February 9, 2007 Ka Leo o Na Koa

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February 9 , 2007

Ka Leo o Nä Koa


Ka Leo O Nä Koa “The Voice of the Warriors”

What’s Inside...

Kamehameha Schools Maui Campus Email: kyhaina@ksbe.edu

270 ÿAÿapueo Parkway, Pukalani, HI 96768 Phone: 808-573-7000

Hawaiÿi Voices Unite; KSM Honor Choir Sings by KALEI NAUKA, news writer

Makahiki Games… A6

KSM Soccer…

Spring Play… A5

OÿAHU - Kamehameha Schools Maui’s Honor Choir students, under the direction of Mr. Dale Nitta, embarked on their 5th annual trip to participate in a statewide Choir exhibition on Thursday, January 18. The choir performed with other choirs from around the state at Brigham Young University in Läÿie and Kawaiahaÿo Church in Honolulu. Photo courtesy of Dale Nitta Angela “Angel” DoaneThe Kamehameha Maui Honor Choir looks forward to their performance Mau, a junior, said that in the shadow of their benefactors at Kawaiahaÿo Church on Oÿahu. the trip, “allowed us to meet new people our age from different islands and share our common used for practice, with mingling periods every so often. likeness of singing. In my own opinion, I say “…then at night, we had the best jam ses(a pause) the BEST trip I have ever been on. I met so many new people that fit right in with sions that I’ve ever been a part of. Jam sessions are one of the things that make my heart our Maui people. We grew really close with so happy,” Doane-Mau said with an ear-to-ear the people from Kaua'i.” A typical day at the camp started at 7:00am smile, “and this trip just nailed it.” with breakfast. Then, the rest of the day was SEE CHOIR ON A6

Kamehameha Brings Talent to MDSCO Show by KAINOA KAIAOKAMALIE, features writer Senior Lü’au… A2

Lifestyles… Section B Sports… Section C Commentary… Section D

On Sunday, January 14, 2007, voices of talent and fans filled the Baldwin High School auditorium in Wailuku at the Maui District Student Council Organization. Among those talented voices, the audience was treated to two of our very own Kamehameha School bands: Braddah Jamz consisting of sophomores

Ethan Cabatingan, Kala’e Camarillo, Po’okela Wood, and freshman Dane Lum Ho; and Cool Progression made up of seniors Kaui Owan, Paea Keawekane, Douglas Chong III, and Shameus Ostermiller. SEE TALENT ON PAGE A3

February 9 , 2007

Ka Leo o Nä Koa


Teaming Up for Relay for Life hours. Nineteen teams took part in the first team On March 10 at War Memorial Starelay event in dium the 4th annual Relay for Life Maui 1986. All Youth Relay will be held. This allNearly everynight event, beginning at 7:00 p.m., is a one has been fundraising event to raise money for affected by canEARS. (Cancer Education, Advocacy, cer in some Research, and Services.) way. With the During the event, teams of people will money raised gather at War Memorial and take turns the American walking or running laps. From 6-10pm Cancer Society there will be entertainment and onsite helps local canactivities which are open to the public. cer patients and Photo by Naomi Ashman This year’s goal is $45,000. So far there their families, Seniors, Adam Alirez, Jessica Ogawa, and Corbin Rivera huddle up at are over 40 teams that are participating Kamehameha last year’s Relay For Life event. from 8 schools in the Maui district! students can reTo sign up or to get more information This program first began in Tacoma, ceive community service hours for their see Mrs. Ashman in the SAC office or Washington, where Dr. Gordy Klatt participation. Teams are still being raised money for his local American formed and other teams still need mem- talk to Amanda Ribao, the Relay chairperson. Cancer Society office by walking/ bers. running around a local track for 24 by SYDNEY MEYER, news/features writer

Senior Lü’au Kicks off 2007 By ASHLEY SHAFFER, news writer

Photo by Zari Graham-Ventua

Marty Dread performs at Senior Lü’au.

The class of 2007 and their families enjoyed the senior lü’au at Namähana Dining Hall on January 13. Guests and students experienced a wonderful night of music, entertainment, dancing, and Hawaiian food. It was a great event that began the senior’s final semester at the Kamehameha Schools. One of the entertainers that performed at the lü’au was Kamehameha Schools very own Cool Progression made up of band members Paea Keawekane, Douglas Chong III, Shameus Ostermiller, and Kaui Owan. Their allsenior group sang a number of local songs including their own “Beautiful Woman.” The night began with several performances beginning with music by Nani Watanabe, a family friend of Risa and Kacie Yarborough, and

Alan Abe followed by Cool Progression. Marty Dread "The Reggae Ambassador," toped off the performances that night, he also gave out signed pictures to guests after the performance. Many of the seniors’ favorite part of the luau were definitely the food which was the traditional Hawaiian Plate of kalua pig, chicken long rice, poi, rice, and squid lüÿau. Classmates and guests enjoyed the rest of the night at the dance held at the end of the lüÿau when many of the parents went home and left their teens to be with their friends. “It was really funny how everyone would count how many seconds a boy would finally dance for,” says sophomore Serena Yarborough who spent the night with her family and two sisters, seniors Kacie and Risa Yarborough. Senior Jacob Shaffer says that his best memory at the lü’au was being able to spend time with family and his soon-to-begraduating class whom he will miss greatly.

February 9 , 2007

Ka Leo o Nä Koa


Teacher Mr. O’Brien Nationally Certified By ASHLEY SHAFFER, news writer World history teacher Kevin O’Brien has completed his National Board Certification. He is the third nationally certified teacher on the high school campus behind Spanish language teacher Ms. Hajek and English teacher Mr. Oliver. Being Board Certified means that you have completed a process to educate yourself to another level based on some core ideals that all teachers should follow. Also it validates the good ways that you are already teaching. “I feel very relieved that it is over. There is a lot of pressure as the national average for first time passing is pretty low, like only 1 in 3 pass their first try. I had a lot of help from people like Ms. Hajek, Mr. Pa'a, and Mr. Mancini that I really

needed,” O’Brien said. “Mr.O” has been working hard to receive this certification all the way since October 6, 2005. Getting certified helped him learn new things about the way he teaches. He has changed some of his normal procedures in class. “This whole process made me stop and reflect on what I've been doing as a teacher and try to think of new and improved ways of doing things,” O’Brien says about his experience. In class, he is now planning on having the students stop and really think about what they are doing instead of just doing it. One of the hard parts of getting the certification was all the paperwork, but, Mr. O’Brien says, “The biggest challenge was wondering whether or not

TALENT from A1 Overall, there were 20 performances divided into 4 categories. The judges had a hard time choosing a winner with so many different kinds of music, instrumentals, and dance. According to their panel, the judges had certain criteria for choosing a winner. They looked Photo by Zari Graham-Ventura for: talent, originalCool Progression (in black shirts) squeeze into the group shots after ity, poise, and self- a performance at the senior lüÿau in January. confidence. With so many participants this year, the contest ing to the number, with Cabatingan went on for 2 hours. singing lead vocals, Camarillo and Sophomore Ethan Cabatingan said of Wood on the ‘ukulele, and Lum Ho on his group Braddah Jamz, “I feel we did the bass. The boys did a lively rendition better than the rest of the groups. The of the song “Confused.” They didn’t MDSCO competition, in comparison to place but they represented Kamethe Kamehameha School talent compe- hameha Schools well; however, our tition, was more fun, too. I enjoyed second entry, Cool Progression, earned meeting new people and seeing so a 2nd place certificate. much talent.” Braddah Jamz’s performThis Sunday, February 11, 2007, at ance featured each member contribut7:00pm and throughout the following

Photo by Zari Graham-Ventura

Mr. O’Brien teaches World History to juniors.

what I've always been doing has been right, or has been the right way, or has been the most effective way.” Now, Mr. O’Brien feels more assured that his students are getting the most they can out of taking his class.

How to Vote: 1. Use your digital cable remote during the broadcast. 2. Text (808) 699-3221. Enter the appearance number. 3. Vote online: www.hawaiimusic.com week, the community will have an opportunity to watch Cool Progression performing live on OC16 as part of the Music Foundation of Hawaiÿi’s “Brown Bags to Stardom” talent competition. The winners will receive $2000, a recording contract, and an invitation to the final concert/party at the Neil Blaisdell Center on Oÿahu on March 24th. To show your support you can either vote using your remote control (if you have the digital cable capabilities). If not, you may text your votes to: “808.699.3221”, followed by the number of the appearance. You can also view the groups throughout the week on the Brown Bags website and place your vote there at www.hawaiimusicawards.com. So pick up up your phones and show your support. I mua Kamehameha!

February 9 , 2007

Ka Leo o Nä Koa


New Day Brings New Age by KONA LEE, news writer

In this new day and age, the world as we know is evolving and technology is helping to push its boundaries. Looking back over the last 50 years, technology has been improving by leaps and bounds. From the radio to HDTV, the record player to the iPod, the typewriter to the computer, everything in modern day life is becoming more advanced. The most influenced aspects of life that technology has affected are our social and cultural environments. From the cell phone to an mp3 player, society as we know it has molded into the new age of a cyber world. At the center of this new frontier is the almighty computer. In the world of communication the computer has made it a lot easier to talk and communicate your ideas, thoughts, stories, and pictures. From writing an essay

to ordering a pizza, the computer has the power to do it all. Not only does technology affect us socially, but physically as well. With improvement of technology, the medical world has come far to better mankind; it is even scientifically proven that the human life span has been increasing. Over the past 200 years, the average life span has almost doubled from 37 years to 68 years. With all of these breakthroughs, we, as humans, are still constantly evolving to adapt to this new era of knowledge. It all sounds fine and dandy, but recent studies have shown that the common worker is becoming a technophobe. It seems as if the business aspect of life is taking a hard hit. A recent interview by the Australian recruitment agency Talent2 showed that out of a thousands workers who were interviewed, 54% said that technology, including mobile phones, mobile emails, and laptops, made their working day far

Teenage Drama to Hit Stage;

Photo by Brittany McGuire

Students at KS Maui get their own laptop computers starting with freshmen year.

longer. Another 39% said technological advancement had detracted from their personal lives and they would rather go back to a slower-paced time where workers could not be contacted after hours. The world is advancing at an enormous pace technologically, and mankind will continue to struggle to adjust to this new cyber world.

Hard-hitting psychological drama addresses school violence issue

by JORDAN JENKINS, editor This year’s Drama Club coached by theater teacher Ms. Romero will be doing a controversial play about teen shootings in early February. “After reading the play, and realizing that it was such a confronting piece, I thought I would never be able to live with myself wondering 'what if?’” said sophomore and lead actor Kea Peterson. The play features all high school students: Kea Peterson, Stacey Johnston, Lynndy Klevin, Rachel Koike, Kainoa Perryman, Nolan Yee, ‘Iolani Antonio, Ariel Blackburn, Kyle Deeley, Leilani Oshiro, and Donovan Sakamoto. All of whom are excited to show their talents. Bang, Bang You’re Dead opens in the high school cafeteria tonight, February 9th, at 7:30. Other shows will be on the 10th, 16th, and 17th all at 7:30. Entrance is free, and everyone is encouraged to Bang, Bang You’re Dead will hit the stage on February 9th at 7:30. Admission is come and watch what the Drama Club free, and the play will also run on the 10th, 16th and 17th. Above: Kea Peterson has been working on. as Josh is surrounded by voices from his past as he contemplates his next move.

February 9 , 2007

Ka Leo o Nä Koa

Don’t Procrastinate - It’ll Kill You by BRANDON RODRIGUES, news writer faster and the work is better than Procrastinate, does that sound fawhen they do it ahead of time. But miliar? The average number of people procrastinating in the modern day Steel says that trying to cure people of is rising at a high rate. Some say it’s a that habit, according to his studies, is harder than stopping the intake of good thing because of the fast pace and the amount your brain works, but alcoholic beverages by alcoholics. One student here on our campus, they’re wrong. Procrastination will kill you. Working under a lot of pressure Arthur Wong, tries not to procrastinate any more because of a bad exseems like a good thing after you’ve pulled another “all-nighter” and man- perience working on an English project in his freshaged to get that man year, “ I was big project done under too much with seconds to pressure the last spare, but studtime, and I ies from Cathcouldn’t really leen Henning function as well Fenton show as I usually do, that it causes so I quit.” stress and anxiMany people ety leading to procrastinate due high blood presto laziness, othsure, a deadly ers procrastinate condition. PeoPhoto by Kuÿulei Hanohano because of other ple who proProcrastination hits high school students crastinate also around the world. This student can barely stay temptations, like playing Minetend to be less awake after another last-minute all-nighter. sweeper. Anhealthy, less other reason is that people have too wealthy and less happy than those much to do; then, they tend to put who don’t. things off until the last minute. One Students everywhere, including at example of how much procrastination Kamehameha Schools Maui, absolutely love to procrastinate. Some re- can cost people is that delaying filing search by Professor Piers Steel of the taxes, on average, costs a person $400. University of Calgary found that out A simple solution for that would be of 50 students, there were 47 who to set short do-able goals ahead of said that they are guilty of procrastitime, to make it all work out for the nation. Students say that because of all the pressure, they work harder and best.

Happy Valentine’s Day from the staff of Ka Leo o Na Koa!


CONFRONT WHATEVER IS BLOCKING YOU, THEN MOVE ON By Patrick Kampert Chicago Tribune(MCT) Chicago time-management consultant Marianna Swallow offers a few common tips to deal with putting things off: •

Identify your bugaboo, the thing that drives you nuts. What is the one thing that you're constantly thinking about on and off the job?

What is procrastination costing you? One of Swallow's seminar participants put off paying a traffic ticket _ for the third time _ and wound up with her license suspended.

Find the tiniest step you can find to get started on the project. If you're planning to redecorate your living room, Swallow said, don't try to do everything in one day. Go to a home-improvement store and pick up some cards of paint samples. Then call it a day.

Make an easily achievable goal to give yourself a mental jump-start. "We set ourselves up for failure, especially around the new year," Swallow said. "We say, `OK, this is it. I'm not going to eat ice cream anymore and I'm going to the gym three times a week.' Don't do that to yourself." Instead, commit to going to the gym once a week for 5 minutes. Five will turn into 10, and so on.

Give yourself the freedom to delete minor, unfulfilled projects from the edges of your list. Maybe you've tried to arrange a lunch with an acquaintance and it has been canceled and rescheduled several times. At some point, Swallow says, it's OK to say, "This just isn't going to happen."

(c) 2007, Chicago Tribune. Distributed by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services.

February 9 , 2007

Ka Leo o Nä Koa


Student Council Shows the Love BRENDEN BURK student council president, guest columnist Happy Valentines Day from the Student Council! I hope that everyone is having an enjoyable and productive start to the second semester. So far we have held our first recognition assembly, as well as our first lunch time activity. Rest assured that student council is continuing to plan activities to liven up the second semester. I would also like to extend my congratulations to all those students who received recognition for the first semester, keep up the good work! I apologize if any students were missed. As always, I am grateful for the cooperation of the student body and faculty/staff who make our activities possible. Without your support and participation, we wouldn’t be able to do all that we do. Keep in mind that if anyone has suggestions, ideas, or concerns for the student council to consider, please them by contacting an officer. Until next time, I hope that all of you continue to do well in and out of school, and look forward to future school events. CHOIR from A1 Photo by Brittany McGuire

Makahiki Games Senior Micah Spencer and freshman Chase Bell duel it out during the makahiki games in an acient Hawaiian game called Haka Moa (Chicken Fight). The games at school marked the celebration of the games played by native Hawaiians in a time when no war was permitted.

Charles Reed Bishop Service Ms. Venus Rosete-Hill Executive director of The Neighborhood Place, teaches the Photo by Ku’ulei Hanohano students of KSM High School, about serving the community during the Charles Reed Bishop Day service on January 25, 2007.

Doane-Mau encourages people to try out for next year’s Honor Choir. If you are interested in taking the trip yourself one day, students, “have to be ready to make many new friends… and sing their hearts out. If singing isn't their passion, it won't be as fun. But, all in all, it's a trip worth remembering and trying out Photos courtesy of Jordan Saribay, Angel Doane-Mau for,” says Honor Choir members had many opportunities to bond on Doane-Mau. their Oÿahu trip. Clockwise from top: on the bus, at Brigham Those interYoung University, and on the steps of Kawaiahaÿo Church. ested should see Mr. Nitta in Kekuÿiapoiwanui 212. Doane-Mau would like to give a special acknowledgement to her “choir buddies”, and says, “Thanks to Mr. Nitta and the Kamehameha students who went for helping in making it one of the most fun trips I’ve ever been on.”

February 9 , 2007

Ka Leo o Nä Koa


Class News Pressure Almost Pau

Sophomore News

by Na’i Kana, news writer

By ASHLEY SHAFFER, news writer

Höÿike Nui is partly over. The deadline for portfolios has passed, as well as the mandatory Saturday help session. Now, students are worrying about panel presentations. Senior Star Kemfort says, “I’m nervous. You never know what to expect when presenting in front of teachers, because they critique you on every little thing that deals with your project.” Teachers are saying, “Just know your stuff. Be prepared!” Hopefully all college applications are done with by now because it’s time to start on scholarship and FAFSA applications. The next free FAFSA workshop will be at MCC, this Sunday afternoon, February 11. Professionals will be there to help parents and students fill out their FAFSA forms line by line. After the pressure of Höÿike Nui, college applications, scholarships, and financial aid applications is done, Senior Ball will be right around the corner. On February 24, 2007, the Senior Ball will be held at the King Kamehameha Golf Club from 5:00pm to 10:00pm. “007 Destination: Graduation” is the theme of the night and the colors are red, black, and white. Be prepared to have fun, eat ÿono food, enjoy great entertainment, and dance the night away.

The sophomore banquet is soon approaching and so, hopefully, is the sophomore sleepover. Sophomore banquet is going to be held on March 3rd and there is much to look forward to. As of right now, the theme of it is going to be “Happy Days” in the ‘50’s. Also, it will take place in our high school dining hall Ke’eaumokupäpa’iaheahe. One of the many who is looking forward to the banquet is sophomore Isaac Ho who says,” I’m looking forward to the food, music, entertainment, and for something original and, mostly, enjoyable.” Unlike at last year’s freshman banquet, you will be allowed to bring along a friend or date this year, so start asking because permission forms will be due by February 20th. The costs of tickets for yourself are $18 and your guest is $22. As for sophomore behavior, according to the sophomore advisor, Mr. Rickard, it is improving and the student government is working better together to make the rest of the year as enjoyable as possible.

Freshman News by CHLOE WOO

The Juniors by KALEO DeMELLO The Juniors are now focusing on their new classes and trying to get back into a successful second semester. In seminar classes, they will begin the first steps of their Höÿike Nui senior projects. They are also getting ready for their first prom to be held at the Sheraton Maui on April 7. The Junior Prom has been in everyone’s conversations over the past month. They are already finding dates and signing up for seats. The juniors are very excited for the new school semester and their first Junior Prom.

The freshmen have made it into their last semester in their first year in high school. With finals done, and things starting to ease up committees are forming to make activities. One in particular is the freshman banquet that will be happening near the end of the semester. The date is Sat. April 14th, but even with that far away deadline, the committee is already hard at work for “Club 2010.” However, there is still time if anyone wants to help out with the banquet. Freshmen are also doing Ho’olauela preparations. They will be staffing the chow fun booth this year to raise funds for the class account. Student and parent workers will need to be certified for food handling at one of the upcoming courses offered on campus in order to work at the booth. The next course will be offered on March 5 at 6:00pm at Namähana Dining Hall. Students and parents can register with Lokelani Patrick at kapatric@ksbe.edu.

February 9, 2007

Ka Leo o Nä Koa


LIFESTYLES What They Had To Say; By KACIE YARBOROUGH, lifestyle writer Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. Some high school students will have a special someone in mind on the 14th, and for others, it will be a day to relax with friends and eat Haagen-Dazs. Here’s what KSM students had to say about a serious relationship. Note to reader: This survey is in no way supposed to change your mind about the relationship you’re in. If it does, here’s some advice: Don’t dump your girlfriend/ boyfriend on Valentine’s Day! “I think they’re a great idea! Whoever thought of it is a genius.”

Logan Doral, grade 9

boyfriend/girlfriend relationships while in high school… “Stupid! Why be tied down?!”

“Not good, but hard to resist.”

Blake Harrell, grade 10

Manalani English, grade 12

“We shouldn’t have them. We are too young to commit to a relationship. We should be exploring our options and focused on what we want our future to be. I believe in flings, dating, and crushes, but not serious relationships.”

Hoku Kubota, grade 11

“Good way to build knowledge on the opposite sex and vent hormones.”

Dylan Andrion, grade 9

“I think that they are experiences that will shape character.”

Young and In Love What do you think about serious

“They may just end in heartbreak because high school is really when future separates us.”

Christian Jalisa Chong Kee, Moore, grade 11 grade 10



Chandie Takase, grade 12


February 9, 2007

Ka Leo o Nä Koa

‘Round Table’ of love? Name: Round Table Address: 207 Piÿikea Avenue, Suite 61 Kïhei, HI 96753 Phone: (808) 874-8485

By MICHAEL YANNELL, lifestyle Amorè! Love! FOOD! Valentine’s Day is here and many of you have dinner plans with that special someone. There are many places around the island to eat, but not all of them will fit your budget. Round Table Pizza in Kïhei offers good food at an affordable price, and what better way to celebrate the ‘Day of Love’ than with Americanized Italian food? Known for its all natural ingredients, Round Table sounded delicious to three teens each with a driver’s license, an empty stomach, and some money in their pockets. My friends and I went out there one Saturday night in January and found a lot of food, for not


Perfecto!!!!! Pretty Darn Good!

that much money. The Fills You Up, But Might actual ‘Round Table’ Let You Down. with the names of King The Food Was There, But I Arthur’s knights Wish I Wasn’t. printed in front of each Um… Check Please? seat is pretty amusing to see, but the regular booth was good enough for us. After looking at the menu was packed, the pizza parlor was with pizza’s names such as King quick serve our pizzas after only Arthur’s Supreme, the Wombo about ten minutes. With the jukeCombo, and the well-known Maui box playing music from all eras, it Zaui, we decided upon Guinevere’s was easy to relax. Songs from Garden Delight and the Ulti-Meat bands like the Eagles, Staind, and pizzas. No Doubt provided a well-rounded But, pizza isn’t the only thing musical atmosphere. on the menu, they also carry Overall, it’s a great place to eat sandwiches like the Turkey Pesto, with decent service and a good Appetizers such as Garlic Bread, price. I have to give this one four and they have a salad bar. Our out of five pies. Located in the order was more than enough as Piÿilani Village Shopping Center the three of us were overwhelmed (the place where Outback is) it’s with the small and medium pizzas easy to find and well worth the we ordered for under $40. drive. The service was friendly and reasonable. Even though the place

Astronomy Club Explores the Cosmos

club members plan excursions, learn about the sky, and particiclub members. Ms. Hamai advises pate in activities that help them to By BRYCE TANIGUCHI, news and Näkilolani, and the club is open to understand astronomy better. features writer One unique thing about the Asanyone in the student body. They tronomy Club is that the students There are many clubs offered in have meetings and excursions to and Ms. Hamai get to take club high school but the Astronomy help them learn more about the excursions to Haleakalä where the Club is the only club that explores heavens. the world above us. The AstronNäkilolani allows you to explore club is part of the HAA Club omy Club’s Hawaiian name is another world by seeing deep sky (Haleakalä Amateur Astronomers). Näkilolani, suggested by freshman objects like stars, constellations, See COSMOS on B4 James Mattos and ratified by the and galaxies. At meetings, the

February 9, 2007

Ka Leo o Nä Koa


By LINDA C. BLACK, Tribune Media Services

Today's Birthday (02-09-07). You'll be in a good position to make lots of money this year. There are ups and down, however, so don't be a fool about it. Be careful, or you'll end up with less than you had when you started. To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging. Aries (March 21-April 19) _ Today is an 8 _ Use money to get money. This is not completely a gamble. It's more like a very, very, very well calculated risk. Taurus (April 20-May 20) _ Today is a 6 _ A powerful partner is good to have, if you get to get the agenda. Defend your position, but also listen and learn from the competition.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 _ Today is an 8 _ You'd spend every cent you have on a loved one, but that's not a good idea. Keep your wits about you, so you don't feel enormous regret in the morning. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) _ Today is a 7 _ The trouble with your schedule for work is that it's interfering again, with your schedule for play. Postpone an outing until after the job's done. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) _ Today is a 6 _ Your life is becoming more complicated, but you're a practical person. Remember to keep control of the purse strings and you should get past the temptations unscathed.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) _ Today is a 7 _ Keep your communication channels Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) _ open. It's difficult, but if you Today is a 7 _ Let the person don't you could discover who has all the money know you've walked right into an how much you need. Have a ambush. nice presentation and you'll be Cancer (June 22-July 22) _ Today is a 7 pleasantly surprised. _ You care so much for the ones you love, you'd give them anything. That's not always good for them, however. Exercise restraint. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) _ Today is a 6 _ People feel free to tell you now, why whatever you're doing is wrong. This is not a lot of fun, but is sure is educational. Don't take it personally. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) _ Today is a 7 _ You're becoming involved in a new skill, topic or puzzle to be solved. It may include all of the above, and it may cause a change in your thinking. Proceed with caution.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) _ Today is a 6 _ New opportunities pop up, but there are complications. You have to choose between boring work or romantic play. Even worse, you may have to choose work.

Horoscopes are provided for entertainment purposes only. For answers to life questions, consult your bible!


February Funday: Celebrate “Umbra” Day By EVAN STANT, lifestyles writer Tomorrow, Febuary 10, is National Umbrella Day. There are many ways to celebrate Umbrella Day, so get creative: carry an umbrella, use an umbrella, or maybe even wear an umbrella. If you don’t have an umbrella, isn’t it time to get one? Whatever you decide to do is up to you. Although the creator and the origin of this day is unknown, don’t let that stop you from going wild and having fun with this day. Here are some umbrella facts to help you get the most out of this year’s Umbrella Day! “Umbra” Facts •The umbrella was created over four thousand years ago and comes from the Latin word “umbra” which means “shade.” •Umbrellas were first designed to provide shade from the sun but then were waterproofed and used for protection from rain.

•“James Smith and Sons” was a shop that opened in the 1830’s. Located in London England, they were the first ever umbrella shop.

Answers to Sudoku

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) _ Today is an 8 _ Your life is usually an open book, but that's not a good idea now. Do the work and collect the rewards, but don't make a big deal about it. Sudoku reprinted with permission from www.krazydad.com. Visit the website for more free Sudoku! All puzzles copyright 2005 property of Jim Bumgardner.

Photo by Kuÿulei Hanohano

Alyssa Souza and Amy Gonzales are ready for Umbrella Day.

February 9, 2007

Ka Leo o Nä Koa


My Name is Aaron, & I am a Gamer

Full Name: Alea Keomaka Grade: 11 Sports: cheerleading ExtraCurriclar: sports, spirit club, dancing Strengths: having fun Why she plays: “it makes me happy” Proudest sports moment?: The cheerleading competition; we did our best. Just wait for next year, brah! Challenges: competition next year! 3 words to describe the CHEERLEADING team: LOUD, FUN and CLOSE

by AARON GUERRERO, columnist I’ve been a gamer since the day I was born. It was really taking a toll on my school work. My parents noticed it, too, because when I was 5 years old, I was so into video games that I was in my own world. They would constantly try to call me, and I was just spacing out at the T.V. This became a problem, so they decided to take it all away from me. I never saw another video game for years. My parents noticed I was doing better in school, so they thought not having video games was working. In the 5th grade, I asked for a GAMEBOY Color, so my parents gave me an incentive. I had to be Surfer of the Month (which was an award given to the best student in each class in my elementary school) and be on the Honor Roll. I did it, earned the GAMEBOY, and this began my downward spiral to poor grades and a horrible work ethic. I didn’t think that video games were affecting me, I guess you could say I was in denial. I was doing horribly in school because I was playing video games and not doing any of my homework. At the end of the 7th grade, my dad raided my room. He found all my video games,

COSMOS from B1 These excursions depend on the weather, “You need good weather, such as no wind and dark skies,” said Ms. Hamai. The excursions consist of star gazing and naming constellations. On the most recent excursion to Haleakalä, students James Mattos and Preston Tavares were treated to some neat experiences. “We saw a comet before sunset that was visible to the naked eye, and later in the evening,

my brother’s games, and anything related to games, and took them away. I don’t know where he put it all, but to this day, I haven’t seen any of it. I guess my school work got better because at the end of the 8th grade, I was accepted to Kamehameha Schools. I made the Honor Roll in the last quarter, and my parents were thrilled. Some people would think that Kamehameha Schools was the greatest thing on earth. I did, until they gave me the dreaded laptop. This thing has caused me so many problems because it does everything that will distract anyone. Do my math? No way, I’m playing Halo instead. Finishing my senior project? Nope, talking to people on G-talk. My grades seem to get worse every year. Now that I am a senior, getting ready to graduate, I realize that video games have had a horrible effect on me, but I am trying to break this habit and do better at my school work so I can graduate. To all you underclassmen out there, take a lesson from me and don’t let the distractions get to you, or you could end up just like me, and you wouldn’t want that now, would you?

Full Name: Kai’ea Medeiros Grade: 11 Sports: Football and Basketball ExtraCurricular: sports and family activities Strengths: making friends Why he plays: “I love sports” Proudest sports moment?: “ When we went to states two years ago for football!” Challenges: knee injury

we used a very high-tech remote-control telescope to study the sky. The telescope was so strong, that we could see the space between Saturn and its ring. We also learned and studied a few more constellations and conversed with other astronomers who were present. Although it was cold, it was a great experience, and Preston and I wouldn't mind going up there again,” said Mattos. The Astronomy Club plans to take an excursion every quarter. Their next excursion will be in the spring.

Ka Leo o Nä Koa

February 9, 2007


the Lunas 46-37, the bears 44-26, and the Na Ali’i 61-47. The Warriors started the second round of By NATASHA KEALOHA, the 2007 season by sports writer hosting the Sabers on The Kamehameha Boys Varsity basketball Saturday, January 20. The Sabers were back team has had an outstanding nearly undefor revenge but didn’t feated year in their 2006-2007 season. The Kamehameha Boys Varsity Basketball receive it, and they got shut down once started their season on January 3rd , 2007. again, losing to the The Warriors battled it out at Maui High Warriors 65-52. Sabers home court and got their first win of On Saturday Januthe season there. Defeating the Sabers 50-42. ary 27, the Lunas “We did alright but we could have done played on the Warribetter “ said Kaiÿea Medeiros “The boys have ors’ home court. a lot to work on, and they know it,” conJeffery Oka domifirmed Coach Cagasan. nated the game, rakThe Warriors continued their winning ing up 16 points and streak in their next three games, defeating leading the WarriPhoto by Kawehi Kanae Season out Come: ors to yet another The varsity basketball Warriors show their stuff. Swish! victory to add to their undefeated KSGames: in the last minutes of the game, the Warriors season, winning the Lunas 55-41. Vis suffered their first loss of the season 61-48. If The Warriors headed to Baldwin on KSMC VS. MHS @ MHS….…….50-42 the Warriors were victorious against KKHS KSMC VS. LHS @ LHS………...46-37 Wednesday, January 31, to face one of this past Wednesday, they will face the Bears KSMC VS. BHS @ KSMC……...44-26 their biggest competitors. From the beKSMC VS. KKHS @ KKHS………61-47 ginning, the Warriors fought hard for the once again on Monday, 2/12, to determine the winner of the MIL title, but the results of KSMC VS. MHS @ KSMC……...65-52 MIL title, but they trailed the Bears for Wednesday’s match were unknown when KSMC VS. LHS @ KSMC……...55-41 the whole game. Despite a huge effort KSMC VS. BHS @ BHS………..48-61 this issue went to press. that whittled the Bears’ lead to 8 points

Warriors Spear the Competition

Softball Girls Conquer in Final Four By SHILOH CABATINGAN, sports editor

On Saturday, January 20, 2007, the Kamehameha Maui Girls Softball team defeated the Nä’Ali’i in an 11-4 victory in their last game of the season. “I think our team did well, but could've been better. Towards the end of the season is when our team became a ‘team’ and it was a little too late. But all in all, our team did what it could,” said left fielder, senior Raybrena Ordonez. Clinching the final win against King Kekaulike early in the game, Natasha

Kealoha hit an in-the-park grand slam in the first inning bringing in 4 runs including herself, and Manalani English had 2 hits out of 4 times up to bat, with two doubles. On Wednesday January 17, 2007, Elise “Kai” Duarte had 2 hits out of four times at bat and Lauran Kanae hit 2 doubles and a triple with 4 R.B.I.’s. With performances like these, the girls finished Photo by Mitchell Navarro the softball season strong with a record of Kai Duarte gets ready to hit at the Eddie Tam Fields on January 20, 2007. 8 wins and 6 losses.

Ka Leo o Nä Koa

February 9, 2007


KSM Weekend Sports Schedule by MITCHELL-KAUI OWAN

Friday 2/9/07 SWIMMING MIL Championships at Kïhei Pool (5:00pm)

Saturday 2/10/07 WRESTLING Meet at KSM (8:30am) SWIMMING MIL championship at Kïhei Pool (9:00am) PADDLING meet at Hanakao’o (11:00am) J.V. BASEBALL game vs. KKHS at Eddie Tam Field (11:00am) BOYS SOCCER Playoffs February 14-17 (O’ahu)

Boys Soccer Season ends on a good note they went to the varsity playoffs. “This season is going well,” said Jeremy Okamura, a senior stopper. “We lost a lot of key players from last year, The boys varsity soccer team has gone undefeated but were able to bond as a team and get the season rolling.” throughout the entire 2006-2007 season, with “Our season went well,” says senior Mitchell their only trouble coming from the Nä Aliÿi game Navarro. “We went undefeated, and I hope, next on December 20. In it, the Warriors were losing year, they continue to raise the bar.” With the in the first half, but slowly started to pick up the boys soccer playoffs starting on February 14 and momentum in the second, coming out on top running through February 17, the soccer team has with a 2-1 win. a lot of preparation to do and will work hard to The boys soccer team continues playing up to the bar of excellence that they set last year when accomplish what every team wants, to be State Champions.

BY MITCHELL-KAUI OWAN, sports writer

Swimming in the MIL, but going for States By JOSHUA KONG, sports writer

“One race at a time, one step at a time,” commented Kellen Pacheco, “that’s exactly how the swim team is taking this season.” With five swim meets already in the books and the MIL Championships taking place today and tomorrow, our Warriors look in great shape to get to States. The road that they have traveled in order to get here hasn’t been smooth traveling all the way. They have had to work hard day in and day out to get where they are today and aren’t slacking, by any means, as the State Championships near. In their race on January 20th, the boys finished first in the overall standings ahead of a strong Baldwin Bears team and a determined Seabury Hall. With Kalani Rosell winning first place in the 200m individual medley; senior Leighton Hau and junior Keoni Hassett taking second and third respectively in the 50m freestyle; junior Kellen Pacheco winning second in the 100m fly, and a number of top four finishes by Kauanoe Batangan, Kainalu Ah-Yen, Cameron Yee, and Isaiah Keanekua, each swimmer contributed to their team’s strong win. The boys also won their meet the night before and broke their own record for the 400m freestyle relay set last year. The ladies of Kamehameha also had a great showing that meet, finishing third behind the Bears of Baldwin and the Seabury Spartans. The ladies started off with a bang finishing first by one tenth of a second in the first race of the meet, the 200m medley relay. Sulun Guth started the relay strong with the backstroke. Victoria Schrosier was up next with the breaststroke. Megan Takakura jumped in next with the butterfly, and Allyn Kalaiwaÿa finished the race off with the 50m freestyle. On Saturday, February 3, Kamehameha Maui hosted their first MIL swim and dive meet under windy skies. After a few technical difficulties, the meet got under way with many top three finishes

Photo by Erwin DeCoite, Jr.

Allyn Kalaiwaÿa is poised an the starting blocks.

among the KSM swimmers. Kalani Rosell, Leighton Hao, Megan Takakurra, and Kellen Pacheco turned in times that pre-qualified them for states. With such a strong showing so far this swim season for both boys and girls, make sure you come to their next meet and show your support today at 5pm and tomorrow at 9pm at Sakamoto Pool in Kahului.

February 9, 2007

Ka Leo o Nä Koa


Cheerleading Update by ALYSSA ROSS, chief photographer

On the Way to States by KALEO DeMELLO, sports writer The Varsity Soccer girls finished the season on a good note by winning their last five games and ending the season 9 – 2 – 2. “I feel the team is going good. We have a very young team and a lot of talent, and we have come a long way since the beginning,” said left defender Lahela Matsui. Matsui also mentions that there was always a chance for states if they focused and played as a team with confidence. By mid-January, with three games left in the season, the girls had to win them all to advance, and they did. Matsui has faith in the team saying that they can be the best if they try hard and put their hearts into every game. Despite King Kekaulike’s final win against Baldwin, Baldwin still wins the MIL title with the girl Warriors in second. The girls team has been representing Kamehameha Maui at the HHSAA soccer championships since Wednesday of this week. As of this printing, their standings are unknown, but we wish them the best of luck. LEFT: The varsity soccer action is hot near the King Kekaulike goal at KSM’s field.

The most stressful part of the cheerleading season is done and the cheerleaders are still showing their school spirit by supporting the winter season sports. Football games and the MIL Cheerleading Competition have come to an end, and the cheerleaders now have basketball games, soccer games, baseball games, softball games, swim meets, and wrestling matches to attend. The learning and teaching of new cheers and chants to a squad, who has been made up of mostly new and inexperienced cheerleaders, was added together with the stress of learning a new routine for competition and learning to tumble. “Every Tuesday we’d go to the weight room and lift weights with Coach Mark. We went to gymnastics every Wednesdays and did tumbling and conditioning exercises from 6:00pm to 7:30pm, and on Thursdays we’d do aerobics in the pool and jumps off the diving board,” said Ryanne Ortiz, varsity co-captain. Now that competition has passed the cheerleaders are practicing new ideas for the new season. New basketball cheers and halftime performances, along with hip hop dances by “The Show,” are the latest subjects on the cheerleader’s to-do lists. “This year, our main goal was to spread school spirit. Next year we can concentrate on skill.” said Coach Mason. For now, the cheerleading squads will be supporting every sport, showing their school spirit and pride.


Stay tuned for coverage in March!

RIGHT: KSM wrestler Kaÿahumanu Rozet has the upper hand against her Lähainaluna opponent in the round robin match-up on January 20 at Baldwin High School. Photo by Alyssa Ross

Photo by Brittany McGuire

February 9, 2007

Ka Leo o Nä Koa


JV PAGE J.V. Basketball looking for steadiness By Erwin DeCoite Jr., sports writer Boys J.V. basketball is off to an unsteady start with a 2-4 record. A win to start the season against the Maui High Sabers in overtime gave the Warriors confidence going into their second game. Although they came up short and lost to Lähaina, they came back and pulled out a win against their third challengers, the Baldwin Bears in their January 10 game. Next, they challenged upcountry rival, the King Kekaulike Nä Aliÿi. Giving it their all

wasn’t enough though; they lost by a few points and came up short again against Maui High in the second round. On Saturday, January 27, again, they faced the Lähaina Lunas but couldn’t pull off a win with the game ending 51-38. “We had a hard time breaking their press and getting the ball down court,” said sophomore Chaysen Miyazuno. In order for the Warriors to claim another victory, they’ll have to play with lots of heart and great defense.

Coming up is the Baldwin Bears for the second time. If they beat the Bears, their record will be 3-4, with a few games left in the season. “I think we just need to pressure their offense and just play our game,” says sophomore Michael Jenkins. This should be exciting because they have beaten them once already, so they are looking for another victory, while the Bears try to protect their home court.

J.V. Girls Soccer Ends Season in Second By WHITNEY SANTOS, sports writer The Kamehameha Junior Varsity girl’s soccer team was having an undefeated season until they lost to their rivals, the Baldwin Bears, 3-1 on Friday January 12, 2007. The single Warriors goal of that game was made by freshman Kelly Ann Souza. As the girls went off to practice for the final game against King Kekaulike High School, team captain Kainoa Kaiaokamalie “The loss against Baldwin has affected us greatly, we now have to work harder than ever to stay on the top, as of now, we need to beat King Kekaulike to win.”

On Tuesday January 23, 2007 the Warriors challenged the undefeated King Kekaulike Nä Aliÿi to tie for first place. “This game was the best game we played all season,” said Kaiaokamaile. The stands were filled with more spectators than any of the other games cheering for both teams. The Nä Aliÿi scored first with 30 minutes into the game. Answering to that the Warriors entered the second half with much determination. Kelly Ann Souza scored a goal tying the game 1-1. The two teams rallied back and forth, and the game remained tied with

the final score 1-1. This tie ranked the J.V. Warriors in second place after King Kekaulike who remained undefeated. The sophomores on the team hope to continue playing soccer and move up to the varsity level next year. With only one senior graduating from the varsity team (Kela Lau Hee) and so many talented soccer girls, it will be a interesting battle to see who makes it onto the varsity roster for the 2007-2008 season.

Mixed Crew Still Pulling BY KEAHI RAIKES, sports writer On the weekend of January 13, it was the season opening regatta for this year’s new paddling crew. Last year the varsity mixed crew claimed the state championship, and this season opener had the athletes hoping to do the same. The first regatta was a long distance race and gave observers an idea of how the crews are looking. The mixed crew did not claim first, but they came in right behind, claiming second. “We started off great, came around the ¼ mile turn in first place,” said Evan Stant, who paddles in seat 1 on the mixed crew. “ We showed that we can be at the top, but we just died. To prepare for the next race, we’re going to practice hard to get the gold.” After a great showing in the long distance race, the crew went on to struggle, finishing out of the top three rankings in the next two races. The Varsity Boys 2 crew was knocked out of the 2nd meet when their canoe flipped at the turn in high winds, one of two overturned canoes of that meet.

Although the early season results have been mixed for the varsity team, the junior varsity crews have been holding their own. In the second and third regattas of the season, the JV Photo by Chloe Woo Boys 2, JV Girls 2 Crews are dwarfed by a freighter while practicing in Kahului Harbor. and Mixed 2 didn’t affect the races. Because the waves crews finished in first, and several of the were so big, the paddlers all had to swim other crews also placed second or third in out to their canoes before their races to their races. In meet 3 in Kïhei, Varsity Girls 2 and 1 placed first and third in their races, avoid crashing the boats.” The next regatta will be tomorrow at and the JV team had a series of third place Hanakao’o Beach in Lähaina with JV races finishes with their Girls 1 & 2 and Mixed 1 crews. It was a tough meet reported jv pad- beginning at 11:00am. Come out to support our defending champs as well as the rest of dler Ashley Shaffer, “There was a really the crews. strong shorebreak and big waves but they

Ka Leo o Nä Koa

February 9, 2007


Ka Leo o Nä Koa Staff Managing Editor: Ms. Kye Haina Student Editor-in-Chief: Jordan Jenkins Sports Editor: Shiloh Cabatingan-Hedden Lifestyles Editor: Michael Yanell Chief Photographer: Alyssa Ross Copy Editors: Kacie Yarborough Michael Yanell Hawaiian Language Editors: Naÿi Kana Zari Graham-Ventura Graphics Curtis Puli Kyle Watanabe Joshua Saribay

Disease Spreads around School: Procrastination

Jordan Jenkins, editor “One day left!” Those are three words you do not want to hear if you have yet to start on a big project. Many of us are guilty of this epidemic sweeping through high school students across the world - procrastination. By definition, “procrastination” means “to postpone doing something, especially as a regular practice.” With the school year 60 days from ending (that’s only school days, now), we all know that Some material courtesy of American Society of Newspaper Editors/MCT there will be end-of-the-year projects as well as major tests to study for. Will Campus High School Newspaper procrastination be infecting you in Services. these coming weeks? There are many ways one can spot Editorial Policy: The staff of Ka Leo o Nä Koa is dedicated to objective and balanced coverage of campus and community news. We welcome comments, suggestions, and letters. To have your letter considered for publication, limit the text to 100 words or less, include full name and grade, and email to: kyhaina@ksbe.edu. Letters may be edited for length or propriety.

Disclaimer: Ka Leo o Nä Koa is a publication of the journalism class of Kamehameha Schools Maui. The views expressed represent the views of the individual student writers and editors and does not necessarily reflect the views of KSM, KSBE or its affiliations.



someone who has a severe case of procrastination: • They seem wholly unprepared for a presentation. • Their hair looks out of place from loss of sleep. • They have a few extra grey hairs. • They seem to be sleepwalking throughout most of the day. People with procrastination tend to be cranky. If you see people in this position, do not approach them, simply stay away until symptoms improve. If you find yourself with these symptoms lasting more then 2 days, consult your best friend, teacher, or counselor immediately. Procrastination is a serious disease that can be cured as long as people relax, start working early, and make sure that they are willing to work hard to get things done. Procrastination is a disease that affects everyone at one time or another. Sometimes you bring it on yourself on purpose and other times it sneaks up on you, or you can catch it from others. Together, we can halt the spread of procrastination, and, hopefully, we’ll keep our natural colored hair in the future.

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