May 12, 2006 Ka Leo o Na Koa

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Volume 1 Issue 8 May 12, 2006

Ho’olaule’a Returns By Alepaki Kailiehu On Saturday April 22, KSMC held its second annual Ho’o laule’a in the quad. There were a lot of exciting events there such as games, shops, entertainment, food, drinks, and movies. “My most favorite part of the Ho’olaule’a was I bought stuff that is usually hard to find,” said senior Keoni Wong. There were shops that had a whole lot of variety from clothes to glasses, to candles, books and more. The most crowded spot was the food court inside of the dining hall. CONTINUED ON A3 Kona Plunkett checks Shawn Suzuki’s body fat in the Heart Disease & Blood Pressure booth for his senior project at the Photo by Kolo Plunkett Ho’olaule’a

Thoughts of Graduating By Kamanu Kaikala Graduation is just around the corner for the class of 2006. Their high school careers will be coming to an end with commencement on Saturday, May 27, 2006, at 4:30pm in Kana’iaupuni stadium. Graduation is a ceremony at which degrees or diplomas are conferred and is one of the most important and rewarding days of high school life. Mrs. Correa, a high school counselor at Kamehameha Schools Maui Campus, is excited to watch the seniors walk the line and receive their diplomas. “I am proud of the class of 2006 and the accomplishments that they have achieved. SEE THOUGHTS on A4

Dr. Chamberlain assumes new post By Kalani Rosell


After five years of dedication and guidance, Kamehameha Maui Headmaster Dr. Rodney Chamberlain will move on to a new stage in his career. He has recently accepted a fresh challenge within the Kamehameha `ohana and will become the first Vice President for Campus Strategies. In this new position, Dr. Chamberlain will work alongside of Drs. Chun and Fortuna and eventually a new headmaster on Maui.


Aunty Melani




Senior Wills


Senior College Choices


Photo by Lokelani Patrick



Dr. Chamberlain, Kamehameha Maui’s first headmaster, has accepted the position of Vice President of Campus Strategies.

Basketball Senior Night






A2 – F RIDAY , M AY 12 - K A L EO



The Willin’ Seniors By Tiffany Aquinde The seniors are packing up and getting ready to leave. Packing up almost everything, except for what they would like to leave behind. WARNING: You are about to read top secret senior information. “We the senior class of Kamehameha Schools Maui Campus, being of sound mind and body, do hereby will and bequeath the following to…”

easier. Like, when starting your senior projects, DO “We would like to the leave SOMETHING YOU ARE the song ‘Pump It,’ by Black VERY PASSIONATE Eyed Peas to Malia ABOUT; it makes it easier. Purdy. ‘Pump it, Get involved in as many activi“To all future Seniors, LOUDER!!!’” — ties as you can. Believe in Tanis Biga and Rhianne Spenser Well there are a lot of things yourself, you can be whoever that I would like to leave beyou want to be as long as you “I would like to leave some hind, just to let the underclass- work hard to get it. When one “I would like to leave a mem- photo-shopping skills to Rachel men get through a little bit door closes another one opens, ory of myself to have everyone so if it feels like things aren't remember me by making peogoing right and it wasn't meant ple laugh. And I leave some of to be, there is something betmy advice: Don't procrastiter that will come around. nate and wait till the last minLOVE YOURSELF! Hope you ute because it's not worth it.” follow this, because I know it —Shawn Suzuki will make things a lot easier.” “I leave my thanks and luck to —Jamie-Lee Tang my classmates and the tennis “I would like to leave all my team. I am hopeful that the English papers to the next senfuture will be great for everyiors, approaching Ms. Haina’s one. Remember to always class. Be prepared to write believe in your dreams and papers!!!” —Tiffany Aquinde believe that you can fly into your future.” “I leave my advice to the underclassmen. Make mistakes, take risks because if you don’t you’ll always wonder ‘what if?’ Should’ve, could of, would of; just do it. Set your goals high, dream big and always try your best. Good Luck!” —Jessica Higa

What!!! How Much? : Gas Prices in Maui By Tyler Davis

— Jerome Asuncion II

Patrick and Jerusalem Prais, Some of my good looks to Jon Ako and Po`okela Wood, and last but not least, I leave all my love to Lu`u! —Jayren Watson

Maui where prices for unleaded fuel range from $3.50 to $3.70 per gallon.

Jordan Jenkins, a junior here at Kamehameha Schools Maui Gas prices in Maui have increased in the past year by almost said that he only pays for gas when he can, but when he can’t $1.30 per gallon. People are sufafford it, his parents do. He said fering every day just to get to work or school. The reason why it that it affects him drastically, “I can’t go anywhere beis so expensive is because of the cause my parents alrising price of oil. ways scold me for wantThe increased gas prices are not ing to go places.” Jenonly in Hawai’i, but throughout kins said that it takes the US. The mainlanders just pay about $50 to $60 to fill for the gas, but Hawai’i residents up the tank. He is now Gas price at have to pay for the gas and ship- trying to catch rides to a Kahului ping. The most expensive gas places but finds it ingas station price in the US is found here on convenient.




– F RIDAY , M AY 12 -A3

Samoan Club By Alepaki Kailiehu & Kama Davis For the first year the Samoan Club has gotten underway when advisor and band teacher Siuai Laufou began to support his nationality. He started the Samoan Club, but it ended up being a drum club, too. The band room was packed with more than 20 people watching and playing the drums at one of its meetings last month. Drum Club consists of another faculty member too -- Mr.Oatway. You can see that he enjoys playing the drums by the emotion he was putting into it. The Samoan Club is unique because they just gather around in a circle in Mr.Laufou‘s room and use any instrument in sight to make Advisor Siuai Laufou playing one of his drums for the Samoan Club extraordinary sounds and beats. They go over Photo By Kama Davis and discuss the history and culture of the Samoan people. Mr. Laufou says he made the Samoan Club because he wants to“share the culture and get a better understanding of it.” Kaui Owan a junior and member of the Samoan Club said, “It is a blast playing the drums and laughing with everyone.” The Samoan culture has never been a big deal in Kamehameha Schools but now that students are learning more about the culture and enjoying it they may make it part of their life. We might have a concert later on says advisor Laufou who wants to continue this club every school year. So if you ever get a chance, stop by the band room and listen to the beats of the Samoan culture.


takes with him the heart and spirit of the Maui ‘ohana to continue the His main focus initially will be to work set before him on behalf of all “establish community outreach the current and future beneficiaries support from the campuses” , which of Ke Ali’i Pauahi.” By Kalani Rosell he said “will include more seminars Senior Tiffany Yee said about our The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals and workshops for parents, expandHeadmaster’s promotion as well, “At has agreed to re-hear the Doe vs. Kameing our summer programs, and first I was shocked at the news and hameha case. The previous ruling last running programs on campuses very sad about Dr. Chamberlain’s August by a three judge panel overturned during the breaks we have in the departure. He has been such a the school’s admissions policy in a 2 to 1 traditional school year.” Among decision. The case will now be decided other duties, he will also be coordi- critical part in the development of by a 15 judge panel of the court. The nating the evaluation and design of this school, the one man in place programs that support the growing who offered some stability in a con- date for the en banc review has not yet stantly changing environment.” been scheduled. enrollment of orphan and indigent students and their families. However, Dr. Chamberlain will Unfortunately, his promotion is our loss as he and his wife will move to Oahu following Kamehameha Maui’s first graduation. He explains that this will allow him “to better serve all three campuses and coordinate our efforts with other community activities across the state.”

Doe vs. Kamehameha Update

not rush out of his previous position. He will continue to provide leadership and advice to the Maui campus through this summer and into the fall; gradually focusing more of his attention on the new tasks set before him.

During this transition, Mrs. DeLima has agreed to serve as the Kamehameha Maui middle school school’s acting headmaster. She Principal Mrs. Lee Ann DeLima has will provide the campus with daily mixed feelings about Dr. Chamber- leadership and advice until the new headmaster has been chosen. The lain’s departure. “He will be sorely missed. He has been an influence of school expects to recruit for the pogood to the students, parents, staff, sition in the late fall and fill it by the summer of 2007. and community of Maui. On a brighter side, Dr. Chamberlain


Lokelani Patrick advisor of the Ho’olaule’a said there were about “3,500 people that showed up and made close to $28,000”. She also said her hardest part of working with the Ho’olaele’a is “communicating with everyone and letting people know about the event”.

Going to the Ho’olaule’a gives family and friends a chance to have a good time. The best part about it is you can bring little kids and watch them enjoy themselves by jumping on the castle and playing kiddie games. Summing it up, seniors Keoni Wong and Mana Brown both said, “Of course, I would go to the Ho’olaule’a again next year.”

A4 – F RIDAY , M AY 12 - K A L EO



Go! Airlines By Kamanu Kaikala There’s a new airline in town. go! airlines is the newest, not to mention the most inexpensive, airline flying between Honolulu and Lihue, Kahului, Hilo and Kailua-Kona beginning June 9 of this year. Owned by one of the nation’s largest regional carriers, Mesa Air Group Inc., go! airlines will also be entering Hawai’i, as part of the largest company in the exclusive interisland market. Mesa Air Group Inc. employs 5,000, operates 182 jets, and brings in annual revenues of $1 billion.

The full cast of ‘Androcles and the Lion’ during their finale. Photo by Kiana Amoncio

Androcles and the Lion By Lynndy Klevin The first two weekends in March were full of song for the cast of the drama club production Androcles and the Lion. The play was shown in the high school dining hall for a public audience’s viewing pleasure.

Hawai’i will be experiencing a new style of airline different from the popular Aloha and Hawaiian Airlines. Jonathan Ornstein, Mesa’s chairman and chief executive officer, explains, “Our goal is to provide local families, friends and business people with a fun, high-quality and low-cost airline for travel between the islands,” during a scheduled conference on March 23, 2006. go! airlines introduced their $39 one-way fares available for purchase through their website. Hawaiian and Aloha Airlines also changed their airfares the night before, matching the go! airfares. The decrease in flight ticket costs should increase the amount of travelers between the islands.

The plot of the musical production was about a Roman slave named Androcles and his attempts to help two star crossed lovers, Isabella and Lelio. He runs in to the Lion during his journey and befriends the scary creature. However, his efforts go bad when he accidentally steals the gold that his master, Pantalone, had claimed. His master calls in assistance which is provided by the Captain. The six characters run about the stage in a frantic attempt to get their way. In the end, an important lesson was learned: You can’t control other people, or as the characters put it, “No one can own another man.”

Actor/Graduating Class Mahealani Cavavo/’07

Character Lion

Maile Hanson/’07


Kanaan Amoncio/’07


Konakonaneohana Lee/’08


Nolan Yee/’08


Lynndy Klevin/’08



They have worked hard and are ready to embark on new journeys,” Mrs. Correa stated. Bronson Baker, of the class of 2006 will be “walking” on that day. “I am stoked to finally graduate -- it’s about time! My high school years were fun, but there were a lot of things to do in order to get this far. I would change all of the rules if I could,” he says. Senior Kylie Naganuma says, “I can’t wait to graduate, I am going to miss everyone. My high school years were...hard, but they were worth it.”

Seniors at KSMC, Manu Lopes and Mana Rodrigues, both support the launching of the new interisland airline. “The new low prices are good because everything is so expensive here,” Manu states. She also thinks that the new airlines will make people travel more, but bring competition to the other airlines. Manu Lopes also hopes that the competition from go! airlines Will keep Aloha and Hawaiian Airlines’ prices low. Mana Rodrigues is excited about the new airlines. Hoping to travel more, he says that the low ticket prices will allow him to afford interisland fares. He says, “As long as the prices are low I will choose to fly with the new airline.”

A5 – F RIDAY , M AY 12 - K A L EO

An Interview with Aunty Melani… By Mahea Ueshiro with Theanna Ventura Aunty Melani, is not only the high school office manager, but also a proud Photo Courtesy of Nagamine mother of Photo Studio. 3 daughters who are now in college, one in Oregon, one in Arizona, and one who stayed home to attend MCC. Two of her daughters were former boarding students and graduates of Kamehameha Schools Kapälama Campus. From her own experience she shares her knowledge with students that will be going off to college:

Preparing for Departure “Get a hotel/motel near your college, all colleges have motels/hotels nearby. Go online to check them out. If your school is in a city and the hotel is nearby no need for car because city parking might be a challenge. Schools in more rural areas might require a rental car so you can get around. It is ideal to make sure you have copies of important documents: medical insurance card, birth certificate, social security #. You’ll be miles from home and may need to have this close by.



Most colleges will let you know in advance who your roommate will be. Good idea to communicate before you actually meet (via email or telephone – lessens any surprises). If dorm room allows small refrigerators, microwave, television, etc. This is a good time to find out if roommate has these items already.

is the case and parent is NOT taking you to school, make sure you have money to purchase whatever you will need for your dorm room that is not brought from home.

Also use your schedule to scope the campus out. See where all of the buildings you’ll need to know for your first semester of school: dorm, cafeI set up a college checking account teria, mailroom, laundry cards, bank, for my daughters here at home. Then etc. Then on your first day of school when we got to the school, we you won’t get lost. checked out a bank that was in walkMost mainland colleges will register ing distance to school and opened a you for your classes before you get checking/savings acct. When they there. Either do it online or via teleneeded money, I deposited into their phone with the admissions counhome account and they’d write themselor. Reason they will do this is beselves a check for their mainland accause of the additional expense to count. Reason for this was because Hawaii families to travel to the school some stores would not accept the for this purpose. Hawaii checks. A solution to this is a debit card. See if the school provides storage space for student use. If so, then The average amount of monies you when you have to pack up for the will need each month is $150-$200/ summer, you’ll know where to take month for spending. This would be your things. If not, then you may for movies, extra food, incidentals. If want to store your things at a secure you were to get a job on campus, this storage rental unit near school. A is about how much you’d earn and good idea is to share a unit with other could help your parents. It would students to bring down the cost. also give you a sense of independence. Most campus jobs are worked Most schools will have an orientaaround your schedule of classes. See tion for student and parent just beif this is a possibility for you.” fore school starts. Try to attend, as the information will be useful to both Arriving at College of you. This usually coincides with checking into your dorm.” “It is a good idea is to arrive 1-3 days early to do the shopping. The Homesickness most important reason is to drop into the school book store to purchase “Leaving 3 girls at school was the used books for your classes. Take hardest parenting I had to do. The your schedule with you and purchase first time was the hardest. And each as many used books as possitime they come home and leave ble. This could save you 50% or again, the separation was always more. If you wait till school starts, tearful. It only gets easier with most of the used books are gone and time. Also, each time I noticed they you’d have to purchase new ones. became more and more independent – and this is a good thing, because as Some schools will meet you at the a parent, that is what we hope to airport and get you to school. If this achieve: total independence from us.”

after project graduation because it’s the closing of our high school years,” By Shai Tolentino says Cody Patao, another senior at Kamehameha Schools. It may be sad All the seniors of Kamebecause all the good times and strughameha Schools Maui Campus have gles that the senior class has been a surprise coming on May 27. After through together will come to an end, graduation, Project Graduation hapand many are going on to college. “I pens, and all the seniors will go Project Graduation is a night for all will miss my class,” said senior Jensomewhere to celebrate as a class. the graduating seniors to be together nifer Razo, “It’s the last day with eve“Project Graduation is a night when one last time as a class, but there is ryone.” more to it than just fun. “I’ll be sad all the seniors just have fun,” said


Mahea Pu a senior at Kamehameha. “I can’t say what it’s going to be, because it’s a surprise.” None of the seniors know where Project Graduation is going to be; that is known only by select members of the faculty and staff.



N Ä K OA - F RIDAY M AY 12 , 2006 - A6

“Paÿia Babe” By Theanna Ventura Right off Hana Highway, just before Paÿia Town, the beautiful beach of Paÿia Bay is located. “Paÿia Bay is a special place and different than other beaches because it is not as crowded as places like Big Beach, and it attracts all of Maui's talent, plus girls,” said Blake Harrell, a freshman. “Paÿia Bay's ‘sick’. It has all kinds of breaks; reef, beach break, shore break, waves to skim; you can do anything there. Surf and boogie!” Not only is Paÿia Bay an awesome surf spot, it also has a skate park and café. Harrel said, “I've skated at the park a few times, and it's a really fun park. The café is open once in a while after we surf, so we usually go and eat their chili and cookies.” Many students here at Kamehameha Schools love to go to Paÿia Bay Paia Bay Beach Photo Taken By Theanna Ventura to surf and just have a great time. It’s an all around beach with many things to do. Sophomore students, Elizabeth Akau, Christina Akau, and Brittany Mcguire enjoy going to Paÿia Bay for a nice tan “sesh”, and it’s the perfect place to relax or have some fun. McGuire suggested, “Paÿia Bay is perfect because it’s a great beach that is near home, plus there are hot spongers!” “I would rate Paÿia Bay a seven out of ten because, I said so,” said Cole Peralto, a sophomore. “It’s great for boogie boarding; I have surfed in two contests at Paÿia Bay and go there as much as I can just for a good time.”

Starting All Over Again By Makani Hutchins Puahëÿï Mejia, a senior here at Kamehameha Schools, came to our lovely island of Maui all the way from Moorpark, California, in August 2005. How did she hear about Kamehameha Schools all the way from California? Her mom, being from Oÿahu, has always known about Kamehameha Schools and wanted Puahëÿï to go to this school because she knew that Puahëÿï would get a good education. When doing research on the internet, she found out there was a campus on Maui. “My mom really wanted me to come, and I knew it was a good thing to do,” said Mejia. Moving away from one place where you know everyone was hard. The hardest part for Puahëÿï was leaving her sisters, her father, and all her friends.

Puahëÿï at her first Spirit Week at KSMC

Puahëÿï likes KSMC and thinks that the people are friendly. After school, Puahëÿï goes to water polo practice, which is her favorite thing to do. She was also on the swim team this year.

After high school, Puahëÿï is still undecided about what she wants to do. Although she has been accepted to CSUN (California State University Northridge), in Northridge, California, she wants to be careful of how she spends her parent’s money. She is still undecided on what she wants study. Her options are still open to anything.

Expression by Needle By Alepaki Kailiehu Tattoos have evolved drastically over the past years. People who get tattoos keep getting new ones because it gets addicting, but Mokihana Silva, a senior here at Kamehameha Schools, says, “I got my tattoo because my dad said I was ready for it.” Tattooing is an easy thing to do, but because you will have that for the rest of your life, you don’t want to put just anything on your body. There are also specific procedures you have to follow after getting your tattoo. You can’t go in the ocean or sun for 5-9 days. You also must apply lotion to it at least two times a day, but don’t use lotion with aloe. There are different price ranges for getting a tattoo depending on how long it takes and how big your tattoo is. Kawai Kaili, a senior, has the Hawaiian Islands on her left foot. It cost $125 from Island Ink in Pa’ia. Silva’s tattoo cost $350 from Sacred Center in Lähaina. They both said they plan on getting another tattoo before heading off to college.

Senior Kainoa Oshiro shows his Polynesian tribal Photo by Alepaki Kailiehu tattoo on his right arm.

A7 – F RIDAY , M AY 12 - K A L EO Global Young Leadership Conference



Maui Place Names: Ï`ao Valley By Alohalani Torres

By Alohalani Torres One of our very own, Sophomore Kayla Meyer, has been nominated out of many students to attend the Global Young Leadership Conference (GYLC) between June 18th and June 29th. This conference will start at Washington D.C. and end in New York City. GYLC is a leadership development program. It helps students between the ages of 16 and 18 to build leaderSophomore Kayla Meyer Photo By Alohalani Torres ship skills with some of the world’s leaders in business, and exchange ideas with policy making officials, and even diplomats. “The program is based on leadership, so I’ll probably be able to improve in that aspect. I also hope to make new friends and be exposed to new cultures,” Meyer explains. GYLC gives students a chance to study in an atmosphere that is challenging and fun. GYLC is designed to educate, inspire, and motivate students to become the strong leaders of tomorrow. Meyer was nominated based on her PSAT scores, her academic career, and based on the College Board’s nominations of 1% of the students who took the PSAT’’s. “I feel a whole range of emotions. Fist of all excitement! Who wouldn’t want to spend their summer in New York? I’m also very nervous though. We’re expected to be well informed,” Meyer stated. “When I heard that I was nominated, I was proud but I didn’t actually think I’d be accepted. When I realized that I really was and would be spending my summer in New York and Washington D.C., I was ecstatic!”

Ï`ao Valley, located in upper Wailuku, is a beautiful and scenic spot for tourists or locals. The Ï`ao Needle, the Ï`ao River, Maui Botanical Gardens, or the Heritage Gardens and the scenery draw different types Ï`ao Needle Photo by Alohalani Torres of people into the valley. Ï`ao means cloud supreme, so the name Ï`ao Valley fits perfectly. and uniqueness of Ï`ao Valley. Ï`ao Valley holds great cultural Heritage Gardens is an area that value for the people of Hawai`i. It is shares the cultural experience of the site of one of the most famous Hawaiian, Chinese, Japanese, Porand bloody battles in Hawai`i’s histuguese, and New England cultures. tory. This is the site where, in 1790, It is a place to see how the many King Kamehameha I overtook Maui’s different cultures integrated during warriors as he united the Hawaiian the plantation times. Islands under one rule, his rule. Today, Ï`ao Valley is seen not just It was said that the waters of the as a tourist attraction, but also as a river ran red with the blood of the great spot to go and have fun with defeated soldiers, and that the bod- friends or family. It’s a place where ies of the dead blocked the waters you can have barbeques and parties, from flowing. Thus, the battle site just go for a scenic drive, or dip in was named Kepaniwai. the cold water of the Ï`ao River. Maui Botanical Gardens, also Ï`ao Valley is not only a historical know as the Hawai`i Nature Center, site, but also a place of importance has interactive exhibits that help to visitors and the people of Maui people to understand the beauty today.

It’s Sore, But it Looks Good: Piercing By Tyler Davis Piercing, is it sore? How will it look? Will it make me a better person? These are just a few questions that a person who wants a piercing asks. The ear was the most common place to get a piercing, but it soon Multiple piercings in an ear. spread to the whole body. People now pierce their noses, lips, tongues, belly buttons, eyebrows, at Kamehameha Schools Maui, said and many “other” places. that it was super sore when he first You can get a piercing at any local got his ears pierced. He said that he would get another one depending on piercing store for a good price, but where it would be. His friend persometimes, as with diamonds, the formed the piercing for free, but he jewelry is super expensive. would usually charge about $50. People say that the piercing isn’t Oshiro said he got it because he sore, but in actuality, it is. People wanted to do something new with get it to be attractive and sometimes his body. He just wanted to look because it’s faddish. The price different. Kainoa said that he thinks ranges from $0-$150. that one reason that people do it is just to get attention. Everyone wants People who get one, usually want another one. Kainoa Oshiro, a senior attention, and here’s one way they try to get it.



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A9 – F RIDAY , M AY 12 - K A L EO





N Ä K OA - F RIDAY M AY 12, 2006 - A10

Tiffany Yee Selected as Winner in 2006 Presidential Scholars Program By Makani Hutchins Tiffany Yee, a senior here at Kamehameha Schools Maui, has been selected as the young women’s representative for the state of Hawaiÿi in the 2006 Presidential Scholars Program. She was chosen from more then 2,700 candidates on the basis of superior achievement, leadership qualities, personal character, and involvement in community and school activities. Final selection of the Scholars was made by the Commission on Presidential Scholars, a group of eminent citizens appointed by the President, and will be. The Commission selected one young man and one young woman from each state. Tiffany will go to Washington D.C., for several days to receive the Presidential Scholars medallion at a recognition ceremony and to participate in various activities and events held in their honor. The semifinalists were selected for their exceptional performance on either their SAT or ACT Assessment. An additional 48 students were chosen by the National Foundation for Advancement of the Arts. “When we first learned about her candidacy we knew it was such an accomplishment just to have been invited to participate in the program when the majority of the 40 Hawaii students who qualified attend Punahou and Iolani High Schools in Honolulu,” said Tiffany’s mother, Elizabeth Yee. Tiffany has also selected World History teacher Mr. O`Brien as the teacher to be honored for his inspirational teaching in Honors World History. He will be invited to attend the recognition events and receive a Teacher Recognition Award. “We felt it was remarkable when she was selected as a semifinalist from such a distinguished group of candidates, and we knew it would be miraculous to move on as a Scholar when the other two female Semifinalists were from Iolani; whereas she is from Maui attending a brand new high school that is just developing while she has been attending the past four years,” said the elder Yee.


It’s that time of the year! Finals!!! By Makani Hutchins As the 2005-2006 school year comes to an end, it can only mean one thing: Finals! I went around school asking the seniors how they felt about taking their last high school final exams.

Chesebro “I’m a little bit nervous, but at the same time I’m happy that it’s almost over here because after finals, I’ll be done with everything, and I’ll be able to graduate!”


Kayla Schoff

“I’m scared, but ready because everything is going to be all done.”

“We shouldn’t have to take it because we seniors have a lot to worry about”

“It’s not really necessary for seniors to take it because it’s pointless.”

* = 2-hour class Monday 5/15: 1A*, Snack, 2A*, Lunch, 3A, 4A Tuesday 5/16: 3A*, Snack, 4A*, Lunch, 1B, 2B Wednesday 5/17: 1B*, Snack, 2B*, Lunch, 3B, 4B


How do you feel about the upcoming finals?

Lyndsey Kahuhu

Finals Schedule: More information will be forthcoming regarding afternoon activities. Stay tuned to the daily bulletin.

Thursday 5/18: 3B*, Snack, 4B*, Lunch, Activities Friday 5/15: 1A*, Snack, 2A*, Lunch, Activities Monday 5/22: 3A*, Snack, 4A*, Lunch, Activities

Kuÿulei Namoku

Tuesday 5/23: 1B*, Snack, 2B*, Lunch, Activities

“I feel confident that I am going to do well with

Wednesday 5/24: 3B*, Snack, 4B*, Lunch, Awards Assembly



N Ä K OA - F RIDAY M AY 12, 2006 - B1


The Senior Ladies celebrate their night, entirely dedicated to them, with everything from “floaties” to flowers and sashes Photo by Mahea Ueshiro to flowerpots.

A Farewell to Remember On Thursday, May 4, 2006, our girls basketball team went against the Baldwin ladies at Ka`ulaheanuiokamoku Gymnasium. Although our ladies lost, their spirits remained high as it was a night entirely dedicated to our departing seniors. The seniors on our team are Erica Kokalis-Fernandez (#12) “The Mom”, Daisy Medeiros-Engano (#30) the “Cookie Montster”, Kacey Saffery (#32) “Mastah Blastah”, Ashly Makiling (#40) the “Cheerleader”, and “Hurtin” Shavonn Matsuda (#42). Matsuda, Saffery, and Medeiros-Engano have been playing together since their freshman year. Makiling joined the team during their sophomore year, but did not continue playing in her junior year as she decided to change directions and be a part of the first

By Haylee Kepani

cheerleading squad at Kamehameha special bonds, and the remarkable Schools Maui. Kokalis-Fernandez underclassmen who they are regretjoined the ladies just last year during tably leaving behind. their junior year. Continued on next Following that, the underpage... classmen enthused about each senAfter the game ended with a ior’s individual memorable qualities. close score (22-25, Baldwin), leis, Last, but not least, the ladies basket“floaties”, haku’s, crowns, flowers, ball team did what they do best sashes, goodie bags, and even flower they ate. They “stuffed their faces” pots filled with candy were given to with ono food that the parents hapthe hard working women. pily brought. The potluck may have concluded the night, but not the Immediately following the friendships or priceless memories game, Head Coach Joe Blackburn garnered over the last few years. gave an amazing speech to the parents, families, and friends in attendance, announcing where each will go to college, what each has done for the team, and how the senior ladies Check out the game coverwill be remembered. After Coach age, B4, and close-up look Blackburn spoke, the ladies took the at Shavonn Matsuda on court, talking about the awesome memories, the incredible games, the page B5

B2 – F RIDAY , M AY 12 - K A L EO

Summer Fun



By Anuhea Aquino

As the 2006 school year draws closer to an end, many student athletes prepare themselves for the next sport season to come. A lot of students find it easier to start training for their sport during the summer vacation. Many people focus on summer paddling during the break. This is a time when all the paddling groups get together to compete against each other in races. Continued on next page Hawaiian Canoe Club is Maui’s premier canoe club. They are always undefeated. On the Kamehameha Schools’ Maui Campus, you’ll find a lot of students for paddle for Hawaiian Canoe Club under coach Paul Lu’uwai. Many of these athletes also take it to a higher level of participating in World Sprints, a worldwide paddling event that usually takes place here in the Hawaiian Islands. Many students especially love to paddle during the summertime because it’s a lot of fun without having to worry about school. Some say they like it because they meet new people, some enjoy the pleasure of experiences, new things, and some just like to stay in shape. Throughout their years of experience, the paddlers befriended people worldwide. Because paddling is such a cultural sport, many locals love to watch it. If you ever get bored during the summer, take the time to watch the races. Or join a canoe club to stay in shape. It’s worth your time.

Kamehameha Maui Water Polo takes on Kekaulike By Jensen Young Sik The Kamehameha Schools girls’ water polo team battled with King Kekaulike on April 15, 2006, at Kamehameha’s pool. “The game was intense, from what I saw above water, but who knows what goes on in the water where no one can see?” says senior Alepaki Kailiehu, who was in attendance.

Perryman earns spot at states By Theanna Ventura

The girls prepare for battle as they warm up before the game against King Kekaulike High School on April 15.

The overall score was 11 to 8 with Kamehameha coming out on top, they fought hard the whole game, and it showed in the last seconds when the score was too far ahead for Kekaulike to catch up. The girls are making history being on the first school water polo team. Senior Uilani Hipolito says, “ It’s great being on the first water polo team and feels good to know that we’re making history for the school.” Lead scorer of the game who scored 5 points for her team, Puahei Mejia said,“Every game is hard, but we worked together and made it through. This was definitely the team we wanted to beat and we were really proud that we beat them even with only 1 substitute.” See related story C3

It was Thursday afternoon, the weather was just right and Wailea was the perfect place to host the M.I.L. Tennis Championship Tournament. Every school in Chawn Villalon and Jentson Gumtang warmMIL participated from PhotoTaken By Theanna Ventura April 27-29. The major- ing up in Wailea. ity of Kamehameha Maui team only played on Thursday “King of the Courts”, practiced leaving Friday and Saturday for serves, volleys, and playing the finalists. games to get in shape. Sophomore, varsity players Chawn Villalon and Jentson Gumtang said, “We got to play on the stadium court in front of everybody, and we felt famous.” There were 12 courts and one main stadium with bleachers surrounding the court filled with family, friends, and students. Villalon said, “There’s a lot of talent in MIL, I think we have a good chance next year as a whole.” Before playing, Villalon was pretty nervous and wanted to “focus on hitting good volleys, my returns, and getting all serves in!” Coaches Vierra and Haliaka said, “Communicate and make sure to follow through your hits.”

The tournament lasted 3 days playing each MIL school until someone was left undefeated. Chawn Villalon and Jentson Gumtang played a doubles match against Jovanee Alviedo and Anthony Gumboc of Maui High and lost 7-6 and 6-2. “I was relieved after we were done playing and super tired. I was kind of bummed because we lost, but I learned to return better service and to make more of my serves in!”

Kainoa Perryman, a sophomore varsity player, was the lucky player who made it to the state championship wrapping up tomorrow on Kauaÿi. He defeated Jesse Agcaoili of Lanaÿi 6-1 and In preparation for the tourna6-0. He is now competing against ment, practice was held every day Hawai’is top high school tennis from 2:45 to 4:00 at the Kula players. courts. The tennis team played,



N Ä K OA - F RIDAY M AY 12, 2006 - B3

12-0 and one to go! By Brandy Gomes With one last game to go for the Kamehameha JV Basketball Team, the game on May 5 against the Baldwin Bears brought their record to 12-0. The game was held at Kamehameha Schools home turf and started promptly at 5:30pm. It was one of the hardest games for the Kamehameha Warriors but the outcome was in their favor. The Warriors ended the game with the score 30 to 20. Leina’ala Song(4), the Warriors guard said “The Bears were doing really good in the second half but in the end we pulled through!” The Warriors team consists of only 11 players, and is made up of only Freshmen. Whitney Santos, the Warriors point guard, feels that, “It’s good being on an all Freshmen team. We don’t get looked down at. It’s like we are allowed to make mistakes.”

KS Maui Loses Rematch vs Kekaulike By Jensen Young Sik On April 26, 2006, the Kamehameha Schools Maui first ever water polo team took on King Kekaulike’s girls at the Kihei pool. Kamehameha won the last game on April 15 against King Kekaulike, so King Kekaulike was looking for a win. With both teams battling it out in the water, unfortunately, it was not our girls who came out on top. The game was close for about the first few minutes, then King

Kekaulike pulled away with a big lead. Within the first two to three periods the score was 11-2 in favor of King Kekaulike. But the Kamehameha girls weren’t even close to being done yet. Thinking that the game was going to be a blowout throughout the whole game, our girls fought hard the last period and scored a total of 4 more points bumping the final score to 11-6, King Kekaulike.

The only major injury during the game for the Warriors was with their starting point guard, Santos. During the middle of the third quarter Santos went to shoot the ball, and when she came back down she rolled her ankle. This did not stop the starter Santos because she came back to finish the rest of the fourth quarter and helped the Warriors for the win. Although, the season is coming to the end the Warrior Girls remember to always be good team players. Teili Tua(34), the Warriors post, states, “The most important thing to remember even though the season is going to end soon is our acronym. F.E.R. F for focus, E for effort, and R for respect. This has helped our team to prosper this season.”

Our girls knew that they played their best and they knew what they had to work on. They were ready to go back to practice the following day and work hard for their last game. They ended their inaugural season 1-11.

Raybrenna, Keely, Mana, Ui, Eleu get ready to practice after their game against King Kekaulike.

B4 – F RIDAY , M AY 12, 2006 - K A L EO

KS Maui girls’ basketball defeated by Maui High Sabers By Natasha Mendoza

The Kamehameha Schools Maui girls’ basketball team challenged the Maui High School Sabers on Wednesday night, April 26, at the high school gym. The girls’ varsity game started at 7 pm and had some exciting moments. The game went on for about an hour and a half. The crowd was Coach Joe talking to the team excited with fans during the game. yelling in the stands. Erica Kokalis-Fernandez was the star of the game, with her hustling to complete every play. “I think that I did really good and definitely worked hard but the whole team did as well.” After the two quarters ended, the score was 24 to 9 with the Sabers in the lead. During the fourth quarter, things started to pick up when the crowd started to get worked up. Both sides were yelling for their team to push themselves to the last second of the game and both teams did. The final score was 26-49 with the Sabers taking the victory. The junior varsity girls’ basketball team ended their game in a victory with the final score 38-17. The Kamehameha Schools girl’s basketball team had their senior night on May 4, 2006 at the high school gym. With their final season nearing an end, some of the seniors took time to reflect. “It’s a little bittersweet to be a senior and playing basketball for the final year. I’m really going to miss all of this, the game and especially the girls on the team,” said senior Ashly Makiling.



Mr. Clutch Hitter!! By Theanna Ventura “Trust your skills and not your ability,” said number 26, that one sophomore baseball player that everyone has been talking about, “It will get you farther.” Introducing Kelton Kealoha! Yes, that’s him, number 26, Mr. Clutch Hitter! He is a sophomore at Kamehameha Schools Maui and has been playing baseball since he was four years old. He plays 3rd base as a varsity player. Troy Borge a sophomore varsity player said, “Kelton is “Mr. Clutch Hitter” because he is always right there, ready to play.” Softball Coach Kaholo Rickard said, “Kelton is a good team player, he cares about his team as a whole.”

Kelton Kealoha ready to throw the ball at practice.

Kelton is an all around young man, his love for baseball shows as a team player and as a student. “I enjoy playing baseball because I have learned to love the sport and feel that it’s a great opportunity for me and for colleges to look at you,” said Kelton.

Troy Borge, a sophomore has been playing baseball for 10 years now and enjoys playing with Kelton. “He always helps me out with my problems and picks me up when I am down,” said Troy Borge. “Overall, Kelton is a well rounded baseball player.” Mr. Rickard, added, “Kelton has mental toughness in games, and is very supportive. Kelton is still a sophomore so he has a lot of growing and learning to do.” This is Kelton’s second year playing with Kamehameha Schools Maui, and he looks forward to playing for the rest of his high school years. Correction: In our last issue, to highlight our judo team, we ran an article on the history of judo in which judo was characterized as involving strikes and blows. The staff of Ka Leo o Nä Koa wishes to clarify that while some unusual forms of judo in the past may have included strikes and blows, today’s mainstream judo programs focus on carefully practiced floorwork and throws. We apologize to any readers who may have been misled about the techniques used in judo.


Shavonn Matsuda: Team player, class president, friend


N Ä K OA - F RIDAY M AY 12, 2006 - B5 when it's all said and done we have such a great bond upon one another.”

Regarding a possible professional future in the WNBA, she says, “Haha! I’m definitely not WNBA mate“Veeny” n. (veeenie) A cool rapper chick named Curr rial, but I try to do my part for the team.” As for her who can bust out rhymes. academic future, Matsuda plans on attending Santa Clara By Natasha Mendoza University in California and Shavonn Matsuda, a senior at majoring in political science. Kamehameha Schools Maui, has been “By majoring in political sciplaying basketball since the seventh ence, I can educate myself grade. “It started just as an after school about laws, people’s rights, activity, but I really started to learn the and the political world. I plan game during my freshmen and sophoon possibly entering a career more years,” she says. Although basketas a lobbyist, which would enball seems to be the one sport she is able me to find ways to make Shavonn Matsuda with parents, Trisha and Rockfocused on at the moment, she has parsure Hawaiian rights are proney Matsuda, at the senior luau in September. ticipated in junior varsity paddling, jun“My parents have inspired me to excel in sports. tected, and at the same time, My dad was the one who taught me to play and ior varsity basketball, varsity softball help Native Hawaiians and the my mother tries to support me at every game.” and varsity basketball during her high community at large understand school career. Continued on next page... and approach legal issues with Girls’ varsity basketball captain, Heather Heath better understanding.” Shavonn doesn’t plan on participating in college level sports, but plans on taking full says, “She knows how to put a smile on my face when I am down. Also, she helps me out as a captain by letting advantage of intramume know … how I can improve my way of leading the team. She also has much respect for what she does. Our ral sports. team has been “I want to Team Mate Quotes through so much concentrate on “I will truly miss her because she's like throughout academics these last two a sister to me” and make years of bas-Natasha Kealoha sure I can ketball. It's handle the amazing how workload when it's all “She’s going to be the first woman before I said and done president.” we have such a take on other com-Ariel Blackburn great bond mitments,” upon one anshe says. other.” “She inspires me to do better.” As Girls’ varsity -Christy Marfil basketball cap- the school year tain, Heather comes to Heath says, “She brings the team together as “She knows how its end, team and helps make our team hapmany new to put a smile Shavonn Matsuda at the high school gym after playing the pier and closer than we have ever obstacles on my face Baldwin Bears happily accepts the gifts and leis given to been.” lie ahead her on the girls’ basketball senior night. when I am for the down. Also, she -Jazmine Poouahi helps me out as first graduating class of Kamehameha Schools Maui. “I am proud to be a member of the first graduating class a captain by letting me know … how I can improve my way of lead- of the Maui campus. I like the fact that we are able to set traditions for future classes to follow, and am filled ing the team. She also has much respect for what she with excitement as graduation approaches.” does. Our team has been through so much throughout these last two years of basketball. It's amazing how

C1 – F RIDAY , M AY 12 - K A L EO





By Stephanie Rabago Get your KS recommended dose of horoscopes right here!

Sagittarius – Something makes your heart beat faster -- something that you don't want to admit because it seems too crazy or too ambitious. Go ahead and acknowledge it. Bring it out into the open. It could happen. 4/20-5/20


Taurus – Go ahead and let people see your softer side.

Aries – Be aware of your surroundings. Expect the unexpected. 7/23-8/22 Leo – A situation in your own life needs a little finessing before you can see the opportunity that awaits.

8/23-9/22 Virgo – You will be confronted with many new ideas; don't be afraid to open your mind to other people's opinions.


Capricorn – Stop trying so hard. Concentrate on your dream and you’ll find the steps of reality will fall into place. 5/21-6/21 Gemini – An atmosphere of love surrounds you. Sharing it with others would be a healthy decision. 9/23-10/22

Libra – You’ve been spending all your time making everyone else happy, don’t forget about you. Make yourself happy and satisfied too. 1/20-2/18 Aquarius – Isn’t it about time you forgave yourself? What happened


First Graduating Class: Are You Ready? By Leialoha Louis Graduation is just a month away! We’ve been through school for about 13 years now, so if you can’t spot these 12 differences, then are you ready?

Sudoku: The Mind Boggling Number Game By Erica Kokalis-Fernandez HOW TO PLAY: Fill in the blank spots with the numbers 1 through 9. You have to have the numbers one through nine across and down, but remember, only one of each number in each row and column with no numbers repeating. GOOD LUCK and HAVE FUN!!!

is in the past. It’s time to learn what you can from it, and then leave it behind. 6/22-7/22 Cancer – The truth is, your genuine personality is far more lovable than any facade you might put up in its place. 10/23-11/21 Scorpio – Be as understanding toward yourself as you would be toward a friend. 2/19-3/20 Pisces – The sky is the limit!




N Ä K OA - F RIDAY M AY 12, 2006 - C2

Can’t Wait Until Summer By Erica Kokalis-Fernandez

By Erica KokalisFernandez Take a good luck at the back corner. Which side is the leg on?





This man is a liar, just tilt your head to your right and you’ll see why. Who do you see, the pretty lady or the saxophone player?











Shave Ice Hat



Summer Marshmallows







What do you see, a donkey or a seal?




This is the mysterious walking elephant. Can you count the legs?

Word List:



Can you find eleven faces in the picture above? • Normal people find 4 or 5. • If you find 8 you have a sense of observation that is above average. • If you find 9 you have a sense of observation that is very good. • If you find 10 you have a sense of observation that is extraordinary. • If you find all 11 you have a sense of observation that is extremely extraordinary.

Slippers Surf Sunburn Road Trips Tents Lemonade Tourist Concerts Shades Vacation Beach Ice Cream Europe

SOLUTIONS: Differences: Leialoha Louis, Balloon, KSMC 2006, Line across podium, Rose Petal, Girls Hair, Lei, Mountain, Sun Rays, Grass, Shoes, Bottom of her dress

Eye Spy: video iPod, green gummy bear, bunch of gold-

fish, Roxy logo, pink flower, digital camera lens, bus emergency exit, KS white polo chest logo, center of a red hibiscus, keyhole, manhole cover, bird of paradise, Princess Pauahi’s eye

C3 – F RIDAY , M AY 12 - K A L EO



Don’t Have Summer Plans? Check out What’s Going on in Maui Early June: KA LIMA O MAUI 100 HOLES OF GOLF An annual golf tournament with 24 players from golf's lunatic fringe who tee up in an attempt to finish Photo Courtesy of Over The Rainbow Productions 100 holes by sundown. This event is a fund raiser for Ka Lima O Maui. For more information call (808) 244-5502. MORE THAN JUST DESSERTS An annual dessert fundraiser for the Maui Humane Society held at a local hotel. Silent Auction and Tasting begin in the early evening, followed by Live Auction. For more information call (808) 877-3680. Mid June: June 14-18 MAUI FILM FESTIVAL AT WAILEA Hawaiian culture and music on the big screen in the annual Maui Film Festival at Wailea Resorts & the MACC in Kahului. For more information call (808) 572-FILM. June 17 KING KAMEHAMEHA CELEBRATION FLORAL PARADE Honoring King Kamehameha the Great, the annual floral & paÿü rider parade from the 900 block of Front St. to the Banyan Tree. An awards ceremony and cultural craft fair with Hawaiian music and hula follow at Banyan Tree Park. For more information call 808-667-9193. UPCOUNTRY FAIR Country fair with livestock auction, farmers market, local-style entertainment, crafts and food booths. Eddie Tam Community Center in Makawao. For more information call (808) 242-2278. POHAI NA KEIKI NALU SURF EVENT An annual surf meet for keiki (children) 12 and under. Launiupoko Beach in Lahaina. For more information call (808) 877-2111. NEIL PRYDE SLALOM Windsurfing slalom race, the

second event of the Maui Race Series. Held at Kanaha Beach Park in Kahului. For more information call (808) 8772111. GEORGE KAHUMOKU JR SLACK KEY WORKSHOP George's annual Hawaiian Slack Key Masters ki hoalu workshop, held at Photo Courtesy of Brittni Paiva the Mauian Hotel on beautiful Napili Bay is a great musical event. For more information call (831) 234-8790. Late June: June 23 – December 31 STORIED PLACES OF EAST MAUI Stories, photographs and artifacts of Pele the volcano goddess, Maui the demi-God, Hina the moon goddess, and Kamapuaÿa the pig God held at the Häna Culture Center. Call: (808) 248-8622. KAPALUA CLAMBAKE GOLF TOURNAMENT Kapalua's Plantation, Village and Bay Courses share the challenge for this annual event. Tournament is limited to 32 teams comprised of one professional and three amateurs. For more information call (808) 669-8812. HOYLE SCHWEITZER COURSE RACE A windsurfing course race held at Kanaha Beach Park. Ranking event for the US Windsurfing national race series. For more information call (808) 877-2111. June 25 KÏ HOÿALU - SLACK KEY GUITAR FESTIVAL Bring the whole family and enjoy an all-day, all-star lineup of Hawaii's finest slack key musicians. This annual festival is held at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center, A&B Amphitheater. Free admission! For more information call (808) 242-7469. HÄNA SUMMER FESTIVAL An annual festival featuring headline Hawaiian entertainers as well as the promising youth performers of East Maui. Enjoy a beautiful Häna

day with music, great local foods, handmade gift items, and contests. For more information call (808) 248-7380. June Through July: OBON FESTIVAL DANCES The Obon tradition was brought to Hawaii by Japanese immigrants and evolved into a social and cultural event, as well as a religious custom designed to honor ancestors through an evening of dance, music and merrymaking. Held at different temples on different dates. Check newspapers for schedule. GREAT ANNUAL FISH COUNT FISH ID SEMINAR A free fish ID seminar teaches how to conduct REEF surveys during any snorkel or dive. Various Maui locations. For more information call Liz at (808) 669-9062 or email All month (ongoing) MAUI OCEAN CENTER The Maui Ocean Center is the only aquarium in the world dedicated to fostering understanding, wonder and respect for Hawaii’s Photo Courtesy of Activity Zone Maui marine life. Provides information, tours by marine naturalists and exhibits on thousands of indigenous marine animals. For more information call (808) 270-7000. Every Sunday (ongoing) MAUI POLO CLUB GAMES A great sport for players and spectators alike held in beautiful Upcountry Maui. Be part of the excitement! For more information call (808) 5724915 or (808) 877-7744. 1ST & 3RD Weekends HE UI CULTURAL ARTS FESTIVAL A gathering of Hawaiian artists and crafters display, sell, and demonstrate cultural arts and crafts. For more information call: Lahaina Event Hotline (888) 310-1117/(808) 667-9194 Fourth of July:

By Leialoha Louis WEST MAUI JULY 4TH CELEBRATION Kaanapali Resort on West Maui hosts an all-day slate of fun, free activities for children. For more information call (800) 245-9229. LAHAINA TOWN'S OLD-FASHIONED 4TH OF JULY Old fashioned Independence Day celebration with family activities all afternoon and evening, including a parade on Front Street, live music, snack Photo Courtesy of Aloha-Hawaiÿi booths and a fabulous fireworks display over the ocean. For more information call (808) 667-9193. Mid July: July 6 – 9 KAPALUA WINE & FOOD FESTIVAL Hawaii's premiere celebration of wine, food and the good life has brought culinary and wine stars from around the world for fun, seminars and a gala dinner. For more information call 1 (800) KAPALUA. July 8 FESTIVAL MAUI HUMANE SOCIETY'S BARK IN THE PARK 2006 Join the Maui Humane Society at their annual day in the park with lots of fun, activities, prizes, a pet costume contest, and much more! This year's theme is 60's Flower Power! Hosted by KPOA 93.5 FM Morning Goddess Alakai Paleka. For more information call: Glenda Pate (808) 8773680 x1 KEIKI HULA FESTIVAL Local keiki (children) share in the spirit of song and dance at the Lahaina Cannery Mall, Lahaina (West Maui). Several prize categories and Hawaiian arts and crafts are part of this annual twoday event. For more information call (808) 6615304. Photo Courtesy of The Hawaiÿi Channel



N Ä K OA - F RIDAY M AY 12, 2006 - D1


A Dream Vacation

By Kees Mashino

Photo by Uilani Hipolito

Seniors Keoni Wong, Bubba Au, and Kolo Plunkett show off the different types of jackets that are worn at school.

Jackets in Kamehameha Schools By Uilani Hipolito Because of the air conditioning in every classroom and the fact that school is upcountry, students like to wear jackets to keep warm. Jackets that follow Kamehameha School’s dress code are windbreaker jackets, cardigan sweaters, and pullover sweatshirts in solid colors or a combination of black, blue, gray, or white with no logos, and everyone is supposed to have these types of jackets. According to vice principal, JayR Ka`awa, following the dress code is very important because it makes a big difference in attitude, behavior and education; when a student has his uniform on that says “Kamehameha” it reminds him of who he is and what he represents. The dress code is good and helpful to a certain extent. The dress code helps to keep everyone aligned and looking neat, but I also think that people need other ways to express their individuality.

Have you ever dreamed of that ultimate summer vacation? With advertising vacation packages including a hotel room, air fare, and a rental car starting at $353 per person to the top five exotic destinations in the world such as Las Vegas, Puerto Rico, Canadian National Parks, Turkey, and Hawaii, how could you pass up that opportunity?

Recycling By Uilani Hipolito Recycling helps to keep our environment clean and more people are recycling now since the HI5 law was passed. Some people don’t recycle because they don’t have space at their homes for cans to be lying around, but recycling centers now accept crushed cans so it is easier to carry more in one bag. Some people now recycle to redeem the five cents, but find it a little difficult because the only eligible beverage containers are glass, aluminum, and plastic with the “HI5” label. Some people don’t know which kinds of bottles and cans to save, but the only bottles and cans that are not redeemable for 5 cents are milk containers, wine, and hard liquor.

Although this sounds like such a great deal, students must take their college budgets into consideration. With the high cost of college many seniors from our school plan on staying here to enjoy the summer surf and fun of Hawai`i before they leave. I think that recycling is Spending time with friends and family before leaving good, especially now that for college is a must. you can get money back For all the seniors before you for college, here are for recycling. Now you can the top 10 things you must do this summer: help the environment and get “paid” to do it at the 1. Go surfing at Honolua Bay same time. Senior Brenn 2. Go fishing with your family Nakamitsu never used to recycle before the HI5 law, 3. Go diving with your grandparents. but now that you can get 4. BBQ with your family money, he and others all 5. Take a trip to Häna over are getting into the 6. Watch the sunrise on Haleakalä recycling groove. 7. Go camping in Makena Photo by Uilani Hipolito 8. Take a swim at Twin Falls 9. Play some music with your friends 10. Earn some money for college Going on a dream vacation is no doubt fun, but it is not worth missing the summer surf. Nothing can compare to going to the beach with friends and family and enjoying the warm sun and cool waters. Living in Hawaii is already a dream all in one. If you were to ask, “Where does everyone want to go for the ultimate summer vacation?” I am sure most people would say “Beautiful Hawai`i.” So, for the last couple Cans and cans galore at the Recycling Center show how of months you are here why not enjoy Hawai`i? Play much people recycle these tourist and have a great time with your friends and days; but is it for the money family? or for the environment?

Editorial Policy: To respond to articles in this issue or to comment on issues of the day, please email to : Keep comments to 100 words or less. Comments must include the author’s full name and class. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit comments for length and suitability.

D2 – F RIDAY , M AY 12 - K A L EO

Safety and Style, Will Make You Smile By Jordan Jenkins Lifted Toyota Tacoma’s, Hummer 2’s, and Speedy Honda’s are among the jubilee of cars that can be found in the student parking lot, but what twists my mind is that it doesn’t seem any of us are concerned about safety. Kids zooming out of the parking lot, blasting their music is very dangerous with all of the people walking around the parking lot.



Not only are these cars cheap, but they are also reliable and safe. Now, I know that these cars aren’t necessarily the nicest things on the road, but with all the money you saved by switching to Geico Insurance…. Wait, sorry, I mean with all the money you save by getting a cheaper and safer car, you can make these cars nicer and more appealing to the eye. Here, check out this car:

The number one car among teens are Hondas. They’re stylish, nice, and fun to drive, I admit, I have a Honda Prelude, one of the faster cars of its time, yet Honda’s are not the number one car when it comes to safety. The top five cars for safety, according to the Insurance Information Institute, What kind of car is this you ask? Well this are… here is a 2005 Honda Accord. Stylish, nice, and safe. Buick LeSabre (1997-2005) Chevrolet Impala (200-2005) Ford 500 (2005) Ford Crown Victoria (2004-2005) Honda Accord (2001-2005)

So be careful on campus and on the road and be sure to choose a car that is not only nice, but is better for your safety, because God put you on this earth, and he wants you to stay. Cheating God’s plan is not the way to go.

Ka Leo o Nä Koa Staff Ms. Kye Haina Manager / Editor Leialoha Louis Entertainment Editor William Bubba Au Sports Editor Leialoha Louis Hawaiian Language Editor

Kalani Rosell Copy Editor Alohalani Torres Features Editor Kees Mashino Opinion Editor


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