Update | Summer 2018

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update kalamazoo community foundation | summer 2018


Have we made the right difference as community foundations? Recently, I had the opportunity to talk at the YWCA’s Stand Against Racism event about the field of philanthropy and the racial equity evolution that has transpired among community foundations across the country. It began with an important question about making a difference in our community. Community foundations represent 800 of the 86,000 foundations in the United States, with the first community foundation founded in 1914. More than 60 years later, community foundations in the field began to

Carrie Pickett-Erway President/CEO

ask themselves, “Have we made a difference?” More importantly, “Have we made the right difference?” If our goal is to change the life trajectory for our most vulnerable and yet we respond to symptoms within big systemic issues, our results cannot improve outcomes for the marginalized and oppressed. Since the late 1970s, philanthropy has been leaning into diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) with intentionality and with a growing base of supporters. The early stages of the conversation about diversity and representation within the field focused on seeking out the voices of women, people of color and other marginalized voices. Affinity groups began to form to help lift underrepresented voices. Sadly, most of these efforts were small, short-term efforts. In the 1990s, the community foundation field started to focus on our own learning. A notable effort was launched from 2010 to 2014 to track the growth of diverse leaders in the field. Unfortunately, the percentage of full-time executive staff who were people of color only rose from 12 to 16 percent and women in leadership roles remained flat. We have a lot of work ahead of us. A few significant foundations have recently made big shifts in the area of inclusion and equity. In the southwest Michigan region, the W.K. Kellogg Foundation is a trailblazer in this area — especially with the America Healing initiative. The Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation (TRHT) framework is one of the outcomes of that significant body of work. The Kalamazoo Community Foundation has also been on this journey of change, beginning in the late 1990s. We have, with great intentionality, many stumbles and a few successes, worked at embedding equity within our own organization. This will continue to be a work in progress for KZCF and the TRHT journey will be at the heart of our change. It will force us to face some hard truths and change practices that are deeply embedded in our DNA. These changes will be difficult, but it is the only way we can realize the vision of a great community — a community where the barriers of racism are removed so that every person can reach their full potential.



• Give online at kalfound.org/give

• Kalamazoo County 501(C)(3) nonprofits

• Mail a check directly to KZCF

• Scholarships for college



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Innovative reporting on Edison On the Ground Edison is a project of Southwest Michigan's Second Wave focusing on untold stories of the neighborhood. Kathy Jennings, the managing editor of Southwest Michigan's Second Wave, oversees the project. Stories are written by Project Editor Theresa Coty O'Neil, with photography by Fran Dwight. Vicky Kettner provides Community Engagement reporting and rounds out the team. We asked Jennings questions about the project. What is ? On the Ground uses an “embedded journalism” model to maintain a presence in a specific neighborhood for 120 days. During this time, we focus weekly coverage on one neighborhood to tell the story of the businesses, individuals and nonprofits there. When the neighbors asked us to come

women like Kama Tai Mitchell, working to empower other women, and Samantha Drew, a single mother who represents the many parents raising children alone in Edison. We put faces to the statistics and let residents tell their stories. Anything else you would like to add? We are really excited about the Community Correspondents Academy.

write about their stories, they asked us to help people understand the Edison that they know — the place where neighbors look out for and care for one another.

We are training four Edison residents in the basics of journalism so they can write stories for Second Wave. They are paid to attend Krystal and Jeb Gast the training, are given Chromebooks on which Jericho Town to write their stories — which they keep after This is journalism the way it used to be done. A reporter, the class ends — and they will be paid for their stories Theresa, digs in and really gets to know a community. when they are published. Our goal is that they leave the And since we're an online magazine, we present it in an academy with the skills to tell their own stories. updated way. It’s the best of both the old and the new. We started out in the Edison neighborhood and will move Visit Southwest Michigan’s Second Wave at from there to Kalamazoo's Northside and next year into secondwavemedia.com/southwest-michigan or Eastside and Vine. follow them on Facebook or Twitter to keep up on the latest stories from the On The Ground project. What is the process for pitching or uncovering a story? Anyone is welcome to pitch a story by contacting Theresa Coty O’Neil or Kathy Jennings. We also have editorial advisory meetings, in which we invite the neighbors to come and share stories they want to make sure that we cover. We have had two of these for On the Ground Edison. What are some of the stories your team has uncovered in the Edison neighborhood? We've covered Jericho Town, a story about Krystal and Jeb Gast who started out with one old building and now have three where they are encouraging entrepreneurs and artists. We have talked to neighbors with disabilities who struggle getting up and down broken sidewalks. Esto Juarez is a pastor who once led a gang in Edison and now leads young men out of a life of violence. We've talked to



EDITOR’S NOTE: In addition to KZCF, On the Ground sponsors include the City of Kalamazoo, LISC, Irving S. Gilmore Foundation, United Way of the Battle Creek and Kalamazoo Region, Fetzer Institute, Arts Council of Greater Kalamazoo and Michigan Works! Southwest.




Kalamazoo’s flood relief efforts Every individual in Kalamazoo has the right to provide a decent livelihood for their family, which includes the ability to send their kids to school, enjoy a meal together as a family and earn a living in order to give their family a better life — no matter zip code, race or gender. The Kalamazoo Community Foundation supports many Kalamazoo County nonprofits in removing barriers that prevent individuals and families from reaching their full potential. However, unforeseen events, such as the Kalamazoo River floods in February and May, have obstructed more than 500 families in their attempts to provide a safe and dry home for their families to live in.

FEB. 27

FEB. 28

MAR. 1

This timeline is an overview depicting how several community partners came together to collaborate and support our community in its most dire need. FEB. 23-25

FEB. 26

Kalamazoo River began to swell and flood reached 11.69 feet, surpassing 1947 record of 10.94 feet. American Red Cross established shelter location at Douglass Community Association for residents affected by flood.

Six agency partners on the ground engaged to directly assist individuals and families affected by flood: Community Homeworks, Senior Services, Salvation Army, Gryphon Place, Housing Resources Inc., Comstock Community Center.

City of Kalamazoo provided $50,000 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) dollars to Community Homeworks to assist with flood relief efforts. Federal restrictions limited use of these dollars outside of flood plains. United Way and KZCF teamed up to start community disaster relief fund called Kalamazoo Flood Relief Fund. United Way and KZCF each contributed $10,000 for initial total of $20,000.



Relief Fund

MAR. 15

MAR. 20

Gryphon Place funded and dedicated a case manager to provide support to individuals and families impacted by the flood through April. Kalamazoo Flood Relief Fund was allocated to Gryphon Place to extend the case manager’s employment through end of May. KZCF provided emergency grant of $10,000 to Disability Network of Southwest Michigan from KZCF’s nonprofit emergency grant fund to assist with damages that left their facility unusable for delivery of services.

MAR. 27

MAR. 30

Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) allocated $83,000 to Community Homeworks for their flood relief efforts. $229,000 total raised to date for Kalamazoo Flood Relief Fund by United Way and KZCF’s fund development staff through community online giving, local foundations, corporate support, labor councils and support from 19 individuals.

Front Cover and Background Photo Credit: Kalamazoo Aerial Media




2-1-1 engaged Flood Disaster Recovery hotline for people affected — for flood-related resources, to report damage, for clean-up assistance.

River recorded at 10 feet; National Weather Service expected river to return to normal by Thursday, March 1. City of Kalamazoo convened multiple partners as well as neighborhood associations and divided them into four work teams to direct flood relief efforts: • Coordination of Requests for Aid and Volunteers (2-1-1/Gryphon Place) • Assessment and Outreach (City of Kalamazoo’s Community Planning and Economic Development Department) • Financial Resources (United Way, KZCF, LISC, City of Kalamazoo) • Construction and Repairs (Community Homeworks, Kalamazoo Neighborhood Housing Society, LISC, City of Kalamazoo, Habitat for Humanity, Land Bank)

Financial Resources work team assembled to determine if local fund could be established to financially assist flood victims.

APR. 2


MAY 16

U.S. Small Business Administration approved $2,000,000 for businesses to repair or replace real estate, inventories, machinery, equipment or other physical losses due to flood for Arenac, Berrien, Ingham and Kalamazoo counties. Home loans of up to $200,000 for repair or replacement of real estate and up to $40,000 to replace personal property. 105 households identified with flood damage, with 61 households losing furnace and 55 households losing water heater. $293,729 total raised to date — an additional $64,729 — for Kalamazoo Flood Relief Fund. Additional $46,000 identified as necessary to meet urgent needs of agency partners to support many people still affected by flood. 500 families identified affected by flood, with estimated damages of more than $2.5 million.

MAY 17

Kalamazoo River flooding re-occurs, cresting at 9 feet; many of same residents affected by February flood affected again.


Furnaces * 51 Hot Water Heaters * 55 Muck Out/Drying/Mold Remediation 39 Electrical Repair 13

Amount raised to date totaled $369,484. All identified critical needs that occurred due to February flood addressed.

Dumpsters Provided Heating System Repairs Structural Repairs Sewer Lining/Plumbing Garbage Sweeps




Additional disbursement of $12,500 from Kalamazoo Flood Relief Fund to Community Homeworks to support individuals and families affected by the May flood.

MOVING FORWARD We need better emergency resources to offer aid during a community crisis, as well as dedicated funding to help restore the lives of citizens in the Kalamazoo area. One day it might be a flood disaster, another it might be a mass shooting. The greatest needs of our community in the future are unpredictable. The United Way of the Battle Creek and Kalamazoo Region and KZCF are committed to working together with agency partners and the City of Kalamazoo to develop a comprehensive emergency management plan before our community faces another unforeseen crisis. KZCF has learned a lot from the Kalamazoo Flood Relief Fund and the Help Now! Fund, and we will put what we have learned to use to serve the community even more effectively next time.

4 3 3 4 5



Focused on senior citizens and people with disabilities. Furnaces 6 Flooring Hot Water Heaters 6 Muck Out/Drying/Mold Washer/Dryer 5 Remediation Refrigerator 1 Basement Drain Repair Dumpsters Provided 1 Light Construction Well Repair 1 A/C System Repair


2 3 3 3 1



Clothing 15 Food 7 Household Items 7

Furniture Minor Home Repair

1 1



Covered the cost of the funeral for a low-income family who lost a loved one in the flood waters. Paid for an additional month for the flood relief case manager part-time salary.



* During the second flooding in May, many households in the affected area with the new furnaces and hot water heaters that were installed by Community Homeworks were not damaged. The quality work and foresight planning by Community Homeworks made this possible for the families.



$235,614.05 ALLOCATED



Emergency housing via hotel vouchers for four households (7 people total) for residents whose homes were condemned. All residents have been relocated.




Nine households were provided with funds to either make repairs themselves or cover the cost of the inspection fees required for restoration of utility services. This includes reimbursements for two furnaces and hot water heaters.




Covered the costs of moving for one of the displaced residents who has disabilities. She was evicted and had to urgently move all of her belongings. She is currently in a new apartment.




A pre-paid voucher system was established with Lowe’s in partnership with Comstock Community Center to help purchase appliances and light construction materials, such as drywall and insulation, for minor repairs that residents affected by the flood could handle themselves. NOTE: The numbers reported here are as of June 18, 2018. SUMMER 2018



A committee known for results group that grows not only KZCF’s endowment, but the City of Kalamazoo and Kalamazoo County pension funds. That protocol prevents any chance for conflict of interest. But once she left her position as principal at LVM Capital Management, Doctor was eligible to join the committee, and that’s when — as vice president of Northwood Group — she received a call from Susan Springgate, vice president of Finance & Administration at KZCF, inviting her to join the seven-member committee. Sandi Doctor Financial Investment Committee Member

Sandi Doctor was always aware of the Kalamazoo Community Foundation’s Financial Investment Committee and understood its mission, but she didn’t really know much about its history or how it operated. The committee has established quite a reputation over the years, earning annualized 7 percent returns for 10 years and a No. 1 ranking in investment performance among community foundations nationwide. Like anyone working in investment management, she couldn’t become a member of this unique and impactful

New funds established since January 2018 (Learn more on page 7)

“I did my due diligence and found the committee to be a very professional group and very dedicated to its mission,” says Doctor, who has an MBA from Western Michigan University. “I was honored to join the committee.” She found a variety of skills, from economists to lawyers and CPAs, and finance leaders from WMU, Stryker and the former Pharmacia & Upjohn. “The committee is very efficient with its members’ time, and that’s really important to me,” Doctor reflects. “Sitting in long meetings is not for me, so I’ve been impressed with the 45-minute meetings per entity, for the city, county and KZCF. We can review three pools of assets in that amount

UNRESTRICTED FUNDS • Freeman & Frances Russell 1919 Fund • Gordon & Janice Bundy Fund • Herbert E. & Margaret G. Pifer Fund • Pruitt & Jones Community Fund • Robert W. & Marion S. Barr Fund DONOR ADVISED FUNDS • The Bartlett Group Fund • The Great Heart Fund • The Greg Jennings Fund • Hough Family Fund • P. Timothy & Darlene H. Hybels Family Fund • Tom & Donna Webb Fund



of time because we do our homework prior to the meetings.” The committee meets quarterly and uses an investment philosophy that has stood the test of time. “We test our approach from time to time to make sure it’s the right one, but we stay on track and avoid fads and short-term thinking. All decisions have to be unanimous and there are no power struggles,” says Doctor. “We have respect for each others’ opinions and what we each bring to the table. Everyone has the same mission, to get the best return on these city, county and foundation funds with an appropriate level of risk.” Committee members are not paid and turnover is minimal to provide stability. “When I joined the committee I found that long-term members help us remember where we’ve been, which is very helpful in charting where we’re going as a committee. “We all love this community,” she says, “and it’s gratifying to be a part of this work in increasing resources to benefit the community.” For more details on the investment model used by the committee, visit our website at kalfound.org.

DESIGNATED FUNDS • Glen L. Bachelder Fund for regional history collection at WMU • ISAAC Endowment Fund • The Peter Tindall Memorial Fund SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS • Covert Township Community Foundation Scholarship Fund • Phyllis A. Nuyen Scholarship Fund For a complete list of KZCF funds visit: kalfound.org/give-now

Donors create new funds at KZCF Kalamazoo Community Foundation donors have established 16 new funds since the beginning of 2018 (complete list on page 6). These include Unrestricted Funds, Donor Advised Funds, Designated Funds, and Scholarship Funds. There are a variety of ways donors can establish funds and our Donor Relations team can help donors decide which type of fund best suits their philanthropic vision. Here are three examples of these funds: The Robert W. and Marion S. Barr Fund is an Unrestricted Fund established by Thomas Barr, built over time, in honor of his parents. Donors like Thomas create Unrestricted Funds to address current community needs and invest in the work of nonprofits that are collaborating to make long-term, communitytransforming change.

The Greg Jennings Fund, a Donor Advised Fund, was established when The Greg Jennings Foundation dissolved as a private family foundation and transferred its funds to KZCF to support youth education. Donor Advised Funds are convenient, flexible tools for donors like Greg and Nicole who want to personally suggest grant awards from their fund. See full story at kalfound.org.

The Peter Tindall Memorial Fund is a Designated Fund for the Vicksburg Community Schools, established with an estate gift from Frank and Marianne Tindall. Income from the fund will provide scholarships to graduating seniors pursuing the skilled trades. Designated Funds are established by individuals or nonprofits to support agencies now and enhance their resources for the future.

Another category is Field of Interest Funds, for donors who wish to focus their giving in a specific area. To learn more contact Donor Relations at 269.381.4416 or donorrelations@kalfound.org.

Helping people reach full potential The Kalamazoo Community Foundation made more than 50 grants totaling $2.2 million to local nonprofits during the First Grant Round of 2018. These grants came from Unrestricted and Field of Interest Funds. KZCF collaborates and partners with agencies throughout Kalamazoo County in a variety of sectors, including food, housing and health. Local nonprofits also received grants and distributions from Advised and Designated Funds. Each grant is made considering the impact it will have to help every person in our county reach their full potential. Learn more at kalfound.org/grants. • AGW Dance Angel Network • Arc Community Advocates

• Heritage Community of Kalamazoo (music therapy)

• Northside Best Babies Zone/Preschools • Open Roads Bike Program

• Big Brothers-Big Sisters

• Intrepid Professional Women Network

• Pretty Lake Camp (first-time campers)

• Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Kalamazoo

• Kalamazoo County Public Housing

• Read and Write Kalamazoo

• Can-Do Kitchen


• Rootead Enrichment Center

• Christian Neighbors

• Kalamazoo County Ready 4s

• Seeding Change (anti-bullying education)

• City of Kalamazoo Parks & Recreation

• Kalamazoo Covenant Academy

• SLD Read

• Kalamazoo Institute of Arts

• South County Community Services

(youth summer programs)

• Communities In Schools of Kalamazoo

(building inclusion)

(adults with disabilities)

• Community Healing Centers

• Kalamazoo Literacy Council *

• Southwest Michigan Land Conservancy

• Community Living Options (Camp Amigo)

• Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes

• Speak it Forward

• Community Promise Federal Credit Union

• Kalamazoo Nature Center

• United Way of the Battle Creek and

• Disability Network Southwest Michigan

• Kalamazoo Neighborhood

Kalamazoo Region (KYD Network)

• Douglass Community Association * • El Concilio Kalamazoo • Fair Housing Center of Southwest Michigan • First Day Shoe Fund • Generous Hands (strategic planning)

Housing Services • Kalamazoo RESA (STEM and anti-racism education)

• Kalamazoo Symphony Orchestra (youth programs)

• Goodwill Industries of Southwest Michigan

• Leader Dogs for the Blind

• Guardian Finance & Advocacy Services

• Ministry with Community

• Urban Alliance • YMCA of Greater Kalamazoo (Summer Achievers)

• Young Kings and Queens (ROYAL program) • YWCA of Kalamazoo (Cradle Kalamazoo) * * RECIPIENT OF MULTI-YEAR FUNDING, A KZCF PILOT PROGRAM.




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402 East Michigan Avenue Kalamazoo, MI 49007-3888 269.381.4416 kalfound.org

Nikole Hannah-Jones Coming to Kalamazoo

Nikole Hannah-Jones, staff writer at The New York Times, will speak at this year’s Kalamazoo Community Foundation’s Community Meeting at Miller Auditorium on October 30. Her talk on “Race and Education in America” will also be a part of WMU’s Center for Humanities 2018-2019 speaker series. “We’re thrilled to bring her to Kalamazoo,” says President/CEO Carrie Pickett-Erway. “Her message speaks to challenges we face throughout Kalamazoo County.” Hannah-Jones specializes in racial injustice reporting, including civil rights, fair housing, school segregation and discrimination. According to Hannah-Jones, “There isn’t a beat you can cover in America where race is not a factor. Education and housing are the two most intimate areas of American life, and they’re the areas where we’ve made the least progress.” Hannah-Jones is a 2017 MacArthur Genius Grant recipient for reshaping the national conversation around education reform and for reporting on racial re-segregation in schools. She also was the recipient of three other national awards in 2017, including the National Magazine Award, for her story on choosing a school for her daughter in a segregated city. SAVE THE DATE AND LEARN ABOUT HER WORK AT NIKOLEHANNAHJONES.COM


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