Update | Summer 2016

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update / kalamazoo community foundation / summer 2016

Angela Shaw, shown here in the community garden at New Horizon Village, has lived in the apartment community for two and a half years. She’s excited about the renovation that will provide her and her neighbors with completely refurbished apartments. “We’ll have new fixtures, new cabinets, new flooring. It will be like a brand new home,” she says. Photo by Robert Neumann

Listening & Collaborating listening to your feedback [page three]

collaborating to improve affordable housing [page four]

grantmaking highlights [page six]

leave a legacy: harry e. turbeville [page seven]

We’ve been at this work a long time — more than 90 years. In that time, your Community Foundation has provided more than $420 million in grants to organizations. Think about that — all of that money coming from people right here in Kalamazoo County (and beyond) to make life better for all. As called for by our mission and purpose, we’ve adapted over the years with the changing needs of the community. We’re encouraged that donors, grantees and residents have affirmed our own sense that it takes more than grant dollars to affect lasting change. Despite our best intentions and efforts, systems remain in place that are not yet capable of helping everyone reach their full potential.

Suprotik Stotz-Ghosh Vice President, Community Investment

So, at this point in our history, we find ourselves — along with many other foundations across the country — seeking ways to address the causes of our community’s most pressing challenges. Equity and education have evolved as the focus of our community investment priorities to increase the effectiveness, outcomes and impact of our work. We’ve been studying best practices with our community foundation peers and listening to residents, nonprofit and community leaders, and donors to determine how grantmaking and community initiative work can result in more lasting change. We’ll keep looking for new ways to engage, convene and gain community feedback. Over the past few years we’ve been hosting more convenings and seeking to be more present in the community. We’ll be hosting more meetings this summer with current and prospective grantees to learn how we can work better together toward equity. This will help us continue to build our own capacity, as well as the capacity of our community, to reach a more equitable future. Innovation through collaboration and partnerships will help get us closer to everyone in our community reach their full potential. Thank you for the role you play in making our journey possible.




Give online www.kalfound.org/give

What we fund We fund 501(c)(3) nonprofits for projects that fit within our community investment priorities and will benefit Kalamazoo County. We also provide Kalamazoo area students with scholarships for education beyond high school.





Mail a check Kalamazoo Community Foundation 402 East Michigan Avenue Kalamazoo, MI 49007-3888 Arrange a planned gift There are many ways for you to plan now for a gift later. To learn more, get in touch with our Donor Relations team at 269.381.4416 or donorrelations@kalfound.org.

What we don’t fund We don’t fund for-profit business development projects, private land purchases or private home purchases. Learn more at www.kalfound.org.



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New publications enhance engagement Your Community Foundation is

opportunities to co-invest with us

to share information about grant

many things. Among these, we are

and broaden the base of local

cycles, opportunities for grantees

a data-driven organization with

nonprofits’ support. Two issues

and grantseekers to connect with us

a commitment to learning and

have been published, both

and each other, and other important

continuous improvement.

providing snapshots of a variety

Community Foundation news.

So when recent donor and grantee surveys told us information beyond what one typically finds in this Update newsletter would be useful, we created two new electronic publications: Partners in Philanthropy,

of co-investment opportunities. Even if they choose not to support one of the opportunities we share, fund representatives have expressed that they value simply learning more about the work of local nonprofits.

“Update has a broad readership and is still the Community Foundation’s main communication piece,” says Joanna Donnelly Dales, who leads our Donor Relations team. “Partners in Philanthropy

for our Advised Fund representatives

Partners in Progress

and Partners in Progress enable us

and Partners in Progress, for grantees

Over the last few years we’ve been

to provide customized content to

and grantseekers.

asking for and getting feedback

specific audiences.

Partners in Philanthropy Advised Fund representatives we’ve partnered with for a long time will remember Partners in Philanthropy as a printed publication. We’ve

from our nonprofit partners through a number of grantee surveys. We learned that many shared a desire for more frequent communication with and from our team.

“We’re able to provide people and agencies with the information they need, when they need it,” she says. “Donors receive information to help them make informed decisions and

now brought it back as an online

Partners in Progress is part of our

support causes that are important to

publication, the goal of which is to

response to that feedback. Launched

them; agencies get information they

present fund representatives with

in April, we’ll use Partners in Progress

need to do their work effectively.”




According to Property Manager Holly Casteel (pictured here outside the New Horizon leasing office), the entire renovation will take about 18 months. While each apartment is worked on, the tenant will move to a vacant unit within the apartment community. Photo by Robert Neumann.

Collaboration expands, improves Kalamazoo affordable housing options

The apartment community known as

David Anderson LIFT Foundation

one of 10 Operation Breakthrough

administration the former governor

developments built across the country,

of Michigan, George Romney, was

most of which are no longer standing.

working as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development. He had big plans for housing for the poor.

“We’re proud we are able to keep this development, and for it to continue to achieve the same mission that

Before his plans were derailed,

was set way back in the 1970s,” says

Romney asked for ideas on how to

David Anderson of LIFT Foundation,

best design such housing. He initiated

a Kalamazoo nonprofit that receives

the construction of homes in Operation

federal and state funding to create and

Breakthrough, a revolutionary program

manage affordable and stable housing

that called for public housing that was

for people with low incomes locally.

not concentrated in downtowns and was close to jobs and schools. Some of those affordable homes were built in the Kalamazoo area, and soon they are to be renovated so they can continue to be used as low-income housing. The housing complex was


Heather Gardens

“If you have a place that you can afford, and you’re not worried about it, you can go to work, you don’t have to move all the time and your kids can succeed in school. I hope people continue to recognize how important this is.”

Back in the days of the Nixon


New Horizon Village will not only be completely renovated, but it will get a new name: Heather Gardens. Heather Gardens will have 79


This story is abridged and reprinted with permission of Southwest Michigan’s Second Wave. You can read the full story online at www.secondwavemedia.com.

apartments — 20 subsidized housing units for those with disabilities, 43 for people with low incomes, and 16 market-rate apartments and townhomes. In addition to a new community center, Heather Gardens will have a computer lab where residents will be able to meet with those assisting them with job applications and youngsters can receive help with homework. Some who move in might

affordability of good housing options

“LIFT has a history of success in operating and renovating low-income housing in our community. They’re well-equipped to make this project a success.” Suprotik Stotz-Ghosh Kalamazoo Community Foundation

have additional support services, such as case management tailored to their physical or psychological needs.

Kalamazoo Community Foundation, which Anderson says “was critical in receiving the

development, which was constructed

award from MSHDA.”

in 2010. Anderson describes the

The housing gap

renovations as a preservation

Anderson says it is difficult to pin

and repurposing.

down exactly what the gap is

The renovations are being paid for by $9.2 million in funding from the Michigan State Housing Development Authority, using a combination of Low-Income Tax Credits and other MSHDA funding, including a loan. Anderson

over recent years,” the report says. “Additionally, with fewer new home options in the area, it is likely that people looking for homes or who rent homes are choosing increasingly from older existing homes, which are likely more expensive to maintain and less efficient with respect to utilities.” Anderson estimates that there are about 5,000 to 6,000 units of affordable housing distributed

Renovations will be extensive in the in 1972 and became a LIFT property

in the Kalamazoo area declined

between the affordable housing available and what is needed by the community. A Kalamazoo County

among 63 developments in the county. And one-third of those are senior housing. The need for assistance in paying for or maintaining affordable housing in the Kalamazoo area has clearly increased considerably since 2004. LIFT has been working to address the community need for affordable housing since 1966.

Community Action Agency report

“Decent, safe, affordable housing

from 2013 states that for a variety

is a critical component of a quality

of reasons low-income housing is in

life and it is the basis for all else,”

short supply in Kalamazoo.

Anderson says. “If you have a place that you can afford, and

explains the IRS tax credit program

The number of new homes being

has become the single biggest

built during the study period

government program to fund

dropped each year, from 1,867 built

low-income housing.

in 2004 to 470 built in 2012.

The project also received a

“Taken together, these data suggest

people continue to recognize

$20,000 grant from the

that both the availability and

how important this is.”

you’re not worried about it, you can go to work, you don’t have to move all the time and your kids can succeed in school. I hope




Grantmaking highlights 18 GRANTS AWARDED IN FIRST GRANTMAKING ROUND OF 2016 We awarded 18 grants totaling nearly $894,000 to

• Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety

Kalamazoo County nonprofits in our first grantmaking

• Kalamazoo County Ready 4s

round of 2016. We make community investments in quality

• Kalamazoo Institute of Arts

programs we believe will make Kalamazoo County a place

• Kalamazoo Nature Center Preschool Scholarships

where every person can reach full potential.

• Kalamazoo RESA STEM Programming • Michigan United

Grants were provided to:

• Ministry with Community

• Big Brothers Big Sisters

• Open Roads Cycles of Safety

• Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Kalamazoo

• Parent to Parent of Southwest Michigan

• Building Blocks

• Pretty Lake Camp

• Can-Do Kitchen

• STREET After School Program

• Christian Neighbors

Nonprofits also received grants from Advised,

• Educating For Freedom In Schools

Field-of-Interest and Designated Funds.

• Guardian Finance and Advocacy Services

Kalamazoo Community Foundation Investment Performance FIRST QUARTER 2016 Qtr 1


3 Yrs

5 Yrs

7 Yrs

10 Yrs





























Core Assets Moderate Growth Performance

Income and Growth Performance

Investment performance is net of manager fees and derived from core Kalamazoo Community Foundation assets allocated into its two investment strategies. Historic performance for each is then derived from linkages to prior quarterly returns. Performance reflects prior changes in asset allocations while benchmarks assume current allocations. The Moderate Growth Benchmark is a staged index composite benchmark that has the current composition of the Barclays US Aggregate Bond index (15 percent); Citibank WGBI Non-USD (10 percent); DJ US Select REIT index (2.5 percent); MSCI EAFE Small Cap index (10 percent); MSCI Emerging Markets Value index (10 percent); Russell 1000 Value index (5 percent); Russell 2000 Value index (10 percent); Russell Micro Cap index (5 percent); S&P 500 index (30 percent); and the NCREIF Fund Index ODCE (2.5 percent). The Income and Growth Benchmark consists of the S&P 500 index (50 percent) and the Barclays US Aggregate Bond index (50 percent).



Harry Turbeville

Harry Turbeville died in 1976 TODAY HE’S HELPING KIDS STAY SAFE AND HEALTHY AFTER SCHOOL Harry Turbeville was a local businessman with a heart for helping kids reach their full potential. His legacy is the Harry E. Turbeville Fund. Established 25 years ago with a modest gift from his wife’s estate, its value has more than doubled. Grants from the fund have supported a variety of youth-focused programs at Kalamazoo nonprofits like Prevention Works, Whole Art Theatre and YMCA of Kalamazoo. An endowed fund like the Harry E. Turbeville Fund

$60,300 GIFT

$122,600 GRANTS

$127,017 VALUE


is a powerful legacy. We can help you show your love for Kalamazoo and leave a powerful legacy too. Call our Donor Relations team or visit www.kalfound.org to learn how.

Our Team Zac Bauer 269.585.7236 / zbauer@kalfound.org Coby Chalmers 269.585.7249 / cchalmers@kalfound.org Joanna Donnelly Dales 269.585.7260 / jdales@kalfound.org Ann Fergemann 269.585.7238 / afergemann@kalfound.org

• Established with a gift of $60,300 • 25 years of grants totaling $122,600 • Current value is $127,017

Jeanne Grubb 269.585.7248 / jgrubb@kalfound.org




Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage paid Kalamazoo, MI Permit Number 66

402 East Michigan Avenue Kalamazoo, MI 49007-3888 269.381.4416 www.kalfound.org

Equity for All video wins national award Equity for All, the video that opened our 2015 Community Meeting last November, recently won a silver medal in the 14th Annual Stevies, an award competition sponsored by the American Business Awards. The purpose of the video was to provide local context for the remarks of the event’s keynote speaker, author and journalist Ta-Nehisi Coates, who spoke about race in America.

“An excellent film that captures the concept of equity extremely well and presents it in a way that would resonate with the audience,” said one judge. “It goes a step further because the film can stand by itself. It ‘speaks’ about the issue in such a way that those who were not at the meeting would be able to appreciate the call to action to be ‘up’ for making a difference.”

Equity for All features eight community members describing inequities they see or have experienced in our community and asking if our community is up for the challenge of addressing them. They include Bob Ells, Tracy Hall, Buddy Hannah, Diana Hernandez, Jay Maddock, Donna Odom, Judge William Schma and the late Dr. Charles Warfield.

In addition to the silver medal for Equity for All, we also were awarded a bronze medal for our 2014 Annual Report: The Corner of History & Progress, which tells the story of our 90-year history and presents our aspirations for the future of this organization and the Kalamazoo community.

A survey we did after the event revealed that 77 percent of those who attended found the video helpful in understanding why equity is important to the Community Foundation and the Kalamazoo community. The video was produced by Kalamazoo-based Rhino Media and has been viewed more than 1,500 times on our website and social media channels.

Said one judge, “You can feel the caring and pride for their community.”


Watch the video online at www.kalfound.org/equityvideo

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