UPDATE | Winter 2019

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Creating an equitable community Creating an equitable community means everyone has the opportunity to reach full potential and live positive lives. The environment and conditions needed to foster an equitable community start with you and me – a commitment from all community members for a stronger future. Kalamazoo County has made progress toward the vision of a more equitable community; however, barriers persist that prevent people from reaching their full potential, including access to:

• Early childhood education and care

• Affordable housing

• Nutritious and affordable food

Carrie Pickett-Erway President/CEO

The impact that preschool, nutrition and housing has on high school graduation rates, employment and opportunities for the future cannot be overstated. Your Community Foundation is working with local nonprofits to address root causes of these barriers. In collaboration with community partners, we’re creating space for conversation and collaboration that lead to tangible results for

UPDATE is a newsletter published three times a year by the Kalamazoo Community Foundation.

a more equitable community. Get involved in building an equitable future As a donor and community partner, your gift to the Kalamazoo Community Foundation (KZCF) helps fuel solutions that address the greatest needs in the community. This means identifying emerging needs and barriers our community needs to tackle. The two-page article at the center of this issue illustrates a variety of solutions that you, our donors, have helped support through Love Where You Live funds. These are only a few examples out of the hundreds that we’re funding with your support. We deeply appreciate your partnership. Please consider making a gift

MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS TEAM Sarah Lee, Director Jordan Duckens, Communications Officer Tom Vance, Communications Officer CROSS-FUNCTIONAL EDITORIAL TEAM Sandy Barry-Loken Sue Bos Joanna Donnelly Dales Kururama Sánchez Raven Britt LAYOUT & DESIGN Eric Schmidt Frogsplash LLC

today by using the envelope enclosed in this issue or by giving online at kalfound.org/give-now.


QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS? Please email Sarah Lee at slee@kalfound.org.


• Give online at kalfound.org/give-now

• Kalamazoo County 501(C)(3) nonprofits

• Mail a check directly to KZCF

• Scholarships for college


connect KALFOUND

The philanthropic conversation How donors and their advisors – financial planners, trust and estate officers and attorneys and tax professionals – speak to each other. That was the topic of a national survey last year by the U.S. Trust in partnership with the Boston-based Philanthropic Initiative. Kalamazoo Community Foundation (KZCF) recently brought Claire Costello, a managing director with U.S. Trust in New York, to speak with area professional advisors. Costello, who also serves as vice-chair of the National Center for Family Philanthropy, compared current survey results to a similar survey from 2013. The survey asked about the importance of client values, why they give, what matters to them and what they need to know to make informed decisions. Another important topic of discussion: how best to involve the next generation and the importance of leaving a legacy. Costello explained that while the frequency, depth and quality of these conversations have increased, “they still fall short of their potential.” Clients want conversations that go beyond tax benefits, says Costello. “They want conversations to include life goals, values and passions so they can achieve their philanthropic ambitions for themselves, their families and their communities.” Following Costello’s presentation of results from the national survey, a panel of five area professional advisors shared their experiences in talking with clients. Panel members included: Karen Bouche, Greenleaf Trust; Bill Millard, Dement & Marquardt; Nancy Springgate, James & Springgate, PLC; Sabrina Pritchett-Evans, State Farm Insurance; and Jeff Ross, Jeff K. Ross Financial Services. They shared a variety of approaches that work for them and their clients.

Professional Advisors on the panel included (left to right) Nancy Springgate, Bill Millard, Jeff Ross, Sabrina Pritchett-Evans and Karen Bouche.

Millard encourages clients to give, but never suggests how much or that they should give more. He shared how a client once wanted him to decide what community need deserved a portion of their giving. Using personal stories about their family is one approach to talking to clients about what they value. Ross says he got his own kids to volunteer one day at a homeless shelter and they came away saying, “Nobody should have to live that way.” Springgate says how clients will sometimes have an idea for solving a problem only to find out that one of the community’s 400-plus active nonprofits is already addressing their issue. “Who is already doing this work,” she asks, “so you can support them.” Joanna Donnelly Dales, vice president for Donor Relations at KZCF, believes that donors and potential donors benefit from these conversations. “Charitable giving is an extremely personal decision,” says Dales. “Donors rely on advisors to help guide these decisions and we want them to be able to listen and connect with their clients as

“No amount of money is too small to involve your next

effectively as possible. Ms. Costello presented valuable

generation,” says Bouche. “Learn something new every day

information and our local panelists shared practical tips

about the community and focus on the ‘why’ of giving.”

for engaging clients in meaningful conversations.”

Pritchett-Evans says that professional advisors don’t

Looking for ways to align your giving with your goals

have to have all the answers, but need to ask clients

and values? Contact a Donor Relations Officer at

what they’re involved with. “They light up when they

269.381.4416 to start a conversation today or visit

can share what they’re passionate about.”





EQUITY STARTS HERE Kalamazoo Community Foundation (KZCF) envisions our county as the most equitable place to live. By prioritizing equity and education, we support nonprofit programs

Kalamazoo Literacy Council (KLC) KLC is a volunteer-led, staff-supported organization

that respond to the most critical needs in our community.

that focuses on increasing the literacy rate for adults

Here are some programs that are prioritizing equity right

14 Community Literacy Centers and 30 service delivery

here in Kalamazoo County.

Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes

in Kalamazoo County through the establishment of locations across the community that deploy 200-plus volunteer tutors. Why It Matters: Every adult needs to read, whether that

Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes is working to increase food

is a job application, prescription label, reading to their

access and security by providing immediate, nutritional

child or learning English. When individuals are able

food to children and families in food pantry sites across

to increase their ability to read, they are better able to

the community while simultaneously pushing for systemic

support their children’s academic progress and reach

change that creates long-term solutions.

their own personal and self-determined goals.

Why It Matters: In Kalamazoo County, more than 37,000

Impact: KLC is supporting adults in gaining two academic

individuals – 15% of the county’s population – experience

grade levels every year of participation. The English as

food insecurity due to financial constraints. Students

a Second Language program helps participants gain a

and their families are better equipped to concentrate on

grade level in reading and/or English per quarter.

education, employment and overall well-being when they are not worried about their next meal. Impact: Students and families are able to access more balanced, nutritional meals and use their financial resources to support other basic needs.

Cradle Kalamazoo Cradle Kalamazoo is addressing root causes of infant mortality among black babies and moving toward a community-level goal of increasing early access to prenatal care.

Ecumenical Senior Center (ESC)

Why It Matters: Infant mortality is a widely used public

ESC provides day services including social opportunities,

health indicator of overall community well-being. By

education and awareness programming, meals, medical

improving access to first trimester prenatal care and

checks and transportation to predominantly African

engaging with health institutions to evaluate contributing

American seniors in the Northside neighborhood.

factors, birth outcomes and early childhood development

Why It Matters: By offering a daily space in a supportive,

can improve over the long-term.

social and culturally relevant environment, seniors are

Impact: A majority of women of color are now being seen

protected from isolation common among older adults.

in the first trimester at a rate between 74% and 84% at

Impact: Seniors are able to easily access essential programs, resources, activities and services that support a quality of life we all value.

large health institutions. To address systemic change, 450 health care practitioners will be trained in equitable health care practices to increase awareness of implicit bias, impact of racism on health and interventions that promote equitable health service delivery.


Open Doors Kalamazoo The Open Doors Housing Without Borders project provides affordable homes and wrap around support to more than 200 low-wage individuals and their families. Open Doors primary target is people unjustly shut out of the housing market or have faced disasters such as unemployment or illness. Why It Matters: Lack of affordable housing available is creating greater urgency and increased accountability to community members experiencing homelessness. Impact: Through the additional support of wrap around services, 85% of people living in temporary supportive housing will move into stable and affordable housing.

El Concilio

Impact: One hundred percent of students who participate in YKQ are graduating high school and moving on to trade school or traditional higher education. Participants are also successfully graduating from alternative learning programs and returning to their schools of origin due to consistent, positive support from youth and adults.

orthside Association for N Community Development (NACD) NACD promotes equitable community development strategies, job creation, and financial independence for the Northside neighborhood of Kalamazoo. Why It Matters: The average annual income of residents on the Northside is approximately $21,000. The average unemployment rate in the City of Kalamazoo is 4.2%. In the Northside alone, 30 housing units have been demolished

Por un Mejor Futuro: Educacion, Equidad y Cultura (For a

with minimal affordable housing to replace them.

Better Future: Education, Equity and Culture) is creating

Impact: NACD is working diligently to increase the number

pathways and partnerships to ensure a positive impact on individuals and families in the Latinx community. Why It Matters: There is a need for culturally appropriate

of available affordable housing. In August 2019, NACD began construction and renovation of an accessible senior duplex that will house up to 12 families.

spaces, resources, and programs for the Latinx population in our community. El Concilio is playing a critical role in the community to ensure that Latinx individuals and families are accessing resources and are provided with the appropriate supports to reach their full potential. Impact: El Concilio’s focus on early childhood and youth education services is advancing outcomes for Latinx youth including social-emotional development, life-skills development and academic readiness and performance.

Young Kings and Queens (YKQ)

Read and Write Kalamazoo (RAWK) RAWK’s programs support the growth and learning of youth through the cultivation of reading and writing skills at no cost to the students or their families. Why It Matters: When youth have outlets for selfexpression through reading and writing, it supports their social and emotional growth and development. Youth who hold multiple marginalized identities benefit most from this type of support. Impact: More than 200 students are demonstrating

Young Kings and Queens inspires youth to live beyond

increased confidence in their writing as well as feeling

the scope of their daily lives through experiential learning.

safe, heard and in control of their emotions.

Why It Matters: By providing quality experiences and support that connects students to high education, careers and interests, the program allow youth to live into their full potential as they continue and complete high school.

Give a gift to our Love Where You Live Funds to support Kalamazoo County nonprofits in their ongoing efforts to address critical needs in our community. Visit kalfound.org/give-now.




Youth views: Black Refractions exhibit By Jaylah Lewis EDITOR’S NOTE: For the first time in its history the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts temporarily removed its permanent collection to make way for Black Refractions, a traveling exhibit that showcases 100 years of creative history and achievement by artists of African decent. Kalamazoo was chosen as one of only six exhibition venues in the country – and the only in the Midwest. The exhibit had a profound impact on our community. Jaylah Lewis, a senior at Loy Norrix High School, attended the exhibit and shared her thoughts about it with us.

Many African American artists use their pieces of art to express in their own ways how it feels to be a black person in America. As a young, black woman I can see their emotions on how we are treated, stereotyped and how we identify ourselves as African Americans. Each piece of artwork I viewed at the exhibit was beautiful and carried the artist’s own story and allowed the audience to see their own unique perspective while viewing the artwork. The Black Refractions Exhibit spoke near to my heart and shows insight into many ways it feels to be an African American, no matter the gender, sexuality, religion, and more. We want equality, unity, and love. Having to deal with racist people, unfair laws, discriminatory schools and workplaces is not easy nor fun for African Americas to go through every day. To be pulled over by the police and not know if they are going to protect and serve or if they will take your life is a scary thing. Racism still exists to this day and no matter how equal we think everyone is in the United States, we still see KKK members, still have racist neighbors, and still fear for our lives every day. We hope one day to be seen as individuals and not just as a race. Pieces I enjoyed but did not mention are, “American Women: Columbia” by Tylonn Sawyer, “Jerome XXXIX” by Titus Kaphar, “Green Chalkboard (Toothy Grin)” by Gary Simmons, “African American Flag” by David Hammons and many more.


Jaylah Lewis, senior at Loy Norrix High School

Each piece of artwork in the exhibit had their own story to tell its own emotion to change the emotions of the viewers. Having an exhibit like this set up for African American artists to display their talents is much needed to help enlighten and educate those on black culture who do not have a clear understanding for how it feels to be an African American, it gives African Americans a voice and a way to be heard and proud the be a black person in America!

National Day of Racial Healing 2020 For the fourth consecutive year, people throughout Kalamazoo County are recognizing National Day of Racial Healing (NDORH) on Jan. 21, 2020. This day, celebrated on the Tuesday after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, was created as an opportunity for people and communities across the United States to acknowledge the deep and ongoing pain caused by racism and inspire collective action to address it. “Our local National Day of Racial Healing 2019 event was really a celebration of both past and continued efforts of healing work throughout our community,” says Ed Genesis (pictured left), community organizer and member of the Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) Kalamazoo Leadership Team. “It was great seeing people come together to celebrate movement toward healing and equity.” NDORH was established in 2017 by more than 550 leaders from around the United States. Both the City of Kalamazoo and the City of Portage have recognized NDORH with proclamations encouraging the community to promote racial healing and transformation. Connect with TRHT Kalamazoo on Facebook or online at trhtkzoo.org for updates on Kalamazoo’s official NDORH event.

Donors create new funds at KZCF KZCF donors established eight new funds since the summer issue of UPDATE. Others include Advised Funds, an option for donors who want to be actively involved with their fund. UNRESTRICTED FUNDS


These funds address current community needs:

These funds focus on specific issues or causes:

• Elizabeth Jane Mapes Fund

• John & Mary Kittredge Fund • Westerman Family Transportation Fund


• Westerman Family Housing Fund

These funds benefit a specific nonprofit: • Kalamazoo Literacy Council Endowment Fund


• Lucille D. & Dr. Louis W. Boyer Fund

These funds invest in post-high school education and

• Woollam Family Fund for St. Luke’s Episcopal Church

training for traditional and non-traditional students: • Leon A. Donald J. & Jean K. Schau Scholarship Fund

For a complete list of KZCF funds visit kalfound.org/howtogive/listoffunds. Contact a Donor Relations Officer at 269.381.4416 to learn more on how to open a fund. WINTER 2019



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2020 KZCF Scholarship Deadline! March 1, 2020 is the deadline to apply for Kalamazoo Community Foundation (KZCF) scholarships for graduating high school seniors, current college students, and non-traditional students. KZCF has over 60 scholarship funds with a variety of eligibility criteria. Awards range from $500 to $7,500 and are based on merit and/or financial need, with some being renewable. The majority of scholarships are for Kalamazoo County residents or for students graduating or having graduated from a high school in Kalamazoo County (including public, private, alternative schools or home-schooled). Each year, KZCF awards approximately $1 million in scholarships to 350 area students, with almost $30 million in scholarships awarded over the years. Scholarship applications are available online at www.kalfound.org/scholarships. Not a student? Volunteer on one of our scholarship committees as an application reviewer! Learn more by connecting with our Scholarship team at scholarships@kalfound.org.

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