Column: Time to move on ... so why am I so stressed out? By KAITLIN LOUNSBERRY The State Journal-Register Posted Aug 20, 2012 @ 10:30 PM Anything goes in limbo. That’s the statement my friends and I have dubbed as our summer slogan. Under the circumstances, it’s appropriate. This summer is our last hoorah together before we embark on our college days. So in a way, we are stuck in limbo. We’re stuck in a time when we’re finally done with high school and the classmates we’ve known since elementary school. At the same time, we’re trying to make as many memories as possible with those we’ve sought out for years. It’s a bittersweet time. It’s the end of the road, where you know a drastic change is about to occur, so you try your hardest to make every second count before you’re thrown into the whirlwind of college. Preparing myself for all the challenges college offers has been daunting. Not only do I have every worry of most incoming college freshmen about classes and trying not to get lost around campus, but I’ll transition from a small-town high school (Williamsville High) to living in the heart of a major city. I will be attending Columbia College Chicago, and I’m beginning to experience the stress of college — before my classes even start. When you’re applying to colleges during your senior year, all you can think about is the excitement of finally moving on from childhood. Fast forward to the summer before college and you realize all the different areas you need to focus on to have success in college. One obvious area is picking classes that earn the credits you need to graduate, while mixing in classes that are focused on your major. Determining which classes are best can be hard, especially when the options are vast. My college, being a private art college, incorporates major courses as a part of the freshmen curriculum to encourage the creative process from the moment you begin. So not only was I expected to include liberal arts and
science courses, but I also needed to find room for my journalism courses. I’m not going to lie: I was anxious up until I actually selected my classes. Once I had finalized my first semester schedule, my worries disappeared for the most part. The key words are “for the most part.” I still had a lot of things I needed for my living space, which I’ve been told multiple times is one of the most important aspects of college life. If you’re uncomfortable at the one place where you are supposed to relax, it’ll be hard to feel at home at college. Add on all the little extras needed for college life and the stress of preparing builds and builds. I think my stress has been compounded from the anxiety of moving from home to an unfamiliar place. I’m not yet accustomed to the idea of going from a rural high school to a college in one of the biggest U.S. cities. But despite the little voice in the back of my mind whispering all the ways I could fail, I’ve realized that for my dreams and the rest of my life to happen, I need to do this. I need to take myself out of a place where I feel comfortable and secure, and go to a completely unfamiliar environment. I need to feel vulnerable to be the person I want to be. So yes, I’m extremely nervous for what the next four years have in store. But I’ve realized it has to happen and I think I’m finally ready for it.