Strange Creature: Chronos

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CHRONOS AR2102 Strange Creatures Liang TaiLin, A0199394H Tham Weng Yew, A0200297L Yeoh Kai Zheng, A0220969W

Y2S2 Studio Ronald Lim

"Under all speech that is good for anything there lies a silence that is better. Silence is deep as Eternity; speech is shallow as Time."

"Time past and time future, Allow but a little consciousness. To be conscious is not to be in time But only in time can the moment in the rose-garden, The moment in the arbour where the rain beat, Be remembered; involved with past and future. Only through time time is conquered."

Content Page

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

1 - 10

11 - 28

29 - 38

39 - 46

47 - 48

49 - 63

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11

Week 12

63 - 72

73 - 81

82 - 86

87 - 90

91 - 96

97 - 104

The Poetics of Cotton Buds

Module Exploration - Two-Dimensional Frame - Three-Dimensional Frame

Pair Module Exploration

Architectural Surfaces - Collapsible Wind Fabric - Expandable Panel - Skeletal Frame

Persona Development - Dualities

Week 1 1

Chronos | Strange Creatures

The Poetics of Cotton Buds Our design starts with the selection of a common household material. Out of the numerous materials available, our team chose cotton bud. The reason are as such: 1. Due to its size and scale, the potential of a single unit to create variations is vast. 2. When aggregated, they are able to interlock, displaying various tectonic properties. 3. The presence of cotton at the tips grants its ability to soak and retain liquid, potentially informing the form, passive climatic strategies and scents. Additionally, the thickness of the cotton ends allows us to connect them in more ways than a stick with uniform profile.




Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Module Exploration Two-Dimensional Frame

We first explored the potential of cotton buds as a skin by putting individual sticks together through various connection methods The resulting pieces were all very soft and could be folded/twisted easily. Our next attempts were to create stiffer modules through the interlocking of overlapping cotton buds, but the resultant module wasn't as dynamic as before.

Chronos | Strange Creatures

Three-Dimensional Frame

Interested in the potential of cotton buds in creating a self-supporting structure, we explored making 3-dimensional modules by connecting triangular modules together, and also through the stacking of cotton buds in various ways. Due to how light each individual cotton bud was, the resulting structures were also not that successful, and were relying on the adhesive instead of the cotton bud.

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Pair Module Exploration

The first breakthrough was the discovery of the "pair module" where we connected cotton buds in pairs, interlocking one another. This allowed the resulting models to all be dynamic, allowing them to collapse, expand, and also twist.

Chronos | Strange Creatures

Architectural Surfaces Collapsible Wind Fabric

Using the discovered modules, we investigated their potential to form architectural surfaces. Our first surface is termed the "wind fabric", as it acts like an ephermeral skin that picks up the wind and will seemingly be blown away. While responding to the wiind, it is also collapsible in both directions to become denser/more porous, while also being able to be folded and curved.

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Expandable Panel

Focusing on the concept of "dynamism", we tried to create a frame that can be manipulated. We discovered that interlocking the pair modulees in a certain way allows it to slide, and we made use of that property to create this "expandable panel". This model didn't react to environmental influences, and while the sliiding works, didn't alllow for full retraction, which meant there would be the gaps between each connectiion that had to be resolved.

Chronos | Strange Creatures

Skeletal Frame

Attempting to create a variation of the wind fabric that would better show the movement of the wind, we created a surface using modules that could twist, hoping that it would twist in response to the wind direction. The result didn't work as intended, as the fabric was too loose and the twisting required a focused gust.

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Personas - Dualities

As our persona consists of two minds residing in one body, juxtaposition of the image pair magnififies the duality of the personas' two halves. Contextual elements that give identity to the scenes are enlarged and brought closer to emphasize their setting. The resulting montage serves to invoke our curiosity and provide inspiration for the agglomeration of characteristics for our personas. The initial idea of the persona begins with a rural/urban settnig, serving to highlight the differences between their lifestyles and spatial preferences. "camping tentage / bomb shelter" nature skin open reactive

Chronos | Strange Creatures

urban walled isolated stable

Personas - Dualities

"gentle breeze / mechanical fans" passive fluctuating embrace natural

active normalized invite induced

"analogue / seamless digital"tv physical textured expressive technique

digital seamless clean imagery

"precipitation / baths" accidental intentional kinetic static sporadic encompassing descending ascending

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Persona Development - Timekeeper Spatial & Posture Exploration - Personas Activity & Posture - Spatial Models

Structural Exploration - Column Module - Frame/Truss Module - Cross Bracing Module

Skin/Fabric Development - Monsoon Wall (Double Layered Fabric)

Rain Canopy Development - Water Channeling Module Exploration

Spatial Helmets (Interior Experience) - Helmet Framing - Porosity Helmet - Rain Helmet - Cotton Envelope

Week 2  Chronos | Strange Creatures

Personas - Timekeeper

"The garden with the diary" According to Martin Heidegger, we are time. We can recall the past, experience the present, and anticipate the future. And with this ability, temporal perception for every individual becomes relative and non sequential. Behold, a mother who lives in grief over the passing of her son. She projects the experiences of her past unto her present, in memory of her better days. Behold, an orphan lying on cardboard. He wishes for the dumpster to have enough scraps, so he can survive another day. Even daily, we are aware that time is perceived differently. Some moments feel longer than another, and we sometimes get lost in thoughts of our past or future. It is this temporal context that shroud our persona. The Timekeeper has two souls residing within, each with their own way of appreciating time and using time to engage teir soul. They take turns to materialize and skew the temporal perception of the same body.

The Gardener perceives time through the environment; The Writer's time moves for him only when he is writing. Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Personas - Timekeeper

The Gardener perceives time through the environment. "Let us forgo the past, live with nature until we return to dust"

- The Gardener

The gardener is extroverted and is acceptant of the environment. He sees the envelope as an object of affection, and becomes sentimental noticing the passing of time. The changing of seasons, wilting and decomposition, accumulation of leaves, growth of plants, contribute to his temporal perception he can survive another day. The Writer's time moves for him only when he is writing. "To live like that, you're like a beast our life should be all there is"

- The Writer

The writer is introverted and avoids the world. He uses the envelope as an isolation barrier, keeping it prime to prevent the intrusion of everything else to remain disconnected. The movement of his pen, number of empty alcohol bottles, length of his hair, scap paper pile size, ink bottles used, contribute to his temporal perception.  Chronos | Strange Creatures

Personas - Timekeeper

Extrovert / Introvert

The gardener leaves the facades porous, engaging the airnand the surroundings. He welcomes the morning mist and breezes as he observes the growth of his plants. As time passes, sun rays gradually filter past the skin into the interior, the heat gently removing the moisture gathered in the cotton. The interaction between the envelope and environment brings a smile to the gardener's face as he witnesses the intimacy of the exchange.

The writer immediately seals the openings, opting for an impermeable facade. He rejects all natural elements, claiming it prevents him from engaging a conversation with his soul. His eyes first confirm that he is completely surrounded by white, and he begins his day. The silence that permeated the space is broken by the sound of a pen nib gliding across paper.

Rules to test for: Porosity / Visual Porosity, Natural Ventilation, Soundproofing.

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Personas - Timekeeper

Acceptant / Avoidant

The gardener welcomes the rain as his garden does. The roof is tilted to allow the rain to run down the insides of the walls, and is drained out at the bottom. The flow of water down the interlocked cotton buds brings delight to the observer. It's meditative, a reminder of the natural forces that direct the water, and a reminder of the passing of time.

The writer abhors the idea of rain within his dwelling. He adjusts the roof to direct the rain outwards, removing it from his sight. The sound of the rain grows distant, and knowing he is protected, the stillness of the space gives him peace.

Rules to test for: Waterproofing, Drainage Mechanism, Rain Chain Effect

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Personas - Timekeeper

Sentimental / Disconnected

The gardener appreciated evidence of elapsed time. There are obvious traces of algae growth on the cotton buds, and the air now carries with it the odor of plants. The weathering of the envelope brings him comfort, and he relaxes at the thought of time passing, looking forward to seeing his plants grow.

The writer makes sure to keep the interior immaculate. He paints over every stain and rests only when the envelope is free of all blemishes. The white space relieves him, allowing him to continue living in his own reality within his writings.

Rules to test for: Mainability, Weatherproofing, Customizability

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Spatial & Posture Exploration Personas Activity & Posture

To detemrine the form of the enclosure, we first imagined the postures that our two personas would assume throughout the day. These postures are based on their personality. The writer is always curled up, while the gardener stretches out. The differences allow us to visualize how they would carry out activities and how the envelope would be shaped. After this exercise, spatial models were created with the idea of duality. Each model has two spaces to cater to the different preferences of the personas.

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Spatial Models

This model expresses a preference for lighter/darker spaces and a more open/enclosed space. The gardener assumes the space on the left and stands with his head peeking through the ceiling. The writer retreates to the space on the right and sits against the wall.

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Spatial Models

This model expresses their preference for enclosure and privacy. The gardener assumes the space on the left, looking out at his surroundings. The writer resides in the space on the right, surrounded by walls. They are divided by a sliding module that can be pulled down to create a privacy screen.

This model expresses their preferences for their postures. The gardener assumes the left, standing and looking out the less dense facade. The writer curls up in the space on the right, looking only towards the ground.

This model expresses differences based on their habitual postures. Since the gardener usually stands, the top half is more porous to allow for visual connection to surroundings. The writer usually sits or lies down, so the bottom half is less porous, as he prefers solitude and isolation.

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Structural Exploration Columnal Modules

As our modules are all soft and fabric-like, we had to explore structural options to support/prop our envelope up to allow it to be free-standing to create an interior space. We explored a circular and flat cross section to create strips that can support our model. We tried to create a column with a circular cross section, but it couldn’ t remain stiff. We tried making column with flat modules using wodden and Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Truss Module

The columnal modules were all heavy due to its own weight, and we attempted to build on our 3-dimensoinal modules to create trusses to create lighter structure that can act as support. This failed as the joints were all reliant on adhesive and couldn't stay rigid.

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Cross Bracing Module

Following the failure of a truss, we tried to create more stable strucutral modules by stacking one side of the column and using cross bracing for the inner side. This resulted in modules that can be stacked modularly to create a column, but it was limited to being vertical and the modules were still weak at their joints since it was just slotted in.

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Skin/Fabric Development Monsoon Wall (Double Layered Fabric)

This was the second breakthrough point where interlocking flat modules in alternate directions allow us to create a fabric that can be collapsed/expanded, acting as a skin for our envelope. We termed this the "monsoon wall", or double layered fabric, as it mimics the monsoon window system of allowing wind, but keeping rain out, using a double layered arrangement. Due to the space between cotton buds, it did not work to keep the rain out, but instead we built on the dynamism of this fabric in future iterations and variations.  Chronos | Strange Creatures

Rain Canopy Development Water Channeling Exploration

To accommodate to the personas' preferences for rain, we explored different modules to try and keep out the rain. When the modules were short, it was successful in channeling water, but failed to do so over a long distance as the speed of water flow decreased and water just seeped through all the gaps, no matter how densely the cotton buds were stacked upon each other.

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Spatial Helmets (Interior Experience) Helmet Framing

With all our exploration so far, we tried to consolidate them into a spatial experience by makinng helmets that could alter the wearer's perception. While we were making the helmets, we tried to stack the cotton buds in two different staggered manners to see if there was potential to create an envelope through vertical stacking. This was not feasbible due to the shear amount of cotton buds it takes to build upwards, and the resultant weave had no dynamism and was fixed in place. Attempting to interlock modules the as per week 1 exploration resulted in a circular helmet that could slide to expand/contract, but it had the same issue where it was extremely limited.

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Porosity Helmet

The most obvious experience so far was how porosity could be altered through the sliding mechanism. From this, we created a module that could slide and retract, to alter the porosity of a layer covering the user's eyes. However, the sliding mechanism turned out to be unfeasible over a larger size, and was not fit for use in a 1:1 model.

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Rain Helmet

Following the porosity helmet, we attempted channeling the rain again, this time using modules infilled with hot glue. A hole was made in the hot glue channel to allow some water to fall through and drip down the rain chain, to allow for two different streams of falling waterone dripping, and one gushing. The water channeling worked, but was of a different tectonic language to the other interlocking modules. Furthermore, the module goes against the properties of a cotton bud in forcing it to be waterproof.

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Cotton Envelope

With the first two investigations being literal helmet, this iteration's aim was to create an enclosure that would simulate the feeling of being in an envelope made of cotton buds. From testing and experience, we discovered that the spatial experience from within was actually very soothing, due to the diffusion of light by the cotton bud in addition to the whiteness of the material. There is also a very interesting silouhette effect caused by the density of cotton buds.

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Persona Consolidation Spatial & Posture Exploration

Operative Mechanism Exploration Enclosure Development - Single Layered Envelope - Layered Envelope with Windows

1:1 Skin x Body - Single Layered Skin - Double Layered Skin

Week 3  Chronos | Strange Creatures

Persona Consolidation

Temporal Perception serves as an interesting layer for the architecture, and timekeeping is retained as the identity of the personas. The way they perceive time is different and as such requires the envelope to be in a differernt state to accommodate. The Gardener perceives time through motion and growth; The gardener seeks physical evidences of the passage of time in the external environment around him. He embraces nature directly and actively tries to be part of it, to witness and experience the changes firsthand. The Writer grasps time through writing and self-reflecting. The writer desires solace to write, reflect, and reflect. He enjoys the protection provided by the envelope against environmental conditions that allows him immersion into his own world.

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Persona Consolidation

The gardener reaches out for maximum exposure to the outside and wishes for a direct engagement . He enjoys looking out at the rain and feeling the droplets against his skin; observing shadows change as clouds cover the sun; watching the wind animate objects; feeling the warmth of the sun.

The writer retreats inwards and seeks protection. He seeks a private space to write. He enjoys diffused light within the envelope while having focused light for him to write; The stillness of the enclosed space, and the privacy it provides, gives him peace of mind to think and write.  Chronos | Strange Creatures

Persona Consolidation

From the personas' preferences, we tried to identify possible key design intents that could affect the envelope. The tessellation of modules allow the envelope to be dynamic. The gardener will retract it to create a darker and isolated interior whilst the gardener will expand it to create a brighter and engaging interior. Varying the numbers of cotton buds within each module and the way of layering will affect the intensity of filtered light and shadows. Increasing the number of cotton buds and having less layers will allow more light to enter for the gardener whereas decrease the number of cottons buds and having more layers will reduce the amount of filtered light.

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Spatial & Posture Exploration

Section 1 - Postures

Section 3 - Postures

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Section 2 - Postures

Section 4 - Postures

Operative Mechanism Exploration An attempt to include operability into the fabric, to allow controlling of porosity .

The overlapping module needs to run in the same direction to seal up the gaps.

After interlocking the two layers, it can be pulled to slide and vary the posority.

The pivot affects the porosity of the module in its open state.

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Enclosure Development Single Layered Envelope

In order to form an enclosure with the fabric, we used metal wires to create an arc. Since the skin is soft and clothlike, we went with a dome shaped envelope.

The resulting envelope showed that there were desirable spatial qualities in relation to light and shadows due to the tectonics and characteristics of the cotton buds, but the envelope lost its dynamism due to the structure being fixed.

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Envelope With Windows

To recover the initial property of the modules, the flexibility and collapsibility, the second iteration of the enclosure allowed us to lift the walls to create holes. When the walls are let down, it naturally stacks at the sides to form a denser part compared to the porous roof.

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

1:1 Skin x Body Single Layered Skin

We made 2 variations of the skin using 8-module so compare their qualities. The enclosures from before had 16-modules and let in more light and was more porous, compared to this 8-module that has more diffused lighting. The key qualities of the skin being fabric-like is shown in how the fabric wraps around the body. This fabric was single-layered, and is significantly more porous compared to the double-layered (as seen from the silhouette)

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Double Layered Skin

The double-skin fabric is significantly heavier, being twice the amount of modules. The key qualities of this skin is shown in how it diffuses light, creating a form of ambient light that is suitable for reading. When tested in the sun, it reduces the glaring sun into a soft comfortable level.

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Choosing of Site | Atmospheric Backdrop - The Lone Tree at Jurong Lake Garden

Assembling and Testing - Making - Wooden Structural Module - Spatial Experience

Aging of time | Algae Testing - Air Plant Growth Test - Under Shade vs Direct Sunlight Environment

Interim I - Exhibition

Week 4 - Interim I Preparation  Chronos | Strange Creatures

Choosing of Site | Atmospheric Backdrop The Lone Tree at Jurong Lake Garden

Selected Site

Perspective View of the Site Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Assembling and Testing Making

Series of eight & sixteen Cotton Modules

Single & Double Layer Module


Testing Weight to Structural Ratio

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Wooden Structural Module

Overview of Wooden Structural Module

Insertion of Structural Module

Front View of Wooden Structural Module

Wooden Module Snapped

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Spatial Experience

Overall Spatial Qualities

Spatial Aggregation

Operable Window Module

Details of Window Module

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Aging of time | Algae Testing Air Plant Growth Testing

Testing - Air Plant Growth


Tested Drome with Airplant Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Under Shade vs Direct Sunlight Environment

Shady - Under Tree Branch

Shady - Away from Tree branch

Direct - Exposed to Tropical Weather

Direct - Exposed to Tropical Weather

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Interim I - Exhibition

Exhibition Booth

Mock-Up Model with Backdrop Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Evolutionary Diagram

Week 5

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Evolutionary Diagram


Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Quantities of Design Enclosure - Sinlge Layer External Wall - Single Layer Inner Wall - Single Layer Mat - Single to Double Layer Roof - Expandable / Collapsible - Expandable / Collapsible Window - Spatial Qualities - Overall Form

Plan Drawing - Form I - Form II - Form III

Week 6

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Qualities of Desgin Enclosure Single Layer External Wall

Under direct Sunlight

Evening Light from Internal

Evening Light from External

Diagonal View

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Single Layer Inner Wall

Retracted State

Progressive Expansion

Connecting Detail - Silhouette

Fully Expanded - Direct Sunlight

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Single Layer Mat

Gardener's Mat - Folded Externally

Writer's Mat - Folded Internally

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Single to Double Layer Roof

Nylon String - Mid Connection

Front View - Triple Connection

Elastic String Connection

Nylon String Connection

Sense of Softness

Series of Interconnected Strings

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Testing of Expandable / Collapsible with Elastic String

Retracted - Lighter Tensile Strength

Expanded - Lighter Tensile Strength

Retracted - Stronger Tensile

Expaned - Stronger Tensile

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Expandable / Collapsible Window

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Spatial Qualities

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Overall Form - Expanded / Retracted

Retracted - Writer Reading

Retracted - Writer Thinking

Expanded - Gardener Peeping

Expanded - Gardener Observing

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Plan Form I - Retracted

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Form I - Expanded

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Plan Form II - Retracted

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Form II - Expanded

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Plan Form III - Expanded

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Form III - Retracted

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Scale 1:1 - Mock-Up Model - Type Overview - Shadows - Spatial Quality of Light - Inhabited Persona - Model Overview

Evolutionary Diagram Section & Plan Drawing Backdrop + Scalability Perspective

Week 7 - Interim II Preparation

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Scale 1:1 - Mock-Up Drawing Type Overview

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Model Overview

Expanded State

Retracted State Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Spatial Qualities of Shadow

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Spatial Qualities of Light

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Persona - Gardener

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Persona - Writer

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Section & Plan Drawing

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Backdrop + Scalability Perspective

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Architectural Details - Single-Layer Qualities - Double-Layer Qualities - Roof Qualities - Interlocking Layer Details - String Connection Details - Wind Curtain Qualities - Wind Curtain and Envelope Connection


Week 8

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Architectural Details Single-Layer Qualities

Single-Layered wall is collapsible, and diffuses light that shine into the interior. The degree of collapsibility can be varied and depending on the number of cotton buds per module, different variations of modules can be connected together which will affect porosity and privacy.

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Double-Layer Qualities

Double-Layered wall not only is collapsible, it acts as a source of wall for light to be further discussed to a comfortable level for reading and writing. It works differently compared to a Single-Layered wall due to its connection details, which grants its inherent density and properties.

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Roof Qualities

The roof is collapsible in both directions. Due to its position on the strings, the weight distribution will cause the strings to sag more when it is collapsed, leading to a lower height with greater density.

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Interlocking Layer Details

Interlocking between 8-cotton buds and 16-cotton buds modules created a difference in the porosity on the same roof, thus creating a different tectonic language and thereby affecting the effect of rain and sun (shadows).

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

String Connection Details

The composition of nylon and elastic strings gives the envelope its particular shape. A sense of lightness is achieved through the delicacies of the strings. Additionally, the strings inform the shape and is integrated into the envelope's mechanisms.

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Wind Curtain Qualities

The wind fabric sways in the wind, informing the presence of wind. It's tectonic allows for its collapsibility in two directions, inherently affecting the porosity and privacy.

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Wind Curtain and Envelope Connection

The connection joinery between the wind curtain and the envelope allows the curtain to be manipulated indirectly through the movement of the entire envelope, forming a system that showcases its collapsibility and dependency.

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 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Conceptual Diagram

Time-Keeping Mechanism

Week 9

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Conceptual Diagram shadow




The sun, the intensity according to the time of the day and the resultant actions and postures of the gardener and writer. TECTONIC












The various agents, the environment as the mediator and the resultant effects shown.  Chronos | Strange Creatures


Tectonics | Time-Keeping Mechanism

The various tectonics of the cotton buds that form the envelope Chronos | Strange Creatures 

The display of the envelope's states, shadow in relation to time and the possible postures of the inhabitants.  Chronos | Strange Creatures

Tectonics | Time-Keeping Mechanism Destruction of Writer's Wall

Plnating on Gardener's Mat

Removal of Writer's Mat

The gardener and the writer perceive and track time through accumulation and subtraction - the envelope becomes a vessel that fulfill s that specific purpose.

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Scalability Drawings

Plan and Sectional Drawing

Week 10  Chronos | Strange Creatures

Scalability Drawings


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Sectional Drawing

Sectional drawing disclosing the dynanism of the envelope

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Plan Drawing

Plan drawing disclosing the dynanism of the envelope

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Conceptual Diagrams - Gardener-Writer Preferences - Narrative - Tectonics and Environment

Final Envelope Model

Week 11  Chronos | Strange Creatures

Conceptual Diagrams Gardener-Writer Preferences


Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Tectonics and Environment Duality - The two contrasting

preferences inhabitating in the same body

Focal Light - Light shining into the interior of the envelope

Diffuse Light - Diffused light providing a comfortable light level

Rustle - The translation of wind onto the wind fabric, disclosing motion

Shadows - Patterns and gradient of shadows formed

under sunlight

Buoyancy - Sense of lightness and empherality

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Final Envelope Model

Gardener's Wall Window Open

Expanded Envelope

Gardener's Wall Window Closed

Writer's Wall Curtain Up

Contracted Envelope

Writer's Wall Curtain Down Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Interior View of Envelope

Accumulation and Subtraction - The use of wooden modules on the envelope as a method of timekeeping for the gardener and the writer

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Final Conceptual Diagrams - Narrative - Tectonics and Environment

Final Sectional and Plan Drawing

Final Evolutionary Diagram

Final Scalability

Week 12  Chronos | Strange Creatures

Final Conceptual Diagrams Narrative



Conceptual diagram showcasing the preferences of the gardener and the writer in relation to the tectonics of cotton buds and their individual methods of tracking time, as well as their own timetracking mechanism.

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

Tectonics and Environment

Buoyancy - Sense of Lightness

Collapsibility - Dynamism

Focal Light - Focus

Diffuse Light - Comfort

Writer's Time

Gardener's Time

Shadows - Patterns

Rustle - Wind Movement

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Final Sectional Drawing



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Final Plan Drawing

NNE NN N NEE w N wi winds ind nd dss


S winds

 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Final Evolutionary Diagram

Week 1

Week 3-4

Week 2

Week 5-8

Week 9-13

Chronos | Strange Creatures

Final Scalability Kairos - Qualitative moments of indeterminate length Upon visiting the site, there seemed to be a lot of couples taking wedding photos. Witnessing this, we realised that this is an opportunity to tie the poetics of cotton buds to the events occuring at the site. The cotton buds offer a potential to be integrated into the site as a series of "moments" catered to the couples whilst exploring an alternative perception of time - Kairos



 Chronos | Strange Creatures

Bounded by an undying love

Chronos | Strange Creatures 

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