intro page
little add ons
lexicon without
definitions look up these terms yourself from different sources and educate yourself!!! get rid of the negative connotations of hacking that have been imprinted in your mind by the media and learn how to define it from trustworthy sources.
One of the first problems I ran into was that most books, articles and websites I found assumed that the reader already had a certain amount of knowledge on hacking and focussed particularly on security testing projects for professional hackers that had been hired by a company or individual. I started to browse the site and found some very interesting attributes. Hackthissite! really promotes hacking in a number of ways: there is a lot of information about the website itself and the goals of the creators, users are able to participate in conversations through the forums, direct message with each other, listen to or read lectures/articles/blogs, find useful tools and the site publishes its own zine! Needless to say, there is an abundance of information that is easily accessible and it starts from ground zero! If you are unfamiliar with hacking practices and other technological applications such as HTML, then I would recommend HTS as a perfect first place to start. **As it says on the website, you should use Firefox as the browser to work through the missions because after trying with Safari I had some issues getting through (hint).
After browsing the website a bit, I decided to start working through some of the basic missions. Right off the bat, the first one named “The Idiot Test� required some knowledge on HTML. There is a hyperlink provided to https://www. which is a very helpful and fun website that helps you learn the basics of HTML. After fidgeting around with a few of the HTML exercizes, I turned back to the first basic mission and solved it. Then went on through to several following missions untill I needed to switch back to w3schools. It was a bit of a challenge trying to figure it out and I needed to look up many of the HTML codes Anyways, these basic missions are all connected to HTML and it is necessary to do some of the tutorials on w3schools to understand how to work through the missions.
<svg width=”285” height=”60” viewBox=”0 0 285 60” xmlns=””><title>logo-dark-blue</title><g fill=”#1F4056” fill-rule=”evenodd”><path d=”M11.778 41.177C11.24 39.624 11 37.652 11 35.024c0-2.63.24-4.6.778-6.154C13.213 24.45 16.98 22 21.945 22c3.708 0 6.58 1.494 8.553 3.883a.49.49 0 0 1-.06.717l-3.23 2.868c-.24.18-.538.18-.717-.12-1.255-1.374-2.51-2.15-4.544-2.15-2.212 0-3.887 1.0754.605 3.226-.36 1.254-.48 2.688-.48 4.6 0 1.91.12 3.405.54 4.66.72 2.09 2.393 3.226 4.606 3.226 2.033 0 3.35-.777 4.546-2.15.18-.24.48-.24.718-.06l3.23 2.867c. 2.33-4.845 3.823-8.553 3.823-4.964-.06-8.792-2.45-10.227-6.93m110.998 0c-.538-1.553-.778-3.525-.778-6.153 0-2.63.24-4.6.7786.154 1.435-4.42 5.203-6.87 10.167-6.87 3.708 0 6.64 1.494 8.553 3.883a.49.49 0 0 1-.06.717l-3.23 2.868c.24.18-.538.18-.717-.12-1.255-1.374-2.51-2.15-4.544-2.15-2.212 0-3.887 1.075-4.605 3.226-.417 1.254-.54 2.688-.54 4.6 0 1.91.123 3.405.54 4.66.72 2.09 2.394 3.226 4.606 3.226 2.033 0 3.35-.777 4.546- 2.867c. 2.33-4.845 3.823-8.553 3.823-4.964-.06-8.7322.45-10.167-6.93m130.14 6.273c-.298 0-.537-.18-.537-.538V32.574c0-3.226-1.615-5.436-4.665-5.436-2.99 0-4.725 2.21-4.725 5.436v14.338c0 .3-.18.538-.538.538h-4.725c-.3 0-.538-.18-.538-.538V32.57 4c0-3.226-1.615-5.436-4.666-5.436-2.99 0-4.725 2.21-4.725 5.436v14.338c0 .3-.177.538-.536.538h-4.725c-.3 0-.54-.18-.54-.538V23.075c0-.298.18-.537.54-.537h4.724c.3 0 .538.18.538.537v1.793h.06c1.078-1.553 3.232.868 6.52-2.868 2.93 0 5.264 1.195 6.76 3.286h.06c1.912-2.09 4.365-3.286 7.893-3.286 5.742 0 8.972 3.943 8.972 9.26v15.712c0 .3-.18.538-.54.538l-4.604-.06zm11.82 8.782c-.3 0-.54-.18-.54-.538v-4.122c0-.3.18.537.54-.537h.897c1.974 0 2.93-.897 3.708-2.928l.718-2.09-9.032-23.48c-.117-.298.12-.537.42-.537h5.085c.3 0 .538.18.598.538l5.562 16.25h.12l5.323-16.25c.12-.3.3-.538.597-.538h4.845c.298 0 .538.18.418.538l-9.33 25.987c-2.153 5.914-4.187 7.767-8.313 7.767l-1.615-.06zM49.67 39.622c.42-1.313.538-2.51.538-4.6s.12-3.225-.538-4.6c-.718-2.09-2.333-3.225-4.605-3.225-2.273 0-3.947 1.195-4.665 3.226-.42 1.314-.54 2.45-.54 4.6 0 2.09.12 3.286.54 4.6.718 2.09 2.333 3.227 4.665 3.227 2.272.06 3.887-1.136 4.605-3.227m14.832 1.553C34.3 39.444 34 37.772 34 35.023c0-2.748.24-4.36.838-6.153C36.213 24.51 39.98 22 45.005 22c4.964 0 8.732 2.51 10.107 6.87.54 1.732.838 3.405.838 6.153 0 2.75-.24 4.36-.838 6.153-1.375 4.365.143 6.87-10.107 6.87-4.964 0-8.732-2.51-10.167-6.87M155.288 22c-4.068 0-6.76.956-8.733 2.45-. 3.406c.177.238.477.298.715.12 1.197-.956 2.87-1.733 5.622-1.733 4.008 0 5.384 1.192 5.503 3.88v8.305c0 2.867-1.973 4.24-5.502 4.24-2.75 0-4.245-1.014-4.245-3.105 0-2.33 1.614-3.345 5.322-3.345h1.137c.298 0 .538-.18.538-.537v-3.286c0-.298-.18-.538-.538-.538h-2.034c-6.1 0-9.868 2.51-9.868 7.886 0 5.197 3.768 7.588 8.313 7.588 3.47 0 5.8-1.195 6.938-2.868h.06v1.792c0 .3.18.538.54.538h4.306c.3 0 .54-.18.54-.538v-16.19C165.572 24.63 162.82 22 155.286 22M94.732 32.514c-.12 0-.24.06-.24.24v3.883c0 . 0 .538-.18.538-.538 0-4.004-.24-5.736-.838-7.47-1.376-4.24-5.084-6.8710.168-6.87-4.904 0-8.73 2.51-10.107 6.87C86.3 30.485 86 32.455 86 35.025c0 2.568.36 4.48.897 6.093 1.376 4.36 5.084 6.93 10.287 6.93 4.545 0 8.014-1.733 10.167-4.24.18-.24.18-.54-.06-.718l-2.992.69c-.237-.18-.536-.18-.775.12-1.256 1.373-2.99 2.39-5.802 2.39-2.75 0-4.725-1.316-5.5023.765-.12-.36-.24-.717-.3-1.076a20.057 20.057 0 0 1-.297-3.585c.06-1.434.12-2.33.3-3.465v.12c.06-.297.118-.536.178-.775.66-2.032 2.513-3.226 4.845-3.226 2.333 0 4.128 1.192 4.785 3.224a7.01 7.01 0
HTML is the language used to build websites w3school gives exercises in the main components of HTML, but also teaches CSS //JAVASCRIPT // SERVER SIDE // WEB BUILDING // XML
tumblr allows you to download existing themes and edit their appearance either through simple options or, in a more advanced way, through its HTML i played around with this by deleting certain lines and seeing how it would change the appearance, if it even changed the appearance at all this is an easy experiment to start with, the more you practice and understand how HTML works, the closer you are to creating your own theme or website!
For those of you in Amsterdam, I have found a group that meets up and hacks together! Here is a link --> index.php/Events
Meeting up with an experienced group, or even planning you own get-together with friends could help you discuss your findings and get through problems you run in to. There are also many YouTube channels that give instructions and walk through every step of certain methods. more links: The Complete Ethical Hacking Course: Beginner to Advanced! (15 mins) The Secret step-by-step Guide to learn Hacking (14 mins) Python For Ethical Hacking - #1 - Introduction & Python Modules --> beginners guide to Python