in Tulsa, Oklahoma where he obtained a Bachelors Degree in Accountancy studies at Oral Roberts University. Walker then proceeded to Rhema Bible Training Centre graduating in 1991 with a diploma in missions. He worked as an accountant for two years at a Christian Ministry while attending Bible School. He married Haley Gould in May, 1991. They have two children Timothy, born October, 1993 and Jessica, born December, 1995. They moved to South Africa in 1994, where Pastor Walker served in the Word of Life World Outreach as the ministry administrator. The family eventually moved to Zambia in 2004 and has been living here since.
Salvation Testimony
Growing up in the Anglican Church, Walker was exposed to a lot of great churches and teachings. He then moved to a Pentecostal Church at the age of ten. Despite being exposed to church, Pastor Walker says he was often forced to go to church adding that he really had no heart for God. Walker went to a Christian high school and at age 16 during a revival week at school, he dedicated his life to God and accepted Christ as his personal Savior.
Ministry Calling
That same year when he gave his life to the Lord, Walker attended a mission trip to Kenya where he got his call to Africa in 1984. God began something in his life at that mission trip and as he went on to University and to Rhema, it became clearer what God wanted him to do. Through teachings and much prayer and another mission trip experience, the deal was sealed.
kairos Dating and marriage
Walker Schurz and Haley Gould met at Oral Roberts University and both went to Rhema Bible Training Centre. He happened to be coach for the Hostel Sister Wing football team in which Haley was a player. “Her blue eyes attracted me to her,” he said. He has experienced being rejected before so guys, it is very normal (mwisakamana). On one incident, Pr Walker asked Haley to a Michael W. Smith concert but she turned him down because she already had someone else to go with. But eventually with much persistence, things worked out and they got to know each other more and got married on 18th May, 1991.
Advice to young couples aspiring for marriage
“Many people have high expectations of who they will marry and they should. But they should have higher expectations of themselves. They should ask themselves ’if someone has high expectations of me too, do I qualify.’ Rather than looking for Mr. or Ms. Perfect, be Mr. or Ms Perfect. But still do not compromise your standards. ”
Last Words: Advice to young people
“Be very careful about who is influencing your life. Listen to godly elders. They might not listen to the music you listen to or wear the kinds of clothes that you wear but they have lived longer than you have and they have a life experience that you do not have. Be selective about your peers because you will be like your friends. Seek out people of godliness and this means you may have to say goodbye to a few of your current friends. Do not let anybody keep you from your destiny because one day each one of us is going to die and give an account to Jesus and He will not take any excuses. Discover your identity in who God made you not in what other people say or what your performance or your past tells you. Realize that you are worth so much. God paid a huge price for us; that should tell us how much we are worth. Live life in a way that the preacher will not have to make up stories at your funeral, “Pastor Walker concluded.
What does He think about Zambia?
“I believe that God has a special purpose for Zambia. Despite everything surrounding the country like covert political violence by cadres, God has still protected, maintained and preserved the nation. We are to be a light to the nations. I see a generation that appreciates their heritage and their leaders and wants to go higher. I believe that there are incredibly great days ahead and it will take people who will serve God and others to build the nation into God’s design,” he says. In the last seven years that he and his family have lived in Zambia, he has come to appreciate the hospitality of the people of Zambia. “We don’t feel like outsiders,” he says. He has been to every province in the country enjoying the wildlife and the beauty of the country.
Pastor Walker likes playing basketball and golf and is being inspired by his kids to start swimming again. He likes watching all sports at different competition levels from world cup soccer, to Africa cup of nations to world cup cricket. He likes reading books about people smarter than him or just biographies and history. He likes spending time travelling with his family. “My kids are active in school-doing activities so I go to their school a lot to support them; it keeps me busy too,” he states.
Balancing Roles
“Life is a team sport. Anything that you are going to do well in life, you are going to do it with others. I am surrounded by an incredible group of people at home and at church, and I am just a member of the whole team. There is a famous Zulu saying that I like which goes like ‘If you want to go somewhere quickly, go alone, but if you want to go far then go with others.’”
Fun Question: What would you do with the last 24hrs of
your life? “I would spend it with family, eat an incredibly delicious meal, tell the people in my life that I love them and make sure that I am leaving something that will outlive me when I am gone.”
Jonathan SinyinzA
The Brains behind ZCON
By Humphrey Zimba
Humble Beginnings of a Zambian Billionaire
Many people may not know or indeed identify with the name ‘Jonathan Sinyinza’. This, to a large degree, is because the man behind the construction of a number of buildings within Zambia and yond is humble and collected. Those who have had an opportunity to meet and converse with him may agree with me that Mr. Sinyinza is an inspiration to this generation of ordinary and enterprising Zambians. Born in a small village in Nakonde, Mr. Sinyinza went to primary school right there. He went on to study at Kenneth Kaunda Secondary School in Chinsali were he excelled and was the only one out of 150 pupils to qualify to the University of Zambia (UNZA). “I consider myself a very fortunate person especially that I came from a humble background and small school to be able to make it to UNZA,” he says. Mr. Sinyinza studied Civil Engineering at UNZA and was among the sixteen students that graduated in his crop. After writing his last exam paper, Jonathan was offered a job. How many people get jobs immeadiately after their last exam paper? Well, this is a question for another day. Believe it or not, Minestone Construction Company offered Jonathan a job immeadiately after finishing his exams.
The company sent him to Sinazongwe and within his six months probation, Mr. Sinyinza handled two big projects. One involved constructing dams which was a Jimmy Carter project while the other was constructing a coal washing plant at Maamba Collieries. It was during such a time that he worked so hard and earned a great reputation. Within his six months probation, an opportunity for employing a project manager arose and to his surprise the consultants he worked with recommended him. Jonathan who was still a junior engineer was appointed project manager indicating a leap of six levels in-between.
Thereafter, Mr. Sinyinza was sent to work in Chirundu on a Zamcargo project of constructing offices and houses. He worked five years for Minestone and amassed many accolades while working for them. As project manager, he constructed Chelstone flats for then National Provident Fund, the National Sports Development Centre (NASDEC) building, COMESA centre, Tazara House, Chaminuka Pleasure resort and houses in Chamba valley for the Local Authority Superannuation Fund. It is for this reason that he remains indebted to Minestone and states that the company’s good management system gave him the opportunity to become a fully-fledged engineer. Despite Minestone being a good company, Jonathan decided to leave and set his own company. Riding on the successful projects he managed under Minestone, Mr. Sinyinza was sure to make it however risky the step was. In 1992, Mr. Sinyinza formed Sinetech Limited on a borrowed two hundred thousand kwacha (K200, 000) and managed to build it into a multi-billion company. The only other shareholders were his wife and his young brother Shubert Sinyinza. He managed projects under his company such as the Development of the Presidential Housing Initiative (PHI), a housing complex in Chirundu, construction and renovation of 30 percent of offices of the Office of the President including the OP hall in Chamba Valley which is famous for hosting wedding receptions. He also constructed the FTJ Institute of Democracy which is now a Bank square at Arcades shopping complex. However, the company started experiencing financial problems when entangled in the non-payment of money owed to the company. It was during the construction of the FTJ Institute that Jonathan’s company faced problems.
kairos The client was unable to pay the money owed to the company so Sinetech became domant. During this time, Mr. Sinyinza managed to secure shares at International Chemicals and Mill Bureau de change. It was through these investments that the family was sustained for two years. Thereafter, Jonathan was appointed as a National Sports Council board member. This exposed him to a new leaf of life because it happened a year after Zambia was appointed to host the 2011 All Africa games which will however take place in Mozambique. A local organizing committee was set from which a committee to look at infrastructure was formed and Mr. Sinyinza took up the chairmanship. Mr. Sinyinza had to travel to different countries to learn how they managed to organize games at such a magnitude. It was through these trips that he met a team from USA that he would later partner with. This team owned a big construction company in California (Bekka Company Corporation) and was marketing prefab (a non-conventional system of construction) to the organizing committee. However, this idea was shot down by government technocrats.
Mr. Sinyinza owes his success to his family. He regards his parents very special and adores them. He is a strong believer and worships at Miracle Life Ministries. “I owe everything I have to God. I have been through many ups and downs and I surely know God is the reason I am where I am. I have a purpose to fulfill and need to make the best out of it,” he narrated. He further narrated that being the first born among 11 placed a great responsibility on his shoulders but managed to see them through their education. He believes in working with his family but treats them with professionalism such that he regards them as workmates.
Bekka Company saw potential in the construction industry in Zambia and later contacted Mr. Sinyinza. In 2008, Jonathan rolled on their great Curriculum Vitae and registered Zambia Construction Company (ZCON) as a grade one under the National Council for Construction. However, in December 2011, Bekka Company sold its shares after frustrations, citing difficulties in getting contracts in Zambia as well as not wanting to risk their money. Mr. Sinyinza owns 98 percent shares while 2 percent shares is owned by foreigners. After Zambia failed to host the All Africa games, Mr. Sinyinza concentrated on setting ZCON afloat and embarked on marketing it to get projects. His breakthrough finally beckoned when he was offered to construct a manganese plant in Kabwe. Then he constructed student’s hostels at Ridgeway compus. Thereafter, he constructed inlet roads for LaFarge in Chilanga, as well as the Pepsi Plant. Other projects include construction of a Diesel Electric Show house in Kitwe, ECOBANK along Cairo road, Apartments in Kabulonga, Transit quarters for the Zambia Air Force in Livingstone, and an office block for the Ministry of Agriculture in Mansa. He is currently constructing a mega shopping complex- Levy Business Park which is expected to be completed on 22nd October, 2011. ZCON is also behind the construction of offices along church road near Trinity church for Kwacha Pension Trust Fund (KPTF). An employer of about 800 workers, Mr. Sinyinza thinks big and has decided to expand beyond Zambia. He has formed KS Construction Africa limited of which he owns 60 percent shares. The company is expected to construct 25, 000 Social Houses for ex-combatants in Angola. The project is worth 3.26 billion dollars and will be chaired by Dr. Kaunda Zambia’s First Republican President. Mr. Sinyinza has also registered ZCON Tanzania and has partnered with Caceres a local Real estate development company to construct a conventional centre, shopping mall, apartments, a filling station and Government offices in Zanzibar. The companies are also expected to construct three shopping malls in mainland Tanzania
ADVICE TO UPCOMING BUSINESSMEN Mr. Sinyinza would like to urge upcoming businessmen to embark on business not for their own selfish desires but to help in the development of the country as well as create employment. He also implored them to uphold honesty, persevere and remain focused in order to expand for future generations to benefit from their businesses. He called for all to work together as opposed to the spirit of jealousy. Mr. Sinyinza loves watching football and supports Kabwe Warriors and Arsenal football clubs. He finds fulfillment in social work. “If I don’t give someone or help in any way I can in a day I feel very bad,” He says.
FUTURE PLANS Considering listing ZCON on the stock exchange to disassociate himself from it.
Life can be quiet challenging and frustrating if you do not know who or what you really are. Discovering oneself is critical as it removes the future burdens and painstaking moments that one goes through in trying to ‘make it’ in the bustling and hustling of day-to-day living. We spend much of our lives trying to be what we are not and end up living unfulfilled lives. This unfortunately is exacerbated by the people around us (parents, family members and peers) who choose careers on our behalf. These people further influence our way of thinking and ultimately our lifestyles. Therefore, people who live in very restrictive environments have their choices made for them, and an identity is established without much choice or examination of other options. Identity is that knowledge of who we are. This knowledge is hard won through a real exploration of oneself and finally having a definite life roadmap. Furthermore, there are certain cultures that deeply encourage and facilitate an identity crisis. However, it is at such a time as this (Identity crisis) that the many serious questions about what we want to be and what we value most are to be answered by ourselves. Questions on what to study, who to marry and who to value must be carefully answered. Answers to these questions shape our lives. Failing to do so leads us to an identity crisis; a time in life when an individual begins to seriously quest for answers about the nature of their being and the search for an identity. It is a period a which one is at crossroads and not sure of what they really want to become in future. Unlike what people propagate, identity crisis is not only experienced by teenagers/adolecents. It may occur at any time of life, especially in periods of great transition. It is at this level that we can end up addicted to pornography/alcohol/drugs, or fall pregnant (unplanned) or worse still contract a Sexually Transmitted Infection. Therefore, caution has to be taken in making lifechanging decisions. Independent and informed decisions would be those that will identify the ‘real you’....what you love doing and not what people love seeing you doing. Never make decisions to please others or feel accepted in society. The personality that you present before others should not differ from the personality you present when you happen to be alone. Unfortunately, many people put up different masks to suit different social environments that they are engaged in, in particular the persona presented before others will differ from the persona they would present when alone.
kairos Though these defining life transitions may ask of us to make unpopular choices (not follow friends to drink outs/clubbing, not have a girlfriend until at a right time), in the long run they prove to be the right choices one would ever make. Who am I and what am I, are questions most people would not truthfully answer with great conviction. The few who manage to answer emerge from their ‘crisis’ with a strong sense of identity and are well equipped to face adulthood with confidence and certainty. Those who fail to answer, will exhibit a confusion of roles and will never
know who they truly are, where they belong, or where they would want to go. This sort of unresolved crisis leaves individuals struggling to “find themselves.” They may go on to seek a negative identity, which may involve crime or drugs or the inability to make defining choices about the future. Nevertheless, once through the crisis a person has what is called identity achievement. They have set their feet on a path and determined who they are and what they want to be.
Story on Page 25
CHIPO CHAMA-The Other Side By Humphrey Zimba
Struggles of Pastors’ children Raised in a Christian family of eight, Chipo Cathy Chama is the sixth born child of Bishops White and Jean Chama. The Radio Christian Voice Presenter and Producer we have came to love, has been a committed Christian all her life albeit struggles. The great Apostle Paul said in Romans 7: 15, For that which I do I know not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. It is in light of this that she is no exception. When one comes to know the liberating truth of the Word of God, struggles become a part of one’s life. The Radio Presenter and Producer narrated that being a child of a pastor placed so many expectations from people thus demanding a lifestyle that was acceptable in Christian circles. However, it was because of such expectations that people like Chipo find themselves struggling to live their lives. Such people put up a ‘righteous face’ to please others and fail to enjoy their true selves. It was at such a time as this that Chipo almost gave up on actively doing God’s work. In 2002, Chipo, a worship leader in her church, decided that living for others’ approval was too much for her to take. Consequently, she felt putting up a holy face only on Sundays while doing contrasting things during the week was lying to God. Therefore, Chipo downed her tools and took the pew as she tried to sort her inner struggles. She continued attending church but as an ordinary pew filler. The radio presenter dubs this as her ‘moment of realisation’ saying, “People expected me to be perfect being a pastor’s daughter but they needed to understand that I’m only human and make mistakes. I became so frustrated and stopped actively participating in church. However, this period was a defining time for me because it was then that I realized that when God has called you, you cannot run. Within a month, I got back to working for God and truly knew that that was where I belonged.” Chipo like many other pastors’ children did at times take alcohol and went clubbing. Fortunately for her, it never went beyond the occasional drinking. She states, “There is no satisfaction in a bottle, true satisfaction is only found in God.” Accepting that we come short of hitting the mark, allows us to acknowledge that we cannot overcome our struggles without the help of the Holy Spirit. Romans 8: 1-4, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them who are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit”.
~Chipo Chama A Voice to the Voiceless~ As a child, at the age of 10 years, Chipo dreamed of working in the media but never thought an opportunity would present itself later in her life as it did. She recalls recording herself and listening to her voice. Little did she know that God was preparing her for a great responsibility, a responsibility to be His voice to the people in Zambia and beyond. Chipo, who has studied Public Relations, Community Development and Biblical studies from different institutions in Zambia and South Africa, was a novice in radio but found herself working for Radio Christian Voice. She recalls coming back from her studies in South Africa and looking for employment. After her frustrating search, Chipo travelled to Kasama to stay there for a while. Not long after, her mum called her back to Lusaka informing her that there were openings at Radio Christian Voice. Chipo made the best out of this opportunity and auditioned. She auditioned in the morning and shockingly got a call from the radio station the same day in the afternoon.
That is how God blessed her with an opportunity to represent Him. The not yet married beautiful lady seized the moment and has never looked back. She has a soft spot for victims of abuse and people with low self-esteem (not that she has been a victim herself). It is against this background that Chipo relishes giving hope to the hopeless. “Radio has given me an opportunity to encourage those I can’t directly talk to”, she says. She loves what she does. The sweet spirited presenter draws her strength to continue from knowing that people are listening and taking whatever she says as gospel truth thereby giving hope to the hopeless. Chipo further acknowledges that she is God’s mouthpiece and only accountable to Him. When stressed, Chipo plays soft music on the keyboard. The multitalented worshipper loves music, swimming, reading, and salsa. She salivates at the thought of pizza more specifically something meaty.
By Musubila M Mumpangwe
Dear Soldiers, Hope this letter does not find you with bullet holes in your heart but with fire and love locked in your chest. Like Jeremiah, let the word be in your heart like fire, a fire shut up in your bones and give you the strength to carry the cross of our Lord and Commander, Jesus Christ, to do the great commission. Like Paul, let us finish the race and fight a good fight till our knuckles fall and our knees drop. I don’t greet you with bullet holes but with a deep sharp pain that has cut my heart, splitting it like the red sea and this is because the generals are falling. Like dominoes they keep on falling one after another for the same tricks that the enemy has been using from time immemorial - these being the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye and the pride of life. These are the three weapons the devil has in his arsenal. Though they may be the same and outdated weaponry, they are effectively getting our generals falling into the trap of sexual sin. Worse, the armies of these generals are following suite and are left at the mercy of their enemy; rockets of compromise rock their camps leaving them handicapped and saying, “If a Man of God can fall, then who am I not to?” Our soldiers need a message of hope and encouragement. They need to be told that they can continue fighting for the right cause despite their Generals failing them. Our Commander and Lord Jesus Christ still stands and the mission has not changed. It’s still the great commission. Let us not lose direction like a broken campus because some of our generals’ visions have been impaired by their fleshly desires; making them lose focus through a broken binoculars. “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” I say this not to encourage compromise but to encourage fallen Generals that they can pick themselves up and walk again. Pointing fingers and leaving them for dead is not a solution. Let us pray for them, including those that are still standing because even the strong and the righteous fall. We should help them rise and not kick them when they are down on dirty ground. My comrades, lets fight the flesh and its desires that help Satan tempt us and make us fall into sin. Keep on fighting the good fight. May the fire never go off until the appointed time!!! Yours Truly, Your fellow front liner
Triple M
This short letter has been inspired by the events that are happening in our Christian Community where men of God become men of earthly desires. They are also becoming church players instead of offering prayers. One of the stories I recently heard was from my good friend, and it goes like this; I received a text from a friend asking me whether I knew a certain Man of God. I agreed and said that I had seen him preach, and met him in different forums. In her disappointment, she expressed herself saying “He is an adulterer and is cheating on his wife. He is dating my friend. I didn’t know it was him until I met him today He drinks alcohol and plays worldly music with the f-language, and was even kissing my friend in my face. They dropped me home today and said they were going to a lodge. I am shocked.” My friend was deeply discouraged and was tempted to go back to her old life, on the wild side. I know a righteous man can fall seven times, and seven times still rise up but what about the damage that is done; what about the people that fall with him? Generals, if you cannot keep the fire burning for yourselves, then do it for the people who look up to you....!!!!!
Alliance 3:14 dance crew at OUT THE BOX
USA Hip-hop artist Pettidee backstage at Zcas during OUT THE BOX. Event organised by SCIFA & Kairos Media
Alliance 3:14 dance crew at OUT THE BOX
Phil and TIO sing Candy Luv at Realm Entertainments WARZONE.
From left: Pettidee, Mr Esiyasa Zcas student admin, Kasi, Jay-t, Cosmas and lil Prophet backstage at OUT THE BOX
Audience enjoying the show as Hip hop artist Rizen Rizon entertains them at WARZONE
B.A.D Crew minister at ARMAGEDDON: Resurrecting Truth Dance Project organised by Kairos Media & Alliance 3:14
SLICE dance crew at ARMAGEDDON: Resurrecting Truth Dance Project
TITLE: Who moved my cheese? AUTHOR: Dr. Spenser Johnson
The daily telegraph called it one of the most successful business books ever. This little master piece provides profound reading and timeless advice for anyone in whatever career or age group. This American best seller will definitely help you go through any changes in your life with little resistance. It brings to light four characters living in a maze that spend every day of their lives looking for cheese, these characters are definitely a representation of who we are in this world (maze), what we spend our lives looking for (cheese) and our responses to change when our cheese is moved. Whether your cheese is switching a career, going into ministry getting a job or getting married, this book will help you to manage change, suffer less stress and enjoy your life more. A powerful investment, so grab a copy and get sniffing because you never know when your cheese is moved. By Natasha Chitimbe
MODELLING BE ACCEPTED IN CHRISTIANITY..?? Kasonde Lubasi & Musubila M Mumpangwe
Pop the billion dollar question “Is it right for a Christian to be in the modelling industry?” and you will stir a debate with many more unanswered questions. Some young Christians want to take on modelling as a career but they are afraid because most people say it is wrong and it is not a place for a believer. Usually these conclusions are made out of ignorance. Many people make their conclusions based on prejudgement from what they see everyday on television and magazines. Very few people take time to actually research and find out what this industry is all about. A model is basically a person who is employed for the purpose of displaying and promoting fashion clothing or other products for advertising or promotional purposes or who poses for works of art. A young Catwalk Fashion Model by the name of Angela Sokoni says, “Being a model means the act to represent something or a certain entity. What I do as a catwalk fashion model is wear clothes to display fashion. I do catwalk in order to showcase the latest clothes & accessories made by designers on fashion shows or on pose photo shoots.” There are various types of models that have different roles. These include fashion, glamour, fitness, bikini, fine art and body-part models. Fashion models basically display and promote clothing. They display the latest fashion designs of clothing such as dresses, suits, and jeans. Glamour modelling is the type that emphasizes the model and the model’s sexuality rather than products. Glamour models focus on displaying their attractive bodies and insinuate sexuality to enhance a product’s attractiveness. Fitness models focus on displaying an athletic physique or figure. Bikini models focus on displaying bikinis which are basically swimsuits or beachwear. Art models are models who pose for photographers, painters or sculptors and other artists as part of their work of art. Finally, body-part models are models that are employed for their particularly attractive body parts. For example, there are hand models who are used to advertise nail products, jewellery like rings; wrist models who are used to advertise bracelets and watches and similar products.
kairos Models are features in a variety of media formats including books, magazines, movies, newspapers, television, billboards and many more. It is a very broad industry and one basically must be careful when making a decision to join this industry. The brief definitions of the different types of models give us a general picture of what the modelling industry is about. Some types involve nudity and exposure of one’s body to the audience. While other types involve simply displaying and promoting particular products without having to expose one’s body. This should guide a Christian in making conclusions or decisions on this matter, to go for the type that does not force them to compromise their faith and their godly principles in any way. God requires that everything that we do glorifies Him. So if modelling is a career anyone wants to take on, they must ensure that what they do or wear does not discredit God. If it clashes with one’s faith in one way or another then that type of modelling should be avoided. It is never an easy route to take because there are barriers of temptations such as wanting to please the piper who plays the tune the model dances to.
In most cases the piper is an opposite sex and may want to be paid in kind in exchange of an attractive modelling contract. Therefore, it becomes imperative, before signing any contract with a modelling agency, to let them know who you are, what you believe in and your principles. If what they are offering you contradicts your faith, do not even waste time. Let it go and wait until God opens a door that will not cause you to compromise. In this career pursuit, as in any other, it is important to pray and seek God’s guidance so that you are certain that He is pleased with your decision and you are doing His will. You need to be aware of the devil and his schemes. Any little compromise can give him a loophole in your life for him to take advantage of and make you compromise even more and eventually fall. Stay prayerful and in God’s word and seek advice from godly elders whom God uses to give direction. I hope this article does not leave us with more questions than answers but with an understanding that not all modelling is accepted in our Christian walk. I hope this will help you make the right decisions as well as support and guide those that want to take on this career.
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