The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy I Ashmole, M Motloung
Surface Mining 2008
Greenstone Marble and Granite (Pty) Ltd 2 Finstone (SA) (Pty) Ltd ABSTRACT
The dimension stone industry is not widely known or appreciated within the mainstream mining industry. This is in spite of the fact that the industry has grown at an average of over 7% per annum since 1980, and is estimated to now have a global turnover in excess of US$ 60 Billion per annum. Production technologies, particularly in the developed world where labour costs are high, have developed rapidly over the past two decades. Aligned with this, there has been a significant trend in adoption of a more professional mining approach in the exploration for and operation of dimension stone quarries. In fact, in the experience of the authors, mining a dimension stone deposit successfully if often more challenging from a mining engineering point of view than many conventional surface mines. This paper gives an overview of the industry and then proceeds to discuss best practice in exploration for dimension stone and to outline the latest technologies applied in mining of dimension stone. These technologies are varied and the specific combination of technologies applied in any given quarry is determined by both the physical properties of the material as well as the influence of geology which significantly impacts on the recovery of saleable material and hence the economics of the quarry. 1
Dimension stone is a collective term for various natural stones used for structural or decorative purposes in construction and monumental applications[1]. The defining feature of dimension stone is that unlike other mineral commodities which have value mainly as a result of their physical properties, the physical properties of a rock are merely the minimum qualification in determining whether it is fit for use in dimension stone applications. The ultimate success in marketing a natural stone as a dimension stone lies firstly in its appearance, and secondly in the possibility of producing rectangular blocks of suitable dimensions [2] (hence the term dimension stone - some authors prefer the term “ornamental stone” [3], emphasising the decorative aspect of its use) to allow for successful production of the final product in the required sizes. Indeed, the USBM defines dimension stone as “naturally occurring rock material cut, shaped or selected for use in blocks, slabs, sheets or other construction units of specialised shapes and sizes”[4]. A dimension stone block thus has value as a result of its dimensions and appearance, underlain by a set of minimum physical properties (among these are various strength parameters, workability, ability to take a polish, and resistance to physical and chemical weathering). The major application of dimension stone is within the construction sector, which accounts for over 80% of consumption, with the funerary monumental industry accounting for 15%, and various special applications for around 3% (see Figure 1). Consumption patterns are thus cyclical in line with the world economy, but production of dimension stone has nevertheless exhibited annualised ________________________________________________________________________________________________
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