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options to artists

Hosting a gallery can be overwhelming. On the surface, it may seem as simple as showing up to a space with art in hand, but in reality, there are many other logistics to consider. The Kamloops Arts Council is the perfect helping hand to aid in navigating all of these extra steps. One of the most difficult and costly elements of exhibiting is the venue. Luckily the KAC has four unique, low-cost gallery spaces available for month-long cycles. These galleries - the Main Gallery, the Hallway Gallery, the
by Keiko Bolen, Kamloops Arts Council
Alcove, and the Vault - can display anywhere from 11 to 30 pieces of art and have a maximum rental fee of 50 dollars. Such modest fees allow gallery exhibitions to be accessible to artists at all levels, something of the utmost importance to the KAC.
“Whether you are a professional artist, hobby artist or [in] between, we can accommodate [your] needs,” Insun Kang, Program Coordinator for the Kamloops Arts Council assures. “KAC is a communityoriented organization that believes everyone needs a place to share their art, and we can provide that.”
The KAC emphasizes that hosting a gallery in their spaces is a collaborative effort. The staff and volunteers will work with the artist to achieve their goals, whatever they may be. On the success of galleries, Kang notes, “‘How successful’ depends on the artist’s goals and what we [and the artist] can do to meet the goal. Let’s say making sales is a primary goal; we had shows that made [many] sales.” That said, if an artist is looking to simply gain experience showcasing their work and has no interest in selling, the KAC welcomes those applicants as well. Regardless, the KAC “do [their] best to do advertisement and marketing for all shows,” ensuring that as many eyes as possible will be on your work. As stated, finding exhibition space can be challenging, but it can be especially difficult for those just starting out. Through its galleries, the KAC offers an opportunity for artists to gain exposure as well as build their CVs while acquiring hands-on experience regarding what it takes to install a show. As the Galleries are by donation, they also provide the general public with a free opportunity to see all kinds of artwork by local artists, helping to enrich and connect the TNRD community.
With applications closing on February 28, 2023, it’s the perfect time to make your dream exhibition a reality!
For more information, please visit https:// kamloopsarts.ca/ galleries-exhibitions/.