2021 KZCF Annual Report

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Meeting the Moment


Our Vision Kalamazoo County is the most equitable place to live.

Our Mission Mobilizing people, resources and expertise to advance racial, social and economic justice.

Give donate online kalfound.org/give-now

Board of Trustees Hon. Carolyn Williams – Chair Von Washington, Jr. – Vice Chair Jim Escamilla Dr. Jorge Gonzalez Mary Harper Si Johnson Sydney Parfet Frank Sardone Amy Upjohn

mail a check Kalamazoo Community Foundation 402 East Michigan Avenue Kalamazoo, MI 49007-3888 arrange a planned gift There are many ways for you to plan now for a gift later. Get in touch with our Donor Relations team at donorrelations@kalfound.org or 269.381.4416 to learn more.

Staff Candice Atwater Sandy Barry-Loken Chaney Bear Kari Benjamin Hamann Sue Bos Lauren Boulton Meredith Bradford Kelly Campbell Stacey Charron-Milnikel Terry Cropper Joanna Donnelly Dales Jordan Duckens David Feaster Kallista Fernanders Carla Fernández-Soto Joe Galaviz Laura Galaviz Beth Gregory-Wallis Christa Hauke Ebony Hemphill Jen Heymoss Erycka Hunter Sarah Lee

Sholanna Lewis Julie Loncharte Kururama Masomere Tshepo Mathekga Rhonda McGee Elena Mireles-Hill Valerie Mitchell Sharayl Moore Lina Mwema Adrienne Neubert Emily Olivares Carrie Pickett-Erway Karen Racette Lily Salas Garrett Sander Tim Smolenski Susan Springgate Breanne Stokes Nancy Timmons Cindy Trout Allie VanHeest Frances Vicioso

Support what we fund We provide grant support to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations for work that aligns with our community investment priorities and will benefit residents of Kalamazoo County. We also provide scholarships for education beyond high school for Kalamazoo-area students. learn more kalfound.org/grants

Connect 269.381.4416 kalfound.org linkedin.com/company/kalfound

KZCF committee and team members are listed on page 21. KALAMAZOO COMMUNITY FOUNDATION | 2021 ANNUAL REPORT


Center Anti-Racism & Equity

Advance Racial Justice

As a Community Foundation, it’s our responsibility to be grounded in a long-term, strategic vision while also being nimble enough to respond to emerging needs in Kalamazoo County.

Cultivate Transformative Relationships

It’s essential to be flexible, allowing us to evolve with the complexity of this community. Equally essential is a firm commitment to our values, so our foundation isn’t completely uprooted by the challenges we face as a community.

Nurture Healing & Love

Serve the Greater Good

This annual report is a demonstration of how our core values allowed us to effectively meet the moment our community faced in 2021.

Learn & Grow

Embrace Joy


Center Anti-Racism & Equity We believe our community cannot thrive until it is a place where all people are safe, valued, and have equitable access to opportunities and resources. We commit to an anti-racism and equity analysis being engaged in all aspects of our work as we strive to identify root causes that drive disparities and advance interventions that interrupt racism. We are open to questions that push us to adapt and shift our perspectives and actions. We hold ourselves accountable to evolve our work towards greater accountability with communities who have been historically oppressed.



Pictured at left, top to bottom: New KZCF board members Artrella Cohn, Kama Mitchell and Dr. L. Marshall Washington Pictured below: A group photo of the KZCF Anti-Racism Transformation team. See the team listing on page 21.

If Kalamazoo County is to become a community

experience. Kama Mitchell is the founder and CEO

where race and identities don’t predict success,

of Rootead Enrichment Center in Kalamazoo where

the pursuit of racial justice is critical.

she focuses on health through generative offerings and collaborations. Dr. L. Marshall Washington is

Including the lived experience of marginalized

currently the third president of Kalamazoo Valley

communities is necessary for designing and

Community College. Washington is a passionate

leading programs that end oppression. In 2021,

advocate for supporting access to community

the Kalamazoo Community Foundation (KZCF)

college education, improving student learning and

expanded its board to 13 trustees with the explicit

outcomes as well as creating learning opportunities.

intention that traditionally underrepresented identities make up a majority of the total board.

Check out the Spring 2022 issue of our UPDATE newsletter to get to know our new trustees.

To accomplish this goal, KZCF opened its board application opportunity to the entire community


for the first time in its 95-year history. From that process, Artrella Cohn, Kama Mitchell and Dr. L.

In November, KZCF’s Anti-Racism Transformation

Marshall Washington were chosen to join the board.

Team welcomed new co-chairs to the team: Carla Fernández-Soto, Kallista Fernanders,

“We are thrilled these individuals emerged through this community-centric process,” said Carrie PickettErway, president and CEO of KZCF. “It’s an honor to add their brilliance and passion to our board.”

Remius Jones, Lenore Yeager, Kari Benjamin Hamann and Beth Gregory-Wallis. The team currently has 13 community volunteers offering input and holding the Community Foundation

Artrella Cohn is a respected champion for neigh-

accountable to its commitment to anti-racist policies,

borhoods and community and holds deep nonprofit

practices and procedures.

2021 board applicants by the numbers



Age 54 or younger



Identified as People of Color



Identified as Women



Identified as LGBTQ+

The number of total applications submitted was nearly triple that of the last board recruitment drive in 2018.


Advance Racial Justice We imagine a world free of oppression. We are committed to understanding and naming the painful racial history that has led to current realities. We commit to proactive strategies toward dismantling white supremacy and systemic racism within philanthropy, public policy, and our community – especially when it challenges us most. We believe in creating opportunities and space for those most impacted by issues to build civic, cultural, and political power. We commit to re-imagining alongside community transformational solutions that are essential for the healing and prosperity of our community.



Pictured at left: Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation Kalamazoo. See the team listing on page 21.

In 2021, Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation Kalamazoo joined community partners in advocating for transparency in arrests, charges and prosecutions in Kalamazoo County. The effort – known as the Criminal Justice Transparency Campaign – urged the Kalamazoo County Commission to establish an online database of arrests within the County. The database would make information about type of offence, race, gender, location, length of sentence, and other information publicly available. Advocating for this database was critical to supporting productive community discussions, making informed changes and creating an environment where everyone feels equally

CREATING AN ANTI-RACIST JUVENILE JUSTICE SYSTEM IN KALAMAZOO KZCF continues to support projects that ensure youth have an equitable chance for success in school and life beyond the classroom. KZCF funded a 2021 study by The Michigan Center for Youth Justice (MCYJ) on how youth of color are impacted by the juvenile justice system. The study also offers collaborative solutions that prioritize prevention and re-direction over throwing children in jail at a critical point in their development. The study is connecting community members, the criminal justice system and school systems to data and guidance to address racial injustice.

protected by the people entrusted with our safety. In November 2021, the County Commission issued a proclamation in support of the database.

In 2021, KZCF received $1.3 million in funding for initiatives supporting racial justice work, including Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation Kalamazoo, The Kalamazoo Justice Hub and Wealth-building opportunities for Black, Indigenous and People of Color communities.


Cultivate Transformative Relationships We believe relationships are the driving force behind our work. Authentic relationships shift institutions, hold significant power to influence people, advance movements, and grow communities. Without authentic relationships, we do not thrive. Relationships are what keep us engaged, sustained, and hopeful. Relationships drive change.



KZCF is evolving donor relationships from

Using the principles of community-centric

transactional to transformative through

fundraising, the KZCF Donor Relations team is

conversations grounded in the principles of

encouraging donors to explore engagement

community-centric philanthropy. The principles

with a wider range of community challenges

cultivate giving relationships that reduce harm

and opportunities.

and support justice for all.

“Donor Advised Funds hold so much promise,”

There is an overwhelming amount of data showing

says Joanna Donnelly Dales, Vice President of

people and communities of color who work,

Donor Relations at KZCF. “They provide KZCF staff

learn, live and play in Kalamazoo County are

the opportunity to work directly with donors as

experiencing life in a drastically different way.

they shape and refine their philanthropy.”

Individuals both inside and outside of these marginalized communities are owning their role in making this a great place for everyone. One way is through philanthropic giving.

“We’ve inspired donors to join forces with us in our mission, aligning millions of dollars from DAFs to partner organizations in Kalamazoo County,” says Donnelly Dales. “This requires intentionality,

Nationally, less than 10% of philanthropic dollars

patience, relationship-building, and often careful

go to communities of color. Donor Advised Funds

and nuanced conversations. We are seeing shifts

(DAFs) typically grant even fewer dollars to these

in the conversations and grantmaking of some of

communities. This is likely because most DAF

KZCF’s donor partners.”

donors are white and the organizations they are most connected to are also primarily led by and serve white people. KZCF is working to change that in Kalamazoo County.

In 2021, the KZCF grantmaking team published its first Guide to Grantmaking that outlines everything partners need to know about how funding decisions are made at KZCF. “Our Grantmaking Guide is just one way we are responding to our partners’ request for more transparency when it comes to our funding process and priorities,” says Sandy Barry-Loken, Vice President of Grants at KZCF.


Nurture Healing & Love We recognize that the individual and systemic transformation needed to free our communities of oppression, especially racism, must be rooted in a commitment to healing. A healing toward wholeness and love, foundational to fostering change and producing justice. We commit to learning from the wounds of the past, through understanding, truth telling, and authentic relationship building. We uphold the long-term accountability to engage in individual and collective healing as we strive toward a shared vision of liberation for all. We believe in the transformational power of love to open up pathways for this vision.



A community-based process that addresses the

When TRHT came to the Kalamazoo Community

past and present-day effects of racism, Truth, Racial

Foundation in 2017 with just a framework as a

Healing & Transformation is helping communities

guide, members of the Kalamazoo community

heal together and individually while making

came together to assemble a leadership team,

actionable, sustainable change. TRHT is making

grow partnerships, implement programs and

a difference in our community.

develop a vision for a community without racism.

In 2021, TRHT Kalamazoo released its 2017-2020

And this is just the beginning. Funding has also

Impact Report sharing the story of partnerships,

been used to create an endowment to permanently

programs and projects centering racial equity,

support racial healing for generations to come.

reshaping power and deepening relationships in our county.

Check out all the insights and photos from TRHT’s work over the last three years by visiting trhtkzoo.org.

TRHT Kalamazoo by the numbers 55


In three years, TRHT Kalamazoo grew its partnerships from 55 to over 600.



TRHT partners reported a change in their organization because of participation



People reported a change in their personal behavior and habits through engaging with TRHT


Serve the Greater Good We uphold the greater good when making decisions centered on an abundant worldview, love, and our shared humanity. We center those who have been historically oppressed in order to maximize the benefit for the collective. We engage decision making that is made with people – always striving to minimize harm. We advance decisions that are rooted in integrity, honesty, and transparency.


Pictured at left: Vivian Abramowitz, KZCF donor

Unrestricted giving is one of many ways the

said Vivian. “Now we meet annually to review what

Kalamazoo Community Foundation serves the

I’ve put in place and make adjustments as needed

greater good of Kalamazoo County. The KZCF

or wanted.”

Donor Relations staff works with donors to connect their hopes for the community to the greatest needs the community is experiencing. Vivian Abramowitz is a KZCF donor that recently decided to make her entire estate gift unrestricted.

She thinks her future estate gift to the community foundation is a lot like planting a tree. “I don’t know when or where the tree will be planted, what kind of tree it will be, who will sit under it, enjoy its shade, daydream in its treehouse, turn

For years, Vivian had been intrigued by KZCF’s work

it into lumber for building or wood for musical

in the community, but never thought much about

instruments, or draw spiritual sustenance or artistic

how she could be a part of it. After her husband

inspiration from its sheltering presence.”

died, her financial advisor recommended she come to the Kalamazoo Community Foundation to create a plan for her estate since she did not have any heirs.

“It may never be known that it’s ‘my’ gift, but that’s fine with me,” Vivian continues. “I have been the recipient of many gifts that I did not necessarily know were being given, whose provenance was

“I met with Julie Loncharte to discuss my interests

unknown to me, but I have benefited just the same.”

and the options that might be a fit for me and KZCF,”

In August 2021, KZCF launched its Emergency Scholarship Fund to cover unexpected or unmet financial needs that may otherwise prevent students from completing their degree or required education. Since the program launched, 89 students have applied for funding. Sixty-one percent of awards went toward tuition assistance. A majority of those were juniors and seniors who needed funding to complete their degree.


Learn & Grow We understand our best work happens when we are committed to continuously learning and evolving. We value the imperfect and iterative nature of learning processes and commit to applying new learning amid the complex, uncomfortable, and non-linear demands of advancing our mission towards racial, social and economic justice. We take responsibility for our individual learning and create spaces for collective reflection and analysis.



Pictured at left: Kururama Masomere, KZCF Director of Impact Investment Pictured below: Carla Fernández-Soto, KZCF Learning and Culture Officer

The Kalamazoo Community Foundation Impact

securities, assets – often aren’t there for

Investment Program offers low-interest financing

loan seekers of color who have historically,

for programs and projects that make a high impact

and presently, faced extraordinary barriers to

in Kalamazoo County. In May 2021, the Impact

building wealth. This, among other factors like

Investment program paused to ensure loan policies

risk assessment and tensions between finance

supported racial equity and achieved the intended

and nonprofit culture, made it difficult for the

community impact.

program to honor its racial equity priority.

“Pausing the program felt like the right thing to do,”

“Inviting people of color to collaborate with us

said Kururama Masomere, Director of Impact

without having the policies and customs in place

Investment at KZCF since September 2021.

for them to fully participate as true partners caused

“Traditional lending practices exclude communities of color, so it made sense for us to reevaluate how we were operating this program.”

a lot of harm. We learned a lot in this process.” Kururama committed 2021 to developing a structure and process that prioritized relationships and the

KZCF’s Impact Investments prioritize loans for

integrity of the work. She sought direct feedback

projects that increase affordable rental housing

from loan recipients and participates in roundtables

and wealth among communities of color through

for emerging, Black and Brown developers to

home ownership and entrepreneurship. Traditional

share their experiences and discuss how to improve

markers for the ability to repay loans – like collateral,

partnership in the future.

In 2021, KZCF hired Carla Fernández-Soto, its first Learning and Culture Officer to support learning, skill-building and application around equity, anti-racism and racial justice at the Foundation.


1 2 4

Embrace Joy We believe joy is a form of resistance, liberation, and connecting to our wholeness amid the demands of transformational work. It is essential for sustainability, grounding, and purpose on our hardest days.


Joy requires space and practice. Joy takes us beyond survival and is at the center of a re-imagined, prosperous, and loving community.



We also value the role that joy plays in sustaining our work at the Kalamazoo Community Foundation. Here are some shots of KZCF staff creating space for joy in 2021.


The Kalamazoo Community Foundation sponsorship program plays a role in supporting events that cultivate celebration, connectedness and creativity in our community. KZCF sponsored 40 community events in 2021. Enjoy some photos from a few of the events KZCF had the privilege to support in 2021.

1 Merze Tate Explorers, Henrietta Lacks Exhibit – February 2022

2 Premier Athletics for Youth Development, Camp Gridiron – July 2021

3 Council of Michigan Foundations,

National Philanthropy Day – November 2021

4 Western Michigan University Office of Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay & Transgender Student Services, Fall Fab Fest – September 2021

5 OutFront Kalamazoo, Rally for Equality – September 2021

6 NAACP Metropolitan Kalamazoo Branch, Freedom Fund Event – October 2021

7 Oshtemo Friends of the Parks, Music in the Park – June 2021



2021 Leadership Reflection How has KZCF’s understanding of the Kalamazoo County community changed since you joined the

How has KZCF’s understanding of the concept of “community” changed over time?

staff or board?

Amy Upjohn: I think the biggest driver here is a deeper understanding of “All.”

Joanna Dales: When I joined KZCF in 2007,

How without an understanding of the

I had only lived in Kalamazoo for four

most marginalized we can’t impact

years. I’ve gotten to work with people from every sector and this has given me a more

community as a whole.

complete picture of the incredible resources we

Frank Sardone: The various groups that

have as well as challenges we face. I have learned

make up community are not monolithic.

how fiercely devoted people are to our community,

KZCF has recognized that progress can only

and the many ways they express that devotion.

be achieved through inclusion of all groups

Sarah Lee: Within the last four years,

and ensuring that policies, processes, and decision

I have learned and unlearned a lot about

making reflect this inclusion.

the Kalamazoo County community.

Carrie Pickett-Erway: Community issues,

Through building relationships with

priorities and strategies are defined by

co-workers and community partners, I have

those who have access to the conversations.

learned that our community is made up of many networks of individuals and organizations who are working on similar goals of Kalamazoo County as the most equitable place to live.

If you are “at the table” you get to shape the understanding of community. When we talk about community, we must ask ourselves, “who do we mean?” Is it everyone? Or just those who

Every person and organization is addressing the

had a chance to share their opinion? Community,

most pressing issues in our community based on

in Kalamazoo County, should mean ALL of us.

the resources and talent they have during a given

Erycka Hunter: Understanding inclusion and

point in time. It takes everyone in the community to

everyone having what they need to thrive

make strides towards a thriving community.

has furthered my concept of community since joining KZCF.

Jen Heymoss: We are really opening up to community. We are focused on healing

Sydney Parfet: To me, community is us –

and building relationships to better move

we, me, you and everyone. That said,

toward our vision.

everone’s experience is a little different and KZCF is partnering with agencies and

Dr. Jorge Gonzalez: I know much more about the challenges we face but also

community members to make it a place for everyone

about the tremendous opportunities

to live and thrive.

that we have to improve the lives of all our community members.

Jim Escamilla: Expansion of the board’s membership in diversity and the discussions revolving around everyone having an equal voice in the distribution of grants.



What has informed this change in understanding? Hon. Carolyn Williams: I have received

How do you see (or want to see) KZCF’s new core values reflected in our work?

information as part of the grant making

Mary Harper: I was very proud of the

and policy advocacy activities of the

way we stepped up during the pandemic

foundation which has enlarged my understanding of the systemic issues affecting

to increase our grants when needed. We often talk about “rainy day funds”

the prospects of children born in this community.

but seldom use them. How great to have and

The statistics regarding rates of poverty, involvement

distribute money when it was most needed! I think

with the juvenile and criminal justice system, school

it brought us closer to the community, and I want

performance, high school and college graduation

that closeness to inform our future.

rates provide the evidence that work has to be done to overcome the effects of racism. Von Washington, Jr.: Intercultural

I love our new grant making model that breaks down the wall between grantee partners and KZCF staff. Donors should be happy with these enriched

Development work has impacted my

relationships too. And, of course, everyone’s work is

understanding and made me more aware

made more powerful.

of the changing dynamics of this community. Si Johnson: A fair amount of reading and reflection that impacts my thinking at a macro level. Most importantly, it is interactions and discussions with a diverse group of people. Susan Springgate: Our evolving mission and

Susan Springgate: Our Socially Responsible Investment pool and Impact investments were the first steps in incorporating the values of advancing racial justice in our investments. We will be expanding that by looking at how our full investment portfolio can be used. We have so many opportunities to use those resources.

vision has shifted us from transactional

Sandy Barry-Loken: As KZCF has been on a

(taking donations, making grants) to a

journey toward anti-racism and deepened

partnership with people. We inspire our donors to contribute to the highest needs in the

its understanding of racial equity, we’ve had a reckoning and recognized how

community, we partner with local nonprofits

our own processes and structures have limited

using trust-based philanthropy, and we use our

who is able to access KZCF resources and supports.

investments to make local impact.

Our Anti-Racism Transformation Team has played a

Carrie Pickett-Erway: Having access to wise partners, folks who have distinct perspectives, people who have experienced Kalamazoo County in a

key role in helping us to begin to transform our own institution and has brought accountability as well as support to our staff and board. Carrie Pickett-Erway: Our values shape

vastly different way ... These people have helped to

and inform everything we do. When we

inform my understanding of community. I’ve been

are at our best, the values are reflected

intentional about (and have been helped along the

in every meeting agenda, email message,

way) breaking through the echo-chamber, bringing

strategic decision, budget allocation. We live into

in voices that think differently.

these values with every decision we make.




7 Ways You Can Join Our Mission Everyday actions move us closer to our community being the most equitable place to live. Here are 7 ways you can join our mission today: • Connect with a member of our donor relations team to establish a fund that supports our mission and your philanthropic interests. Call 269.381.4416 to get the conversation started. • Get involved with TRHT Kalamazoo. Reach out to Frances Vicioso at fvicioso@kalfound.org to learn how to volunteer your time with a TRHT design team. • Join a KZCF team or committee. Be on the lookout for opportunities throughout the year for youth and adults to use their lived experience and community expertise to inform our work in community. • Be a Love Where You Live Donor. Giving to the Love Where You Live Greatest Needs fund supports immediate and long-term community needs and solutions. Visit connect.kalfound.org/GiveNow to make a gift today. • Become a TRHT Endowment Donor. Gifts to the TRHT Endowment Fund sustain community healing in Kalamazoo County for generations to come. Learn more at connect.kalfound.org/GiveNow. • Share one story from our annual report with a family member, friend or colleague who loves living in Kalamazoo County. • Like, comment and share our content on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn @kalfound and @trhtkalamazoo. Your engagement helps raise awareness about the transformative work happening in Kalamazoo County.


Combined statement of financial position AS OF DECEMBER 31



576,986,063 2,680,517 12,580,507 6,657,508

666,852,174) 5,118,260) 13,866,912) 5,979,779)



LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS Funds held as agency endowments Other payables

30,460,938 4,477,927

36,827,196) 5,810,784)









REVENUES Public support Dividends and interest Net gain (loss) from investment transactions Other income (loss)

13,657,371) 11,360,442) 40,645,174) 609,323)

11,979,091) 11,550,128) 87,808,144) 1,142,465)




EXPENSES Grants paid Investment management fees Program services Donor relations and development Administrative and general expenses

23,612,947) 927,423) 1,850,153) 1,391,128) 2,308,646)

19,679,677) 978,918) 2,103,049) 1,329,062) 3,175,708)









ASSETS Cash and investments Contributions and pledges receivable Beneficial interest in charitable perpetual trusts Other assets TOTAL ASSETS


Combined statement of activities


Kalamazoo Community Foundation’s audited financial statements as of December 31, 2021, are available online at kalfound.org/about/investment-information/


Investment performance

Moderate Growth

Socially-Responsible Investment

1 Year

3 Years

5 Years

7 Years

10 Years

















The Moderate Growth Benchmark is a staged index composite benchmark that has the current composition of the Barclays US Aggregate Bond Index (15%); Barclays US Treasury 5-10 Yr TR USD (10%); DJ US Select REIT index (2.5%); MSCI EAFE Small Cap Index (10%); MSCI Emerging Markets Value index (10%); Russell 1000 Value index (5%); Russell 2000 Value index (10%); Russell Micro Cap index (5%); S&P 500 index (30%); and the NCREIF Fund Index ODCE (2.5%). The Socially-Responsible Investment Benchmark is 70% equity benchmark and 30% fixed income benchmark. The equity benchmark is Standard & Poor’s 1500 Index (75%); MSCI EAFE Index (15%); and MSCI Emerging Markets Index (10%). The fixed income benchmark is the Bloomberg Barclays Intermediate Government/Credit Index.

KZCF community partners Emeritus Council Barbara James – Chair Jeff DeNooyer Louis Felton David Hatfield Jack Hopkins Howard Kalleward Beverly Moore Juan Olivarez Marilyn Schlack (1936–2021) Ronda Stryker Betty Upjohn-Mason Don Vander Kooy Eileen Wilson-Oyerlaran

Professional Advisor Council Nicole Asher Nick Boyd Mark Denenfeld Erin Gallagher Philip Hamilton Darlene Hybels William Millard Sabrina Pritchett-Evans Charles Prudhomme Nancy Springgate Tyler Stewart Jack Ullrey Andrew Vorbrich

Impact Investment Committee Jim Escamilla – Chair Steve Hernandez Matt Hollander Jen Hsu-Bishop Stacy Jackson Mattie Jordan-Woods Joe Kiser Matt Lechel Lucas Mansberger MeLisa Zackery

Community Investment Committee Amy Upjohn – Chair Angelita Aguilar Sojn Boothroyd Artrella Cohn Jim Escamilla Byron Foster Mary Harper Lissette Mira-Amaya Sydney Parfet

Anti-Racism Transformation Team (ARTT) Co-Chairs Kari Benjamin Hamann Kallista Fernanders Carla Fernández-Soto Beth Gregory-Wallis Remius Jones Lenore Yeager Sandy Barry-Loken Sharon Brown Kendall Campbell Artrella Cohn Joanna Donnelly Dales Byron Foster Jen Heymoss Stephanie Hoffman Erycka Hunter J. Kyon Julie Loncharte Kururama Masomere Lissette Mira-Amaya Elena Mireles-Hill Emily Olivares Kat Owens Susan Springgate Sara Stockinger Christopher Terkos Amy Upjohn

Financial Investment Committee Bob Salisbury – Chair Randy Eberts – Vice Chair Dean Bergy Dan DeMent Sandi Doctor Nicolas Griffith Si Johnson Joshua Sledge Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) Kalamazoo Leadership Team Caren Dybek Denise Evans Ed Genesis Gabriel Giron Patrese Griffin Tobi Hanna-Davies Stephanie Hoffman Jacob Pinney-Johnson Yolonda Lavender Stacey Randolph Ledbetter Dr. Xiaoan Li Katina Mayes Kama Mitchell Gwendolyn Moffitt Fernando Ospina Viola Sawyer Lenore Yaeger

Other committees and teams More than 150 community members also serve on our scholarship committees, TRHT Design Teams, and the LGBTQ Equality Fund and Love Where You Live Environment Fund committees.


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402 East Michigan Avenue Kalamazoo, MI 49007-3888 269.381.4416 kalfound.org

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