kbizz creative talents portfolio November 2019

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Portfolio Floor Rieder

p. 6

NoĂŤlle Smit

p. 10

Loes Riphagen

p. 14

Eva Gans

p. 18

Marenthe Otten

p. 22

Jill Schirnhofer

p. 26

Sylvia van Ommen

p. 30

Geertje Aalders

p. 32

Sieb Posthuma

p. 36

Pattern design Floor Rieder Cover illustration Illustration Š Geertje Aalders, originally made for Libelle magazine -3-

About kbizz In 2006, Kajsa Blomberg founded kbizz creative talents. By establishing kbizz everything fell into place: her law degree with ­specialisation Intellectual Property Rights, her international marketing career at Universal Music and her genuine passion for art and illustrations. With her original and innovative ideas, she constantly finds opportunities to develop ­talent in a positive and commercial way. It’s not just about ideas but about actually ­realising and implementing them.

Illustration Sieb Posthuma



Contact: Kajsa Blomberg Van Wassenaerlaan 20 | 3742AH Baarn | The Netherlands www.kbizz.nl | kajsa @ kbizz.nl | m +31 (0)6 2240 3955 Instagram: blombergkajsa


Introduction Welcome to my portfolio, full of beautiful work by a wide range of award-winning Dutch artists, illustrators, designers and authors. Each of them boasts a unique style, which has led them to wide-spread acclaim and international success. Their creative talents are available for commissions in any field, from illustration for magazines, books or online publications to pattern and product design. These illustrators also have archives of different illustrations which may suit your needs. If you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am more than happy to discuss the ways in which we can work together and explore opportunities to bring creativity to your business.

With love from the Netherlands,

Kajsa Blomberg

This portfolio is a relatively brief overview of the art available to give you an idea of the diversity and quality of the talents.


Š Renee Bounin

Floor Rieder

an unique and humorous style with much detail Floor Rieder is an illustrator and designer, mostly known for her children’s books. In 2014, she won the G ­ olden Paintbrush prize for her children’s book debut Het raadsel van Alles wat Leeft (The Mystery of Life), by Jan Paul Schutten. The book was awarded many prizes and is translated into more than seven languages. A second book Het Wonder van Jou (The Marvel of You) about the human body and created in the same style as Het Raadsel, was published in 2015. The third book in the series will ­follow in November 2018. In 2016 she wrote and illustrated the picture book for the Dutch Children’s Book Week 2016.

© Peter van der Heijden

Floor also illustrated a new edition of Alice’s adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. She used an old ­technique, painting on glass. The book won prizes such as Most Beautiful Book Cover 2014 and was placed on the I­­BBY-Honour List. Floor’s version of Alice is also published in ­Germany and Russia and will be ­published in China. Floor Rieder makes editorial illustrations for news­ papers, magazines, city maps and also designs for products. She designed and illustrated a theatre set and loves to design textiles.

The non-fiction trilogy illustrated by Floor Rieder, with the award winning Het Raadsel van Alles Wat Leeft -6-

Award winning book Alice in Wonderland

Luxury playing cards set in Alice in Wonderland style

Illustration Alice in Wonderland

Illustration Het Mysterie van Niks (The Mystery of Nothing) -7-

Floor Rieder

Patterns used for stationary and products Haarlem map

The Nightwatch by Floor in a promofilm, commissioned by Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam -8-

Collection of curiosities from Het Raadsel

Noëlle Smit

colourful and humorous illustrations with a nostalgic feel Noëlle studied at the University of the Arts in Utrecht, and graduated in 1999. Since then she has been ­working as a freelance illustrator and has illustrated dozens of children’s books, which have been translated in over ten other languages. In 2017 her own picture book, the wordless picture story To the Market was published in the Netherlands and in France as well.

© Jean-Pierre Jans

She illustrated Rico is niet bang (Rico, the brave sock monkey) which was the first Dutch Little Golden Book, also published in the United States, in the 60-year history of the Golden Books. The picture book Fiet wants to Run by Bibi Dumon Tak and Noëlle, won the Picture Book of the Year Award in 2011. Noëlle worked with the Concertgebouw on two cdbooks and the posters for their children’s c ­ oncerts. Apart from her work as an illustrator for c ­ hildren’s books Noëlle also designs sets and c ­ ostumes for t­heatre productions.

Illustration from Naar de Markt (To the market), Querido - 10 -

A Little Golden Book, Rubinstein

Pimento Publishers

Illustration from Meneer Hummeling zoekt een vrouw

Naar de Markt (To the market), Querido

In de Tuin (in the Garden), Querido - 11 -

NoĂŤlle Smit

Illustration from Naar de Markt, Querido

Dikkertje Dap, Querido

Haren vol Banaan, Rubinstein Publishing

Hallo Teckel Tom, Gottmer Illustration from Haren vol banaan - 12 -

Loes Riphagen

cheerful illustrations and extraordinary cutting technique With her cheerful and original illustrations, Loes ­Riphagen stands out to the audience, press and juries. In 2007, she graduated at Willem de Kooning A ­ cademy in Rotterdam. She made her debut as author and ­illustrator of children’s books with Bedroom Beasties, a picture book that was nominated for the Kinderboekenwinkelprijs 2010.

© Monique van Kessel

Since then, her work has been awarded several times. The book Superheldjes (Little superheroes) was nominated for the European Design Awards 2012 and was one of the main titles of the Children’s Book Week 2011. Vlieg op dikke bromvlieg (Fly away noisy fly) was ­nominated the European Design Awards 2014. In 2013, Loes was asked by promotion organisation CPNB to make the picture book for the Children’s Book Week. In 2016, she made Bij de neus genomen (A trunk for a nose), in which Loes retells the Rudyard Kipling-story How the Elephant got his Trunk in her own way. This is more than just a book, Loes has created an interactive work of art. Her work has been published many countries, i­ncluding France, Russia, Germany, USA, Latvia, F ­ inland, ­Denmark, China, South Korea, Portugal, Japan, Spain and Slovenia.

French version of A trunk for a nose (Didier Jeunesse) - 14 -

Illustrations from A trunk for a nose De Fontein Publishers

The biggest creep Querido

Craft your own animal characters De Fontein Publishers - 15 -

Loes Riphagen

Illustration from Coco kan het! (Coco can do it!), Gottmer

Coco kan het! (Coco can do it!), Gottmer

Free work

Illustration from Kat en Vis (A cat and a fish) with Alain Clark, Moon Publishing - 16 -

Illustration for a new project - 17 -

Eva Gans

with a single line she tells a story, inspired by the everyday ‘I like to present the world from my perspective. With only a few lines, I expose the small traits that make us human. Every minute detail is vital to the image as a whole.’

© Kajsa Blomberg

It is almost impossible to suppress a smile at the sight of Gans’ work. With one line she tells a story or an anecdote, inspired by her playful perspective on the mundane. Her work is described as follows: Gans’ work has an impressive light-heartedness to it. With a s­ ingle, ­deliberate stroke of a pen she captures the world around her with a remarkable eye for detail. Colour, object, posture; she is able to find the essence of that which she draws, thus reaches the audience directly. Her vitality and cheerfulness jump off the page in both an uplifting and moving experience for the viewer. Eva is an autodidact. After a year at the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam she developed her own style and decided to pursue a career in illustration. Eva draws commissioned pieces for individuals and businesses like logos, i­llustrations, wall-paintings and greeting cards.

From a series of music illustrations - 18 -

- 19 © Eva Gans www.evagans.nl Gallery Cards © Bekking & Blitz The Netherlands www.bekkingblitz.com GC000

Eva Gans

© Eva Gans www.evagans.nl

© Eva Gans www.evagans.nl

Gallery Cards © Bekking & Blitz The Netherlands www.bekkingblitz.com

Gallery Cards © Bekking & Blitz The Netherlands www.bekkingblitz.com



Greeting cards, Bekking & Blitz Publishers

Exhibition Paris by Night


Macaron box Hotel L’Europe Amsterdam

Free work - 20 -

- 21 -


Marenthe Otten welcome to the daring design world of Marenthe

Marenthe is an illustrator of wondrous things, graphic designer, typographer, pattern designer, concept-maker and adventurer. Her work is radically different and sought after by the sharp and shrewd across the globe. Marenthe studied at the Academy of Arts, Graphic Design and Illustration in Belgium, graduating cum laude in 1994. Marenthe has a passion for creating and an unquashable desire to share the wonders of nature, love and happiness with the world. She does this from her studio in The Hague, looking out over a beautiful forest.

Š Floris Leeuwenberg

Marenthe’s work has been recognised in Europe, Asia and the United States. She has won a number of prestigious international awards, including a European Design Award (silver) and Merits from the Art Directors Club, New York. Marenthe was shortlisted for an award from the Type Directors Club Tokyo and has been nominated several times for the Dutch Design Awards.

Greeting card Trader Joe’s

Various Illustrations - 22 -

Marenthe Otten

Art print Little Red Riding Hood

Illustration for the Bike Art Wall Calendar

Christmas Cover, Flow Magazine

Cover Succes Agenda

Design Book Cover, Luitingh Sijthoff - 24 -

Map coolest restaurants in Amsterdam - 25 -

Jill Schirnhofer A multi-talented creative

Jill Schirnhofer is a multi-talented creative: she writes, illustrates, presents and acts. On Instagram, Jill is a rising social influencer, with her account, @Jillyrocket, boasting over 64,000 followers. Since 2014, Jill has been presenting a popular youth program for Dutch public television.The program Jill literally has her name written all over it, in it she shares original ideas and tips for drawing, DIY and baking. Her first youth novel, “Elvy’s eigen wereld: So boho” was published in 2017. It was made into a successful movie in 2018 and will continue as a TV series.

© Paul Schirnhofer

Jill constantly demonstrates that everything in life can be an inspiration and that it is possible to make something creative with minimal resources. This is the theme of her many drawing books, craft books and DIY product line. Jill is also known in Germany for years, writing a DIY page every month for the German magazine Maedchen and a DIY column in the Bild am Sonntag.

- 26 -

“Elvy’s Own World”. A 10+ series about the creative introspective girl Elvy. Written and illustrated by Jill

Her first youth novel is adapted into a movie. Based on her first youth novel “Elvy’s Own World, So Boho” Featuring Jill as Joy, Elvy’s sister. - 27 -

Various illustrations (fashion, beauty, baking) - 28 -

Her first drawing book “Drawing with Jill� has sold over 60,000 units.

Since September 2015, Karakter Uitgevers published 14 different drawing, DIY and baking books. Over 300,000 units sold in the Netherlands.

- 29 -

Sylvia van Ommen

likes to observe and picture the seemingly normal day to day life Sylvia van Ommen studied illustration at the art academy in Zwolle, Netherlands. After graduating in 2001 her first book Drop (sweets/jellybeans) was published, shortly followed by De verrassing (the surprise). Drop won an award for best children’s book in 2003 and in that same year De verrassing was chosen on the longlist for the Gouden Uil (literary price). Both books are translated and published in several countries. Os and Jo, the characters in Drop, appeared again in the books Mindfulness en andere moderne ongemakken (Mindfulness and other modern discomforts) and in Een succesvol leven, we slepen ons er wel doorheen (A successful life, we muddle through). Sylvia makes illustrations for (picture) books, interactive design and she writes. She likes to observe and picture the seemingly normal day to day life, discovering the humor and weirdness in small things. Animals in all sorts and sizes are often the main characters in her work. Besides individual projects and commissioned work she works together with Maurice van der Bij. They form the creative company ‘fruitcocktail’ and combine their work fields of illustrator and motion graphic designer in fresh original visuals.

© Maurice van der Bij

Os and Jo

Drop is published in several countries

Drop (Sweets/Jellybeans) published by Lemniscaat won an award for best children’s book in 2003 - 30 -

Mindfulness en andere moderne ongemakken (Mindfulness and other modern discomforts), Lemniscaat

Illustrations from Een succesvol leven, we slepen ons er wel doorheen

Een succesvol leven, we slepen ons er wel doorheen (A successful life, we muddle through), Hoogland & van Klaveren

According to this personality test I’m great in multi tasking and also have excellent self knowledge. That sounds about right.

No, look, it isn’t raining right now.

My head is empty... I think about nothing... not even about the unbearable itch on my nose.

Illustrations from Mindfulness en andere moderne ongemakken - 31 -

Geertje Aalders A nature loving illustrator and cutting artist

Geertje Aalders is an illustrator, specialized in paper cuts and detailed, refined pen drawings. Geertje Aalders’ cut-out illustrations are true works of art. She provides illustrations for books, magazines, packaging and stationary. Often they are papercuts, though she also creates detailed illustrations in pen or oil paint. Since 2013 she regularly illustrates books for publishers. Her cover for the book Arabische Sprookjes (Arabian Fairy Tales) was awarded The Libris Most Beautiful Book Cover 2017 and earned the Jenny ­Smelik Ibby Prize in 2018. The book has been ­published in America and Canada. Het Papercutboek (The Papercut Book), an inspiring handbook on paper cutting art, was published in 2019. Geertje’s intricate organic patterns are also used on wrapping paper and packaging. Common motifs throughout Geertje’s illustrations are flowers, plants and insects, stemming from her great fondness of nature.

Illustration from Arabische Sprookjes (Arabic fairy tales), Gottmer

Illustration made for Dutch magazine Libelle - 32 -

- 27 -

Illustration from Arabische Sprookjes (Arabic Fairy Tales), Gottmer

Arabische Sprookjes (Arabic Fairy Tales), Gottmer Awarded The Libris Most Beautiful Book Cover 2017 and The Jenny ­Smelik Ibby Prize in 2018.

Het Papercutboek (The Papercut Book), Kosmos Uitgevers

Cover Flow Magazine - 34 -

Een knipoog van de Boeddha, (A wink from the Buddha), Gottmer

Illustration from Een knipoog van de Boeddha, (A wink from the Buddha), Gottmer

Illustration from Mary Poppins, Ploegsma

Mary Poppins, Ploegsma - 35 -

Sieb Posthuma

award-winning illustrator with an impressive legacy Sieb Posthuma (1960-2014) has left a comprehensive oeuvre that extends to many disciplines, including ­designs of stamps, costumes and stage settings for theatre. Also, he wrote and illustrated numerous ­children’s books. His style is c ­ haracterized by the ­exuberant use of colour, graphic elements and humour.

© Dorien van der Meer

Sieb’s work is published in many countries, including USA, Brazil, China, Germany, Japan, France, Spain, Italy, Finland and Portugal. There have been various ­expositions about his work: in London, the Rijks­museum Amsterdam, at the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, in the Literatuurmuseum in The Hague, in the Original Art Annual Exhibition in New York. In 2017 Teylers ­Museum in Haarlem held an exhibition with a selection of his ­illustrations, for both children and adults. In 2018, illustrations from the book Alexander’s thread were ­included in the exhibition Artist in Books in the Hyundai Museum of Kids, Books and Art in Seoul. One of Sieb’s most famous creations is Rintje (Rusty), based on his own fox terrier. Besides various picture books, Sieb wrote and illustrated a story about Rintje every week for the Dutch newspaper NRC, for more than a decade. In 2017 an animated television series of 26 episodes on Rintje, produced by Lemming Film followed and a new series is in development. The tvseries was also shown in Belgium and Finland.

Illustration from Een vijver vol Inkt (A pond full of ink), Querido

- 36 -

Het gouden boek van Rintje (The golden book of Rintje), Rubenstein Chinese version Het Grote Rintje Voorleesboek

Rintje in Amsterdam, London and New York

Rintje, Lemming Film/A Private View

Werk (Work), Querido - 37 -

Sieb Posthuma

In 2008 Sieb designed the stage setting and costumes for Coppelia, in request of the Dutch National Ballet. His ­designs received unanimous favourable r­ eviews by the press: The designs by ­Posthuma are a milestone in the history of ballet (NRC 2008). In december 2016 Coppelia was brought to stage again in Amsterdam.

Set design and costumes for Coppelia, Dutch National Ballet

Illustration for a theatre production

De draad van Alexander Calder, (Alexander’s thread), Leopold Publishing

Illustration from Alexander’s thread, Leopold Publishing

Exhibiton Artist in Books, Hyundai Museum of Kids’, Books and Art, Seoul - 38 -

Pattern design Floor Rieder



Contact: Kajsa Blomberg Van Wassenaerlaan 20 | 3742AH Baarn | The Netherlands www.kbizz.nl | kajsa @ kbizz.nl m +31 (0)6 2240 3955 Instagram: blombergkajsa

November 2019, also published on issuu.com


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