AegeanChurch, c.'1976
Oil on canvas,40" x 30"
KOUROS Somewherebetweenthe poeticvision of Sapphoand the philosophicalreasoningof Aristotlg,Kaldiswas born to Greekparentsat the end of the lastcentury.This intermarriageof mythand realitymarkstheentirepersonalandcreative experienceof AristodimosKaldis.To be born in the Aegeanis to be bornwith morethana heritage:one is born with a past.Throughouthis life he carriedwith him these tiny churches,lighthouses, early impressions-Byzantine harbors,conicallyshapedrocks,olive trees,white-washed "memories"appearagainand again ' in h i sp a i n t i n g s .
New York,whichbecamehisadoptedhomeandonewhich he lovedequallywell, servedasa practicalresourceby exposinghim to the otherartistsand new ideasso vital to his Buthisdream creative existence andartisticinquisitiveness. Levantine: a life-longsojourn'in the remainedessentially Aegean.
Excerptedfrom "A Life-longSojournin the Aegean: A Tributeto Kaldis." by CeorgeValamvanos
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