Divorce And Family Lawyers Brampton - www.kalialaw.com

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Kalia Law is Brampton based law firm dedicated to provide customized legal solutions. We have expertise in providing quality legal assistance to myriad issues including property division, family law, immigration, Real Estate and Wills and many more. Our dedicated and experienced attorney strives to deliver unparalleled services and clients satisfaction. Contact us today for consultation on any legal matter. Buisness Address : 2120 North Park Drive, Suite # 213 Brampton,Ontario,L6S0C9 Email Id: info@kalialaw.com

1. How a Family Lawyer can Help you in Battling Modern day Relationship ? These days human becomes more materialistic and they bother hardly for relationships. A minor misunderstanding can convert the relation into major dispute. Many family lawyers in Brampton deliver effective legal solutions and services to the clients. A family lawyer offers you a great help when you are suffering against a modern day relationships. Nowadays, a small family battle can drag you to the court so, you need the right legal acumen and advice to that can guide you in removing legal troubles. Several divorce lawyer Brampton are there who deliver precise legal solutions to succeed in legal matters. Family Lawyers – Expert Assistance in Court In today’s economic situation, It is not easy for everybody to get a lawyer at hand every time. Financial constraints are one of the main reason which creates problems in courtrooms. Its a harsh reality of Canadian life that people solve their simple issues in the court with legal proceedings. Some Common Situations Where Hiring a Family lawyer will Make Sense 

Prenuptial Agreement

Marriage is a relation of trust, faith and understanding. So, to make it more trustworthy, you need to understand each other’s financial situation clearly and without any hesitation. It is modern couple's opinion that it is beneficial if you sign a prenuptial agreement first before tying the knot. Therefore, such legal contract offers couples a clear path to approach financial journey together and help them to maintain their debts and assets. It provides you peace of mind in terms of finances in case of that vary sad event of separation/divorce. 


It is hapless that divorce cases are continue to rise across the world at an exceptional rate. And more and more couples pursue the legal way to end their marriages, so, it becomes imperative to take appropriate legal advice. Therefore, there are vital part of today’s divorce proceedings to present your case in a positive light.


Adoption is always been a noble concept. There are many reasons that childless couples and even normal couples adopt children for a good cause. So, here family attorney's assistance is vital in this process. They assist the couples in the adoption process by helping them to deal with all legal documents, requirements and forms. Adoption isn't a simple legal process as there is an involvement of families and children. So, it is advised to hire a family lawyer for success. 

Child Custody

Child custody is one of the major concern of the parents after divorce. The good upbringing, well-being and safety of the children are essential factors. So, after the separation of parents future of child is saved by discussing appropriate terms and conditions to ensure the children grow up. Financial support, parental responsibilities are most vital factors which are considered for both the parties.

One must search carefully and should take all possible steps to get a competent and a right family lawyer. You can consult your relatives, colleagues or friends before zeroing in on your choice. When you hire a family lawyer, he not only deals with legalities but also at the same time provide you a peace of mind. “Kalia Law” provides experienced and talented lawyers to assist you in all legal formalities related to your case. We, at Kalia Law, offer comprehensive range of legal services and solutions to meet your specific legal need.

2. What Every Family Lawyer Brampton Thinks of Remarriage Consequences Remarriage after a divorce is a usual concept. There are numerous family lawyers Brampton who encountered people preparing for remarriage soon after their divorce. In legal terms, the remarriage is consider as second or third or fourth marriage. According to divorce lawyer Brampton, remarriage

leads to various issues related to custody, alimony and so on depending on the laws of your province. Rules for Remarriage Differs Provincially Some states have quite flexible rules for remarriage. On the contrary, some states want you to wait for a certain period of time before planning to tie the knot again. There are certain deadlines pre-defined by the states to appeal for divorce. You won't be allowed to remarry if your ex fails to appeal within the time limit. If you are divorced with settlement agreement you are exempted from these waitings. Remarriage Ends Alimony Payments Alimony is the amount paid by the ex-spouse to his partner after divorce. The gross income of the spouse is calculated to determine the alimony. The spouse is entitled to pay the alimony only if the spouse is single. This alimony deal ends, the time you remarry. In exceptions, where you have settlement agreements, you might have to pay alimony for certain period of time depending upon local laws. Remarriage Affects Custody Agreements In some cases, remarriage affects the custody agreement especially when the parents having child custody remarriage. In most of the cases, children don't have good relationship with their step-parent or in some rare cases step-parent is abusive or physically harms the children. In order to protect the children, the court generally shifts the custody to the other parent. Non-custodian parents don't face such issues but there might be some changes in the visitation. Remarriage Affecting Children's Inheritance In every state laws are formed to protect the inheritance of current spouse. During the divorce, usually one spouse eliminates the other from the will, the spouse need to accept the percentage of estate provided to him/her. In such case, the court divides the property safeguarding the interests of both the parties. Children from previous marriage get less percentage of share in most cases. Premarital Agreements Can Overturn the Law Most of the states recognize premarital or prenuptial agreements. After remarrying, the spouse can take advantage from these pre-defined agreements by overriding the state law. The probate law allowing current spouse to have property share from the deceased spouse can be overridden. These agreements can state that the property obtained before marriage or acquired from previous spouse isn't separable. “Kalia law� is the leading Brampton legal firm offering effective legal guidance and support. Our team of expert lawyers can skillfully handle multiple remarriage cases. Call us now to get personalized legal services.

3. Reasons Why One Need to Have Prenuptial Agreement? A prenuptial agreement is basically a legal contract which is created by two people before they marry. Under prenuptial agreement, issues such as the property bought into the marriage by each person and

what the property rights of each will be are addressed. There are many family lawyers Brampton who assist the clients by providing legal fronts related to marriage. It is usually advised that anyone who marries must sign prenuptial agreement and should accumulate the knowledge about the laws of their state pertaining to divorce. Several divorce lawyers Brampton can also aid you with prenuptial agreements to make sure your marriage does not end on an abrupt note. Benefits of Prenuptial Agreement 

Prenuptial agreements allows you to discuss money

Money is really difficult subject for couples to debate. But, a prenuptial agreement allows couples to have open conversation about finances. You will get to know how financial matters can be handled, also let you know where you will stand financially after marriage. It prevents a cause of property arguments to arise in a marriage. Revealing finances and assets is must When you are making a prenuptial agreement, you are required to reveal all of your assets and finances to one another. 

Protection of your inheritance or business

Each spouse should have their own counsel or lawyer so that each partner has equal playing field. When making prenuptial agreement, with the help of your lawyer you can add stipulations in order to protect your inheritance or business in case of separation or divorce. It will help in keeping those things separate from your joint finances. 

Provides peace of mind in case of divorce

In case, for any reason your marriage is not working and it end up with the decision of divorce, prenuptial agreement will protect you. Agreement allows you to get out of the marriage quicker, and when it comes to your finances and assets you will face fewer messes to clean up. So, you can say prenuptial agreement offers peace of mind.

Distinguish between separate and marital property

Remember that laws vary from state to state and has their own separate laws. So, if the separation is due to death or divorce, the court will separate all of the marital property uniformly. Therefore, using a prenuptial agreement you can avoid a court deciding what happens to your property attained during your marriage. Prenuptial agreement helps you in lots of ways. It offers you peace of mind in future in case your marriage doesn't work. So, it is always better to have prenuptial agreement and disclose everything about your asset and property. We, at “Kalia Law”, provide precise solutions for legal matters. Our expert lawyers strive to offer you the most effective legal solutions that can bring out the best results. We endeavor to provide customized legal solutions that can meet your legal needs.

4. Steps on How to File for Divorce in Canadian Courts In Canada Divorce is governed by the federal Divorce Act. You need to complete all the documents and procedure to take place. Many family lawyer Brampton experts assist the couples who choose the divorce as a last option for their relation. When married couple feels that there is nothing left in their relationship and last option they can opt is divorce. Numerous wills and estates lawyer Brampton professionals offers their service with dedication to ensure your success. There is procedure which a couple has to follow to file for divorce.

10 Steps Need To be Followed for Divorce Step 1 – Make a firm decision that you want to take divorce and separate from your spouse. Step 2 – Then take a divorce application. Set of forms vary in each province and territory. Consult a lawyer, court office, or family law information to get correct form. Step 3 – Find out your grounds when you are filing for divorce. Will it be a no fault or for fault divorce?

Step 4 - Specify if your divorce is contested or uncontested and determine the type of divorce on your application.  

In Uncontested divorce: Both partners agree to the reasons and terms of the divorce and they need only one application form. In Contested divorce: In this case spouses do not agree on the terms for the divorce. In this case, both spouses are required to file a separate divorce application.

Step 5 - If the involvement of child/children is their then an outline of their parenting agreement will be included along with custody and support etc. In contested divorce each spouse is required to supply their preferences for parenting whereas, in uncontested divorce case couple simply outline their agreed arrangements. Step 6 - File the divorce application/applications at the courthouse in the province in which you reside or through your lawyer. The clerk at the court or the lawyer will guide you through this. Step 7 – Then wait for clearance from the Divorce Registry. In the mean time conduct yourself and services according to the terms and rules of the court procedure. Once divorce papers are served to your spouse then you have time period of 30 days from the day papers are served, to respond to the Divorce Application. Step 8 - When no response is filed by your spouse after 30 days are up, then you can set down your divorce with the court by submitting your Affidavit for Divorce, Clerk’s Certificate and Divorce Order. Step 9 - Then you have to wait for notice of the court's decision to grant you a divorce. The judge will retrospect all the material if satisfied you will be issued a Divorce Order. Step 10 – Now you can receive your Certificate of Divorce 30 days after the Divorce Order is granted. Only then will you be considered as legally divorced. Many people find trouble in filing for divorce regarding some issues such as child custody, property, support and the whole procedure to be followed during the process. In such cases, person should consult lawyer who is specialized in family law. It is better to take help in such cases in order to eliminate confusions and their consequences.

“Kalia Law� provides expert lawyers who work with commitment and full dedication to put forth your case on a right path. Our talented and experienced experts provide personalized legal solutions and ensure your success.

5. Crucial Tips For Divorced Parents Seeking Child Custody Parents at the edge of separation or parents already divorced, need to adhere to the Canadian federal child support guidelines. According to law firm Brampton, these guidelines are crucial for those determining to share financial responsibilities for their children. Before the guidelines, usually it was up to the judge to decide the fair amount for the upbringing of the children. This used to create a lot of controversies and sending more cases to trials.

How Guidelines are Helpful? The most crucial aspect of these guidelines are the child support tables. You just need to consider the table and judge the fair amount for the child support. The tables differ provincially. The table applicable at your province decides how much you are suppose to pay. Well known Brampton lawyers suggest people to consult before you estimate the amount. After determining the table, the gross annual income and the number of children are measured to calculate the payable amount. This provides the exact amount that the parent paying support is liable to pay periodically. The court will expect you to pay the amount calculated unless you provide the reasons for why the amount is inappropriate. You need to satisfy the court with your judgments otherwise the amount will be imposed on you. Primary or Shared Parenting In the complex child care arrangement, the judgments are deviated from the guideline tables. But in most of the cases, one is primary parent and the other is one who follow a pre-defined schedule for parenting. Such arrangements fluctuate with the passage of time. Thus, it is advisable to use the guidelines tables. Shared parenting is the exceptional case where children need to spend same amount of time with each parent. Basically ,they are split between the parents that leads conflicts about how much a parent is required to pay. To come out of such complex situation, the tables are determined to figure out what amount each parent should pay for the child support.

Rule Of Thumb There are many other exceptions where the standard of living of one parent is relatively higher than the other or one parent having extensive transportation and other costs. These factors also affect the child custody program. But, out of this all, the general rule of thumb is child support is crucial especially if you have children of small age or attending school or college. Thus, the Canadian child support guidelines can be of great help to determine the appropriate amount for supporting your children financially after parents divorce. “Kalia law� provides expert family lawyers to introduce parents with myriad legal terms. Our lawyers provide assistance for family laws, real estate law, child protection law, divorce settlement or alimony and more. We are the leading legal firm providing effective legal guidance in Brampton. Contact Us for all of your legal issues. Address: Suite # 213 2120 North Park Drive Brampton, ON, L6S 0C9 Phone Number : 905-790-0020 Fax Number : 905-790-0048 Email Id : info@kalialaw.com Visit Us : http://www.kalialaw.com/

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