The Great Flood

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Chapter 1: When I Got Home (Sigh) Rainy days, are like the worst days. I was coming home to my apartment when, my dad burst into the living room. “Guess what Nate!?” my dad said. “What?” I said. “Your friends want to come over!” he said. “But dad” I said, “Don’t I have lot of homework?” “Come on son,” my dad said, “Have some fun every once in a while.” “Fine,” I said. Just then, the doorbell rang. My mom opened the door. It was my friends, Verdant and Ginny. “Hi Nate,” Verdant and Ginny said. “Big news,” Mom said, “There’s going be a big tsunami and a huge storm coming in 25 hours!” “So,” I said. “GET YOUR RAIN COAT READY THEN!” she yelled. “Okay!” I said, “Hang on a sec,

Verdant and Ginny.” After a while, Verdant and Ginny went home. “Bye Nate!” Verdant and Ginny said.

Chapter 2: TSUNAMI!!! The next day I heard a big rumble. I looked out the window and there was a… tsunami!! I couldn’t believe my eyes!

The tsunami broke the outer part of the wall. “Mom,” I yelled, “There’s a tsunami and it broke the outer part of the wall!” “Really!?” my mom said. “Yes!” I yelled. My mom looked outside the window. We could see a big storm coming out at sea. “Dad,” I yelled, “There’s a huge storm headed our way and there was a tsunami that broke the outer part of the wall! I WISH WE DIDN’T LIVE RIGHT NEXT TO THE SEA!” “Calm down, Nate!” Mom said, “I’m sure it’s okay. Just get your rain coat Ok Nate?” “Ok,” I said, “I’ll get my rain coat.” Then, my dad came into the room. “What’s going on?” my dad said. “Oh, I was telling Nate to get his rain coat and I suggest you get your rain coat, too!” “Hey honey!” said Dad, “The weather forecast says that there might be a 4 foot flood in the afternoon.” “Ok,” said Mom, “Get your rain coats ready then.” “Wait!” I yelled, “What if there’s a 22 foot flood!?” “Oh, that’s nonsense

Nate,” said Mom, “There’s not going to be a 22 foot flood.” Then, the fire alarm went off. “What’s going on,” I yelled panicking. “Oh, it’s just little fire,” my mom said. We went outside the apartment while waiting for the firefighters. We waited and waited for the firefighters to get here but they never came. “What’s going on?” my mom said, “Why are the firefighters not coming?” The fire got even worse. Just then, lightning struck the ground. Shortly after, it started raining real badly. A couple minutes later, all the fire was gone. Everybody got into the apartment quickly.

Chapter 3: The Flood Part 1 When we got back inside the apartment, I looked outside the window. It was raining hard, real hard. “Mom,” I said. “Yes?” my mom said. “Is there going to be a 22 foot flood?” I said. “Of course not,” Mom said, “It’s going to be a 4 foot flood.” “Ok,” I said. Just then, my parents’ phones went off. “Oh-uh,” Dad said, “The flood is starting.” Shortly after, I panicked with fear. “Calm down Nate,” said Mom, “Everything is going to be okay. Now go get your rain coat.” “Ok,” I said. So I got my rain coat.

After that, I went to the window and guess what I saw? A flood! The good thing is that the flood is only 2 feet tall right now. The bad thing is that the power is out. I panicked. “CALM DOWN NATE!!� my mom yelled. Just then, things got very bad. Lightning struck the wall which broke the wall and water is flowing through the hole.

“MOM,” I yelled, “Look outside the window. Then, my parents looked out the window. “UH-OH,” Dad said. “OH NO!” Mom said. The next thing I knew, it was a 10 FOOT FLOOD!! Let’s go upstairs to your friends Victor and Mabel’s room. It is 2 floors above us probably safer for us than down here.

Chapter 4: The Flood Part 2 We ran up the stairs as fast as we could. The water rushes through the hallway and broke down doors and the water was climbing the stairs very fast.

“Hurry Nate,” Mom yelled, “The water’s coming!” Finally, we reach my friends Victor and Mabel’s room. My dad knocks on the door. The water kept coming up. Victor’s Dad opened the door. “Hi!” he said, “What are you doing here?” “Not now,” my dad said, “There’s a huge flood

and it’s flooding this apartment. We need to get in here.” “Ok,” he said. We rushed in and Victor’s dad slams the door before the water got in the room. “Hi Nate,” Victor and Mabel said. “Hi,” I said back. My dad came by with some duct tape and tapes the cracks around the door. Victor’s Dad opened the windows a bit. Just then, lightning strikes the staircase outside collapsing the whole staircase except for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floor staircases. Mabel, Victor, and I panicked. “Calm down kids!” Mabel’s Mom said. “BUT WHAT DO WE DO NOW?!” I yelled, “AFTER THE FLOOD IS OVER, HOW DO WE GET OUT OF HERE!? WE’RE STUCK IN A ROOM!!!!” “CALM DOWN!” Mom said, “I’ll call the firefighters.” A minute later, my mom said… “There’s no signal. WE ARE TRAPPED HERE!!”

Chapter 5: The Escape Plan “Ok,” Victor’s Dad said, “We need to have an escape plan.” “I know,” Mabel said, “We could go out to our balcony, use Dad’s screwdriver to take the rails down, use the rails to get to those little bars which will bring us down to the staircase on the 2nd floor and look for the emergency telephone.” Everybody agreed. But, there was one problem. The bars were really slippery in rain. We could fall off easily with our bare hands. Luckily, my dad has rubber gloves which could help us climb the little bars. The whole plan worked. Victor’s Dad used his screwdriver to disconnect the rails from the ground. Mabel’s mom and my mom lay the rail on wall. My dad used Victor’s Dad’s screwdriver and drilled the nails into the rail. We all put on thick rubber gloves so our hands wouldn’t fall off the bars easily. We all climbed the bars across the apartment.

We slid down the poles to the 2nd floor. I accidently let go on the bars while I was sliding and fell into the shallow and very cold water. “Are you okay Nate?” Victor said. “Yeah,” I said, “Guess I hurt my back and arm a little but I’m okay.” “Come on,” Mabel said, let’s look for the emergency phone. “Are you sure the emergency phone is on the 2nd floor? Isn’t it on the 3rd floor?” I asked. “Of course not,” Mabel said. “Then how come there’s a sign that says “Emergency phone on the 3rd floor” Mabel?” Victor’s Dad said. “Oops!” she said, “I did mean the 3rd floor.” “Hurry Up,” My dad yelled, “The flood completely flooded the 1st floor, and I think this floor is next.” Just

then, we saw a BIG wave coming towards us. “HURRY,” I yelled. We ran as fast as we could. 2 minutes later, we got to the emergency phone.

Chapter 6: To the Rescue! My mom got the phone and dialed the numbers. Later, Mom said that they are on their way. “That’s a relief,” I said. “It is,” Mabel said. “How do we get back to our room?” Victor asked. “We can take the staircase,” Victor’s dad said. “Dad,” Mabel said, “Don’t you remember? Lightning stuck the staircase which caused to fall apart?” After that, we saw the firefighters. The good thing is that the storm stopped. The bad thing is that the flood is still there. Some firefighters got up the staircase and got us into the boat and went to the big hill.

I noticed that everybody in the town was also on the hill and were camping there until the flood clears up. We stayed there for a while. I also saw my 2 other friends, Verdant and Ginny. “Hi,� Verdant Ginny said. We had lots of fun on the hill.

Chapter 7: Everything’s Back to Normal After 1 month and 12 days, the flood was gone. We rebuilt everything that was broken.

Finally, after 9 months and 20 days, everything was repaired and normal. I was happy that everything is back to normal now. I had a playdate with Mabel and Victor. Over there, there was Victor and Mabel. Also Verdant and Ginny were there. We had tons of fun. I was happy everything was back to normal like nothing had happened.

Hi, my name is Darrion Nguyen. I’m nine years old. I was born in September 20th, 2006. I have a big brother.

Sometimes in my spare time, I write in my little books that I’m making. Other times, I play with my brother or by myself. My dad is a dentist.

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