Kamloops residents now know who is likely to be on the ballot in the Oct. 15 municipal election.Thelist of candidates is below.Candidates have until Friday, Sept. 16, at 4 p.m. to withdraw from the race and have their names removed from the ballot. While candidates can withdraw, no more names can be added, as the deadline to file was Sept. 9.

• Bill Sarai
• Daphane Nelson
• Randy Sunderman
• Stephen Karpuk
• Marian Anderberg
• Darpan Sharma
• Darrell LaRiviere
• Cole Hickson
• Karla Pearce
• Heather Grieve
• Margot Middleton
info@wealthyroots.org |500 Victoria Street Visit our website to seekind words from ourclients wealthyrootsfinancial.org Meet Shelby &Sandy, owners of Wealthy Roots Financial. These ladies are passionate about what they do, and can assist you with all of your financial needs Investing, Insurance, Planning. Incredible Service. Contact themtoday info@wealthyroots.org |250-828-2800 50 Years of Wealth Management Experience #YKASTRONG kamloopsthisweek.com | kamloopsthisweek | kamthisweek WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 | Volume 35 No. 37 CIVIC ELECTION • OCT. 15, 2022 AND THEY’RE OFF! CIVIC ELECTION CANDIDATES: FIVE FOR MAYOR, 23 FOR COUNCILLOR AND 11 FOR SCHOOL TRUSTEE

• Francois Lambert
• Shahriar Behmanesh
• Kathleen Karpuk
• Jennifer Rowse
Ashcroft.Longtime Cache Creek mayor John Ranta, who lost in the 2018 election, is back to try to reclaim his office.
See BALLOT, A6 CIVIC ELECTION COVERAGE • Mayoral candidates on street-related issues, page A12 • Councillor candidates on street-related issues, page A16 • The first in a series of councillor candidate profiles, pages A14-A15 • More voting opportunities, page A6
• Mike O’Reilly
• Jimmy Johal
• Reo Rocheleau
• Jordan Proctor
• Darrell LaRiviere
As of now, five people have filed to run to succeed Ken Christian as mayor. Meanwhile, 23 people have put their names forward for one of eight seats on council and 11 people are hop ing to be elected to KamloopsThompson school board, which has five local positions.
In the surrounding area, three mayors will be acclaimed, as they have no challengers: Al Raine in Sun Peaks, Ward Stamer in Barriere and Barbara Roden in
• Caroline King
• Taj Sandur
COUNCILLOR CANDIDATES: Jamie Allen Dale Bass Nancy Bepple Bonnie Cleland George Dersch Dennis Giesbrecht Mac Gordon Kelly Hall

• John O’Fee
MAYORAL CANDIDATES: Ray Dhaliwal Dieter Dudy Reid Hamer-Jackson Sadie Hunter Arjun Singh
• Katie Neustaeter
• Jo Kang
• Jesse Ritcey
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September 19, 2022
Stay Connec ted @CityofKamloops
Sign up for the Council Highlights e -newsletter at: Kamloops.ca/Subscribe
• 6th Avenue
10:00 am Development and Sustainability Committee
Please use caution when driving in the vicinity and obey all traffic control personnel, signs, and devices in the following areas:
Centred on cultural mapping and featuring a range of ways to take par t, You Are Here calls on you to envision our community's next landscape of culture This project will bring your voice into K amloops’ next cultural strategic plan.
September 20, 2022
September 22, 2022
Repor t an issue: 250-828-3461
• Victoria Street West
Columbia Street to Lansdowne Street
The public, media, delegations, and staff are encouraged to par ticipate in meetings vir tually through Zoom or to observe through the City YouTube channel
Apply online by visiting: Kamloops.ca/Volunteer
Let's Talk K amloops is our engagement website where you can share your voice and shape our city The COVID-19 pandemic may impact the engagement timelines for some projects Please subscribe to the project of interest to receive updates Sign up and speak up at LetsTalk.Kamloops.ca
A4 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com
Council Calendar
KamloopsMuseum.ca LetsTalk.Kamloops.ca/CulturalPlan
As par t of this group, you will work to assist with advancing the K amloops Social Plan, help to identify social planning priorities, and provide input to annual social planning grants and social planning issues.
Tranquille Road to Kenora Road
• 12th Street
• Highland Road Highway 1 to Valleyview Drive
Learn more at:
Mt Paul Way to River Street
1A2 |
To stay up to date on road work projects, visit:
We thank all applicants; only the successful candidate will be contacted
To register, visit: Kamloops.ca/RenovateSmar t
City Hall: 7 Victoria Street West, K amloops, BC, V2C 250-828-3311
September 26, 2022
Holt Street to Desmond Street
• Lorne Street
Admission is free until September 24, 2022.
• Flamingo Road Highland Road to Glenwood Drive
Council Meeting Recap
• Bebek Road
The Social Planning Engagement Group, which meets monthly to assist with and provide suppor t for social issues in the community, is seek ing a community member to join the group for a two year term. The engagement group consists of nine representatives from the public who make recommendations and provide input on a wide variety of social planning and community well-being initiatives
You Are Here is a free space to share your vision for the K amloops' cultural direction. This interactive exhibition at the K amloops Museum and Archives invites you to share your ideas in a guided research project led by the Researcher-in-Residence par tnership —a joint initiative between Thompson Rivers University and the City
For full details, visit: Kamloops.ca/Volunteer
Do you want to learn more about home energy efficienc y? Sign up for a free Home Energy Per formance Workshop! These online workshops are offered monthly The next workshop is September 21, 12:00–1:00 pm.
• Highway 5A Rogers Way to Running Horse Ranch Road
Sunlife Building to Overlanders Bridge
• Fleetwood Avenue
Westsyde Road to Westsyde Pool Entrance
For after-hours emergencies, press 1.
Did you k now you should change your furnace air filter approximately ever y three months and even more frequently when it's smoky? Clean air filters improve air quality, protect your furnace blower, and can prolong your furnace's lifespan.

For more tips, visit: Kamloops.ca/HomeEnergyHacks
10:00 am Development and Sustainability Committee (cancelled)
The complete 2022 Council Calendar is available online at: Kamloops.ca/CouncilCalendar
7:00 pm Public Hearing
10:00 am Finance Committee (cancelled)
As the City of K amloops breaks ground on a new cultural strategic plan, the K amloops Musuem and Archives has made itself into the primar y forum for community input
Sept 14, 2022
Notice to Motorists
2:00 pm Community Relations and Administration Committee
The application deadline is 4:00 pm on Friday, September 16, 2022
1:30 am Regular Council Meeting
He is also involved with the Kamloops and District Chamber of Commerce, the North Shore Business Improvement Association and the Kamloops Brock Central Lions Club.
January because he wanted to see change on council, but noted that since then, a significant number of incumbent councillors have announced they will not run. He said the slate is no longer neces sary and that he is now running as a “soleDhaliwalcandidate.”wasa city councillor from 2017 to 2018, having won a seat in a byelection. He accused previous city councillors and staff of bullying during his time on council. He cited a closeddoor resolution that he claimed strong-armed the Kamloops Multicultural Society, of which he is president, via funding and not being put on the city’s community services committee (overseeing police), despite having spoken out about crime during his campaign.
Dhaliwal failed his re-election
Ray Dhaliwal becomes mayor, he would have a rip-roarin’ 66th birthday (which happens to be election day, Oct. 15), park his lime green Barracuda at city hall and get to work helping residents impacted by crime.Dhaliwal

A27 scene seasons
FLYERS YIG, Walmart*, The Brick*, Sun Peaks Independent News*, Shoppers*, Safeway*, Rexall*, Peavey Mart*, Nature’s Fare*, M&M Meats*, Home Hardware*, Freshco*, Canadian Tire*, Bianca Amore*, Andre’s Electronic* * Selected distribution Sports A26 Real Estate A31 Comics/Crossword A37 Classifieds A39 Community B1 HOW TO REACH US: Switchboard 250-374-7467 Classifieds 250-371-4949 Classifieds Fax 250-374-1033 Circulation classifieds@kamloopsthisweek250-374-0462 com publisher@kamloopsthisweek com editor@kamloopsthisweek com WEATHER FORECAST
also noted a need for good-paying jobs for young people and support for family amenities, including pools and ice rinks, to help prevent young people from getting into trouble.
He said the slate was started in
as new
Sept. 17: Sun/clouds 21/11 (hi/low)
Sept. 16: Sun/clouds 24/11 (hi/low)
Dhaliwal, whose dad worked at a Chrysler dealership, is also a car collector and has eight collec tor vehicles.Hiscampaign car is a bright , lime green 1970 AAR Barracuda, which is a highly sought-after col lector’s vehicle. Dhaliwal hopes to one day park the ‘Cuda in the mayor’s parking spot, off First Avenue.“Mybedroom was that colour in 1970,” he said.
Mercedes-Benz Kamloops, 695C Laval Crescent, Kamloops, BC, Toll Free 855 984 6603, Mercedes Benz kamloops.ca Some conditions apply See dea er for details Payments based on financ ng on approved credit with $2000 down or equ valent trade and include all fees & taxes Total pa d: #M22067A $51,249 • #M21066A $58,853 • #M20034 $75,504 • M22040A $86,086 • #M22016A $88,876 15 MERCEDES-BENZ C400 4MATIC #M22067A $33,998 +tax 20 ACURA MDX A -SPEC #M22040A • $55,998 +tax or $473 bi-weekly 84 months @ 8.89% 20 MERCEDES GLC300 #M20034 • $53,998 +tax or $484 bi-weekly 72 months @ 7.69% OAC 20 MERCEDES-BENZ A220 #M21066A • $41,998 +tax or $377 bi-weekly 72 months @ 7.69% OAC *CPO 18 MERCEDES-BENZ CL A45 AMG #M22014A • $50,998 +tax or $454 bi-weekly 72 months @ 7.34% OAC *CPO or $303 bi-weekly 78 months @ 8.99% WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 A5www.kamloopsthisweek.com If

“Too much focus is on the drug addicts, the homelessness down there,” Dhaliwal said. “Not enough attention has been paid to you and me, the regular citizens, taxpaying citizens — and that’s who I’d like to represent, is those people and get our city back living again.”Dhaliwal
— a Brocklehurst resident who owns Ray’s Lock and Key downtown, hosts Canada Day festivities at Riverside Park and previously served on council — said residents should vote for him to tackle safety and secu rity. Dhaliwal said he deals with people through his business who are “fed up.” He is not the only candidate running to tackle street issues. However, Dhaliwal said he is not worried about vote-splitting with fellow candidate Reid HamerJackson because Hamer-Jackson is focussed on establishing recovery.
bid in 2018 and spent the least ($200) of all candidates on his campaign, according to Elections BC. Dhaliwal finished 730 votes behind Bill Sarai, who took the eighth and final council seat.

Dhaliwal previously intended to run a slate of candidates under the Action 22 Kamloops ban ner, which was registered with Elections BC.
Sept. 30% 23/14 (hi/low)
Get updated on the city’s sporting
chance showers
15: Sun/clouds
Sept. Sun/clouds 23/11 (hi/low)
@kamloopsthisweekInstagram: ONLINE www.kamloopsthisweek.com KamloopsThisWeek/videosyoutube.com/user/kamloopsthisweekfacebook.com/KamThisWeektwitter.com/ YEW STREET FOOD HALL IS OPEN B1 Ten eateries will eventually be operating in new North Shore co-op Dhaliwal’s focus is on city taxpayers RAY DHALIWAL Age: Occupation:65 Small business Contactowner information: • Phone, 250-214-7297; • Email, rayformayor22@gmail. •comWebsite, rayformayor.ca KTW is profiling the mayoral candidates in the Oct. 15 civic election in each print edition between now and Oct. 5. All the profiles can also be read online at Turnkamloopsthisweek.com.topageA14andA15to read the first in a series of councillor candidate snapshot profiles.
Sept. 25/13 (hi/low)
Dhaliwal said he is not wor ried about starting off with rocky relationships, noting he would begin his term as mayor by having conversations about issues.
WHEN VISITEDELIZABETHKAMLOOPS B3 Upon her death, many memories recounted by local residents

JESSICA WALLACE STAFF REPORTER jessica@kamloopsthisweek.com
CIVIC ELECTION OCT. 15, 2022 Ray Dhaliwal is a mayoral candidate in the Oct. 15 civic election. DAVE EAGLES/KTW
Dhaliwal said he is putting in more money and effort during this election campaign.
a) a Driver ’s Licence;
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON THESE MATTERS, please contact the Election Office:
e) a Ministr y of Social Development and Poverty Reduction, Request for Continued Assistance Form SDES8 (now “Monthly Form EA181”);
W: Kamloops.ca/Election
Ballot battles in nearby TNRD electoral areas
b) an Identification Card such as i. a photo BC ser vices card; ii. a non-photo BC ser vices card;
has been updated, removing the 30-day residency requirement.
• The only persons who are registered owners of the proper ty, either as joint tenants or tenants in common, are individuals who are not holding the proper ty in trust for a corporation or another trust
• be a Canadian citizen; be a resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day of registration (at time of voting);
tions, two new locations have been added.The city usually only operates one advance polling station for three days: Heritage House, down town in Riverside Park. Another one has been added for this fall’s election, on the North Shore at the McArthur Island Sport and Event Centre. Advance voting days are on Oct. 5, Oct. 8 and Oct. 12.
The above listed identification documents MUST be accepted by election officials An election official may also accept other forms of documents that provide evidence satisfactory to the election official (e.g., a valid, current passpor t).
You must produce at least two (2) documents that provide evidence of your identity and place of residence, at least one (1) of which must contain your signature. The following classes of documents will be accepted:
• be a resident of the City of Kamloops on the day of registration (at time of voting); and
There will be more voting sta tions and mail-in ballots will be available in this fall’s civic election as the City of Kamloops is aiming to create the most accessible elec tionKamloopsiansever.
d) a BC CareCard or BC Gold CareCard;
• not be entitled to register as a resident elector; and
• McAr thur Island Spor ts Centre Lounge, 1665 Island Parkway
Kamloops.ca/Elec tion A6 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com
Electoral Area L (which includes the area south and east of Kamloops, including Knutsford and Pritchard) has Doug Haughton facing John Taylor. Electoral Area P (which includes areas and north of Kamloops, includ ing Paul Lake, Pinantan Lake and Heffley Creek) has Lee Morris facing Carla Barrett. Electoral Area J (which includes Cherry Creek, Tobiano, Logan Lake and Savona west
• be a resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day of registration (at time of voting);
• be a registered owner of real proper ty in the City of Kamloops for at least 30 days immediately before the day of registration (at time of voting);
In addition, for non-resident proper ty electors:
• Heritage House (Riverside Park), 100 Lorne Street
• not be disqualified under the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election or assent voting and not other wise disqualified by law.
As for the general voting day, the city typically has 16 stations, but has added a 17th, at Juniper elementary.Ongeneral voting day, Oct. 15, all in-person polling places will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and transit will be free on that day. Special voting opportunities will be available at care homes and at Thompson Rivers University, the schedule for which is still being determined and will be posted online at kamloops.ca/election.
From A1
To register as a resident elector you must:
In addition, in order to register at time of voting:
of Kamloops) has a three-way race: Michael Grenier, Corinne Lebourdais and Michael McKelvey.Oftheremaining TNRD electoral districts, four directors have been acclaimed due to no challengers: Herb Graham in Electoral Area N (Nicola Valley South), Jill Hayward in Electoral Area O (Lower Thompson), David Laird in Electoral Area M (Nicola Valley North) and Lee Onslow in Electoral Area B (Thompson Headwaters).
anyone with mobility issues.
Voters must register at the time of voting by completing the application form available at the voting place and mak ing a declaration that you meet the requirements to be registered as set out below:
will feature ballot battles, with incumbents in all three areas not seeking re-election.
c) an Owner ’s Certificate of Insurance and Vehicle Licence issued by ICBC
Three advance voting days: Oct. 5, 8 and 12
• be a Canadian citizen;
In School District 73, 11 candidates are seeking five City of Kamloops trustee seats, while the remaining four school board seats will see incumbent rural trustees acclaimed, as they have no challengers. These include Diane Jules in the Chase area, Rhonda Kershaw in the Barriere area, Cara McKelvey in the Savona area and Shelley Sim in the Clearwater area.
Electors, however, must still have been residents of B.C. for at least six months to vote, while a 30-day timeline still applies for non-resident property electors.
E: election@k amloops.ca
head to the polls on Oct. 15 to elect their next mayor, eight councillors and five school trustees. This year, they will only have to be residents of Kamloops for a single day in order to vote as provincial legislation
In Merritt, Mayor Linda Brown has three challengers: incumbent Coun. Tony Luck and former councillors Mike Gaetz and Mike Bhangu.
Also new in the legislation is that it permits all eligible voters to choose mail-in ballot voting. In past years, mail-in ballot eligibility was limited to people who were unable to attend a voting place inperson.Registration for mail-in ballots

In Clearwater, Mayor Merlin Blackwell is being challenged by Dean Clifford.
To register as a non-resident proper ty elector you must:
McArthur Island Sport and Event Centre was selected as a polling place as it is located along a bus route and is accessible to
Ranta is facing incumbent Mayor Santo Talarico and incumbent councillors Annette Pitman and Wendy Coomber.
• not be disqualified under the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election or assent voting and not other wise disqualified by law.
Non-resident proper ty electors must produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature) to prove identity, proof that they are entitled to register in relation to the proper ty, and, if there is more than one owner of the proper ty, written consent from the majority of the proper ty owners
f) a Social Insurance Number card; g) a Citizenship Card; h) a real proper ty tax notice; i) a credit card or debit card; or j) a utility bill (such as electricity, natural gas, water, telephone or cable ser vices).
• be 18 years of age or older on general voting day, October 15, 2022;
• be 18 years of age or older on general voting day, October 15, 2022;
P: 250-828-3483
Resident electors must produce 2 pieces of identification (at least one with a signature). Picture identification is not necessar y. The identification must prove both residenc y and identity.
began on Sept. 6. After Oct. 2, any requests for mail-in ballots will only be available at city hall due to timeAsrestraints.forthisyear’s polling sta
In the Thompson-Nicola Regional District, the three electoral areas that border Kamloops
• If more than one individual is registered owner of the proper ty, only one of those individuals may, with the written consent of the majority of the individual owners, register as a non-resident proper ty elector.
THREE ADVANCE VOTING OPPORTUNITIES will be HELD between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., Oc tober 5, 8, and 12, 2022 at
“It’s all about normalizing these conversations so teachers become another trusted adult in the build ing who can have these conversa tions on a more regular basis, so if students have questions, they can
The SD73 district parentadvisory council (DPAC) said data from the 2018 McCreary Centre Adolescent Health Survey shows students ages 12 to 18 in the region are more likely to have had sex and to have experienced sexual harass ment and dating violence at higher rates than the provincial average. That age group also shows declin ing contraception use.

Solomon, a sexual health edu cator herself, said the plan SD73 has come up with is not sufficient and doesn’t address what she calls a crisis
250 372 5542 | law@fultonco com Fulton & Company LLP MATT LIVINGSTON BEST INTEREST RATES P R OT E C T E D BY: $100,000 CDIC Insured $100,000 Assuris Insured Unlimited Credit Union Insured THE BRADFORD FINANCIAL TEAM Retirement Income Specialists BRADFORD FINANCIAL SERVICES INC WE WILL MEET OR BEAT ANY BANK R ATE* *Some terms and conditions may apply Rates subject to change without notice If you would like to receive our biweekly rate repor t please contact info@bradfordfinancial org RRSP, RRIF, GIC & TFSA Rates as of Sept 14th, 2022 1 YR. 4.47% 3 YR. 4.68% 2 YR. 4.64% 5 YR. 4.95% 4 YR. 4.90% 736 Seymour St. Kamloops, BC 250.828.6767 1.800.599.8274 info@bradfordfinancial Vorg ANESSA CULLEN JESS CA NAKASH MADA 1 Year 90 Day Cashable 0.35% WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 A7www.kamloopsthisweek.com LOCAL NEWS

Inglis acknowledged it can be challenging for teachers to have those kinds of conversations, noting the district does plan on continuing its use of guest present ers. But, Inglis added, the goal is to create an environment in which

“If you look at the parents’ concerns, they feel that we need to have sexual health educators who are certified to teach three or four lessons. I’m not saying that’s not good, but I’m saying it’s not good enough. We actually have to have training for all teachers to act in inclusive ways all day long with students because a student isn’t necessarily to disclose that in 90 minutes with an outsider.”
Nixon said the district is not opposed to providing more staff or certifications if needed, but added what is in place is a “pretty com prehensiveSolomonprogram.”doesn’tthink the training will go far enough and is concerned the results of the next McCreary Centre survey will show little has changed. The next survey is set to be conducted in 2023.
Some parents within School District 73 are concerned about the level of sexual health education their children are receiving — something district administrators are hoping will be addressed with a new plan to train teachers across multiple grades.
understands this issue and how we understand this issue because there has not been one parent who has seen this data and not been really concerned,” said Martha Solomon, who is part of the DPAC sexual health education committee that was formed to tackle the issue.
If you have questions, we’re here to help
students feel safe talking to their teachers.That’s something SD73 super intendent Rhonda Nixon echoed.
A call for better sexual health ed
turn to their teachers,” she said.
Becoming a co signer creates a direct link to your assets, even after you have died. Your child’s creditor now becomes your creditor So, if your child cannot pay a loan that you have co signed, that creditor could attempt to seek payment through your estate Subsequently, your children may not receive the proceeds of your estate as you intended.
Inglis said training is underway for Grade 8 and Grade 9 physical and health education teachers, with training for Grade 7 teachers later this fall and for grades 4 to 7 teachers next spring.
Vessy Mochikas, assistant superintendent for inclusive edu cation, said the new plan will mean sexual health education is consis tent across the district.
“Every adult in the building needs to be prepared to have that conversation,” Nixon said.
Co signing during your lifetime can have unintended consequences when you die. When a person co signs a loan, they and the borrower agree to be jointly responsible for the debt. If the borrower doesn’t pay, a lender can demand payment from the co signor before, or instead of, first demanding payment from the borrower

Helping with your Children's Loans?
“They don’t seem to under stand the harms that could be done by implementing a plan that isn’t safe or by having teachers who don’t have the proper train ing teach this material,” Solomon said. “Talking about bodies, gender, sexuality or sex is hard for most people. Most people are not com fortable with this.”
In today’s economic climate, it is understandable to want to help your children by helping with their loans However, you should first consider the effect your attempt to help may have on your overall estate plan
The group presented the data to the Kamloops-Thompson board of education in April and has also met with district staff.
But after meeting with district administrators multiple times, DPAC members feel they have not been heard and continue to press the issue in light of the new plan.
An organization of parents has called on SD73 to provide more consistent and equitable sexual health education to the district’s students, citing survey data that shows some troubling outcomes to make their point.
“We feel like there’s a real dis connect between how the district
“They think they can pull something together in six months and have teachers working in class rooms, and my parent point-ofview and my professional point-ofview is that that’s not safe,” she said.
“We feel we have a very robust, inclusive, comprehen sive, evidence-based curriculum that fits with what the Ministry of Education requirements are, that is beefed up by excellent resources, community partners and mentor ship available,” Mochikas said.
“Wesituation.sayitneeds to be done now and they say they have a long-term plan to address it. That’s where the disconnect lies,” she said.District co-ordinator Alex Inglis, who is working on training SD73 teachers as part of the plan to address sexual health education, said she knows it can be a difficult topic for teachers to tackle.
As for getting people to actually vote on Oct. 15? Well, if 35 per cent of eligible Kamloops voters actu ally vote, it just might be a “Stop the presses!” moment.

In 2018, turnout locally was 30.6 per cent (below the provincial aver age of 35.6 per cent). But voter turn
We hope the information in these pages and online at kamloop sthisweek.com, as well as via other local media outlets, will be more than enough to help you narrow yourInchoice(s).today’spaper, on pages A1, A6, A12, A14, A15, A16 and A18, there is a lot of information to con
he second-most antic ipated date in the civic election cycle has just passed — nomination deadline.
A candidate for nearly every issue OPINION
Kamloops This Week is a politically independent newspaper, published Wednesdays at 1365-B Dalhousie Dr., Kamloops, B.C., V2C 5P6 Phone: 250-374-7467 | Fax: 250-374-1033


Last Friday was the deadline for candidates to file nomina tion papers if they wish to run for mayor, a city council seat, a school board trustee seat or a director seat on a regional district board.
out locally in 2014 (34.9 per cent), 2011 (31.9 per cent) and 2008 (30.2 per cent) exceeded provincial aver ages by slight margins.

The mayoral race will likely be the most interesting in Kamloops since 2005, when Terry Lake was elected.Thepast few elections have largely been coronations for either Ken Christian or Peter Milobar (save for the latter’s near-defeat to the then-unheralded Dieter Dudy).
Butballot.nonames can be added, so the list is as long as it can be and we in Kamloops have five people run ning for mayor, 23 people seeking eight councillor seats and 11 people vying for five city school board seats. How does that compare with previous general civic elections? Well, in the last two elections, the number of city school trustee can didates has not changed too drasti cally — 10 in 2018 and 15 in 2014.
If you are fed up with the streetrelated social and crime situation and feel council needs to take a harder approach when dealing with BC Housing and local non-profits that run shelters, there are candi dates for you.
The forum will take place on Wednesday, Oct. 5, at 7 p.m. in the Grand Hall at Thompson Rivers University.Theforum — co-hosted by KTW, CBC Radio Kamloops and Radio NL — will follow the format of the successful 2018 civic election forum and will feature a mayoral session, followed by groups of coun cillor candidates taking to the stage in 20-minute increments to answer questions from the public.
At city hall, the numbers and male-female ratio in this election and going back four elections is intriguing.•In2022, there are five mayoral candidates and 23 councillor can didates.•In2018, there were two may oral candidates and 21 councillor candidates.•In2014, there were four may oral candidates and 28 councillor candidates.
You can attend in person and ask a question of the candidates or you can catch the forum online via KTW’s Facebook page.
If you believe an arts centre and more ice rinks and pools are just too expensive right now, there are can didates for Regardlessyou.of your views on cli mate change, bike lanes, property taxes, parking and snow-clearing, it is likely you will find at least one candidate among that list of 23 who agrees with you. Will you find eight? Maybe not, but you are not required to vote for the maximum eight can didates. You can walk into the poll ing booth and vote for eight, or two, or four, or one — or none.
If you feel council needs to con tinue doing what it is doing on the issue, there are candidates for you.
Who wins? Hard to say, but each and every candidate needs their vocal online supporters online (and there are many) to translate that keyboard passion into trips to the polling station on Oct. 15. With seven out of 10 eligible voters likely not to vote, recognizing which 30 to 35 per cent will vote and appealing to them will be crucial.
sider. It was the same last week and will be the same in each print edi tion and online through the Oct. 15 election.
This might be the hardest may oral election to call this century.
email: editor@kamloopsthisweek.com
Once the clock struck 4 p.m., the ballot in the Kamloops area offered clarity after months of announcements and speculation.
A8 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com kamthisweekFollow us online at kamloopsthisweek.com CONTACT US Switchboard 250-374-7467 Classifieds 250-371-4949 Classifieds Fax Classifieds@Kamloopsthisweek.com250-374-1033 Circulation 250-374-0462 All material contained in this publication is protected by copyright. Reproduction is expressly prohibited by the rightsholder. We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada. Nous reconaissons l’appui financier du gouvernement du Canada. Robert W. Doull AberdeenPresident Publishing Inc. Robert W. AberdeenPresident/PublisherDoullPublishing Inc. KTW General manager: Ray Jolicoeur EDITORIAL Editor: Christopher Foulds Newsroom staff: Dave MichaelSeanJessicaMartyEaglesHastingsWallaceBradyPotestio ADVERTISING General sales manager: Chris Wilson Sales: Linda Skelly Jodi Lawrence Liz RylanPaulSpiveyDeLucaWilloughby Digital sales: Makayla Leftwich PRODUCTION Manager: Lee Malbeuf Production staff: Fernanda Fisher Dayana KaitlinMonecaRescignoJantzenVanderWal DIGITAL DESIGNERS Jackson Vander Wal FRONT OFFICE Front office staff: Lorraine Dickinson Angela Wilson Marilyn RosalynnEmeryBartella CIRCULATION Manager: Serena Platzer kamloopsthisweek Letters to the editor can be sent via email to forLettersmumtoemail.phonenamePleaseV2CKamloops,1365Bviathisweek.comeditor@kamloopsandCanadaPosttoDalhousieDr.,B.C.,5P6.includeyourandacontactnumberand/orPleasetrylimitletterstoamaxiwordcountof300.maybeeditedlengthandclarity.
If you are aching for a perform ing-arts centre to rise and want other recreational amenities built, there are candidates for you.
Now, about the candidates.
• Councillor candidate Nancy Bepple is once again organizing an election seniors forum, something she has done in the past four elec tions, regardless of whether she was a candidate.Theforum will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 28, at noon at the Desert Gardens Seniors Community Centre, downtown at 540 Seymour St.
This year’s mayoral elec toral battle should be a recipe for intrigue. Take an outgoing mayor who always topped the polls, add in two businessmen who hope to tap into the public anger over streetrelated issues and mix in three incumbent councillors.
• In 2011, there were four may oral candidates and 24 councillor candidates.•In2008, there were three may oral candidates and 26 councillor candidates.Thisyear’s election is the first this century to include a female candidate for mayor — Sadie Hunter.Meanwhile, the female-male ratio of councillor candidates this year is 30 per cent (seven women and 16 men). That is right on par with past elections, save for 2014, when the percentage of female councillor candidates was a healthy 43 per cent (12 women and 16 men). In 2018, 2011 and 2008, women councillor candidates com prised 33, 29 and 31 per cent of the ballot, respectively.
cillor candidates, which may help nudge up voter turnout.
• You are invited to the 2022 Kamloops Civic Election Forum.
There will be five new faces guaranteed. There may be more if the three incumbents running do not succeed in their re-election bids.There is certainly diversity in views among this lineup of 23 coun
The candidate list as of Sept. 9 is not exactly final as candidates on the list have until 4 p.m. on Sept. 16 to withdraw and have their names removed from the Oct. 15 Election Day
And the councillor battle is no easier task. There are five open seats, which means city council will have a completely different look after voting day.
next time you make a run to your local grocery store by shopping at Safeway, Freshco, Fresh Street Market, Nu Leaf Produce, M&M Meats, Cain’s your Independent Grocer and other businesses that con tinue to support the local press.
In 2021, I wrote a letter to the edi tor, suggesting the city reconsider any more ideas that will expand the foot print of the homeless population.
I will miss her as I hope the world will, too.
Lois KamloopsWard
Publishing weekly fly ers in the local paper is one way large corporations demonstrate their care for the communities in which they make their large profits.The revenue generated by weekly adverts is vital to the operational sustain ability of local newspapers. Choosing not to pub
I have reflected on the past four years on what I would have done dif ferently and how I will vote in the Oct. 15 civic election.
I noted that perhaps all services can be centralized, such as Service Canada has done, with a one-stop shop. My letter did not get published, but I was so pleased when another Kamloopsian wrote in with the same idea.

I attend meetings, participate, write letters provide feedback and speak up in a manner that encourages our local government. I will be at the polls this fall. For that, I am responsible.
I was disheartened to see Save-On-Foods has followed the lead of Real Canadian Superstore and is no longer publishing a weekly grocery flyer in print editions of KTW
I loved Queen Elizabeth for
her loyalty, glamour and dedica tion. I aspired to be her when I grew up and began adult life.
Her path of life was not hers to choose; however, everything she did for her country, children and her monarchy she did with such dignity.
I grew up and lived with only this monarch — our Queen.
Queen Elizabeth II in the drawing room at Balmoral in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, on Sept. 6, two days before she died at the age of 96.

I encourage KTW readers to join me in sup porting grocery stores that continue to publish weekly flyers as this strengthens ourVotecommunity.withyour wallet
Kamloops This Week is a member of the National Newsmedia Council, which is an independent organization established to deal with acceptable journalistic practices and ethical behaviour. If you have concerns about editorial content, please email editor@kamloopsthisweek.com or call 250-374-7467
This election, I am looking for a council that will look outside itself for ideas and solutions.
TALK BACK Q&A: kamloopsthisweek.com We asked: How has the inflation habits?andpersonalimpactedsurgeyourfinancesspending What’s your take? Do you have a family doctor or family nurse practitioner? Vote online: kamloopsthisweek.com Results: I have had to make major changes 37% (389 votes) Cut down on dinner/evenings out 32% (342 votes) Nothing has changed 26% (279 votes) Cancelled things like Netflix 5% (47 votes)

A thriving local press strengthens community by keeping us all informed and connected.
lish grocery flyers also dis advantages shoppers who don’t have the technology to access digital flyers and shop for best deals.
cil said the idea came from a model used in the Downtown Eastside of Vancouver.Thatimmediately got my atten tion — why would Kamloops want to model itself after that particular area?
The one issue that continues to generate discussion, concerns and questions in the city is the subject of homelessness and related social problems. In 2018, I attended a council meeting where an idea of a service for the homeless was presented. It was a place where they can store documents and legal paperwork.
Marguerite Dodds, Kamloops
When the news hit on Sept. 8 that Queen Elizabeth had died, I cried as if it were a family mem ber that passed away.
Years ago, I travelled to London, England just so I could stand at the gates of Buckingham Palace in all its splendour.
If you are not satisfied with the response and wish to file a formal complaint, visit the website at mediacouncil.ca or call toll-free 1-844-877-1163
The individual presenting to coun
Where I fell short was that I did not speak up. The idea was accepted and the motion was passed. What we now have is one more downtown service for the homeless population.
RE-ELECT BILL SARAI FOR CITY COUNCIL Aurthorized by David Deol ddeol@telus net WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 A9www.kamloopsthisweek.com
BCA PRICE 02-30034-136 028-974-140 406 975 VIC TORIA 03-01375-000 012-130-141 BAT TLE ST 03-02037-000 002-249-898 COLUMBIA 03-02840-000 010-224-483
5. The owner has one year in which to redeem the proper ty by paying back the upset price plus interest accrued to the date of redemption and any other related costs incurred by the purchaser
PL 680 LT 8 DL 232 14,842.95

6. At redemption, the purchaser is refunded any amounts paid plus interest accrued from the date of the Tax Sale. Please allow up to four weeks to process the refund.
595 MUNRO ST PL 6149 LT 10 BLK 1 SEC 36 T WP 106 15,024.91 05-04102-120 002-047-365 206 44 WHITESHIELD CRES S PL KAS585 LT 12 DL 454 KAMLOOPS 6,481.05 06-00663-200 027-350-711 1785 MISSION FLATS RD PL KAP85716 LT 2 DL 249 KAMLOOPS 115,780.88 06-15500-835 026-929-023 105 1361 MCGILL RD PL KAS3155 LT 5 SEC 1 T WP 20 RGE 18 MER 6 KAMLOOPS 30,271.52 10-07443-000 008-000-964 309 TRANQUILLE RD PL 19583 LT 1 DL D KAMLOOPS 39,168.59 10-80243-000 43 1720 WESTSYDE RD MHR # 60141, BAY # 43, WARREN'S MHP 3,166.18 10-81304-000 4 1680 WESTSYDE RD MHR # 17243, BAY # 4, DARFRAY MANUFAC TURED HOME PARK 616.89 10-81315-000 15 1680 WESTSYDE RD MHR # 56419, BAY # 15, DARFRAY MANUFAC TURED HOME PARK 1,423.64 10-85058-021 5 PLUTO DR MHR # 64288, BAY # 5P, RIVERDALE MHP 4,291.35 10-85074-510 324 PLUTO DR MHR # 37036 RIVERDALE MHP 1,249.86 10-87666-000 4 EDWARD ST KAMLOOPS 3,046.20 12-07880-000 011-837-462 336 WILLOW ST PL 1128 LT 9 BLK 1 DL 255 4,988.37 13-09116-000 008-564-434 671 COLLINGWOOD DR PL 16614 LT 37 DL 257 8,348.11 20-02912-000 004-289-137 825 EVERGREEN PL PL 9296 LT 4 DL 253 KAMLOOPS 7,641.00 20-02916-560 002-785-854 57 1900 TRANQUILLE RD PL KAS31 LT 57 DL 253 KAMLOOPS 3,766.75 20-03012-000 009-890-980 1861 GELLRICH AVE PL 8075 LT 21 SEC 9 T WP 108 10,511.96 20-04103-000 002-876-485 116 800 VALHALLA DR PL KAS6 LT 116 DL 254 KAMLOOPS 6,362.43 21-01572-010 003-641-627 891 CRESTLINE ST PL 31572 LT 1 DL 251 6,771.12 ANNUAL TAX SALE The Local Government Ac t (RSBC 2015) PA R T 16, D I V I S I O N 7 AT 10A M O N M O N DAY, S E P T E M B E R 26, 2022, I N T H E CO U N C I L C H A M B E R S O F T H E C I T Y O F K A M LO O P S, T H E F O L LO W I N G PA R C E L S O F P R O P E R T Y S H A L L B E O F F E R E D F O R S A L E BY P U B L I C AU C T I O N U N L E S S T H E D E L I N Q U E N T TAX E S W I T H I N T E R E S T A R E PA I D. PLEASE NOTE: The City may bid on all or any of the proper ties listed for sale at up to 75% of the current assessed value. continued on nex t pageKamloops.ca C i t y o f K a m l o o p s A10 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com
8. The purchaser will be responsible to pay the Proper ty Purchase Tax on the fair market value of the proper ty at the time of the transfer of the title.
2. The highest bidder at or above the upset price shall be declared the purchaser PURCHASERS MUST PAY BY CERTIFIED CHEQUE, DRAFT, INTERAC, OR CASH (one hour from end of sale will be given to secure funds).
ST W PL EPS788 LT 36 DL F KAMLOOPS $9,992.91
4. The purchaser has no legal rights to the proper ty until one year has expired from the date of the sale.
3. If no bids are received, the City will be declared the purchaser.
9 The City of Kamloops makes no representation express or implied as to the condition or quality of the proper ties being offered for sale
7. Title to proper ty not redeemed within one year from the date of the tax sale will be transferred to the purchaser on receipt of Land Title Ac t fee
1. The lowest amount for which parcels may be sold is the “Upset Price”. The Upset Price includes: (a) delinquent and arrears taxes plus interest to date of sale; (b) current year ’s taxes plus penalty ; (c) the sum of 5% of the foregoing amounts; and (d) $152.64 for the Land Title O ffice fees.
10. Prospec tive purchasers are urged to inspec t the proper ties and make all necessar y inquiries to municipal and other government depar tments, and in the case of strata lots to the strata corporation, to determine the existence of any bylaws, restric tions, charges or other conditions which may affec t the value or suitability of the proper ty
ST PL 757 LT 9 DL 234 9,141.92
MHR # 17866, BAY # 16, L & E MANUFAC TURED HOME PARK 1,055.59 21-84023-000 23 1755 ORD RD
21-84442-000 42 1375 ORD RD
MHR # 82040, BAY # 130, ORCHARD MHP 5,481.51
WHARF 2736 THOMPSON DR PL KAP8020 LT 4 SEC 1 T WP 20 RGE 17 MER 6 KAMLOOPS 439.84 34-05604-010 005-772-176 2101 OMINECA DR
MHR # 16625, BAY # 171, ORCHARD MANUFAC TURED HOME PARK 1,487.38 21-84912-000 12 2401 ORD RD
UPSET PRICE 21-02406-000 008-062-145 1134 CHATEAU ST
MHR # 32732, BAY # 66, BROCK ESTATES MANUFAC TURED HOME 2,116.78 21-84986-020 86 2401 ORD RD
168 1655 ORD RD
PL 32238 LT 8 SEC 30 T WP 19 RGE 17 MER 6 9,679.27 40-00656-051 029-035-091 205 1200 HARRISON PL
MHR # 26567, BAY # 8, L & E MANUFAC TURED HOME PARK 999.44
21-84542-010 42 1655 ORD RD
171 1655 ORD RD
PL KAP25670 LT F DL 236 KAMLOOPS 21,643.61 30-00500-001
PL 24917 LT 2 SEC 35 T WP 19 RGE 17 MER 6 13,514.04 40-00299-570 002-928-124 498 ABERDEEN DR
PL KAS1476 LT 51 SEC 25 T WP 19 RGE 18 MER 6 KAMLOOPS 6,909.35 51-80917-000 17 1680 LAC LE JEUNE RD MHR # 1746, BAY # 17, IRON MASK MANUFAC TURED HOME PARK 1,160.38 51-80925-000 25 1680 LAC LE JEUNE RD MHR # 9166, BAY # 25A, IRON MASK MANUFAC TURED HOME 747.21 51-80928-020 28 1680 LAC LE JEUNE RD MHR # 56900, BAY # 28, IRON MASK MANUFAC TURED HOME 1,646.96 51-83001-010 1 1175 ROSE HILL RD MHR # 48416, BAY # 1, HIDDEN VALLEY MHP 1,379.45 51-83060-000 60 1175 ROSE HILL RD MHR # 11894, BAY # 60, HIDDEN VALLEY MANUFAC TURED HOME 3,146.33 51-83079-001 79 1175 ROSE HILL RD MHR # 88780, BAY # 79, HIDDEN VALLEY MHP 4,247.99 51-83201-010 201 1175 ROSE HILL RD MHR # 14373, BAY # 201, HIDDEN VALLEY MANUFAC TURED HOME 6,241.62 52-80630-000 30 4395 TRANS CANADA HWY E MHR # 38043, BAY # 30, RIVER VIEW MHP 1,105.27 52-82002-000 A2 7155 DALLAS DR MHR # 13994, BAY # A2, ORCHARD RIDGE MANUFAC TURED HOME 1,207.77 52-82119-010 B19 7155 DALLAS DR MHR # 46319, BAY # B19, ORCHARDRIDGE MANUFAC TURED HOME 560.11 52-82317-010 D17 7155 DALLAS DR MHR # 47850, BAY # D17, ORCHARDRIDGE MANUFAC TURED HOME 9,295.75 52-82403-000 E3 7155 DALLAS DR MHR # 23828, BAY # E3, ORCHARD RIDGE MANUFAC TURED 3,682.04 008-442-983 WESTSYDE RD 003-326-730 JENSEN RD 002-213-923 BANK RD
21-84545-000 45 1655 ORD RD
MHR # 23907, BAY # 86, BROCK ESTATES MANUFAC TURED HOME 1,500.55 21-85033-001 133 2401 ORD RD MHR # 93094, BAY # 133, BROCK ESTATES MHP 4,632.92 30-00389-000 005-369-975 2535 MARSH RD
21-84429-000 29 1375 ORD RD
21-84528-020 28 1655 ORD RD
C i t y o f K a m l o o p s
PL 20793 LT B SEC 7 T WP 21 RGE 17 MER 6 9,968.53 54-01140-010 008-382-611 2423 RHONMORE CRES PL 17621 LT 2 SEC 31 T WP 20 RGE 17 MER 6 11,924.94 54-11315-760 002-262-037 800 INSKIP RD PL 20624 LT 7 SEC 4 T WP 22 RGE 17 MER 6 9,439.92 54-80313-000 13 2380 WESTSYDE RD MHR # 16850, BAY # 13, COUNTRY MANUFAC TURED HOME PARK 934.08 54-81087-000 87 2400 OAKDALE WAY MHR # 46326, BAY # 87, OAKDALE MANUFAC TURED HOME PARK 3,739.02 54-81136-040 136 2400 OAKDALE WAY MHR # 34704, BAY # 136, OAKDALE MANUFAC TURED HOME PARK 631.68 54-81158-000 158 2400 OAKDALE WAY MHR # 4444, BAY # 158, OAKDALE MANUFAC TURED HOME PARK 3,983.02 54-81168-040 168 2400 OAKDALE WAY MHR # 33622, BAY # 168, OAKDALE MANUFAC TURED HOME PARK 2,682.07 54-81213-030 213 2400 OAKDALE WAY MHR # 45325, BAY # 213, OAKDALE MANUFAC TURED HOME PARK 11,075.81 56-04773-510 004-826-540 7021 BARNHART VALE RD PL 27442 LT 3 DL 457 KAMLOOPS 964.37 56-10590-000 013-148-940 7021 BARNHART VALE RD SEC 27 T WP 19 RGE 16 KAMLOOPS 6,979.68 56-10603-500 007-113-811 681 KLAHANIE DR PL 22079 LT 8 MHR #22227 6,328.73 59-11262-600 004-984-633 4931 PINANTAN PL PL 25901 LT 4 SEC 20 T WP 21 RGE 17 MER 6 11,621.24 59-11265-420 004-959-001 4821 BEACHVIEW PL PL 22461 LT 3 SEC 20 T WP 21 RGE 17 MER 6 12,180.05 59-11266-570 004-024-087 242 CHE T WYND DR PL 30207 LT 2 SEC 20 T WP 21 RGE 17 MER 6 13,597.88 60-60200-000 THOMPSON SBD MI 0.00 8.68 FIBREOPTIC CABLE 43,009.06 Kamloops.ca For more information, proper ty owners can contact the City of K amloops Revenue Division at 250-828-3437 or email revenue@k amloops.ca. Prospective bidders can visit City Hall Cara Dawson, CPA, CGA Revenue and Taxation Manager WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 A11www.kamloopsthisweek.com
PL 32695 LT A SEC 7 T WP 21 RGE 17 MER 6 11,916.05 54-01065-060

MHR # 14127, BAY # 5, L & E MANUFAC TURED HOME PARK 1,263.38 21-84008-000 8 1755 ORD RD
PL 17153 LT 24 SEC 7 T WP 21 RGE 17 MER 6 KAMLOOPS 13,977.82 54-01062-220
MHR # 15071, BAY # 23, L & E MANUFAC TURED HOME PARK 4,885.78
MHR # 22195, BAY # 168, ORCHARD MANUFAC TURED HOME PARK 1,476.66 21-84671-000
MHR # 21614, BAY # 45, ORCHARD MANUFAC TURED HOME PARK 1,230.60 21-84630-000 130 1655 ORD RD
MHR # 18405, BAY # 12, BROCK ESTATES MHP 2,202.14 21-84966-000 66 2401 ORD RD
21-84016-000 16 1755 ORD RD
PL 25670 LT J DL 236 17,776.07 30-00393-040 005-369-916 2509 MARSH RD
PL 19374 LT 7 DL 253 8,955.86 21-84005-030 5 1755 ORD RD
21-84533-010 33 1655 ORD RD
and that’s all we can do.”
“We’re not the ones who do it. And we need to message that bet ter than we have. People need to understand that we’re not the ones that are doing it. It’s coming from
The street-related issues con cerning safety, both of those on the street and of those not on the street, has been the main topic this election campaign. What can council do (that it is not doing now) to improve the situation?
“I think that’s probably job No. 1 of the new council, to figure out, OK, what’s this present council done, how can we build on that?
JESSICA WALLACE STAFF REPORTER jessica@kamloopsthisweek.com
“Aside from that, I think we need to be louder when we are advocating to the province and other levels of government for the resources we need. The work that Mayor Christian has done through
“Council said five new police officers a year. I’d like to think about that in terms of what we could actually do for putting resources to a better resource for some of that money.”

• Ray Dhaliwal: “We need to have more boots on the ground, the RCMP and the bylaws. We need to get them more visible on the streets, just about 24 hours.
“I think a police officer in a car and all kitted out costs about $200,000 a year. You can get two or three people who are doing more, better, actual jobs for the work that we need to do, for some of the work, if you do that instead.
“They just have to walk, like they have security down on West Victoria ... We need to get in the face of the criminals more — and even the people that are in front of businesses that have set up camp, businesses can’t open — get into their face all the time

quickly coalesce on some things we can do going forward. What can we fund? And what can we advocate for is essentially what we have to think about, right?
“So, we would have to effective ly put ourselves in a position where we continually call the people who should actually be doing some thing about it. Ken [Kamloops Mayor Ken Christian] was just telling me that he got blown off by [Health minister] Adrian Dix [for a one-on-one meeting at the Union of BC Municipalities conference], so these are not good things.
Note: Reid Hamer-Jackson was the lone mayoral candidate who was not available to be interviewed by KTW for this series.
“I’m proposing we fund out reach, 24-seven crisis outreach teams. We give the police the right to a job they’re actually meant to be doing.“InOregon and now coming up in the Vancouver-area, the Lower Mainland, they have these teams of people where 911 get diverted. They’re really mental-health nurs ing teams that go out.
“Through UBCM, I do push on it quite a bit. Like I’ve said before, I’ve been in meetings with minis ters, especially during COVID vir tually, and I live in McDonald Park neighbourhood, so I’ve shown them outside my house. Like, what are we doing? Why isn’t this changing? What is taking so long?
• Arjun Singh: “We obviously have an issue, like most communi ties do, around community safety and we have to lean into it further.
Mayoral hopefuls on street-related issues
“I know it might not seem that way on the surface of it, but we have allocated a lot of time and effort and resources to try new things. For me, it comes down to communication and collaboration and I’m all ears. If somebody has a different idea that’s feasible that we can try that we haven’t done yet, then let’s go for it, let’s try.
• Dieter Dudy: “Addressing the needs of the homeless, the opioid crisis, addressing a housing short age, both from a shelter point of view, the missing middle, etc. — some of these things we can do something about and some of these things we need to lobby for.
Have aheart to give fora hearttolive Donatefor CardiacCare “CATHLAB"atRIH Have aheart to give Fora hearttoserve Empowering "TRU Nursing Students" FO RI NF OR MA TI ON ,V ISIT :I WISH FU ND .C OM A12 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com
“It’s not good what’s happened. What are our learnings? And really

“Why can’t we react to this — the opioid crisis — the same way we did to the pandemic? Put partisanship aside and let’s get something done. I’m asking those questions and I think we need to start asking them louder.”
the Urban Mayors’ Caucus has been great. I think we need to pair that in parallel with our own voice and our own advocacy about what we need in Kamloops, what’s happening here and kind of keep pushing at it until we get it done.
During the civic election cam paign, KTW has identified four issues and is asking mayoral candi dates about them. This is the first of a four-part series, with the remain ing three issues to be addressed by candidates in subsequent print edi tions of KTW and online at kam loopsthisweek.com.
“You know, we need to make these people aware of the fact that if they’re wanting us to run a city effectively, they’ve got to be help ing us, too, so if they want to see things like homelessness and stuff addressed, they’ve got to be in there with us making it work.
different agencies and different levels of • Sadiegovernment.”Hunter:“Ithink the big gest thing for me in that is we have been trying, in doing a lot of work locally and being innovative in terms of our approach.
Field of Interest Funds: Established by BC Inte rior Community Foundation to support Arts and Culture

Kamloops Foundation Operations Fund: To assist with operations.
We support charities through granting that creates meaningful and lasting community impact. If you would like to help support the granting program, go to www.bcicf.ca and make a gift to any of the following funds:
Smart & Caring Community Fund
Kamloops Seniors Citizens Housing Society Fund: To support low income seniors, projects and programs that build community capacity and support a significant number of seniors Kirsten Fund (The): To support enviromental education and palliative care programs and projects.
Health and Welfare Fund
Children and Families
Community grants may be awarded to organiza tions that provide ongoing value to the commu nity but are unable to raise all required funding without assistance.
BC Interior Community Foundation | www bcicf ca
Environment and Recreation
Dr. and Mrs. William (Bill) and Marguerite Elliot Memorial Fund: To support arts and culture. Edith Noble Memorial Fund (The): To support programs that assist children
Gordon Francis Ellis Memorial Fund: Programs and services that support food security; and for people who experience homelessness Harriett Fund (The): Supports youth and educa tion
Funds that are completely discretionary and can be used to fund any worthy program or project
Applications must demonstrate a benefit to the community in one or more of the following fields of interest: arts, culture, children, families, environment, recreation, health and welfare, seniors, heritage, youth or education.
Railways and Ranchlands Fund: To support the hungry, needy, farmers in distress, seniors, single parents, hospice and the Merritt museum Scarborough/Koslowski Recreation and Envi ronment Fund: To enhance the environment and further recreational opportunities
Advocis Fund
Thousands of donors over the BC Interior Community Foundation’s 38 year history have given so that BCICF has the flexibility to address the most important and pressing community opportunities. These grants are supported not only by smaller donations which make up the Field of Interest Funds, but also many endowed funds for which the donors have given the Foundation discretion to make granting deci sions.
Dennis Hendsbee Fund (The): To support ed ucation and training for people who are devel opmentally delayed or those who work with individuals with developmental delays
Carolyn Scarborough Memorial Fund Ross Parkin Fund
Peter G. Botta Memorial Fund
WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 A13www.kamloopsthisweek.com
For more information, contact:
Kamloops Child Development Centre has been the recipient of several grants f rom the BC Interior Community Foundation. Michelle Wiesbeck, KCDC assistant director of education, plays with Sam uel Santos in the water flume that was partially funded by one of the past granting opportunities. The water flume, located in the infant/toddler play yard, is very popular with the children and pro vides social, emotional and cognitive play opportunities
www.bcicf.ca | 250.434.6995 | info@bcicf.ca 2 219 Victoria Street, Kamloops, BC
BC Interior Community Foundation (BCICF) has over $70,000 available in their discretionary grant program which provides funding to community projects, programs or events that improve the wellbeing of the Thompson, Nicola and South Cariboo communities.

Now more than ever, we want to see our donated dollars go farther. At BC Interior Community Foundation we really listen to our donors to help you find ways to meet your charitable goals.
Funding for community projects, programs or events that improve the wellbeing of the communities in the Thompson, Nicola, South Cariboo region.
Hfor ere D Good
Marg Spina Community Enhancement Fund: Completely discretionary within Kamloops Merlin Books Fund: Supports visual and literary arts
Telus Community Ambassadors Fund Kamloops (Within Kamloops)
Seniors and Heritage Youth and Education
Funding available for community projects
Discretionary funds with an assigned purpose: Brandon Gives Back Fund: To support seniors, heritage, youth and education
Many recreational facili ties in Kamloops are dated and in short supply. While the population in Kamloops has grown more than 50 per cent over the past 30 years, we have had no additional ice rinks or pools built since 1991.
Having people between the ages of five and 85 travelling to Logan Lake or Chase in the middle of winter to get ice time is completely unacceptable.
Business owners, employees and residents should feel safe and secure knowing they can live without having to worry about theft or violence.
ency be the mainstay of our fight against addiction. I have talked to hundreds of Kamloopsians and the majority want more options for recovery and not handouts and more drugs. But that’s impossible with the enabling politicians we currently have on our council. They believe recovery

Daphane Nelson Age: business/co-op46
To ensure this happens, we need to increase our communi ty service officer program and bring back community policing to our parks and neighbour hoods.
Welcome to councillor candidate snapshot profiles, which will run in successive editions of KTW. Q1: What is the No. 1 issue facing Kamloops? Q2: Which mayoral candidate do you support? October 15, 2022

Stephen Karpuk Age: *stephenkarpuk.cachiropractor53**Q1:
We need to work with the province to create a buffer zone between residential neighbour hoods and shelters, increase mental-health supports, cre ate a complex care centre in Kamloops and have involun
The residents of Kamloops need and demand more recreational facilities.
Kamloops council adopted the Recreation Master Plan in 2021 and I believe we need to look at finding a way to provide funding for the plan over the next 10 years.
Q2: I look forward to work ing with whomever the resi dents of Kamloops elect as the new mayor of Kamloops.

GENERATION CENTRE, 1110 TRANQUILLE RD | CALL 250-57 2-4485 (across from Nork am Secondar y) in winningworld title WINNER 2022 Po ed by 2019, 2020, 2021 & 2022 KAMLOOPS’ BEST MARTIAL ARTS STUDIO Fitness | Self Defense Women | Men | Children | Preschool SIGN UP NOW FOR ANNIVERSARY DISCOUNT REGISTER NOW FOR FALL CLASSES AND RECEIVE NO TAX DISCOUNT! Tom LaRoche 4XWorld Kickboxing Champion & Master of Chinese Gung-Fu, is offering you classes that will lift you to new levels of fitness, self- defense & confidence. ACCOUNTABILITY AFFORDABILITY ADVOCACY✔ ✔ ✔ Katie Neustaeter grew up in Kamloops, where she and her husband are now raising their three children. With a combined professional background in media and the charitable sector as well as extensive volunteerism Katie brings a unique blend of experience to the table. Katie’s vision for Kamloops focuses on strategically tackling challenging issues so that we can succeed together To learn more, scan the QR code or visit Katie4Kamloops caAuthorized by Matt Klassen, Financial Agent 250-682-3363. A14 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com

Businesses need to know that the city supports them and won’t hinder their ability to do business or grow. Streets need to be properly cleared of snow so all commuters can safely get to and from their desired destination.Useprevious concrete side

For many, safety is No. 1. Kamloopsians need to feel safe and secure in their com munity. No one should have to worry about going for a walk, a bike ride or a drive in Kamloops at any time of day or in any part of our vast, beautiful city.
Q2: I will support the may oral candidate who will be elected on Oct. 15.
Mike O’Reilly Age:
need to be kept safe spaces for our residents to enjoy.
Affordable housing, lack of sidewalks and crosswalks to traverse busy streets, complica tions when applying for the HandiDart service or access to health-care providers are some examples of opportunities ripe for Let’stransformation.conquerred tape with innovation and approach accessibility through the lens of creative thinking. It’s impor tant that we find ways to work together, to bolster community mindedness and to streamline our existing systems.
We need to push govern ment for a much-needed sobering centre and get Interior Health to staff it.
While the City of Kamloops does not own or operate any homeless shelters or social housing projects, we must work with other levels of government to get homeless people off our streets. Working with the province and accept ing everything the province wants to do, wherever or how ever they want to do it, are two different things.
The city of is in desperate need of a performing arts space, new hockey rinks, a pool on the North Shore and indoor
But we can’t focus just there. Every issue is complex and we need to look at how people are beingAccessibilityimpacted.is an issue for
If I must pick a single issue, I feel it’s imperative to support local businesses as most are
is dehumanizing and recovery facilities are concentration camps.Weneed to work with differ ent levels of government, but we should be the main stake holders on where these facili ties should go. They have to abide by good neighbour laws, period. If they don’t, we need to be able to use every tool at the civic level to push back on these social agencies and pro vincial government, similarly to what other municipalities have done very successfully in the recent past. It can be done. We just need to get rid of the defeatist attitude.
Finish the Rivers Trail from Dallas to Tranquille, Westsyde and Rayleigh so we have options for a healthier and saferChoosecommute.ournext RCMP superintendent, who has an operational focus to reduce crime and a track record that backs it up. Then back them up with advocacy for keep ing criminals in jail or helping

Let’s make it easier for resi dents to do business, have an impact, feel safe and thrive.
We need to lobby the prov ince to ensure Kamloops is properly outfitted as a regional health centre, instead of being Kelowna-centric.Weneedourfull cancer cen tre. We need more surgical and cardiac capacity in Kamloops. We need more beds to make thatThesehappen.are all safety issues to me and I think most Kamloopsians would agree with me.
We need to increase Kamloops Fire Rescue and BC Ambulance Service personnel to match our growth.
Q2: Unfortunately, I am not publicly endorsing any candi dates, mayoral or otherwise, as I will be required to work with these individuals ongoing and do not wish for unnecessary negativity as a result.
Q1: I stand for people, planet and prosperity. These three concepts are intertwined and are integral components of a healthy and vibrant commu nity. We need to think outside the established silos and cre ate solutions together so that Kamloops gains from our many shared resources and inter connected benefits. Through co-operation, action and cre ative thinking, I will encourage active, tangible solutions to the city’s many important issues.
walks for Dallas Drive, Parkcrest Avenue and Puett Ranch Road so pedestrians are safer.
Livability is the largest issue that needs attention over the next four years. Community safety and recreation facili ties are the two biggest areas that need to be addressed to increase livability in Kamloops.
Uncontrollable crime, open drug use, no community engagement on social housing, high numbers of closed-door meetings, the poisonous work environment in the City of Kamloops, unaffordable hous ing prices, unethical spending practices and weak leadership at the city council, where they have surrendered our city to social agencies and the provin cialOurgovernment.businesses are suffer ing because of crime and drug use. I want to see recovery, accountability and transpar

many in our community and the challenges faced are baked right into the system.
Q2: I will work with whom ever the electorate choses.
still grappling with the effects of COVID-19 and the more recent challenges of finding staff. Add the daily struggle of property crime and you could call it an imperfect storm for small business. Let’s make their lives less difficult by saying “Yes” more often than “No.”
those with mental-health needs get proper care.
Darpan Sharma business41

Q1: Homelessness, the rising cost of living, transportation and crime are issues Kamloops and other cities in our province have been faced with for Someyears.issues receive significant media atten tion, which might give citizens the impression that one issue is more critical than another; however, I prefer to take a more balanced approach and believe our city will benefit from a well-rounded council that works diligently to improve upon issues and takes advantage of opportunities for the benefit of all residents and businesses. In this, I believe council needs to be focused on many critical issues.
Margot *margotmiddleton.cabusinessMiddletonowner**
Q2: I choose not to disclose. It is the choice of the Kamloops voters and I respect that process. If elected, I will do my best to work as a team play er with the new mayor and all elected council.

of government to aggressively discontinue “catch and release” and enforce consequences for prolific offenders
I have been a strong voice on council since my first day elected, advocating that the mea sures being presented to us — including wrap around services, shelters and temporary day spaces — are not working effectively to better our street-entrenched individuals.
The pandemic has taught us that our infra structure and resources can and must be adapt ed to make way for new solutions and new ways of doing things; it takes being intentional about exploring new ideas.
Katie Neustaeter Age: communications40
Housing: We need to listen to builders telling us that arbitrary/blanket requirements, inefficient pro cesses, and unnecessary bureaucracy are barriers to building the attainable homes our population needs. We must implement creative ways to cut red tape, change arduous zoning and decrease permit processing time. Co-operative housing, multi-family housing and other entry-level housing is necessary.
But please don’t vote for any single-issue can didates with bigoted views and little to no involve ment in the community.
Sheltering the homeless must be the first priority. I support city funding of mental-health and rehab facilities since the provin cial and federal governments are unwilling to do anything.
Q2: Whoever wins.
the devastation of
I will also continue identifying ways in which city council can apply pressure on the legal sys tem to ensure courts step up and keep individu als accountable for their actions.
The No. 1 issue is definite ly homelessness and the associ ated crime it’s bringing.
October 15, 2022
Social issues: Addressing housing effectively will begin alleviating some of the pressing issues facing our community, but others require an approach that interconnects/consolidates wraparound ser vices and/or removes the greatest impacts to the public. Evidence shows we can’t warehouse people in buildings and expect change to occur; we need policy that regulates the disbursement of tenants of supportive housing, prioritizing units for those seeking recovery. Let’s examine the execution of harm reduction (meant to be one of a four-pillared approach of treatment, harm reduction, education and prevention) and rebuild strategies to improve
issues, be it to support exploreleadershipthoughtfulcounselbringyouth,alltunitiesvatemunitybusinessthecomoreleopporforKamloopsIwillsoundandtoand
Q2: If I’m successful, whoever wears the Mayor’s Chain (when finally replaced) is who I will serve alongside. That being said, I want to work with a mayor who is fair, inclusive, transparent, discerning and represents Kamloops with integrity.
highlight innovative solutions to challenging issues.Ibelieve
Q1: The intersection of a housing crisis and escalating social issues (mental health, addictions, homelessness, crime) is our most pressing issue.
On many occasions, I have asked the RCMP to put more officers on foot patrol in areas that are seeing higher numbers of offences and will continue to make these requests.

I’ll be listening closely during debates, continu ing to do my research on and asking questions of the candidates I feel most closely reflect my priori ties, values and vision for the City of Kamloops.

We need options for the missing middle. With only three per cent of available land to build on in Kamloops, we must unlock it. The Kamloops and District Chamber of Commerce has put forward a land trust policy document proposing a “robust mechanism for ecological land donations.” These are the kinds of solutions to seek. Additional consider ations include maintaining awareness that industrial land must be preserved for business development and that social housing and its occupancy should be regularly inventoried.
These people often don’t understand the limi tations of the office or due process. It’ll be a train wreck of epic proportions and impossible to get anything done. We don’t have time to waste on angry rhetoric that further polarizes and marginal izesWepeople.have real work to do. We can find realistic solutions to complex problems without resorting to extremists who don’t truly understand the issues, will hold up productivity and lack the most basic qualifications required of a prominent community leader.
our city administration and staff, in collaboration with the newly elected council, must be open to change, engage well with all levels of government, focus on bringing solu tions to multiple issues instead of one or two key issues and work tirelessly to get the best out comes for Kamloops and its citizens.
The solution I have always advocated, and the only solution known to work, is housing first.
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in our busi
Since we can’t change criminal laws to require forced
Welcome to councillor candidate snapshot profiles, which will run in successive editions of KTW. Q1: What is the No. 1 issue facing Kamloops? Q2: Which mayoral candidate do you support?
and take the primary stand in tackling these issues.We need to deal with the roots of our prob lems rather than trying to deal with it when these individuals have caused hardship on our citizens, businesses and services.
Q1: I view the No. issue that needs attention are the individuals that are on our streets strug gling with mental-health and addiction issues. My main priority is to continue working with all levels of government and local agencies to fill the glaring gaps that exist within our city regarding mental health and addiction.
Darrel LaRiviere Age: 39 Train dlk.caconductor * Q1:*

rehabilitation of addicts and the mentally unstable, we (as a city) must focus on what we can do — getting homeless people off the streets, regardless of the reason why they’re homeless.
Q2: I will work alongside whomever the people of Kamloops elect as mayor.
As a longtime resident of Kamloops, a busi ness owner and an individual who has been closely keyed in on some of our community’s
Bill cityAge:Sarai61councillor, retired letter carrier
In doing so, it would help instil confidence
CEO retired, something’s not going right. I think the short answer is something needs to be done and the evidence is quite clear that what we’re currently doing is not working.“Allwe’ve seen in the past few years is just a steady escalation of homelessness and property crime. I would like to see a more strin gent application of civic bylaws on these organizations that manage theseProctorservices.”also suggested advocat ing for safe supply of drugs, noting organized crime flourished dur ing the prohibition of alcohol last century.• Bill
• Jordan Proctor: “One of the things that I’d like to see is the city regaining more input and control over how these things are being dealt with. As of right now, due to paramountcy, we have very limited handle on how the NPOs (nonprofit organizations) and stuff operate in managing these affairs.
Sarai said street issues are complex, noting no one initiative will be a solution. He also noted
“It’s the definition of insanity. You keep doing the same thing again and again, expecting a differ ent result,” he said.
• Caroline King: King said she wants to change the conversation at council, which she said is onesided, toward housing-first and looking to other levels of govern ment.“Iam a firm believer that it’s an inherent right to have a roof over our heads and a warm meal in our bellies, but, you know, being homeless and drug addicted does not preclude you from following basic rules of society and we have to find ways where we can all live together, where we can support the people we love and the people we care about, but we can also sup port our businesses and our com munities, our neighbourhoods. And what we’re doing right now
“I fundamentally believe that your municipal tax dollars should not be paying for health care. There are some short-term solu tions that the province can imple ment that a new council can push for to try and ease some of the criminality that’s associated with the homelessness. Specifically, the city can work with the province to create a buffer zone between
• Darrell LaRiviere: “I think the main issue is they keep on voting against things that can fix things because they believe it’s someone else’s responsibility,” he said.
“At the end of the day, we are the ones living in Kamloops. They’re not. It’s just another city to them,” he Sharmasaid.said the city needs two departments — bylaws and com munity service — and questioned the city’s decision to disband the department during the pandemic. Sharma also advocated for recov ery services and so-called “dry” facilities.
JESSICA WALLACE STAFF REPORTER jessica@kamloopsthisweek.com
During the civic election cam paign, KTW has identified four issues and is asking groups of councillor candidates about them. This is the first of a four-part series, with the remaining three issues to be addressed by other, randomly chosen groups of councillor candi dates in subsequent print editions of KTW and online at kamloop sthisweek.com.
The street-related issues con cerning safety, both of those on the street and of those not on the street, has been the main topic this election campaign. What can council do (that it is not doing now) to improve the situation?

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Sarai said Car 40 (a program that pairs a Mounties with a nurse for mental health-related calls) resources should also be enhanced and he criticized Interior Health for providing limited nursing resources.“Theyneed to be at the table,” he said. “This is a health issue.”
he was to speak with the province during this week’s Union of BC Municipalities convention about shelters and a mental-health court.
• Mike O’Reilly: “The City of Kamloops does not operate any homeless shelters or social hous ing projects and, obviously, this is a mental-health crisis.
• Darpan Sharma: Sharma said council has been lobbying the province, similar to other munici palities, but it is not working.
Sharma also wants to increase competition amongst social agen cies that have contracts with BC Housing, calling it a “monopoly” in Kamloops. Sharma said the city has to be an equal stakeholder in decisions on shelter locations.
Sharma said his plan would be to lobby with council in the first six months, then look at fining nui sance properties, including social agencies and hotels hosting their clients.Healso wants to look at zoning and invoke rules that prohibit peo ple from living in hotels. He said the city can withhold funding and utilize its good neighbour bylaw.
Sarai: Sarai said he has been pushing for more RCMP offi cers on the “Especiallystreets.after the Jamaican Kitchen incident, where one of the comments was, ‘We own the streets.’ That really bothered me and wasn’t what we’re about and I thought having RCMP, more boots on the ground on a regular rota tion, would and still could make a big difference,” he said.
King said Kamloops was the only city to disband its bylaws department during the COVID-19 pandemic in the middle of a crime wave. She said other cities chose to increase bylaw divisions by add ing higher-level and better trained community services officers to existing bylaws officers. She said it alleviated street issues and took pressure off the RCMP.

Council candidates on street-related issues
LaRiviere said it bothers him when council points to the provin cial or federal governments and then nothing happens. He said he would have voted in favour of Coun. Denis Walsh’s proposed fea sibility study for a recovery centre.
is so one-sided and so off-skewed that we’re just, we’re digging our selves deeper every day.”
“I just feel it’s quite clear, based on the fact half of the board of BC Housing basically got fired and the
residential neighbourhoods and shelters.”O’Reilly explained it would mean requiring a shelter be a cer tain number of metres from homes and neighbourhood“Thereneighbourhoods.isn’tanyresidentialthatIknowof that has a shelter located next door to them that doesn’t have an issue with crime,” he said. “We need to have that separation and a buffer area.”O’Reilly said the province also needs to increase mental-health supports and provide complex care to get the 20 worst offenders off of city streets. O’Reilly said he will be pushing for involuntary treatment for repeat overdose patients.
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It is his first time running for public Proctoroffice.isaforeman for a commercial roofing company. He previously worked as an assistant brewer and was trained as a paramedic.

“You would create a space that is dedicated to people and cyclists ahead of cars,” he said, noting it has been done in Europe and could be tried for a season for a limited cost.
Folio Civic Address Legal Description 53860000 47 Beryl Drive Plan KAP20838, Lot 59, DL 1666 5381301507 225 Ara ia Drive Plan KAP32012, Lot 107, DL 2217

JESSICA WALLACE STAFF REPORTER jessica@kamloopsthisweek.com
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE thatonSeptember 20, 2022, Kamloops City Council will consider adopting BylawNo. 18-409, abylawtoauthorizethe closureof road and removalofdedication as ahighwayshown as being apar tofroad dedicatedonPlan 17081 Distric tLot 255 Kamloops Division Yale Distric t, as shown outlined in black bold on the following plan:
Inquiries mayalso be direc tedto realestate@kamloops.ca or by calling 250-828-3548.

Allpersons who wish to register an opinion on the proposed closuremay do so by :
Please notethatwritten submissions must be received by the Legislative Services Division no laterthan Friday, September 16, 2022, at 12:00 pm Written submissions,including your name and address,are included in the Council Agenda, and will be posted on the City ’s websiteaspar tofthe permanentpublic record. Please notethatthe City considers the author ’s address relevanttoCouncil’s consideration of this matter and will disclose this personal information in accordancewith Sections 26 and 33.1 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of PrivacyAct (BC ).
Annual Municipal Tax Sale
the date of redemption 6 At redemption, the purchaser is paid back their bid plus interest accrued from the date of the tax sale PURCHASERS MUST PAY BY CERTIFIED CHEQUE BANK DRAFT CASH OR DEBIT (1 hour will be given to secure funds) 7 Title to property not redeemed within one year from the date of the tax sale will be transferred to the purchaser on receipt of Land Title Act Fee 8 The purchaser will be responsible to pay the Property Purchase Tax on the fair market value of the property at the time of the transfer of the title 9 The municipality makes no representation, expressed or implied, as to the cond tion or quality of the property(ies) for sale Prospective purchasers are urged to inspect the propert es and make all necessary inquiries to municipal and other government departments, and in the case of strata lots, to the strata corporation to determine the existence of any bylaws, restr ctions charges or other conditions which may affect the value or suitability of the property.
Basic Information Annual Property Tax Sale
The purchaser has no legal rights to the property until one year has expired from the date of the tax sale
Proctor suggested a down town Nicola Street bike route could be improved by reori enting stop signs and adding planter boxes to prevent it from becoming a vehicular commuter route.
• written submission: emailed to legislate@kamloops.ca mailed or hand- delivered to LegislativeSer vices, 7Vic toriaStreet West,K amloops,BC, V2C 1A2

3 The Highest bidder at or above the upset price shall be declared the purchaser If no bids are received, the District of Logan Lake shall be declared the purchaser
• appearing before City Council on September 20, 2022, at 1:30 pm, at City Hall (7 Victoria Street West); or

He has been commut ing via cycling infrastructure in recent months and said he noticed the city needs to improve connectivity, particu larly around Thompson Rivers University and at Riverside Park.“The big thing is connect ing these pieces,” he said. “It’s like having viable routes that actually connect in a mean ingful way. The other thing, too, the fixation is always on separated bike paths, which is awesome. They definitely have a place. But there’s some alternative concepts that could be applied and would ultimately benefit downtown.”
Notice is hereby given that on the 26th day of September 2022 in the Council Chambers of the District of Logan Lake, at 10:00 am the following parcels of real property shall be offered for sale by public auction unless the delinquent taxes with interest are sooner paid
2 The lowest amount for which parcels may be sold is the Upset Price The Upset Price includes: a) delinquent and arrears taxes plus interest to date of sale; b) current year taxes plus penalty; c) the sum of 5% of the foregoing amounts; and d) Land Title Office fees
For more, go online jordanproctorforcouncil.com.to
The Local Government Act (RSBC 2015) Part 16, Section 645
1 The tax sale is held each year on the last Monday of September at 10:00 am in the Council Chambers at #1 Opa Drive Logan Lake BC
In addition to active transportation infrastructure, Proctor cited property crime, homelessness, the opioid cri sis and housing affordability as issues in the upcoming election.Asked why someone should vote for him, Proctor said: “I think one thing that I provide that’s kind of unique is I am, I think, the only can didate, the sort of blue-collar working class that’s still just an actively working individual, so I sort of bring a unique perspective in that regard, just a different outlook that comes from me, Joe-Blow Worker Bee. I’m quite dedicated to the city. It’s done very well for me and I feel that my ideas would have a very positive impact on the city in helping us move forward into the future in a meaningful way.”
Thebylaw, along with the sur veyplan, is available for viewing on the City ’s website at this link: https://kamloops.civic web. net/document/151752/
A18 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com LOCAL NEWS
Proctor seeking a seat on Kamloops council
(Adjacentto795 Sher wood Avenue)
“That was quite a process. It took about five years of lob bying,” he said, noting a cul ture was built around the facil ity. “We were very successful in doing that and fostering that sort of culture of collective ownership and maintenance — and the park is still flourish ing in my Proctorabsence.”isinvolved with
As president of a bike club in Surrey, Proctor advocated for a bike park.
Colin Forsyth Director of Finance
5 The owner has one year in which to redeem the property; paying back the upset price plus interest accrued to
the cycling community in Kamloops, including the Kamloops Performance Cycling Centre and Kamloops Bike Riders Association.
Jordan Proctor, a 41-yearold mountain biker, trades man and self-described sci-fi nerd, is running for city council after moving to the city from the Lower Mainland eight years Affordabilityago. and lifestyle brought him to Kamloops and Proctor said the city has been good to him. He cited his abil ity to run errands without get ting stuck in traffic and appre ciates the city as a premier mountain biking destination — and he wants to give back.
Y O U R E X C L U S I V E J A Y C O D E A L E R & P R E M I U M P R E O W N E D V E H I C L E H O T S P O T ! EVERY 2022 JAYCO MUST GO! WE'RE WAY OVERSTOC KED! HISTORIC PRICIN G IN EFFECT! SAVE UP TO 25% 142 Tranquille Road, Kamloops BC V2B 3G1 844-710-6380 butlerautoandrv.ca ALL BACKED BY THE BEST PROTECTION PL AN IN THE BUSINESS! Shop The Most Popular RV’s, Used Trucks, & SUV’s At The Best Prices! *No payments for 6 months on new RVs. O.A.C. Some conditions apply. LOWEST PRICES IN 2 YEARS! PRICEUCUTS P $TO30,000 O! KAMLOOPS! INUSEDOF VEHICLES REMEMBER! WE HAVE THE BEST SELECTION O SLONG LONG SUMMER SELLOFF! 2022 BU SH W H AC K E R 10 H D $ $17,101 21,9 9 5 WAS SA LE PRICE S T K # K A M10 2 2 2022 RO C K Y M O U N TA I N 2 4 2 $ $39,999 53,9 9 5 WAS SA LE PRICE S T K # R V4 415 2022 BU SH W H AC K E R 17BH $ $23,729 30,9 9 5 WAS SA LE PRICE S T K # K A M10 5 4 2022 SL X 26 4BH W $ $34,550 4 8,9 9 5 WAS SA LE PRICE S T K # R V4 4 07 2022 174BH B A J A $ $29,564 3 8,9 9 5 WAS SA LE PRICE S T K # K A M10 0 4 2022 BU N G A L OW 4 0 L O F T $ $99,999 121,49 9 WAS SA LE PRICE S T K # K A M10 6 8 2022 RO C K Y M O U N TA I N 212Q BW $ $38,401 52,59 5 WAS SA LE PRICE S T K # R V4 4 3 8 GET A CAMFREE PFIRE MCLUB EMBERSHIP! WHEN PURYOU ANCHASE RV $ 2022 E AG L E 5T H 317 $ 105,89913 5,89 9 WAS SA LE PRICE S T K # K A M10 4 4 $ 68 NE W JAYCO RV’S T O C H O O S E F R O M ! WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 A19www.kamloopsthisweek.com

For more information, call 250-828-3461 or visit:
“It’s disappointing and I hope
Christian said that more and more continues to be downloaded on communities and funded by property tax owners and small businesses.“It’sjust no longer viable and so we need a bigger share of the pie in terms of either provincial sales tax or property sales tax or something because they just keep
Please obey all traffic control personnel and equipment when driving in the vicinity of the construc tion.
vention on Tuesday, which the mayor said is unusual and allows for a significant amount of time. The two-hour session’s topic was “Re-envisioning Health Care in BC” and Christian said he had planned to attend and hear policy announcements.“Ingivinghim the benefit of the doubt, that’s what I would hope for,” he said.
Visit the projec t page at LetsTalk.Kamloops.ca/SummitDowntown for the most up -to- date information.
Sarai said the application, put forward by TRU law professor Ruby Dhand and provincial court judge Michelle Sanford, has been with the attorney general for two years and called it a “missing link” in work to address street issues.
JESSICA WALLACE STAFF REPORTER jessica@kamloopsthisweek.com
No meeting with Dix at UBCM convention

Christian will also be meet ing with the BC Urban Mayor’s Caucus and Premier John Horgan and said he is hopeful to hear back about reworking the munici pal financing framework.
that I will be able to see him there,” Christian said. “I know he’ll be at the convention, but it’s largely in and around the issues related to Royal Inland Hospital: the staffing recruitment and retention, issues about diver sion, issues related to ER wait times, issues related to offloading of patients by police. All of that stuff that I think is very critical to Kamloops.”Christian noted Dix was to host a plenary session at the con
September 12–November 30, 2022

Work will begin on September 12, 2022 and is expec ted to be complete by the end of November. Construc tion is scheduled to occur Monday–Friday, 7:00 am–5:00 pm. Some evening or weekend work may be required
Traffic will be reduced to one lane travelling in each direc tion. Inbound (nor thbound) transit stops on 6th Avenue will be temporarily closed
Christian said he was sur prised to be turned down by Dix to discuss staffing issues at Royal Inland hospital and doctor short ages in the city.
The City of Kamloops has contracted Urban Appeal Landscaping to construc t a separated bike lane on 6th Avenue This projec t requires a redesign of the roadway between Lansdowne Street and Columbia Street.
Christian told KTW council asked for five meetings with min isters. Some of those meetings wereCouncil-ministerapproved. meetings will take place with Transportation Minister Rob Fleming about issues in the Valleyview corridor,

City of Kamloops
downloading actions, activities and responsibilities to us,” he said.“We can no longer do that without taking your taxes through theSarairoof.”said he will be leading a meeting with Attorney General Murray Rankin to discuss how BC Housing monitors success of its shelters, as well as an application for a mental-health court.
Window Cleaning House Washing Gutter Cleaning Pressure Washing Kamloops Local Owner -Ian MacGregor RESIDENTIAL &COMMERCIAL CLEANING Our primar yproductsare 100% bio-degradable &environment allyfriendly. $20 OFF ANYOFOUR SERVICES PROMO CODE KT W20 Expir ydateSeptember 31,2022 GET YOUR FREE MEN IN KILTS ESTIMATE TODAY! 1.800.7 77.KILT(5458) or visit meninkilts.ca “The sun is shining and so are the windows. Ian did an excellent job. This is the second review as sometimessunshine reveals streaks and it did not.” ROBERTA -VERIFIED CUSTOMER “Wehave had avariety of companies clean our gutters but nothing compares to the job Ian and Glen have done. It is far superior than any of them. Iwill definitely have them return. The price was within my budget.” PENNY -VERIFIED CUSTOMER A20 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com

Kamloops Mayor Ken Christian said he is disappointed he will not get to meet with Health Minister Adrian Dix at this week’s Union of BC Municipalities Convention.Two-thirds of city council — Christian and councillors Dale Bass, Sadie Hunter, Mike O’Reilly, Bill Sarai and Arjun Singh — are attending the annual conference in Whistler.Theconference has been held virtually in recent years during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Mental Health and Addictions Minister Sheila Malcolmson about detox and Car 40 resources, Tourism Minister Melanie Mark about funding requests for the Memorial Cup and Scotties tournament and the proposed performing-arts centre.
Kamloops.ca/CapitalProjec ts
Hunter has been on the Union of BC Municipalities board for the past two years and intends to return to the board for a third year, pending results of the Oct. 15 municipal election, in which she is running to become the city’s next mayor.
Questions? Forrelevantbackground material contactthe Planning andDevelopment Division at 250-828-3561 or planning@kamloops.ca
Property Location: 3200, 3220, 3300, 3410, and 3580 Valleyview Dr; 0Trans-Canada Hwy East

Property Location: 3580Valleyview Drive
(August 16, 2022,Regular Council Meeting, Agenda Item6.9,Attachment “A”) or at CityHall,7 VictoriaStreetWest, betweenthe hoursof9:00 am and4:00pm, Monday–Friday(excluding statutory holidays)

Theproposedbylaw can be viewed at Kamloops.ca/CouncilAgenda (August 16,2022,Regular CouncilMeeting, Agenda Item 6.10,Attachment“A”)orat CityHall, 7VictoriaStreetWest,between thehours of 9:00amand 4:00 pm, Monday–Friday (excluding statutory holidays)
The paws had been hacked off at the joint, most were declawed and some still had fur on them.
KamloopsCity Council will hold aPublic Hearingtoconsiderthe following proposed amendmentstoKAMPLAN: City of KamloopsOfficialCommunity Plan Bylaw No.46-1 andCityofKamloopsZoningBylaw No.55.
Purpose: To amendthe CD1 (Orchards Walk Comprehensive DevelopmentZone1)to revise zone andsubzone boundaries, increase the maximum permitted commercialfloor area andresidentialdensity, andallowretail liquor sales.

“Poaching has no place in British Columbia,” said Aaron Hofman, director of advocacy and policy for The Fur-Bearers.
Purpose: To change theOfficial Community Plan landuse designationofaportion of thesubjectproperty from Agriculturalto Urban, andfrom Parks andOpenSpace to Urban, to align land use designationboundaries with existing property lines.
Have YourSay:
$5,000 reward offered in severed bear paws case
Theproposed bylawcan be viewed at Kamloops.ca/CouncilAgenda (August 16, 2022,Regular Council Meeting, Agenda Item 6.9,Attachment“B”) or at City Hall, 7VictoriaStreetWest, betweenthe hoursof9:00 am and4:00pm, Monday–Friday(excludingstatutory holidays)
Speakinperson at themeeting
with only its paws missing.
Email Mail During theMeeting
your name andaddress,are includedinthe CouncilAgenda andwillbeposted on theCity’s websiteand form part of thepermanent publicrecord. Please note that theCity considersthe author’saddress relevant to Council’s consideration of this matter andwill disclosethis personalinformation in accordancewithSections 26 and33.1of the FreedomofInformation andProtection of PrivacyAct (BC) City Hallisaccessible from thefollowing transitroutes:No. 1- Tranquille, No.2 -Parkcrest,and No.3 -Westsyde. WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 A21www.kamloopsthisweek.com

in the North Shuswap.
Kamloops City a Public Hearing to consider the
legislate@kamloops.ca 7VictoriaStreetWest Kamloops BC V2C1A2

The Fur-Bearers, a nonpartisan, charitable organization founded in 1953 to protect furbearing animals through conser vation, advocacy, research and education, is offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the identification and convic tion of those responsible for the poaching incident.
Written submissions must includeyournameand addressand be received no laterthan 12:00pmonSeptember16, 2022.
A $5,000 reward is being offered in connection with a bearpoaching incident near Roche Lake south of Kamloops in which the dead bruin’s paws were cut off.On Sept. 8, a resident in the area found the dead bear at the side of Roche Lake Road,
Theproposed bylawcan be viewed at Kamloops.ca/CouncilAgenda
Property Location: 1693 Trans-Canada Highway East Purpose: To rezone thesubject propertyfrom C3 (Highway Commercial)to C6 (Arterial Commercial) to allow construction of a five-storey, 50-unit apartment building.

Questions? Forrelevantbackground material contactthe Planning andDevelopment Divisionat 250-828-3561 or planning@kamloops.ca
Questions? Forrelevantbackground material contactthe Planning andDevelopment Division at 250-828-3561 or planning@kamloops.ca

Join viaZoombyvisiting Kamloops.ca/Participate on September20, 2022,at7:00pm.
“We are encouraging all residents who may have infor mation, or may have witnessed unusual activity on Roche Lake Road on or before Thursday, Sept. 8, near Kamloops to con tact investigators at the BC
Anyone with informa tion is asked to contact the BC Conservation Officer Service at 1-877-952-7277 or contact the agency online at eredmously.gov.bc.ca/environment/rapp/.https://forms.ReportscanbemadeanonyOnMay23,dozensofsevbearpawswerefound

Conservation Officer Service.”
Bear paws (and other parts of the bruin, including bile and gall bladders) are sold internationally for high prices, with the animal parts used in food dishes and medicinal products, primarily in Asia.
A Barriere resident accused of firing a rifle at a man he knows remains in custody pending a bail hear ing scheduled for later this month.Richard
A) Berwick on the Park always offers delicious meals designed to tempt tastebuds and optimize nutrition. Berwick’s Red Seal chefs serve a choice of mains and sides to please everyone from fine dining to comfort food. Residents are welcome to eat in the main dining room or in the Bistro, or take a to-go meal to their suite, depending on their schedule, appetite and social calendar Berwick is a small community with a family atmosphere and the chefs get to know the residents One of our Sous Chef ’s favourite food forums for feedback is to ‘work the floor ’ while guests are dining. Berwick on the Park also has a Food Committee with representatives from each floor that gather feedback from other residents They take this feedback to our monthly Food Committee Meeting with our Chefs, Director of Hospitality and General Manager, where feedback is welcomed By offering over five options at each meal, residents with varying palettes are sure to find something to their liking and every meal comes with a spectacular dessert option from our in-house baker If this beats cooking at home, a call REMAINS FOR UKRAINE
Alan Murphy, who is in his late 50s, was arrested on Sept. 6 when police were
While news from Europe this week detailed major armed victories by Ukrainian forces over their Russian invaders, the war — and its impact on civilians — continues. In Kamloops on the weekend, this small group of residents gathered in front of city hall to keep the issue top of mind for passersby. A training session will be held on Saturday, Sept. 17, for people wishing help arriving Ukrainians get settled in Kamloops. To get involved, email raft@kamloopsunited.ca.
ing a firearm, careless use of a firearm, pointing a firearm and possessing a weapon for a dangerous purpose, according to online court documents.
called to the 4200 block of Peterson Betts Road — locat ed on the west side of the North Thompson River across from Barriere and north of Westsyde — after receiving a report of several shots being fired. Murphy is charged with two counts of discharging a firearm with intent to wound, possessing a firearm without a licence, unlawfully discharg
at him and his vehicle with a rifle.With the suspect identi fied, Mounties went to the suspect’s home and arrested him without incident, accord ing to an RCMP release. It was determined the victim and the suspect were known to each other, but the motive behind the shooting remains under investigation, according to the release.
ASK ERIN Your Senior Living Expert

ing a firearm, careless use of a firearm, pointing a firearm and possessing a weapon for a dangerous purpose, according to online court documents. His bail hearing is sched uled for Sept. 21.
MICHAEL POTESTIO STAFF REPORTER michael@kamloopsthisweek.com
at him and his vehicle with a rifle.With the suspect identi fied, Mounties went to the suspect’s home and arrested him without incident, accord ing to an RCMP release. It was determined the victim and the suspect were known to each other, but the motive behind the shooting remains under investigation, according to the release.
While news from Europe this week detailed major armed victories by Ukrainian forces over their Russian invaders, the war — and its impact on civilians — continues. In Kamloops on the weekend, this small group of residents gathered in front of city hall to keep the issue top of mind for passersby. A training session will be held on Saturday, Sept. 17, for people wishing help arriving Ukrainians get settled in Kamloops. To get involved, email raft@kamloopsunited.ca.
Alan Murphy, who is in his late 50s, was arrested on Sept. 6 when police were
His bail hearing is sched uled for Sept. 21.
and I will drop off a sample! W hat about the food? Call Erin Currie with questions or for a chat (250) 377.7275 Offer validuntil November 30,2022. Inspection includesheatpumps, if applicable. Cannotbecombined with other offers or discounts. Fireplace servicing notincluded. The earlier youcall, the moreyou save! 1-833-215-4575 FOXANDSONS.CA/FurFurFurnace Don’tforget! Getthe FUR-FURFURNACE checked! Furnace22-PointInspection From toptobottom, we willmakesureyour furnace is runningsafely and at peak efficiency to keep youcozyall winterlong. THE SOONER YOUBOOK, THE MORE YOUSAVE! Book Before: October 14 $99 October31 $139 Builtfor life.Yours September 16 $59 A22 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com LOCAL NEWS SUPPORT

Barriere man behind bars after shooting incident
Barriere man behind bars after shooting incident
give me
called to the 4200 block of Peterson Betts Road — locat ed on the west side of the North Thompson River across from Barriere and north of Westsyde — after receiving a report of several shots being fired. Murphy is charged with two counts of discharging a firearm with intent to wound, possessing a firearm without a licence, unlawfully discharg
According to police, while responding to the report of shots fired, Mounties received a call from a male victim, who knew the alleged shooter and told police the man had shot
A Barriere resident accused of firing a rifle at a man he knows remains in custody pending a bail hear ing scheduled for later this month.Richard
MICHAEL POTESTIO STAFF REPORTER michael@kamloopsthisweek.com
According to police, while responding to the report of shots fired, Mounties received a call from a male victim, who knew the alleged shooter and told police the man had shot
Q) I hear different opinions on food services Retirement Communities. What your thoughts on this?

He19.is alleged to have placed the remains of Abdullah in a plastic bin. Abdullah’s body was found in that bin on a Dufferin property on March 17 of this year.

Along with Hibbert, a man and woman were also charged in connection with the rob bery: Tristan Fernandez, 25, and Dakota McNabb, 26.
Their next court date is sched uled for Dec. 1 for a pre-trial conference.Meanwhile,
Murder charge recommenda tions are expected to soon be forwarded by RCMP to Crown in connection with the homicide investigation of Adam Hibbert, whose body was found near the entrance to the City of Kamloops landfill last year during a response to a suspicious fire.
FISH Sale2 F1 O R 9 0 5 N o t r e D a m e D r. 2 5 0 . 8 2 8 . 0 8 1 0 VOTED BEST PET STORE 9 YEARS IN A ROW! MON SUN 10AM 6PM petlandkamloops.ca *Off regular price. In stock only. Some restrictions apply. Excludes Gift Cards, cannot be combined with any other offer or discount. Valid at Petland Kamloops only It’s ‘oh-fish-ially’ our Big Fish Sale! Plus!20% off A L L A Q U A S U P P L I E S B U Y 3 L I V E P L A N T S G E T 4 T H F R E E ! Oh My Cod! SEPT. 10-25 WINNER 2022 P d by ELECT Francois Lambert “Mr. Kamloops” FOR COUNCIL Business Background & Acumen: • Owned and operated many businesses as well as the Kamloops School of Hair Design and Esthetics. • Instrumental in bringing the Rockets Hockey Club and the Blazers Hockey Team to Kamloops. • Awarded Kamloops Distinguished Service Award • Supported and promoted Arts and Culture in Kamloops. • Support worker for John Howard Society Priorities: • Alleviating pressure on the highway system and train lines by sanctioning Kamloops as an Inland Port. • Downtown Core • Revitalize communication with businesses • City Accountability • Public Forums 2/3 times a year • Strong advocate for seniors voice • Create a dynamic committee to address issues and root causes of Homelessness • Andcultivate a co-operation to assist with rehabilitation.

Adam Hibbert, whose body was found near the entrance to the city’s landfill last year, is seen here posing by the bull sculpture in Riverside Park. Hibbert’s body was discovered on Oct. 1, 2021, the same day he was charged in connection with a robbery.

tim of a Policehomicide.havenot disclosed the manner in which Hibbert died.

“I’m running for Kamloops Councillor because I believe Kamloops needs an experienced, dedicated, caring voice. I come from a long history of success in working with people which I have brought to Kamloops. I am motivated by a personal call to help others. I understand what issues are important to the community and will work tirelessly to respond to constituent requests ”
Kamloops Mounties were called at about 4:15 p.m. on Oct. 1, 2021, and, at the time, were unable to identify the deceased, but have since confirmed his identity and that he was the vic
In fact, Hibbert was charged on Oct. 1, 2021, the same day his body was discovered.
Pelley added that in addition to that investigation, there are several affidavits required to sup port exhibit detention orders for multiple investigations in which no criminal charges are currently in place, something that takes up significant police resources.
murder investigation of Mohd Abdullah also remains a police priority as that investigation continues forward amidst legal issues officers must navigate as a practising local lawyer has been charged with indignity to human remains in connection with the case.Rogelio Butch Bagabuyo is facing that charge and has recently elected to stand trial by B.C. Supreme Court justice alone, rather than by judge and jury. His next court date is scheduled for Sept.
Pelley told the committee the

Steering Committee: Brian and Vallerie Hitchens, Terri Lewis, Darlene Masi
Charges in 2021 murder may soon be laid
MICHAEL POTESTIO STAFF REPORTER michael@kamloopsthisweek.com
WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 A23www.kamloopsthisweek.com

“We have an investigative team that has put together a large, comprehensive package to Crown counsel. Charge recom mendation is expected in the very near future so that Crown counsel can do a formal charge assess ment with the recommendation of murder,” Insp. Jeff Pelley told the city council’s community ser vices committee on Sept. 8.
“We’re moving that investiga tion ahead,” Pelley told the com mittee.Kamloops

RCMP believe the shootings were targeted attacks related to organized crime, but it was later revealed the slaying of Gill was a case of mistaken identity.
Pelley said prog ress is also being made on the investigation into the 2019 double murder that took the lives of two men outside separate hotels in different locations in the city.
At the time of his death, Hibbert, 29, was wanted on rob bery charges. He was one of three people arrested and later charged in connection with the Aug. 3, 2021, robbery of the Lordco Auto Parts east of downtown, which was followed by a van used in the robbery being set ablaze in Riverside Park.
RCMP responded at 6:50 a.m. on Jan. 23, 2019, to the parking lot of the Super 8 motel in Valleyview, where 31-year-old Cody Mathieu of Kamloops died of apparent gun shot wounds. Nearly two hours later, at about 8:25 a.m., police responded to the Comfort Inn and Suites just off Rogers Way in Aberdeen, outside of which 41-year-old Rex Gill of Penticton had been shot to death.
council’s community services com mittee on Sept. 8.

“We’re happy to say we have the first portion of that unit going to be staffed this month and we’re going to be very progressive on the offenders responsible for those drivers and any increases,” Pelley told the committee.
Crimes against persons is also up seven per cent over the second quarter 2021, which was up eight per cent from that quarter in 2020.

Pelley said the detachment’s proactive crime-reduction unit has not been staffed for the past year, but noted two constables and a corporal will shift to that unit at the end of September and focus on tar geting prolific offenders.
Meanwhile, police attended 182 intimate partner violence calls in the second quarter of 2022, which is down from 196 over the same period in 2021 and a four-quarter high 240 in 2020. They were in line with the 181 in 2019.
In the second quarter of this year, there were 153 Car 40 inter ventions, down from 240 in 2021, 237 in 2020 and 196 in 2019.
He added prolific offenders are involved in a wide variety of crimes and police believe by focusing on them, and helping to facilitate their access to services, it may address addiction issues and reduce crime.

Property crimes are a main con cern for the Kamloops RCMP and its increase has become “alarming,” according to Insp. Jeff Pelley, who presented the data to Kamloops
Pelley told KTW the unit had not been staffed fully in the past year as the detachment has been

focused on ensuring other core policing units are fully staffed.
Shoplifting files are at a fourquarter high of 257 this year, up from 210 in 2021, 107 in 2020 and 212 in Pelley2019.said police are seeing an uptick in the number of shoplift ing files in which shoplifters have pulled out weapons when con fronted by store employees. He said police have been calling for addi tional charges on those files.
Pelley said he included stats from 2019 as the world begins to enter post-pandemic era. Outgoing RCMP Supt. Sad Lecky has previ ously noted there was a rash of property crime in 2020 as a result of pandemic restrictions, leaving more businesses closed and fewer eyes and ears on the street. He has also said the pandemic years of 2021 and 2020 are considered anomalies.
According to the RCMP statis tics, there were 2,348 reported and confirmed property crimes in April, May and June of 2022, up 17 per cent from the 2,000 reported over the same period in 2021 and 26 per cent more than the 1,861 registered in 2020.Compared to the pre-pandemic year of 2019, however, there was a four per cent increase from the 2,255 property crimes reported during that year’s second quarter.
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numbers in 2022 and 2019 may be a sign that the impacts of COVID19 on these incidents may be sub siding.Asfor mental health-related calls, the stats show a 33 per cent decrease in the second quarter of 2022, with 622 files, down from 933 in 2021. Those numbers are more in line with the 665 files in the second quarter of 2019. There were 814 files in the second quar ter of
“We are seeing some challenges of offenders being released with quite a lengthy criminal record,” Pelley told the committee. “Our crime-reduction unit will be able to focus on our top offenders as they get out in the community.”
Pelley told the committee he is not sure what is responsible for the reduction in calls between 2022 and 2021, noting some repeat offenders have had success with the program, but noted it could be that fewer calls are being attended as the two positions involved in Car 40 have not been fully active.
There were 352 thefts from motor vehicles files in quarter two, which was half of the 665 recorded in the second quarter of 2019. There were 418 and 433 in the second
With crime up, Kamloops Mounties set to target prolific offenders
MICHAEL POTESTIO STAFF REPORTER michael@kamloopsthisweek.com

Looking at specific property crimes during the second quarter of 2022, break-ins to businesses were down slightly, at 83 compared to 86 in 2021, but that was 29 less than the 112 in 2020. Break-ins for the second quarter of 2019, however, were just 52 — making for a 60 per cent increase this year over prepandemicBreak-inslevels.aredown. There were 42 break-ins to residences in the sec ond quarter of 2022, compared to 55 in 2021, 25 in 2020 and 71 in 2019.
Intimate partner violence is another area of crime believed to have been exacerbated by the pan demic.Pelley said the near-identical
Property crime is up over prepandemic levels, and has increased in the second quarter of this year relative to 2021, but Kamloops Mounties plan to be more proac tive in targeting prolific offenders.
There2020.was a four-quarter low in the number of Car 40 interven tions — the program that pairs a mental-health nurse with an police officer to respond to men tal-health calls.
quarters of 2020 and 2021, respec tively.Thefts of motor vehicles, though, were at a four-quarter high in April, May and June 2022, with 122, com pared to 112 in 2021, 46 in 2020 and 82 in the pre-pandemic 2019.

Thomson said attendees are welcome to bring and lay their own wreaths or flowers on the TheCenotaph.ceremony will also include a padre, a piper and a bugler, with music similar to what one hears at a Remembrance Day event.
The local branch of the Royal Canadian Legion, along with the ANAVETS, the City of Kamloops and other veterans and military organi zations, is welcoming all to a ceremony of remembrance in response to the death of Queen Elizabeth II.
The monarch died on Sept. 8 at the age of 96 after spending 70 years on the throne.Her funeral will be held on Monday, Sept. 19, which has been declared a onetime federal holiday for federal government work ers by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.Thatis also the day for the local ceremony of remem brance.Itwill be held at the Cenotaph in Riverside Park

downtown.BrendaThomson, the Kamloops Legion’s secre tary and executive director, said those wishing to attend should plan on arriving at Riverside Park by 10:30 a.m. on Monday.Thomson said the cer emony will be similar to
Remembrance Day ceremo nies, but without a parade.
“What we are hearing is mostly everyone of all gen erations are feeling a sense of loss, so this gives us a moment to share,” Thomson said.

A ceremony to remember late Queen Elizabeth II
There will be two minutes of silence observed at 11 a.m., along with a eulogy from Robin Steel, a retired lieuten ant-colonel who served in the British Army, and comments from Legion president Daniel Martin, who will also lay a wreath on the Cenotaph in memory of Queen Elizabeth.

Queen Elizabeth in the B.C. Interior during a 1983 visit to the province.
3300 Valleyview Drive, Kamloops | 778.362.9525 | www.theresidencekamloops.com discover the life you deserve Active Seniors Living Retirement should mean more time to do the things you love. Enjoy The Residence at Orchard Walk’s on-site active living amenities for seniors including walking paths, a putting green, an oversized outdoor fireplace patio, fitness centre and more. All included in your monthly fee. book your tour today 778.362.9525 Lobstermania KN IGHTS OF COLUM BUS COUNCI L 1614 featuring music from C O C K T A I L S : 6 P M D I N N E R : 7 P M J E R R Y D E S O U Z A OCT 15 SAT O L P H P A R I S H C E N T R E • 6 3 5 T R A N Q U I L L E R O A D , K A M L O O P S $80/ PERSON C A S H B A R L O B S T E R + B U F F E T C O D G O N E W I L D T ICK E T S SMITH CHEVROLET GIDDENS SERVICES ST JOSEPH’S CHRISTIAN STORE 250 851 1111 250 682 4600 778 471 6100 250 319 3331 ANTHONY MUZZ LLO JOHN GIDDENS GARRY MAYHEW ED BARKER F U N D R A I S E R P R O C E E D S S U P P O R T I N G L O C A L C H A R I T I E S WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 A25www.kamloopsthisweek.com
“We’ve got a full season ahead for us to chip away at things,” Clouston said. “It doesn’t have to be solved right now, but there’s an awareness that what we are set ting out to do is challenging, that we’re going to support each other through this year and try to have a lot of fun doing it. A lot of times, people in general, and maybe young people, have a tendency to withdraw a little bit and not reach out to get some help. Right from Day 1 with Bob, we’ve discussed those things and encouraged players to reach out.”
Daylan Kuefler fires a puck on net on Friday at Sandman Centre. Kuefler is among the Kamloops Blazers’ leadership group, which plays a key role in relaying strategy for mental performance coach Bob Wilkie.
The pandemic forced Wilkie into working with the Blazers mostly through Zoom, but inperson visits have resumed and he joined club staff and several leadership group players for a Sun Peaks retreat in August.
leadership group players is key, as lessons filter down through them. “We’ve been instilling that since Shaun became part of the Blazers’ organization. During the pandemic, we were on calls every week. We really got to know each other and talk about a lot of things. It has been the focus and theAddedmandate.”Clouston: “It’s probably more challenging for some people than others. It’s a challenge in life, in general. There is only so much you can do about the future. You have to take care of today. We’ve tried to be very process-driven.”
Wilkie was on the Swift Current Broncos’ bus that crashed in 1986, an accident that claimed the lives of four of his teammates and con tributed to mental-wellness strug gles that were left unaddressed and impacted his professional career, a period marred by severe

KTW spoke to Wilkie on the eve of a season that will conclude with the Blazers playing host to the Memorial Cup tournament, a campaign that promises to bring magnified pressure on the organi zation, from top to bottom.

They know it, they’ve been pre paring for it and they’re embrac ing the “We’reheat.normalizing the con versation around it,” said Wilkie, a former NHLer and second-round pick of the Detroit Red Wings in 1987. “We don’t want it to be the elephant in the room. Everybody knows the importance, but we’re not going to let it become a dis traction. I just really look forward to winning the Cup. Cluey and I have talked about it for years. We’ve worked really hard to get where we’re at together, making sure the kids are mentally and emotionally ready.”

See WE’RE, A27


Will I be traded? Am I a clutch player? Why am I going through a rough patch? Will I be drafted? Are we Theywinners?arequestions dealt with every season by major junior hockey players and ones that can be even more stressful to handle in a Memorial Cup-hosting sea son.Wilkie trumpets the impor tance of togetherness and has been using SWOT analysis with the Blazers, a technique used to assess strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
Phone: 250-374-7467 sports@kamloopsthisweek.comTwitter:@MarTheReporter
things, it normalizes it a little bit and it makes players realize that, wow, like all of us have been through that — coaches have been through that, players have been through that.
Blazers have plan for pressure
depression, self-abuse and harm, substance abuse and thoughts of suicide.After years of working toward healing and focusing on his own mental wellness, Wilkie sought to make a career out of helping oth ers, including athletes such as the Blazers.“Unfortunately, and we’ve seen it in the last several months,
MARTY HASTINGS STAFF REPORTER sports@kamloopsthisweek.com
Interviews during training camp revealed a common theme when the subject of pressure was broached, with players and coaches alike expounding on the importance of staying in the here and“It’snow.really not that hard when you’re practising the skills to do it,” Wilkie said, noting work with
Wilkie works in the shadows to ensure spotlight.areKamloopstheBlazersbracedforthe
INSIDE: Canada, U.S. women’s hockey tilt in Kamloops | A29
“Bob is facilitating, instruct ing and asking the questions,” Clouston said. “That’s a real posi tive. It helps with the connection between players and staff. They’re in a situation where they’re learn ing together. Just talking about
the culture of hockey isn’t always the safest place for young men,” Wilkie said. “That’s a lot of our focus, is getting them comfortable in the environment, normaliz ing the fact that we all deal with different things throughout our careers and that when we can reach out, ask for help and learn some valuable things, what was a big issue once is now not.”
Shaun Clouston was hired to be head coach of the Western Hockey League club in June of 2019 and immediately acquired the services of Wilkie, the team’s mental-performance coach who lives in Calgary and runs I Got Mind, which offers social and emotional learning programs.
“That helps,” Clouston contin ued. “Just knowing this is chal lenging and I am going to feel some things and they’re going to be a little bit uncomfortable, but we’re all going to work together to try to help each other out and if players need a bit of extra help, we’ll make sure they get that.”
The Kodiaks (1-5) and Broncos squared off on Aug. 6 in Prince George, with Kamloops prevailing 35-20.

Count Wilkie in.
“A lot of times, that little bit more, it’s mental tough ness,” Clouston said. “It’s pushing past places that we were a little bit too uncom fortable to push before. He can be part of that.”
Kamloops has been idle since dropping to 2-4 with a 32-27 loss to the visiting Westshore Rebels (5-2) of Langford on Sept. 3.
‘We’re excited to cap it all off with a ring this year’
The Kamloops Broncos are aiming to snap a three-game losing streak on Saturday, with the Prince George Kodiaks coming to town for a 6 p.m. start in B.C. Football Conference action at Hillside Stadium.
“It’s one of the most ful filling things in the world,” he said. “As a young guy in their position, striving to be what they’re trying to be and knowing that I didn’t have the skills and didn’t have the people around me where I felt comfortable, it’s very rewarding to be able to be that sounding board and resource for the younger players of today.
Several Kamloops Minor Lacrosse Association products toiled for B.C. and earned medals at recent national championship tournaments.LandonLockwood claimed gold at the under-15 Field Lacrosse National Championship earlier this month in Fredericton. B.C. knocked off Ontario in the final.

Added Wilkie: “It’s a solid plan put together for how they’re going to win the Memorial Cup. If we stick to the plan, analyze the plan and are doing all the things that are going to make us successful, the fact that we’re hosting, it’s just a nice perk that we get to win the cup in front of our homeCloustonteam.” told KTW during a cauldron.thrownforlesslevelclubaThunderbirds7Conferenceainterview,post-seasonnotlongaftergut-wrenchingWesternfinalGamelosstotheSeattleonhomeicefewmonthsago,thathisneedstofindanextraoftenacity—arelentwilltowin.Hesaidit’snotnormalmostteenagerstobeintothattypeofAndit’smostcer
KMLA registration has closed, but there is still room for latecom ers in some field lacrosse divisions.

Stop by,makeadonation &grabbreakfast! 2LOC ATIONS TO SERVE YOU! 50/5 0Raf fle •M us ic •G iveaway s&M OR E! Option to order in advanceatwww.eventbrite.ca FRIDAY,SEPT16TH •7AM -9AM Feeding the FutureisaProgram of: ROAD MAINTEN ANCE OShop ne StopLove 743 VICTORIA ST • 250 377 8808 Open 7 days a week CHECK OUT OUR NEW ARRIVALS Pro Shop 250.571.7888 1000 Clubhouse Dr. | golfbighorn.ca EARLY BIRD MEMBERSHIPS NOW AVAILABLE FOR 2023 DISCOUNTS ON 2023 FEES & PLAY THE REMAINDER OF 2022 Memberships include: A seat on a shared power cart with GPS • Member guest rate for up to three accompanied guests 10% discount on purchases of regular priced apparel in the Pro Shop Access to participate in all member events (reduced green fees may apply depending on membership and day of event) • Inquiries to ianhenson@golfbighorn.ca *Under the conditions of membership purchased FREE!* Best Patio & Aprés Golf Experience in town! SCAN FOR MEMBERSHIP DETAILS The secret is out. SAHALI MALL Suite 50 945 Columbia St W Tel 250 314 9982 Email: vianistma@gmail com Register at www.tigermartialarts.ca How would you like: greater focus, a longer attention span, more confidence, boundless energy, a non quitting spirit, lower body fat, greater endurance and flexibility? Back to school Promotion FREE Introductor y L esson! SCAN FOR MORE INFO WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 A27www.kamloopsthisweek.com SPORTS

Wilkie is part of the plan the Blazers feel is in place to make it possible.

The teams will meet again next weekend in Prince George.

Easton Hamilton and Deacon Lockwood placed second at the 12-and-under Box Lacrosse National Championship, which was held last month in Langley. Deacon Lockwood was named to the tour nament all-star team.
Email KMLA president AJ Lockwood at registration.loopsrattlers.compresident@kamtoinquireabout

“We’re excited to cap it all off with a ring this year.”
Easton Hamilton (left) and Deacon Lockwood earned silver with Team B.C. at the 12-and-under Box Lacrosse National Championship, which was held last month in Langley.

tainly not easy to reach the pinnacle of junior hockey.

Rattlers on podium
Broncos to host expansion Kodiaks

From A26

Copies of the proposed Bylaws from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., 1:30 p.m. Hearing;
80th minute — and Ryan Lewis scored in a 2-1 triumph over the equalizer.unablegoal,minutesTimberwolvesscoredfantastic.”ofwantWhypumpscomestudentsit’sportgreat600wewithout“EvenSportsAntulovcerWolfPackcrowdsneverPrinceTimberwolvesUNBCofGeorge.“It’shuge.Weusedtogetlikethis,”men’ssocheadcoachJohntoldTRUInformation.lastweekend,students,stillhad500orfansout.It’stogetthesupforourplayers,nicetoseethestartingtooutanditjusttheguysup.wouldn’tyoutoplayinfront2,000fans?It’sLoicBenquetforthetwoafterIzett’sbutUNBCwastosnarean
A crowd of about 2,000 looked on while the TRU WolfPack men’s soccer team put on a show on Friday at Hillside Stadium and continued to stake its claim as one of the top clubs in Canada West.

What is Zoning Amendment BA 229 Bylaw No. 2778, 2022?
and all supporting information can be inspected
How do Iget more information?
WolfPack men off to program-best start
When? Thursday,September 22, 2022 at 1:30 PM
or please contact us via any of the options below A28 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com SPORTS

Temporary Use Permit No. TUP 61, Bylaw No. 2780, 2022, enables shortterm vacation rentals within an existing single-family dwelling at 7360 Cahilty Crescent, PID: 005-278-805, in Whitecroft, BC (as shaded on the adjacent map) for aperiodofuptothree years. The specific temporary use conditions arestipulated in the proposed permit, apartofBylaw No. 2780. (250)

Thompson-Nicola Regional District

What is Zoning Amendment BA 233 Bylaw No. 2781, 2022?
Patrick Izett had the lousstrikegame-winning—amarvelmarkerinthe
What is Temporary Use Permit TUP 61 Bylaw No. 2780, 2022?
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2785, 2022 would amend Zoning Bylaw 2400 by adding asite-specific use to 272 Holloway Drive, Tobiano, BC, PID: 027-432-432, (as shown on the adjacent map), zoned RA-2: Resort Accommodation TwoZone, to allow asecondary suite within anew dwelling on the Property
The WolfPack doled out $3,500 in tuition credits and also honoured Jude Mitton at the game, including him in the club’s pre-game startingMitton,lineup.aGrade 5 student at Lloyd George elementary, lives with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. He was unveiled as a WolfPack recruit last week to a stand ing ovation at inStadium,SaturdayoveranotherthehavingmentbereverybysomeonepressAtkinsonationathleticsWolfPack,”comelyentation.student-athleteTRU’sori“WeareextremeexcitedtowelJudetotheWolfPackandrecredirectorCurtissaidinarelease.“HeiswholeadsexampleandsinglememofourdepartisbetterforJudejoinus.”TRUbackedupvictorywith2-1winUNBConatHillsidethistimefrontof574fans.Lewisscoredhis
What is Zoning Amendment BA 234 Bylaw No. 2785, 2022?
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2781, 2022 would amend Zoning Bylaw 2400 by rezoning aCrown LeaseParcel at Hatheume Lake, BC, legally described as District Lot 1627, KDYD from RL-1: Rural Zone to LA-1: Limited Access Cabin Zone to facilitate code compliance of an existing dry cabin and accessory buildings.
TRU WolfPack goals leader Ryan Lewis scored with this blast on the weekend at Hillside Stadium.
The BoardofDirectors of the Thompson-Nicola Regional District gives notice that it will hold aPublic Hearing in the TNRD Boardroom, 4thFloor -465 Victoria Street, Kamloops, BC, to consider proposed Bylaw Nos. 2778, 2780, 2781 and 2785.
team-leading fifth goal of the cam paign and Elijah Dos Santos netted his first Canada WestJacksongoal. Gardner was between the pipes for the Pack both HenmanMichaelnights.buried Lethbridge.(1-4)andFridayBearsAlbertaslatedSaskatoon.onHuskiesSaskatchewanoffwillhistory.startandwiththeNovember,ChampionshipSportsplayeffortT-Wolveseighthconference-leadinghisgoalfortheinalosingonSaturday.TRU,whichwillhosttotheUMen’sSoccerinsitsatopPacificDivisionarecordof5-1isofftoitsbestinprogramTheWolfPacksquareagainstthe(1-3-1)SaturdayinUNBC(2-3-1)istoplaytheGolden(1-0-4)oninEdmontonthePronghornsonSaturdayin
on the day of the
Monday -Friday (except statutory holidays) at our office, from September 6, 2022, until
Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2778, 2022 would amend Zoning Bylaw 2400 by rezoning aportion of 5580 Adams West FSR, PID: 018-133-452, Adams Lake, BC (as shaded on the adjacent map), from RL-1 Rural to C-4: Recreational Commercial, including asite- specific provision to enable resort development, including new rentable units, continued use of the RV park, and two caretaker units.

372-5048 www.tnrd.ca For info &submissions
Mail Phone Emai Fax Website #300-465VictoriaSt Kamloops,BC V2C2A9 (250) 377-8673 1(877)377-8673 planning@tnrd.ca legservices@tnrd.ca
All persons who believe that their interest in property may be affected by the proposed Bylaws shall be afforded a reasonable opportunity to provide input at the Public Hearing. Anyone may also make written submissions on the matter of Bylaws 2778, 2780, 2781, and 2785 (via the options below), which must be received at our office prior to noon on September 20, 2022. The entirecontent of all submissions will be made public and form apart of the public record for this matter
Bridget Baird, with her first goal in the Canada West ranks, made sure the TRU WolfPack women’s soccer team snared points in both of their week end home games at Hillside Stadium.Baird, a first-year midfield er from Oshawa, Ont., scored in the 84th minute to secure a 2-2 tie with the Saskatchewan Huskies on Saturday.
Calgary (5-0) on Sept. 3 and UNBC (1-0) on Sept. 4, found their scoring touch on Friday in a 3-2 triumph over Regina in front of nearly 800 fans at Hillside.Clark, Ainsley Grether and Camryn Curts did the damage for the Pack, who went with Young between the pipes.
The WolfPack are sched uled to play twice this week end in Alberta — against the Mount Royal Cougars (2-11) on Saturday in Calgary and Pronghorns (0-3) in Lethbridge on Sunday.
Qualifications For Office
Further information on the forgoing may be obtained by contacting:
From: 9:00 AM August 30, 2022 To: 4:00 PM September 9, 2022
“I’m really proud of an unbeaten weekend,” Pennington said. “We will take the four points and move on to next weekend.”
● Not disqualified by the Local Government Act or any other enactment from voting in an election in British Columbia or from being nominated for, being elected to, or holding office; and
● Can adian citizen;
Game 1 will take place on Nov. 15 at Prospera Place in the Little Apple, with Game 2 slated for Nov. 17 at Sandman Centre.
Or email: admin@sunpeaksmunicipality ca

Kamloops and Kelowna will play host to Rivalry Series games between the Canadian and U.S. national women’s hockey teams, according to a Hockey Canada press release published on Monday.
In accordance with the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act, for the 2022 general local election the following third party advertising limits apply: $809 84
*Third Party Advertising Limits
A person is qualified to be nominated, elected and to hold office as a member of the local government if they meet the following criteria:
● Resident of British Columbia for at least 6 months immediately before the day nomination papers are filed;
Nicky Jonsson, Chief Election Officer (250) 578 2020 EXT 203 Shane Bourke, Deputy Election Officer (250) 578 2020
● Nominated by two eligible electors
Camryn Curts of the TRU WolfPack celebrates her goal with teammates on Friday at Hillside Stadium. The Pack edged the Regina Cougars 3-2.

championship, which took place in Denmark. The Canadians knocked off the Americans 3-2 on Feb. 17 to earn Olympic gold in China.
*Campaign Period Expense Limits
Regina fought back from a two-goal deficit to tie the game at 2-2, with Jessica Merk notching the equalizer in the 53rdClark,minute.athird-year forward from Kamloops, bagged the winner with an impressive individual effort, her curling shot finding the back of the net in the 78th minutes.
● 18 years of age or older;
Sun Peaks Municipal Office 106 3270 Village Way Kookaburra Lodge Sun Peaks, BC
Second-half goals from Jade Houmphanh and Cheyenne Lehmann gave the visitors from Saskatchewan a 2-1 lead before Baird tallied the equal izer.The WolfPack, who did not register a goal on opening weekend in home losses to
Undefeated weekend
one of the most intense rivalries in sports,” said Gina Kingsbury, direc tor of hockey operations for Hockey Canada.Ticket information will be released at a later date.
Local Government General Election October 22, 2022
“Both games will feature the best players in the world competing against each other at the highest level and we cannot wait to reignite
Canada-U.S. clash in Kamloops
Nomination documents are available at the Sun Peaks Municipal Office from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Monday to Friday or on the website at www sunpeaksmunicipality ca

Public Notice is given to the electors of the Sun Peaks Mountain Resort Municipality that nominations for the offices of One (1) Mayor and four (4) Councillors for a 4 year term, will be received by the Chief Election Officer or designated person, as follows:
“After conceding, they showed character again and I think that’s a real testament to the group and how hard they work for each other,” WolfPack women’s soccer head coach Mark Pennington told TRU SportsEmilyInformation.Clarkopened the scoring for TRU (1-2-1) on Saturday in support of goal keeper Marissa Young.
The contests will mark Canada’s first action on home ice since winning gold at the 2022 Olympic Winter Games in Beijing and 2022 IIHF Women’s World Championship.Canadaedged the U.S. 2-1 on Sept. 4 to win gold at the world
In accordance with the Local Elections Campaign Financing Act, for the 2022 general local election the following expense limits for candidates during the campaign period apply: Mayor $10,797 83; Councillor $5,398 92
The 2022-2023 Rivalry Series will feature seven games between November and February, includ ing two additional matchups being hosted in Canada in early 2023. Host locations will be announced in the coming Kamloopsmonths.played host to the 2016 World Women’s Hockey Championship. The U.S. bested Canada 1-0 in overtime in the goldmedal game.

WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 A29www.kamloopsthisweek.com SPORTS
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division program,” Pue said.The club is aiming to attract more players to toil for the third divi sion team, which is run to introduce the game to athletes who want to try something new and include senior play ers interested in a fun, social rugby environ ment.Kamloops will play host to three BCRU con tests on Saturday, Sept. 17, at Exhibition Park.
Sat Oct 15
Sat Oct 2

initiative designed to showcase the country’s recent success.

Learn the techniques behind making beautiful handmade cards with simple step by step instructions All supplies provided to make various cards
SWIFT (Speed Skating with FriendsInternationalTogether)
Kelowna improved to 1-0.The Raiders were dominant in Division
Sun Sept 18 Oct 16
Card Making
This program is designed for children to learn to move their bodies and socialize with others They will have an opportunity to learn a variety of sports, games and physical activities that support their physical literacy development
Family Badminton $50

Halloween Theme $30
Thur Sept 22 Dec 12
Programs are cancelled if the minimum numbers are not met

effort. Kamloops earned a penalty try with a strong scrum. Greg Thomson booted two conversation kicks.
1:30 PM 4:00 PM
Learn to Play
Let your child discover the wonders of the museum through, creative explorative activities through stories, songs, and crafts Your child should be comfortable participating independently Kamloops Museum and Archives

Dillon Alexandre of the Kamloops Rugby Club Raiders tries to escape Kelowna Crows’ tacklers on Saturday in B.C. Rugby Union action at Exhibition Park.

“It was great to see a lot of old friends take the field again, as we brought back the third
ANSWERS TO CROSSWORD FOUND ON A37 A30 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com SPORTS

The men will square off against Abbotsford, with the thirds to get underway at 11:30 a.m. and the firsts to follow at 1Kamloops’p.m. women will play host to Burnaby, with kickoff slated for 2:30 p.m.
All Occasions $45
In this workshop, you will be introduced to a variety of basic knots and patterns while creating your own medium sized plant hanger All supplies are provided Parkview Activity Centre

the least,” KRC direc tor of rugby Derek Pue said in a press release. “Discipline ruined a late chance to come back.”Nik Willey and Mitch Day scored tries for the Raiders (0-1) in a losing
The Raiders bested Terrace 26-15 in the gold-medal contest to cap a perfect 5-0 tour nament.Kamloops played host to the Kelowna Crows on Saturday in men’s first- and thirddivision B.C. Rugby UnionKelownaplay. bested Kamloops 28-19 in the Division 1 toturnoverscapitalizingmatchup,onRaiders’andpenaltiessnarethevictory.“Disappointedtosay
SOCIETY Check out registration details and list of classes at www.kals.ca REGISTRATION ON NOW Kamloops.ca
Sat Sept 24
1:30 PM 3:00 PM
The Kamloops Long Blades were on Thursday visited by a pair of national team speed skaters and pre sented with a cheque for $10,000, money that comes along with the Intact Insurance Club Excellence Award.


The women’s KRC team hosted and won an exhibition sev ens tournament, the Saratoga Cup.
3 action, thumping the Crows by more than 50 points to improve to 1-0 on the season. Kelowna dropped to 0-1.
Hal Rogersl
Raiders win tournament, split with Crows

Bring your own racquet and enthusiasm, join us for some family fun This program is in partnership with the Kamloops Badminton Association Please register as a family (up to 4 people), note $10 for any additional member
SHAUNA KARENWe are HAIR foryou Call today foryour appointment OPEN: TUE-FRI 9AM- 4PM• SAT10AM- 2PM(EXCEPT HOLIDAYS) 165 -945 Columbia St.W. in theSahaliMall 250.828.0708 Hair Clips Salon Professional hair care &stylingfor adults STAFF IS TRIPLE VACCINATED ✓ Discover new things KALS offers multi week or single session daytime classes Over 40 classes in the fall session, from a free class in Emergency Suppor t Ser vices? Emergency Preparedness to Kamloops Hospice: A View Behind the Scenes to Fit & Fun at Any Age P: 250 376 1525 | E: info@kals ca McArthur Island (old golf course building) #101 1550 Island Parkway Drive OFFICE HOURS: Mon Fri 9 am 4 pm (closed 12 1 pm)

of Kamloops

9:30 AM 10:15 AM Ages 2 4: $40
program, which is run in collaboration pressSpeedArchibaldtreasurerBladescost,”inghavemakeskateallowExcellenceInsuranceServices.RegionalKamloops-CariboowithImmigrant“TheIntactClubAwardwillthesekidstowithourclub,newfriendsandfun,withouthavtoworryabouttheKamloopsLongAssociationTrishsaidinaSkatingCanadarelease.
11:30 AM 12:15 AM Ages 8 10 yrs: $40

Macrame Workshop $85
12:30 PM 4:30 PM
Tyson Langelaar and Gilmore Junio, both of whom repre sented Canada at the 2022 Olympic Winter Games in Beijing, are taking part in Medals on Tour, Speed Skating Canada’s cross-country
Wed Sept 21 Dec 7
10:45 AM 11:45 AM
Pacific Way Elementary
The Long Blades will use the grand prize to further develop their

10:30 AM 11:15 AM Ages 5 7yrs: $40

Museum Adventure $135
Three Kamloops Raiders teams were in action on the weekend at Exhibition Park.
photo: Jennifer Maier Brauner
k amloops.pillar topost.com Home Insp or THE HOME OF THE HOME INSPEC TION TEAM RANCHER ST YL EH OMES CO NTAC TU SF OR PR ICING! Ad ul to ri ented gated co mmunit yw ith on site Secur ed RV Pa rki ng , minutes fr om do wntow n Ka mloops &n oG ST ! P:250-571-7037E:Kmason@kadrea.com KIRSTEN MASON Personal Real EstateCorp Contact us formoreinfowww.SiennaRidgeKamloops.com SHO WH OME OP EN SA TU RD AY •1 :00- 3:00P M•L OT 204 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 A31www.kamloopsthisweek.com 1365B250-374-7467realestate@kamloopsthisweek.comDalhousieDrive To learn more contact Paul De Luca Properties advertised in Real Estate This Week stand out from the rest.

SEPTEMBER 14, 2022 | Volume 36 | Issue 38KAMLOOPS & AREA • EACH EDITION AVAILABLE ONLINE R E A L E S T A T E 250-319-5572 Accredited Home Inspector License #47212 Clifford

Clifford Brauner Clifford and the team at Pillar to Post Thank Kamloops for voting them BEST HOME INSPEC TION 250-319-5572 • kamloops.pillar topost.com The home of the home inspec tion team Accredited Home Inspector License #47212 2 6 3 6 Co l d w a t e r Ave | $ 4 7 9 , 0 0 0 • Located in a per fect family neighbourhood! • Main level living with 2 beds & 1 bath plus laundr y on main • Private backyard with gazebo pergola & garden boxes Detached 21’ x 24’ shop NEMerritt W PRICE 3 2 2 , 3 3 9 3115 1040 Talasa Court | $349 900 1922 Ironwood Street | $999 000 • Modern, high quality finishings • Expansive decks & private patios • Lock n’ go Living O N LY 2 LOT S L E F T ! C ALL NOW FOR MORE INFORMATION 2 0 0 H o l l ow ay D r i ve | $ 3 1 0 , 0 0 0 Flat building lot with peek a boo lake views! Lot can accommodate multiple floor plans/home st yles Just steps to the Clubhouse, Golf Course & Bruker Marina Call for more information! Tobiano 6 , 6 4 1 9 1 8 9 t h G re e n D r i ve | $ 7 6 9 , 0 0 0 • Rancher with main level living • Large windows to take in the views! Fully finished walkout basement Established trees and beautiful landscaping Lock N go living! Low maintenance fee Sun Rivers 3 1 3 2 , 5 7 5 1 7 6 2 0 0 G ra n d B o u l e v a rd | $ 6 4 9 , 9 0 0 • Immaculate single -family home in Orchards Walk community with daycare & new rec- centre Modern open concept living Single garage and ex tra driveway parking Valley Nview E W P R I C E 3 2 5 1 , 4 7 7 4394 Bor thwick Ave | $385,000 Move in ready! Manufactured home with its own 13,765 Sq Ft Lot no pad rent 30' x 18' detached shop with new roof A lot of attention to detail in this updated home view today! NEBarriere W PRICE 3 2 1 , 5 1 83 , 6 1 1 501 Sun Rivers Drive West | $289,000 Sun Rivers’ newest Estate Home neighbourhood Great oppor tunity to let your creativity individuality and life style shape your own timeless masterpiece • Call today with any questions or to request an information and building package Sun BuildingRiver Lot 7 , 9 1 4 503 Sun Rivers Drive West | $295,000 Located along the 9th fair way of Big Horn Golf & Countr y Club Great oppor tunit y to build your DREAM HOME! Zoning included for a legal secondar y suite Sun BuildingRiver Lot 2009 Sun Rivers Drive | $299 2000 001 Sun Rivers Drive | $299 000 717 Rosewood Crescent | $849 900 Sun SRivers un SRivers un Rivers 250 Sagewood Drive | $945 000 250 . 37 7. 7 7 2 2 r ea l t y @ sun r i ve r s .c o m w w w.c b k a m l o o p s .c o m 3,100 OFFICE S WORLDWIDE IN 49 COUNTRIE S Call today for your FREE home market evaluation! Call today to book your per sonal tour! MIKE GRANT 250.574.6453 LISA RUSSELL 250 37 7 1801 denisebouwmeestersales.com Cell: 250-319-3876 | Email: dbinkamloops@shaw ca Denise Bouwmeester SENIORS REAL ESTATE SPECIALIST MASTER CERTIFIED NEGOTIATION SPECIALIST(Kamloops) Real Estate 1198 SCHREINER STREET $465,000 39 1175 ROSE HILL ROAD $239,000 • 10,296 sq ft level lot RT 1 zoning with development possibilities • Older home on property with some updates • Detached garage and shed • 3 bedroom and 2 bath home • Living room has updated vinyl planking flooring, new paint, lots of paint feature wall with gas fireplace. • Kitchen has new countertops and backsplash, kitchen cupboards with pullouts, built in China Cabinet and floating island with eating bar 2781 VALLEYVIEW DRIVE $650,000 • 1990 home with large driveway deck, • flat lot beautifully landscaped • 4 bedroom and den/2 bath home • 1 bedroom plus den suite downstairs SOLD A32 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com

250-374-3331 LindaTurner Real Estate (Kamloops)REALTOR® of the Year www.LindaTurner.bc.ca • LindaTurnerPREC@gmail.com Kristy Janota REALTOR® Adam Popien Personal Real Estate CorporationProud Supporter of Children s Miracle Network PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION LOTS FOR SALE BARNHARTVALE 1 7 ACRE YARD W/ INGROUND POOL Great parking for 4 plus RV Great View & privacy 2+1 Bedrooms 3 baths 1100 FOXWOOD RD $819,500 SAHALI CLASSY 1 BDRM + DEN APARTMENT • Close to TRU shopping & sports • Updated like new • Stainless appliances & granite open plan kitchen • Rentals & Pets allowed 204 795 MCGILL RD $419,900 WESTSYDE WATERFRONT BEAUTY W/GREAT VIEW • Vaulted ceilings & open floor plan • Island kitchen w/custom cabinets • 3 Bedrooms & Den up/1 Bdrm down 3573 OVERLANDER DR $995,000 SUN RIVERS FULLY FURNISHED STUDIO SUITE AT TALASA Murphy bed and hideabed sleeps two + Large covered deck with mountain view 1207-1000 TALASA WAY $249,000 DALLAS NEW HOME WITH LEGAL SUITE • 3 Bedrooms + Den PLUS • 2 Bedroom Legal Suite • Open Floor Plan & Close to School 189 HARPER RD $839,900 ABERDEEN BEAUTIFULLY UPDATE ESTATE HOME • Deluxe Chef’s quartz island kitchen • Cul de sac lot backing on hiking trails • Full basement with one bedroom suite 1483 WESTERDALE DR $1,395,000 DALLAS TOTAL UPDATED 3 BEDROOM MOBILE • Open floor plan & Island kitchen • Classy stainless appliances & C/Air • Large fenced yard & good parking C16 7155 DALLAS D $389,900 ABERDEEN ONE OF THE FINEST VIEWS IN KAMLOOPS • Incredible backyard, with covered deck and hot tub • 4 bedrooms, 4 bath with vaulted ceilings 750 GIFFORD CRT $838,000 BROCKLEHURST LARGE CORNER LOT W/DETACHED SHOP • 3 Bedrooms, 2 ½ baths Large vaulted living room Appliances, C/Air, C/Vac 590 HOLT STREET $745,000 BROCKLEHURST ORCHARD MOBILE HOME PARK Recent upgrades 2 bed 1 bath with addition Covered back deck, shed & garden 59-1655 ORD RD $149,000 BARNHARTVALE STUNNING CUSTOM 5,360 SQ FT HOME • 5 acres with horse potential • 5 Bedrooms + 1 Bdrm In law suite Triple Garage & RV Parking See Video at www Lindaturner bc ca 6205 MEADOWLAND CRES $2,450,000 $139 000 2 • L t • co or • site survey & appraisal included $629,000 4740 Barriere Town Rd POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITY 10 acre parcel in central Barriere Proposed 32 lot subdivision NORTH KAMLOOPS 3 BEDROOM 2 BATH HALF DUPLEX • Fenced yard with decks & lane access • 4 level split w/RV parking • All appliances & C/Air included 1125 PEMBROKE AVE $487,900 ABERDEEN AMAZING VIEW • Close to Aberdeen Elem • RV parking & fenced yard • All appl & C/Air included 2164 VAN HORNE DR $824,900 DALLAS EXECUTIVE RANCHER W/FULL BASEMENT • Half acre landscaped yard • Open floor plan 5 bedrooms 3 Baths • Great parking D/Garage & 20x30 Quonset 1125 TODD RD $1,100,000 DALLAS 2 7 ACRE INDUSTRIAL ZONED • 40 x 80’ shop built in 2020 • Located just outside Barriere, BC • Vacant land & shop in Louis Creek Industrial Park LOT 1, AGATE BAY ROAD $1,125,000 PRITCHARD 3 BEDROOM DEREGISTERED MOBILE Own your lot No pad rent Bright open floor plan 26 acre lot for RV parking or future shop 1337 FOORT RD $275,000 SUN RIVERS AMAZING VIEW & HUGE WALK OUT PATIO • 2 Bedrooms + Den + 2 Full Baths • Open Plan w/Island Kitchen • All appliances & C/Air 2118 1030 TALASA WAY $489,900 SUN RIVERS NORTH FACING WITH LARGE COVERED DECK • 2 Bedrooms Den 1 ½ baths • All Appliances & C/Air included • Rentals and Pets Allowed 2007-1030 TALASA WAY $385,000 NORTH KAMLOOPS GREAT INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY • 2 Bedrooms up & 2Bedroom suite down All appliances & C/Air included Central location & fenced yard 1144 SHERBROOK AVE $549,900 SAHALI IN GROUND POOL & HOT TUB 4 Bedrooms, Den & full basement Deluxe granite kitchen w/Appliances Close to school & shopping 384 ARROWSTONE DR $824,900 STUMP LAKE LAKEFRONT LOG HOME AT STUMP LAKE • Stunning vaulted open floor plan • All Appliances & C/Air included • 5 Vehicle Garage & Dock 64 WINDY WAY $1,549,000 WESTSYDE PRIVATE LOCATION W/ LOTS OF PARKING • 2 Bedrooms up & 1 Bedroom In Law Suite Beautiful kitchen w/stainless appl ances • Open floor plan & Great view 918 GRASSLANDS PLACE $675,000 ABERDEEN GREAT VALLEY VIEW • Close to all amenities • 2 Bedrooms & 2 Baths • All appliances & C/Air 1229 HARRISON PLACE $669,900 DALLAS NEW BUILD BY MARINO CONSTRUCTION • Rancher style w/open floor plan • Full daylight finished basement • 3+2 Bedrooms & 3 Baths • Appliances included 5572 COSTER PL $849,900 CHERRY CREEK STUNNING 37 28 ACRES W/GREAT WATER • 6 Bedroom rancher w/suite & pool • Fenced & X Fenced & 6 stall barn Someday Retrievers kennel business Training & data base included 5657 BEATON RD $3,500,000 SOLD 2555 Copperview Dr ES LOT F 0 32 acre building lot comes with approved plans for 3121 sqft Rancher home SOLD SSOLD OLD SOLD $675,000 • 477 Mulberry Ave GREAT STARTER OR RETIREMENT HOME • 3 Bedrooms & Full Basement • Single Garage + Detached S/Garage All Appliances C/Air included OPEN HOUSE • SUNDAY 2:00 - 3:00 PM NORTH SHORE WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 A33www.kamloopsthisweek.com

Online Auctions • Retail Galler y of Ar t, Potter y, Textiles, Accessories 4th Meridian Art & Auctions Online Galler y & Shop: w w w . 4 t h m e r i d i a n . c a info@4thmeridian.ca Visit in person: Thurs Sat CALL or check Website for current hours #104 1475 Fair view Rd, Penticton inside the historic Canner y Trade Centre Accepting Consignments: ART, POTTERY, small furnishings unexpected & curious finds QUINN PACHE PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 250 299 1267 | Quinnpache@royallepage ca MIKE LATTA PERSONAL REAL ESTATE CORPORATION 250 320 3091 | mikelatta@royallepage ca KAYDEE BAITZ OFFICE MANAGER/UNLICENSED ASSISTANT 778 765 5151 | qpadmin@royallepage pca a c h e l a t t a re a l e s t a t e . c a Fo l l o w u s ! @ p a c h e l at t a re a l e s t at e 2198 Galore Crescent $369,900 MLS®169214 6470 Furrer Road $724,900 MLS®169480 3390 Shuswap Road $3,999,900 MLS®169207 117-1325 Aberdeen Drive $639,900 MLS®169348 976 Dominion Street $534,900 MLS®168361 4373 Clearwater Valley Road $1,099,000 MLS®168327 447 Opal Drive $599,900 MLS®168885 2053 High Schylea Drive $379,900 MLS®168884 COMING SOON 21 8 Acres 883/885 Greenacres Road $749,900 MLS®169195 58 FACRES ULL DUPLEX RIVERFRONT WITH 20 ACRES PRICE REDUCTION PRICE REDUCTION BUILDING LOT RECEIVE A FREE NO OBLIGATION MARKET EVALUATION CALL 250-851-3110 OR 250-571-6686 TODAY! WE’VE GONE ONLINE! Seeall listings &much moreatteam110.com T EAM 110 Robert J. IioPersonal Real Estate Corporation Proud Sponsor BobbyIio REALTOR®/TEAM LEADER Jeremy Bates REALTOR® Team110remax team110 -remaxKim Fells REALTOR® HERE TO HELP! 29 YEARS E X P E R I E N C E ! Buying or Selling? I will save you time and money! RICK WATERS 250-851-1013 call or text anytime rickwaters@royallepage ca M O R E P I C T U R E S & I N F O AT : W W W. ROYA L L E PAG E . C A / R I C K WAT E R S WESTWIN REALTY LIST YOUR HOME HERE LIST YOUR HOME HERE SELLING? CALL ME FOR A FREE MARKET EVALUATION with no obligation! BUYING? I CAN SHOW YOU ANYTHING ON THE MARKET! A34 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com

Engel & Volkers Kamloops 606 Victoria St Kamloops BC V2C 2B4 778-765-1500 Learn more at kamloops.evrealestate.com . . . S E L L I N G K A M L O O P S E V E R Y D A Y TM PHIL DABNER MATT TOWN CHRIS TOWN PREC BROKER BROKER To V i e w L i s t i n g s (250) 318-0100 (250) (250)318-4106 319-3458 1002 Saddleback Crt $1,195,000 2 bed • 2.5 bath • Custom 10070 Tranquille Criss Crk $1,095,000 3400 sqft • 31.7 Acres 7807 N Bonaparte Rd $2,950,000 480 Acres • Private Lake • Bridge Lake 2092 Sifton Ave $725,000 3 bed • Basement suite 406-975 Victoria St W $478,800 2 bed • 2 bath • Corner unit 1144 Pembroke Ave $459,900 3 bed • 2 bath • Half duplex 2357 Qu’appelle Blvd $675,000 3 bed • 2.5 bath • Beautiful Yard 2740 Beachmount Cres $1,098,800 4 bed • 3 bath • Riverfront 392 Monmouth $569,900 3 bed • 2 bath • Basement suite 717 12th St $659,000 3 bed + 2 bed suite 4 1350 Finlay Ave $649,900 12 Unit Bareland Strata 196 Rue Cheval Noir $1,475,000 5 Bed • 4 Bath • Tobiano 6584 Corral Rd $4,300,000 Clearwater Springs Ranch • 293 Acres 673 Lombard St $785,000 3 Bed • 2 bath • Private Yard OPEN HOUSE: SUNDAY 11:30AM - 1:00PM OPEN HOUSE: SUNDAY 2:00 - 3:30PM 2381 Abbeyglen Way $1,150,000 5 bed • 3 bath • Amazing views 2061 Monteith Dr $899,000 4 Bed • 2 Bath • Beautifully updated WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 A35www.kamloopsthisweek.com

• Fourplex in great downtown location with separate meters, hot water tanks, and furnaces • Approximately 3500 square feet with 6 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms • Shows very well with many updates done throughout • Rancher style home with 2+2 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms • Panoramic views overlooking the 6th green of Sun Rivers Golf Course • Easy-maintenance living in Sagewood Community with $269 01 association fee • Nicely updated 3 bedroom 3 bathroom townhouse in McKinley Gardens • 2 pets allowed with strata permission. 5 rentals allowed total • Great central location! • Great corner unit in “Rockcliffe” centrally location on Thompson Rivers University • Almost brand new with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms • Pets and rentals allowed with strata permission. Quick possession possible • Single family home with 3+1 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms • Full walk-out basement with separate entry • Great location close to all amenities • Clean 3 bedroom 1 bathroom manufactured home in Brock Estates • Double wide with approximately 1,367 square feet of living space • 1 pet (dog or cat) allowed with park approval. No rentals allowed • Nice townhouse in Westport Townhomes with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms • Many updates done throughout • 1 dog or cat allowed with strata permission No rental restrictions • Beautiful park-like lot with approximately 0 34 of an acre • 3 bedroom and 3 bathroom home with 40x24 detached, wired and insulated shop • Corner lot with separate driveway to shop with tons of parking 916/922 FRASER STREET • $1,350,000 • MLS®168651 236 SAGEWOOD DRIVE • $849,900 • MLS®168698 11 1750 MCKINLEY COURT • $509,900 • MLS®167717 103-875 UNIVERSITY DRIVE • $525,000 • MLS®169319 614 COWAN STREET •$499,900 • MLS®169267 19-2401 ORD ROAD • $274,900• MLS®169473 14-700 COLLINGWOOD DRIVE • $399,900 • MLS®169556 125 PUET T RANCH ROAD • $999,900 • MLS®168456 Sou th Kamloops Sun R ivers Sahali Sahali Sou th Kamloops Brock Westmount R ayleigh SOLD FOR MORE INFO VIEW ALL OUR LISTINGS, UPCOMING LISTINGS, AND KAMLOOPS LISTINGS AT RALPHREALESTATE .CA REAL ESTATE (KAMLOOPS) www.ralphrealestate.ca 250-374-3331 A36 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com

ANSWER:YVHEA Rearrange the letters to spell something pertaining to backpacks WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 A37www.kamloopsthisweek.com

By Ori Brian

KTW'sweekly videoshow! Check it outatfacebook.com/kamloopsthisweek or search “Kamloops Last Week”on Hosted by Marty Hastings &Chris Foulds Providing abehind-the-scenes look at the stories of theweek from aunique angle Scan herefor the latest episode! ACROSS 1. Gaelic garment 7. Creatures described as catarrhine, from the Latin for ‘downward-nosed 11. Like Antarctica 15. Spare par t? 18. Granada grandpa 19. Cut deeply 20. ‘Ugh, people!’ 21. Go down, in a way 22. Get a par ty star ted? [bee, hare, tick] 24. Morning T V host Kotb 25. ‘Potent Potables for $1,000, ____’ (onetime T V request) 26. Crestfallen 27. Actress Seyfried of The Dropout ’’ 28. Buzzk ill [bat, elk newt] 30. Bias 31. Subjects of some promotions 33. Natural source of glitter 34. A little of a lot? [carp, pig snake] 38. T V newspapers streaming ser vices, etc 42. How a video game might be played by beginners 43. Ending with orange 44. Best-selling author Hoag 45. Strong connection 46. Pennsylvania school, for shor t 47. Locale of many vines [cat, elephant, worm] 51. Opposite of une adversaire 52. Fanc y flower holders 53. Life preser ver? 54. Al-____, family of Syrian leaders 55. Goes wild 57. Glitz y, informally 59. Prankster s offerings 61. Nonmedical org that uses X-rays 62. Something you might step on by the shower [cobra, moth, seal] 65. Inits in biotech 68. Legal- contract phrase 69. ‘‘My bad!’ 70. Make dr y, as salmon 72. Pain-relief pill 75. Placeholder inits 76. 3 ft. x 5 ft., e.g 77. ‘So it goes 78. Long-running soap opera that debuted in 1963 [ant, gorilla, sheep] 83. One might be accessed by a QR code nowadays 84. Warrant 85. Guard seen around a castle 86. 401(k) alternative, in brief 87. Lean toward 89. Cer tain spor ts tiebreaker 91. London landmark [beetle, hog, rat] 94. Place 95. song 97. O vernight perch 98. Bridge that s painted International Orange [dog, eel, gnat] 101. Devilish look? 103. Boardroom V.I.P 106. Drink with a spoon-straw 107. Floor square 108. M ixes animal species as eight answers in this puzzle do? 110. Actress Perlman 111. In good condition 112. Wave to one’s math professor? 113. Gets around 114. Par t of U.C.L.A. 115. Poetic tributes 116. Fire -tablet competitor 117. One of the Williamses DOWN 1. Things seen in a window 2. Magic-trick star ter 3. Felt bad about 4. Word with garden or par ty 5. Lime and soda, e.g 6. A handful 7. Pros with negotiations 8. Was wor thwhile, with off ’’ 9. Bit of tomfooler y 10. With 47-Down, That s all follower 11. Like a vampire s face, stereotypically 12. Rhizome to a botanist 13. Site to flick through flicks 14. Request for a hand 15. Fashionable spots 16. ‘Oh, gotcha 17. Immediately following 21. ‘N Sync member who later became a gay rights activist 23. Spend time together, in slang 28. ‘‘SmackDown’ org 29. Goal 30. Pair in the Winter Olympics 32. Maker of Chromebooks 34. Warhol s ‘Marilyn Diptych, e.g 35. Antagonism 36. Target of a modern scan 37. Light touches 39. Medical-plan inits 40. Sapa (ancient emperor s title) 41. Common cause of some impulsive behavior in brief 44. Details to be negotiated 47. See 10-Down 48. Sacred hieroglyph 49. Sirs counterpar ts 50. ‘‘Beep!’’ source 52. Second caliph of Sunni Islam 56. Doubleday who is miscredited with inventing baseball 57. Merchant ’s stock 58. Cut (off ) 59. Auctioneer s aid 60 Name that ’s a letter off from 25 Across 63 One might develop consciousness in a sci-fi stor y 64 Nightspot in a Manilow hit, in brief 65 What you can rarely do at a red light 66 Kvetch 67 Yeah, whatever you say ’’ 68 ‘Beats me’ 71 Tried to fight 72 A long, long time 73 Genesis matriarch 74 Matriculation group 75 ‘No! Not true!’’ 76 Wild guess 79 End up being 80 Malnati s Chicago style pizza chain 81 Rug thick ness 82 Strong hold 87 Gray-brown flycatchers 88 Book 90 Summer top 91 Test for future Ph.D.s 92 Wiped out 93 Sippy- cup users 96 Agenda topics 98 Word with power, talk or band 99 Number of planetas en el sistema solar 100. Fasten with a belt 102. Chaplin of ‘‘Game of Thrones’’ 103. Surrender 104. Summit of Mount Purgator y in Dante s ‘Divine Comedy ’’ 105. Mount in Greek myth 108. Show with a Miami spinoff 109. Symbol for an audio device NEW YORK TIMES CROSSWORD
Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9 grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes To solve a sudoku, the numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes more numbers you name, the


Libra, confusion or an argument may cause a lack of passion between you and your romantic par tner this week It ’s only a temporar y situation and can be resolved

It may seem challenging to manage your professional responsibilities with your home life this week, Cancer Take a day off and give yourself time to exhale
Aries, think about waking up ver y early or staying up late to enjoy some quiet time You can improve upon this sense of peace by enjoying the respite outdoors
Capricorn, you may be feeling more emotional than usual and that may lead to some unfamiliar situations Give yourself some space to process your emotions 23/Oct 23 24/Nov 22 Dec 22/Jan20 21/Feb 18
ARCTIC CIRCLE by Alex Hallatt
Gemini, this will be a week to focus on financial gain, but don’t put too much swagger into your business negotiations; other wise, your plans may backfire It is possible that you have outgrown cer tain people in your social circle, Virgo Don’t feel bad about removing those who fit this description There are new friends to be made Move at your own pace this week, Sagittarius There is no reason to rush around Take leisurely breakfasts and enjoy strolls around the neighbourhood Do you need a confidence boost, Pisces? If so, surround yourself this week with all of those people who love and support you GEMINI May 22/Jun 21 VIRGO Aug 24/Sept 22 SAGITTARIUS Nov 23/Dec 21 PISCES Feb 19/Mar 20 Proudly presented by RAISE-A-READER DAY IS WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 For more information visit www.Raise Reader.com VISIT US AT THESE LOCATIONS IF YOU CAN READ THIS, HELP SOMEONE WHO CAN’T. Reading can change a life Make a Difference! Funds raised support family & children’s literacy programs. A38 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com

You may feel that others are not giving you the respect you deserve, Scorpio If this pertains to your career, start polishing your resume and putting out feelers

You may be tempted to live the week in a fantasy world, Taurus However, there are too many pressing issues that need your attention for you to tune out
The perfectionist in you may be unhappy with the work of a loved one or colleague, Aquarius Try not to critique the job they do harshly Let constructive criticism prevail
ZITS by Jerry Scott & Jim Borgman

SHOE by Gary Brookins & Susie BMacnelly ABY BLUES by Rick Kirkman & Jerry Scott


Leo, your love life is a big roller coaster this week, and you may not know if you are on or off with this special someone It may be time to sit down and have a serious discussion

ARIES Mar 21/Apr 20 TAURUS Apr 21/May 21 CANCER Jun 22/Jul 22 LEO Jul 23/Aug 23 LIBRA Sept

Shoprider Scooter 250-574-0325.

and 4 chairs.
WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 A39www.kamloopsthisweek.com Advertisements should be read on the first publication day We are not responsible for errors appearing beyond the first insertion It is agreed by any Display or Classified Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event that errors occur in the publishing of any advertising shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only and there will be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement 8ft Antique Couch $900 Couch & matching chairs $150 250 374 1541 Luigi’s SMALLC ON BRICKS, BLOCKS, SIDEWALKS FREE ESTIMA 250.851.5079 •2 Trek Madone 5, Project Ser ies 1, fully carbon, 56cm custom frame like new Numerous accessor ies $2700 fir m For additional infor mation call 250 372 2080 anitamattdenys@gmail co 10-989 McGill Pl. Kamloops 250-374-0916 LIVE ANSWER | EFFICIENT COST EFFECTIVE | LOCAL COMPANY CHOOSE LOCAL LOCAL AL ARM MONITORING STATION PRESTIGE “Our Family Protecting Your Family” KAMLOOPS ONLY ULC CERTIFIED MONITORING STATION FREE ESTIMATES FOR SYSTEM UPGRADES OR SWITCH-OVERS 2017 Genesis G90 Prestige 4 Dr Pure Luxur y 3 3 t win turbo AWD Loaded with options 45,500 kms White with brown leather $42 300 250 319 8784 Starcraft 17ft skiboat with evinr ude 110hp V 4 motor $6800 250 374 9677 Antique china cabinet $600 Ivory Wingback chair $75 4 seater beige couch $100 250 376 4161 2007 Okanagan Camper Like new owner $18,000 250 579 0067 Antique Duncan Phyfe table extra leaf buffet hutch and 4 chairs Exec cond $600 778 257 7155 Diningroom table w/8 chairs, c/w Buffet and Hutch Med Colour $800 250 374 8933 Unique oppor tunit y! 2003 Mazda Protege5 34 5000 or iginal Kilometers All scheduled ser vices, ser viced to date including timing belt replacements One owner, no accidents, always garaged Includes mounted winter tires Mazda steel wheels, Mazda wheel covers $11,000 00 Ser ious inquir ies only 250 374 7117 Exec desk dar k finish $200 Teak cor ner cabinet $100, Custom oak cabinet $200 250 851 7687 Do you have an item for sale under $750? Did you know that you can place your item in our classifieds for one week for FREE? Call our Classified Depar tment for details! 250 371 4949 Modern solid oak diningroom table with 6 chairs Great shape $695 250 851 1193 •TreePruning •Hedge Tr imming •Fall Clean Ups •LawnCutting and Dump Runs Call 778-921-0023 ForA Quote 2017 Harley Davidson Road King Milwaukee 8 engine 35,000kms $14,000/obo 236 313 3152 2017 Yamaha FX6R 4 Full brothers exhaust 5500kms $5,400/obo 250 299 4564 BUYING & SELLING: Vintage & mid centur y metal teak wood fur niture; or iginal signed paintings, pr ints; antique paper items, local histor y ephemera; BC potter y, ceramics 4th Mer idian Ar t & Vintage, 104 1475 Fair view, Penticton Leanne@4thmer idian ca Scotch Pine trees smaller ponderosa in pots 2ft (50) $10 each obo 250 376 6607 EARN EXTRA $$$ KTW requires door to door substitute carriers for all areas in the cit y Vehicle is an asset Call 250 374 0462 RUN UNTIL SOLD ONLY $35 00 (plus Tax) (250) 371 4949 *some restr ictions apply call for details 2 P215 / 60 R 16 M&S $125 00 2 P225 / 60 R 16 M&S $125 00 2 245 / 50 VR 16 Good Year Eagle M&S $250 00 Phone 250 319 8784 Animals sold as "purebred stock" must be registrable in compliance with the Canadian Pedigree Act. Fuel tanks 1 300 gal and 2 100gal on stands $300 250 672 9712 or 250 819 9712 Wrought iron beds $300 /each High Chair $30 Cedar Hope chest $400 Rocking chair $150 Oak dresser w/mirror $475 250 372 8177 WE will pay you to exercise! Deliver Kamloops This Week Only 1 issue a week! Call 250 374 0462 for a route near you! JA ENTERPRISES 778 257 4943 Fur niture Moving Rubbish Removal Cedar tree removal Nail Removed from boards and 2x4 s, Hand Digging 2nd Kings 5:15, Jeremiah 10:11 Micah 5:2 Fur nished 4 bdr $3400 w/Den3600 Quiet No S/P, W End RIH 250 214 0909 Greeting cards made in England each cellophane wrapped 30,000 for $2,000/obo 250 376 6607 Greeting cards made in England each cellophane wrapped 90,000 for $6,000/obo 250 376 6607 ABERDEEN 2 Family Sat, Sept 17th 8am noon 980 Huntleigh Cresc Pictures, books, costume jewelr y, hshld items, Xmas decorations, clothing & shoes Blankets, garden tools & fur niture MOUNT PAUL Sunday, Sept 18th 8am 2pm at G M Trailer Par k F6 220 G&M Road POWER OF ONE Magnificent creation by John Banovich 43"hx50"W Brown wooden frame $500 fir m 250 578 7776 Moving Sale Everything Must Go Hshld items, misc furniture, 6pc Bedroom set like new $500 Angel grinder $75 Small radial alarm saw $50 Wheelbarrow $20 250 374 8285 DOWNTOWN Sat Sept 17th 9am 3pm 432 St Paul Street Inside at the back in the basement Ever ything Half Price Yamaha receiver, Cannon camera, pictures in frames by local ar tists, plants, lots of hshld items DVD/VHS movies, clothing, lamps lots of unique items Peter Smiths Renovations Free Estimates: Kitchens, Basements, Renos, Sidewalks Garages Fencing, So Much More Not Limited (250) 262 6337 IT'S GARAGE SALE TIME Call and ask us about our GARAGE SALE SPECIAL ONLY $13 50 FOR 3 LINES (Plus Tax) ($1 per additional line) 250 371 4949 classifieds@ kamloopsthisweek com Garage Sale deadline is Tuesday 10 am for Wednesday Paper 2004 GMC 3/4T HD New brakes, good tires $6,000/ obo 250 320 7774 Satellite phone Model Iridium 9505A handset w/attachments $1300 250 374 0650 2018 GMC Z71 SLT Crewcab 4X4 fully equipped Excellent condition Black with black leather 107,000 kms $43,300 250 319 8784 1995 Volvo SW, 940 turbo Classic Exec cond $2,100 250 672 9712 Tonneau cover for 2003 Ford Supercab 7ft $200/obo 250 851 8884 RUMMAGE SALE September 16 & 17 9:00 am 2:00 pm Kamloops Japanese Cultural Centre 160 Ver non Ave Come and find a bargain! Clothing, Toys, Kitchenware, Books, Jewelr y, Tools and so much more! HUNTER & FIREARMS Courses A Great Gift Next C O R E September 24th & 25th Saturday d Sunday P A L ber 2nd Sunday Professional tdoorsman and aster Instr uctor : 250 376 7970 2012 Nissan Sentra SR 124,000kms Fully loaded $7800 250 682 2264 28 Vintage sugar shakers $400/obo Tel pioneer collector plates $150/obo 250 523 9495 75ft of 3/4" polyline w/heat tape $200 12ft field roller $250 250 672 9712 LOWER SAHALI Saturday/Sunday, Sept 17/18th 8am 3pm 198 Arrowstone Drive Baby items, hshld items, bikes, golf clubs +moreExerciseAnnouncementsEquipment Furniture Concrete Services Concrete Services Security Boats RVs / Campers / Trailers For Sale - Misc Lawn & Garden Lawn & MotorcyclesGarden Antiques Plants / Shrubs / Trees Domestic Cars Tires Pets Misc Home Service Houses For Rent Garage SalesGarage Sales Art & Collectibles Renos & ImprovementHome Trucks & Vans Sports & Imports Education www.kamloopsthisweek.comA34 WEDNESDAY, January 5, 2022 @KamThisWeek Follow us KamloopsThisWeek.com THERE’S MORE ONLINE To advertise call 250-371-4949 To advertise call 250-371-4949 Please thoroughly wash your hands to keep us healthy! Th an ks fo rwea ri ng a ma sk,for eve ryon e! Coming Events Advertisements should be read on the rst publication day We are not responsible for errors appearing beyond the rst insertion. It is agreed by any Display or Classied Advertiser requesting space that the liability of the paper in the event that errors occur in the publishing of any advertising shall be limited to the amount paid by the advertiser for the portion of the advertising space occupied by the incorrect item only and there will be no liability in any event beyond the amount paid for such advertisement. If you have an upcoming event for our COMMUNITY CALENDAR go to kamloopsthisweek.com and click on events and click on promote your event. PERFECT Part-Time Oppor tunity 1 Day Per Week Call 250-374-0462 Personals Looking For Love? Tr y your luck with 1x1 boxed ad $35 plus tax for 2 weeks Price includes box number Call 250-371-4949 to place your ad and for more details Antiques Wrought iron beds $300/each. High chair $30. Cedar Hope Chest $400. Rocking chair $150. Oak dresser with mirror $475. 250-3728177

Diningroom table w/8chairs, c/w Buffet and Hutch. Med Colour $800. 250-374-8933.
Antique Duncan Phyfe buffet, hutch Exec cond. $600. 778-257 7155.

For Sale Misc
Exec desk dark finish $200. Teak cor cabinet $100, Custom oak cabinet $200. 250-851 7687
table, extra leaf,

Electric Bike with bike carrier 86kms like new.
778-3620186. Trek Crossrip Road Bike. Like new. Paid $1950 Asking $1,000. 250-5720753. Exercise Equipment Heavy dut y exercise bike with a read out. $60. 250579-8864 For Sale - Misc 6pc patio set. $225. 6pc Bedroom set like new. $575. 2 Horse Saddles $295/each. Beaver table saw 48” $125. Battery charger $75. Angel grinder $75. Small radial alar m saw $50. 250-374-8285. 75ft of 3/4” polyline w/heat tape $200. 12ft field roller $250. Lrg garden tractor $200. 250672-9712. Antique china cabinet $800. Ivor y Wingback chair $75. 4-seater beige couch. $100. 250-3764161 Do you have an item for sale under $750? Did you know that you can place your item in our classifieds for one week for FREE? Call our Classified Depar tment for details! 250-371-4949 EARN EXTRA $$$ KTW requires door to door substitute carriers for all areas in the city Vehicle is an asset Call 250-374-0462 Fuel tanks 1-300 gal and 2-100gal on stands $300. 250-672-9712 or 250-819-9712. Greeting cards England each cellophane wrapped 90,000 $6,000/obo 6607

8ft $700. & 250-374-1541

Pets Animals sold as “purebred stock” must be registrable in compliance with the Canadian Pedigree Act. Health WE will pay you to exercise! Deliver Kamloops This Week Only 1 issue a week! Call 250-374-0462 for a route near you! Apartments / Condos for Rent Bachelor Apts 30mins to hospital. HandyDar t avail. $650/mo inclds hydro/internet, par tly fur nished. Gord 250-523-9433 For Sale by Owner For Sale by Owner $55.0 0 Special The special includes a 1x1.5 ad (including photo) that will run in (t wo editions) in Kamloops This Week. Our award winning paper is delivered to over 30,000 homes in Kamloops and area ever y Wednesday. Call or email us for more info: 250-374-7467 classifieds@ kamloopsthisweek.com Classes & Courses HUNTER & FIREARMS Courses. A Great Xmas Gift. Next C.O.R.E. Januar y 8th and 9th. Saturday and Sunday. P.A.L Januar y 16th. Sunday. Pr of essional outdoorsman and Master Instructor : Bill 250-376-7970. RVs / Campers / Trailers Run until sold New Price $56.0 0+tax Do you have a vehicle, boat, rv motorcycle ATV or trailer to sell? With our Run til sold specials you pay one flat rate and we will run your ad until your vehicle sells.* $56.0 0 (boxed ad with photo) $35.0 0 (regular 3 line ad) Call: 250-371-4949 *Some conditions & restrictions apply. Private par ty only (no businesses). 2 P215 / 60 R 16 M&S $125 00 2 -P225 / 60 R 16 M&S $125.00 2 245 / 50 VR 16 Good Year Eagle M&S $250.00 Phone 250-319-8784 3 Michelin 205/50 R16 winters. $50/tire or $100/3. Good tread. Call 778-220-6566 with offers Automotive Tires Pirelli P7 Cinturato Run Flat tires on 17 “ BMW M series rims. $ 70 0.0 0. 250-819-0863. Motorcycles 2017 Harley Davidson Road King Milwaukee 8 engine 35,000kms $16,000/obo 250-6823152. Domestic Cars RUN UNTIL SOLD ONLY $35.0 0 (plus Tax) (250) 371-4949 *some restrictions apply call for details Sports & Imports 1995 Volvo SW, 940 tur bo Classic. Exec cond. $4,000/obo 250-6729712. 20 4ltr on. 405,000kms cond. $2,500/obo 781 Trucks 4WD 20 04 GMC 3/4T HD New brakes, good tires $6,000/obo 250-3207774. Trucks 4WD 2018 GMC Z71 SLT Crewcab 4X4 fully equipped. Excellent condition. Black with black leather 107,000 kms $51,80 0 250-319-8784 Utility Trailers All aluminum cargo trailer 7ftx14ft. $12,000/fir m. Like new. 250-719-3539. Phone: 250-371-4949 | Fax: 250-374-1033 | Email: classifieds@kamloopsthisweek.com www.ka ml oopsthisweek.cpom CLASSIFIEDS $1250 -3lines or less BONUS(pick up only): •2 large Garage Sale Signs •InstructionsINDE X Taxnot Taincluded xnot Taincluded xnot included Taxnot included Some restrictions apply Scheduled forone month at atime Customer must call to reschedule. Taxnot included. Some restrictions apply 1Issue $1300 Addcolour $2500 to your classified add Allads must be prepaid. No refunds on classified ads. Based on 3lines No Businesses, Based on 3lines Merchandise, vehicles, trailers, RV’s,boats, AT V’s, furniture, etc. $3500 No Businesses, Based on 3lines Houses,condos, duplexes, suites etc. (3 months max) $5300 Addanextra line to your ad for $10 Based on 3linesAnnouncements. .001-099 Employment .100-165 Ser vice Guide 170-399 Pets/Farm 450-499 ForSale/Wanted .500-599 Real Estate. 600-699 Rentals 700-799 Automotive. .800-915 Legal Notices. 920-1000 DEADLINESREGULAR RATESRUN UNTIL SOLD RUNUNTIL RENTED GAREMPLOYMENTLISAGESALE TINGS Wednesday Issues •10:00 am Tuesday 1Issue $1638 1365 DALHOUSIE DR 250 371 4949 RUNTILL SOLD SPECIAL Packagesstart at $35 Non-business ads only •Some restrictions apply TIME TO DECLUTTER? ask us about our For Sale - Misc Garage SALE Directory DoddsAUCTION AUC TION ★ ★ ADVANCE NOTICE ★ ★ B id O nline or A b sen t ee B id s A c cep t e d DODDS AUCTION 2 50 54 5 32 59 Photos & lin k to s ale s @ doddsauct ion.com 3 311 2 8 Avenue, Ver non • Subjec t to addi t ions & dele t ions C A L L F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N DESIGNATED VIEWING DAYS ‘ON-SITE’ 3 DAYS Wed-Fri (Sept 21-23) 9:00 am 4:30 pm 480 Neave Ct #103, Kelowna COMPLETE DISPERSAL OF EQUIPMENT, INVENTORY & OFFICE PARTIAL LIST INCLUDES: 5600 lb Toyota Forklift, Plasma CNC Cutting Table, Complete Sheet Metal Shop, New Air Conditioners & Furnaces, Gas & Elec Fireplaces, Copper & Brass Fittings, Ductings, Gas Pipe Plastic Pipe, Tires, Copper Pipe Thermostats, Huge Selection of Parts, Humidifiers, Overhead Heaters, Kinetico Water Softener & Filtration Systems, Sheet Metal, Sinks & Faucets, Metal Brakes, Welders, 10 hp Compressor, Large Metal Bandsaw, Rollers, Work Tables, Hand Tools, Office Desks, Computers, Cell Phones, IP Phones, Shelving Cabinets, Chairs, Plus Much More! (‘ONLINE ONLY’ TIMED BIDDING) ONLINE - TIMED RECEIVERSHIP SATURDAY, SEPT 24TH 8 AM (LOTS START CLOSING) RECEIVERSHIP BUSINESS CLOSURE ‘ON-SITE’ KELOWNA PREMIUM COMFORT HEATING, AIR CONDITIONING & SHEET METAL ** REGISTER / BIDDING IS NOW OPEN ** 2011 FORD E350 CUBE VAN • 2016 FORD TRANS T 250 VAN 110,000 KM Auctions Auctions callNewspaperCommunityYourtoplaceyourad 604.630.3300 Can You Dig it? Find help in the Home Services section Find BIG Savings... When You Place Your Ad in the Classifieds! kamloopsthisweek.com place ads 250.374.0462at

Antique Couch
matching chairs $100.
Scotch Pine trees smaller ponderosa in pots 2ft (50) $10 each obo 250376-6607
Rad $1800.
BUYING & SELLING: Vintage & mid-centur y metal, teak, wood fur niture; original signed paintings, prints; antique paper items, local histor y ephemera; BC pottery, ceramics 4th Meridian Ar t & Vintage, 104 1475 Fair view, Penticton. Leanne@4thmeridian.ca “Power of One” Magnificent creation by
Modern solid oak diningroom table with 6 chairs. Great shape $1,000 250851-1193.
Wanted to plus rods and reels, reasonably priced. 250-5541675.
Buy Used fishing gear

Plants / Shrubs / Trees

43”hx50”wide brown wooden frame $500 Firm
Art & Collectibles John Banovich 250-578-7776

Greeting cards made in England each cellophane wrapped 30,000 for $2,000/obo 250-3766607 Satellite phone Model Iridium 9505A handset w/attachments $1300. 250-374-0650.
Rte 606 Orchard Dr Russet Wynd 1815 1899 Val eyv ew Dr 39 p
Rte 621 Duck Rd Skel y Rd 96 Tanager Dr, 2606 2876 Thompson Dr 46 p

Proper t y Stored at the following: Advantage Mini Storage Kamloops, 7530 Dallas Drive, Kamloops, B C V2C 6X2 Will be sold by Bid September 26 2022 9:00 AM till September 28, 2022 10:00 AM
You will be customer facing; participating in calls with sales reps, meeting our clients, determining their needs, presenting our products and services, and closing sales.
A sale will take place on ibid4storage com until Friday September 30th 2022 The auction will end at 1PM, unless bidding battle begins. Room contents are personal/ household goods unless noted otherwise Bids will be for entire contents of each locker or U box unit
is part of the Aberdeen Publishing Group
We are looking for an exceptional individual with experience in sales or customer service who is ready to take the next step in their career and join an award winning news organization.
Coo r dge P Wi dwood Dr 38 p Rte 751 5310 Barnhartvale Rd Bogetti Pl 5300 5599
Reporting to the Sales Manager you will help to lead and motivate our sales team for the print edition of our weekly newspaper, our daily news website kamloopsthisweek.com, and our weekly video newscast Kamloops Last Week. You will help us to develop strategies to improve our sales on all of our platforms.
2003 Valleyview Dr 33 p Rte 618 B g N ckel P , Chapman
Rte 1 Argyle Ave Ayr P , 1063 1199 Crest ine St 1008 1080 Moray St Perth Pl 93 p Rte 2 2605 2795 Joyce Ave 52 p Rte 4 727 795 Crestl ne St 2412 2680 Tranqu lle Rd 40 p Rte 6 2450 2599 Br arwood Ave 2592 Crestline St 2431 2585 Edgemount Ave Pau sen Pl 2406 2598 Rosewood Ave 1101 1199 Schre ner St 79 p Rte 13 Bonnie P 2245 2255 Edgemount Ave McLean St 2305 2396 Rosewood Ave Shannon Pl 45 p Rte 19 Downie Pl & St Moody Ave & P 2307 2391 Tranqu l e Rd 50 p Rte 20 Barbara Ave Pa a Mesa P , Strauss St Townsend P 2105 2288 Tranqu lle Rd 48 p Rte 24 Dale Pl L sa P , 806 999 Windbreak St 50 p Rte 33 2115 2280 F eetwood Ave, Ponderosa Ave 1002 1090 W ndbreak St 71 p Rte 35 500 651 Desmond St Hycrest Pl Mayfair St R dgeview Terr 1805 1891 Tranquil e Rd (Odd Side) Valdes Dr 81 p Rte 42 1718 1755 Brunner Ave De nor Cres, 608 790 Ho t St 46 p Rte 49 Centenn al Dr 1005 1080 Ho t St 1661 1699 Parkcrest Ave 31 p Rte 54 Ryan Pl 850 945 Singh St Spartan P 67 p Rte 61 Popp St Stratford P 1371 1413 Tranqu lle Rd Water oo Pl Woodstock Pl 38 p Rte 64 Va ha la Dr 93 p
To more please or a
Da las Dr Harper P & Rd 69 p Rte 755 6159 6596 Dal as Dr McAuley Pl Melrose P Yarrow P 71 p Rte 760 Beaver Cres Chukar Dr 62 p
Kamloops This Week
Rte 236 da Lane 31 p
Rte 221 3013 3072 Bank Rd Bermer Pl 710 790 B ssette Rd 3007
resume to:
Rte 400 383 W Columb a St 21 p Rte 401 250 395 405 425 Pemberton Terr 81 p
Rte 322 694 11th Ave 575 694 13th Ave 1003 1091 Battle St 1004 1286 Columb a St(Even Side) 1004 1314 Nico a St 56 p
Rte 327 1103 1459 Columbia St(Odd S de) 1203 1296 Dom n on St 38 p Rte 328 935 13th Ave C overleaf Cres Dom nion Cres Park Cres Pine Cres 62 p Rte 329 880 1101 6th Ave 925 1045 7th Ave 878 1020 8th Ave 605 795 P easant St 39 p Rte 330 1062 1125 7th Ave 1066 1140 8th Ave 601 783 Douglas St 37 p Rte 331 984 987 9th Ave 1125 10th Ave 901 981 Douglas St 902 999 Munro St 33 p Rte 335 1175 1460 6th Ave 1165 1185 7th Ave Cowan St 550 792 Munro St 56 p Rte 339 1265 1401 9th Ave 916 1095 Fraser St 26 p Rte 340 McMurdo Dr 23 p Rte 370 Nicola Wagon Rd 35 377 W Seynour St 36 p Rte 371 Connaught Rd 451 475 Lee Rd W St Paul St 73 p
Rte 108 1010 11th St, 831 1017 12th St 821 1161 Se kirk Ave 68 p Rte 137 106 229 231 330 Clapperton Rd, 203 266 268 285 Leigh Rd 172 180 W lson St 23 p Rte 170 A view Cres 1680 1770 Westsyde Rd 50 p Rte 173 1655 Batchelor Dr Leighton P 1708 1729 North R ver Dr Pennask Terr 36 p Rte 175 Norfo k Crt Norview P 821 991 Norv ew Rd 36 p Rte 185 Bearcroft Crt 1003 1099 Norview Rd 44 p
Rte 718 Bela r Dr 22 p Rte 721 5530 5697 C earv ew Dr
Kamloops This Week newspaper was founded in 1988 and has won multiple awards for the outstanding quality of its journalism and its ad design. We offer a competitive salary and a comprehensive benefit plan with a company pension.

Rte 306 261 6th Ave 614 911 Seymour St 600 696 St Paul St, 753 761 V ctoria St 26 p Rte 308 355 9th Ave 703 977 St Paul St 35 p Rte 310 651 695 2nd Ave, 660 690 3rd Ave 110 292 Co umb a St(Even S de) 106 321 Nicola St 43 p
about this position or to arrange an interview
Rte 607 Card na Dr 1909
Whitburn Cres 73 p Rte 521 Bramb e Crt Lane & P 43 p Rte 522 604 747 Dunrobin Dr Dunrob n P 65 p Rte 523 2300 2398 Abbeyglen Way 750 794 Dunrobin Dr 70 p Rte 526 2015 2069
Rte 380 Arbutus St Chaparra Pl Powers Rd Sequo a Pl 69 p Rte 381 20 128 Centre Ave Hemlock St 605 800 Lombard St 42 p Rte 382 114 150 Fernie P Fernie Rd 860 895 Lombard St 23 p
Rte 403 405 482 Greenstone Dr Tod Cres 28 p Rte 405 Anv l Cres, 98 279
P Marsh Rd Paul Rd Peter Rd 2440 2605 Thompson Dr 58 p Rte 620 MacAdam Rd McKay P Pyper Way 2516 2580 Va leyview Dr 63 p
p Rte 453 1575 1580 Springh l Dr 73 p Rte 454 Crosby Rd Humphrey Rd 580 Sedona Dr Springfie d P 1600 1799 Springh l Dr 45 p Rte 455 1780 Spr ngv ew P 32 p Rte 456 Springhaven Pl Springr dge Pl 1730 1799 Spr ngview P 47 p Rte 459 Monarch Crt & Pl 38 p Rte 467 1605+1625 Summ t Dr 28 p Rte 471 100 293 Monmouth Dr 37 p Rte 474 Coppertree Crt Trophy Crt 21 p Rte 475 Castle Towers Dr, Sedgewick Crt & Dr 47 p Rte 476 Tanta us Crt T nniswood Crt 2018 2095 Tremerton Dr 50 p Rte 485 690 Robson Dr 2020+2084 Robson Pl 45 p Rte 492 2000 2099 Monteith Dr, Sentine Crt 39 p MT DUFFERIN/ PINEVIEW VALLEY Rte 561 Ash Wynd Fir P 1700 1798 Lodgepo e Dr 58 p Rte 580 1300 1466 Pacific Way Prair e Rose Dr Rockcress Dr 83 p Rte 582 1540 1670 H lside Dr, 1500 1625 Mt Duffer n Ave Windward Pl 38 p Rte 584 1752 1855 Hil s de Dr 26 p Rte 586 Mt Duffer n Cres Park Way P ateau Pl 26 p Rte 587 Sunsh ne Crt & P 51 p Rte 588 Davies P , 1680 1751 H lside Dr H lside P Monterey Pl Scott P 46 p Rte 590 1397 Copperhead Dr, Saskatoon Pl 36 p ABERDEEN
Ideally you will have three to four years sales experience and will have sold more than one product line.
Rte 389 Bluff P 390 Centre Ave 242 416 W Columb a St Duffer n Terr Garden Terr Grandv ew Terr 51 p
Rte 323 755 783 6th Ave 763 884 7th Ave 744 764 8th Ave 603 783 Co umbia St Odd Side) 605 793 Dom nion St 52 p
Rte 238 Seneca Pl 902 999 S camore Dr 32 p Rte 239 807 996 Pine Springs Rd 1006 S camore Dr 57 p Rte 244 Archiba d Pl Hargraves P 1020 1148 Pine Spr ngs Rd Sul van Pl Wawn Crt 863 897 Wawn Rd 42 p Rte 247 Elder Rd, Grant Rd 3020 3082 Westsyde Rd (Even Side) 53 p Rte 249 3085 3132 Bank Rd 600 655 Bissette Rd, Cooper P , Hayward P Norbury Rd 57 p Rte 253 rving P , 2401 2477 Parkv ew Dr Rhonmore Cres 2380+2416 Westsyde Rd 45 p Rte 255 2478 2681 Parkv ew Dr 28 p Rte 261 2214 2297 Grasslands B vd Woodrush Crt & Dr 57 p
Rte 831 4904 5037 Cammeray Dr Mason Pl Pinantan P Re ghmount Dr & P 67 p Rte 833 Cameron Rd Dav e Rd 44 p Rte 834 Armour Pl 4205 4435 Spurraway Rd 36 p Rte 836 136 199 Cah ty Cres Hyas Pl 4551 4648 Spurraway Rd 35 p Rte 838 4556 4797 Cammeray Dr Strawberry Lane 62 p Rte 840 Br gade Rd 4404 4493 Cammeray Dr Montego Rd 309 474 Puett Ranch Rd 49 p
Rte 324 606 795 Pine St 33 p
INTERESTED? CALL 250-374-0462
North Shore claims a Landlords Contractual Lien against the following persons goods in storage at 720 Halston Ave , BC, Tel: 250 376 0962
U Haul Moving & Storage of Kamloops

To support our sales team you will be data driven. Able to conduct market research to identify potential opportunities for growth, new markets for existing products, and new products for underserved market segments. You will assist with budgets and the setting of overall departmental goals and you will track sales performance metrics daily, weekly and monthly

Rte 603 Comazzetto Rd Strom Rd 1625 1764 Val eyv ew Dr 42 p
Auction is subject to cancellation anytime
Van Horne Dr 69 p Rte 527 Hunter Pl Hunt e gh Cres 25 p Rte 528 1115 1180 Howe Rd 1115 1185 Hugh A en Dr 47 p Rte 532 Harrison Pl & Way 1181 1290 Howe Rd 38 p Rte 540 Ga bra th Dr Raeburn Dr Te ford Dr & Pl 58 p
Bids received at, www Ibid4Storage com Owners of goods to be sold: y Conway racks, totes
without notice
& misc work items Legal / NoticesPublic EmploymentEmployment Employment EmploymentEmploymentEmployment Employment Employment facebook.com/kamloopsthisweek @KamThisWeek Follow us
Bestwick Dr Bestwick Crt E Bestwick Crt W Morr sey Pl 51 p Rte 411 206 384 Arrowstone Dr Eagle Pl Gibraltar Crt & Wynd 55 p Rte 449 Assinibo ne Rd Azure P Chino P Sedona Dr 90 p Rte 451 Od n Crt Wh tesh eld Cres Wh tesh eld Pl 39 p Rte 452 1430 1469 Springh l Dr 64 Rte 501 655 899 F em ng Dr F eming P 49 p Rte 503 F em ng C rc Hampsh re Dr & P Hector Dr 51 p Rte 505 2005 2141 S fton Ave 51 p Rte 504 2146 2294 Sifton Ave Sifton Lane 48 p Rte 508 700 810 Hugh A an Dr 49 p Rte 509 459 551 Laurier Dr Shaughnessy H ll 46 p Rte 510 372 586 Aberdeen Dr, 402 455 Laurier Dr 36 p Rte 511 Drummond Crt 50 p Rte 513 Braemar Way 556 696 Laur er Dr 2214 2296 Van Horne Dr 36 p Rte 516 Garymede Crt 2204 2263 Garymede Dr G lmour Pl 38 p Rte 518 2100 2198 Garymede Dr Glasgow P Greystone Cres 58 p Rte 520 Canongate Cres & Pl 805 841 Dunrob n Dr
Attn: Robert Doull 1365 Dalhousie Drive Kamloops, BC V2C 5P6

A40 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com LINDASKELLY Print/Digital Sales JODI LAWRENCE Print/Digital Sales LIZ SPIVEY Print/Digital Sales PAUL DE LUCA Print/Digital Sales RYLANWILLOUGHBY Print/Digital Sales MAKAYLA PEVERILL DigitalSales Meet your Multi Media Marketing Specialists www.kamloopsthisweek.com ktwdigital.com 250-374-7467 |1365B Dalhousie Dr
Rte 311 423 676 1st Ave 400 533 2nd Ave, 107 237 Batt e St 135 173 St Pau St 27 p
Business for Sale - Kamloops Well established family owned health food store in good location for sale Regular client base Only distributor of Health First Products in Area SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY fifer@Healthylifenutrition.ca •C afé M an ager s•C ooks •Team Lea der s •Food Pr ep/Cashie rs •C oun ter Attendant s Monday to Friday Full &PartTimePositions Available. Summer,Winter &Spring Breaks Off. Email: jobs@canuelcaterers.ca BC’sLargest HighSchool Café Company NowHiring At A School Near You! CAUTION While we tr y to ensure all adver tisements appearing in Kamloops This Week are placed by reputable businesses with legitimate offers, we do caution our readers to under take due diligence when answering any adver tisement, par ticularly when the adver tiser is asking for monies up front 250-374-3853 recr uitment agency#1 Kamloops Please recycle this newspaper.
Rte 207 820 895 Anderson Terr 1920 1990 Westsyde Rd Even S de 24 p
Da las Dr 5485 5497 ETC Hwy, Vik ng Dr Wade Pl 64 p Rte 752 Coster Pl 5600 5998
3045 Westsyde Rd (Odd S de) 60 p
Rte 313 430 566 4th Ave 520 577 5th Ave 435 559 Battle St 506 Co umbia St 406 576 N cola St 418 478 St Paul St 34 p Rte 317 535 649 7th Ave 702 794 Co umbia St Even S de) 702 799 N co a St 40 p Rte 318 463 6th Ave, 446 490 7th Ave 409 585 8th Ave 604 794 Battle St 17 p Rte 319 545 6th Ave 604 690 Columb a St(Even Side) 604 692 N co a St 12 p Rte 320 483 587 9th Ave 801 991 Batt e St 804 992 Co umbia St Even S de) 803 995 N cola St 50 p
Kamloops This Week is seeking an Assistant Sales Manager, Print and Digital

Kamloops This Week
Rte 542 Coa H l P Crossh ll Dr Dunbar Dr 57 p Rte 544 2070 2130 Van Horne Dr Holyrood Circ & P 23 p
Rte 655 1685 F n ay Ave 2202 2385 Skeena Dr 2416 2458 Skeena Dr (Even Side) 34 p Rte 670 Ga ore Cres Crt & Pl 94 p

Rte 325 764 825 9th Ave 805 979 Columbia St(Odd S de) 804 987 Dominion St 805 986 Pine St 64 p Rte 326 850 11th Ave, 1003 1083 Co umb a St(Odd Side) 1003 1195 Domin on St 33 p
Or email a resume to: rdoull@aberdeenpublishing.com
You need to be a logical thinker and be able to remain calm in a deadline driven environment with circumstances that can change rapidly You must be curious, willing to learn, and be continuously open to new ideas. You need to be a clear and concise communicator both orally and in writing. Most of all you need a desire to lead.
Beth, Todd, Craig, Jasmine and Austin.
In 1970, at the age of 38, he immigrated to Canada where he studied and worked as a heavy-duty mechanic. This is also where he met the love of his life, Ann, in 1992. They married on November 26, 1994 and combined their families.

no service
Applicants must have a suitable vehicle (van or covered pickup) with all necessary insurance and a valid BC driver’s licence
Your husband Brian, your children Shane and wife Dianne, Kevin & husband Irvin and your four grandchildren Shayna, Karlynn, Cody and Elyza
Kamloops BC V2C 5P6 or call us at 250-374-0462
Much Loved and not forgotten
October 3, 1944
Use it to earn CASH!
In MLoving emory of MARIE ANN BURSEY
In loving memory, we will always remember,…. always miss you and always love you
1365 Dalhousie Drive
You left us awesome memories, your love is still our guide, although we cannot see you, you’re always at our side.
In Loving Memory of Regina Henderson

WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 A41www.kamloopsthisweek.com
Lino is survived by his wife, Ann. Children; Marilyn (Michael), Cheryl (Mike). Grandchildren; Adrian (Lana), Yvette (Todd), Kristin (Justin), Jesse and several great-grandchildren. request, will held.
At his
We offer a competitive salary based on experience and a comprehensive benefit plan with a company pension.
Lino was born on April 30, 1932, in Remanzacco, Italy where he spent the first 18 years of his life. In 1950, Lino immigrated to Australia where he learned to speak English, drove a transport truck, and raised a beautiful daughter
September 12, 2019

Lino Serafini

Kamloops, BC V2C 5P6
August 2, 1940
Attn: Debbie Folk
Your primary responsibility will be for Accounts Receivable, Collections, Bank Reconciliations and Credit Card Reconciliations for our group of six newspapers and related digital news sites. We use Naviga software for our order entry system and Great Plains accounting software Training will be provided if you are unfamiliar with the software
Missing you everyday and forever in our hearts.
It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of Lino Serafini on August 23, 2022, at the age of 90, in Kamloops, BC.

September 14, 2017
October 7, 1936 September 11, 2014
Forever and Beyond
Our Angel
June 26th, 1945
Kamloops This Week is looking for energetic individuals to join our team of Contract Drivers.
God saw you getting tired, and a cure was not to be. So, he put his arms around you and whispered “Come to me.”
Or email a resume to: dfolk@aberdeenpublishing.com
The position is located in our Kamloops office at 1365-B Dalhousie Drive
A celebration of life will be held later RENTED 3 Lines 12 Weeks Add an extra line to your ad for $10 Must be pre-paid Scheduled for 4 weeks at a time Private parties only no businesses Some Restrictions Apply $5300 Plus Tax 1365 DALHOUSIE DR 250-371-4949 RUN TILL In Memoriams In Memoriams In Memoriams EmploymentObituariesObituariesObituaries Employment Employment In Memoriams In Memoriams In Memoriams Call to advertise 250.371.4949 THERE’SKamloopsThisWeek.comMOREONLINE Be a part of your community paper & comment online. @KamThisWeek Follow us @Merr ittHerald Love’s greatest gift is remembrance.
September 18th, 2021
1365 Dalhousie Drive
In Loving Memory of Dalbert Duane Varney

As a wife, your faithful companionship, support, kindness, friendship and love was like no other Not having you there at my side makes each day a challenge, but my memories of your loving and caring ways assists me now as I travel this road alone without you. Though you are gone now, I know that on some sweet day, I will see you again and be able to tell you once more how blessed I was to have you as my wife.
This is a part-time, 1 night per week contract delivering newspapers to carriers, businesses and apartments.

Kamloops This Week is part of the Aberdeen Publishing Group
Kamloops This Week newspaper was founded in 1988 and has won multiple awards for the outstanding quality of its journalism and its ad design.
With tearful eyes we watched you, as you slowly slipped away, And though we loved you dearly, we couldn’t make you stay Your golden heart stopped beating, your tired hands put to rest God broke our hearts to prove to us he only takes the best
In Loving Memory of Terry “Boomer ” Shishido

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We love and miss you so much.
Pay is based on a combination of hours worked, papers delivered and kilometres driven but each route usually averages out to between $65 per delivery for about 3.5 hours worth of work per regular delivery, with extra pay during busy holiday periods!
Kamloops This Week
We are looking for an individual with a good knowledge of bookkeeping fundamentals or a student working toward an Accounting Technician Diploma or a similar certificate The position can be structured as either full-time or part time depending on the needs of the successful candidate Part-time would not be less than 24 hours per week.
On the 18th of September one year ago, you peacefully left this world and we have missed you each and every day since. The pain in our hearts from your absence in our lives cannot be expressed in mere words.
Archie, James, Tami and the Henderson Family
Kamloops This Week
Circulation Manager
To learn more about this position or to arrange an interview please mail or drop a resume to:
As a mother and grandmother, you went above and beyond in your role as provider, protector and teacher Your love tow ards your two sons and your four grandchildren was the greatest gift you bestowed upon them
Our Love Forever Wife Pat and your entire family Conrad, Darren, Kirsten and girls, Sheila, Dave and family
He will be remembered by his loving wife of 49 years, Ernestina and his daughters Mary (Alain) and Lori (David). He is also survived by his brother Sandro and many nieces and nephews both in Canada and Italy
Pietro (Peter) Crucil
I never dreamed you’d go away, Never thought of sorrow. So sure you’d always be here Took for granted each tomorrow.
Kathryn Chambers
Condolences may be sent to the family from www.kamloopsfuneralhome.com250-554-2577

In May 1972, he returned to Italy for a visit, where he met his future wife. They exchanged letters and phone calls until Ernestina came to Canada and they were married on December 2, 1972 in Kamloops, BC Soon after they were blessed with two daughters, Mary and Lori. As a family, Peter, Ernestina and his girls loved to travel to the many hot springs all over BC in a Ford Econoline van that he converted himself. The family also traveled back to Italy as Peter was always wanting to show his two girls his family and heritage which was extremely important to him.
The Harpe family invite you to join them in a Celebration of Clarence’s life. Saturday, September 17, 2022 at 11:00 am - Pritchard Hall, 1941 Duck Range Road, Pritchard, BC. Mike Pagdin will be officiating the service. A light lunch will follow
Each Loss
Ruth Anna Pitz
Kathy was a very giving person who was always willing to help anyone. She was a nurse of 35 years for Red Cross. Her love for life and hobbies were photography travelling, family get-togethers, and music.
of Kamloops, BC passed away on 09/07/2022 at the age of Don88.is
survived by his children Greg, Maryanne, Charlene, their spouses, seven grandchildren, and two greatgrandchildren. Don is predeceased by the love of his life, Shirley who he married in Penticton in 1957.
May 20, 1937 - September 6, 2022
In lieu of flowers, donations in Peter ’s name can be to the Canadian Diabetes Association.

With broken hearts the family announces the passing of Pietro (Peter) Crucil. Peter passed away peacefully September 6, 2022, with his family by his side. A wonderful husband and father, he will be forever loved and sadly missed.
Kathy was born in Kamloops BC on March 6, 1952.
Clarence Thomas Harpe
Funeral will be at Saint Saviours Anglican Church in Penticton, on September 17, 2022, at 2:00 pm.
Condolences may be expressed to the family fromDonaldwww.myalternatives.caL.Lockwood
We hope you will join us to remember Peter on Saturday, September 17, 2022 at OLPH Church, 635 Tranquille Rd, Kamloops, BC at 12:00 pm.
Clarence Thomas Harpe, aged 89 years previously of Pritchard, BC passed away on Sunday, August 7, 2022.

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Kathy Chambers. Kathy passed away peacefully on August 25, 2022 with family by her side.
There was a small gathering at Cornerstone Baptist Church to celebrate her life on September 10, 2022.
Don lived in several locations during his life, starting in the Yukon, then to Prince George, Lytton, Golden, Chilliwack, and finally in Kamloops. Don loved being close with his family especially going hunting, camping, and fishing with his kids and grandkids. He enjoyed playing cards and never missed a hockey game. He will forever be in our hearts.

Each loss is very different, The pain is so severe. Will I ever stop missing This one I loved so dear?
Now, He’s called you home, I’m sad and I shed tears. Yet I’m glad He loaned you to me And we had these many years.
But when God sent you to me He never said that you were mine, That I could keep you always –Only borrowed for a time.
He is now reunited with his parents, Agostina Gosgnac and Andrea Crucil; as well as his brothers and sisters, Mario, Gina, Gildo, Tranquillo, Ginesia, Mafalda, and Armando.
She is survived by her sisters MaryAnn, Fern, and her brother Alf. Also her children Adam, Andrew, Anthony and her granddaughter Hailey
A small family gathering was held on September 9, 2022. Condolences can be sent to RuthDrakeCremation.com.willbegreatlymissed by her family who cherishes the memories made with her
In the mid 90’s, Peter and Ernestina built their dream home overlooking Kamloops. Throughout his life Peter was an avid gardener, carefully tending to his many vegetable gardens and fruit trees. He loved making wine in the cellar for his family and friends to enjoy Peter cherished having his family and friends over and loved to make everyone laugh with his unforgettable smile and humorous stories.
Ruth worked many jobs in her life, from cooking and cleaning for the Calgary Stampeders to bookkeeping and finally, becoming a hairdresser She bounced back and forth from Kamloops to Calgary until she made Kamloops her permanent home in 1991 to be with her first-born grandchild, Jon.

July 11, 1938 - August 31, 2022
Donald L. Lockwood
Kathy was an amazing woman who was an inspiration to so many people. She was a firm believer of God, and has gone to be with her loving husband Mel.
Peter was born May 20, 1937 in the town of Mersino Alto, Italy He was the seventh of nine children. Peter always had a dream to come to Canada and on his birthday in 1957 his wish came true, arriving by boat in Halifax. He then took a train across Canada to meet his sister Mafalda and her family in Clearwater, BC. Shortly after, Peter began to work for CN Rail. He also worked on the Mica Dam Project and with BC Hydro on the Arrow Lakes Dam project. In the early 60’s, he began to work for Clearwater Timber Products loading rail cars and driving carrier trucks for the mill. Peter continued to work for various lumber mills in Clearwater and Vavenby, until he officially retired at 65.
As an expression of sympathy donations can be made to: Parkinson’s Canada – https://donate.parkinson.ca~
Fourteen months after that Liz was born to complete the family of three.
Ruth was born in Calgary, Alberta on July 11, 1938, to immigrant parents Anna and Maurice Schlogel from Steinbach, Austria. She met the love of her life, Ed, while she was working at Sullivan’s Coffee Shop in 1957. On their first date, they went for a ride on Ed’s motorcycle and six months later they were married.
The family of Ruth Anna Pitz would like to announce her sudden passing on August 31, 2022 at 84 years of age. She is survived by her devoted husband of 65 years, Ed Pitz, as well as her loving daughter Liz McCaugherty and son-in-law Hugh McCaugherty, sister Eileen Gledhill and brother-in-law Gary Gledhill, grandsons Stephen and Jon McCaugherty, and nephew Darrel Gledhill.

Now my life is all confused Since you went away. You took a part of me And for help I daily pray.
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Ruth was a lover of travel, eating out, playing bingo or slots at the casino, and of course, spending time with her family
A42 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com
Good times we had together, The moments that we shared We didn’t have to tell each other How much we really cared.
Glen is survived by his loving wife of 66 years, Marlene Bertram; his son, Kevin Bertram and his daughter, Cheryl Gant. Glen is also survived by four grandchildren: Amy (Todd); Rebecca (Ben); Glen (Aleisha) and Karianne Jayna and 10 great grandchildren: Kaiden, Makena, River, Ryan, Rosalie, Emily, Dusty, Annalee, Sylvi and Loki, as well as extended family
~William Blake 1863
To see a world in a grain of sand

Patricia “Sally” Mary Tupholme (Joslin/Tunstall) April 1923 - September 2022

The family wishes to send a big thank you to the staff at Hospice (Overlander) for their care and attention during the final weeks of Sally’s life. The assistance Hospice provided freed the family to make the best of their last days and hours with the person who had given so much to everyone over the 99 years she graced their presence.There

WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 A43www.kamloopsthisweek.com
forgot where she came from, kept lines of communication open to relatives in England, embraced John Tupholme’s extended family and was a loyal and gracious friend to all.
we announce that

There will be no formal ceremony, the family will have a small private function at a later
Condolences may be sent to the family fromwww.kamloopsfuneralhome.com250-554-2577Itiswithgreatsadness

to Marjorie Willoughby Snowden Hospice for the care they gave Dad in his final days.
Glen David Bertram
Glen David Bertram of Kamloops, BC, passed away on August 30, 2022.

It is with great sadness that we acknowledge the passing of Sally Tupholme. She died peacefully on Sept. 2nd with her daughter Nicolette and granddaughter Jessica by her side. The late summer evening held a hint of autumn in the air, reminiscent of times spent at her favourite retreat at Park Point on Shuswap Lake; a cabin where she shared many happy hours with her children and grandchildren and entertaining family and friends, especially at Thanksgiving.
Sally’s interests were many and varied. She was known for her sense of style and grace, ability to make every meal she prepared a culinary delight and her attention to detail. She was a formidable Scrabble player, sewed, knitted and crocheted to create professional looking garments, linens and gifts, was an avid reader and had an incredible memory for facts. Sally also enjoyed bridge and theatre, served on the board of the Kamloops Symphony, the Duke of Edinburgh Awards, and the Kamloops Parks and Recreation Commission.
Sally was a keen tennis player both on the court and in supporting tennis in the community Her formal training in physical education and physiotherapy ensured that she was very fit and capable on the court. Sally’s competitive streak made her a sought-after partner but her most cherished award was the one she received for sportsmanship.
Sally was predeceased by Ted Joslin, (the dreamer and husband she emigrated to Canada with in 1956) and her brothers Tony and Don. She lost her loving husband of thirteen years John Tupholme in 2007. Sally’s generous heart extended openly to her entire family This included her children and their partners Dominic and Mary (Australia), Simon and Dalyce (Victoria), Jolyon (Kamloops) and Nicolette and Vic (Kamloops) and Nicolette’s first partner Wilf (Kamloops). Her grandchildren Jessica, Dustin, Joel, Simon, Marianna, Noel, Gabrielle and Katherine and great grandchildren Madison, Joe, Teddy and Margot, were forever a delight and joy to her Sadly, it will have to be through shared memories that her great grandchildren Jakob, Tommy, Sid, Henry and Mariarosa learn of the limitless love Sally had for her Sallyfamilynever
will be a small informal open house for family and friends on October 15th between 2 – 6 pm at 755 St Paul Street in Kamloops for those who wish to pay their respects and take a moment to reflect on Sally’s life. She was dearly loved and a true inspiration.
And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour
In lieu of flowers please consider making a donation to Doctors Without Borders. https://www.doctorswithoutborders.ca ObituariesObituariesObituaries Obituaries ObituariesObituariesObituaries Obituaries As you share the stories and the memories of how they lived their lives and how very much they meant, may you find comfort... May the Sunshine of Comfort Dispel the Clouds of despair Call to place your 250.371.4949annoucement May the Sunshine of Comfort Dispel the Clouds of Despair
Glen was predeceased by his oldest daughter, Linnea and his four Glensiblings.wasborn
September 21, 1931 in Enderby, BC to Lloyd and Ethel Bertram and grew up mainly in the Penticton area. He started with the BC Forest Service as a dispatcher at the age of 19 at Kettle Valley He became an Assistant Ranger in Cranbrook, where he met the love of his life, Marlene. They moved to Golden where their first child, Linnea was born. Glen attended Ranger School in 1956/57 and worked as a Ranger at Chatham, Alert Bay, and Ganges. They had their other two children, Kevin and Cheryl, during this time. The family then moved to Richmond where Glen worked in Reforestation in the Vancouver district. In 1972, they moved to Hope for Glen to take on the Ranger position. The last few years prior to retirement, Glen worked as an Operations Manager in Rosedale. He retired in 1986. Glen and Marlene lived in Hope for 42 years. During that time, Glen was very active in the Kawkawa Lake Volunteer Fire Department. Glen and Marlene travelled a lot; visiting Sweden, Hawaii and Australia as well as cruising extensively They also made numerous trips on the Gold Wing throughout Canada and the United States. They moved to Kamloops to be closer to family in 2016.
September 21, 1931 - August 30, 2022

Her teaching career started in England and recommenced in 1958 in Kamloops where she moved skillfully through various roles as teacher, principal, counsellor, and finally to librarian. She served on many committees for the school district improving and developing educational programs and providing enrichment opportunities for students. She continues to be remembered by colleagues and students as a wonderful teacher and inspirational mentor

He is survived by his parents, Noel & Wanda of Heffley Creek and sisters Heidi (partner Jason and daughter Meadow) and Amie (husband Matt and kids Cheyenne & Robert). Lawrence was predeceased by his grandparents Robert & Teresa Pooli and Lloyd Wornell, Richard & Elizabeth Gibson.
Live streaming of the service link will be available.
a funny, ambitious and charismatic friend to all. He always filled the room with his signature laugh.
Over his many years Ted enjoyed playing and watching sports (as well as his children’s). He played fastball, golf, and curled for many years and still enjoyed watching the CFL – Go Riders! He loved his old Ford Thunderbirds and on occasion even shared them with his nieces or sister-in-law to show off at school!
The family wishes to extend their gratitude to all of Dad’s friends and family who have helped out in so many ways over the past few years as well as the exceptional caregivers at the Shuswap General Hospital and Bastion Place. Thank you for helping us take such good care of our Teddy

Today, take the time to reach out to those you love, and tell them how much they mean to you. Not one of us is guaranteed tomorrow, so be sure to live for today We know Jay always did.
on a farm in Heffley Creek, B.C., and was the youngest of three children. Lawrence participated in the Vinsulla 4H Club. He loved his high school rodeo. He worked in the oil and gas industry and spent a few years with CN Railway before returning to the oil field. Lawrence always lived life to the fullest and did everything his own way He was not afraid of anything. He loved his friends and family dearly and was known for his heart of gold.
A44 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com
of Despair
Lawrence "Lorenzo" Lloyd Pooli
William Johan (Jay) Nijholt
Those that loved him saw beyond the tough talk and take no guff first impression to the fella with the slow starting smile who was always ready and willing to lend a hand to others and share a laugh or two.
He is survived by his mother, Sherry, his father, Frits, his sister, Tamara (Shane), his brother, Cory (Brittany), his niece, Nevaeh, and his world and stars, his fiancée, Nadine. There are also countless aunts, uncles, cousins, friends, team mates and co-workers who share in this tragic loss.

Celebrate the lives of loved ones with your stories, photographs and tributes on legacy.com/obituaries/nsnews

beloved son, brother, and uncle died unexpectedly on August 26, 2022 in Kamloops, British LawrenceColumbia.wasraised
Jay was a perfectionist in his trade and was a true professional. He took immense pride in his work, and took great care of his employees. All who knew him were truly
Gary Edward Vermilyea
A celebration of life will be held at a later date.
Lawrence is missed and forever in our hearts. Love always, Mom, Dad, Heidi & Amie.
It is with complete and utter sadness that we regretfully announce the sudden passing of Jay Nijholt on September 2, Jay2022.was
Condolences may be expressed at overPonderosahismaintainedwww.schoeningfuneralservice.comItiswithsadnessthatGary’sfamilyannounceshispassingonAugust24,2022,atage72.Aftersufferingalife-alteringaccidentin1996,Garyapositiveoutlookandanincredibledeterminationasherebuiltlife.GarywasaninspirationtomanyThefamilywouldliketothankthemanywhoshowedkindnesstowardshim.WeespeciallythankthestaffatLodgewhocaredforGarythepast18monthsduringwhatwerealsoverychallengingtimesforthem.Thefamilywillholdaprivatememorial.
A. No. Please call/download Drake’s Guide to scattering. It tells you all about the law, as well as the wind.

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Edward George Fox (Ted)
Condolences may be expressed at www.schoeningfuneralservice.com
A celebration of life was held for close friends and family in Heffley Creek on September 4th, 2022.
Celebrate the lives of loved ones with your stories, photographs and tributes on May the Sunshine of Comfort Clouds
Q. Should scatter the ashes on a windy
January 26, 1985 - September 2, 2022
Jay had a zest for life that few could match. He loved snowboarding, concerts, and beach volleyball, but soccer was his passion. It was this passion that brought him and Nadine together

Edward George Fox (Ted), 82, of Tappen, BC, passed away on Friday, August 26, 2022 in Salmon Arm, BC.

Ted was born in Strasburg, SK to Grace and Robert Fox in September of 1939. He grew up and went to high school in Gibbs and in 1969 earned his Journeyman Electrician Certificate in Regina. To date he was a 56 year member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW).

June 10, 1990 - August 26, 2022
Smith, MSW Funeral Director Every Wednesday in KTW! 210 Lansdowne • 425 Tranquille Rd. 250-377-8225 • DrakeCremation.com AFFORDABLE & NO BLACK SUITS Drake Cremation & Funeral Services

Ted is survived by his two sisters (Fay and Marie), his two sons Jason (Cora-Lee) and Clinton (Alyssa), his daughter Lisa (Marty) along with his grandchildren Emma, Meghan, Trystan, Talin, Kassidy and Shaylan and multiple nieces, nephews and cousins, many of whom adored him and he was so very proud of. He is preceded in death by his wife Susan, his brother Bill and his sister Vivian.
Condolences may be sent to the family fromLawrencewww.kamloopsfuneralhome.com250-554-2577"Lorenzo"LloydPooli,

be a memorial for Jay on Saturday, September 17, 2022 at 2:00 pm at Schoening Funeral Chapel at 513 Seymour Street in Kamloops. This will be followed by a celebration of life at 4:00 pm at the Coast Hotel on Rogers Way where we can share stories, laughs, tears and hugs.
Dispel the
Although an electrician by trade, he was very skilled with his hands and took to woodworking in recent years and was also an avid leatherworker in his younger years. He used to camp, play in ball tournaments and party with friends until eventually putting down roots in Kamloops, BC and later retired to the Shuswap where for over two decades he has proudly tended to his home. He enjoyed puttering in his shop and his gardens – Did he ever tell you story about the squirrels that tried to steal his tomatoes? Later in life he learned that he enjoyed travelling and looked forward to getting away each winter for an adventure or two. He was involved in his community and could sometimes be found “volunteering” at the Sunnybrae Senior ’s Center flipping pancakes.
A private family memorial is planned for a later date.

Robert Randal Smith
Margaret was always adamant that no fuss be made, so there will be no service.
The world is definitely a sadder place without him. He was taken far too soon.
Robert Randal Smith passed away peacefully on August 6th, 2022, surrounded by his loving family Robert was predeceased by his wife Marjorie. He is survived by his three daughters, Randi (Norman), Robin (Greg) and Jessi (Ken), his six grandchildren, two great-grandchildren, brother Carman (Barbara) and nieces and nephews. Robert was born and raised in the interior of British Columbia, spending his formative years in Blue River, Vernon and Kamloops, where from a young age, he came to love the landscape, the climate, and the outdoors.
In 1946 Margaret married her best friend’s brother Scott, who ranched south of Kamloops. In the 1950’s the couple built a home in Knutsford, where they lived for over fifty years. Margaret never gave up her fight against weeds on the driveway, even after she moved into her daughter ’s house next door. During the last ten years, Margaret received understanding and compassionate care at ACSS, and since January 2022 at Overlander
Margaret’s one true source of joy was her grandchildren, and each of them have many fond and funny memories of their grandma.
Lucas Lee White
Margaret Hutchinson will be remembered by literally thousands of former students from a career teaching in Kamloops elementary schools from 1944 until 1990 and from decades of volunteerism at Kamloops United Church, and in various literacy programs following her official retirement.

August 25, 2022
Lucas was a kind and generous person, known as “that guy” who would help anyone in need. He could grow anything and his gardens were amazing. He could build anything including structures and furniture. Lucas could fix anything from small motors and appliances to vehicles and farm equipment. He was a very good mechanic. Lucas drove semi trucks for a number of years and had just recently made the choice to return the school.
Robert’s main priority was his family and he was a devoted husband to his wife Marjorie. As a parent, father-in-law and grandparent, Robert was always ready to chat, be a mentor, and watch a hockey game. He will be dearly missed by his family and memories of him long cherished.
August 13, 1974 - August 19, 2022
Margaret Helen Hutchinson
In 1953, Mom married my Dad, Bill Lehrle, had two children: Gar th and Vashti In 1975, the loss of Gar th, a Bush Pilot in Prince Ruper t, took a toll on Mom and their marriage Thankfully her creative talents, sewing, knitting, embroider y, and painting, brought her peace. In our Tsawwassen home, with a hammer in hand, Mom displayed her ingenuity, determination, and independence by building a large bar in the family room I am sure this is where I learned to swear Mom enjoyed long walks, coffee at Donna’s Rocky Mountain Café followed by games of Bridge Oh my gosh! She loved Bridge She also loved her son in law Terr y Lawrence for his big Sunday night dinners making sure she had her favourites Sonia was “Abba” to her Grandchildren,
Later, Robert moved to Vancouver to study at the University of British Columbia, graduating as a civil engineer (class of ‘49). He was also on the UBC hockey team, and belonged to the Varsity Outdoor Club. Robert had a long and successful career as a civil engineer His projects took him to many parts of the world, presenting him with both interesting work and travel opportunities.
Lucas was born in Kamloops, BC on August 13, 1974. He grew up in Kamloops initially before the family moved to Pritchard when he was nine. He graduated from Chase High School in 1993. As an adult he lived mainly in Armstrong and Chase.

Arrangements entrusted to Schoenings. Condolences may be expressed at Margaretwww.schoeningfuneralservice.comwasborninPincherCreek,

In lieu of flowers and cards please consider a donation, in memory of Margaret, to Kamloops United Church (421 St. Paul Street) https://kamloopsunited.ca/ or to a literacy program like Raise a Reader Kamloops at https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/42475 .
In loving memory of Sonia Marjorie Lehrle (Duck)
Margaret came to Kamloops from Victoria, at the invitation of her best friend whom she met at the Provincial Normal School, to complete her teaching practicum in the spring of 1944. She stayed, and at the mature age of 19 began her career at the two-room Brocklehurst School as the teacher in a classroom with 48 students in four grades. Following stints at Valleyview and Allen Matthews Schools, Margaret spent the last three decades of her career at Beattie Elementary School. She set something of a school district attendance record, never taking a single sick day in 45 years of fulltime teaching.
WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 A45www.kamloopsthisweek.com
Alberta on February 22, 1925. She passed away in Kamloops, BC on September 5, 2022. Margaret is survived by her daughter Chris, her grandchildren: Steven (Nicole), Caitlin (Graham) and Alix, and her great-granddaughters: Charlie Dolson; Macey and Maggie MacLaughlin; and Sage and Juniper Dolson.
Devon and Britt Lawrence (Joel Formosa). Her last week, Mom captured their imagination with all her stories Luckily enough, she attained the status of Great Grandma to Austin Dawson Lawrence and little Brady Formosa
She was predeceased by her husband, Charles ‘Scott’ Hutchinson, and their infant son Lawrence Scott; her brother Donald Kerr, her sister Ruth Fisher and their parents Andrew Kerr and Edith Mary Flanagan Kerr; and her son-in-law Grant Dolson.
Sonia Marjorie Lehrle (Duck) passed away one day shy of her 92nd bir thday on August 25, 2022 Mom grew up on a cattle ranch purchased by her grandparents in 1901 During The Depression, early ranch life meant sharing a home with cousins, it was not unusual to have 18 people at the table for meals There were so many children that a teacher was added to the household, saving a long trek to the schoolhouse. Sonia learned the ar t of sewing from an Aunt, taught to drive at 9 years old and shared a bed with her sister Shirley, and, to her passing, was careful not to roll over and disturb her Early June 1945, Sonia’s father, having been away for 6 years, returned home from war Mom recalled how her family set out at 4 a m , walking about a mile to the railroad station where they waited to see him step down from the train. It was an unbelievable moment for a 12, 15, and 17 year old. They went to a hotel where the adults had a drink, and then took a taxi home It was Sonia’s first time in a taxi! The ranch, no longer owned by family, is located in Holmwood between Monte Lake and Barnhar tvale (Kamloops)
A warm family atmosphere was created at The Views in Comox, Mom’s home for 3 years Our thanks to all who cared for and respected her You all made it enjoyable to visit Mom was a true British Columbian, but the Kamloops ranch was her hear t She will join the family at Holmwood Cemeter y Predeceased by son Gar th, parents Ar thur and Mar tha Duck, and siblings Shirley Jaron and Ian Duck
It is with great sadness and regret that we announce the passing on August 19,2022 of Lucas Lee White. Lucas is survived by his parents Robert (Julie) White, Nina (Bob) Ferguson, his sons Cole, Isaac and Samuel and his daughter Ashten. He also leaves his paternal grandmother Beatrice Shaner, his sister Renee (Mike Witt) White, step-brothers Jason, Kiel, Sean, step-sisters Sorrel and Alex as well as a significant number of aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews and numerous friends.
Obituaries ObituariesObituariesObituaries Obituaries
will live on in the hearts and minds of those he left behind: His wife Laurie, son Dennon, daughter Darcell, granddaughter Katie-Rose, brothers Norm & Len, and sisters Sheryl, Sam, Bev & Debbie.
With heavy hearts we are saddened to announce the passing of our beautiful Janet; wife, mother, sister and friend after a long and courageous battle with cancer
November 6, 1951 - September 11, 2022
There will be a private ceremony held at Howard’s favourite “spot” of Davis Bay at our family’s discretion.
‘Where the Roses never fade’
Rest easy love.
Howard wanted to help future patients of IPF and insisted that his body be donated to the Science department at UBC to help learn more about this terrible disease.
Howard loved his family of course but we all know what he really loved (and hated)…his sports! Howard was a passionate Canucks fan (some might say TOO passionate), a dedicated Blue Jays fan, a BC Lions fan and later on, a Raptors fan. If you wanted to know where Howie was on a Saturday night, you could bet he was in a living room watching hockey, swearing at Rob Shick, “shooting” at the opposition or Hi-Fiving the

Mom is survived by her five children Danny Wilson, Gail (Mark) Ayres, Cindy (Murray) Denison, Tammy (Kevin) Cameron, Tom (Sandra) Wilson. Grandchildren (Nana), Benjamin, Mathew, Jaclyn, Sheri, Jeremy, David, Jenna, Chris, Tara, Mike, Dylan, and Alex. Great grandchildren (Love you to the moon and back Nana) Isadora, Evelyn, Grayson, Oakley, Addalynn, and Bodhi.

When mom felt ready, she moved to the Mayfair Residence in Kamloops where she was involved with many committees. For six years mom and her dear friend Ileen organized a bingo night weekly A special thank you to Ileen for being her bingo caller Mom was happiest when she was involved. She had an abundance of energy and made many lasting friendships. Mom enjoyed writing poetry which she wrote for everyone’s special occasions and enjoyed drawing.
Janet Patricia Bells March 2, 1969 - August 20, 2022
In lieu of flowers please make a donation in Howard’s name to the Canucks For Kids
Special thanks to Dr McLaren, the palliative care nurses, and Kamloops hospice Nostaff.service by request. Donations can be made in Arylns’ name to Kamloops Food CondolencesBank. and memories may be shared below
As per her request there will be no formal ceremony held in her honour There will be an intimate gathering of close family and friends at a later date.
A special thanks to all the family, friends, and co-workers who offered help and support to our family through this difficult journey We would also like to thank all the doctors and nurses who have helped and supported our family during this trying time.
Condolences may be sent to the family at DrakeCremation.com
Mom enjoyed her family travels on an Alaskan cruise, Germany, Hawaii and Yuma! And to her favourite lakes were Canim Lake, Paul Lake, Riverside Park and Osoyoos Lake.

ObituariesObituariesObituaries Obituaries ObituariesObituariesObituaries Obituaries Celebratethe lives of loved ones with your stories, photographs and tributes DO YOU HAVE AMAZING LOCAL PHOTOS? We re look ng for your loca photos to use in loca publ cations To win a prize valued at $50 submit your photos at: www.kamloopsthisweek.com/photo-contest Submission Deadline: 12:00 pm on September 28 w nne e e ted a h end o each mon h om ma o t vo e o se ec ed e t s Subm e though www Kam oopsTh Week com/p oto co t s b p d hy & d p p d R d t d d t f d Follow us on Instagram to vote on the op photos at the end o every month @Kamloopsthisweek
course of the last few months, hundreds of friends, young and old, have reached out, expressing their love and warmth but there seemed to be a reoccurring theme; How comfortable Howie always made people feel, how big his heart was and how everyone was always welcome at the Stein house. If you grew up on the North Shore between 1992-2000 odds were you attended at least ONE of the infamous Stein house parties… AND odds are you shared a laugh with Howie!
A46 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com
She was an incredibly strong willed, witty, gentle, and brave women. She had never given up hope during her strenuous battle with cancer The absence she leaves behind in the lives of those she touches will weigh heavy on many hearts.
Mom was born in Melville, Saskatchewan on November 16, 1935, to her parents Herman Froese (Pops) 1896 - 1963 and Elfrida Wenland (Oma) 1910 - 1997.

Howard Scott Stein
A special time for us all to enjoy was the Rock Creek Family Reunion. Families from everywhere came for this fun packed weekend of music and talent. The highlight was floating on tubes down the Kettle Creek River on those hot sunny days to cool off. These times are cherished memories.
It is with great sadness and infinite heartbreak that we announce the passing of Howard Scott Stein. Howard had an uphill battle in his fight with Pulmonary Fibrosis and succumbed to it on his own terms with his cherished family right by his side. He was upbeat, happy and making friends with passersby right until the very end, in true Howard fashion.
We loved mom for who she was. She passed on her strength and unconditional love, she was a remarkable woman, strong and determined with a beautiful smile.
She passed away peacefully at Royal Inland Hospital surrounded by her loved ones.
Arlyn West (Froese)
In loving memory of our mom. Mom went peacefully with her five children by her side at the age of 86, on September 2, 2022, at Marjorie Willoughby Hospice in Kamloops, BC.
Mom ventured off opening businesses, Budget Boutique (Brocklehurst), A’Jays decal T-Shirt shop (Westsyde) and A’Jays Shoe and Sears pick up in Osoyoos with her sister Judy

Her pride and joy were all her grandchildren, Nana loved spending time playing card and board games, she was competitive! Nana also treasured her one-on-one talks with her grandchildren and looked forward to their warm hugs and kisses.

Howard also loved scoping out vintage cars, listening to his Elvis and his 70’s Gold, watching his Young & The Restless soap (which always baffled us!) and spending time with his wife… his best friend… his confidant…Laurie. While battling IPF, he was able to find some peace living on the beautiful Sunshine Coast in the small community of Sechelt where Laurie and Howie were able to play in the sand and bask in the sun.
She leaves behind her husband Clayton, two children Jake and Lexi, sisters Debbie (Greg), Delores, and younger brother Wade (Thersea), in-laws June and Wilfred Bells, Shawn (Rechelle), Kim (Kevin) as well as numerous nieces and nephews. She will be remembered fondly by many aunts, uncles, cousins, and extended family and friends on both sides of the family She will be additionally greatly missed by her beloved dog Raine.
She will be dearly missed by family
Mom was the middle child of her 12 other siblings. She was born into a musical and talented family A special memory was when mom, nine years of age, sang with her sister Rita at the radio station before going to Church Service. She also harmonized with her sisters Merle, Judy and Donna.
GMC BUICK KAMLOOPS PAY ME N T S B A SE D O N F IN A N CIN G O N A PPR OV E D CR E D T W T H S TAT E D A M O UN T D OW N O R E Q U VA L E N T T R A DE A ND N CL UDE A L L F E E S & TA X E S To t a p aid w h $ 5 0 0 0 dow n #N 16 8 4 6 7 B $ 2 8 0 4 3 15 7 8 mon t hs @7 9 9 % OAC #M 2 2 0 15 3 A $ 3 4 3 2 2 8 4 mon t hs @ 7 9 9 % OAC # 6 6 4 7 C $ 3 2 0 5 1 3 1 6 6 mon hs @ 8 9 9 % OAC #M 2 2 3 0 C $ 3 8 7 13 8 4 mon t hs @ 7 9 9 % OAC # 6 6 0 7A $ 4 8 9 6 2 0 6 5 4 6 8 4 mon t hs @ 7 9 9 % OAC #N 16 8 0 9 7A $ 41 4 6 4 4 8 9 6 mon hs @7 9 9 % OAC # 6 6 3 7 B $ 4 0 1 76 8 4 mon hs @ 7 9 9 % OAC # 6 6 5 6 A $ 42 42 8 5 6 4 8 mon hs @ 8 9 9% OAC #N 2 6 5 2 0 3 A $ 5 3 6 0 5 4 4 9 6 mon t hs @7 9 9 % OAC # 6 6 2 0A $ $ $ 8 4 mon t hs @7 9 9 % OAC # 6 6 3 B $ 5 9 74 5 42 8 4 mon hs @7 9 9 % OAC #N 2 2 6 8 4 8 A $ 6 2 13 7 0 8 8 4 mon hs @7 9 9 % OAC # 6 6 3 5 A $ 7 5 4 8 4 8 3 7 8 mon hs @7 9 9 % OAC # 6 6 12 A $ 9 2 4 8 2 8 4 mon t hs @7 9 9 % OAC # 6 6 2 2 A $ 9 7 15 9 9 6 mon hs @7 9 9 % OAC #N 2 6 2 3 4 7A $ 10 7 4 3 3 8 4 mon hs @ 7 9 9 % OAC #N 8 9 49 5 A $ 1 10 4 3 9 8 8 5 2 mon t hs @ 7 9 9 % OAC #N 2 2 6 0 6 1 A $ 12 3 6 4 5 2 8 9 6 mon t hs @7 9 9 % OAC #N 2 6 3 5 5 9 B $ 12 3 6 4 5 2 8 9 6 mon t hs @7 9 9 % OAC #N 2 6 9 6 2 6 A $ 13 2 5 14 4 0 9 6 mon t hs @7 9 9 % OAC 685 NOTRE DAME DRIVE, KAMLOOPS | CALL TODAY! 1 855 314 6307 ZIMMER WHEATON #6620A 18 N I S SA N M U R A N O S L AW D $37,995 or $279 bi weekly +tax bi weekly #6612A 19 CHEVROLET COLORADO ZR2 or $345+tax$53,995 #6622A 21 G M C ACA D I A D E N A L I AW D or $412 bi weekly +tax$57,995 #6607A 19 M I TS U B I S H I RV R or $180 bi weekly +tax$26,995 #M220153A 17 C H RYS L E R PAC I F I CA or $151 bi weekly +tax$22,995 #M223011C 20 K I A FO RT E EX or $185 bi weekly +tax$26,995 #6656A 12 CA M A R O 2S S C O N V E RT I B L E or $347 bi weekly +tax$29,995 #6637B 18 FO R D ES CA PE S E 4W D or $193 bi weekly +tax$27,995 #N189495A 20 G M C Y U KO N X L or $567 bi weekly +tax$71,995 #N222061A 21 FO R D EX PE D I T I O N or $570 bi weekly +tax$79,995 #N262347A 18 G M C S I E R R A 2500H D or $563 bi weekly +tax$71,995 #N263559B 22 G M C Y U KO N S LT or $570 bi weekly +tax$79,995 #N168467B 15 N I S SA N R O G U E or $136 bi weekly +tax$19,995 #6647C 14 FORD MUSTANG CONVERTIBLE or $190 bi weekly +tax$22,995 #N168097A 19 C H E V R O L E T T R A X LT or $176 bi weekly +tax$27,995 #6613B 18 H O N DA O DYS S E Y EX or $290 bi weekly +tax$39,995 #N226848A 17 CHEVROLET SILVERADO 1500 LT or $314 bi weekly +tax$42,995 #N6635A 15 CA D I L L AC ES CA L A D E or $417 bi weekly +tax$52,995 #N269626A 20 G M C S I E R R A 3500H D S LT or $613 bi weekly +tax$87,995 #N265203A 21 G M C T E R R A I N or $234 bi weekly +tax$35,995 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 A47www.kamloopsthisweek.com


LEFT: Mittz & Company chefs Andy Tucker (left), Tsu Fujimura and David Foster plate grazers and tapas during the opening of Yew Street Food Hall on Sept. 8.

“I hope it’s cyclical, but we might have to change the way we’re all doing things if things don’t start coming around,” he said.
BELOW LEFT: Patrons enjoy the food from vendors in the Yew Street Food Hall during the grand opening.
Mitton said he feels a duty to help these restaurants survive, not ing there is already a good sense of community among vendors.
SEAN BRADY STAFF REPORTER sbrady@kamloopsthisweek.com
TD Wealth Private Investment Advice T: 250 314 5124 | 1 866 377 1511 eric.davis @td.com | keith.davis @td.com | daviswealth.ca Davis Wealth Management Team is part of TD Wealth Private Investment Advice, a division of TD Waterhouse Canada Inc. which is a subsidiary of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. ®The TD logo and other trademarks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank or its subsidiaries. 17022873MC Eric Davis, BBA, CIWM, PFP© Senior Portfolio Manager and Senior Investment Advisor Keith Davis, BBA, CFP® CIM© Associate Investment Advisor TD Wealth Private Investment Advice T: 250 314 5124 | 1 866 377 1511 eric.davis@td.com keith.davis@td.com daviswealth.ca “Proud to be voted #1. Thank you to our clients and readers!” WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 B1www.kamloopsthisweek.com COMMUNITY 250-374-7467 or email editor@kamloopsthisweek.com
One potential hiccup is the ongoing staffing issues faced by businesses across B.C. and North America — especially restaurants.

“What are the chances that
some of these small businesses could come in, do a build-out like this, have a modern-style restau rant without having to put any money down on it?” he said.
Yew Street Food Hall serving it up co-op style
The Mittons also operate Mittz Kitchen downtown and Twisted Steak in Aberdeen, which is soon set to move into the old Keg restau rant near the Sandman Centre.
Yew Street Food Hall has officially opened its doors, with a concept new to Kamloops that offers 10 food vendors under one roof.
ucts in their menu,” Driver said. Driver will be focused on bak ing bread, while Carnegie plans on expanding offerings with pastries. As with a few other vendors in the food hall, Harvest Moon is not quite off the ground yet. Driver said one permit from the city is still pending and he hopes to open as soon as possible.
Other vendors yet to offi cially open include Taco Rojo Cantina, Porcini’s Pasta Fresca and Lemongrass.Driverisexcited to get to work, though, and has embraced the coop-style
“We need people in our kitch ens. That’s the main thing that’s slowing us down from really getting this thing off and flying,” Mitton said.As
BELOW RIGHT: Jeff Mitton (left) speaks as brother Steve Mitton looks on at the Sept. 8 event.
part of the Great Resignation, restaurants, airlines, schools and nursing homes are facing a labour crunch as workers move on. Mitton, like many others, said he’s still trying to nail down the cause.
past 15 years. Together, they’ll be running the Harvest Moon Bakery, having moved the operation from Sorrento.“Weare both very communityminded, so this really speaks to us not just in a personal sense, but in a business sense, as well. We’ve already talked to several of the dif ferent vendors who want our prod
“Thismodel.model is growing. The co-op style is really popular and some of them have been wildly successful,” he said.
Two of those small business owners are Nick Driver and part ner Christy Carnegie. The two met in culinary school and have been working in the industry for the

Jeff Mitton said the food hall is a great opportunity for vendors, as the operation has taken on many of the expenses typically seen in opening a restaurant.

It is located on the ground floor of The Colours on Spirit Square, just off Tranquille Road in North Kamloops.Theoperation isn’t catering to franchises, so the food hall’s restau rants are owner/operator-focused and, for the most part, unique to Kamloops.Foodand drink vendors already open include Duck Duck Pork, Mittz and Co., Brews on Yew/ Drinks on Yew, Harvest Moon Bakery, Veggie Bomb and Inferno Pizza.While initially there were plans for typical commercial storefronts on the ground floor, the idea evolved into something a bit more involved.ArpaInvestments partner and spokesperson Joshua Knaak said the project was a long time com ing, pointing to the work done by brothers Jeff and Steve Mitton, who not only manage the operation, but also operate two restaurants inside: Mittz and Co. and Inferno Pizza.
WATCH FOR OUR SPECIAL RAISE A READER SECTION IN KAMLOOPS THIS WEEK ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 For more information, visit www.raiseareader.ca READING CAN CHANGE A LIFE Help support family & children’s local literacy programs. DONATE ONLINE ALL MONTH! www.Raise Reader.ca Mail in: 1365B Dalhousie Dr, Kamloops, BC V2C 5P6 cheques payable to “School District No. 73” IF YOU CAN READ THIS, HELP FUNDSWHOSOMEONECAN’T.RAISEDSUPPORTFAMILY&CHILDREN’S LOCAL LITERACY PROGRAMS SCAN TO DONATE PROUDLY PRESENTED BY SPONSORS B2 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com

Having heard of the royal visit to the River City, Blades’ class was eventually chosen to be part of the entertainment during the stopover in Kamloops.Bladeswas among eight pupils chosen to perform a dance dressed in Dutch costumes, which were made by mothers of the children.
In July 1959, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip arrived in Kamloops at the Canadian Pacific Railway station. From the rail sta tion grounds, the motorcade of the Royal party toured a small area of Kamloops, then headed to the baseball grounds at Riverside Park, where they were escorted to a raisedAfterplatform.theceremony, the motor cade proceeded west on Victoria Street, crossing the bridge and passing through North Kamloops

The trio was met on the apron by then-MLA Philip Gaglardi, Kamloops Mayor Peter Wing and airport manager Jim Mills and spouses of the three.
and Brocklehurst en route to Fulton Field at Kamloops Airport.
There were presentations from several other schools before the Royal Family continued on their trip.In the fall of 1951, the thenprincess and family again visited the city, greeting residents in RiversideAndreaPark.Martin was five years old in Grade 1 at Lloyd George elementary in late October 1951 when the school’s entire student body and all staff marched down to Riverside Park to see Princess Elizabeth and Prince Phillip.
In May 1971 during B.C.’s Centennial Celebration, the Smokey 2, a four-engine aircraft of the Royal Canadian Air Force, landed in Kamloops and taxied to the passenger terminal building. On board were Queen Elizabeth, Prince Philip and Princess Anne.
Martin, who retired from teach ing 20 years ago and now lives in Victoria, said seeing the princess that day still resonates with her today.“That is my most exciting memory of Kamloops,” Martin, 76, said. “I just remember how excited we all were to be taken down to Riverside Park, the whole school, to meet Princess Elizabeth and Prince Phillip. I was looking for a real princess with a real crown and all that. But it was raining and miserable and she was wearing an ordinary wool coat and hat. But we were still so exited.”
It was warm that spring day and Blades fainted. She recovered after some time in the medical tent and joined her classmates for the dance.“Ido remember this,” she said, “They were on a platform on the last car and they came out to greet us and we danced.”
In March 1983, Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip again visited B.C., spending time in Victoria, Vancouver and Vernon, with Prince Phillip stopping in Kamloops.

It appears the Royal visit only lasted between 35 and 50 minutes.
itinerary in the Okanagan.
Martin said a classmate was also searching for a fairy tale prin cess, at one point being shushed by a teacher for shouting out, “She isn’t a real princess!”
In May 1939, the Royal Family visited Canada for a six-week coast-to-coast tour by train, including a stop in Kamloops.
of the death of Queen Elizabeth II on Sept. 8 at the age of 96 elicited a flood of memories worldwide.Someof those memories came from Kamloops residents as Elizabeth visited the city four times — twice as princess and twice as queen.Elizabeth’s death prompted local aviation historian Neil Burton to note visits to Kamloops by the queen over the years.
The Royal party entered auto mobiles, travelled eastward along the apron and returned via the airport entrance road, where about 4,000 people were waiting around the parking area. A dais was set up in the parking lot just to the northwest of the passenger ter minal. The queen didn’t address the crowd, but the royalty mingled freely with the crowd. Queen Elizabeth was presented a bouquet of flowers by 10-year old Vivian Zumino.Mayor Wing presented the queen with a painting, on behalf of the citizens of Kamloops, of the Balancing Rock near Savona, by local artist Doris Nelson.
CHRISTOPHER FOULDS KTW EDITOR editor@kamloopsthisweek.com
During that 1971 visit, the roy alty also visited Prince George, where Jim Madill told KTW he met Queen Elizabeth when he was 17 years old and in Grade 11. Madill said he spoke to the queen in Fort George Park.
The future queen and her hus band were not scheduled to be in Kamloops, with the visit an unex pected side trip from their official
Madill said Queen Elizabeth was “a very remarkable lady who is going to be missed by a lot of people around the world.”

Kamloops resident Rose Blades was six years old at the time, attending a one-room schoolhouse in Brocklehurst and among those chosen to be part of the entertain ment during the royal stopover.

“I spoke to her very briefly because she had so much security around her,” Madill said, noting he told her he was a trainee reporter at the Prince George Citizen. “I said, ‘It’s nice to meet you. You’re a very beautiful person.’ And she thanked me very much.”
tional dances to the beat of a skin drum and the Kamloops Indian Residential School girls band per formed several numbers.
Jan Surline sent KTW this photo of her sister, Girl Guide Patricia McComb-Woo, presenting a bouquet to Queen Elizabeth II in July 1959. Surline said her sister had an interesting conversation with Prince Phillip about Tranquille, where the family lived. “He said they would dip a wing when they flew over Tranquille to say hello — and he did!” Surline recounted; Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip visited Vernon in 1983, with Prince Phillip splitting off to stop in Kamloops (Kamloops News photo).
The queen visited Kamloops on two occasions during her reign — and twice as a teenage princess
While the monarchy is now headed by King Charles III — the 73-year-old son of Queen Elizabeth — Madill said the future of the monarchy and its place in society is “very much up in the air.”
The Mount Paul Indian Dancers, led by Mildred Gottfriedsen, performed tradi
The visit was a first by a reign ing British monarch. King George VI, wife Elizabeth, Princess Elizabeth, 13, and Princess Margaret, 8, steam-trained their way into towns and cities. It would be more than a decade before Elizabeth would become queen.
CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Rose Blades with a photo of herself and other students who danced for Princess Elizabeth in Kamloops in 1939 (Dave Eagles/ KTW); Queen Elizabeth in the drawing room at Balmoral in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, on Sept. 6, two days before her death (Jane Barlow/press pool photo);
WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 B3www.kamloopsthisweek.com COMMUNITY
Local literacy programs help increase the literacy and learning skills of children, youth, adults and seniors to improve their quality of life at home, at work and in the community.
BACK ROW, FROM LEFT: Cara Gates, Joe Small, Jill Hayward and Ray Jolicoeur.FRONTROW,
Literacy connects us to the digital world and digital access and skills allow people to fully participate in
health and live longer. Having strong numeracy skills helps us manage our money better.
Please submityour messageofgratitude and thanks to the peoplewho makethe biggest sacrificesdaily and makea huge differenceinour community. Email your submissions to ray@kamloopsthisweek.com and watch foryour October 5theditionofKamloops This Week wherewewillpublish selected entriesinour 1st Responders special feature. Salute to our First Responders Join Kamloops This Week as we honor those on the front linesofserving their community. All entriesreceived by Sept. 30 will be entered to win dinnerfor 4. ($200 value) Hey kids, how do you th ink you cook a turkey? Show us how to do it in your own drawing or story! Each submission will be entered into a draw for a free Turkey Winners will be notified by phone, so please include a name and contact phone number with your submission. There will be a total of three prizes drawn! Deliver entries to 1365B Dalhousie Drive or email scans to ktw@kamloopsthisweek.com Deadline for entries: Thursday, September 29 Draw date: Monday, October 3 • 10:00 am Entries will be published Wednesday, October 5 B4 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com COMMUNITY

B.C., 400 com munities join literacy organization Decoda Literacy Solutions to celebrate September as LiteracyKamloopsMonth.and surrounding rural communities will celebrate the 15th annual Raise a Reader campaign the week of Sept. 19 to Sept. 23. To date, the campaign has raised more than $1.3 million to support local literacy programs.Morethan 700,000 people in B.C. struggle with literacy challenges.
Did you know? September is Literacy Month
Literacy skills help us communi cate, participate and feel included. Literacy skills help us understand our rights and our responsibilities.
The Raise a Reader team is promoting literacy.
“Literacy in all its forms helps us connect to each other, to our communities and to better oppor tunities,” said Sandra Lee, new executive director at Decoda Literacy Solutions.Athome, literacy connects par
Literacy connects us to workplace safety and to job-related learning andInupgrading.thecommunity, literacy con nects us to civic engagement. People with strong literacy skills are more likely to vote and volunteer. Literacy
connects us to others.
By reading and playing together every day, we help build our chil dren’s literacy skills. Literacy con nects us to health. Literacy skills help us find, understand and use health information so we can enjoy better
can be made online at raiseareader.ca or in person on Wednesday, Sept. 21, between 7 a.m. and 9 a.m., when volunteers will once again be at popular morn ing stops in Kamloops and the surrounding area, hawking special editions of Kamloops This Week for a donation to literacy.

FROM LEFT: Larry Read, Crystal Murgatroyd, Fiona Clare and Marianne VandePol.
ents and caregivers to their kids.
Missing from the photo, but very much involved in the cause, are Kerry Milner-Cairns, Barbara Maher and Serena Hazel.
At work, literacy connects us to employment. People with strong lit eracy skills have more job opportuni ties and can earn more money.
WWW.PROVINCIALWINTERFAIR.COM SEPTEMBER 23-26, 2022 CIRCLE CREEK RANCH & EQUESTRIAN CENTRE; KAMLOOPS BC 4-H & Open Shows Live Auction Uncle Chris the Clown & More! Full Schedule Available On: WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 B5www.kamloopsthisweek.com

Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris

Know What You
CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Participants dressed the part while taking part in an Alice in Wonderland-themed scavenger hunt downtown; the annual Parkinson’s SuperWalk took place on Saturday in Riverside Park, an event held to raise awareness of the disease and raise money for research and for programs for those with Parkinson’s. This year’s walk was held in honour of Daryle and Sharon Arden, both of whom were diagnosed with the disease in 2016. For more on how you can help, go online to parkinson.bc.ca; radio-controlled vehicles can be seen flying around the paved and unpaved tracks of the Thompson Valley RC Race Club behind Valleyview Arena; seven-year-old Gavin Sra knocks down some friends in a bouncy castle battle during Saturday’s Valleyview Community Block Party.


I Did
September 15 at 6:30pm
Last Summer
Fire of Love

September 17 at 6:30pm

Th u rs d a y Fi l m S e ri e s R e c e n t H i t s T h e b e s t f e a t u r e s f r o m a r o u n d t h e w o r l d Fre e M e m b e r M o v i e IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: thekfs.ca at the Paramount 503 VIC TORIA ST SPONSORS B6 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com COMMUNITY
Bodies Bodies Bodies
September 16 and 23 at 6:30pm, 24 at 6:45pm, & 30 at 6:30pm
September 15, 16 & 30 at 6:45pm

CFBX is espe cially in need of classical music hosts, hip-hop hosts, First Nations hosts and anyone inter ested in programming in a lan guage other than English.
The arts council said crafts and
Children’s Art Festival on this weekend
Spoken word programming ranges from social and political issues to sports and entertain ment.Inaddition,

run from Sept. 19 to Nov. 28 on Mondays from
The Acting Essentials class continues for those ages 10 to 14, held from Sept. 21 to Nov. 23 on Wednesdays from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Valleyview Community Hall.Anyone with questions on the program or look ing to enrol can go online to wctlive.ca/thehub or email Terri Runnalls at terri@wctlive.ca.Theprograms are $250 for the fall session.
Colourful clothing is also recom mended, as there will be an attempt to create the “biggest human rain bow.”For more information, go online to kamloopsarts.ca.
activities will be encourage to make use of recycled materials.
Anyone interested in getting involved with CFBX can call the station at 250- 377-3988, email radio@thex.ca or drop by the station at House 8, behind the Campus Activity Centre on the TRU campus.

CFBX can help build up job skills in audio editing, interview ing, writing, organization skills and computer use. There are numerous ways to get involved at the station on air and off.
3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Sagebrush Theatre.
The Children’s Art Festival returns to Riverside Park this week end.The free one-day event, which gives children the chance to try out different art forms, will take place
1271 Salish Rd | 250.374.6942 LyonsLandscaping.com T hank you ,Kam Tloops! loops! ONE OF THE BEST 2022 Powered by GARDEN CENTRES WINNER 2022 P d by L ANDSCAPING COMPANY Come check out the latest dirt at our Garden Centre! Get Ready for 2023! G A R D E N C E N T R E WHILE QUANTITIES LAST PRECISION EDGE LANDSCAPING KIT 80% off TREES & SHRUBS 40% off Buy any planter at 30% off and get 2 free 32L bagsof Sea Soil Potting Soil or Container Complete TROPICALS 75% off WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 B7www.kamloopsthisweek.com COMMUNITY

ThreeSchool.different afterschool programs will run from September to November.Foryounger students ages four to seven, the Acting Adventures class will run from Sept. 20 to Nov. 22 on Tuesdays from 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. at Sagebrush Theatre. For those ages
on Saturday, Sept. 17, from 10 a.m. to 4Thep.m.theme this year is Rivers to Rainbows, which the event’s host, the Kamloops Arts Council, said is all about the water, earth and sky around us.
CFBX programs a wide vari ety of music and spoken word programming with a non-com mercialMusicfocus.programming includes folk, roots, country, classical, jazz, funk, blues, punk, metal, hip-hop and electronic.
eight to 12, the Acting Essentials program will

CFBX is an entirely volunteerrun and volunteer-programmed radio station and is always look ing for energetic and creative volunteers to help out on air and off air.Volunteers do not need to be TRU students to get involved.
The volunteer drive for CFBX, the campus/community radio station at Thompson Rivers University, continues to Friday, Sept. 23.
Registration is open for Western Canada Theatre’s Stage One Theatre
Kids — enter stage right this fall
The game was organized by Kamloops RCMP Const. Sofie Winkles, who became involved with the Special Olympics about six years ago. Then, as a member of the community policing unit, she was responsible for organizing the detachment’s par ticipation in the Summer Games Torch Run.

Constables Dustin Meikle (left) and Philip Whiles warm up for the Sept. 14 game at Norbrock Stadium. RCMP PHOTO
“A lot of what police deal with is negative and this is just so happy and positive. The Special Olympics are just a great orga nization that I love to support,” Winkles said.
BC is dedicated to enriching the lives of individuals with intellectual disabilities through sport. The charitable organization relies on public, corporate and govern ment assistance to deliver low to no-cost athletic programs.

For more information on the Kamloops Special Olympics and Wednesday’s ball game, visit the Special Olympics BC Kamloops Facebook page.
FIRST MEMORIAL FUNERAL SERVICES KAMLOOPS 348 B Tranquille Rd Kamloops, BC V2B 3G6 250-554-2429 SCHOENING FUNERAL SERVICE 513 Seymour St Kamloops, BC V2C 2G8 250-374-1454 A prepaid funeral plan protects your family. A division of Service Corporation International (Canada), ULC. FREE planning guide: DignityMemorial.ca Planning and paying for your life celebration in advance will give you and your family valuable peace of mind.

You’re invited to join us to celebrate the KFHS 40th Anniversary September 22, 2022 Heritage House 100 Lorne St. Guests Are Welcome! Time: 7 - 9:30 pm Please RSVP to family4genealogy@gmail.com o 1983 Secretary Eileen & 1982 Lifetime Member Elenore still enjoying Family History in 2022 B8 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com COMMUNITY

Celebrating their 40th Anniversary September 8, 1982 September 22, 2022

The Kamloops Family History Society

RCMP steps up to plate for Special Olympics
Local Mounties and the Kamloops Special Olympics are going head-to-head on Wednesday, Sept. 14, on the ball dia mond to raise awareness of, and funds for, the non-profit orga nization.Thecharity softball game will take place at 6 p.m. at McArthur Island’s Norbrock Stadium, where the Special Olympics Softball Team face the Kamloops Law Enforcement Team.Admission to the family-friendly ball game is by dona tion. Hotdogs and drinks will be available for purchase and there will be prizes to be won, courtesy game sponsors Safeway, Dearborn Ford, Engel and Volkers and the Knights of Columbus.SpecialOlympics

WIN ME! Would you like a brand new 2022 Ford Eco Sport for FREE?NO PURCHASE NECESSARY *See Dearborn Ford for details. 2555 East Trans Canada Highway, Kamloops Automall 250.372.7101 | dearbornford.com YOUR FORD VEHICLE SPECIALISTS DL#5917 JUSTIN GROVER General Manager HEATHERControllerLEWIS BROCK DUCROSS Sales Director MIKE GeneralWOODSalesManager TAYLOR MCCARTHY Sales Manager KERRY ServiceWASILKAManager TRACY AssistantGREUSServiceManager BRUCE TAYLOR Parts Manager DARCY FinancialSEVERINServiceManager CLINT FinancialCAMPBELLServiceManager MASENMarketingFERNANDESDirector JASMINE LOUISE SpecialtyManagerFinance LYLE ReconditioningHILTONManager MEET SOME OF THE SALES TEAM!

Brendan’s hometown is Kamloops. He loves to go for a drive in a nice storm! Brendan has worked at Dearborn for just over 3 years. He is currently driving a 2020 Mustang GT performance pack 2 (it’s a beast).

Cora’s hometown is Barriere BC. She is not only an amazing sales team member, but she is also a registered make-up artist! She has worked at Dearborn for 1.5 years. Cora is currently driving a 2019 Ford Fusion (currently listed for sale).

Daniel’s hometown is Fox Creek Alberta. Daniel is secretly one of the best singer/guitar players you will hear play. He has worked at Dearborn for 8 months. Daniel currently drives a 2021 Kia Sorrento along with a 2022 Ford Edge!

Meet Sam!
Sam’s hometown is Cranbrook BC. He is a country city boy that loves to sturgeon fish. He has worked at Dearborn for 2 years. He proudly drives the nicest truck at Dearborn, a 2022 F-350 Platinum Tremor!

Meet Daniel!
Meet Brendan!
Meet Cora!

here at Dearborn Ford are giving one away for FREE. That’s right…. FREE. The more ballots better your chances! Anyone can win and the beautiful thing about this giveaway is… there purchase necessary. Here’s what you need to do: New vehicle purchase = 5 Ballots Preowned vehicle purchase = 10 Ballots Factory Order = 2 Ballots Any Service = 2 Ballots Any Parts Purchase = 1 Ballot Review us on Google = 1 Ballot Visit our Community Cruiser at an event = 1 Ballot EARNENTRIES!BONUS Purchase a vehicle that has been stocked for more than 90 days = 15 Ballots or refer a friend to purchase and they mention your name = 1 Ballot 2555 East Trans Canada HWY Kamloops Automall 250.372.7101 | dearbornford.com YOUR FORD VEHICLE SPECIALISTS DL#5917 STK: PN230 4 DR, AWD, HEATED SEATS, ADAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL, ENHANCED PARK ASSIST. NOW $54,995 2021 FORD EDGE ST STK: PN137 • 2,874 KM 4 DR, AWD, POWER LIFTGATE, REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY, REAR VIEW CAMERA / WASHER. NOW $51,550 2021 FORD EDGE ST STK: PN180 • 16,679 KM 4 DR, AWD, HEATED SEATS, ADAPTIVE CRUISE CONTROL, ENHANCED PARK ASSIST. NOW $49,995 2020 FORD EDGE ST STK: PN078AAA • 25,000 KM AWD, HEATED DRIVER SEAT, CRUISE CONTROL, REAR VIEW CAMERA / WASHER. NOW $44,550 2020 FORD EDGE TITANIUM STK: P3454 HEATED LEATHER MEMORY SEATS, BLUETOOTH, REAR VIEW CAMERA, PREMIUM SOUND PKG, POWER TAILGATE! NOW $22,300 2015 FORD EDGE TITANIUM STK: DN286A 4 DR, AWD, HEATED MIRRORS, POWER LIFTGATE. NOW $32,550 2017 FORD EDGE TITANIUM STK: NN290A • 127,646 KM 4 DR, AWD, HEATED POWER DOOR MIRRORS, REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY. NOW $27,995 2017 FORD EDGE SEL STK: PN036 • 22,615 KM 4 DR, AWD, REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY, SPEED CONTROL, REAR EXTERIOR PARKING CAMERA. NOW $33,995 2018 FORD EDGE SE

WIN ME! Would you like a brand new 2022 Ford Eco Sport for FREE?NO PURCHASE NECESSARY *See Dearborn Ford for details. 2555 East Trans Canada HWY Kamloops Automall 250.372.7101 | dearbornford.com YOUR FORD VEHICLE SPECIALISTS DL#5917 KEEP AN EYE OUT for our Dearborn Ford Community Cruiser which will be attending the following Kamloops events: • Valleyview Block Party • Chambers Golf tournament • SRLLP Golf Tournament • Kamloops Storm Home Opener • Winter Block Party • 1st Annual Police vs Special • Olympics Charity Softball Game

The Thompson-Nicola Regional Library is playing a new tune with its residence program and will welcome three local artists as part of its new musician-in-residence series.
Highly visible, as well as highly mobile, the patriotic fellow finds a clear lane to commute in the downtown streets on a sunny morning.


Jeremy Kneeshaw leads off the program on Sept. 14.
Tina Hebner will begin her tenure in November. Hebner is a classically trained musi cian who has been performing and teaching for more than 20 years, playing ukulele and guitar. For more information and to register for events, go online to tnrl.ca/residencies.
Gossage is best known locally for her work in the Margit Sky Project, where she plays alongside partner Rod “Little Sky” Bandura. As a duo, the two have become a sought-after act in WesternGossageCanada.wasraised in Toronto and Vancouver and came to Kamloops in 1992, when she started playing guitar.
Musicians-in-residence settling in at Kamloops public library

Kneeshaw released his first album at age 19 and later moved on from being a full-time carpenter to playing music, including guitar, piano, drums, bass, mandolin, banjo, flute and accordion.Hisfour
albums include a self-titled debut released in 2015, a cover album released in 2020 and two full-length albums released in 2019 and 2020. He performs as part of five dif ferent bands, ranging in genre from bluegrass to blues.Following Kneeshaw’s tenure, Margit

Previously, the library has hosted Deryn Collier as writer-in-residence and Ken Hegan as screenwriter-in-residence. Now, it’s set to welcome three different musicians for onemonth terms beginning this month.
LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED SINCE 1993 250-374-9995 969 Laval Crescent | www cactuscollision com Call for an ICBC Express Estimate ICBC LIFETIME GUARANTEE From totally munched to totally perfect WINNING LOTTO NUMBERS S ept 09, 2022 01 02 15 18 29 32 36 Bonus 09 03 18 61 90 S ept 10, 2022 11 15 19 29 41 49 Bonus 38 03 38 78 91 MAXMILLIONS 01 02 07 14 21 34 35 01 09 23 38 39 46 47 04 13 18 32 39 48 50 05 11 29 30 35 40 50 13 21 22 27 28 36 43 14 21 30 39 46 47 49 S ept 10, 2022 11 21 38 40 42 49 Bonus 03 03 38 78 91 GUARANTEED $1,000,000 PRIZE DRAW: 46764837-01 Please visit www.lotto.bclc.com for winning number s Please visit www.lotto.bclc.com for winning number s TRU Foundation Annual General Meeting Wednesday, September 21, 2022 Terrace Room Campus Activity Centre 5–5:45 pm Social 5:45–7 pm Meeting We are excited to share updates with you! • Election of Directors • Approval of Annual Audit RSVP to foundation@tru.ca and an event link will be provided AD V23018 GOT A VAN OR A TRUCK? Use it to earn CASH! Kamloops This Week is looking for energetic individuals to join our team of ntract Drivers. This is a part-time, 1 night per week ntract delivering newspapers to riers, businesses and apartments. Applicants must have a suitable vehicle an or covered pickup) with all necessary insurance and a valid BC driver’s licence Pay is based on a combination of hours rked, papers delivered and kilometres ven but each route usually averages to between $65 per delivery for about 3.5 hours worth of work per regular delivery, with extra pay during busy holiday periods! Please submit your resume, description of your vehicle IN PERSON to: Circulation Manager Kamloops This Week 1365 Dalhousie Drive Kamloops BC V2C 5P6 or call us at 250-374-0462 We UseTop Quality SwissMade Renata watchbatteries $500 Watch Battery Taxesand Installationincluded We do watches, keyfobs, garage door openers,scales, &small electronic devices. If it takes abattery; we do it! NOWOPEN Mon. to Sat. 10 am -4pm www.danielles.ca Located in Sahali Mall LocallyOwned andOperated JewelleryRepairs Done on Location WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 B13www.kamloopsthisweek.com COMMUNITY

Gossage will take over as musician-in-resi dence on Oct. 6.
On Sept. 14, multi-instrumentalist Jeremy Kneeshaw will begin offering classes on per forming, instrument maintenance and record ing on the cheap. He will also perform as part of the musician-in-residence concert experience.

It is one of 52 community foundations across this province and helps to bring donors and residents together.
In 2020, the provincial government saw the need to raise awareness of the vital role community foundations have in B.C. and declared September to be Community Foundations Month.Kamloops is home to a regional community foundation — the BC Interior Community Foundation (BCICF).
bursaries and grants to local charitable organizations.

in the region and sectors in those communities including health, the environment, youth, education, seniors, families, arts andThisculture.year, the BCICF has $600,000 available to disburse throughout the Thompson, Nicola and South Cariboo regions. “One way groups can access our funding is through our small projects granting program,” Noonan
September 22-24 Anniversar y Sale ENTIRE STORE 15% OFF when you spend $25* plusDoor Crasher Deals SAVE $4 CARBONE Premium Tomato Sauces sales varieties SAVE $2 THORNLOE Grass-fed Butter salted and unsalted SAVE $3 TWO RIVERS Beef Jerky sales varieties ORGANIKA 600gCollagenEnhanced SAVE $3 WELEDA Calendula Diaper Rash Cream 81g Buy One Get One FREE NATURE’S FINEST Sliced Bacon 375g SAVE $2 LEARN MORE AT NATURESFARE.COM The Upside of Downsizing Brendan Shaw Real Estate and City Gardens by Kelson Group present The Upside of Downsizing Seminar Learn from local experts on how to make downsizing so much simpler and more enjoyable. Light refreshments will be served and there will be several exciting door prizes to be won. Admission: Free to attend and limited to 100 attendees Disclaimers: This is not an offering for sale as an offering for sale can only be made by Developer Disclosure Statement E&EOI. Developer reserves the right to presell a limited number of units Date & Time: Wed. 28 Sept 2022 4 PM 6 PM PDT Location: Plaza Heritage Hotel Blackwell Hall 405 Victoria Street Kamloops, BC REGISTER AT EVENTBRITE.CA SEMINAR B14 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com COMMUNITY

In a way that few other institutions can, community foundations work to support the efforts that will help the places we call home continue to flourish andThoughgrow. many may not yet know the BC Interior Community Foundation, they have likely felt its impact.
summer camp opportunities for children with special needs and youth at risk to wellness programs for low-income mothers,” BCICF executive director Wenda Noonan said.
“Manysaid.ofour region’s charities are struggling and just trying to survive. Our grant funding is easy to apply for. We have a simple online application form on our website. You’ll want to hurry though, as our next deadline for applications is Oct.
Since 1984, the BCICF has supported communities
For1.”more information about the BC Interior Community Foundation, visit the bcicf.ca website.

September is Community Foundations Month in B.C.

Unlike charities, which raise money for a particular cause, donations to the BCICF are invested in permanent, endowed funds.The principal is protected forever and the annual earnings are distributed for scholarships,
“In 2021 we disbursed a record-breaking $490,000, the majority of which went to local charities, with needs ranging from food insecurity to seniors isolation, from accessible
The annual Santa Claus Parade returns to downtown Kamloops
The downtown parade route follows Second Avenue from St. Paul Street to Victoria Street and then along Victoria Street, ending at Sixth paradeParticipantsAvenue.andwatchersalike are
Construction is under way in your area.
WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 B15www.kamloopsthisweek.com COMMUNITY
The Jolly Old Elf will be woken from his slumber at around 4:10 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 27, before the parade begins at 4:30 p.m.

encouraged to dress up in their pyjamas, following this year’s pyjama party theme. Parade float applications close on Oct. Organizers31.say limited applications will be accepted on a first-come, first-served
basis until the Oct. 31 deadline.Formore information, contact the Kamloops Central Business SecondorAssociationImprovementat250-372-3242visittheofficeat202-246Ave.

L e p r é s e n t m e s s a g e c o n t i e n t d e s r e n s e g n e m e n t s im p o r t a n t s S v o u s a v e z b e s o i n d u n e t r a d u c t o n v e u i l e z c o mm u n i q u e r a v e c i n f o @ t r a n s m o u n t a n c o m C o m m i t t e d t o s a f e t y s i n c e 1 9 5 3 A s construction of the Trans Mountain E xpansion Project progresses , we want yo u to b e i n f o r m e d a b o u t p o te n t i a l a c t i v i t y i n yo u r n e i g h b o u r h o o d s o yo u c a n p l a n a c c o r d i n g l y O n o u r w e b s i te , yo u c a n v i e w a n i n te r a c t i v e m a p o f construction areas , sign up for notifications , track what ’ s happening along the route and much more A s always , s afet y is our numb e r one priorit y, eve r y m etre of the way i n f o @ t r a n s m o u n t a i n c o m I 1 8 6 6 5 1 4 6 7 0 0 I t r a n s m o u n t a i n c o m TransMountain.com


Kamloops This Week has over 300 local youth, adults & seniors that are dedicated to ensure you stay informed, and we couldn’t do it without them.
Thompson Rivers University is hosting a free public event on Sept. 15 — Lessons on Leadership: A Conversation with Women Leaders. The event features the first, and only female presidents of two major Canadian universities, Indira Samarasekera (left) and Martha Piper.

that others think you can’t do or shouldn’t do. Without other women leaders to witness and learn from, nerve is sometimes not enough ... We need to recognize our own potential to
Who Went First. Copies of the book are available at the TRU Book Store and at the event, where there will be a signing opportunity.
Piper and Samarasekera will share their personal and professional stories, which they have chronicled in a new book, Nerve: Lessons on Leadership from Two Women
T H A N K & N O M I N AT E YO U R FAV O U R I T E K T W C A R R I E R Proudly sponsored by Rocky Hunter and all the great staff at PIZZA NOW We invite you to nominate your favourite KTW carrier to revieve one extra large pepperoni pizza by emailing circulation@kamloopsthisweek.com (please include Carrier Appreciation in the subject line) C O N G R AT U L AT I O N S P E T E R Y u C ’ k a k & One Of The Best Delis 1800 Tranquille Road | Brock Shopping Centre 250-376-1117 | www.craigs-bakery.com Craig’s Bakery bakes fresh, delicious breads, pastries, scones and handmade donuts, from reservatives in Kamloops and catering for any occasion! ONE OF THE BEST 2022 Powered by Road Centr scones handmade from scratch and without preservatives in er deli and m cakes any occasion! & DELI Your dollar will go far ther when you shop at Craig’s WINNER 2022 Powered by We appreciate the support of our community over the years. As a family owned business supporting local is important to us. We are blessed to be able to continue doing what we love and making products you love. B16 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com LOCAL NEWS
Former women university presidents to discuss lessons in leadership

“As women, we know how to work hard andBalfourarticle.Samarasekeraferent,outcometrends.”differentlystepmeanlackwomenAffairs recently. spades,” Piper told Universityin“Nobodyworksashardasdo.Butwhatweoftenisnerve.Andbynerve,Ithedecisiontoact,toout,todosomethingalittleandtocounterthe“Courageisfacingthingsthatatyou;nerveissteppinganddoingthingsthataredifaredifficult,arescary,”saidinthesame “Leadershiptakesnerve,”said.“Nerveisasenseofpurposetenacitytodosomething


Thompson Rivers University is kicking off the fall semester by hosting a free public event, Lessons on Leadership: A Conversation with Women Leaders. Theevent will feature the first, and only, female presidents of two major Canadian universities.
The event is free to attend, but registration through eventbrite. com is requested as space is limited.

It will take place on Thursday from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. in the Mountain Room of the Campus ActivityDoorsCentre.willopen at 4:30 p.m., with a book signing from 6 p.m. to 6:30Attendeesp.m. with accessibility requirements can call 250-3715667 or email alumni@tru.ca.

Martha Piper and Indira Samarasekera, who oversaw the University of British Columbia and University of Alberta, respectively, will sit down for a discussion with TRU provost and vice-president academic Gillian Balfour on Thursday, Sept. 15, at the Campus Activity Centre.
lead, and to lift up other women along the way.”
The Sept. 17 training session will teach volunteers ways to provide support, which could include everything from providing community orientation to cultural support to opportunities to practise English.
“As a group, we can cover off the different things you want to do to support a family that is new to Kamloops. We’re just there to spend time with them, to support them, to talk to them about their kids, to tell them a little bit aboutTheKamloops.”community support training session will be held at Hills of Peace Lutheran Church, 695 Robson Dr. in Upper Sahali, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., with lunch provided at no cost to all participants. Pre-registration is required.Those
Hair: Black | Eyes: Brown
Weight: 82 kg / 181 lbs
RAFT will assemble groups of five or six people who will support a family.
DAVE EAGLES STAFF REPORTER dave_eagles@kamloopsthisweek.com
WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 B17www.kamloopsthisweek.com COMMUNITY
New members are welcome in September.

Volunteers needed for training to help Ukrainian newcomers
The Kamloops Choristers
interested in taking part in the training session to be a volunteer can contact RAFT by email raft@kamloopsunited.ca or by visiting its website at raftkamloops.org.
Age: 40 | Race: Caucasian Height: 178 cm / 5’10”
Age: 25 | Race: Indigenous Height: 180 cm / 5’11” Weight: 77 kg / 170 lbs
Wanted for: Fail to Comply with Release Order

Ukrainian people, including children, have been assisted by the service in the past six months. More arrivals are expected in Kamloops in the coming weeks and months as the effects of the Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine by Russian soldiers continue to be felt.
“I might be good at teaching people how to use the bus. You might be good at going to hockey games,” RAFT chair Nancy Bepple said.

For more information, call Margaret Brown 250-372-8693.
Possess Firearm While Prohibited
If you are a singer, come and join us for music and fun every Wednesday evening from 7 - 9 p.m. at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church @ 1136 6th Avenue.


Wanted for: Robbery Fail to Comply with Release Order


Hair: Brown | Eyes: Brown
As Ukrainians continue to leave their homeland and seek refuge across the globe, Kamloops Immigrant Services and Refugees and Friends Together (RAFT), a refugee resettlement group of volunteers, is hosting a day of training to help newcomers to Kamloops.Nearly100
Age: 54 | Race: Caucasian Height: 178 cm / 5’10” Weight: 77 kg / 170 lbs Hair: Brown |
heal thylifenutrition.ca •Sahali Mall •250-828-6680 10% SeniorsDiscount EVERYDAY! Healthylife Nutrition Want to know more?Comeinand see us. Thereisasupplement you can takeorally that helps to prevent hemorrhoids and also benefits cholesterol amongst other things. Come in andask us about it. (250) 82 8-0511 (24 HOUR S) SERVING KAMLOOPS & AREA SINCE 1972 MO BILE PATRO LS GU ARD SE RVIC E AL ARM RESPONS E Ronik Security Ltd. has been serving Kamloops since 1972 and is 100% Canadian. We wish to thank our current and future loyal customers during this pandemic season! Our employees are proud to serve for your safety and security. www.kamloopsCrimeStoppers.ca If you know where any of these suspects are call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) You can also submit an anonymous tip online at kamloopscrimestoppers ca You never have to give your name or testify in court If your information is used in an arrest, you may be eligible for a cash reward of up to $2,000 These suspects are wanted on arrest warrant not vacated as of 3:00pm on Sept 7, 2022
Careless Use/ Storage of a F rearm Possess Firearm Without a License (X2)
are back in action starting September 14th.
Wanted for: Trafficking (X7)
Andrii Lobanov shows his support during a rally in support of Ukraine in February. Volunteers are needed for Ukrainians arriving in Kamloops in the coming weeks and months.
Possess a Firearm with Ammunition

Feb 10 6 days from $3440
or email editor@kamloopsthisweek.com
After that, it was pretty easy paddling through the water trails of theOncemangroves.inthemangroves, our sit-on-top kayaks became a floating school of environmental education as our guide explained the nuances of mangrove ecology.
There are three different types
Bob told us that is fuelled by stories about a wild crocodile found on the island a few years ago and transferred to the Cayman Turtle Farm, a local research, conservation and education centre.
Oct 17 10 days $4085
Cruise to
For example, the small upsidedown jellyfish live in the red mangroves. These mangroves are right against the ocean.
Kootenays Hot Springs (EB)
The unusual jellyfish were just one of the natural wonders we experienced while paddling our two-person kayak through the mangroves from the big island’s Little Sound, located just south of Rum Point.
Machu Picchu, Lake Titicaca & Cusco (EB)
San Diego to Vancouver Cruise Eurodam (EB) Apr 20 9 days from $3275

Normally, you can often see turtles and other sea creatures in the water, but the morning we went it was fairly overcast and not great for seeing too deep into the water.Hawksbill turtles hang out here because of the number of sponges that grow in the man
Just as we began to enter the bay on our return paddle, we got lucky and spotted a spiny lobster nestled down under the water.
These jellyfish are found in Caribbean mangrove swamps and can appear in a variety of colours. In an interesting example of symbiosis, Cassiopea is sometimes picked up by the crab species, dorippe frascone, and carried on its back to help the crab defend itself against potential predators.
Cruise with Panama
Banff Springs Hotel (EB)
the Gulf Islands
Trans Atlantic Spain Statendam (EB) Apr 5 21 days from $6995
Park Lodge Fall Getaway
Feb 20 5 days from $2345
Apr 10 20 days $10,535
It took us about 20 minutes to paddle across an open bay and into the sheltered mangroves, although it can take longer, depending how strong, and from which direction, the wind blows the day you paddle.
I’ll stick to padding.
Crabs, turtles, spiny lobsters and sponges also inhabit the red mangrove. Farther back, the black and white mangroves provide nesting and food sources for birds like the Grand Cayman parrot, West Indian whistling duck and snowy egrets, to name a few.
Oct 9 5 days from $1570
Dec 6 4 days $1395
May 14 6 days from $3095
groves, sponges being a favourite food of that turtle species.
of mangroves: red, black and white. They all feature unique characteristics, each one fulfilling a slightly different ecological role, providing shelter and food for different types of plant and animal life.
in the distance. No luck seeing any, though, at least not from our kayaks. They nest in the black mangroves, just out of kayak accessibility.Whilewe didn’t see any parrots, I did spot a cowfish, briefly.Itswam up behind Bob’s kayak while we listened to him explain mangrove ecology, but quickly dove deeper when he turned around to look at it.
& Quebec Winter Carnival
I worried for nothing, as it turnedWhileout.picking up a jellyfish is not usually a good idea in most cases, if you’re dealing with cassiopea, or the “upside-down jellyfish” — a type of jellyfish living in the mangroves of Grand Cayman Island — you can pick it up and live to tell the tale.
It does have a mildly toxic sting, but it fits in the palm of your hand, so adult humans rarely feel it.
Amazing Australia 6 Seats Left! Mar 26 22 days $14,970
At one point, I was thinking the sponges have it pretty good. Then, of course, I remembered that I don’t have to worry about being eaten by a turtle.
New Orleans
B18 WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 www.kamloopsthisweek.com
Exploring the mangroves: We ‘Cayman’ by kayak
read so much about the dangers of jellyfish that I couldn’t believe our guide, Bob, was about to reach into the water and pick one up — in his bare hand.“Hmm, I wonder if we can navigate back out through the mangroves, to the beach ourselves?” I thought, visions of a suddenly incapacitated guide dancing through my head
Ice Hotel (EB)
At one point while resting during our paddle, I swear I could hear parrots squawking off
& Cajun Country
I guess they weren’t that hungry.Speaking of reptiles and amphibians, at one time, the Grand Cayman mangroves were home to a species of crocodile native only to the island, but they were wiped out in the 20th century to save turtles, which were being raised domestically for food there at the time.
Entering the bay, the wind picked up and was blowing straight into us. We had to stroke-stroke-stroke in order to make headway and our initial 20-minute trip became a 35-minute workout.
Photo: Machu Picchu

The area we paddled through is part of an 8,500-hectare wet land system, the central man grove wetland, although only 1,500 hectares have environmen tal protection status.
JOHN GEARY SPECIAL TO KTW travelwriterstales.com
Paddling through a densely covered mangrove is an awesome way to discover the unique ecological characteristics of Grand Cayman Island.

Travel Writers’ Tales is an independent newspaper column. For more, go online to travelwriterstales.com.
Cruising (EB)
Local Tours Global Tours Cruise Tours R ail Tours Office open for walk in traffic or by appointment 250-374-0831 or 800-667-9552 www.wellsgraytours.com The Wells Gray Tours Advantage * Escorted Group Tours * Early Booking Discoun ts (EB) * Single Fares Available * Pick u p points through out Kamloops * Experience Rewards Program * Sm all Group Tours * COV ID 19 Vaccine R equired

Feb 27 5 days $1580
However, every now and then, rumours surface that, way back in the farthest reaches of the man groves, there may be a few crocs still scraping out a living.
Leavenworth (EB)
Caribbean Canal Eurodam (EB) Jan 22 16 days from $5875

Whittier wrote: “Let flesh retire…” Activities without waiting upon God can be Godcarnal.wants us first to learn of Him, to seek His mind, and do His will.

God wants to relieve us from these and give us His peace. Jesus said, “Come to me all that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.”
There God revealed to him that He was not the tempestuous wind or the shattering earthquake or the devouring fire, but a still small voice.
“Cease striving and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations. I will be exalted in the earth” (Psalm 46:10).
Narayan Mitra is a volunteer Chaplain at Thompson Rivers University KTW welcomes submissions to its Faith page. Columns should be between 600 and 800 words in length and include a headshot of the author, along with a short bio on the writer.

You Gotta
word/rise up and follow thee.”

PremiumPoolandSpa.ca 105 - 805 Notre Dame Dr. • 236-425-1390 YOUR HOT TUB HEADQUARTERS BEST PRICES OF THE YEAR! JACUZZI TRUCKLOAD SALE EASY FINANCING • AS LOW AS $75 MONTHLY • Massive factory incentives! • High quality, long lasting! • Largest in-store selection • Truckloads arriving weekly • 110V Plug & Play options • Scratch & dent savings • TRADES WELCOME! NEW WO RLD FESTIV AL GRANTS SPONSORS kamloopssymphony.com 250.372.5000 Dvořák & Jam FRIDAY • 7:30PM SEPTEMBER 30 Sagebrush Theatre New World / New Beats SATURDAY • 7:30PM OCTOBER 1 Sagebrush Theatre REDUCED TICKET PRICE Cellist Stéphane Tétreault and Cree hip-hop artist K.A.S.P join this exciting multi-day festival KAMLO OPSPlaces of Worship To advertise here, please call 250 374-7467 Christian Science Society, 1152 Nicola Street, Kamloops Sunday Church Ser vices 10:30 11:30 am All are welcome www.christianscience.bc.ca csskamsoc@yahoo.ca WEDNESDAY, September 14, 2022 B19www.kamloopsthisweek.com FAITH

“O Sabbath rest by Galilee. O calm of hills above, where Jesus knelt to share with Thee, the silence of eternity, inter preted by love. Silence often connotes to us aloofness or indifference.
A summer study from a hymn of faith
After all the high pressure activities, he suffered a breakdown and just wanted to die. He ran a marathon and hid himself in a cave fearing for his life.
“In simple trust like theirs who heard/ beside the Syrian sea/the gracious call ing of the Lord/let us like them without a
a few hymns of the Christian faith have originated from real life situations or because of special occasions.

Perhaps it’s a call to go deeper with the Lord rather than being ostentatious with our personal and church activities.

We should let the Spirit of God work through us, then surely we will be engaged in building His kingdom.
The hymn, Dear Lord and Father of Mankind, is no Theexception.writer, John Greenleaf Whittier, a Quaker, was reared in an environment where his family was given to meditative silence.Anobnoxious and noisy “revival” service is said to have moved Whittier to write the said poem, wherein he paints the finest picture of true worship in five stanzas.Itbegins with “Dear Lord and Father of mankind/forgive our foolish ways/ reclothe us in our rightful mind/in purer lives Thy service find/in deeper reverence praise.”Nodoubt the poet had in mind the story of the Gadarene demoniac who was a raving lunatic, crying and cutting him self with stones (Mark 5:1-15).
When he saw Jesus, he cried with a loud voice: “Jesus, the Son of the Most HighButGod.”Christ did not accept his noisy, demonic worship, but quietened him and then healed him. It seems Whittier wrote not “foolish ways,” but “feverish ways” in theThisoriginal.stanza is a prayer for spiritual sanity instead of religious madness.
Is this not our real life picture?
In a frantic race with life, we miss the very essentials — peace and rest. For the fishermen to leave behind two boats full of fish to follow Jesus was something unusual. Something extraordinary must have happened. They saw something far beyond their livelihood. Now a new rev elation had come to them.
If we cannot make it by fair means, we are tempted to go into devious ways.
language where their voice is not heard. Yet the communication was full of meaning, love and worship.
The troubled world wants to see peace. The Christian’s witness for God is an ordered“Breathelife. through hearts of our desire, Thy coolness and Thy balm, let sense be dumb, let flesh retire, speak through the earthquake, wind and fire, O still small voice of calm.”
Here it means God the Son communicating with his Father in love and adoration. There is no speech nor

“Drop Thy still dews of quietness, till all our strivings cease; take from our souls the strain and stress, and let our ordered lives confess, the beauty of Thy peace.”
Here is an illustration from the Old Testament story of Elijah (1 Kings 19:916).At Mount Carmel, Elijah showed his zeal for God by calling down fire from heaven and slew 450 prophets of Baal.
In that calm voice, God commanded Elijah how to build up the ministry of anointing kings. He asked him to find a successor to continue God’s ministry.

He did to Elijah. But we will not be able to hear His voice if we are ‘busy’ for God.
God wants to speak to His followers as
We work for present comforts and future security.

What the poet perhaps was trying to tell is that life is not a rat race of running, of activities, seeking fame and popular ity. In running the race of life many get stressed and have mental breakdowns.
This scene comes to us from Luke 5:111 from the desperate cries of the fisher men: “Master, we toiled the whole night and have taken nothing.”

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Then the 80’s came and my Mom decided it was time for a replacement. So she went out and bought him a new recliner - not a La-Z-Boy - and lucky me! I inherited his chair and brought it to Kamloops. Dad absolutely hated the new chair and we always heard about it!
Then the 90’s came, my Mom passed away, my Dad came to live with us and he was in his glory when he saw “his chair” in front of the TV.

In the early 70’s in Calgary, Dad bought this La-Z-Boy and it quickly became the “Archie Bunker” chair. When he came into the room, whoever was in it quickly got out!

Well, soon after, Dad passed and this chair always held a special place in my heart. Today, I have bought myself a new La-Z-Boy but with great sadness. Dad’s chair still works great, but it is time... I have a picture of my Dad sitting in “his chair” and the memories will stay with me forever!

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