Kalia Lee Mass Communication Skills December 8, 2010 Final Paper Vince Lombardi once said, “Leaders aren't born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal.” I’ve met an inspiring young boy name Chimmoua Lee. Lee is a sophomore at Mesa High School in Thornton Colorado. His goal is to become a strong leader within his community and help share his experiences as a young leader for future leaders to come. Lee experienced leadership at a very young age. He was around eleven when he first stepped up to lead worship as a drummer for his church. Although he was young to be consider a youth at his age, he had set himself to be a good example for those surrounded by him. Lee is a younger youth officer for the First Hmong Baptist Youth in Westminster Colorado. He represents the younger youth and plans activities for them such as fellowships and get-togethers. He is not only involved in the minister but is also very active in school activities and programs for young leaders within Adams County. Just recently, Lee attended a camp for young leaders called ACYC (Adams County Youth Council). During his this weekend at ACYC he’d learned a lot about how to strengthen leadership skills. Something that had inspired me that Lee shared was during one of the workshops he attended; the mentor was going around asking “what would be a dream job if money wasn’t the issue?” Lee’s response was “if money wasn’t an issue, I would love to be a missionary.” Lee wants to travel outside to third world countries to help those in need such as building homes, building schools, building wells to have better water qualities and sharing the gospel.
He is such an inspiring person; I had asked him, who inspired him to become such a wonderful leader? Lee quickly responded, “My sister Kablia, of course. She started out as a young leader as well. I’ve seen her change many lives through her wonderful voice. She has the potential to do anything when she set her mind. She is so passionate about helping others in need and that’s something I want to do. I want to have that compassion. When I think about it, my sister is such an inspirational person who I believe made a difference in my life. She is my encourager, my role model, and my inspiration.” Lee shared a testimony that had happened to him that changed his life forever. There was a girl name Ashley who attended his school. She was a quiet girl who never really talked in class. Lee wanted to help her open up and get to know her. As Ashley got more and more comfortable with Lee, she started to be more and more protective of him. Since Lee was such a busy kid, Ashley started lying about things just to get his attention. There was this one night Lee received a phone call from Ashley. She told Lee that if he doesn’t open up time for her, she will kill herself. Lee was terrified so the next morning he went in to talk to a counselor. The counselor told him that she will call Ashley in to have a chat with her and for him to not worry. After a few weeks, Lee received a call from Ashley again telling him that she is thinking about killing herself because of all the trouble Lee have been causing her. He was at a dead end. He didn’t know what to do anymore. Lee stated, “I remember going into my sister Kablia’s room and bursting into tears. Right then, my sister got out of bed, brought me to my knees and we both prayed. Wow, I was speechless after hearing Lee’s testimony. He is such a wonderful inspiring person who has change many lives and will continue to change many more lives. Something Lee left for me as an encouragement is that regardless if you are in a bad situation, never give up on what you have passion for. You may one day change many lives.