March 24, 2006, Ka Leo o Na Koa

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Volume 1 Issue 6 March 24, 2006

WASC Visits Kamehameha Maui By Kalani Rosell An inspection committee from the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) arrived on the Kamehameha Maui campus February 20th. They spent the week interviewing staff and students and updating information to renew the school’s accreditation status, which insures that it provides a high quality education and shows continual improvement. WASC is one of six regional accrediting associations in the United States. It provides assistance and advice to schools Photo by Lokelani Patrick located in California, Hawaii, Guam, the Commonwealth of The seven members of the WASC visiting committee. the Northern Marianas, American Samoa, the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, Fiji, and East Asia. It is not a government agency but does communicate and collaborate with state and federal government divisions, such as the Department of Education and the Department of State. When accrediting an institution, WASC considers all aspects of a school, including its philosophy and purpose, governing body, finances, school plant, library, health and safety, parent organization, administration, faculty, and staff. SEE WASC CONTINUED ON page A4

Students Celebrate National Pi Day


By Breana Kauai

Student Poll




Easter Entertainment


Prom Tips




Coach Alika




What’s Up Warriors?


Our students celebrated National Pi Day by participating in a pie eating contest in front of the High School dining hall on Tuesday, March 14, 2006. Many of us don’t know but National Pi Day is a day to celebrate mathematics education. All around the world, people celebrate this day in different ways. The goal of the contest was to be the first to eat an entire pie, filled with chocolate pudding, whipped cream and Oreo crust. The winner of the contest was Senior Chris Dela Cruz. “It was really funny when Chris shoved his face right into the pie”, says senior Danielle Tavares. The students considered it a “very fun” learning experience. See More Pie Pics A4

A2 – F RIDAY , M ARCH 24, 2006 - K A L EO



What do you think of our publication?

A Custom Fitting of the Newspaper By Tiffany Aquinde Great! Good Okay Could be better

Ka Leo O Nä Koa is currently in its first year, and has become a school hit! Many people like yourself, read the paper, but we here on the Ka Leo O Nä Koa staff want to know what you’re thinking. That’s why we decided to survey some of our readers for some much needed feedback. Some of the responses: - “I would like to see pictures and articles of class functions such as prom, ball, and banquets. I would also like to see spirit week and school activities.”

What would you like see more of?


-- Keauhou Mitchell

Sports Entertainment Editorials

What type of articles do you rather reading?

Well-researched, lengthy articles

- “Just more pictures of things going currently going on. Have a section where students (not in journalism) can post things in the paper, and also …………………..more exciting.” -- Mana Brown

Long articles Articles with pictures Short and sweet

Would you like to respond/comment about our articles in the newspaper?

Photos by Nagamine Photo Studio

- “I would like to see Student profiles, random info about other kids and faculty, random facts, fun facts, news about what’s going on in the "teen world", more interviews about slightly edgy topics.” -- Hoku Kubota

Yes No

- “I think you guys are doing great, don’t stop the great work.” -- Colby Vaivai

Dear SENIORS! What is the first section that you read?

Features Sports Entertainment Editorials

Graduation is just around the corner! Do you have something you want to leave to the underclassmen? Some words of wisdom to remember you by? You can leave your lucky pencil that got you through Ms. Cajudoy’s math classes or your million dollar smile that never failed to melt the girls’ hearts. Anyone want to leave their Ho’ike Nui projects for a deserving junior? Well here’s your chance to leave a legacy in the Senior Wills section of the final edition of Ka Leo o Nä, Koa. Email your parting words for the underclassmen and staff to Blurbs should not exceed 40 words. Items will be edited for length and suitability. The staff reserves the right to refuse publication of material deemed inappropriate without notification. Deadline is Wednesday, April 26.

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Mauna’ala By Tiffany Aquinde Photos by Kahu Wong On May 25, 2006, the senior class along with the Kapälama and Kea’au campus seniors will be joining and meeting at Maunaÿala. Maunaÿala is highly respected by its people and by its visitors, and is important to the Hawaiian people and its culture because it holds very important people from its history. Maunaÿala holds the bones of Hawaii’s aliÿi and Hawaii’s mana. The belief of some Hawaiians is that the bones hold the mana or the power of the aliÿi. An interesting fact about Maunaÿala is that it is the only place in Hawaii that is still under Hawaiian rule. Kamehameha Schools taking the graduating seniors to Maunaÿala is nothing new. According to Kahu Kalani Wong, it’s a “senior thing,” a yearly tradition where the senior class goes to Maunaÿala and participates in a service before graduation. Upon arrival, students will chant “A Uka,” a chant written by Kumu Lokahi for the Maui Campus. They will also meet “Uncle Bill” Maiÿoho, the caretaker of Maunaÿala. Uncle Bill feels that the most “compelling aspect” of his job at Maunaÿala is, “teaching and instilling the knowledge into the young children, all the way to the elders of Hawaii” which is just what he does. Taking care of the royalty of Hawaii is nothing new to Uncle Bill and his family. His genealogy, when traced back, shows that Uncle Bill is related to the men who hid Kamehameha the Great’s bones in the mountains, and from then on, his family has been taking care of the aliÿi of Hawaii. After Maunaÿala students will have a little time to interact with each other, then it is back on the buses and planes back to their Kamehameha campuses to get ready for graduation.

Maui’s Scholarship Models By Shai Tolentino On Saturday, February 18, 2006, Maui held the 42nd annual Miss Maui Scholarship Pageant. Kamehameha Schools Maui Campus student, Leialoha Louis competed in and became the fourth runner up. She received a $250 scholarship to apply to any college she wants to attend along with other prizes. The pageant was held at the Baldwin High School Auditorium. There was a swimsuit competition, talent competition, evening wear competition, and on-stage questions. The competition featured seven competitors: Anna Jarvie-Grodan, Rylee Anuhea Jenkins, Amber Lynn Kiep, Leialoha Pikake Louis, Jill-Lesly Pascua, Jennifer Ashley Stadig, and Deana Marie Vitale. These seven girls competed to win the scholarship of $2250. Jill-Lesly Pascua claimed the title and will go on to represent Maui in the Miss Hawai’i competition.

Jumping into Summer of Opportunities By Makani Hutchins-Thomas/Picture from Since Maui Campus has been in Pukalani, Kamehameha Schools has been putting together a summer program for nonKamehameha Schools students. The summer school is available for students in the K-8th grades, and the cost is $400; financial aid is available. The Summer of Opportunities 2006 kicks off on June 19 and ends on July 14. The school day will start at 7:45am and end at 2:30pm. Some of the classes available will be Hawaiian Culture, Hawaiian Values and Service, Math Review, Beginning ÿUkulele, Hawaiian Arts and Craft, Hawaiian Sports and Games, and Computers. Instead of the students being stuck at home, they can have fun and learn at Summer School. Although the application deadline for this year has passed, there is always next year. So if you have brothers, sister, cousins, or younger friends, make sure to tell them to watch for sign-ups for next year!




– F RIDAY , M ARCH 24, 2006 -A4


More Pi Day Pics: Students dirty every-

thing else, but are sure to clean their plates!

WASC CONTINUED FROM A1 According to visiting committee member, Mr. Tate Brown, the Dean of School at Iolani School on O`ahu, “There is an entire book of criteria covering different areas . . . The process is very lengthy, involved, and complicated as the accrediting team looks at the criteria and evaluates the school.” Kamehameha Maui has been involved in preparing for this visit since the spring of 2003, according to Curriculum Director Doug Holt. The entire faculty participates through committees and assignments to address the issues brought up during accreditation visits. Holt notes in the Self-Study Report, “To this end, our faculty, staff and extended ‘ohana contributed many hours of time and effort to meet that commitment. All are to be commended.” The visiting committee scheduled numerous meetings throughout the week with the different campus groups who provided input for their report. They also made periodic classroom visits to observe teachers in action and get student responses. Amanda Ribao, a junior and vice president of the student government, said her group’s meeting with the visiting committee was, “to discuss the students’ perspective of the school.” She added that, “We spoke to them about what we do as a student government by activities that we put on… about our classes, challenges and situations which our school can improve on, our personal view about the Princess’s will and legacy, and about how we as students and as Hawaiians perpetuate the Hawaiian culture and involve our ESLR’s (IMUA) and values in our everyday lives.” For students aspiring to higher education, attending an accredited high school is crucial. According to Dr. Chamberlain, “Many colleges will not accept students who graduate from school’s without accreditation.” Mr. Brown summarized the committee’s purpose, “Once a school is accredited, it means that graduates from that school are prepared for work beyond that institution.” Accreditation is not a one-time process, though; schools are given terms – the maximum is six years, the minimum is one year. Kamehameha Maui was originally given a three-year term because it is a young school, and many changes were being made as the school completed construction and filled out its student body. Mr. Brown explained, “It is probably better for them to have a shorter term where the administration is forced to focus on all these things because it does change so rapidly for them. There are so many things that this school is doing just for the first time.” The results of this year’s analysis have been very positive according to the final draft of the Report of the Visiting Committee. They noted the extraordinary growth during the period and commended the school on its preparation of the self-study. The committee commended the administration “for preparing a detailed action plan focused on developing the school in three broad areas: aligning student programs, deepening the campus culture, and ensuring procedural consistencies.”

A5 – F RIDAY , M ARCH 24, 2006 - K A L EO



By Breana Kauai Attention all Juniors: First time going to a prom? Here are some helpful tips on how to make your night memorable.

•Make all entrances with your date. •Reserve the 1st and last dance for your date.

•Don’t break up with your boyfriend or girlfriend on prom night! •Don’t drink and drive after prom.

•EAT YOUR DINNER- you paid a lot of money for it, SO ENJOY!

•Don’t forget your date’s boutonniere/bouquet.

•Gentlemen, pull out chairs for ladies.

•Don’t walk ahead or behind your date.

•Comment on your date’s outfit. He/she spent a lot of time preparing for you!

•Don’t forget to bring your money for picture takingJunior Prom’s a night to remember forever!

•Boys try to match your suit with your dates dress. •Boys-ask your date if she’d prefer a wrist bouquet or a hand- held one. •Make sure to have fun!

•Guys, DON’T wear a brightly colored tux; you don’t want to steal the attention from your date. •DON’T BE LATE! •Don’t forget to pick up your date!

FOR MORE HELPFUL TIPS visit: http://



N Ä K OA - F RIDAY , M ARCH 24, 2006 - B1

SPORTS The Tennis Season Begins! By Theanna Ventura

The second year of Kamehameha Schools Maui tennis begins and Coaches Trudi Vierra and Haliaka Phillips are ready for another great season! Coach Haliaka has been coaching for two years now, but has owned a tennis shop and has taught tennis there. “I love coaching tennis because I get to work with the students,” said Phillips. “Next season should be a lot better with our own courts!” Her tennis partner, Trudi Vierra has been coaching for about 10 years and absolutely loves it! “I enjoy working with the students and helping them develop a love for the sport,” said Coach Vierra. Both coaches are there to help develop skills and a love for tennis! Last year, the Kamehameha Schools Tennis team had just begun, and it was a new experience to everyone. The season lasted about 2 weeks. This year, the junior varsity season will also be about 2 weeks, and some players may move up to varsity because the season is so short. The varsity will have many more games to play and tournaments to attend on our neighbor islands. There will be a girls and boys varsity team and a junior varsity team, as well.

Tennis coaches Trudi Vierra and Haliaka Phillips Photo by Theanna Ventura

Jose Ledesma, a sophomore, said, “I have never played before, but I really like tennis. It’s super fun!” Ledesma is athletic, so even though he never played tennis before, it came naturally to him. Tennis is easy to learn, but in order to succeed, you have to focus and put your heart into it.

Kamehameha Schools Maui’s, Next Professional Tennis Player! By Theanna Ventura

Photo by Theanna Ventura

Do you know Kainoa Perryman? Well, if you don’t, he is an awesome student and a very talented tennis player. He has been playing tennis for 8 years now and his love for the game proceeds. Kainoa played with Kamehameha School’s tennis team his freshman year and is now playing as a sophomore. “I like tennis because it’s the only sport I don’t completely suck at.” said Varsity Tennis Schedule Kainoa. “My favorite thing about tennis is being able to hang out with my friends.” So far, Kainoa has won the majority of his games and has lost to only one! Coach Haliaka and Trudy enjoy having Kainoa on the team because he is a great team player and always has a positive attitude. “The best thing about playing on Kamehameha Schools Varsity Tennis Team is the coaches; I like them because they inspire us to be all that we can be.”

B2 – F RIDAY , M ARCH 24, 2006 - K A L EO



You think you know… By Brandy Gomes With the lack of trainers in high schools throughout Hawaii, we are blessed with three at Kamehameha Schools Maui Campus. These three trainers Alika Asing, Charles Roggow, and the newest Kathrine Miller, support us throughout our seasons providing training, rehab, and help with our injuries. But what do you really know about our trainer Alika Asing? Coach Alika has been an athletic trainer for seventeen years including his years of schooling. He has been playing sports all of his life and has experienced a lot of injuries. When he played sports, there was no one qualified to take care of injuries, and sometimes people were given wrong advice about what to do. During his first year of college, he took an introductory course in sports medicine, and he found out that there was actually a career to help athletes with their injuries. From then on, he knew that he wanted to pursue a career as an athletic trainer and help other athletes so they would know the right way to take care of their injuries. During his schooling at U.H. Manoa, he worked with various sports teams including men’s and women’s volleyball, basketball, football, baseball, and softball. Also, he volunteered his services at Iolani High School and Kamehameha Schools Kapaplama before he came to the Maui Campus. He has been here for four years providing and teaching athlete’s how to prevent athletic injuries, recognize medical emergencies or injuries, administer emergency treatment, manage all types of injuries, and how to rehabilitate those sportsrelated injuries. Out of all of the sports offered at Kamehameha he can’t pick a favorite. “All sports have a unique skill that is specific to its character. They make it exciting to watch, especially those athletes whom you see progress throughout the years,” Coach Alika says, but he seemed to have no problem answering the next question about his favorite thing about being a trainer, “Probably the ability to use my past experience and education to help athletes with their injuries and get them back to the playing field. I feel working with the high school athletes are very rewarding in the sense that you may impact them in a positive way that they will remember for the rest of their life.”

Step onto the Mat By Brandy Gomes There is a joke about judo that asks, “What are the three biggest lies told in judo?” “I haven’t worked out in a while; let’s play light; and Oops, I’m sorry.” On February 27, 2006, the spring season tryouts of Kamehameha Schools Maui Judo began and we started to hear these 3 lies. With Head Coach (Sensei) Herbert Kogasaka and assistant coach (Sensei) Ron Hiyakumoto this season’s judo team was off to a good start. Although, their first match does not take place until April 8, the students are ready for what their season will hold. This season, approximately 28 students from all grade levels came out for the sport. There are 14 freshman, 4 sophomores, 8 juniors, and 2 seniors participating. The new freshmen helped add to the judo team’s numbers this year . If you don’t know much about the sport of judo, it is derived from the ancient Japanese art of jujitsu, a system of hand-tohand combat. Judo’s striking techniques include upper and lower limb blows. Also among the striking techniques are those utilizing fists, elbows, hand-edges, fingers, knees and feet as striking points. It is taught in a well-structured process and techniques are organized into sets. Be sure to come and cheer on our school’s Judo team this year. Their first event is April 8 at King Kekaulike High School, and the first home meet is April 22.

If you never knew much about your fun, loving, and wild trainer Alika Asing, take a chance to get to know him by visiting him or working out. Hopefully, you won’t have to get to know him when you are hurt in the training room. Photo credit: Leina’ala Song Left: Coach Alika sees a lot of foot injuries in his tough job as Kamehameha Schools High school Athletic Trainer.

Jigoro Kano- Founder of Kodokan Judo

C1 – F RIDAY , M ARCH 24, 2006 - K A L EO



Entertainment Capricorn – Face it: you have a great life. Appreciate your good fortune more than ever.

Horoscopes By Stephanie Rabago Worried about your future? Need a little guidance? Just want some laughs? Then this is the remedy for you!



Cancer – You've got compassion, enthusiasm, and the ability to mobilize large groups for the greater good.

Sagittarius – Ponder the future. 5/21-6/21

Gemini – Be ready for anything. 4/20-5/20 3/21-4/19

Aries – Pay attention to small details; it will help to know these things on March 19th.

Taurus – Tell your problems to your friends – ASAP!


Scorpio – Stay open-minded.


Libra – Acknowledge the fear – then move past it. 8/23-9/22


Leo – Quite a few dramatic changes have been occurring in your life lately, but fear not -they're all a part of the process.

Virgo – If it is meant to be yours, it’ll find its way back to you.



Pisces – Out with the old; in with the new.

Aquarius – Be generous. 12/22-1/19

Rice Krispies Treats Recipe

1. Melt butter in a large saucepan over low heat. Add marshmallows, and stir until completely melted. Remove from heat.

By Leialoha Louis

3. Using buttered spatula or waxed paper, press mixture evenly into buttered 13x9x2 inch pan.

Fun Facts:

4. Cut into squares, 2x2 inches, or use cookie cutters for an Easter Rice Krispies treat.

Rice Krispies treats doesn’t only have to be bought in stores; you can also make them yourselves. With Easter coming around, plan a family fun day to get messy with marshmallows and make the most delicious treats of all, Rice Krispies! Ingredients: 1/4

c. Butter


oz. Marshmallows


c. Rice Krispies

Easter Cookie Cutters (If you want Easter shapes)

2. Add rice krispies cereal. Stir until well coated.

Nutritional Information: Yield: 24 squares Serving Size: 2 squares (45 grams) Calories: 170 Calories from Fat: 25

Total Fat: Saturated Fat: Cholesterol: Sodium: Total Carbohydrates: Dietary Fiber: Sugars: Protein: Vitamin A: Vitamin C: Calcium: Iron:

3g 1g 0 mg 190 mg 35 g 0g 20 g

% Value 5% 4% 0% 8% 12% 0% 10% 15% 0% 6%

C2 – F RIDAY , M ARCH 24, 2006 - K A L EO



Word List:



Pastel Colors

Easter Rabbit



Jesus Christ



Egg Hunt








N Ä K OA - F RIDAY , M ARCH 24, 2006 - D1


Sports Injuries By Jordan Jenkins

A pinched nerve, a cramped back, a strained knee, all of these sound painful but worst of all is not being able to play for the length of a sports injury. Sports injuries are something that will happen to many people who play a sport. I, personally, have had my share of sports injuries, from breaking my hand twice, spraining my ankle, fracturing my shoulder, getting tendonitis, and, worst of all and the most recent, fracturing my knee, resulting in menacing surgery and four months of excruciating rehab. Sports injuries can affect people’s sports careers and make them rethink even playing. When star Miami University tailback Willis McGahee tore his ACL in the national championship game, everyone thought that his career was done, but because of his hard work and determination he was able to get back to the point he was at during his college career. Now he plays on the professional level with the Buffalo Bills. My theory on the sports injuries is that there is no way of predicting whether or not you are going to get injured. So, do you give up? Take your ball and go home? No! You stay there and practice in order get to a point where you lessen the chance of injury. Going all out is the only way to go. If you don’t go all out, then you will never succeed. Magic Johnson once said, “I only know how to play two ways, that’s reckless and abandon.” Magic Johnson never gave up, never quit, and that is why he did so well in the NBA. If you do end up getting injured, the only way back is rehab. After getting injured it is best to do rehab as soon as you possibly can. It may be painful, it may be hard, but if you really want to succeed, then hard work is the only way to reach your maximum abilities. Not only will your injury affect you, it will affect your team also. When Bubba Au strained his knee during the football season, his team didn’t have other defensive linemen to fill his spot. It became his responsibility to get back to a point where he would be able to play. He didn’t leave his team hanging. A sports injury is inevitable; whether it is a jammed finger or a broken “something,” it is going to happen. You have no way of stopping them and still succeeding; going all out is the only way to go. Editorial Policy: To respond to articles in this issue or to comment on issues of the day, please email to: Keep comments to 100 words or less. Comments must include the author’s full name and class. The editorial staff reserves the right to edit comments for length and suitability.

Willis McGahee getting helped off of the field during the National Championship game after tearing his ACL

Disclaimer: Kä Leo o Nä Koa is a publication of the journalism classes of Kamehameha Schools Maui Campus. The views expressed are those of the student writers and editors and does not necessarily reflect the views of KSBE or its representatives.

D2 – F RIDAY , M ARCH 24, 2006 - K A L EO



Now on PSP! By Jordan Jenkins “Sooner or later the VHS, cassette tape is definitely going to become obsolete, all because of the DVD,” says Mr. Pa’a, Kamehameha Schools media teacher. This is not just a theory; eventually this will become a fact. Not only has the DVD market boomed, but so has the PSP market. On TV, you never see that new movies are going to be coming out on VHS; it is all about the PSP. The PSP is the PlayStation Portable. You can store music, and play video games, as well as watch movies. The down side, according to Mr. Pa’a, is that, “The screen is way too small (approximately 2”x 4”).” This $250 game/music/video console is not one that many people would buy for themselves. Leialoha Louis would not even consider buying one for herself. To her it is not worth it. But to me, I think that this little entertainment center is amazing. I think that, indeed, it is very expensive, but I definitely wouldn’t mind if I got one for free. Soon the VHS will become obsolete because of DVD’s. The PSP is also helping in this breakthrough, but is it really as good as people say it is going to be?


You have to play it on a VCR, and the VCR needs to be plugged in.

High Quality

Not very good quality, kind of scratchy

You have to play it on a DVD player, and the DVD player needs to be plugged in, although there is more mobility with the new portable DVD players.

Plays very nicely on a DVD player

Can take it wherever you want. Needs to be charged every so often.

The quality is amazing for something so small. It is a bit pricey - about $200 for just the PSP, and then another $30-50 for the Movies and Games

Low Cost

Very cheap, only about $10

A little more expensive than VHS but still around Cannot record on this at all.

Easy to Record

Can easily record

Can easily record, but may be a little more expensive.






N Ä K OA - F RIDAY , M ARCH 24, 2006 - D3

Wow, Did You See That? By Kees Mashino The roots of mass media can be traced back to the middle of the 15th century, when Johann Gutenberg invented the printing press. Since the first printing press, media has come a long way. Nowadays, the media is booming with vivid color, animation, sounds, and special effects. The What’s Up Warriors broadcast incorporates today’s new technology to bring an exciting creation including education, entertainment, sports, and academics to our high school in an entertaining and informative way. The Digital Video Production II students create this broadcast to learn how a real life broadcast is created. Senior Arik Dadez, who was one of the producers from the first What’s Up Warriors broadcast, says, “I feel that the broadcast is a very powerful tool to inform and influence the student. It also gives the students a time to become educated in a different aspect.” The What’s Up Warriors broadcast has a positive effect on high school students. Once they see learning with such a fun approach, they become influenced and more motivated to learn new things in new ways. Some in our high school might argue that the What’s Up Warriors broadcast takes away from their class time, but teachers like Kumu Ku’ulei are happy to give up the time saying that “the broadcast shows that there is a lot more to education than just learning with ‘paper and pen.’ Education can also come from working hands-on, which is what the production crew does.” The broadcast persuades students to join digital video production and the broadcast crew and could direct them to a future career in broadcasting. I also feel that the broadcast is worth showing to the high school because the students watching it can see the hard work of their fellow classmates, and it also gives the crew a feeling of fulfillment and self-confidence when they see the student body watching and enjoying the broadcast. The media is the most effective way to persuade today’s society, and the What’s Up Warriors broadcast gives our students a chance to make a change in their learning environment. It also gives them a chance to learn something valuable from their classmates.



N Ä K OA — F OUNDED 2005

Ms. Kye Haina Leialoha Louis Manager / Editor Hawaiian Language Editor Leialoha Louis Entertainment Editor Kalani Rosell Copy Editor William Bubba Au Sports Editor Kees Mashino Editorial Editor Alohalani Torres Features Editor

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