KAIROS Jul-Sep 2010

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J U L - S E P . 2010




W H O IS O N T H E LORD’S SIDE? #' " "& " % & #$ % $ !

KAIROS.JUL-SEP.2010 FEATURES 08 Who is On The Lord’s Side? A Covenant Mindset for Israel ROBERT STEARNS

We live in a world in which one’s opinion seemingly validates or invalidates ‘reality.’ The truth is that our well-being and blessing lie in standing with God’s word, not in our own thoughts. Delve deeper into God’s covenant promise to Israel and discover what this means for your life.

Christ. What attributes do they need to impart to their children for them to receive blessing and wholeness?

24 The Reach of Mercy Extending Hope to The Hopeless


Have you heard of Mercy? God’s grace and goodness are being poured out in an exceptional and vital way in America and around the world through Mercy Ministries. Be encouraged and stirred as you hear about the transformation that is taking place in so many lives. Like the song says, mercy is falling…!



06 The Power of

Have you ever asked yourself what it means to be great in the sight of God? Have you ever wondered what catches His eye – what He esteems and values? The Shunammite woman – who experienced the miraculous – offers us insight into what God calls great.


We need biological and spiritual fathers in the Body of

22 Giving Tomor-

row’s Leaders An Educated Heart for Israel JOEL JAMES

We went to the heart of the city that never sleeps and declared that we will not rest, nor will we give God any rest until He establishes and makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth (see Isa 62:6,7). Home to the world’s second greatest Jewish population, New York is a key







Where time and destiny meet.

location when it comes to the ideological battle that Covenant people are waging the world over.


16 Make Room for Your Miracle Lessons from The Shunammite Woman

Vol 13.I




Most Christians needlessly neglect this one, simple step on the path to blessing...



We are living in a time of great shaking. God desires for our lives to be purified, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain. Hear the call of holy love from a holy God.


31 Ministry Schedule Stay cool this summer with Eagles' Wings!




kairos – (kiros) n. A Greek word for time. Specifically, a period of time characterized by good fortune, urgency, and favorable opportunity; a kairos moment is typically one of short duration which must be seized or it will be lost.







Kairos is published quarterly by Kairos Publishing, a division of Eagles’ Wings. ADDRESS:Eagles’ Wings,P.O.Box 450, C larence,NY 14031; Phone:716.759.1058;email:office@ eagleswings.to;Website: www.eagleswings.to ADVERTISING SALES: Please direct all enquiries about advertising rates to Andrea B. Gagliano at Abel Communications, P.O. Box 146 Winter Park, FL 32790; PH(407)539.3994; FAX(407)539.2180; EMAIL : abelcomm @ aol.com MISSION STATEMENT: KAIROS is the official magazine of Eagles’ Wings and the KAIROS Ministry Partnership. KAIROS exists for the purpose of proclaiming prophetic themes and words that are timely and relevant for the Church today. KAIROS serves to cross communicate these essential themes through the various key ministries present in the KAIROS Ministry Partnership thereby ensuring that each issue's message reaches many of the different streams of influence present in the Body of Christ. REPRINT POLICY: You are welcome to copy originals from KAIROS without permission to do so. Please be sure to include the volume number, issue number, and the year of the journal. Copies are not permitted to be published or used for resale. SUBSCRIPTIONS: Individual subscriptions cost $10.00 (4 is-


sues) ; $20.00 for 8 issues. Please make checks payable to “Eagles’

ONLY $10

Wings.” Call for bulk order rates.


ADVISORY BOARD: Steve Fry, Larry Kreider, and Jim Bolin. Advertising in KAIROS does not necessarily imply editorial endorsement or a reflection of ministry doctrines and values.


THE POWER OF FATHERING YEARS AGO WE HELPED JOSH MCDOWELL write a book called, The Father’s Connection…researching the qualities that God the Father has and how we as biological and spiritual fathers can embody those same attributes. Unconditional Love – We love because God first loved us. God freely loves and accepts us the way we are. His love draws out the best in us. Fathers can give unconditional love to their children accepting the gift of their personalities, skills and talents while affirming their potential and dreams. Purity – As a husband, a father is faithful to his wife and not an adulterer. He refuses to be snared by pornography or lust. Truthful – Fathers tell their children the truth about morality, religion, ethics, financial matters and relationships. Even when the truth may be painful, a truthful father speaks truth in love. Trustworthy – Fathers can be trusted to work and provide food, shelter, clothing and essentials for life and education for their children. They keep their promises and can be trusted to participate in their child’s education, sports, arts, events and life passages. Comforting and Supportive – Many adult children in today’s culture have a “father wound.” Their fathers were not comforting when they experienced trauma or crisis or were not supportive of their children’s dreams and visions. They tried to make their children into their own image instead of allowing their children to reach their highest potential. Or, today’s adult children often feel abandoned by their fathers who valued work, money or their own personal pursuits more than a relationship with their children. Fathers comfort their children when they suffer or are in pain and support them in their gifting, talents and dreams while protecting them from abuse, addiction and abandonment. Being a refuge – A child needs to feel like his or her father is a safe place protecting from abuse, addiction and rejection. “Run to daddy’s arms and let him protect you from harm,” should be a father’s invitation. Teaching and Disciplining – A father’s discipline does not hurt or crush a child’s personhood. Rather a father teaches and corrects in love. Discipline without loving correction will result in rebellion while permissiveness without correction will lead to anarchy and chaos in a child’s life. Forgiving – A father models forgiveness. When wrong, a father asks for forgiveness. When a child makes mistakes, the father not only disciplines but also forgives and refuses to criticize, demean or condemn the child. Worthy of Honor and Respect – A father can never demand respect or honor; rather, he lives an honorable life and respects others. Because he exemplifies honor and respect in his relationships with God and others, a father earns and is worth of his family’s respect. A Heart for God –When a father submits himself to divine authority, he models for his family the way to love God and also to submit to those in authority as well. A father teaches worship, prayer, study of scriptures, healthy relationships and holiness by word and lifestyle. When a father exhibits the qualities mentioned above, his life imparts qualities worth imitating to his children.

Dr. Larry & Judi Keefauver, Editorial Advisers, KAIROS










WRITE IT NOW! Write Your Book, Print, Publish, Market It, Sell It to a Publisher… For 20 years, Dr. Larry Keefauver has been editing, ghostwriting, developing proposals for manuscript submission, empowering authors like you to:

Submit Your Book for Publication; Self-Publish; Partnership Publish What do these authors all have in common? Josh McDowell, Gary Smalley, Bishop David Evans, Patrick Morley, Bishop Joseph Mattera, Crystal Hansen, Robert Stearns, Ron Burgio, Rod Parsley, Dr. Reginald Cherry, Dr. Don Colbert,Bob Yandian, Winston Nunes, Benny Hinn, Benny Elon, Carman, Don Collins, Bill Wilson, Jim Hockaday, Neil Anderson, Dr. C. Peter Wagner Robert A. Schuller, Dr. Linda Mintle, Dr. Ron Cottle, Dr. Buddy Crum, John Brevere, John Maxwell, Jim Hockaday, and dozens others…

Dr. Larry Keefauver

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E LORD’S SIDE? A COVENANT MINDSET FOR ISRAEL We live in a world in which one’s opinion seemingly validates or invalidates ‘reality.’ The truth is that our well-being and blessing lie in standing with God’s word, not in our own thoughts. Delve deeper into God’s covenant promise to Israel and discover what this means for your life.






t our recent River conference outside Chicago, our Friday Night Shabbat service was incredible. God’s presence filled the prophetic worship as He opened the heavens and poured out a new song through a pounding beat and compelling music. The psalmists sang, Who is on the Lord’s side? The assembly replied in response: We will stand with Israel! For the longest time, kairos happened as heaven poured out this worship with increasing intensity and power. Youth and young adults flooded to the altar to grasp the Israeli flag as all of us followed their lead to stand in unity with Israel. What fueled their praise and passion went far deeper than a momentary zeal. God shouted and danced from His throne as His ageless covenant with Israel was imparted and written on the hearts of the next generation. I have joined with our board member, Dr. Larry Keefauver, an author and biblical scholar, to share with you part of the eternal truths of this biblical, eternal covenant around which all Christians must unite.

God’s Covenant Promise to Israel Ongoing and Forever - The Land of Israel Belongs to the Jews. “I am the LORD God of Abraham your father and the God of Isaac; the land on which you lie I will give to you and your descendants. Also your descendants shall be as the dust of the earth; you shall spread abroad to the west and the east, to the north and the south; and in you and in your seed all the families of the earth shall be blessed. Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you.” (Gen. 28:1315) A few years ago, a popular bumper sticker read, “God said it. I believe it. That settles it.” While conventional wisdom may rest in what’s popular and accepted








by the majority, truth only rests with the One who reveals it—the Living God. When God speaks, it’s settled! The emet (truth) of God stands for all time, all people and in all situations. Whether “I believe it” is simply irrelevant. My opinion (and yours for that matter) simply doesn’t matter in the eternal scheme of things. Here’s bedrock truth: God said it. That settles it! When God spoke to Jacob (Israel) and told him that the covenantal land of promise belonged to his descendants, the issue of possession and rights to occupy were settled for all time. God doesn’t change His mind. God confirms in Malachi 3:6, “For I am the Lord, I do not change,” and in Isaiah 14:24, God declares, “Surely, as I have thought, so it shall come to pass, And as I have purposed, so it shall stand.” Thus, it’s significant that God not only initially reveals His covenant promise to Abram (Gen. 12:1ff, 13:14ff, 15:1-21, 17:1, 22:15ff) concerning his descendants and the land of Israel; but God also reiterates that covenant promise to Abraham’s son (Isaac – Gen. 26:2ff) and to his grandson (Jacob – Gen. 28:13ff). Why is this so significant? The covenant promise is made not just to Abraham and all his descendants, but specifically to the lineage of Isaac (not to Ishmael and his descendants nor to the sons born to Keturah nor to the descendants of Esau). It is to Isaac and then Jacob, whom God names “Israel” (Gen. 32:28) that “all the land of Canaan” is given by God in covenant. It’s not simply the blessing of Isaac that is bestowed upon Jacob instead of Esau. It’s not a deception by a younger brother (Jacob) who “steals” a blind father’s blessing intended for the older brother (Esau). The covenant right to the land comes not from what Jacob “stole.” Rather it comes from the covenant-making living God, who is faithful and just— blessed be His name. Examining two basic issues can help us understand God’s covenant promise of the land to Israel.


“WE HAVE BUT ONE RESPONSE: TO WORSHIP THE GOD OF ISRAEL.” God’s Covenant Lasts! ovenant theology may be defined in different ways by scholars and theologians. Some understand that each successive covenant supplants the previous one. Others teach that each successive covenant builds upon the foundation laid by the previous covenant(s). While varying interpretations may take us in different directions, let’s look at some basic truths. God plainly states in establishing His covenant (i.e. Edenic, Adamic, Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosiac, Promised Land [Canaan], and Davidic) his terms and condition. The format (style or genre) of God’s covenant with His people is suzerainty covenant. As Supreme Sovereign, God the King dictates what the covenant is with its conditions—blessings and curses. For example, God established the Edenic covenant with given responsibilities or terms for Adam and Eve, i.e. to be fruitful and multiply, to subdue and take dominion over the earth, and not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Obedience brought blessing. Disobedience brought the curse of death. Literally, to enter into covenant was “to cut a covenant” referring to a blood sacrifice which sealed the covenant. So, an animal sheds blood and dies, so that its skin can cover Adam and Eve in the Adamic covenant. Noah (Gen. 8) offers a sacrifice; Abraham sacrifices (Gen. 15) and then hears God’s covenant reiterated in a dream. Passover (Ex. 12) becomes the sacrificial meal (the lamb’s shed blood) and eternal ordinance which commemorates God’s deliverance from bondage and deliverance to the Promised Land. Thus


God commanded Israel, “And you shall observe this thing as an ordinance for you and your sons forever. It will come to pass when you come to the land which the LORD will give you, just as He promised, that you shall keep this service” (Ex. 12:2426 NKJV). Then before Israel leaves the wilderness and enters the Promised Land, God reiterates His covenant promise to Moses, “This is the land of which I swore to give Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, saying, ‘I will give it to your descendants.’ I have caused you to see it with your eyes, but you shall not cross over there.” (Deut. 34:4). To Joshua, God’s covenant promise of the land is spoken, “Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them – the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses. From the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the great river, the River Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and to the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your territory” (Josh. 1:2-3). While Joshua failed to completely secure the land for the Israelites and ongoing wars and strife filled the era of the judges, under King David the land of covenant promise was politically and militarily secured and even expanded under King Solomon. Interestingly, Jesus was continually asked if His kingdom was about land— the natural land of Palestine. Would He establish a political or military kingdom? Zealots hoped for a militant messiah who would come on the scene and vanquish the hated Roman occupiers. Probably Judas and Simon the Zealot were among Jesus’ disciples who hoped for such an earthly kingdom.




But Jesus did not abrogate the covenant of promise concerning the land of Israel as promised by God to the Jewish descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Jesus continually emphasized that His was a heavenly kingdom and that He would return as Messiah to rule and reign. The early church understood prophetically that Jesus would return as Messiah to Mount of Olives, proceeding through the Eastern Gate of Jerusalem and ruling from the Temple mount of Moriah, where Abraham laid out Isaac for sacrifice in obedience, where David bought the threshing floor for the Temple, and where Solomon ultimately built the Temple. The author of Hebrews recognized the covenant land of promise when writing of Abraham: By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going. By faith he dwelt in the land of promise as in a foreign country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise; for he waited for the city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God. (Heb. 11:8-10 emphasis added) Simply put, God gave a covenant, unending and unbreakable promise to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that they would have a land of promise. This covenant land of promise would be a perpetual inheritance for Israel, the Jewish people, for all of history. God’s covenant promise of the land is irrevocable.

will be a gift from God to Israel—the natural descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Spiritually, Christians have been grafted onto the tree of Israel (Rom. 9-11). God has never cast away his people—Israel (Rom. 11:2). The Old Testament prophecies foresaw the return of Israel from the nations of the earth (Ezek. 28:25; 34:13; 36:24; 37:21-22; Isa. 65:9-10; Jer. 23:3). In Genesis 17:8, God promised to give Abraham’s descendants “all the land of Canaan.” The Bible prescribed Canaan as the place bounded “by the sea and along the banks of Jordan” (Num. 13:29). In Numbers 33:51 and Joshua 22:9, Canaan is described as the land west of the Jordan (cf. (Gen 12:5; 23:2,19; 28:1; 31:18; 35:6; 36:2; 37:1; 48:7; Ex 15:15; Num 13:2; Josh 14:1; 21:2; Ps 135:11). In Numbers 34, God sets the tribal boundaries for Israel of the Promised Land: Then the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, “Command the children of Israel, and say to them: ‘When you come into the land of Canaan, this is the land that shall fall to you as an inheritance – the land of Canaan to its boundaries. Your southern border shall be from the Wilderness of Zin along the border of Edom; then your southern border shall extend eastward to the end of the Salt Sea; your border shall turn from the southern side of the Ascent of Akrabbim, continue to Zin, and be on the south of Kadesh Barnea; then it shall go on to Hazar Addar, and continue to Azmon; the border shall turn from Azmon to the Brook of Egypt, and it shall end at the Sea. ‘As for the western border,you shall have the Great Sea for a border; this shall be your western border. ‘And this shall be your northern border: From the Great Sea you shall mark out your border line to Mount Hor; from Mount Hor you shall mark out your border to the entrance of Hamath; then the direction of the border shall be toward Zedad; the border shall proceed to Ziphron, and it shall end at Hazar Enan. This shall be your northern border. ‘You shall mark out your eastern border

What is the Land?


iblically, the land of promise is called “Canaan” and “Palestine.” It is defined not by national borders (such entities didn’t exist in that period of history) but rather by geographical landmarks and people groups that lived in the land. Living in the land never gave a people group the right to occupy or claim the land as their own. The Promised Land was always and always











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YOU’VE PROBABLY HEARD the acronym PUSH, which usually stands for Pray Until Something Happens. I fully concur! We are clearly called to pray for God’s will to be manifested in the situations and circumstances of our lives. And I encourage you to do this everyday. But let me present a different twist on the same acronym. What if we Planned Until Something Happened? Planning is a lot like pushing. Sometimes it feels like work… But in my experience of teaching Christians about the power of planning, I have observed individuals pushing themselves through the planning process, and in the end, finding the reward of joy, peace, and satisfaction. They come to such a place of empowerment because they have biblically stewarded their finances for the glory of God. I have been doing this for over twenty years, and I never tire of walking people through the process of stewardship planning, because I know the sense of fulfillment it will ultimately bring. Just as when we pray, when we plan, something happens. Specifically, God’s heart for the nations, for Israel, for this next generation is advanced through the obedience of








the saints to simply steward that which God has entrusted to them. I encourage you to PUSH through to leave a legacy of Kingdom values for those who will follow in your footsteps. By providing guidance, we can create a plan that deals with your family and financial concerns, as well as the Kingdom initiatives that God has placed on your heart. A good plan can maximize the amount of funds to your family and minimize the costs usually associated with estate settlement. There is no charge and you are under no obligation for utilizing our free professional services. For more information contact Eagles’ Wings at 1-800-51-WINGS. Making a bequest through your will or trust is a way to support the work of Eagles’ Wings. Please see below for the language to provide to your advisor to modify your will or trust. Please consult with your advisor for legal and tax advice. I give and bequeath ___________________ (dollar amount or percentage of my residuary estate, etc.) to Eagles’ Wings (Federal Tax I.D. 16-1462696 ), located in Clarence, NY. K Mark T. Loeber is President of The Advancement Group, Inc., an outsource planned giving company specializing in the areas of Estate, Financial and Charitable Gift Planning. He authors articles in national publications as well as serving as a faculty speaker. Mark and his wife Michelle live with their two children, Brittany and Luke in Tulsa, Oklahoma.To schedule a free, no-obligation, confidential consultation with Mark, simply contact Joel James at 1-800-51-WINGS.











MAKE ROOM FOR YOUR MIRACLE LESSONS FROM THE SHUNAMMITE WOMAN DRS. MAHESH AND BONNIE CHAVDA Have you ever asked yourself what it means to be great in the sight of God? Have you ever wondered what catches His eye – what He esteems and values? The Shunammite woman – who experienced the miraculous – offers us insight into what God calls great.




The Bible calls the Shunammite, whom Elisha met when he went to Shunem, “great.” (2 Kings 4:8 KJV) She is one of the women of Israel listed in Hebrews chapter 11 who received her dead back to life. This was just one of the miracles in her life. What made her “great”? Why did God come to her and fulfill her deepest longings? A lot of modern books talk about greatness, but greatness that matters is greatness in the eyes of God. King David worshipped the Lord saying, “Your gentleness has made me great.” (Psalm 18:35 KJV) The grandeur of God is the majestic simplicity of His grace, His condescension—His “gentleness” as

took him by the arm and said, “You are coming with me, and I won’t take no for an answer!” Something was compelling her to bring him into her house. She was hungry for something that she discerned this man had. The heart that is hungry for the true God will recognize and welcome the Holy Spirit. A heart that is prideful will almost always miss the visitations of God— miraculous and “ordinary.” It is the hungry people who draw His Presence. Blessed are the hungry people, Jesus said. In every time and every nation there are those who hunger and thirst for the true God, and nothing will satisfy them except being fulfilled by God

“Greatness that matters is greatness in the eyes of God.” David said. It reveals the nature of God as utterly humble and as one who comes down to intervene when we invite Him into our world. In the eyes of God, then, what is our greatest destiny or purpose? What makes us great? Let us learn from the Shunammite, who simply made room for the anointing. She was one who simply welcomed His Presence to come and abide. Be hungry for God. As we stay hungry, we are open to God to speak to us. This is, in effect, making a welcomed place for the third Person of the Godhead. The King James Version of the Bible tells us that the Shunammite “constrained” the great prophet to eat bread, that is, to come for dinner (see 2 Kings 4:8). Literally the word means laid hold of him. She basically reached out and








Himself. And then, when they welcome the Holy Spirit, it is not just an act of religion: They have a place for Him to abide. Love His Word. The great ones truly treasure the Bible. God’s Word is eternal. It is living, active and filled with His power to create. God reveals Himself and His glory in His Word. The more you meditate on the Word of God, the more you become congruent with Him. The Word of God vibrates with the glory of heaven. As you pick up its vibration what is happening in heaven happens where you are on earth. Honor the true servants of God. Whenever Elisha came knocking this great woman opened her door and gladly invited him into her home to rest. As she welcomed God’s prophetic messenger, the Master came in with him. Elisha represents the double portion, 5770


“It is the hungry people who draw His Presence.” miracles plus! He is the prophetic pretype of Jesus, the High Priest of everyone who believes. The Shunammite caught the attention of the Lord’s messenger and captured the heart of God. When she most needed a demonstration of His hand He gladly showed it. Those who are notable in God’s eyes honor the vessels that carry His Presence. This awareness starts in our local congregations. Do not let the enemy make you offended when God puts you in a body of believers. Too often people separate themselves from a living church body at the drop of a hat, and then in the hour that they need the double-portion anointing it is not there because they have cut themselves off from the vessels through which God intended His anointing to flow. Be content. There is greatness in simplicity of needs. First Timothy 6:6 says, “Now godliness with contentment is great gain.” As we find our contentment with the Person of miracles, out of that communion He drops His words and glory into our lives. Jesus is our miracle. He indwells us by His Spirit. As you dwell in His Presence you become one with Him—one with your miracle. The Shunammite faced enormous loss in her life, yet she lived out these characteristics with dignity. Scripture tells us that with all of her wealth and position, she lacked the one thing she desired above all else: children. Barrenness was a poverty that could not KAIROS







be appeased by human will. She faced humiliation and inner devastation, and yet she was content. She had dreams and longings, but she also chose not to let resentment or bitterness reside in her heart over what she lacked. Thus, she was never lying to say, “All is well.” She could trust her destiny because she was at peace in her true identity. The seed for your miracle has been sown in your identity as a child of your heavenly Father. Our identity— past, present and future—is defined by the word of Someone greater than ourselves. The cross of Christ is the ultimate demonstration of His greatness, the greatness He shares with His children. As we enter communion with the Lord, making a place of rest in and for Him, worshiping Him, praising Him, we are transformed and become a conduit for the eternal Word to enter and redefine our temporal circumstances. We are transformed and become transmitters of the divine King and His glory to others. In the first chapter of John’s Gospel, Peter’s brother has seen Jesus revealed as I AM. He runs to get his brother and says, “We have found Him whom we were seeking.” When Jesus sees Peter He comments, “So, you’re Simon, son of Jonah?” With that question Jesus is basically saying to Peter, Do you know who you are? And then as though He were answering His own question, Jesus gives 5770


“Your life becomes one that transmits His glory to others –

a place for Him to dwell.” Peter a new name. But notice that in Peter’s life from that point on he is called Simon Peter. It is not until the end of his life that Simon Peter finds himself in I AM and is called simply Peter. There was a transformation of the man—his identity and his image. We know the story of Peter’s weakness. When Peter denied Jesus, Peter was not yet sure who he was. Maybe he also was not totally convinced of who God was. But Jesus said, “Oh, I have a plan for you! I am going to take that clay and mold it to be like Me, the Lamb who overcomes, who triumphs.” And when we see Peter at the end of his life, we know that he was willing to die for what he believed. Church tradition holds that Peter was crucified upside down. He did not want to be crucified in the same image as the Lord. He now knew he was Peter, the rock. He had found his identity in

Christ, and when his enemies threatened to kill him, he was immoveable. Would you be great in God’s eyes? Then let the great I AM draw you to Himself like a little child and show you who you really are. Your quest begins here. Through Jesus Christ, His shed blood and the power of His Spirit you can welcome the atmosphere of His glory. Your life becomes one that transmits His glory to others – a place for Him to dwell. It is a life that is fulfilled, a life that is redemptive, a life that is experiencing miracles. K Excerpted from Make Room for Your Miracle: Releasing Resurrection Power in Your Life by Drs. Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda. Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda are bestselling authors and cofounders/sr pastors of All Nations Church in Charlotte, NC and Atlanta, GA. They are powerful ministers of the Gospel and Presence of Jesus, and move in signs, wonders, and miracles. They have pioneered and faithfully serve in a global prayer movement for over a decade. Their television program, The Watch, reaches a billion households globally.





Robert Stearns honors Pat Robertson and announces a scholarship in his honor.

GIVING TOMORROW’S LEADERS AN EDUCATED HEART FOR ISRAEL Strategic Prayer Banquet held in New York City We went to the heart of the city that never sleeps and declared that we will not rest, nor will we give God any rest until He establishes and makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth (see Isa 62:6,7). Home to the world’s second greatest Jewish population, New York is a key location when it comes to the ideological battle that Covenant people are waging the world over. BY JOEL JAMES

THE SIXTH ANNUAL Jerusalem Prayer Banquet, a gala event honoring both Israel as well as key Israelsupporting leaders, was held Thursday, May 13, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York City’s celebrated East Side.

Event Co-chair Rev. Dr. Robert Stearns spoke to the crowd, firmly declaring, “Never again will the sin of silence be repeated in the church… We will stand vocally with Israel and Jerusalem, and train the coming generation to do the same, with courage and conviction.”

This timely and important evening included an address from Israeli Ambassador Asaf Shariv. Prominent members of the Host Committee included Robert Stearns, Jack Hayford, Harvey Krueger, Michael Little, Robbie Rothenberg, Frederick KC Price, Ziel Feldman, Carlos Campo, Jay Sekulow, and Pat Boone.

Joining Dr. Stearns at the event were two extraordinary leaders whose lives have served Israel: Dr. M.G. “Pat” Robertson and Mr. Irwin Hochberg, who both were honored for their service by the establishment of scholarships which will send college students to Israel as part of










Israeli Ambassador Asaf Shariv (right) shares his appreciation on behalf of the State of Israel; Students will be sent on The Israel Experience in honor of Mr. Irwin Hochberg, (below) whose lifelong service was acknowledged at the Jerusalem Prayer Banquet.

the same passion for Israel that I have.”

the Israel Experience College Scholarship Program. A dozen graduates of the program addressed those in attendance and shared how their own lives had been impacted, and how they in turn have been a voice for Israel on their campuses and beyond.

Support was raised from the evening to scholarship the best and brightest of tomorrow’s Christian leaders to participate in the sixth annual Israel Experience Program this summer, a study tour which gives tomorrow’s leaders an educated heart for Israel. Each year in perpetuity, students will be sent in the names of key Christian and Jewish leaders, to ensure pro-Israel support throughout the next generation. K

Co-convener Mr. Harvey Krueger praised both Hochberg and Robertson, saying that these great men, “deserve not only to be honored, but also followed.” In response to the evening tribute, Dr. Pat Robertson addressed the attendees, saying, “We, throughout the world, must stand with Israel from these days forward,” and expressed his deep desire for the next generation, “to be imbued with

Joel James and his family have been a part of the Eagles’ Wings team since 2001. Joel serves as Development Director and has an emphasis on external relationships and the coordination of special events such as the Jerusalem Prayer Banquet. He and his wife Pamela live in Clarence, NY, along with their three children, Eden, Hannah, and Josiah.












Have you heard of Mercy? God’s grace and goodness are being poured out in an exceptional and vital way in America and around the world through Mercy Ministries. Be encouraged and stirred as you hear about the transformation that is taking place in so many lives. Like the song says, mercy is falling !

Y C R E M F HO Extending Hope to The Hopeless (







s you watch Kim – a beautiful, young AfricanAmerican girl sitting in a straight-backed chair overlooking a tall picture window, tell her life story – you wouldn’t expect it to be much different from your own. But her big, bright eyes and soft, angelic voice seem not to match the horrific details of the story that begins to unfold. She shares how, with her mom out of the picture, her grandparents took the responsibility of raising her. She never knew who her father was. The relatives she was sent to live with treated her horribly, daily threatening her – physically with knives, and verbally, by telling her how unwanted she was. Kim remembers the toll this took on her at a young age, “I was just tired of feeling like I was an accident.” She continues, “When I was twelve, my aunts sold me to a man that lived in front of us…” her voice trails off as she recalls this time of her life and the coping mechanisms that followed. “…I began to start cutting…I would overdose…I drank bleach…” As Kim determined she would rather die than go on, she offered a plea for help to God. 1 Kim’s story is like that of millions of young girls whose lives bear scars from wounds which should never have been inflicted. More than half of all rapes of women occur before age 18; 22% of them occurring before age 12. 34% of girls in America get pregnant at least once before age 20. There are 820,000 teen pregnancies each year and about half as many teen births. The number of girls seeking help from self-harm (self-mutilation, etc.) has doubled in the past year. Up to ten million teens develop eat26.KAIROS.NOV-DEC 07 KAIROS







ing disorders, and for females aged 1524, the mortality rate associated with anorexia nervosa is 12 times higher than ALL other causes of death. 2 These statistics are a reflection of a society that has turned its back on God, and which in turn, has very little to offer others. Sadly most girls like Kim who face these issues never find the help they so desperately need. But God is at work, and His delivering power is being increasingly poured out in the lives of more and more youth every year. The day after Kim cried out to God to save her out of her bleak life circumstances, she saw a woman named Nancy Alcorn being interviewed on the Trinity Broadcasting Network. For the first time, Kim heard about the homes that have been opened up for young women like her to come to and find refuge, healing, and restoration. For the first time, she heard about Mercy. ************** ercy Ministries of America is one of the conduits through which God is saving the next generation. Mercy now has four facilities across the nation (in Monroe, LA; St. Louis, MO; Nashville, TN; and Sacramento, CA) as well as centers in the U.K. and Canada. Their residence program, currently poised to open three more locations in the U.S., takes in young women struggling with drug and alcohol addictions, depression, eating disorders, unplanned pregnancies, physical and sexual abuse, as well as self-harm and other issues. When there is nowhere else for them to go, these precious young daughters come and receive mercy from their Father



God. Founder and President Nancy Alcorn worked in governmental assistance programs for nearly a decade and was devastated as she watched girl after girl pass through the juvenile detention programs straight into the prison system after they were 18. Often, tragically, they ended up taking their own lives or dying of drug overdose or as a result of another abusive lifestyle. Nancy remembers, “I saw the vicious cycle of destruction being passed from one generation to another…I remember asking people who were more experienced than me: ‘Why won’t somebody do something about this? Why is no one really helping these girls?’” God began to work on Nancy’s heart

freedom Christ died for them to have. Included in these thousands are the lives of sweet and precious babies who were given the chance to live through the doors Mercy Ministries opens to unwed mothers. When you walk in, you see their pictures covering the massive corridor walls – baby pictures, school pictures, even high school graduation pictures of children who would most likely have been aborted. The free adoption services Mercy provides to Christian families is a blessing all the way around. ************** few distinctives of the program are that it is biblically-based and free of charge. The organization is able to exist as a charity and minister to hundreds of young




IS NOTHING SHORT OF MIRACULOUS!” and give her a vision for extending the kind of help that truly heals. “I realized that I needed to be one of the people who would step up and do something about the problem instead of looking for someone else to do it.” 3 Since the point nearly thirty years ago when Nancy courageously said yes to being a part of God’s plan of restoration, thousands upon thousands of lives have experienced the

women every year without receiving any form of state or federal aid. This ensures them the freedom of laying a Christ-centered foundation in the young women’s lives, which is the only way to guarantee complete and lasting deliverance. Their innovative and holistic approach is able to bring about wholeness even after many of the residents have come through other treatment facilities without achieving JUL-SEPT ’10






lasting results. What transpires in these girls’ lives is nothing short of miraculous, and there is no shortage of testimonies to prove exactly that. Holly, a graduate of the program, shares how she came to Mercy and how God radically met her there. “My life was consumed with depression and I would cut myself every night to make the pain go away. I got involved with the wrong crowd at a young age, and was sexually assaulted when I was 16 years old. I became obsessed with suicide and believed God saw me as just a big disappointment to Him. I walked through the doors of Mercy Ministries broken, scared, and confused, but knowing it was the only glimpse of hope I had left.I was immediately embraced by the unconditional love I felt in the home and through the staff, but there was one day in particular that changed everything. “We had a special speaker come in one morning who prayed for me. In the middle of her prayer she told me that she felt like the Lord wanted me to know that I was not forgotten. She said over and over, “you are not forgotten, you are not forgotten, you are NOT forgotten.” I broke down and wept knowing that the Lord was speaking to my heart. After she was done praying I walked up to her, rolled up my long sleeved shirt, and showed her where I had carved the word “FORGOTTEN” in my forearm.” Today, Holly’s pretty, freckled face absolutely beams, and her smile radiates true warmth from the love she has received. Holly has been transformed and KAIROS







healed from her addictive tendencies, past abuses, self-harming behavior, and perfectionism. She is now pursuing her love of writing and communication, and is sharing her testimony as a way to reach others who are fighting these same battles. 4 To hear these girls’ stories is heartbreaking. But the emotional, physical and spiritual healing that is taking place in them is just as real. In every life, hope is replacing despair; light is replacing darkness; and the truth is setting them free. One cannot set foot in the facility without sensing the power of God bringing about a great work of restoration that has eternal ramifications. This is the love of God at work in the lives of those He came to save. This is Mercy. K To learn more, visit www.mercyministries.com

Footnotes: 1 Kim Brownie – http://www.mercyministries.org/LearnMore/VideoAudio.aspx 2 http://www.mercyministries.org/LearnMore/Statistics/GeneralStatistics.aspx 3 Nancy Alcorn’s quotations taken from her book, Echoes of Mercy Nancy Alcorn Monroe, LA. Copyright 1992; Revised 2008. 4 http://www.mercyministries.org/SuccessStories/GraduateUpdates.aspx Sarah Wolf has been serving as Assistant Editor of KAIROS Magazine since 2003. She has written for CHARISMA as well as other publications and holds a degree in Literature from Bennington College. As a full time staff member of Eagles’ Wings Ministries, she serves in various other capacities, which include the annual Summer Discipleship Program and ongoing ministry in England. She resides in New York State.


Who is on The Lord’s Side

that a renewed link with Jordan and the dissolution of the Palestinian Authority would move the land back toward biblical covenant. The Covenant of the Land for Today

from Hazar Enan to Shepham; the border shall go down from Shepham to Riblah on the east side of Ain; the border shall go down and reach to the eastern side of the Sea of Chinnereth; the border shall go down along the Jordan, and it shall end at the Salt Sea. This shall be your land with its surrounding boundaries.’” Most simply today, God has given the covenant land of promise to the Israelites, the Jewish people who have descended from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. That land which Britain named Palestine and the Bible calls Canaan is bounded by the Sinai on the south, the Jordan on the east, the Mediterranean on the west and Lebanon on the north. While this land was recognized by the U.N. in the creation of the state of Israel, during the war of 1948, Jordan invaded Israel and annexed portions of the west bank of the Jordan River and unilaterally made Palestinians living there citizens of Jordan—a citizenship Jordan revoked in 1988. In today’s world, Israel belongs to the Jews, while the Palestinian state is properly Jordan. In fact, in February 2003, twenty-two Palestinian unions in Judea, Samaria and Gaza appealed secretly to Jordan’s King Abdallah for his economic intervention in the “so-called” West Bank areas in spite of their knowledge of Arafat’s strong objection to such machinations. These actions testify to the fact

God’s covenant promise of the land to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is irrevocable. Israel’s right to the land of Canaan ultimately rests not in U.N. mandates or resolutions, world opinion or courts, or military conflicts or conquests. Israel’s rights to exist and occupy the land of Canaan rest in God’s covenant promise established for thousands of years and perpetual until Messiah returns. It’s imperative for all people of the Book, Old and New Testaments, to recognize what God has said as absolute truth and to consider the following steps: To obey God’s imperative prayer command: “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Ps. 122:6). To recognize God’s covenant promise of the land of Canaan to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Num. 34). To join hands with Eagles’ Wings and stand with the nation of Israel in love and relationship to work in peace for the full establishment of God’s covenant of land. As Christians we recognize that we do not support the root but that the root (Israel) supports us (Rom. 11:18). When these truths are written deeply on our hearts, we have but one response: to worship the God of Israel. I want to invite you into covenant with the Covenant God, the Covenant people, and the Covenant Land. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and let that prayer become your lifesong. K Robert Stearns’ ministry flows out of a deep passion for Jesus that is characterized by a distinct prophetic edge. As founder of Eagles’ Wings, he, along with the Eagles’ Wings team, is dedicated to bringing unity and awakening to the Body of Christ. They have ministered in 25 nations around the world and maintain a significant burden for the Eastern United States and for Israel.





HOLY LOVE DEAR FRIENDS, A dear friend of mine, Pastor Gaspar Anastasi from Ft Myers, FL, said something to me recently that, in its simplicity, I believe is profound. He remarked, “You know, Robert, so many people love God; but they’re not in love with God.” For the past several weeks, those words have stayed with me, vividly. It’s not uncommon today to hear those who are living lives in direct opposition to God’s ways say, “I love God,” or even, “I love Jesus.” But loving someone in a remote and hypothetical way and being in love with someone you live for, breathe for, would die for, are two very different things. In light of this, I want to exhort us to give ourselves unreservedly to our God. It seems that, in the Church today, holiness is now taboo. Perhaps in response to a religious system that was so obviously spiritually bankrupt, we went too far in the opposite direction. Now it doesn’t matter what you wear, what you watch, where you go, or what you do. Have we forgotten that we serve a holy God, and that the very essence of holiness is separation? Our God is a God who separates. He did so in the very act of creation when He separated the light from the darkness, the firmament from the waters. He did so in calling the nation of Israel out from the Gentiles, and continuing to make distinctions within this set-apart people for His purposes. Could it be that, if we accepted our call to be holy as He is holy (Lev 19:2), that the world would come to understand the difference between loving God, and being in love with Him? I want to challenge you, in this time of great shaking, to dream bigger dreams. Ask for greater things. Believe for more of God. Do we understand who we are? Who God is? Or will we be content to settle for a neat, nice, ninety-minute version of Christianity that gives us just enough of God to make us not feel like heathens; and forsake the real, raw, allconsuming Presence of the Living God? God is doing something too good to for us to miss, and He is inviting us to be a part of it. The Lord desires to remove those areas of sin from our lives that disqualify us from sharing in His holiness. God is coming and changing us qualitatively. He is making us into different people – into people that perhaps we thought we couldn’t be. Holiness unto the Lord,

Robert Stearns, Executive Publisher, KAIROS















ECLC 2010 Robert Stearns ministering along w/Larry Kreider, Dr.Myles Munroe, Julie Meyer & many more... National Church of God Host Pastor: Stephen Lowery 301-567-9500 www.nationalcog.com

Fifth Annual Washington Summit Make a powerful statement on Capitol Hill! Discount bus service available. Christians United for Israel 210-477-4714 or (866) 805-4508 www.cufi.org










Blue Mountain Retreat Robert Stearns and the EW Team ministering 570-386-2154 www.bmcr.org

Morning Star Fellowship Robert Stearns ministering in the morning and evening services Host Pastors: Steve & Liz DeFrain 610-369-1960

Night To Honor Israel Word of Life Ministries Robert Stearns ministering along with many other Christian and Jewish Leaders Host Pastor:Gaspar Anastasi 516-546-3344 www.wolm.net








Night To Honor Israel Crenshaw Christian Center East Robert Stearns ministering along with many other Christian and Jewish Leaders Host Pastor:Terry Starks 212-749-9323 www.faithdome.org

Rosh Hashanah At The Eastern Gate Calvary Temple Int'l Assembly Robert Stearns ministering along with Judy Jacobs, Aimee Reid-Sych, Julie Meyer and more special guests Host Pastors:Tom and Kim Keinath 973-694-2938 www.calvarytemplewayne.com






29-OCT 10




Night To Honor Israel Calvary Temple Int'l Assembly Robert Stearns ministering along with other Christian and Jewish Leaders Host Pastors:Tom & Kim Keinath 973-694-2938

All Nations Church Robert Stearns ministering Host Pastors: Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda 1-800-730-6264

Feast of Tabernacles Prayer Pilgrimmage 2010 Fully booked! But please uphold this strategic tour in prayer!!



It’s time!














Featuring Robert Stearns, Judy Jacobs, and many other anointed worship artists.

Sepetember 16-18, 2010 Wayne, NJ


It’s time.




Tulsa, OK Permit No. 2171


Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE

Start the Hebraic New Year with prophetic praise at the eastern gate of our nation.

Round-the-clock worship and intercession.


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