Phenomenal Times - January 2015 Issue

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The Phenomenal Times Fine News From Finer Women

January 2015

Feed The Homeless Continues For 8th Consecutive Year Photos | Kali Rogers

In This Issue

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Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. - Psi Zeta Chapter continued a signature tradition by serving the less fortunate during the 8th annual Feed The Homeless Project on January 17th. PZ as well as members of the DFW-area chapters of the sorority and Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., members of NPHC sororities, and friends of the chapter put together and served over 200 lunch bags of food to the less priveleged nearby downtown Fort Worth. Children also had a helping hand in serving food to the homeless in Fort Worth. Several boys and girls, including young ladies representing the Kappa Zeta Chapter’s youth auxiliary groups, were eager to help.

PZ Gets Engaged For MLK Day


Joint Founders’ Day Recap


The Phenomenal Times


January 2015 - Issue 3

Fort Worth Zetas and Sigmas March In Annual MLK Parade

PZ continued an annual tradition by paying homage to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. during the MLK Day Parade in Fort Worth. Psi Zeta Sorors marched with Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Theta Sigma Chapter in the parade in downtown Fort Worth on January 19th. The march was hosted by the Greater Fort Worth Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Committee, Incorporated. Fellow Sigmas brothers via the Theta Chi undergraduate chapter via University of Texas - Arlington as well as several Zeta Sorors joined Psi Zeta for the parade.

Quote Of The Month “Love makes your soul crawl from out of its hiding place.� - Soror Zora Neale Hurston

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psizeta-fortworth@hotmail. com P.O. Box 51168 Fort Worth, TX 71605


Soror Erin Ragsdale, Basileus Soror Kali Rogers-Smith, PR Committee CoChair & Historian Soror Casaundra Allen, PR Committee


The Phenomenal Times

January 2015 - Issue 3

The Bonds That cSave The Date One Zeta At A Time Ties Us Psi Zeta Joins DFW Zeta Chapters For Founders’ Day

Reclamation time is here! The 2015 Reclamation Campaign for Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated has officially launched as of January 16, 2015. PZ will host a chapter rededication ceremony in March of this year as part of Finer Womanhood Month. For any inactive Soror that wishes to come back home to Zeta via our chapter or regarding the ceremony, contact

PZ Serves The Elderly

• Our chapter will help assist the elderly on February 21st at Immanuel Nursing Home in Fort Worth as part of Zeta’s Eldercare initiative. PZ Sorors will kick off the service event from 3 - 4 PM. Contact for more information on how to participate. PZ Sorors join in fellowship following the annual DFW Joint Rededication Ceremony in Dallas for the sorority’s Founders’ Day. Photos by Soror Ursula Chrstian.

March For Babies

• PZ will participate in the March For Babies Walk on April 18th, 2015. Contact psizeta-fortworth@ for more details.

Shoeboxes Of Love

• PZ is gearing up for a service project to be introduced as during Finer Womanhood Month. Contact for more information about how to be involved.


' ' 'Congrat

• Congrats to PZ Chaplain Soror Michonne Jordan for graduating from the Mount Olive Bible Institute on January 18th, 2015. Soror Jordan was named Valedictorian of the 2014 graduating class. • Congrats to PZ Soror Alycia Mitchell and Sigma Frater Bryan Mitchell for the birth of their daughter, A’bryanna Mitchell!

The Phenomenal Times


January 2015 - Issue 3

The Essence Of A

Finer Woman D

Poem by Soror Lydia Luxana

o you know the essence of a finer woman?

The strength of her sisterhood The fact she'd do things no one would. The caring and compassion that is such an inspiration, The understanding that there is no such thing as limitation. The importance of oneness, in other words, unity, The dedication to give back to the community. The striving and maintaining of sisterly love, The acknowledgement and reverence to our Creator above. The pride and confidence instilled so when things get hectic, she does not crumble, The serenity also instilled to bow down and be humble. The works of a finer woman are not to her benefit, but to others, She strives for the good of mankind, especially her sisters and constitutionally bound brothers. Though the essence of a finer woman revolves around the blue and white, She is capable of respecting other colors for they all put up a fight. The finer woman stays true to her seven point plan, She holds up her sisters and united they stand. The true essence of a finer woman lies within our, us, we, The true essence of a finer woman is in


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