Relief india trust a caring welfare organization in india

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Relief India Trust- A Caring Welfare Organization In India There are many NGOs in India today working for the welfare of the entire society, including the children, youth, disabled, widows and the elderly among other special groups. Such organizations have opened orphanages for the orphaned children, old age homes for the betterment of the elderly and rehabilitation centers for the disabled and handicapped among others. The Relief India Trust is one of the reputed NGOs in India working to perform various duties to help give the best services to the needy members in the society all over India and other parts of the world. Relief India Trust is a welfare organization with a joint family concept where the problems of the poor and less privileged are solved. Emphasis on job prospective and the careers of the younger generation is bringing to light what the society needs the most i.e. education. This is the modern frame of mind that all children and youth should uphold for the sake of the future generations. Below are the various social welfare services provided by RIT; Caring for the old aged RIT has opened up a number of old age homes where the welfare of the elderly is taken care of. The beneficiaries are given free housing, clothing and food among other basic necessities. Sponsored by a number of corporations and businesses, the trust has received enormous support for the sake of dejected and lonely elderly members in the society. There is nothing better the society can do to the old aged other than appreciating their efforts to raise the youthful and strong generation by taking care of them in a special way. Fighting for the rights of children and women Women and children usually considered as weaker members of the society are faced with several challenges regarding their rights. Sexual harassment, inequality and forced labor are just but a few. RIT comes forward to help the needy by ensuring their rights are respected at all times. The trust also ensures that all people responsible are brought to book and held accountable for their actions. Orphaned children are taken to orphanages where they are provided with the best facilities like education, health and food among others. Preserving the environment The environment is a crucial consideration by RIT. Global warming is a serious problem facing the world and all governments and other like-minded organizations are working hard to ensure the environment is safe for humanity. Promotion of the use of green energy is among the things RIT does to ensure all people have better tomorrow. Provision of education and health facilities All people in India today need education. It is through education that many people across the world have managed to get rid of their problems such as poverty and hunger among others. Educating the

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