Plainfield-Guilford Township Public Library Spring 2019 Library Guide

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I M A G I N E . C R E A T E . C O N N E C T.

PHOTO CREDIT: Hanke Photography, 2016




CONTACT Plainfield-Guilford Township Public Library 1120 Stafford Rd. Plainfield, IN 46168 317-839-6602

HOURS Mon-Thurs | 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. Friday | 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturday | 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Sunday | 1 - 5 p.m.

LIBRARY BOARD Director Montie Manning President Kevin Neal Vice President Mary Giesting Secretary Tina Lamb Treasurer Nelda Keltner

To the Plainfield Community, Welcome to the Plainfield-Guilford Township Public Library’s new Library Guide! The Library Guide will be a quarterly publication that will not only showcase everything happening at your library each quarter but will also be chock-full of other information. Our Spring 2019 issue covers all you need to know about what is happening at the library during the months of February, March, and April. We sincerely hope you find this guide useful, informative, and enjoyable! The first week of March is Teen Tech Week. The library will be celebrating this national event by providing teens with daily opportunities to connect with various types of technology through library programs. Some of the exciting events the Teen Central staff have planned include making lightup bookmarks using paper circuitry, editing videos using green screen technology, and immersing participants in a virtual world using our HTC Vive virtual reality technology. Teen Tech Week runs from Sunday, March 3, to Saturday, March 9. National Library Week is another event the library will be celebrating this quarter. Running from Sunday, April 7 to Saturday, April 13, this event reminds folks of the importance of libraries and the enormous value the community receives from them. Everyone knows that libraries have books, but over the years, we have become so much more. Libraries are innovative spaces where users can access resources to improve their lives in meaningful ways. Libraries are strongholds of technology staffed with dedicated people who proudly accept the challenge to help close the digital divide by providing technology resources and assistance that many could not otherwise afford or access. Libraries are community centers where people meet, learn, and grow through the exchange of ideas and information. So during National Library Week, make it a point to visit us; tell your friends and family. Let us show you America’s greatest bargain, the public library. Rounding out the spring quarter is the library’s annual Arts Gala event, Hendricks County’s largest fine arts event. Set to take place April 26, 27, and 28 at the library, this event is a fine-art sale and fundraiser with art items in a variety of styles and mediums. The Arts Gala opens with the Starlight Reception on Friday, April 26, from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. This spectacular event allows visitors to meet the artists as well as gives them the first opportunity to view and make their purchases from the displayed art. Attendees will enjoy live music, hors d’oeuvres from local eateries, wine, and craft beers. The event continues on Saturday and Sunday. We hope to see you there!

Best regards,

Member Ed McElfresh Member Andy Richmond Member Chad Hauskins


For the most up-to-date information on library happenings visit

libraryclosings: Sunday, April 21 for Easter


From The Director’s Chair


Library Information


Children’s Programs

12-15 Teen Programs

16-17 Arts Gala: Facets

18-21 Adult Programs


Featured Resource: Brain HQ


Senior Programs


AtoZ Databases, Road Trip Reads


Is There An App For That?



Be the place to connect, learn, discover, and enjoy. Connect with the library on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram



SERVICES WOWBRARY: Sign up for a weekly email to stay informed on all recently added physical and digital materials! Program highlights and special events are also featured. To sign up, visit our website at, or ask at the main desk. COMPUTERS & WI-FI: Computers, high speed internet, free in-house WiFi, Pocket Wi-Fi Hotspots to check out and take home, and wireless printing are all available at the library. Download the PrinterOn App or visit plainfieldlibrary. net/services/technology to send your print jobs from home! BOOK-A-LIBRARIAN: Whether you need help getting started with your new device or want to learn how to access eBooks and streaming videos, we are here to help. You can easily make a 30-minute appointment with a staff member by emailing bookalibrarian@ HOMEBOUND SERVICES: If you cannot make it to the library because you are homebound, we will bring the library to you. We’ll deliver books and other library materials to your home, so you can still enjoy everything we have to offer! To sign up, visit services/homebound and fill out the form or call us at 317-838-3800.





21 days


Board Games

7 days



21 days



21 days



7 days



21 days


Museum Passes, Pocket Wi-Fi

7 days


Hold limit: 30 items▲▲—Holds are available for pickup for 7 days. Items will automatically renew if there are renewals available and no holds.





The next time you visit the library, be sure to head upstairs to see the artwork that is on display. We keep the gallery fresh and new by rotating the featured work, so you never know what you will find. For more information or to submit your art for consideration go to:


PRIVILEGES The PGTPL Resident Card (green) is free to all residents of Guilford Township in Hendricks County. Resident cards allow access to all items, including digital resources, as well as full access to the Evergreen Indiana Consortium.

Meeting Rooms are available for use by non-profit groups and local organizations of which a member holds a library card. Those outside of Guilford Township may reserve a room for a $25 fee. To book a meeting room, contact the Meeting Room Coordinator, Susie Geswein at 317839-6602 ext. 2135 or by email at Students and teachers of Plainfield Schools are eligible for a PGTPL Student Card (blue). This card allows only access to PGTPL physical and digital materials, but does not allow full Evergreen Indiana access. For full borrowing privileges for those living outside of Guilford Township, a Public Library Access Card (PLAC)) is available for purchase. The cost for a PLAC is established by the Indiana State Library, and it is currently $65 per year.

For more information on getting a library card, borrowing materials, placing holds or using library resources


PROGRAMS Wonderful Ones

Pop-Up Playgroup Fridays, February 1, 8, 15 & 22, 10-11 a.m. Children | Each Friday we open up our activity room for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers to play together and for parents and caregivers to socialize. Enjoy different activities, crafts, or a story, which is followed by informal playtime.

STEM Saturday Saturday, February 2, 1-3 p.m.

Children | Drop by and try out a few of our STEM kits. If you find one you like, then these sciencebased activities are available to borrow!

Stop-Motion Sunday Sunday, February 3, 2-4 p.m.

All Ages | Creative thinkers of any age are invited to create your own stop-motion film. We will have a variety of found objects, a few green screen settings, and some iPads available for you to use. Bring your own smartphone or device to film if you’d like. Adults, teens, and children are invited to attend this inclusive tech program.

Mondays, February 4, 11, 18 & 25, 10-10:30 a.m. Babies & Toddlers | Bring your one-year-olds to storytime to develop early literacy skills. We will enjoy singing, reading, and playing together! Siblings are welcome to attend.

Animal Tales Monday, February 4, 4:30-5 p.m. REGISTRATION REQUIRED

Children | Join a park naturalist from Hendricks County Parks for a story featuring an animal native to Indiana. A craft or activity will follow the story.

Tot Tuesdays: Storytime Tuesday, February 5, 12 & 19, 10-10:30 a.m.

Toddlers & PreK | Three Tuesdays a month there is a toddler storytime! You and your child can sing, dance, do action rhymes, and hear a story.

Celebrate Chinese New Year Tuesday, February 5, 4:30-5 p.m.

Children | Did you know that one in every six people in the world celebrates Chinese New Year? To celebrate the beginning of this holiday, we will learn more about Chinese New Year traditions, read a story, and make our very own red lanterns!

To register for programs online visit

New Picture Book Wednesday Wednesday, February 6, 10-10:30 a.m.

Children | In this monthly program we explore noteworthy and award-winning picture books from the last few years. This month we will be reading Crown, by Derrick Barnes. We will explore what makes us a valuable part of our community through an exciting activity!

Foam Ball Monsters Wednesday, February 6, 4:30-5 p.m.

Tweens | If you love crafts or monsters, come to the library after school to create your own colorful monster out of foam and paint!

Baby Storytime

Thursdays, February 7, 14, 21 & 28, 10-10:30 a.m. Babies | Join us with your baby for this fun storytime that explores early literacy. We will read, play, sing, learn, and explore together! Siblings are welcome to attend.

Build-A-Mania Saturday, February 9, 2-3 p.m.

Children | Let your imagination run wild and show off your creative genius by using our collection of LEGO bricks to build alone or work with a friend.

Bedtime Stories Monday, February 11, 6:30-7 p.m.

Children | Stop by for a relaxed time of stories and songs. The program will end with a story about bedtime and the animal sounds lullaby, Once....

Storytime @ Biggby Coffee Tuesday, February 12, 11-11:30 a.m.

Children | Join library staff once a month for a storytime and craft at Biggby Coffee! Located at 302 Dan Jones Road.

Reading With Dogs Tuesday, February 12, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

School Age | Trained and certified therapy dogs provide a relaxed atmosphere that allows children to practice their reading skills. These are real dogs with gentle personalities who love to listen to stories. Participants will be asked to sign up for a 15-minute session at the Children’s Desk upon arrival.

Interactive Storytime Wednesday, February 13, 10-10:30 a.m.

Children | In this program children will play games, sing songs, dance along, or engage in other creative and kinesthetic ways to learn about the story, themselves, and others. Children are encouraged to stand up, shake their wiggles out, and have a good time while learning about the world around them.

Join The Warrior Cats Wednesday, February 13, 4:30-5 p.m.

Tweens | Are you a fan of the Warriors series by Erin Hunter? Join us to find out which clan you belong in and make a Warriors-related craft!

Koko The Gorilla Saturday, February 16, 11-11:45 a.m.

Children | Watch a video and learn about KoKo, the gorilla who spoke sign language and loved kittens. Leave with a small KoKo giveaway.

Kids Community Art: Chihuly Sculpture February 18, 19, 20, 21 & 22, All Day

Children | Come and decorate recycled materials for us to include in a Chihuly-inspired sculpture! The completed project will be on display in the Children’s Room during the month of February.

Tech Time Monday, February 18, 4:30-5:30 p.m.

School Age | Do you love learning about technology? We will explore computer coding, robotics, and electronics with a different activity each month.

Did you know? Miss Humblebee’s Academy is a resource for PreK-K children to learn skills required by Head Start & Common Core.

Classic Picture Book Wednesday Wednesday, February 20, 10-10:30 a.m.

Children | Explore classic and award-winning picture books with us. We will read the Coretta Scott King Award-winning book, The Patchwork Quilt, by Valerie Flournoy. We will explore the role of community and how we can weave together the many things we learn from others that make us who we are!

Tween Try-It: Hot Cocoa Taste Test Wednesday, February 20, 4:30-5 p.m.

Tweens | Try out a new recipe in this fun cooking program! This month we will try different flavors of hot cocoa to find out which one you like the best.

Teddy Bear Sleepover Wednesday, February 20, 6:30-7 p.m. REGISTRATION REQUIRED

Children | Bring your stuffed animal to storytime and then leave them for a sleepover! Our stuffed animal friends will enjoy an overnight at the library and families can pick up furry friends and a photo of their fun on Thursday, February 21.

Tot Tuesday: Umbrella Patterns Tuesday, February 26, 10-10:30 a.m.

Toddlers & PreK | The topic is patterns: stripes, polka dots, etc. We’ll talk about simple and complex patterns, then each child can put a pattern on an umbrella picture.

Young Writers’ Club Tuesday, February 26, 4:30-5 p.m.

School Age | Children will learn how to create their own works of creative writing and collaborate with other students. Write on!

Sensory Station Wednesday, February 27, 10-10:30 a.m.

Children | In this monthly program we will explore educational concepts and engage with stories using our five senses. In February, we will explore different tactile sensations using coffee grounds, sand, and more!

Tween Game Time: Timeline Wednesday, February 27, 4:30-5 p.m.

Tweens | Try out one of the library’s board games! Test your knowledge with Timeline, a fun trivia game. The winner will get a small prize.

Test It: Invisible Ink Thursday, February 28, 4:30-5:15 p.m. School Age | Learn to write messages with invisible ink that only your friends can read!

LEGO Club Thursday, February 21, 4:30-5:15 p.m.

Children | Kids will use their imagination and STEM skills to complete a LEGO-themed challenge. The theme for February is LEGO Flying Machines.

Tween Virtual Reality Saturday, February 23, 2-2:30 p.m.

Pop-Up Playgroup Fridays, March 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29, 10-11 a.m.

Tweens | Want to have the chance to play on our HTC Vive? Come to this program to experience the world of virtual reality.

Children | Each Friday we open up our activity room for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers to play together and for parents and caregivers to socialize. Enjoy different activities, crafts, or a story, which is followed by informal playtime.

Love Sign & Stories Of Love & Kindness Monday, February 25, 6:30-7 p.m.

STEM Saturday Saturdays, March 2 & 30, 1-3 p.m.


Toddlers & PreK | Talk and hear stories about love and kindness. We will also do a craft; making the ASL “love” sign with a hand tracing.

Children | Drop by and try out a few of our STEM kits. If you find one you like, then these sciencebased kits are available to borrow!

Wonderful Ones

Mondays, March 4, 11, 18 & 25, 10-10:30 a.m. Babies & Toddlers | Bring your one-year-olds to storytime to develop early literacy skills. We will enjoy singing, reading, and playing together! Siblings are welcome to attend.

Bedtime Stories Monday, March 11, 6:30-7 p.m.

Animal Tales Monday, March 4, 4:30-5 p.m. REGISTRATION REQUIRED

Children | Stop by for a relaxed time of stories and songs. The program will end with a story about bedtime and the animal sounds lullaby, Once....

Children | Join a park naturalist from Hendricks County Parks for a story featuring an animal native to Indiana. A craft or activity will follow the story.

Storytime @ Biggby Coffee Tuesday, March 12, 11-11:30 a.m.

Tot Tuesdays: Storytime Tuesdays, March 5, 12 & 19, 10-10:30 a.m.

Children | Join library staff once a month for a storytime and craft at Biggby Coffee! Located at 302 Dan Jones Road.

Toddlers & PreK | Three Tuesdays a month there is a toddler storytime! You and your child can sing, dance, do action rhymes, and hear a story at storytime geared for young children.

New Picture Book Wednesday Wednesday, March 6, 10-10:30 a.m.

Children | In this program we explore noteworthy and award-winning picture books from the last few years. We will read How to Code a Sandcastle, by Josh Funk and learn more about some of the basic elements of coding, sequencing, and recognizing patterns!

Artist Study: Yayoi Kusama Wednesday, March 6, 4:30-5 p.m.

Tweens | Discover the work of contemporary Japanese artist, Yayoi Kusama! We will learn about this artist and create a project in her style.

Baby Storytime

Thursdays, March 7, 14, 21 & 28, 10-10:30 a.m. Babies | Join us with your baby for this fun storytime that explores early literacy. We will read, play, sing, learn, and explore together! Siblings are welcome to attend.

Build-A-Mania Saturday, March 9, 2-3 p.m. Children | Let your imagination run wild and show off your creative genius by using our collection of LEGO bricks to build alone or work with a friend.

Reading With Dogs Tuesday, March 12, 6:30-7:30 p.m. School Age | Trained and certified therapy dogs provide a relaxed atmosphere that allows children to practice their reading skills. These are real dogs with gentle personalities who love to listen to stories. Participants will be asked to sign up for a 15-minute session at the Children’s Desk upon arrival.

Interactive Storytime Wednesday, March 13, 10-10:30 a.m. Children | In this program children will play games, sing songs, dance along, or engage in other creative and kinesthetic ways to learn about the story, themselves, and others. Children are encouraged to stand up, shake their wiggles out, and have a good time while learning about the world around them.

Jellyfish In A Bottle Wednesday, March 13, 4:30-5 p.m.

Tweens | Don’t worry, no real jellyfish will be used in this craft! Instead, we will use recycled materials to create a fun decoration.

Secret Codes Saturday, March 16, 11-11:45 a.m. School Age | Learn to write messages in secret codes that only your friends can read!

Did you know? Scholastic Go is a kid-friendly web search that is useful when doing schoolwork, projects, research, and more!

Family LEGO Challenge Saturday, March 16, 2-3 p.m. All Ages | Bring the whole family and join us for our first LEGO challenge. Enjoy our huge LEGO collection and use the bricks to complete different challenges. We will use creative thinking and problem-solving skills together to explore different STEM-related topics.

Tech Time Monday, March 18, 4:30-5:30 p.m. School Age | Do you love learning about technology? We will explore computer coding, robotics, and electronics with a different activity each month.

Classic Picture Book Wednesday Wednesday, March 20, 10-10:30 a.m. Children | In this program we explore classic and award-winning picture books. We will read the Caldecott-winning book, Kitten’s First Full Moon, by Kevin Henkes. We will learn more about exploration and trying new things, followed by a fun craft!

Tween Try-It: DIY Granola Wednesday, March 20, 4:30-5 p.m. Tweens | Try out a new recipe in this fun cooking program! This month we will make granola with personalized additions.

LEGO Club Thursday, March 21, 4:30-5:15 p.m. Children | Kids use their imagination and STEM skills to complete a LEGO challenge. In this session, kids will have only a certain amount of blocks to build something.

Mystery Bag Challenge March 21-31, All Day School Age & Tweens | Looking for something to do at the library on spring break? You will find all the materials you can use to inspire your creativity and complete your engineering challenge. Bring your thinking caps and be ready to collaborate and create!

Bubble Dance Party Saturday, March 23, 2-2:30 p.m.

Children | Bring your little one to our bubble dance party! We will enjoy some super bubbles and dance along to music.

Lizard’s Song Story & Craft Monday, March 25, 6:30-7 p.m.

Toddlers & PreK | Hear the story, Lizard’s Song, by George Shannon. Then we will do a simple process craft: a lizard made with a craft stick and a chenille stem.

Tot Tuesday: Baby Birds In A Nest Tuesday, March 26, 10-10:30 a.m.

Toddlers & PreK | Tuesday crafts are usually simple process crafts for very young ages—these projects are great for early literacy development. In this session, children will choose yarn bits, circles, feathers, and googly eyes, and then glue them down into a colorful 3-D picture.

Young Writers’ Club Tuesday, March 26, 4:30-5 p.m.

School Age | Children in grades K-5 will learn how to create their own works of creative writing and collaborate with other students. Write on!

Sensory Station Wednesday, March 27, 10-10:30 a.m.

Children | This is a monthly program in which we explore educational concepts and engage with the world around us using our five senses. This month we will explore sticky materials and sing a song about sticky bubblegum!

Feed The Bees Wednesday, March 27, 4:30-5 p.m.

Tween | Give back to the environment by helping these important pollinators! We will make “bumble bands” to plant bee-friendly seeds.

Test It: Good Vibrations, All About Sound Thursday, March 28, 4:30-5:15 p.m.

School Age | Learn how sound is made by vibrations and make your own “phone” with cans and string.

Build-A-Mania Saturday, April 6, 2-3 p.m. Wonderful Ones Mondays, April 1, 8, 15, 22 & 29, 10-10:30 a.m. Babies & Toddlers | Bring your one-year-olds to storytime to develop early literacy skills. We will enjoy singing, reading, and playing together! Siblings are welcome to attend.

Animal Tales Monday, April 1, 4:30-5 p.m. REGISTRATION REQUIRED

Children | Join a park naturalist from Hendricks County Parks for a story featuring an animal native to Indiana. A craft or activity will follow the story.

Tot Tuesdays: Storytime Tuesdays, April 2, 9 & 23, 10-10:30 a.m. Toddlers & PreK | Three Tuesdays a month, you and your child can sing, dance, do action rhymes, and hear a story at storytime geared for young children.

New Picture Book Wednesday Wednesday, April 3, 10-10:30 a.m. Children | In this monthly program we look at noteworthy and award-winning picture books from the last few years.

Felt Flower Creation Wednesday, April 3, 4:30-5 p.m. Tweens | Celebrate spring by making felt flowers! You’ll choose to create a wreath, mobile, or banner.

Baby Storytime Thursdays, April 4, 11, 18 & 25, 10-10:30 a.m.

Children | Let your imagination run wild and show off your creative genius by using our collection of LEGO bricks to build alone or work with a friend.

Bedtime Stories Monday, April 8, 6:30-7 p.m. Children | Come for a relaxed time of stories and songs. The program will end with a story about bedtime and the animal sounds lullaby, Once....

Storytime @ Biggby Coffee Tuesday, April 9, 11-11:30 a.m. Children | Join library staff once a month for a storytime and craft at Biggby Coffee! Located at 302 Dan Jones Road.

Reading With Dogs Tuesday, April 9, 6:30-7:30 p.m. School Age | Trained and certified therapy dogs provide a relaxed atmosphere that allows children to practice their reading skills. These are real dogs with gentle personalities who love to listen to stories. Participants will be asked to sign up for a 15-minute session at the Children’s Desk upon arrival.

Interactive Storytime Wednesday, April 10, 10-10:30 a.m. Children | In this monthly programs children will play games, sing songs, dance along, or engage in other creative and kinesthetic ways to learn about the story, themselves, and others during storytime. Children are encouraged to stand up, shake their wiggles out, and have a good time while learning about the world around them.

Babies | Join us with your baby for this fun storytime that explores early literacy. We will read, play, sing, learn, and explore together! Siblings are welcome to attend.

Pop-Up Playgroup Fridays, April 5, 12, 19 & 26, 10-10:30 a.m.

Children | Each Friday we open up our activity room for babies, toddlers, and preschoolers to play together and for parents and caregivers to socialize. Enjoy different activities, crafts, or a story, which is followed by informal playtime.

StoryCube Challenge Wednesday, April 10, 4:30-5 p.m. Tweens | Do you love using your imagination? We will work together to create an epic story with prompts from the StoryCubes!

Did you know? Tumblebooks is a collection of animated, talking picture books.

Stained Glass Suncatchers Saturday, April 20, 2-2:30 p.m.

Bird Builds A Nest & Push/Pull Monday, April 22, 6:30-7 p.m.

Tween | Use tissue paper to create a beautiful stained glass suncatcher! You can choose between a butterfly or a flower.

Toddlers & PreK | Hear the book Bird Builds a Nest, by Martin Jenkins. Then children can explore the ideas of push/pull and heavy/light through experimentation and play.

Storytelling Saturday, April 13, 11-11:45 a.m. Children | Sit back and enjoy humorous tall tales from the Appalachian Mountains.

Tech Time Monday, April 15, 4:30-5:30 p.m. School Age | Do you love learning about technology? We will explore computer coding, robotics, and electronics with a different activity each month.

Tot Tuesday: Paint A Picture Tuesday, April 16, 10-10:30 a.m. Toddlers & PreK | We will have paper and paints so you can make a wonderful painting! Be sure to wear painting clothes.

Classic Picture Book Wednesday Wednesday, April 17, 10-10:30 a.m. Children | In this program we explore classic and award-winning picture books. This month, we will be reading the book Planting a Rainbow by Lois Ehlert. We will learn more about the transition from winter to spring, and make a fun spring craft!

Tween Try It: Sunshine Pudding Cups Wednesday, April 17, 4:30-5 p.m. Tweens | Try out a new recipe in this fun cooking program! In April, we will make lemony sunshine pudding cups.

Young Writers’ Club Tuesday, April 23, 4:30-5 p.m. School Age | Children will learn how to create their own works of creative writing and collaborate with other students. Write on!

Sensory Station Wednesday, April 24, 10-10:30 a.m. Children | In this monthly program we explore educational concepts and engage with the world around us using our five senses. This month, we will learn more about how our bodies move by learning yoga poses, stretches, mindfulness techniques, and more!

Tween Messy Art Contest Wednesday, April 24, 4:30-5 p.m. Tweens | Get ready to make a mess with this fun art program! We will create masterpieces and give out spectacular awards. Smocks will be provided, but please wear clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty.

Test It: Optical Illusions Thursday, April 25, 4:30-5:15 p.m. School Age | Learn about optical illusions and make your own amazing T-Rex illusion.

STEM Saturday Saturday, April 27, 1-3 p.m. Children | Drop by and try out a few of our STEM kits. If you find one you like, then these sciencebased kits are available to borrow!

Tot Tuesday: Spring Trees Tuesday, April 30, 10-10:30 a.m. LEGO Club Thursday, April 18, 4:30-5:15 p.m. Children | Kids use their imagination and STEM skills to complete a LEGO challenge. April’s theme is “down on the farm.”

Toddlers & PreK | In the spring, trees are wonderful to look at as they bud and flower, and then as they drop the flowers for leaves! In this session, we’ll do a simple craft of gluing pink flowers and green buds onto a construction paper tree.

PROGRAMS TableTop Thursday: Azul Thursday, February 7, 4:15-5:15 p.m. Stop Motion Sunday Sunday, February 3, 2-4 p.m.

Lobby Conference Room | Creative thinkers of any age are invited to create their own stop-motion film. We will have a variety of found objects, a few green screen settings, and some iPads available for you to use. Bring your own smartphone or device to film if you would like. Adults, teens, and children are invited to attend this inclusive tech program.

Social Media Ambassadors Monday, February 4, 3:15-4:15 p.m.

Lobby Conference Room | Are you a fan of Teen Central? Are you interested in suggesting new book titles or program ideas? Join this Social Media Ambassador meeting to have your voice heard, promote teen programs, and have fun playing a group game.

Homeschool Shoebox Foosball Wednesday, February 6, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.

Teen Central | With just a shoebox, dowel rods, and clothespins, you can make a miniature version of foosball. Join us to learn how and then make your very own shoebox foosball!

West Meeting Room | Join us to learn a fun game from the library’s circulating collection! In Azul, you have been challenged to embellish the walls of the Royal Palace of Evora. Draft and place your tiles in patterns to earn the most points and the king’s favor.

Teen Screen: How To Train Your Dragon Friday, February 8, 3:15-5 p.m.

West Meeting Room | Prepare for the upcoming release of How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World by watching the original movie with us! Snacks will be provided.

Kehinde Wiley Selfie Portrait Art Lesson Tuesday, February 12, 3:15-4:15 p.m.

West Meeting Room | Kehinde Wiley is a famous portrait artist known for his unique style. Stop by and learn how to create a portrait similar to Kehinde Wiley’s work.

Teen Cuisine: Cake In A Mug Thursday, February 14, 3:15-4:15 p.m.

McMillan A | Join us as we learn how to make a personal serving of cake that only requires a mug and a microwave!

Connect with Teen Central on Facebook & Instagram


TableTop Thursday: The Oregon Trail Thursday, February 21, 4:15-5:15 p.m.

West Meeting Room | Join us as we learn a fun game from the library’s circulating collection! In this card game version of The Oregon Trail, players will work together to move along the trail, ford rivers, and avoid calamities. Can at least one member of the party make it to Willamette Valley alive?

After Hours Live Action Clue Friday, February 22, 6-8 p.m.

Teen Central | We are bringing to life the classic board game, Clue! Come join the fun as you and your team compete to solve the mystery. Dinner and prizes will be provided.

TUESDAY Stop by the desk in Teen Central each Tuesday to exercise your brain and get a piece of candy!

Multicolor Flower Tuesday, February 26, 3:15-4:15 p.m.

McMillan A | Learn how to make a rose from coffee filters. Stop by to create a red, blue, or even a rainbow rose.

DIY Play-Doh Thursday, February 28, 3:15-4:15 p.m.

West Meeting Room | Come learn how to make your own Play-Doh, and then use it to play a fun new game. Once the program is over, the PlayDoh will be yours to keep!

Teen Tech Week: Light Up Bookmarks Sunday, March 3, All Day

Teen Central | It is Teen Tech Week, and we are going to celebrate by providing opportunities for you to connect with different types of technology each day this week. Using only copper tape and a battery, come see how you can make your very own bookmark that lights up.

Teen Tech Week: Green Screen Monday, March 4, 3:15-4:30 p.m.

Teen Central | It is Teen Tech Week, and we are going to celebrate by providing opportunities for you to connect with different types of technology each day this week. Edit videos and pictures like a pro with our new green screen and editing software!

CONTESTS Teen Central hosts Art Contests specifically for teens, and each month begins a new contest. February: Art Contest March: Digital Art Contest April: Art Contest Have a picture you want to submit to the Art Contest? Stop by Teen Central to submit a picture. Everyone will vote and choose a winner.


Teen Tech Week: Do You Know Libby? Tuesday, March 5, 3:15-4:15 p.m.

Homeschool Green Screen Wednesday, March 13, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.

Teen Tech Week: LED Paper Flower Wednesday, March 6, 2:30-3:30 p.m.

Teen Screen: Super 8 Friday, March 15, 3:10-5:10 p.m.

McMillan A | Do you know Libby? Libby is a free app that allows you to borrow eBooks, audiobooks, and magazines from the library. This week, you can get a prize when you download an item from Libby. Stop by the Teen Central desk to find out how to use the app and to get your prize.

West Meeting Room | It is Teen Tech Week, and we are going to celebrate by providing opportunities for you to connect with different types of technology each day this week. Join us as we combine art and technology by making a paper flower that will light up.

Teen Central | We will bring out our green screen and editing software for you to learn how to edit pictures and videos. From placing yourself in a tropical location to making yourself into a giant, all you have to do is bring your imagination. There is no limit to what you can create!

West Meeting Room | We will be showing the movie Super 8, which is about a group of teens who discover that aliens are behind mysterious happenings in their town and have to find a way to save their friend. Snacks will be provided.

Teen Tech Week: Alchemists Thursday, March 7, 4:15-6:15 p.m.

West Meeting Room | It is Teen Tech Week, and we are going to celebrate by providing opportunities for you to connect with different types of technology each day this week. Become an alchemist in this board game that combines the classic tabletop experience with an app that will tell you whether your potions are poisonous or safe to drink. Be the first to discover the properties of all your ingredients and earn the best reputation in order to win!

Teen Tech Week: Virtual Reality Friday, March 8, 3:15-4:15 p.m.

West Meeting Room | It is Teen Tech Week, and we are going to celebrate by providing opportunities for you to connect with different types of technology each day this week. Immerse yourself in a virtual world by playing a game on our HTC Vive!

Teen Tech Week: Light Up Bookmarks Saturday, March 9, All Day

Teen Central | It is Teen Tech Week, and we are going to celebrate by providing opportunities for you to connect with different types of technology each day this week. Using only copper tape and a battery, come see how you can make your very own bookmark that lights up.

Family LEGO Challenge Saturday, March 16, 2-3 p.m.

McMillan B | Bring the whole family and join us for our first LEGO challenge. Enjoy our huge LEGO collection and use the bricks to complete different challenges. We will use creative thinking and problem-solving skills together to explore different STEM related topics.

Teen Cuisine: Mint Milkshakes Monday, March 18, 3:15-4:15 p.m.

West Meeting Room | Learn how to make a refreshing mint milkshake using just a few ingredients!

Drop In & Paint Wednesday, March 20, 3:15-4:15 p.m.

West Meeting Room | Do you love to paint? Stop by to learn some cool techniques. This month we will be working with paint and Popsicle sticks.

TableTop Thursday: Catan Thursday, March 21, 4:15-5:45 p.m.

West Meeting Room | In this popular game from the library’s circulating collection, you will roll dice to determine which resources you can collect and build up your civilization. Can you be the first to reach 10 points and win the game?

Did you know? The library not only has a ton of board games available for check-out, but also provides How To Play guides for each game.

Teen Cuisine: Dirt Pudding Monday, April 15, 3:15-4:15 p.m. Homeschool Balloon Car Race Wednesday, April 3, 11 a.m.-12 p.m.

Teen Central | Build a simple balloon-powered car and join the race to see whose car can travel the farthest!

Game Tournaments: Rocket League Wednesday, April 3, 3:15-4:15 p.m.

West Meeting Room | Learn how to make your own creepy, crawly dessert with Oreos, pudding, and gummy worms.

Game Tournaments: NBA 2K17 Wednesday, April 17, 3:15-4:15 p.m.

Teen Central | We play a different game each week. This week is NBA 2K17. Will you win the title of Ultimate Game Systems Warrior? Stop by to find out.

Teen Central | We play a different game each week. This week is Rocket League. Will you win the title of Ultimate Game Systems Warrior? Stop by to find out.

TableTop Thursday: Pandemic Thursday, April 4, 4:15-5:15 p.m.

West Meeting Room | In this board game from the library’s circulating collection, several virulent diseases have broken out simultaneously all over the world! You and your friends are diseasefighting specialists, and your mission is to treat disease hotspots while researching cures for each of the four plagues before they get out of hand. Can you eradicate the diseases before they infect the whole world?

TableTop Thursday: Sheriff Of Nottingham Thursday, April 18, 4:15-5:15 p.m.

Social Media Ambassadors Monday, April 8, 3:15-4:15 p.m.

Game Tournaments: Wii Sports Resort Wednesday, April 24, 3:15-4:15 p.m.

Lobby Conference Room | Are you a fan of Teen Central? Are you interested in suggesting new book titles or program ideas? Join this Social Media Ambassador meeting to have your voice heard, promote teen programs, and have fun playing a group game.

Game Tournaments: Super Smash Bros. Wednesday, April 10, 3:15-4:15 p.m.

Teen Central | We play a different game each week. This week is Super Smash Bros. Will you win the title of Ultimate Game Systems Warrior? Stop by to find out.

Black Out Poetry Thursday, April 11, 3:15-4:15 p.m.

Teen Central | Learn how to combine art and poetry. Plus, we will bring new life to old book pages. Stop by to join the fun.

Teen Central | Prince John is coming to Nottingham! In this game from the library’s circulating collection, you will try to beat your fellow players into the city gates in time for the prince’s arrival by avoiding the sheriff, proving your honesty as a merchant, and deciding whether you want to risk sneaking in illicit goods.

Teen Central | We play a different game each week. This week is Wii Sport Resort. Will you win the title of Ultimate Game Systems Warrior? Stop by to find out.

Teen Screen: Stardust Thursday, April 25, 4:15-6:30 p.m.

Teen Central | We will be showing the movie, Stardust, and providing snacks. This film, based on Neil Gaiman’s book, follows young Tristan as he promises his beloved that he’ll retrieve a fallen star by venturing into a magical realm.

Balloon Car Race Monday, April 29, 3:15-4:15 p.m.

Teen Central | Build a simple balloon-powered car and join the race to see whose car can travel the farthest!

As the snow melts and the flowers begin to bloom, the library also wakes up with renewed energy as the annual Arts Gala fundraiser approaches.

ARTS GALA: Each year the Plainfield-Guilford Township Public Library hosts the Arts Gala as a fundraiser to help support community engagement in Plainfield. Over the past six years, the Arts Gala fundraiser has raised over $31,000 for library projects, such as a children’s interactive play area, children’s art classes, and mental health initiatives.

Past attendees know what an exciting experience this event will be. Each year, over 70 local artists bring their original, one-of-a-kind fine artwork to sell at the library for the Arts Gala fundraiser. This event gives our community the first opportunity to not only meet the artists but also to view and make purchases from the displayed art. The 2019 Arts Gala will be held on April 26, 27, and 28 during regular library hours, with the Starlight Reception on Friday, April 26, from 6:30 p.m. – 9 p.m. The Starlight Reception is an elegant affair with an abundance of opportunities to mix and mingle. Enjoy a craft beer or a glass of wine, and treat yourself to delectable hors d’oeuvres throughout the evening. Live music will be performed by the Plainfield High School Orchestra. The Arts Gala raises funds for special library programs and initiatives to benefit our community. In the past 6 years, the Arts Gala has sold over $103,000 in local artwork and raised over $31,000 for library projects. Through the partnership of over 50 community sponsors and over 150 local artists, this dazzling fundraiser has drawn in well over 3,000 attendees. “This year, Facets will be represented through fine art jewelry making,” explains Laura Appleby, Art Gallery Coordinator. “Each year, the Arts Gala is unique, as we feature a particular medium, and a signature artist and piece. Just as jewelry is beautified by many facets, the community is improved by the many programs, services and materials offered by the library.”

According to Joanna Sproull, Community Central Manager, “The Starlight Reception is designed for those who want a first-chance opportunity to purchase artwork. New this year, there is no need to pledge to purchase a certain amount. We are opening the doors to all art-lovers, so plan to attend, and bring your friends and family. Be ready for a fabulous evening!” If you are unable to attend the Starlight Reception on Friday night, please stop by the library on Saturday, April 27 and Sunday, April 28 during regular Library business hours to view the fine artwork. We look forward to supporting our community with you and helping make the Plainfield-Guilford Township Public Library an engaging place to imagine, create, and connect.

For more information:

Visit the Arts Gala section on the library website at Email Call us directly at 317-839-6602, ext. 2108.

Starlight Reception Friday, April 26, 6:30-9 p.m. Gallery Saturday, April 27 & Sunday, April 28, during library hours

frequently asked questions What is the Arts Gala?

The Arts Gala is a fine art sale and fundraiser. This event offers art items in a variety of styles and media for sale to the public.

What do the proceeds go towards?

The purpose of the Arts Gala is to raise funds for library programs and initiatives that will benefit the community. In previous years, funds went towards updating the Children’s Room and sponsoring mental health events and awareness.

What is the Starlight Reception?

The Arts Gala opens with the Starlight Reception on Friday, April 26, from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. This spectacular event allows visitors to meet the artists, as well as gives them the first opportunity to view and make their purchases from the displayed art. Attendees will enjoy live music, hors d’oeuvres from local eateries, wine, and craft beers.

I remember being asked to pledge $50 in previous years to become a Patron of the Arts. Is that still a thing?

In previous years, we asked attendees to become Patrons of the Arts by pledging or promising to spend at least $50 during the Friday night Starlight Reception. Starting in 2019, we are abandoning that practice and simply asking folks to come out and spend a really nice evening looking at great art, listening to fine music, and eating delicious food.

What should I wear?

Black tie, evening gown, business casual, jeans, and even shorts. You will see folks dressed in a variety of attire. The important thing is we want you to be comfortable while enjoying the art and making your purchases.


Digital Drop-In Saturday, February 2, 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Lobby Conference Room | We will help you download and stream books, audiobooks, movies, music, and more on your devices using your library card. If you need help with technology, we are here to help. Please bring your device, along with logins and passwords. Sessions are 30 minutes.

Amazing Interurbans: Traveling The Rails Through Indiana Tuesday, February 5, 6:30-7:30 p.m. McMillan B | Join us as Jeffrey Koehler talks about the Amazing Interurbans, once a vital transportation mode for residents of Indiana.

Sit-N-Knit Online Safety & Security Monday, February 4, 7-8:15 p.m. Thursday, February 28, 7-8:15 p.m. REGISTRATION REQUIRED

Location Varies | Staying safe on the internet is more important now than it ever has been. Get tips for creating strong passwords, learn how to stay safe while shopping online, and hear about antivirus options. Plus, learn about resources that will help you stay informed about internet safety and online security.

Wednesdays, February 6, 13, 20 & 27, 2-4 p.m. Location Varies | Knitters, crocheters, and needle crafters of all skill levels are invited to join this social crafting group. No instructor. Bring your own project and supplies. Light refreshments will be provided.

Open Game Night Wednesday, February 6, 6-8 p.m.

West Meeting Room | Meet new people and learn a new board game from our circulating collection.

Did you know? The library is never closed when you have downloaded our many mobile apps. Hoopla, Libby, RBdigital & others bring the library to you!

Yoga At The Library

Wednesdays, February 6, 13 & 20, 6:30-7:45 p.m. McMillan B | Instructor Donna McFarland leads this yoga class on the first three Wednesdays of each month. This class is suited for all skill levels and is $5 per person (paid at the door). Bring your own mat and water and wear comfortable clothes.

Crafty Crew: Red Velvet Puppy Chow

Thursday, February 14, 2-3 OR 6:30-7:30 p.m. REGISTRATION REQUIRED

Location Varies | In this session, participants will create their own gift bag of Red Velvet Puppy Chow. Materials will be provided. This free program is sponsored by the Friends of the Library. Individuals should register separately.

Indiana Genealogical Society: Probate Packet Sorting Day Friday, February 15 & 22, 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m.

Silver Screen Special: Annie Hall Thursday, February 7, 12-2:30 p.m. REGISTRATION REQUIRED

West Meeting Room | This month we will feature the classic Annie Hall starring Woody Allen and Diane Keaton. Lunch of chicken alfredo, salad, and breadsticks will be provided by the Friends of the Library. Please register each person individually as seating is limited.

Family History Hounds Genealogy Group: World War I Records Thursday, February 7, 1-3 p.m. McMillan B | Join us as genealogy speaker Ron Darrah talks about Over There: World War I Records. Records discussed will include those from 1914 to 1980. Ron has been a genealogical researcher for over 30 years and a lecturer since 1996. Refreshments provided.

West Meeting Room | Join us as we sort through Hendricks County probate packets, getting them organized, arranged, and ready for digitization. The library is pleased to assist with this preservation project in collaboration with the Indiana Genealogical Society.

Books On Tap Book Club Tuesday, February 19, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

Off Site @ Bru Burger | This month we encourage everyone to meet at Bru Burger (The Shops at Perry Crossing)! We will be discussing any book from the romance genre. This is a very casual club, so feel free to stop in whether you have read a book or not!

Paint Along Thursday, February 21, 6:30-7:30 p.m. REGISTRATION REQUIRED

McMillan B | Bring your own supplies and paint along as artist Laura Appleby demonstrates the creation of a seasonal landscape painting stepby-step in acrylic.

Everyday Gourmet: Winter Squashes Saturday, February 9, 2-3 p.m.

Cookbook Book Club: Healthy Recipes, New Year, New You Tuesday, February 26, 6:30-7:30 p.m.

McMillan A | As a group, we will cook alongside a video provided by the library’s streaming collection, Kanopy. This month’s topic will teach you how to select the perfect squash and make dishes such as butternut squash carpaccio, spicy squash and coconut milk soup, a variation on tom kha gai, and maple custard in a pumpkin.

McMillan A | This club meets bi-monthly to celebrate cooking, baking, and eating! For February, the theme is Healthy Recipes, and you are encouraged to discuss favorite cookbooks, share recipes, and sample homemade dishes! Please send your menu item in advance to Jo Sibley:



Silver Screen Special: Forrest Gump Thursday, March 7, 12-2:30 p.m. REGISTRATION REQUIRED

Digital Drop-In Saturday, March 2, 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Lobby Conference Room | We will help you download and stream books, audiobooks, movies, music, and more on your devices using your library card. If you need help with technology, we are here to help. Please bring your device, along with logins and passwords. Sessions are 30 minutes.

Tracking Your Reading & Other Adventures In Your Home Library Monday, March 4, 7-8:15 p.m.

West Meeting Room | Learn about services to track your reading, organize and catalog your home library, and answer the perennial question, “What should I read next?”

Plainfield Police Dept. R.A.D. Self Defense Tuesday, March 5, Thursday, March 7, Tuesday, March 12, Thursday, March 14 All Sessions: 6-8:45 p.m. REGISTRATION REQUIRED

McMillan A & B | This program is open to females ages 12 and up. Participants will learn effective self defense techniques. Participants must attend all four training sessions.

Sit-N-Knit Wednesdays, March 6, 13, 20 & 27, 2-4 p.m. McMillan B | Knitters, crocheters, and needle crafters of all skill levels are invited to join this social crafting group. No instructor. Bring your own project and supplies. Light refreshments will be provided.

Open Game Night Wednesday, March 6, 6-8 p.m.

West Meeting Room | Meet new people and learn a new board game from our circulating collection.

Yoga At The Library

Wednesdays, March 6, 13 & 20, 6:30-7:45 p.m.

McMillan B | Instructor Donna McFarland leads this yoga class on the first three Wednesdays of each month. This class is suited for all skill levels and is $5 per person (paid at the door). Bring your own mat and water and wear comfortable clothes.

West Meeting Room | This month we will feature Forrest Gump starring Tom Hanks. Lunch of fish sandwiches with cole slaw and potato chips will be provided by the Friends of the Library.

Family History Hounds Genealogy Group: Indiana Canals—The Wabash and Erie Thursday, March 7, 1-3 p.m.

West Meeting Room | How did my ancestors get from one place to the other? Clay County Historian Jeffrey Koehler will answer that question: travel by boat. Hear about Indiana’s canal system and history.

Everyday Gourmet: Field Greens & Cooking Greens Saturday, March 9, 2-3 p.m. REGISTRATION REQUIRED

McMillan A | We will cook three recipes alongside a video provided by the library’s streaming collection, Kanopy. This month’s topic will teach you how to create tasty nutrient powerhouses using kale, chard, mustard greens, and even weeds!

Crafty Crew: Planting Succulents Thursday, March 14, 2-3 p.m. REGISTRATION REQUIRED

West Meeting Room | In this afternoon session, participants will celebrate greenery as they plant their own miniature succulent. Materials will be provided. This free program is sponsored by the Friends of the Library.

Family LEGO Challenge Saturday, March 16, 2-3 p.m.

McMillan B | Enjoy our huge LEGO collection and use the bricks to complete different challenges. We will use creative thinking and problem solving skills together to explore different STEM related topics.

Books On Tap Book Club Tuesday, March 19, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Off Site @ Bru Burger | This month, we encourage everyone to meet at Bru Burger (The Shops at Perry Crossing)! We will be discussing any book from the mystery genre. This is a very casual club, so feel free to stop in whether you have read a book or not!

Did you know? A library card provides you with free access to Ancestry Library Edition when you are inside of the library. Search for your family history today!

Then & Now: Plainfield’s Past in Pictures Tuesday, March 26, 6:30-7:30 p.m. REGISTRATION REQUIRED

McMillan B | Take a visual journey back in time to look at some of the familiar buildings and houses in Plainfield, Indiana—then and now. The Indiana Room’s Reann Poray will guide us as we see how things have changed over the last several decades.

Sit-N-Knit Wednesdays, April 3 & 10, 2-4 p.m.

Hidden Gems Of The Library Website Monday, April 8, 7-8:15 p.m.

McMillan A | You already know that the library’s website is a wealth of information, but do you know how amazing it really is? Discover new hobbies and resources such as genealogy and DNA testing, authentic ethnic recipes and cooking, and just how much your great-aunt’s antique collection is really worth. Hear about all this and more as we explore the hidden gems of the library website.

Location Varies | Knitters, crocheters, and needle crafters of all skill levels are invited to participate. Cookbook Book Club: Breakfast For Dinner No instructor. Bring your own project and supplies. Tuesday, April 9, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be provided. McMillan A | Join us for Cookbook Book Club, where we celebrate all things culinary, especially Open Game Night eating. Each month we focus on a different Wednesday, April 3, 6-8 p.m. West Meeting Room | Meet new people and learn cookbook or cooking related theme and then a new board game from our circulating collection. come together to discuss, share recipes and ideas, and to sample some delicious, homemade Yoga At The Library treats. Please send your menu items in advance to Wednesdays, April 3 & 10, 6:30-7:45 p.m. Jo Sibley at McMillan B | Instructor Donna McFarland leads this yoga class at the library. This class is suited Books On Tap Book Club Tuesday, April 16, 6:30-7:30 p.m. for all skill levels, cost $5 per person (paid at the Offsite @ Bru Burger | This month, we encourage door). Bring your own mat and water and wear everyone to meet at Bru Burger (The Shops at comfortable clothes. Perry Crossing)! We will be discussing any book Family History Hounds Genealogy Group: with a connection to the arts. This is a very casual Indiana State Archives club, so feel free to stop in whether you have read Thursday, April 4, 1-3 p.m. a book or not! McMillan B | Vicki Casteel of the Indiana State Archives provides an overview of the collections available at the archives and how we access the records, as well as record sets that can help with our family history research. Refreshments provided.

Digital Drop-In Saturday, April 6, 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Lobby Conference Room | We will help you download and stream books, audiobooks, movies, music, and more on your devices using your library card. If you need help with technology, we’re here to help. Please bring your device, along with logins and passwords. Sessions are 30 minutes.

History In The Making: The Saving Of A Community Asset Tuesday, April 16, 7-8 p.m. REGISTRATION REQUIRED

McMillan B | It all began when Theresa Brandon was looking for a place to bury her dog. Join us as we hear the story of one pet owner’s quest to save Cedar Hill, where over 5,000 pets are buried.

with _______ The library now offers an interactive training program designed to exercise your brain while having a barrel of fun! Think of it as a personal gym to exercise your memory, attention, brain speed, people skills, intelligence, and navigation instead of just working out your abs and quads. “Just as our bodies require care and exercise over the course of life, so do our brains—especially as we age,” says Donna Bissonnette. She has been successfully implementing this resource while leading senior programming at the library.

START TRAINING NOW! BrainHQ, an interactive brain training program, can be accessed for free with your library card. Visit to begin training today!

BrainHQ includes more than 25 exercises based on 30 years of research in neurological science and related medicine. You can take advantage of the personalized trainer feature, which continually tracks your performance and suggests exercises that will most benefit you. “BrainHQ provides the exercise your brain needs to be at its sharpest,” says Bissonette. All you need to do to take advantage of this free service is have a PGTPL card. There are instructions for using BrainHQ, both at the library and on the website. You do not want to miss out on this great opportunity!

food “Watermelon was recently found to have high concentrations of antioxidants, including lycopene, which may help prevent cognitive decline.”

“Seaweed is a vegetarian source of those brain-boosting DHA Omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon and other cold-water fish. It also has a lot of folic acid, which is an important brain nutrient from conception to old age.”

“Chicken is a great dietary source of vitamins B6 and B12, as well as choline—all of which play an important role in brain health and neuroprotection.”



Euchre For Seniors Saturday, February 9, 1:30-4:15 p.m. Monday, February 11, 6-9 p.m. Monday, February 25, 6-9 p.m.

Euchre For Seniors Saturday, March 9, 1-4 p.m. Monday, March 11, 6-9 p.m. Monday, March 25, 6-9 p.m.

Hand & Foot For Seniors Tuesday, February 26, 1-3:30 p.m.

Free Blood Pressure Screenings Thursday, March 21, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.

Free Lunch & A Classic Movie

Hand & Foot For Seniors Tuesday, March 26, 1-3:30 p.m.

McMillan B | If you are an experienced Euchre player, then join us for a fun-filled afternoon playing Indiana’s favorite card game. All you need to bring is a desire to have fun and make new friends. Refreshments will be available.

McMillan B | Don’t know how to play? We will teach you. Our main objective will be to have a good time and make new friends. The only thing you need to bring is one full deck of new or used playing cards.

Wednesday, February 27, 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. REGISTRATION REQUIRED

McMillan B | Join us for a delicious lunch (free of cost) provided by Sugar Grove Senior Living of Plainfield, followed by a showing of the 1955 classic movie, Rebel Without a Cause, starring James Dean and Natalie Wood.

McMillan B | If you are an experienced Euchre player, join us for a fun-filled afternoon playing Indiana’s favorite card game. All you need to bring is a desire to have fun and make new friends. Refreshments will be available.

Lobby | Concerned about your blood pressure? Wondering if it is too high or too low? Have it checked out for free by a professional. Compliments of Countryside Meadows Senior Living.

West Meeting Room | Don’t know how to play? We’ll teach you. Our main objective will be to have a good time and make new friends. The only thing you need to bring is one full deck of new or used playing cards.

Connect with the library on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram



Free Lunch & A Classic Movie Wednesday, March 27, 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. REGISTRATION REQUIRED

McMillan B | Join us for a delicious lunch (free of cost) provided by Sugar Grove Senior Living of Plainfield, followed by a showing of the classic movie, An Affair to Remember, starring Cary Grant and Deborah Kerr.

Euchre For Seniors Monday, April 8, 6-9 p.m. Saturday, April 13, 1-4 p.m. McMillan B | If you are an experienced Euchre player, join us for a fun-filled afternoon playing Indiana’s favorite card game. All you need to bring is a desire to have fun and make new friends. Refreshments will be available.

Hand & Foot For Seniors Wednesday, April 10, 1-3:30 p.m.

West Meeting Room | Don’t know how to play? We will teach you. Our main objective will be to have a good time and make new friends. The only thing you need to bring is one full deck of new or used playing cards.

Free Lunch & A Classic Movie Thursday, April 11, 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. REGISTRATION REQUIRED

McMillan B | Join us for a delicious lunch (free of cost) provided by Sugar Grove Senior Living of Plainfield, followed by a showing of the classic movie, West Side Story, starring Russ Tamblyn and Natalie Wood.

We know your time is valuable and sometimes you are unable to get into the building to pick up your items. PGTPL To Go allows you to request items in advance using an online form. Staff will arrange a pickup time with you, and we will bring your things out to your car while you wait. »»If the items requested are available, then a staff member will contact you to arrange a time for pickup. Any requests that are placed after 12 p.m. may not be available until the next day. »»Place your items on hold through the online Evergreen Catalog, or call us at 317-838-3800 for assistance with placing your holds.

PICKUP SERVICE @ THE LIBRARY Did you know? The library has more than books, movies, and music. From Pocket Wi-Fi Hotspots to colorblind glasses, the library’s collection is large and varied.



Planning to take any trips during Spring Break? Swing by the Library to check out the fantastic travel resources to make travel planning a breeze! We added the 2019 travel guides to our collection, including various Disney World guides, and the Fodor’s and Frommer’s guides for popular destinations. Be sure to also check out the Library’s online database subscriptions that can be accessed from anywhere, even from the comforts of home. AtoZ World Travel, the newest database, includes over 200 city travel guides from around the world. Extensive information is listed for each city including history, activities, maps, and travel essentials! Included cities in the US are: Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Denver, Honolulu, Houston, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, New Orleans, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Seattle, St. Louis, and Washington D.C. When traveling abroad, check out Global Road Warrior, an excellent database that provides a plethora of information on over 200 countries around the world. Explore global etiquette, attire, food, media, currency, and so much more! Both of these databases are available with a Library card. Visit the Digital Resources page on the PGTPL website to log in and start exploring!

Little Indiana: Small Town Destinations by Jessica Nunemaker Road Trip: A Pocket History of Indiana by Andrea Neal Kids Love Indiana: Your Family Travel Guide to Exploring Kid-Friendly Indiana by Michele Zavatsky The Complete Guide to Indiana State Parks by Nathan Strange


Looking for something to read, watch, or listen to? visit for personalized suggestions



FOR THAT? Here, at the library, the answer is yes, we have an app for that. Whether you’re looking for a book, magazine, or graphic novel to read, music to listen to, or a movie to watch, we have everything you need to stay entertained. The library has a huge selection of apps that make up our digital collection, so you can enjoy your favorite types of media anywhere. Try these apps from the comfort of your own home, on your smartphone or tablet, or even through Bluetooth in your car. Read on to find out more.

Reading is easy on-the-go and at home with these apps. You can read eBooks on your phone, tablet, or computer. You can also find audiobooks to listen to while you’re doing yardwork, working out at the gym, or just relaxing at home. Hoopla has a great selection of eBooks, audiobooks, comics, graphic novels, and more. OverDrive and Libby also offer eBooks and audiobooks. There is a special OverDrive page just for kids and teens. Freading offers over 50,000 eBook titles!


If magazines are more your style, then we have you covered. Magazine subscriptions are costly, and storing them is not always easy. Now you can get your favorite magazines on your phone, tablet, or computer. OverDrive has over 50 magazines to choose from. RBDigital has a selection of 80 magazine titles, as well as many back issues. These full-color magazines look gorgeous on your computer or device. Catch up on your favorite subscriptions today.

There is always something interesting to watch when you have a library card. Kanopy is our newest app with over 30,000 titles to choose from. Kanopy works on mobile devices, Chromecast, Roku, and Apple TV, allowing you to stream classic and indie films, documentaries, The Great Courses, and PBS titles. Hoopla works with many mobile and streaming devices. It includes feature films and television shows.

Whether you love listening to singles or entire albums, streaming music is easier than ever. Freegal is a great option for streaming music. Download songs and music videos easily, legally, and for free! Freegal allows you to stream up to 5 hours per day and download up to 5 songs per week. You can also create playlists that you can share with other library users!

Full-length albums are available for streaming through Hoopla. There you’ll find a great collection of new releases, motion picture These apps are just a sample of the many soundtracks, kids songs, music through the resources available for free with a library card. decades, and comedy! A free subscription to the New York Times and a subscription to the BrainHQ brain training program are just a few miscellaneous examples of the enormous benefits of your library card. Signing up for a library card is easy and painless. See an assistant at the front desk for more information.

We know kids also love reading and watching, so we have a selection of apps just for your young ones. Tumblebooks is a favorite for parents and teachers. Visit the website or download the app and enjoy a variety of classic picture books and stories. These stories maintain the original illustrations with a bit of fun animation to keep children interested. OverDrive has created a separate page for kids and teens. You can access this special collection through the Digital Resources page on our website or through the OverDrive and Libby apps. In the OverDrive app, click the menu button and select Kids & Teens. In the Libby app, click Explore, and you can choose to view collections for kids, teens, or both. For movies and children’s shows, try Hoopla or Kanopy on your TV, streaming device, or mobile device. There’s so much to choose from!

Learn to use these apps and more by clicking the Tutorials link on the right side of our website. For one-on-one help with any of these resources, visit the library from 9:30-11:30 a.m. on the first Saturday of the month for our Digital Drop-In event, or visit bookalibrarian to schedule a Book-A-Librarian appointment.



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The Plainfield-Guilford Township Public Library’s Friends of the Library group offers options for members of the community to get involved and support the library. We are excited to have you volunteer your time and give back to the community! Contact the Friends of the Library today to learn more about supporting your library. 317-839-6602 ext. 2198

THANK YOU FOR BEING A FRIEND! Our Friends of the Library are an outstanding group of volunteers who support and contribute to make our library activities and events a reality. We are grateful for their continued commitment to the library, our staff, and future goals. Our Friends provide funding for our events and programs for all ages. They also support the library’s Summer Reading Club, which is one of the library’s largest programs involving babies, children, teens, and adult readers. The Plainfield Garden Tour happens each year in June, as well as quarterly book sales at the Library. All of these fundraisers are hosted by the Friends to help raise funds to support library activities and events. The Friends are welcoming new members to join them in helping support the library. If you have fresh ideas and are ready for some fun and making new friends, then contact us today at friends-of-the-library.

2019 February 20-24 May 1-5 July 31-August 4 September 18-22 December 4-8

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