Catalysing Change Through Artful Agitation:Be  Ill-Disciplined (Contact Theatre/PerformingBorder)   

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#ArtfulAgitation @kaisyngtan Kai Syng Tan PhD FRSA SFHEA ADHD

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(Ahmed 2012)


#MagicCarpet workshop + Neurodiversity and Inclusivity Manifesto Plymouth College of Art 2018

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#ArtfulAgitation @kaisyngtan Kai Syng Tan PhD FRSA SFHEA ADHD

Ashokkumar D Mistry Disability Arts Online provocation + podcast

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Black Lives Matter protest Manchester 31 May 2020 St Peter’s Square

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#MagicCarpet 2017-2019 with Professor of Psychiatry Philip Asherson Still from film by Gemma Riggs

Jess Thom (Touretteshero)

Joshua Wong

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Fountain Marcel Duchamp, 1917

#ANTIADULTRUN: Body as sight / site of protest Anti Festival Finland, Kai Syng Tan 2015 XR 2019


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Wandering Minds Speed-dating for people in the arts and sciences of the mind. South London Gallery #MagicCarpet June 2018 Photo by Alex Lloyd

Octopussy and Family Sometime in the last century Photo by unknown

Contact Theatre


What would your vision, values, mission statement and/or manifesto state? How would they relate to your action?

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f o l e d o m r u o y d l ? e What wou i k l ion look

i t a t i g A Artful

1) LEADERSHIP: What is it? What could it be? 2) POWER POSING: How is power performed? Why pose questions for those in power? 3) (NEURO-)DIVERSITY or (neuro-)divergence? 4) ILL-DISCIPLINED: How to draw on ‘abnormality’ to disrupt norms?


(CATALYSING) CHANGE: In an ever-changing world, (how) does your practice (catalyse) change?


ART + AGITATION: How do you use your art to agitate norms?


ARTFUL ways for artful viruses and challenges


THROUGH: Sharing, caring, behaviours, culture


ARTFUL AGITATION: What is your manifesto?

g n i s y l a t a c e

g n a ch

h g u thro

#ArtfulAgitation @kaisyngtan Kai Syng Tan PhD FRSA SFHEA ADHD

selected bibliography Abraham, Anna et al. 2006 ‘Creative Thinking in Adolescents with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)’ Child Neuropsychology 12/2:111–123 Adams, Jon 2016 ‘Jon Adams on autism, diagnosis and creativity | Network Autism’ Available at: Accessed 25.4.2019 Agrawal, Anupam & Rook, Caroline 2013 ‘GLOBAL LEADERS IN EAST AND WEST – DO ALL GLOBAL LEADERS LEAD IN THE SAME WAY?’ in 2013 Advances in Global Leadership Emerald: 36 AHRC 2019 ‘AHRC Delivery Plan 2019’ Available at: Accessed 15.8.2020 Ahsan, Hamja 2017 Shy Radicals: The Anti-systemic Politics of the Introvert Militant: Hamja Ahsan N Power ed. All Party Parliamentary Group on Arts Health and Wellbeing 2017 Creative Health: The Arts for Health and Wellbeing - Second Edition ANTI Festival of Contemporary Art 2015 ‘PechaKucha Night Kuopio vol. 9: My Life in Running’ ANTI Available at: Accessed 13.2.2018 Arts and Humanities Research Council 2020 ‘Leadership Fellows’ Available at: Accessed 30.8.2020 Arts Council England 2013 ‘Diversity and skills’ Available at: Accessed 31.12.2019 2019 ‘Culture Change toolkit | Arts Council England’ Available at: Accessed 3.3.2020 2020 ‘Strategy 2020_2030 Arts Council England.pdf’ Available at: Accessed 27.1.2020 ‘Leadership and governance’ Available at: Accessed 3.1.2020 Austin, Robert D & Pisano, Gary P 2017 ‘Neurodiversity as a Competitive Advantage’ Harvard Business Review /May–June 2017 Aylesworth, Andy & Cleary, Richard 2020 ‘Reawakening creativity for business leaders: Removing obstacles’ Journal of Education for Business 95/4:248–254s

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McKinsey & Company 2015 ‘Diversity Matters’ Available at: Accessed 3.5.2020 Montserrat, Jade; Wee, Cecilia & Gamaker, Michelle Williams 2020 ‘‘We need collectivity against structural and institutional racism in the cultural sector’’ ArtsProfessional Mowlem, Florence D et al. 2016 ‘Validation of the Mind Excessively Wandering Scale and the Relationship of Mind Wandering to Impairment in Adult ADHD’ Journal of Attention Disorders:1087054716651927 Nanus, Warren Bennis; Burt 1985 Leaders: The Strategies for Taking Charge Harper Nesta 2019a ‘Fostering neurodiversity in teams’ nesta Available at: Accessed 7.4.2020 2019b ‘Nine emerging trends in the management and support of innovation’ nesta Available at: Accessed 31.8.2020 2020 ‘Innovation Squared’ nesta Available at: Accessed 31.8.2020 Oliver, Daniel 2020 ‘Daniel Oliver Performance’ 2015 Available at: Accessed 15.8.2020 Orduña, Nahia 2019 ‘The next talent opportunity for the digital workplace? Neurodiversity’ World Economic Forum Available at: Accessed 13.8.2019 Patten, Mags 2018 ‘Creating cultural leadership for the 21st century’ Available at: Accessed 31.12.2019 Patterson, Gavin 2018 ‘Neurodiversity is an asset in the digital age’ World Economic Forum Available at: Accessed 13.8.2019 Rashed, Mohammed Abouelleil 2019 Madness and the demand for recognition: A philosophical inquiry into identity and mental health activism New York, NY: OUP Oxford Rosqvist, Hanna Bertilsdotter; Chown, Nick & Stenning, Anna eds. 2020 Neurodiversity Studies: A New Critical Paradigm 1 edition ed Routledge Russell, Ginny 2020 ‘Critiques of the Neurodiversity Movement’ in 2020 Springer Singapore: 287–303

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