February 8, 2006 Ka Leo o Na Koa

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February 8, 2006

Night of Fun and Bonding with the Class of ‘08

Sophomore class gathered together for a group photo the morning after their fun night! Picture by Lokelani Patrick Read about the sleepover experience! See Sophomore Notebook page A2

Volume 1 Issue 4

As Christmas Break was drawing nearer, the sophomores had a great night planned. After Founder’s Day on December 15th, everyone prepared for the Sophomore Sleepover at the Ka`ulaheanuiokamoku Gym. The purpose of this event was to create a stronger bond between members of the Class of 2008. Teachers and students were excited about the sleepover. Christina Akau, a sophomore student, said, “I am looking forward to this night, I heard from the juniors that they had a lot of fun last year at their Sophomore Sleepover. I think it’s going to be so much fun!” Last year, the sophomores, now juniors, had this same sleepover. This year about 60 sophomores showed up, and it was a great success. Students and teachers feel that there was more class bonding, which was their goal. “The night was pretty fun; I just cruised with my friends. My favorite part was probably playing sports.” said Jentson Gumtang, a sophomore student. Hoku Kubota, a sophomore class officer said, “After weeks of organizing the sleepover, I am overly stoked that everything went well. I felt that our class bonded more and it turned out to be a great success. The one thing I thought could’ve improved was the class participation. Other than that, the Sophomore Sleepover was tons of fun!”

A Day of Remembrance


By Kalani Rosell

Black History A3 Month What’s Up Warri- A4 ots Pop-Up Valentine B1

For the past 116 years, Founder’s Day has been a traditional event for the Kamehameha Schools. It’s a day set aside each year to commemorate the life of our benefactor, Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop. Beginning in 1889 with the original service on Oahu at the Kamehameha School for Boys, it has grown now to include annual celebrations on the O`ahu, Maui, and Hawai`i campuses. This year was special for Maui because it was the first time all grade levels, kindergarten through the twelfth grade, came together in one building to celebrate Pauahi’s gift.











Princess Bernice Pauahi Bishop

Another milestone will be reached this year as the Photo from: www.geocities.com class of 2006 becomes the first graduates of the Maui Campus. Rachel Lum Ho, a senior at Kamehameha, expressed her feelings and that of the senior class for this year’s service, “As I enter this Founder’s Day, knowing that it will be my last, I feel even more proud and more thankful than ever before because it’s my last chance to participate in this event and show my gratitude for Ke Ali`i Pauahi.”





Sophomore Notebook By Theanna Ventura

Remembrance Continued from A1 Even before the ceremony began, the air was filled with excitement and anticipation emanating not only from the students, but also from the teachers, parents and guests. Youngest to the oldest, there was a feeling of togetherness; the school was at last a complete ohana. In this charged atmosphere, the orchestra and chorus brought everyone together with the song A King Is Born. Then, senior Alicia Mahealani Pu, officially opened the ceremony with the welcoming chant Onaona I Ka Hala. This brought a reverent silence over the audience as they prepared themselves to pay homage and bring honor to Princess Pauahi. Headmaster Dr. Rodney Chamberlain introduced the special guests who joined us Photo Levi Mason in our celebration. They included Trustee J. Douglas Ing who commented in a recent Senior Alicia Mahealani Pu chanting phone interview about Founder’s Day, “I remember Founder’s Day programs back when I was in grade school and what an impression they made on me I’ve always “Onaona I Ka Hala” been very refreshed by that journey through her (Bernice Pauahi Bishop) life as presented by the (Maui) students. Her life and that of Charles Reed Bishop have had a big impact on me.” The program continued with recitations, narratives, hula, and music. A highlight for English teacher Michael Oliver was the presenters because, “They offer their discipline, creativity, and performance to Pauahi and, in doing so, are exemplifying her legacy thru their display of the talents they have acquired and honed with her generosity.” Kahu Kalani Wong then gave a mo`olelo reminding us of the perseverance and strength of the Hawaiian people. He told about 170 Kamehameha School boys who, beginning in 1935, were secretly assigned by the U.S. Army to colonize the Baker, Jarvis, and Howland Islands in an attempt to protect the islands from England’s expansion into the Pacific. Two boys were killed as a result of Japanese hostilities in December 1941, however, and the mission was ended the following month. After Kahu Wong’s mo`olelo, students, faculty, parents, and friends stood to sing Sons of Hawai`i, our alma mater. Senior Shane Patao brought the ceremony to a close with a prayer unifying the Kamehameha ohana with a feeling of gratefulness and appreciation for the princess and her gift to us. As Kumu Lokahi wisely reminds us, “Pauahi’s legacy has a growing, positive impact not only on the Kamehameha students, but also all of Hawai`i.”





He Had a Dream: The Great Martin Luther King, Jr. By Natasha Mendoza Martin Luther King, Jr. is famously known for his passion for equal rights and his compelling speech “I Have a Dream.” Throughout his life he made countless amounts of speeches and protests. His passion for equal rights for African- Americans illuminated his face when he would talk of his dreams of the future and what he hoped would happen. People all across the nation celebrate him every year on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in January. King was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia. His father “Daddy King” was the pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church. King lived with parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other boarders while growing up. King graduated from high school at the age of 15 and went on to Morehouse College where he received a B.A.. degree in 1948. He went on to study at Crozer Theological Seminary and Boston University. King later became co-pastor at Ebenezer Baptist Church with his father, preaching about love, equality, and non-violence. His work and passion spread throughout the country to whites and blacks alike. Whether it was marches or protests, he was there. On August 28, 1963, Martin Luther King, Jr. organized a massive march on Washington D.C. and stood on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. There he gave his famous and compelling “I Have a Dream” speech. In front of thousands of people, he strongly voiced his opinions, hopes, and wants for the future. Martin Luther King, Jr., at the age of 35, was the youngest man to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. King was to lead a protest when he was assassinated on April 4, 1968, while standing on the balcony of his motel room in Memphis, Tennessee. In Washington D.C., organizers are trying to raise enough money to build an appropriately dedicated memorial for King. His memorial will be built alongside great American presidents and is set to be done in 2008, the 40th anniversary of King’s death. For more information on Martin Luther King, Jr. visit these websites: A biographical sketch: http://www.lib.lsu.edu/hum/mlk/srs218.html His life: http://www.liu.edu/cwis/cwp/librarymlking.htm

“I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal.’ …. I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today…"Free at last! free at last! thank God Almighty, we are free at last!"’ --Martin Luther King, Jr.

Full text of speech: http://www.mecca.org/%7Ecrights/dream.html

“Mother” of the Civil Rights Movement By Brandy Gomes 50 years ago an event took place that helped touch off the Civil Rights Movement. Rosa Louise McCauley Parks, a black seamstress, refused to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery, Alabama, city bus. This is important today because, during Black History Month, everyone looks up to her for what she did. The events that began that winter of 1955 also helped catapult Martin Luther King, Jr. into his role as a major civil rights leader. Parks’ act of not moving to another seat when she was told was, in fact, very dangerous. She was breaking the law and risked being physically harmed. The other three black riders did what they were told and moved to the back of the bus, but Parks refused to give up her seat. The driver threatened to call the police, and she replied, “Go ahead and call them,” and this was exactly what he did. Parks was driven to the police station, booked, fingerprinted, and jailed. She was given one telephone call, and with that call, she contacted E.D. Nixon, a member of Montgomery’s National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) chapter. Nixon then called up a white lawyer, Clifford Durr, to represent Parks in court, and Durr accepted. News about Parks’ arrest spread quickly to Montgomery’s black community, and soon after, black leaders were planning to boycott the public transportation system. Martin Luther King, Jr. printed 7,000 copies of flyers advertising this boycott at his church. The message on the leaflet: “Don't ride the bus to work, to town, to school, or any place Monday, December 5.... If you work, take a cab, or share a ride, or walk." As this boycott was taking place, Parks was fined $14 and was found guilty of failure to comply with a city ordinance, but the boycott was still on and was almost universal. 381 blacks walked wherever they went, and this hurt the bus company financially. This boycott made the modern-day Black Freedom Movement what it was and made Rosa Parks a “living legend.” Parks received many honors and is a hero in many people’s eyes. She helped change the way that black people were treated and looked upon. On October 24, 2005, at the age of 92, Rosa Parks passed away at her home in Detroit. She will always be remembered for her courage and humility, and was recognized by many this past January, Black History Month.

A Montgomery Sheriff's Department booking photo www.princeton.edu



N Ä K OA start. When you have all the footage you need, you have to log it into a computer and start your editing. This part takes a while because there are so many different things to do to a video to make it look good. For this broadcast we only have about three weeks to get everything done.

Lights, Cameras, Action! By Jasmine Santos Bras What’s Up Warriors is our new campus broadcast consisting of entertainment, education and athletics. With a lot of hard work from the seniors in Video Production Two, they pulled off three episodes with some help from juniors in Video Production One.

Making videos takes so much time that you have to put in a lot of extra time to meet the deadlines. Students even stay after school to film. What students enjoy about Video Production is that when you Kahaiali’i “on the hunt” For entertainment, students put tohave met all your deadlines, you get a gether shows like The Teacher Hunter. The successful clip that is put into the What’s Teacher Hunter is a show where a student, need to partner up, and they need to come Up Warriors broadcast. Watch for the next Walter Kahaiali’i, hunts a teacher who has up with a story. Then they take time broadcast on February 10. a secret that others may not know about. to write out a story related to enterFor education, students in Video Productainment, education, or athletics. tion One put together commercials, public Once that part is done, students need service announcements that related to to start the storyboarding. “This part how people feel or topics like suicide. Dr. can be hard, but when you write the Hitz also sends a message to all the stustory you can picture what is going dents. The athletics section shows the top on so it becomes easy when drawing five plays in all the sports that are going the board,” states Nathan Ka’awa in on during that season. Also included is a Video Production Two. Next the group student spotlight for a student athlete. has to shoot raw footage. They have There are many things that you need to to find talents which are people to act in the video. Then the filming can do before making a video. First students Suzuki at his “day job.”

Operation Uplift

5-4-3-2-1! Happy New Year!

By Brandy Gomes

By Theanna Ventura

This past winter Mrs. Hajek, the Kamehameha Schools Spanish Teacher, her Spanish classes and the Spanish Club participated in “Operation Uplift.” Operation Uplift is an outfit, organized by the Hawai’i National Guard, that coordinates the sending of letters and “care packages” to troops in action. Dedicated volunteers, like Mrs. Hajek’s classes, provide letters and boxes. Last year, Mrs. Hajek participated in Operation Shoe Box, which is similar to Operation Uplift. She thought that it would be a good idea to once again help out the soldiers in Iraq. 50 packages were assembled by KS families and shipped to Hawaiian soldiers overseas. In these packages were toiletries, small games, printed materials, music, and much more. Students also included hand made Christmas cards in both English and Spanish. Mrs. Hajek also sparked interest in two other teachers. Kumu Kapulani’s Hawaiian Class and Mrs. Eldredge’s second grade class also participated in Operation Uplift. Mrs. Hajek has received cards and letters, some in Spanish, from the soldiers thanking the students for their efforts.

“It’s going to be a good year, I can just feel it!” said Brittany McGuire, a sophomore student. Many other students thought this year would bring and they all seemed to say the same thing, “It’s going to be a great year!” 2005 was a good year but it wasn’t overly exciting. 2006 just seems like a great year, especially with our first graduation of Kamehameha Schools Maui Campus! Students around campus were prepared for the New Year and came up with New Year’s resolutions to help keep them on track. Brandy Gomes, a sophomore student said, “My New Year’s resolution is to keep all of my grades above a C, focus more on school and not boys, and to go to church every weekend.” Zari Graham-Ventura, a junior student said, “This year I want to keep all of my grades above a C, focus more on school, and just have fun!” The year 2006 is the year our first senior class graduates! Jonathon Spenser, a senior student said, “Over these years, school has been challenging for me; I have learned a lot and don’t want to leave yet. I am not really ready to graduate, although I am looking forward to being on my own and starting a career. Jason Boteilho, a senior student said, “I can’t wait to graduate! The one thing I am kind if worrying about is my senior project, I feel like I need more time. Other than that, I am ready to leave Kamehameha Schools and go to college. I have gotten a lot out of this school and am proud to be graduating.” I have asked a lot of the seniors if they are ready to graduate and the majority of them said yes. The seniors seem ready and excited to end high school and start off on their own, whether it is going to college or starting a job. “When one door closes, another one opens,” quotes Jon Spenser.

How to Eat healthily and Stay Energized By Uilani Hipolito With the New Year here and everyone making their New Year’s resolutions, people are looking for ways to trim down and get energized. Well, if you’re that type of person, here is your chance to fix that with these simple steps. The first thing you have to do is remember to eat healthily. Stay away from high-fat meals. You don’t have to starve yourself or anything like that; you just have to eat things that keep you energized like vegetables and fruit, and drink lots of water. Remember to stop eating once you are full and DO NOT overstuff yourself. Eat a lot of high-protein foods such as chicken, fish, turkey, and meats like steak. Protein helps your body to stay alert and energized. Don’t eat too many starches. Carbs tend to calm your body down and make you feel lazy and drowsy. You should have at least one iron-rich meal a day. See HEALTHY, A5





Maui Place Names: The Best Place to Visit on Maui - Lähaina By Anuhea Aquino Lähaina, Maui is a beautiful place. Many tourists fly to Hawaii just to see the beauty of Lahaina and what it has to offer. There is where you’ll find Maui’s best hotels, wonderful beaches, a lot of tourists, and many locals. Lähaina remains the heart of Maui because of its ancient Hawaiian history and culture, which perseveres even to this day. Junior Jeremy Okamura says, “I take pleasure in this wonderful place because of its beaches. The surf is good, and there are many things to do.” Lähaina’s beaches are so relaxing that both tourists and locals love to enjoy a whole day there. Junior Cassidy Ventura of Haiku says, “Lähaina is always a warm place to be, and it’s like a whole different island to me because it’s so far away from my house. When I’m there, I feel as if I’m on vacation!” Ka’eo U’u, also a junior at Kamehameha says, “Lähaina is the most unique from all the other places on Maui.” This is because Lähaina holds a great amount of history that has been left behind. The heart of Lähaina is at Moku’ula, an ancient home belonging to Maui’s chiefly lines.

Juniors Nani Bargamento, Huali Borges, Kaha’I Johnson, Anuhea Aquino, Rachel Kanahele, Jane Perry, Nicole Velina, Sophomore Kamalei Kawaiaea, and Junior Natasha Ventura watch as their teammates race at Hanakao’o Beach, Lahaina.

At one point in history, Lele, now known as Lähaina, was the capital of Hawaii from 1820 to 1845. This was during the reigns of Kamehameha II and Kamehameha III. Lähaina means, “Cruel Sun” and the name is believed to come from the numerous droughts in the area. It remains one of the hottest and driest spots on Maui. It was and still is a place where many foreigners come to visit because of the many activities. One of the many cultural events that take place in Lähaina is the annual Kamehameha Day Parade. Another event that Lähaina is famous for is its banyan tree. William O. Smith, a sheriff of Maui, planted the Banyan tree in 1873 recognizing Lähaina’s first Christian mission. During the month of October, many tourists come to the infamous Front Street on Halloween Night for Maui’s own “Mardi Gras.” Unique events such as high school and seasonal canoe races take place in Lähaina. They are held at the beautiful, Hanakao’o Beach. There is so much to do in Lähaina that you can’t just see it all in a day.

A Kamehameha Schools paddling crew going for first place Junior Stacy Akana sums it up by saying, “Lähaina is a small town where everyone basically knows each other.” She considers it to be number one because of its marvelous beaches. Because in a race at Hanakao’o. Lähaina is ancient, it offers a lot to see with a history behind it. HEALTHY from A4 Some rich-in-iron foods are red meats, the dark meat of chicken or turkey, oysters, clams, iron-enriched breads and cereals, raisins, and dried apricots. Don’t eat too little. Many people think that if they cut down the amount of food it helps them to lose weight, but in actuality if you don’t cut down wisely, your metabolism slows down which is not good for you. The main thing to remember is to exercise and get a good night’s rest. If you get eight hours of sleep every night and exercise daily, you will feel more energized throughout the day and feel healthier. Just follow these steps and you will feel better,

How Are You Staying Healthy? By Makani Hutchins The New Year has come upon us. Many have made New Year’s resolutions to lose the extra pounds gained during the holidays. But, how are some KSMC Kimberly Thomas, Secretary for Dr. Chamberlain “I plan to stay healthy this New Year by watching what I eat and exercise (ing) as much as possible.” Lesley Tanabe, Senior “I plan on exercising more and eating my vegetables because I don’t like to eat the green ones” Purity Rabanes, Senior “I plan to stay healthy physically by exercising and eating more fruits and vegetables than I usually do.”

Shai Tolentino, Senior “I plan to stay healthy by eating the right foods and exercising.”

Valentine’s Day! By Jasmine Santos Bras It’s been a tradition for years to buy candy or a teddy bear for a loved one. Every year on February 14 people celebrate Valentine’s Day by exchanging gifts. The tradition is believed to have started in the third century during the Roman Empire. When the 14th of February came, all the females had their names put into a lottery and all the males would draw a name. The pairs would have to spend the event with each other. Today it’s simpler for boys to get girls things because they can buy things like flowers, which mean love, and chocolates, which are an apology for something. Sometimes those gifts come with a cute stuffed animal or even jewelry. When it’s the girl’s turn to get a gift, some have no idea what to get. Others suggest buying things that boys need like clothes, parts for their vehicle, or dinner. Wondering what to do on Valentine’s Day? You can go out to eat, exchange gifts, or just be alone together and have a fun time.





Clue 1: He is the big man on campus.

Pop Out Your Love By Tiffany Aquinde Want to do something to melt that special someone’s heart and make them yours? Here’s your chance to make a pop-up card that even you’ll want to receive!


Trace pattern on a piece of cardstock paper.


Cut out pattern on solid lines.


Fold pieces on dotted lines.




Next, glue heart pieces “A” on a rectangular sheet of cardstock where it says, “glue here B”.


Let it dry.

Now, write a sweet message and give it to that someone special.


A Guess Who By Kamanu Kaikala GUESS WHO? by Kamanu Kaikala Can you guess the Kamehameha teacher? Look for clues thoughout the paper to learn a little more about him and guess who our mystery man is!

B2 – W EDNESDAY , F EBRUARY 8 - K A L EO Pick-up Lines at their Finest!



Pick up lines used by KS guys:

By Alohalani Torres Need a pick up line? Or do you just want a laugh? Well here you can find a variety of pick up lines. Ones even used by some of KS’s very own. And, they’re just in time for Valentine’s Day! Kyle “Killahwatz” Watanabe 10 most used pick up lines:

Kameron Castillon

10. Did it hurt, when you fell from heaven?

“I don’t need any pick up lines. The girls just come to me.”

9. I lost my number, can I have yours? 8. Are your feet tired? ‘Cause you’ve been running through my mind all day.

“Are your parents thieves, cause it looks like they stole the stars and put them in your eyes.”

Best pick up line a KS girl heard:

6. Do you have a map? ‘Cause I just got lost in your eyes. 5. If one night a fat man comes and throws you in a bag, don’t freak. I told Santa I wanted you for Christmas. 4. You’re so sweet, you put Hershey’s out of business. 3. Were you arrested earlier? ‘Cause it’s gotta be illegal to look that good. 2. Can I flirt with you? 1. Hi

Clue 2: He like playing video games and poker.

Shawn Suzuki “Do you believe in love at first sight? If not, I going walk by you one more time.”

Stephanie Rabago “If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put U and I together.”

Clue 3: He’s a Kapälama campus grad.

7. What time do you have to be back in heaven?

K A L EO To Give or Not to Give:




They’re Back and They Won’t Give in

Valentines Day Top 10’s

By Stephanie Rabago

By Tiffany Aquinde 1. Underwear (eeewwww www!)

Kahului – The 5th annual MIL Cheer Championship took place at Maui High School Gym on Saturday, January 21, 2006.

2. Sugar-free candy (that’s such an insult!)

Everybody was ready for a spectacular show. The crowd was pumped, pom pom’s were waving, the spirit was flowing, and each squad had their eye on the prize.


3. A blender


4. Fake flowers 5. Breath mints 6. Nair hair remover

The event included 5 of Maui’s own high schools: Kamehameha Maui, Baldwin, Lahainaluna, Maui High, and St. Anthony. The squads were judged on their dance routine, their execution, the actual cheer, creativity, voice projection, and crowd reaction. “The cheering performance was great and well done! Knowing all the trials and tribulations that squad had to go through with the number of people always changing. I know that the routine had to be changed many times, but it turned out great AND without any mess-ups or deductions taken off by judges,” remarked senior Tiffany Aquinde who attended the cheer competition.

7. A coupon for kisses 8. A sign on your significant other that says, “ME!” 9. A recycled Christmas present (addressed to someone else, of course) 10. No gift at all!!

The KSMC squad got the crowd on their feet when they performed to Destiny’s Child’s song ‘Check on it.’

Top Yes’s

Tension filled the air as the evening came to a close. The judges revealed the results to name the 2006 MIL Cheer Champions. In 5th place were the Trojans of St. Anthony. The 4th place was awarded to our very own Kamehameha Maui Cheer Squad.

2006 Competition Squad

1. A box of chocolate 2. Red roses (don’t forget the love note in the card) 3. A stuffed animal 4. A romantic mixed tape/CD 5. Jewelry (a diamond is a girl’s best friend) 6. Lovey-dovey balloons 7. A long, long hand-written letter with a card 8. Photo album with pictures (of you and that special someone, of course) 9. Perfume/cologne 10. A dinner for two by candlelight (so romantic!)

Guess Who? Answer Could you figure it out? Well, if you couldn't tell by the clues, it was Mr. Mahoe!

About the squad and their performance, Captain Ashly Makiling said, “I thought competition was stressful but a relief at the end...all you do is practice the routine over and over and rest...As the time creeps closer you start to get butterflies and nerves and you think to yourself, ‘What if I do this wrong? Or, what if I can't do my tricks or jumps?’ It starts to pressure you out. But you have to remember you have to relax and take God into your heart and ask him to calm you and to be with you and let you shine. That’s what our coaches did, especially Coach Ann. She told us open ourselves to God and just ask him to be there with us when we perform, and she was right. That performance... was the best we ever gave, God was there right beside each one of us and made us shine.” Coming in 3rd were the Maui High Sabers. Lahainaluna Cheer Squad took 2nd place. And, the winners of the 2006 MIL Cheer Championship: the Baldwin Bears.




SPORTS G-o-o-o-oal!!! By Uilani Hipolito Nohealani Rozet, one of the four captains of the Kamehameha Schools girl’s soccer team, has been playing soccer for our school since her freshman year. She actually started playing soccer when she was five years old and has been playing for about 12 years in all.

and picks us up when we’re down,” says Kealoha. “She is such a klutz on the field, but she always goes for the ball and isn’t afraid to get dirty.” Katrina Pocock, forward and center half, has been playing soccer with Nohe for seven years. She said, “Nohe plays hard and is very friendly. She is so crazy, but we all love her.”

Rozet is a team player and is a strong leader for the soccer team. She Nohe, as some may know her, still loves the game, even after all these plays all over the field in all of the posi- years, and plays with all her heart. “I am tions. Her favorite positions are forvery passionate about soccer, but someward, outside times I wish we could midfield, and just play the games and sweeper. “I not practice,” laughed love soccer. I Rozet, “but I will allove it beways love the game no cause its fun, matter what.”Rozet is a it keeps me in team player and is a shape, I make strong leader for the a lot of soccer team. She still friends, and I loves the game, even just love the after all these years, adrenaline and plays with all her rush,” says heart. “I am very pasRozet. “As a sionate about soccer, captain, I help but sometimes I wish to lead my we could just play the team to make games and not pracus stronger,” tice,” laughed Rozet, says Rozet, “but I will always love “and I make the game no matter goals,” she what.” added gigNohealani Rozet before her big soccer Rozet is a gling. game against Maui High team player and is a Her Photo By Uilani Hipolito strong leader for the teammates soccer team. She still love having her on the team and say that loves the game, even after all these she is a positive role model. “She is an years, and plays with all her heart. “I am awesome defender,” says Alaka’i very passionate about soccer, but someKealoha, co-captain. Kealoha is a fortimes I wish we could just play the ward for the team and has been playing games and not practice,” laughed Rozet, soccer with Rozet for the past six years. “but I will always love the game no mat“Nohe is so funny; she is always laughing

Blair Jimenez: Into The Blue By Leialoha Louis Blair, at right, loves to paddle. Photo By Kawai Ka’ili

Blair Jimenez is a senior and varsity paddler here at Kamehameha Schools. She has been paddling since her freshman year, all for the Warriors. Jimenez loves paddling because it is a very competitive sport, helps keep her in shape, and she gets to meet a lot of different people. Blair has learned to adjust to paddling in different seats. Although she says that paddling in seat one and six requires the most work, she knows that no matter what seat she is put in, she is going to paddle her heart out. Seat six holds the steersman, who guides the canoe, and seat one holds the paddler responsible for pulling the rest of the canoe. Jimenez’s fellow paddler, ‘Eleu Novikoff said, “Blair is so funny. She works well with everyone, and she never complains about what she has to do. She always pushes the rest of us and motivates us to never give up.” She is an inspiration to her teammates and classmates, and a good student to her coach. Her coach, Uncle Robert, said, “Blair is a hard worker. I always see her pushing herself, and she always leaves herself open to learning new things.” As a member of the team, Jimenez’s goal is to just keep everyone motivated so that everyone will do well. Although she wants to go to states, all that matters to her is that the team stays a team and works together. She hopes that everyone in her crew shares the same goal because she believes that working together will get them to states, but first things come first. Jimenez said, “You never know what to expect when going Into the Blue.”

C2 – W EDNESDAY , F EBRUARY 8 - K A L EO Lady Softball Warriors Slide Towards Victory:Game Spotlight By Bubba Au Showing themselves to be a force in MIL softball, the girls varsity softball team won a stunning victory over the Sabers of Maui High, 8-6, at Eddie Tam Field, Saturday, December 3. The defending Division II champions showed what it took to become champions. The Sabers were leading with a score of 4-3 in the third inning until a combination of a hit and a steal from Tristen Freitas landed her on second base. With a high fly ball over second base from Shiloh Cabatingan, the Warriors were able to reclaim the lead 5-4. The Warriors continued to maintain their lead behind their tight defense and continued scoring with the offense. It is this type of tenacity that the Warriors showed that they made them conNumber 17, Taena Garcia slides into second. tenders for the State Division II title on O’ahu this past weekend. (Watch for a look back at the girls’ softball season in our next issue.) Warriors Paddling There are three paddling events left in the season:



Lady Soccer Warriors By Alepaki Ka’iliehu & Tyler Davis The Lady Warriors soccer team has been knocked out of title contention after a promising season start. In the Warriors’ season opener against St. Anthony, they were down 1-0 early in the game, but the game was cancelled at halftime due to sprinkler problems. In their second game against Lahainluna, sophomore Alyssa Souza carried the team to a 2-1 victory with two goals. Next, the girls went to Moloka`i and dominated the Moloka`i team 6-0 and 9-0, and the next week they kept rolling with a 9-1 victory over Seabury Hall. Next, the Lady Warriors met a very tough opponent in King Kekaulike but our girls were led to a 3-1 victory by Souza, who scored two goals and senior Katrina Pocock, who scored one goal. Our girls demolished Seabury Hall again 4-0. Then, they suffered a devastating loss to the defending MIL champs, the Baldwin Bears in a close and physical game. The January 6 game between the Lady Warriors and the Bears, ended with a 2-0 Bears’ victory giving the Warriors their first loss of the season. Starting defender Brandy Gomes said, “We thought King K was going to be our toughest opponent, but it was Baldwin.” “I think that we could’ve won if we attacked more quickly and communicated a lot more,” said Gomes. In their rematch against St. Anthony, the girls redeemed themselves with a 3-2 victory. Next, they faced a tough match-up with the Maui High Sabers, which ended up being a defensive showdown with a 0-0 tie. On January 21, the Warriors battled Lahainaluna to a 2-2 score. 1/24, 1/28/, 2/1

After another 2-2 game against Maui High and a 2-1 Saturday, February 11 2006: Meet 4 loss against King Kekaulike, the girls’ trip to the championship held at Kahului Harbor at 11 A.M. ended after their final loss to the Bears 1-0. Saturday, February 18, 2006: Meet 5 held at Kahului Throughout the season, this team’s seniors have shown Harbor at 11 A.M. leadership, but young athletes like Alyssa Souza have also led Friday, March 3, 2006: HHSAA Championships held at with the goal scoring, and with players like Souza on next year’s Ke‘ehi Lagoon at 8 A.M. team, the girls will once again be contenders to watch. •

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the first goal of the game early in the first Boys Opener Starts with a Big Lead half. In an effort to take the lead, the boys began to quickly move the ball up into the By Bubba Au St. Anthony side of the field during the last Kamehameha Schools Maui boys soccer 15 minutes of the first half. team opened its Maui Interscholastic The boys answered Young’s goal League season with a 9-1 victory over the by scoring nine consecutive times. Keli’i St. Anthony Trojans at War Memorial Dias scored three goals for Kamehameha Stadium on Tuesday, December 13 and ended the regular season as MIL champi- and Mitchell Navarro had a pair. Cody Felipe, Kody Ganiko, Preston Gannon and ons, despite a final game loss to Baldwin Tylor Bantilan each scored a goal for the High School on February 1. Warriors. With this kind of game on the In the first game of the season, books, the boys’ soccer team started the the Warriors’ defense was very tight but allowed the Trojans’ Luke Young to score season on a high note that ended in victory

two months later. The boys will be competing in the state championships on O’ahu, February 15-18.

Number 8, Cody Felipe sends a shot into the goal over St Anthony goalkeeper Jonathan Alatasi.





Kamaka Camarillo: Bringing it to the Hoops By Leialoha Louis Kamaka Camarillo is a senior of Kamehameha Schools and a varsity player on the school’s basketball team. He has been playing basketball for a total of five years, four of them for the Warriors. Camarillo’s favorite position is small forward because it is the most versaPhoto By Jay Paa tile of all the positions. He loves playing basketball because he likes competing, but Kamaka Camarillo positions himself to receive the ball in a game against the Baldwin Bears. the part that he loves the most is the dunking. as well as the coaches and classmates. Although school wears him out during the Having been a basketball player for the Warriors for his entire high school day, he carries himself to practice and pushes his limits. career, Camarillo has grown into a well-


supporting each other to work together and to be one family, constantly talking it up on the courts, “C’mon guys! Push it! Let’s Go! We got this!” As a student, Camarillo admits to falling back sometimes, but what makes him great is that he picks himself up again and moves forward. He said, “I just try to work hard in the classroom and I usually keep my grades up that way.” Camarillo wants to attend college, but because he is a basketball player as well as a volleyball player, he will have to make a decision about which he is going to play because they are both in the same season.

As with many things in life, there is someone who is there for inspiration, and to Camarillo, that is his dad, Rama rounded player. His teammate, Alepaki As a player, Camarillo’s goal is to Camarillo. He said, “My dad first got me Ka‘iliehu-Shinyama said, “Kamaka is a play his hardest and work together with his into the sport. At first, I didn’t want to good player and he works well with the teammates so that they will make it to the play, but I later started to like playing. He team. He is also the slam-dunk ‘masta’.” state tournament. All of his teammates has always been there for me pushing me He has the respect of his fellow teammates share the same goal, so they are constantly to do my best. I love my dad!” The boys have been pushing their limits and doing drills that they disBy Erica Kokalis-Fernandez like such as “the backboard drill”, trying The Kamehameha Schools to make it to the championship as they did Maui Campus’ boy’s basket- last season. “Our main goal for this season ball team has done well in the regular is to make it to states,” says Alepaki season. With a record of 10-1-1, the Ka’iliehu. “All of our attitudes are posiWarriors have qualified for the modified tive so we can win.” second round games. The first took place The winner of the second round last night, but the Warriors will be facing will be declared MIL champs and will Moloka’i at KSMC at 6:00 tomorrow move on to the state competition. night, and they will play against Baldwin There are many obstacles that on Saturday also at KSMC at 6:00. Shooting for 1st

Mo the Mighty Kamaka Camarillo, Lau Hee has helped shape this new team. He plays center and Middle power forward and “dominates in the By Erica Kokalismiddle,” says point guard Angus Peter. “I Fernandez have been playing with him for four Ka’eo years, since our freshman year, and he Lau Hee, also known as “Mo,” is one of has brought leadership to the team with the five seniors on the Kamehameha the most positive attitude. He is usually Schools Maui Campus’ boy’s basketball the one to bail me out when I am in trouteam. He is an honor roll student and a ble.” tri-season athlete. Besides playing basketLau Hee started playing basketball, Mo plays football, baseball and golf. ball when he was six years old. “I love Along with Angus Peters, playing basketball, especially when it Alepaki Ka’iliehu, Chris Dela-Cruz, and comes to the games. I enjoy the contact,”

have been challenging the Warriors throughout their season, injuries being a big one. Jordan Jenkins had to have knee surgery after hurting his knee at basketball practice. He still supports the team at games and goes to rehabilitation to get healthy, so he can play next year. The Warriors were the Cinderella story last year; being a new team with no seniors. they took second place in the MIL and went to states for the very first time. The boys are trying their hardest to make that happen again. Mo said. “He always passes the ball, he is very humble,” said Kailiehu-Shinyama. He has strong ambitions for the future. For basketball, he hopes to place in states. As for himself, he plans to major in Computer Science in a college either in Hawaii or Oregon. He says that some of his hobbies, besides playing sports, include going to the beach, watching television, and sleeping. Lau Hee’s biggest support system, outside of the team, is his parents. “They are my inspiration!”





Just Say, “No” By Kees Mashino

New Year’s resolutions are made throughout the whole world. New Year’s resolutions originated in ancient Babylon circa Many students at Kamehameha Schools are taking 2000 B.C. The New Year comes in spring, what they believe to be the hardest test of their lives, the which is the season for rebirth. That makes it logical to try to start driver’s test. Although it is extremely stressful, every week something new. New Year’s resolutions send out a positive vibe as they go back and attempt to pass it once again. With all long as your goals are well-oriented. these new drivers behind the wheel, the need for a place to There are many different types of goals and resolutions that park their cars when they drive to school arises. That is people set and try to accomplish for the whole year. The most comwhy the school has developed the student parking lot. mon types of resolutions are to quit smoking, lose weight, eat a healthThe stress of your car not starting has happened to ier diet, and exercise on a daily basis. most of us at least once. I mean come on, I actually have New Year’s Resolutions are excellent because they are usuGoodyear on my speed dial because my 16 year-old Prelally intended to make life better for yourself as well as others around ude has as many problems as our laptops, but we all know we love them both. The new student parking lot is located you. They are good because resolutions keep people motivated and behind Pauahilani and is host to more than 90 students. It is help them strive for perfection in their lives. home to our most prized possession while we go off and New Year’s resolutions are a constructive and positive source live our daily lives. Many of the seniors that I have talked to in life that everyone should consider making. Although many people believe that there should be assigned parking spaces, with have trouble achieving their goals, it shouldn’t stop you from making the senior spaces closest to the walkway. one. Student Parking

By Jordan Jenkins

Speaking of the walkway, many think that there should be a shorter walkway from the parking lot to the classrooms. Many students walk across the dirt and rockfilled field behind Pauahilani and end up getting dirt and mud all over themselves when it rains. It’s kind of funny because on rainy days you can tell which students drive to school because they end up having little mud splashes on their backs! Senior Alepaki Kailiehu-Shinyama, who drives a KIA Sorento, believes that there should possibly be more security around the student parking lot. “It’s scary knowing that your car is not totally safe way out there in the boonies…it is really junk that we can’t go to our cars during the day, too,” says Shinyama, echoing an age-old student complaint. Student parking is getting better and better each year, in regards to the location, the security, and, most of all, the students that fill them. It will never be exactly what we students want it to be, like having a personal valet or someone washing our car all day, maybe even ‘Pimping our Ride’ but most are happy with what we have.

Kä Leo o Nä Koa Founded in 2005

Makani Hutchins Sports Editor Jordan Jenkins Ms. Kye Haina Layout: Editorials & Manager / Editor Sports Tiffany Aquinde Entertainment Editor Leialoha Louis

What Are Your Plans?

By Kees Mashino

The demands on student athletes are high. A student-athlete means being a student first and an athlete second. Although some students have a hard time doing well in their school work and excelling in sports, there is an optimistic side to it. Senior student-athlete Erica Kokalis-Fernandez has said, “At time I become overwhelmed with the teachers’ work and my commitment to my two sports.” She also said, “I really struggled this past year because of Ho’ike Nui and applying for colleges.” Senior baseball players Jensen Young-Sik as well as a large number of other student athletes have sacrificed spending time with their families because they are busy with practice and sports camps all day. The demands on student-athletes are extremely high but the sacrifices they make are required. “I feel that sacrificing family time is not what I want, but Disclaimer: Kä Leo o Nä Koa is a publication of the they are worth it because journalism classes of Kamehameha Schools Maui Campus. The views expressed are those of the baseball is what I love,” student writers and editors and does not necessarily reflect the views of KSBE or its representatives. said Young-Sik. Hawaiian Language Editor Stephanie Rabago

Copy Editor Kalani Rosell Features Editor

Alohalani Torres Layout: Features & Entertainment Jensen Young Editorial Editor

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