PZ Times - 2015 Review

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The Phenomenal Times Fine News From Finer Women

2015 Edition

Psi Zeta Welcomes “6 ShadeZ of Blu” into Finer Womanhood After inducting one new member into Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated - Psi Zeta Chapter in Fall of 2014, PZ followed up with another group of exceptional women to expand the chapter. 6 women were initiated into the sorority as a part of the Spring 2015 intake class collectively known as “6 ShadeZ of Blu” on June 20, 2015. A reception was held for PZ’s newest sorors shortly after the intiation ceremony was completed. PZ is proud to announce the following Sorors as part of the intake class:

6 ShadeZ of Blu Soror Tina Simmons Soror Kimberely Gatson Soror Ava Roberson Soror Tasha Nelson Soror Kemisha Ware Soror Shantelle Davis

Pictured from left to right.

Fort Worth Joint Installation Of Officers Ceremony

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. - Psi Zeta Chapter and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. - Alpha Theta Sigma Chapter presented their executive boards for 2015-2017 during the Joint Installation of Officers Ceremony at Mount Olive Baptist Church in Fort Worth, TX.

West Texas State Director Rhetta Washington McCoy presents Soror Erin Ragsdale, Basileus, with gifts during the ceremony.

Soror Stacey Brown, PZ 3rd-Anti Basileus, smiles at the crowd during the introduction of Psi Zeta’s 2015-2017 executive board.

Phi Beta Sigma Frater Walter Roberson, presents a gift to West Texas State Director Rhetta Washington McCoy.

Phi Beta Sigma Frater Johnny Young accepts a gift for being inducted into the Distinguished Service Chapter in 2015.

The Phenomenal Times


Year in review - 2015

Real Zetas Serve

Highlighting Psi Zeta’s Success in 2015 Through Service

Psi Zeta’s involvement in Fort Worth included both participation in annual service events as well as the introduction of new ones.

Shoeboxes Love


A new service project that was created during Finer Womanhood Month, PZ donated more than 150 items of clothing, toiletries, and shoes to the Battered Womens’ Shelter of North Richland Hills.

Back to School Drive 2015

As part of an annual tradition, Psi Zeta donated more than $100 and hundreds of school supplies to Sunrise-McMillian Elementary School and Christene C. Moss Elementary School of Fort Worth from August to October of 2015.

Featured Quote “ Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all wisdom that experience can instill in us.”

- Hal Borland

The Eldercare Initiative

Coats for Kids Drive

Under Zeta Phi Beta’s national Eldercare initiative that has catered to the needs of the elderly, Psi Zeta has fostered a connection with Emmanuel Nursing Home. The chapter hosted monthly visits to the nursing home to assist elderly residents.

Psi Zeta teamed up the brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. - Alpha Theta Sigma Chapter as part of an annual Coats for Kids Drive. Dozens of coats were donated to the children at Green Elementary School in November 2015.

The Angel Tree Project

Toys for Tots Drive During the holiday season,

The Angel Tree Project was introduced by PZ for the first time this year. Several residents of the Immanuel Nursing Home recieved gifts that were handpicked and sent from chapter Sorors in person shortly before Christmas 2015.

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over 40 toys were donated by Psi Zeta Sorors to kids all over Fort Worth under the Toys for Tots drive. Psi Zeta was able to hold this drive during the annual Christmas Brunch social.

psizeta-fortworth@hotmail. com

www.orgsites.com/tx/psizeta P.O. Box 51168 Fort Worth, TX 71605

- Soror Erin Ragsdale, Basileus - Soror Kali Rogers-Smith - Soror

Casaundra Allen - Soror Shantelle Davis - Soror Kemisha Ware

The Phenomenal Times

PZ Attends 2015 Southern Region Conference


Year in Review - 2015

cSave The Date PZ Feeds The Homeless

Several Psi Zeta Chapter Sorors attended the sorority’s Southern Region Conference in Baton Rouge, LA in June 2015. PZ represented Fort Worth well for the weekend in BR!

Our chapter will host its annual Feed The Homelss Event on Jan. 23rd! See flier for more information.

DFW Joint Rededication Ceremony

• All DFW-area sorors are encouraged to come the Joint Rededication Ceremony on January 16, 2015 at Pappasito’s (Arlington) from 7 to 10 PM. Contact psizeta-fortworth@hotmail.com for more information. This event is for members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

Soror Hazel F. Wilson, pictured right, poses for a photo with International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright and past regional directors.

MLK Jr., Day Parade in Fort Worth

• Psi Zeta will participate in the Martin Luther King Day, Jr., parade on January 18th, 2016. Be on the look out for the Fort Worth Zetas!

Sorors Erin Ragsdale and Wilette Smithers take a selife with fellow DFW-area Sorors and International Grand Basileus Mary Breaux Wright.


' ' 'Congrat

• Congrats to Soror Charnice Williams for being elected to serve as 2nd Vice President of the NPHC of Tarrant County as of November 2015. • Congrats to Soror Alycia Mitchel for being elected as Corresponding Secretary of the NPHC of Tarrant County as of November 2015.

The Phenomenal Times


Year in Review - 2015

Psi Zeta Hosts Annual Finer Womanhood Luncheon

As part of an annual tradition during Finer Womanhood Month, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. - Psi Zeta Chapter hosted its annual Finer Womanhood Luncheon on March 21, 2015. The theme of this year’s event was “The Epitome of Finer Womanhood.” The luncheon was held at Bravo’s Cucina Italiana in Fort Worth for Zeta Sorors, Amicae, and members of the public. Soror Hazel F. Wilson, the 9th Southern Region Director and current chapter member, served as the keynote speaker for the event. Soror Wilson spoke on her time as being an active member of the sorority since her initiation at Texas Southern University in the 1950s. Key highlights of her speech included the importance of keeping Zeta’s light active in spite of all obstacles and how Zeta’s principle of Finer Womanhood was important to her as a community leader. Soror Wilson was presented with gifts from Soror Erin Ragsdale, PZ Chapter Basileus, and the the Finer Womanhood Committee for serving as keynote speaker and for her years of interrupted service under the sorority.

Soror Hazel F. Wilson speaks to the audience during the Finer Womanhood Luncheon held by the Psi Zeta chapter at Bravo’s in Fort Worth.

Soror Erin Ragsdale presents Soror Hazel F. Wilson with a plaque as a token of appreciation towards the end of the Finer Womanhood Luncheon.

The Phenomenal Times


Year in Review - 2015

2015: A Phenomenal Year

Spring 2015’s “6 Shadez of Blu” poses with Soror Erin Ragsdale, Psi Zeta Chapter Basileus.

PZ Chapter Sorors during service at St. Mark Cumberland Baptist Church during Founders’ Day Weekend 2015.

Soror Phyllis Neal stands next to the centennial monument dedicated to Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. - Beta Chapter at Wiley College. Fellowship with the brothers of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. - Alpha Theta Sigma Chapter.

Sorors Kali Rogers-Smith, Phylicia McClendon, Ursula Christian, and Alycia Mitchell enjoy fellowship during Psi Zeta’s social event “Building A Bridge to a Phenomenal Legacy.”

PZ Chapter Sorors come together for a group picture during the annual Christmas Brunch social.


Sorors Hazel F. Wilson and Phyllis Neal are all smiles during the 2016 Southern Region Conference.

Sorors Ava Roberson & Kerri Jackson-Copeland pose for a photo during a reception held for the Spring 2015 intake class.

Final Words

2015 has officially come to a close, special thanks to all Sorors and members of the general public who helped make this year a success for Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated - Psi Zeta chapter. The accomplishments that the chapter has made would have not been possible through hard work and dedication to help make the city of Fort Worth better for all. The Psi Zeta Chapter wishes Sorors, Fraters of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., brother and sister Greeks, and everyone in the DFW area a Happy New Year. The chapter has many great events and activities in store for 2016! This is only the beginning for what is to come for PZ.

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