The Role of the Private Sector on Building and Helping the Community - Dr. Lie Dharmawan

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The role of the private sector on building and helping the community

dr. Lie Dharmawan, PhD, FICS, SpB, SpBTKV Founder of doctorSHARE

Indonesia •  >17,000 islands, 5 big islands •  Social & Health Indicators : -­‐Total popula?on 249.9 M, •  33 Prov and 497 Districts, •  IMR 34 ; MMR 228 ; L.E 72 (2014)

Problems 1.  Health access An archipelago, geography factor makes a medicines distribu?on and access health care problem 2.  Health Resources human,Doctor-­‐paDent PopulaDon.( 0.2/1000 populaDon) Most of doctor want to stay in big ci?es. So doctor-­‐popula?on in remote area about 1:10000. ideal 1 doctor serve 2.500. In Cuba and US 1 doctor serve 150 pa?ents

doctorSHARE (Yayasan Dokter Peduli) is a not for profit organiza?on focusing on free medical healthcare services and humanitarian aid. Ac?ve since 2003, doctorSHARE was officially founded on 2009.

Vision •  Save lives and alleviate suffering of those trapped in crises to be able to rebuild their lives. Mission •  Providing free medical and health care services for •  those trapped in crises, natural disasters, epidemics, malnutri?on, or discriminated by local health system.

Programs: Therapeu?c Feeding Centres – Kei Island

Efforts to treat malnourished children through Therapeu?c Feeding Centres are focused in Kai Besar and Kai Kecil Island, South East Moluccas.

Elias usia 27 bulan, masuk dengan 5.2 kg, 60 hari perawatan menjadi 10 kg

Natural Disasters

doctorSHARE ac?velly engaged with other organiza?ons in helping natural disasters vic?ms in all Indonesia’s islands and also in neighbourhood countries.


Health guidance & campaign programs are ways to assist communi?es in preven?ng diseases. Currently, doctorSHARE assists rural garbage scavenger communi?es in Semper and Cempaka Mas district, Jakarta.


•  Floa?ng Hospital is an answer for underpriviledged communi?es living in remote areas without local health system and financial ability.


•  Our Volunteer: +/-­‐ 200 Members •  Consist of: Full?mer, Parimer, Par?cipans, •  Kategories: Doctor, Nurse, Medical Students, Accoun?ng , Journalist, Photography, Graphyc Designer •  Member Registra?on:

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